
henesywayfire xkb_options doesnt seem to do anything either00:43
henesybuilding evremap to try that00:43
henesythis altgr key is driving me up the wall00:43
joschhenesy: as a last resort you can patch the firmware00:44
henesycan i patch the firmware without disassembling everything and setting up a second computer to flash?00:44
joschon the big reform you can -- no idea about the pocket00:48
joschon the big reform there is a chapter in the handbook explaining the process00:49
joschmaybe the pocket reform handbook knows more?00:49
chisnt that the system controller firmware?00:50
joschthere are 3 firmwares: lpc (system controller), keyboard and trackball00:51
chminute: maybe want to update the crowd supply text here https://mntre.com/docs-pocket-reform.html ?00:51
chhttps://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/blob/main/pocket-reform-keyboard-fw/pocket-hid/flash.sh?ref_type=heads seems like it should just work?00:59
joschmaybe have another usb keyboard ready in case something fails01:01
joschpage 74 here: https://mntre.com/documentation/pocket-reform-handbook.pdf01:01
henesywell for now i got altgr to be right shift thx to evremap https://gist.github.com/henesy/8be5d901875760b961b0a985e846feb801:02
henesyrums a systemd service and works on wayfire for me01:02
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)01:18
chjosch: https://community.mnt.re/t/latest-packages-no-poweroff-solved/2404/4 <- i wonder if the system image should have an mnt-meta package that is Protected: yes01:21
joschch: it does -- reform-tools is exactly that01:22
chbut how can andy then be missing the kernel packages?01:22
joschch: because you are free to remove the meta-package01:23
chthats why i said Protected: yes (:01:23
joschbut why?01:23
ch'removing these packages will break booting and recovering will be a pain'01:23
joschbut it will not01:23
joschremoval of the meta package does not break anything01:24
chthats by definition the case for a meta package01:24
joschyes, so why make it protected?01:24
chto keep the kernel installed01:24
ch(without making a lot of individual packages protected)01:25
joschif you try to remove the last kernel, there is a big fat warning that you have to actively acknowledge first01:25
joschdoes it need to be made even harder?01:25
joschsame if you try to remove the kernel you are currently running01:25
joschwe are patching the Debian linux kernel, so the same protections are in place01:25
chidk. it seems you have a reform-check script that needs to be run manually, and if the meta package just depends on everything and is protected, then users cant get it wrong01:26
joschi think for the kernel it's important to leave a bit of flexibility01:26
joschsometimes you read in the forum that the kernel upgrade breaks things, so you'd like to stick with kernel X01:27
joschso you remove the meta package01:27
joschand then you manually choose what kernel to install01:27
joschif you are running unstable, i think that is something that should not be made harder than necessary01:27
joschbecause regressions happen quite a bit, depending on your platform01:27
chwas just thinking this is a thing to make running unstable safer01:27
joschmake it protected:yes would force you to always run the latest kernel01:28
joschi'd think that especially with unstable that is not always the perfect plan :)01:28
chprotected: yes doesnt mean you have to upgrade its dependencies01:29
joschyou are right01:29
joschit's indeed a trade-off01:29
joschanother thing that i try keeping in the back of my head is: ideally i want to make the diff against vanilla debian such that i can propose it to get added to debian proper at some point. i mean ideally, in the end, i do not want to do what i'm currently doing anymore -- i just want to be able to install plain debian and be happy :D01:36
chdiff to the debian kernel?01:39
joschfor example, yes01:39
joschch: see my MRs to src:linux in salsa01:39
joschit seems that the eleven MRs filed since 2022 were all Reform related01:41
joschat minidebconf in berlin this year i sat together with ben to talk about how to make the diff even smaller01:42
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:05
+ cobra_ (~cobra@user/Cobra)02:42
- cobra (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~cobra@user/Cobra)02:42
+ skipwich (~skipwich@user/skipwich)02:45
- skipwich (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~skipwich@user/skipwich)02:58
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ skipwich (~skipwich@user/skipwich)03:00
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)03:02
- cobra_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~cobra@user/Cobra)03:05
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)03:06
- bluerise (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~bluerise@p5b211f01.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)04:24
+ bluerise (~bluerise@p5b21118f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)04:26
- bkeys (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@
- colinsane (QUIT: Quit: bye) (~colinunin@97-113-136-73.tukw.qwest.net)05:41
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-136-73.tukw.qwest.net)05:46
- colinsane (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~colinunin@97-113-136-73.tukw.qwest.net)05:47
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-136-73.tukw.qwest.net)05:51
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)06:33
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)06:34
henesyhttps://hackers.town/@cypnk/112998537118304514 Trackpoint reform module? 06:39
+ Gooberpatrol_66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)07:02
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)07:04
joschhenesy: https://community.mnt.re/t/another-alternate-keyboard-idea/1915/507:50
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
joschminute: thank you for merging https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/merge_requests/70 -- could you also please create a git tag 2024-07-26 and push it? Once that is in place, I can finish up the reform-firmware package.09:49
minutemeh. did an upgrade for testing that waybar issue, and at the next cold boot display doesn't come up anymore11:00
minutei guess it worked the first time because that was a soft reboot11:00
minute"no display in initramfs" issue is back from the dead, at least on a311d. was able to type my disk pw invisibly and then the display came on a bit later11:01
joschminute: reform-tools 1.50 is quite ready. I'm wondering whether i should wait for reform-imx8mp-uboot MR 1 before releasing or rather release now?11:12
minutejosch: oh, i now merged mr111:17
joschminute: noooo! test it first!!! XD11:18
joschminute: as indicated by the last comment in that MR, andypiper tried this out and failed11:19
joschbut andy also didn't manage to connect via uart, so was not able to investigate any further11:20
minutejosch: ah11:37
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
minutetoday and tomorrow i need to focus on some reform next milestones though11:39
joschokay, then i'll release reform-tools 1.50 now and we do imx8mp another time11:39
joschandypiper: we were just talking about your imx8mp u-boot experiences :)11:40
andypiperhello. I just saw @minute merged something there.11:40
andypiperwhat can I help to test today11:40
joschandypiper: the problem of the day is that waybar stopped working (see forum) :(11:41
joschand there seems to be a regression on a311d which (again) does not manage to initialize the display on time11:42
joschandypiper: if you want to help test stuff, you could install reform-tools 1.50 and see if anything breaks :)11:42
andypiperyes, waybar crashes since yesterday's OS updates I noticed.11:42
joschi was going to do that later today but any help is appreciated11:42
andypiperI was stracing it yesterday and it seemed to be some kind of GDK issue but nothing obvious had changed there11:43
joschwe could try reverting the changes of the last upload and see if it fixes that11:43
andypiperI will update reform-tools shortly11:43
andypiperI'm working on some Mastodon tasks today but will tinker and share anything useful on the PR11:44
andypiper(Pocket I mean)11:44
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)12:11
+ mtm_ (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)12:11
joschandypiper: once https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/pipelines/2556 is finished, you could try adding this to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then upgrade and install reform-tools=1.5012:25
joschdeb [trusted=yes arch=arm64] https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/5605/artifacts/raw/repo reform main12:25
minutei'm now upgrading libgtk-3-0t64 on my desktop pc12:25
minuteand indeed, even my local build of waybar crashes then.12:25
joschwe can just undo the last libgtk upload in the mntre.com repositories12:26
andypiperthe last time waybar had similar issues reported to their GH, it was a gdk+gtk-layer thing I think12:26
joschare you filing a bug with a gdb backtrace with debuginfod.d.n?12:26
andypiperi did a bit of digging yesterday but haven't opened my Pocket yet this morning. I will do that when I get a chance.12:27
minutejosch: how do i make sure reportbug will not fail at the end when trying to send the email? i remember it failed there a long time ago when i tried that because it wanted to use sendmail or sth12:32
joschminute: would you like me to upload a version of gtk3 to the mntre.com repo which has the recent upload reverted?12:32
minutejosch: that would be amazing yes12:32
joschminute: reportbug will save a draft in /tmp12:32
minuteok thanks12:32
joschi think it prints the location of your mail before exiting12:32
minutethen i'll report the bug now12:32
joschgreat, thank you12:32
minuteohh there's a gtk interface now12:34
minutejosch: it's asking me about smtp servers now in the cli interface, sigh12:35
joschoh :(12:35
minuteah, i can just press enter apparently12:35
minutenow i'm in the gui wizard12:35
joschminute: you can just send a mail with your regular MUA as well if reportbug fails you12:35
minute> 117 bug reports found12:35
joschminute: this pipeline should build gtk3 with the last upload reverted. Try out what comes out of it at the end and if it fixes the problem, press the merge button: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/merge_requests/5712:39
josch(now afk doing non-reform stuff)12:39
minutebug submitted12:44
minutejosch: thank you!12:45
grimmwareSo I think I know the answer to this (no.) but is there a sensible mechanism for disseminating apt holds to people who subscribe to them? Forgetting the work it would take for a moment, something like an RSS feed where the client essentially takes the metadata from the feed and holds and unholds the requisite packages at the requisite versions.12:56
joschgrimmware: that is what apt-listbugs can do for you using the information in the debian bts12:57
grimmwarewhat's the turnaround for e.g. minute's bug that they just submitted turning up in that?12:59
grimmwareI think I need to read the apt-listbugs manpage.13:00
joschgrimmware: when you "apt upgrade", apt-listbugs will query the bts for RC bugs for all the package versions you are about to upgrade and then display the information to you13:01
minuteyeah i'm not sure where my bug is / if it's there yet13:02
minuteah, it was acked via email 8 minutes ago13:02
joschminute: you made the bug Severity: important13:03
joschso it is not important enough to show up13:03
* Guest4206 -> mjw13:04
minutejosch: it was the highest that i could select in reportbug13:04
minutejosch: i was not offered the choice to select "grave"13:04
grimmwarejosch: I think what I'm getting at is a mechanism by which the user doesn't have to have the insight as to what the knock-on effect of the bugs actually is but can choose to trust MNT on what to not update just yet automagically13:04
minuteFWIW i chose "novice" level because i didn't want to wade through endless forms or so13:04
joschmaybe that's why13:05
joschgrimmware: that would require a lot of work on the side of MNT13:05
joschfor example the bug right now was found by the community13:06
joschgrimmware: if you do not want to be subject to this sort of bugs, you could try running Debian stable or testing for a middle ground13:07
ZabaI mean, generally speaking, providing an additional level of quality assurance over Debian unstable is what Debian testing is for13:08
grimmwareI'm not implying that MNT should write such a system, I'm gauging the appetite for it as to whether it's a thing that would be worth the effort for someone in the community to implement such that all MNT *need* to do is effectively say "pin x package at y version for z reason"13:08
joschgrimmware: such pinning would require that you keep all the old package versions somewhere though :)13:09
joschand then a reverse dep gets built and you cannot install the old one anymore13:09
Zabadebian unable is just exactly what it says on the tin13:09
joschthe problem is best solved by using testing which is guarded by very many QA tools to not get into a situation where things are not installable and where they work well together13:09
joschunstable exists so that users find bugs that the machine cannot find13:10
Zaba… especially because many problems are not going to be MNT-specific, even 13:10
joschfor example in this case, there is just no test which was running wayland and clicked a button to find out that it's buggy13:10
grimmwareTo clarify the context in which I'm asking these questions, my impression of MNT's goals is to push toward a more user-friendly and less "expert users" product whilst still maintaining the velocity afforded by unstable. I've done a whole bunch of work with RSS and configuration management on debian based systems in the past so I'm not trying to solve the instability for myself so much as trying to figure out if that's a 13:13
grimmwarefeasible and sensible way to spend the time I have available to help the community. Personally I'm very happy to be running unstable.13:13
Zabaof course, the system only works as long as enough people still use unstable in some capacity to find issues and file bugs, but I think the important bit is that people usually make a conscious choice to use unstable 13:13
Zabaone issue I had with running testing in the past is that it’s a very different vibe when you’re in a pre-release freeze and when you’re not13:14
joschanother important aspect is that in the past, MNT needed the very, very latest software for a new SoM like the a311d or the rk3588 to run13:15
joschduring the imx8mq days for a long time we were patching even mesa or gstreamer13:15
joschoften things from experimental are needed13:15
joschthings would be very different if support for the cpu modules was more mature13:15
Zaba(another downside of testing is of course the lack of intentional security updates)13:16
grimmwareCool, not enough of a problem to warrant the effort then13:17
grimmwareWhat I *really* want to work on is improving the PD so it'll start charging when turned on with more chargers but that is well outside of my area of expertise and I've just moved house so all my kit is in disarray :P13:18
minutegrimmware: are you already on the updated sysctl fw that fixed a lot more chargers? (i think you are, right)?13:23
grimmwareit didn't change anything for me, Anker, Steam Deck and Apple chargers still don't do anything unless plugged in whilst the machine is turned off13:29
grimmwarewell, the apple chargers don't seem to work at all13:29
grimmwareAnyway, like I say I'm not set up to debug these things so imma just deal with it (and probably source a ugreen psu) until I can meaningfully contribute to the fix13:31
grimmwareI'm mostly in here chatting right now to avoid writing slides for my 44CON talk which I really need to get done but I hate writing13:32
[tj]grimmware: if you read the pd spec you would have stuff for 44CON++ talk13:34
[tj]usb, better than bluetooth, worse than a good13:34
grimmwareyeah, it's a space with headroom though because I would love to be able to adapt more of my shit to run off the same PSUs13:35
joschminute: you can install patched libgtk-3-0t64 from here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/5626/artifacts/browse/changes/13:38
joschminute: or you wait half an hour and then you can install it via an apt upgrade13:39
joschminute: if you could confirm that this fixes the waybar crash, then i can follow up on the debian bug with the details of the patch13:39
- mtm_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:02
- gsora (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~gsora@user/gsora)14:03
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:06
minutejosch: awesome14:08
+ gsora (~gsora@user/gsora)14:08
joschreform-tools 1.50 is in the repos14:53
joschcould somebody adventurou try to upgrade and see if anything broke on their system?14:54
grimmwareinstalling now15:21
grimmwareanything you specifically want me to test after it's done?15:22
joschgrimmware: can you run "systemctl restart reform-hw-setup"15:23
joschand see if that explodor if the service is still running happily?15:23
joschother than that, just reboot, run "sudo reform-check" and see if you spot anything out of the ordinary15:24
grimmware> sudo systemctl restart reform-hw-setup15:24
grimmwareJob for reform-hw-setup.service failed because the control process exited with error code.15:24
grimmwareSee "systemctl status reform-hw-setup.service" and "journalctl -xeu reform-hw-setup.service" for details.15:24
grimmwaregimme a sec and I'll dig in15:25
joschthat's just an empty page15:27
joschah javascript15:27
joschgrimmware: can you give me the output of15:28
joschthis page does not let me copypaste...15:28
grimmwareoof grim, I'll use a different pastebin next time15:28
joschi found the button for the raw text15:29
joschgrimmware: can you show me the output of "find /opt/reform-qcacld2/"15:29
joschmaybe to be quick, just run this:15:30
joschfind /opt/reform-qcacld2/ | curl -F 'arg=<-' https://mister-muffin.de/paste15:31
joschi only have about 10 minutes left before i have to leave, so maybe we can be fast and fix this quickly :)15:31
joschgrimmware: but... your wifi is working, right?15:32
grimmwarejosch: yeah worst comes to the worst I can leave my pocket turned on and plugged in until tomorrow, I'm also supposed to be going to a meeting15:32
joschokay, maybe lets make this non-fatal for now15:32
joschgrimmware: what is your currently running kernel version?15:33
grimmwareLinux fmlr 6.9.12-mnt-reform-arm64 #1 SMP Debian 6.9.12-1+reform20240801T001732Z (2024-08-01) aarch64 GNU/Linux15:33
joschgrimmware: what happens when you do this:15:34
joschsudo insmod /opt/reform-qcacld2/qcacld2-6.9.12-1+reform20240801T001732Z.ko15:34
grimmwareinsmod: ERROR: could not insert module /opt/reform-qcacld2/qcacld2-6.9.12-1+reform20240801T001732Z.ko: Invalid module format15:34
grimmwaresame as the unit15:35
joschgrimmware: what is your output of "lsmod | grep qcacld2"15:36
grimmwareqcacld2              4542464  015:37
grimmwarecfg80211              839680  1 qcacld215:37
joschgrimmware: does insmod work after you rmmod-ed the loaded module?15:38
grimmwareisn't that going to make my wifi go away?15:38
joschcorrect -- are you currently typing on your pocket?15:39
joschthen better not touch it15:39
joschi'm going to upload a hotfix for now15:39
joschlets fix it properl later today15:39
grimmwareyeah sgtm15:39
grimmwareI gotta go to a meeting now anyway15:39
grimmwareI'll see if I can get my USB tether working later too so we can test without it being an issue if wifi goes away15:40
joschgrimmware: there are 140 more people in this channel who can also help, submit patches etc -- don't worry about it. Have a nice day and thank you!15:42
minutewe launched pocket upgrade bundles https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-pocket-reform-upgrade-bundle15:54
minutejosch: grimmware: one can try -f with insmod. it can crash the kernel in some cases though.15:55
gsorayay congrats! should've kept my pocket reservation, didn't know it could run the rk3588 16:09
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)16:19
andypiperupgrade bundle ordered! I already have the wifi card and only went for the 16gb, but I threw some merch onto the order to support as well (I can wait for it all to be ready together)16:25
andypipersorry, have been afk / not paying attention to package  updates today... will get back to it when i can16:25
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)16:29
minuteandypiper: nice, thank you!!17:01
joschminute: the commit that broke reform-hw-setup on the pocket (but a workaround should be in the repos now) was this one https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/commit/d405f82f5e09b2e744e1efd764c64739577a9a9e It was provided to me by somebody who said that they tested it on their Pocket Reform, so I'm surprised that it failed now. In any case, since the idea of the code is to have a fallback 17:09
joschmechanism, it would be wrong to force the loading because that would invalidate the point of trying out fallback modules.17:10
joschminute: i just tried out a fresh system image with the patched gtk-3.0 package and waybar seems to work again. Did you make the same observation?17:14
minutejosch: this patch is dangerous because it uses insmod -f17:15
minutejosch: that can crash the kernel if one is unlucky17:15
minutejosch: i'm sorry, i couldn't test gtk3 yet because i had too many other things to do, but i can do it now in parallel17:16
joschminute: that patch did not introduce the -f -- that was there before17:19
minutejosch: that is true, but before it didn't try any kernel module... only the one with the matching name17:20
joschlets remove the -f in any case17:21
minuteyeah, i hope it works without :D17:21
joschis insmod supposed to succeed if the module is already loaded?17:21
joschmaybe what is missing is just a "is the module already loaded?" check17:21
minutethis i don't know by heart17:21
joschyeah same :D17:21
joschlets investigate...17:22
minutedownloading the libgtk3 stuff on my pocket.17:25
minutejosch: indeed the issue is fixed. green light by me to release :317:26
joschgreat, i'll also follow up on that bug and bump severity17:26
joschokay, so when you try to insmod a module that is already loaded you get a non-zero exit status and an EEXISTS17:29
joschwhich makes sense17:29
joschfor grimmware, when trying to load /opt/reform-qcacld2/qcacld2-6.9.12-1+reform20240801T001732Z.ko, the result was "Invalid module format"17:29
minuteinvalid module format happens if the module version does not 100% fit the kernel17:29
minutei.e. built against not exactly the right headers17:29
joschi thought so too but grimmware said that the running kernel matched exactly17:30
joschand the code is trying to do exactly that17:30
minutethere might be some slight difference that was overlooked17:30
joschit's using $(uname -r) to find the correct module17:30
minutei don't know what the right tooling to check that is, though17:30
joschfor any pocket user who is reading this: on the pocket, this has a zero-exit status if your wifi is working, correct? grep --quiet '^qcacld2 ' /proc/modules17:37
amospallajosch: yes17:38
joschamospalla: thank you!17:40
joschminute: then i'll skipp running init_qca9377_wifi() in reform-hw-setup if the module is already loaded17:41
minutejosch: sounds good!17:46
andypiperso I'm without wireless on pocket with 6.10.6 at the moment, and qcacld2 is not found to load. 17:51
andypiperfortunately I have a wired option17:51
sevanlifehack: buy a stock pocket reform and then the upgrade kit to obtain a cheap RK3588 :)17:54
joschandypiper: that is probably after the latest reform-tools update?17:54
andypiperyes, i have 1.51 here now17:54
joschandypiper: okay, so you rebooted and your wifi didn't come back?17:54
joschandypiper: what happens when you try to insmod manually?17:55
andypiper`insmod: ERROR: could not load module qcacld2: No such file or directory"17:55
joschyou need to give the full path like this:17:55
joschinsmod "/opt/reform-qcacld2/qcacld2-$(dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Version}' "linux-image-$(uname -r)").ko"17:56
joschhah i found the bug!17:56
minuteoh? :317:56
joschah i did not17:56
josch10 seconds of endorphine...17:56
andypiper`insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /opt/reform-qcacld2/qcacld2-6.10.6-1+reform20240821T152344Z.ko: Invalid module format` which I think grimmware reported as well17:58
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)17:58
andypiperalbeit different kernel version17:58
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (tungsten.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)17:59
* mark_ -> mjw17:59
+ Guest3164 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)17:59
minuteandypiper: and with -f?17:59
andypiperworked and wifi came up18:00
joschminute: and that's why you put the -f in there back in the day :D18:00
andypiperi can share dmesg output18:00
minutejosch: that might be 100% true18:01
minutestill might be good to figure out why it's needed18:01
andypiperactually i just updated the paste to have the whole dmesg output from boot18:03
andypiperso you'll see me inserting the ethernet cable and then a gap and then inserting qcacld2 later18:03
grimmwarere, sorry was just finishing up my meetings and then having a conversation with my partner about how much better our lives would be if I had an RCORE for my pocket reform and then ordering an RCORE upgrade bundle18:04
andypiperand your life is now 150% better, with the additional 50% on arrival of the upgrade18:05
joschgrimmware: we should all feel inspired by your example :D18:05
joschfun fact: the -f flag for insmod is not mentioned in its man page nor in its --help output?? o018:06
grimmwarethe great thing about documentation is18:07
joschi need that t-shirt18:07
grimmwareyeah we just had a new person join our team who actually already worked at the company a year and a half ago and one of my coworkers was like "well at least they'll already have a bunch of context even if it's a 18 months out of date" and I said "they'll be up to date with the documentation at least"18:09
joschoh no XD18:09
joschsee it like this: at least you *have* documentation -- don't ask me for my projects at work :D18:10
grimmwareyeah sometimes I really have to take stock of the problems I have and realise that they're not actually terrible problems18:11
grimmwarelike sometimes I go "WHY IS EVERYTHING SO HARD?" and then I remember that I seek out hard problems on purpose.18:11
grimmwareI like difficult problems, books and drinks18:11
joschgrimmware or andypiper or both: could you apply this to your reform-hw-setup with reform-tools 1.51 and confirm that this lets you reboot and still have wifi and restart the service and the service does not error out? https://paste.debian.net/hidden/03ece6bc/18:12
grimmwareon it, just making sure I have 1.51 first18:14
grimmwarejosch: no 1.51 in the repos, just did an update18:14
joschoh dear...18:15
joschoh no, i forgot to click the run pipeline button...18:16
joschsee you again in 1:45 hours18:16
joschgrimmware: actually the patch should apply to 1.50 as well18:17
grimmwareack, I'll do that18:17
andypiperrebooting it now18:18
andypiperand we have wifi18:19
andypipersp yes I confirm that patch works18:19
joschwhat does "systemctl status reform-hw-setup" say?18:19
andypiperone sec18:19
joschwhat happens when you "systemctl restart reform-hw-setup"?18:19
andypiperok bear with18:20
grimmwareI am so awful at using `patch`, what options should I be using?18:20
grimmwareI have to relearn this every fucking time I backport a patch18:20
joschgrimmware: patch -p1 < /path/to/file18:20
grimmwarep1 uuuugh18:20
grimmwarethank you18:20
joschif it cannot find the file it will ask you for the path18:21
andypiperwhat do you need from the status output, it's a longish response. 18:21
andypiperLoaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/reform-hw-setup.service; enabled; preset: enabled)18:21
andypiperActive: inactive (dead) since Thu 2024-08-22 17:18:42 BST; 1min 51s ago18:21
joschandypiper: just that it is successful :)18:21
andypiper    Process: 678 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/reform-hw-setup (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)18:22
grimmwareyeah same, it looks to be a oneshot that exited successfully18:22
andypiperok let's restart it18:22
joschyes, it's a oneshot unit18:22
grimmwareAnd I am, as you can see, still on wifi18:22
grimmwareI'll also throw a reboot just in case18:22
andypiperrestart did not complain18:23
joschawesome, thank you!18:24
joschthe change you tested is now here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/8318:24
joschoh wait, we can trick the mntre.com updated script18:26
andypiperi can always throw the AsiaRF card back in anyway but wanted to help get the base stuff ironed out (and I keep noodling with other cards in that slot)18:26
joschby re-running the build_custom job only18:26
joschand then the repo will skip 1.51 when it updates in half an hour18:26
joschand go straight to the fixed 1.5218:26
andypiperI mean I do always see "ar6k_wlan mmc1:0001:1: firmware: failed to load qcacld2/qsetup30.bin (-2)" on my machine anyway in the dmesg but it has never been a problem with wifi working afterwards18:27
grimmwareI also have working wifi on reboot18:29
andypiperi have to drop  for now but will check back later18:30
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]18:32
- andypiper[afk] (QUIT: Quit: My device has gone to sleep. Zzzz…) (~andypiper@
grimmwareman I am so excited about the rcore18:34
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)18:42
+ mjw (~mjw@
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)19:41
+ Gooberpatrol_66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)19:41
+ mtm_ (~textual@2600:381:e503:9254:38ab:814b:8f31:1cc9)19:51
grimmwareminute: I installed the unofficial signal-desktop package that you recommended by the way (thanks for that) and it still has the issue under sway that it will launch backgrounded until you launch it again - do you have this issue and if so, do you have a workaround for it?19:51
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)19:52
minutegrimmware: interesting, i don't think i had this issue... maybe it's a setting?19:56
grimmwareare you running some kind of system tray?19:57
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)20:01
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)20:02
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-1f51205c.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)20:02
minutegrimmware: yeah, that's part of waybar20:04
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)20:06
- mtm_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~textual@2600:381:e503:9254:38ab:814b:8f31:1cc9)20:07
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mjw@
grimmwareah yeah ofc, I'm misremembering about swaybar instead20:44
+ mjw (~mjw@
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)21:10
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)21:11
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]21:41
- andypiper[afk] (QUIT: Quit: My device has gone to sleep. Zzzz…) (~andypiper@
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]21:48
- andypiper[afk] (QUIT: Client Quit) (~andypiper@
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
- andypiper (QUIT: Client Quit) (~andypiper@
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-1f51205c.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
grimmwareoh TIL about apt-listbugs.service, that is very cool23:01
grimmwareI've only ever used stable debian derivatives before23:01
grimmwareoh I suppose I used testing for a while23:02
grimmwarethis is a very cool system though, I especially love that the pins are stored with the bug context in an easy to read manner in the authoritative plaintext file23:02

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