Published: 2023-08-02 Updated: 2024-04-12 15:00:35 +0200

MNT August 2023 Update

Pocket Reform

First things first: thanks to everyone who supported our Pocket Reform campaign on Crowd Supply! It was a great success (477% funded!) and production is already underway. We bought 720 processor modules from Laird who recently featured us in their case studies. The modules have a lead time of 24 weeks, so this was the most critical part for us. In the meantime, we are optimizing the weight of the case and finalizing the motherboard in terms of battery life. A more detailed update will be published on Crowd Supply soon.

Website update

If you have visited our website recently, you may have noticed a change in design. The idea was to make our website more accessible, to have a more coherent structure, to unify the shop and the website itself and to encourage you to contribute by giving you all the information on how to do that. We are very happy with the result and open to feedback. Let us know if you found everything you were looking for or if there is anything you'd like us to implement.

MNT Reform CM4 batch is being produced

RCM4 A311D

You may have heard about our latest module upgrade for Reform, the CM4 processor module adapter that significantly boosts our laptop's CPU and GPU performance. The adapter bundle with Banana Pi (Amlogic A311D) in production as we speak and we will ship the modules in about 2-3 months. If you order the bundle with MNT Reform laptop, you will now get a much faster Reform laptop for the same price of 1,199 EUR. The standalone RCM4 Banana Pi bundle costs 249 EUR. We have recorded a video showing the speed of the module:

MNT Reform Keyboard delivery in September


Good news for our customers who have been waiting for their keyboard: The new version 3.0 of our MNT Reform Keyboard (both standalone and as part of the MNT Reform laptop) is currently in production and will ship in September. We will have limited stock after the pre-ordered units ship. So if you want to have a keyboard without waiting too long, it's a good time to order timely.

Upcoming events

Lukas and Greta will be present at the CCC Camp, which will take place in 2 weeks near Berlin. Be sure to say hi and chat with us! If you happen to be in Seattle, our US-based contributor Brendan will be hosting a meetup (see MNT Community for announcements). It's free and he will be happy to have a chat with you and show you our products.

Follow us on Fediverse

In July, we decided to leave twitter and focus more on Fediverse and our MNT Community. Many of you are already following us and we are more than happy to connect. Reach out to us anytime and have a great summer!

Best wishes, Your MNT Team

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