
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:04
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00531d08e4b519b9cf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)02:09
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00ee8d0f249a337332.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)02:09
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)02:22
mhoyejosch: fwiw I found the answer - sway has vt switching keysyms hardcoded in. I'd need to patch sway to make my idea work.02:31
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:09
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)03:40
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~nicolas@182-121-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:59
+ nsc (~nicolas@21-98-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)04:00
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)05:21
- sevan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~sevan@user/venture37)06:07
joschmhoye: oh i didn't know -- do you have a link?07:19
violetsorry for asking this again but i forgot what the answer was last time- is there a way to use a311d while staying on debian stable (bookworm), or does it need unstable?08:05
+ jacobk (~quassel@067-048-061-235.biz.spectrum.com)08:06
joschviolet: a311d works with stable if you use linux 6.5 from backports: https://reform.debian.net/images/08:12
violetbackports!! :D08:15
violetanything special i need to do other than installing that and switching out the hardware?08:15
joschviolet: switching out the hardware?08:16
violettaking out the iMX compute module, putting the a311d in08:18
joschviolet: you want to migrate your existing system or you want to install fresh?08:19
joschthat has been done a few times but no complete write-up has yet been produced08:20
joschwith a fully upgraded sysimage-v4 it is possible to migrate08:20
joschi think vkoskiv has done it?08:20
violeti know i need to move the boot partition since right now it is on eMMC. so i need to move that to SD temporarily08:20
violetbut i wonder is there anything in /etc i need to change?08:20
violetrelating to device trees maybe or something like that08:21
joschyou need to update the contents of /boot08:21
joschbecause the last time flash-kernel generated your dtbs it still thought you are on imx8mq08:21
joschalso you might need to adjust /etc entries for emmc and sd-card because the /dev names are swapped08:21
joschand you cannot (should not) use the emmc of a311d08:22
violetoh? why not08:22
joscha311d will always look on emmc first and if what it finds there is not bootable, then you soft-bricked your device08:23
violetah. so if i use eMMC i am living very dangerously08:23
joschyes, the reform tools currently forbid writing to it08:24
joschto unbrick you need something like this, for example: https://www.tindie.com/products/superna9999/meson-hdmi-recovery-boot-plug/08:24
violetinteresting. maybe i will try to find one of those, and stick to iMX until then08:25
violeti want to keep my SD slot free because i use it a lot08:25
joschyes, theoretically you could manually umount /boot after the system is booted08:26
joschand then just never forget to re-mount it before upgrading the kernel08:26
violetyeah haha. plus never lose the boot SD when i take it out to put something else in08:26
violeti think i dont trust myself to keep all those in my head :p08:27
violetill add myself to the waitlist for this tindie and maybe they restock 08:28
violetin the mean time, i am safe to install 6.5 from backports to use on iMX right?08:30
violeti have a weird rendering bug in chrome and i dont know if a kernel update will fix it but i might as well try and find out08:31
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)09:15
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)09:20
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)09:24
joschviolet: yes, 6.5 from backports should be safe on imx8mq, a311d and ls1028a09:43
f_violet: yes A311D bootROM looks for eMMC first. If e.g. the u-boot binary installed is b0rked..your reform is officially bricked09:50
f_But apart from that there's not much risk09:50
f_I think it's a lot like e.g. your SPI flash on your x86 laptop..if what's installed on it is b0rked, your laptop is bricked09:51
f_I wish amlogic socs looked on SD first, depending on POC09:52
joschright, i think a big difference is that writing to SPI flash in an x86 laptop is a lot harder than just running dd on /dev/mmcblk1 accidentally. That's what makes it more scary, I think.09:55
f_writing to SPI is easy depending on the laptop09:56
f_flashrom -p internal -w whatever.rom09:56
joschoh i had no idea :)09:56
f_^ you can run this on a MacBook2,1 and it'll flash to its SPI09:56
f_But on many other computers the SPI flash is read-only..09:57
- klardotsh (QUIT: Quit: zzz) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)09:58
f_requiring you to open it and use a clip connected to an SPI programmer (such as a raspberrypi) to flash09:58
f_But yes, running bl2+bl31+SCP_BL2+u-boot from eMMC is risky.10:00
f_Which is why I like those little removable eMMC modules on librecomputer boards :)10:01
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00ee8d0f249a337332.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)10:20
+ eibachd (~eibachd@2a01:599:310:7433:51c4:a954:9365:87c6)10:21
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~eibachd@2a01:599:310:7433:51c4:a954:9365:87c6)10:43
+ eibachd (~eibachd@2a01:599:303:43bd:bb61:a05:cbf5:4547)10:51
- eibachd (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~eibachd@2a01:599:303:43bd:bb61:a05:cbf5:4547)11:04
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b000bfc28dd28ceb794.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:04
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b000bfc28dd28ceb794.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:09
+ eibachd (~eibachd@2a01:599:303:43bd:bb61:a05:cbf5:4547)11:10
- eibachd (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~eibachd@2a01:599:303:43bd:bb61:a05:cbf5:4547)11:15
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00f1f0db46209c2949.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:15
hramrachviolet: you can make your own HDMI dongle follwing the 'documentation' link on the tindie page. As far as I know it is not tested to work on the Reform. It is not documented what *exactly* the ROM does, it may need to be connected to a specific i2c bus, muxed on specific function.11:23
hramrachjosch: seems gite is doing server-side rendering (So far) so it won't have this 'waiting for javascript' problem. However, gitlab is special in that it has separate numbering for issues and pull requests which makes migrating from it challenging, would not recommend.11:26
hramrachAlso the server-side rendering is problematic with some features for bigger projects (eg Linux size) so I suspect it will need to go at some point, at least for the analytics pages.11:28
joschhramrach: "gite"? Do you mean gitea?11:29
hramrachyes, gitea11:30
joschi have a gitea instance running for my own personal projects and am quite happy with it11:32
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)11:36
hramrachyes, it would be ok if it was used from the start. migrating to it from gitlab is a different thing11:37
f_josch: gitea? I use cgit+gitolite :)11:38
f_I tell people to send patches to my personal email address.11:38
f_hramrach: As for what the ROM exactly does, at some point I played around with decompiling BL111:39
f_Succeeded at dumping the bootROM and could look at it in ghidra.11:39
f_S905 bootROM (dumped from a KII Pro box): https://git.vitali64.duckdns.org/misc/reversing-gxbb-bl2.git/tree/bl1/kii-pro/bl1.bin11:40
f_S905X bootROM (dumped from a lepotato): https://git.vitali64.duckdns.org/misc/reversing-gxbb-bl2.git/tree/bl1/lepotato/bl1.bin11:40
eibachd4,99hramrach99,99: Is there something wrong with Gitlab?11:42
f_eibachd: having issues with your IRC client?11:42
eibachd13,99f_99,99: why?11:43
f_<eibachd> 9f_9: why?11:43
f_ ^ how your pings show up in my IRC client11:43
f_(and it doesn't ping me)11:44
f_That's why I was wondering if you were having issues with your IRC client.11:44
eibachdStrange, in my client out looks pretty normal. I have no idea how to fix that.11:44
f_(or it might be just me?)11:44
f_https://mntre.com/reform-irc-logs/2023-11-25.log.html looks like it's an issue on your side.11:45
sknebeleibachd's client is using color codes for the mentioned nick for whatever reason11:46
f_But colour codes work fine in my IRC client.11:46
sknebelhm. maybe some variant that gets mangled somehow?11:47
eibachdHmm, I just used the copy function of the client. Maybe that messes up colors.11:47
sknebelor something that gets mangled to something that my client thinks is a color code 11:47
f_hramrach: now thinking about it, could dump A311D bootROM too :)11:49
f_(and S905D3 bootROM)11:49
- pandora (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid585533@id-585533.ilkley.irccloud.com)11:52
eibachdhramrach: Anything wrong with Gitlab? (I hope this time nothing is needed up on my message)11:54
f_At least one thing wrong with GitLab, it b0rks in tor browser.11:55
f_(even with JS toggled on with NoScript)11:56
eibachdI see11:56
f_Oh wait a second?11:56
f_Seems to work better than before?11:57
f_But it still makes my laptop fan go very fast.11:57
f_as soon as I enable JS on gitlab11:58
eibachdWild 11:58
f_luckily it works on that flask-powered gitlab frontend I didn't touch in a while. (still uses old CSS!)11:59
eibachdThe wonders of this new fangled JS stuff. If everything works, great. If not it is way above my head.12:01
f_GitLab's API is quite limited unless you authenticate though :/12:02
f_So no issue comments, MRs...12:02
eibachdAnd you dislike authenticating.12:04
f_Not that, but requiring people to authenticate in order to view MRs in the frontend, could be annoying for many.12:04
f_And let's not forget that it was meant to be a "private" frontend12:05
f_I do have a GitLab.com account though, mainly for postmarketOS.12:09
eibachdI am simply happy that I can selfhost it without much hassle. And build some nice CI pipelines.12:09
f_I can also self-host cgit+gitolite without much hassle.12:10
eibachdUnderstood. CI and pull request handling?12:13
hramracheibachd: gitlab relis heavily on JavaScript. It sometimes breaks even on powerful client machines because it caches something incorrectly, and it's reportedly slow on the Reform (hav not tried).12:14
eibachdShould be trivial to offer both frontends, right?12:16
f_eibachd: send PRs via email?12:16
hramracheibachd: no, there are PRs/issues which should be filed in one place12:17
eibachdHey, we are not lkml here :)12:18
hramrachThe PRs via e-mail are difficult to hook with CI12:20
hramrachals FTR my IRC client has no problem with those color codes. However, IRC protocol (at least the version commonly in use) does not define the content of messages, and properties of messages like encoding and color codes are undefined and subject to arbitrary interpretation.12:25
eibachdSeriously, I have worked long enough with these guys and I know my git send-email. But I really enjoy the simplicity and integration of Gitlab(as long as it works). Maybe I am getting old.12:27
hramrachMy takeaway from using gitlab for a while it that it does not really work (reliably enough).12:28
hramrachThat said, integration around e-mail is hard, and those forges are in general useful.12:29
f_integration around email can be easier.12:31
f_I have no issues with git send-email12:31
f_>The PRs via e-mail are difficult to hook with CI12:31
f_Actually not that hard, and builds.sr.ht exists, too.12:31
hramrachthat's one side, what would the receiving side integration do?12:31
f_But I don't use CI anyway.12:32
f_I used it exactly once, for https://vitali64.gitlab.io/..back when I used gitlab12:32
hramrachThe thing is CI has its value if your project happens to recieve random contributions.12:34
hramrachand can be also abused for generating releases12:34
f_Yeah CI can be very useful.12:34
f_I just didn't find any use for it, in my infra.12:34
hramrachSure, it's not always needed. In the MNT infra it is used.12:35
f_I see.12:36
f_in the MNT infra Gitea/Forgejo might be better.12:36
hramrachThat's my thinking as well, generally. It would be better if it was used from the start, migrating to it is difficult from gitlab.12:37
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:40
eibachdMy reception is, that if you want to lower the bar for onboarding developers these days, it helps a lot to have some GitHub/Gitlab like workflow. But I am not sure whether that is relevant for MNT.12:42
minutewe were on gitea before. the merge request and code review functionality was extremely lacking back then, so we migrated to gitlab12:43
f_And then people ask to migrate back to gitea/forgejo12:44
f_I think forgejo/gitea matured a lot.12:45
hramrachand maybe gitlab degenerated as well, things change12:48
hramrachAlso people started to use the forge on the lower performance Arm devices12:48
minutelast night i did that merge and tag on my pocket reform with imx8mp, no issues12:50
minute(in chromium though, unfortunately firefox is slow on imx)12:50
hramrachFor me looking at gitea was triggered by gtlab making mutilpe reviews a premium-only feature12:51
minuteon a311d i use firefox and it works fine12:51
hramrachI think josh was complaining about the speed of gitlab on Reform12:52
f_speed of gitlab on hp 8560w :^)12:56
f_(quite ok, but slows down my entire computer)12:56
minutehramrach: josch is using imx8mq still12:56
f_A311D is quite powerful for sure.12:57
f_S905X too.12:57
minutei think most people that don't switch to a311s don't do it because there's no solution for dual display yet12:57
minuteyes, typo 12:58
f_Or maybe because Amlogic's "trusted"firmware is proprietary.12:58
minutetested rpi cm4s for shipping yesterday and noticed how neat it is to have dual independent displays12:58
minutef_: sure, that's an issue, but not such a bit practical issue12:59
minutethis phone's keyboard is terrible lol (it's an iphone 13 mini)12:59
f_You could still use amlogic's BSP and get all features, but unless you like sticking on 4.x kernels I can't imagine any reason why you would want to do such a thing.12:59
minutef_: nope. i draw the line at shipping mainline (plus patches) linux only :D13:00
f_Amlogic BSP is quite ugly. I only have exactly one Amlogic board using amlogic bsp.13:00
f_The rest run either mainline (KII Pro, lepotato..) or nothing (lafrite, alta, solitude).13:01
minuteat some point i might need to dig in and check how dual display is done, but maybe narmstrong will figure it out before13:01
minutecurrently i need the weekends to cool off my brain from stress hormones building up during the week while doing the pocket reform crunch ^^13:02
f_I'm insane, so I work on amlogic RE in my free time, including weekends. ^^13:03
f_As for Pocket Reform, am sure you'll be successful.13:03
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:03
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)13:20
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)13:54
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)14:00
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)14:02
mhoyejosch: https://github.com/swaywm/sway/blob/master/sway/input/keyboard.c#L27314:02
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)14:07
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)14:09
hramrachit's hadcoded to XKB_KEY_XF86Switch_VT_* so these would have to be in the keymap or am I missing something?14:23
hramrachhm, sourcehat is interesting in that they are not makinf a forge 'product' but rather a sort of a forge ecosystem with many parts that are optional and can be swapped out for parts of alreasy existing infra14:34
* jn_ -> jn14:34
hramrachthe downside is that doing things this way is more difficult, and they are in 'open alpha' stage for quite a while. I already saw them once and forgot that thy exist again :)14:35
hramrachAn interesting thing is that they have correct message threading because they have e-mail integration. It's not that correct threading cannot be done otherwise but only people doing first class e-mail support seem to care today.14:39
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00f1f0db46209c2949.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)14:50
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00a470289b5adf1e1d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)14:51
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:10
mhoyehramrach: what I have is, meta-arrowkey works in tty1-X, and moves you from ttyX to ttyX+1 withone keystroke, which I like.16:23
mhoyewhat I want is for that to keep working if I open sway from one of those ttys but it looks like I can't have that. 16:23
mhoyeBecause Sway afaict catches everything but is not intrisincally aware of where it comes from, and so has this special bit of code in it to let the traditional control-alt-f# break you out if that's your thing.16:25
mhoyeSo I think that I will be thwarted in this, and have to escape Sway by using three keys instead of just two, oh the indignity16:27
joschhramrach: yes, gitlab is slow for me because imx8mq is slow. :) I could switch to a311d but i'm hesitant because i also don't want to buy one new SoM for my reform every two years to reduce electronic waste (as that was one of my main motivations for the reform). I do need hdmi output but i do not need both displays at the same time, so in that way, the a311d would probably work for me.16:38
joschBut there are only very, very few things i feel that the imx8mq is bad at given my workload so I'll stick around for a while longer.16:38
joschInstead I'll build a second reform-like PC with a real pcie graphics card based on the ls1028a once i can purchase a second motherboard. :)16:39
hramrachthe ls1028a should help with gilab performance, the external graphics card probably not so much :)17:06
minutejosch: i am thinking we should do a limited buy-back program for imx8mq17:06
minutewould be better than to order small quantities from boundary and waiting 24 weeks17:07
hramrachif there is still use for them17:08
minutehramrach: you have ls1028a, or do i misremember?17:08
minutehramrach: yeah, we have a few open orders with imx8mq and mouser has ordered 10 units of reforms with imx8mq17:08
hramrachyes, I have a ls1028a but did not try using it much so far17:08
minuteand they do not respond to our offer of upgrading to a311d and other things17:08
minutewe have offered our upgrades and peripherals to cs/mouser a few times but they've ghosted me on this 17:09
hramrachmy thinking is that imx8mq was basically oboslete from the beginning, the gitlab performance is to be expected17:10
minuteit was mostly blob free and well documented and supported by mainline, and the module had open schematics17:11
minutethat is why we used it17:11
hramrachApparently there are people who want imx8mq for whatever reason 🤷 17:12
minuteremember this was introduced by us 4.5 years ago https://mntre.com/media/reform_md/2019-05-20-reintroducing-reform.html17:12
hramrachOlimex went the route of adding support for Alwinner SoCs, and at the time it worked out17:12
hramrachat this proint the problem is that Allwinner failed to deliver a desktop-grade SoC but that's something that could not be foreseen at the time17:13
minuteour strategy from the start was to offer upgrade socs17:14
minuteand we delivered on this17:14
hramrachyes, their designs are monolithic, no upgrades there17:15
- XYZ_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~XYZ@37-48-32-137.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)17:16
hramrachAlso the Alwinner documentation was really bad, and most of the blanks have been filled in by to community by now but again it was not clear it would happen17:17
hramrachOlimex probably contributed some parts but there is a lot that was done by other people17:17
+ XYZ (~XYZ@37-48-32-137.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)17:24
hramrachAlso the problems with different modules having different interfaces and the mainboard behaving differently because of that is something that future open hardware projects could learn from17:30
hramrachLooks like the modules should be bigger for this to work well17:31
minutei think we managed quite well adapting a system to such diverse socs/soms, i don't know of anything comparable 17:34
minutethat the a311d doesn't do independent dual display is (afaik) a software issue17:34
minutewe could have also put a pcie switch on rcm4 to work around one dead pcie slot, but costs would balloon a bit... still, because rcm4 is oshw anyone experienced in kicad can do that17:35
minutethe real estate for the modules is also big17:35
minuteand anyone could make alternative motherboards, there's a lot of space in the case17:35
minuteso i don't really see why there should be another project doing this differently or sth, instead of doing a replacement part or mod 17:36
minutethe reform case is big enough to put an amd ryzen embedded in there or whatever people wanted... it's more like, the reality is that there are very few people doing oshw at all17:37
minutean answer could be, well, the reform case is not to the taste of everyone etc etc. next year we'll launch a more compact and more streamlined looking case. if people are still unhappy about that, well, then so be it.17:39
f_minute: I like that thick case.17:40
f_ACTION 's laptop is very thick.17:40
minuteyeah, it was/is a statement also17:41
f_I really feel like laptops today are getting thiner, with less and less user servicability too.17:41
minutethat was our perspective when we started17:42
minutethe new case will be a middle ground. total thickness 2.6cm17:42
f_Is it still the case?17:42
minutef_: yes, i think we will never make an ultrabook17:42
f_Well..then the Framework laptop proved some wrong. It was more repairable than other thin laptops.17:43
minutebut also we need to offer sth that is a bit thinner. the reform next will be that17:43
f_Call it Little Reform17:43
minutethe framework is not reproducible independently, the manufacturing methods are out of reach for makers17:44
minuteso, uninteresting for us17:44
f_It's also using an intel/amd cpu and proprietary BIOS :/17:44
minutereform has been cloned independently (by jacqueline)17:45
minuteand reform next might be even easier to clone because less parts17:45
f_Glad to hear that!17:45
minutepocket will also be relatively easy to clone by others17:46
minutewe've tried to make it easier and quicker to assemble17:46
minuteand no exotic parts17:46
minutei think this is something that most reviewers covering the device etc do not understand at all17:46
minuteyou will be able to download the parts and make the device yourself if you want17:47
minutehaha little saturday rant. i should get going17:48
f_"You wouldn't download a laptop???"17:48
f_But yeah nice.17:49
minutef_: https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11094096200343704717:52
f_Oh yeah that was a reference to ^17:54
f_But what's "MNT Remix Reform"?17:55
BoostisbetterIsn't that the thinner Reform that is being worked on. 17:57
minuteno, this is just a logo that you can use if you forked our hardware18:00
minuteinstead of the mnt logo18:00
f_Oh ok18:00
f_Is the MNT logo trademarked?18:00
minutef_: yes18:01
minutef_: if someone else put our logo on electronics that we didn't make, we could get in trouble18:01
minutebecause the manufacturer is responsible for recycling, emissions etc etc18:01
minuteat least in germany ^^18:02
minuteand is identified by the logo18:02
minutethe remix logo is a workaround for this18:03
minuteit means, this is compatible/derived, but not manufactured by us18:03
minuteBoostisbetter: the thinner reform is codenamed Reform Next18:05
jnoh, that's nice in case i ever get around to my silly project idea of designing my own mnt cpu card and need a logo18:06
minutejn: yes!18:06
minutei think rcm4 is a good starting point for projects like that btw18:06
minuteit shows how to adapt a different soc/som18:06
jn(silly because it'll be based on rp2040 and ice40)18:06
minutealso if you can output 1080p hdmi (or fake that by upscaling), you can use our hdmi to edp adapter pcb18:07
f_Run linux on an ESP31.18:07
minuteit would be nice to have ecp5, artix7 or zynq, for cheaper fpga retro emulation (cheaper than kintex-7 which exists)18:08
jnminute: does the adapter and/or panel require a native-resolution signal?18:08
jnoh yeah, ecp5 would be really nice. nextpnr-ecp5 is in debian since recently18:08
minutejn: yes, native resolution and timing. not a problem with an fpga i think, i've done this on spartan6 even. and you could pixel double your input resolution so you don't need a full res buffer18:12
f_That reform is powered by mana18:15
jnACTION takes notes18:15
joschminute: uff that's sad regarding how mouser is treating you :(18:25
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@067-048-061-235.biz.spectrum.com)18:26
f_oh hi jn18:29
joschminute: uff that's sad regarding how mouser is treating you :(18:30
joschminute: if you are buying back imx8mq boards so that they get used again by others i'd feel much more at ease with buying a new SoM from you18:30
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00a470289b5adf1e1d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)18:38
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf73d8b00537e4b194d65f380.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)18:38
minutejosch: ok, the we'll do that, noting it for monday. it would be cool also to know that you have a bit more performance in your system ^^18:47
hramrachthere is clockwork pi that is adapted to a numebr of SoMs and offers a few form factors but not very familiar with the hardware20:13
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)20:14
hramrachanyway, I think that the different SoCs come with different interfaces - in particular the display/PCI/SATA varies so it would be better if it was on the SoM rather than on the mainboard20:14
hramrachwith the big reform splitting tha mainboard so that one part has the IO on one side panel and the other part is SoC-specific with SOC-specific side panel would be viable but it would be difficult to adapt to different form factor20:16
minutehramrach: which processor would you like to use / what is the limiting factor for you right now?20:18
hramrachthere isn't limiting factor as such. The problem I see is that the mainboard was designed for one SoM, and the interfaces do not match the other SoMs perfectly. There are some generic interfaces like USB, SPI, i2c, i2s that are almost always available, and some intefaces like PCIe, SATA, HDMI, DSI, DP that vary from SoC to SoC. It would be nice if the slots/connectors matched the interfaces of20:23
hramrachthe installed SoC.20:24
minutehramrach: where do you see the biggest mismatch at the moment, i.e. what would be improved?20:24
hramrachThat would make it possible to make best use of what the SoC provides and also reduce confusien around what slot/connector does what exactly20:24
hramrachthere is one thing that could be improved regardles of SoC: route some USB to the onboard mPCIe/M.220:26
minutehramrach: the pocket reform motherboard does this20:26
hramrachthe other thing is that the M.2 could be keyed to the interfaces it actually provides which cannot be done when sitting on the mainbpard and not the SoM20:26
minuteok, so your issues are mainly with M.2 functionality and keying20:27
hramrachusing the HDMI for external PCIe is also interesting but I can see why you would not want to go for Thunderbolt, and not going there HDMI is one of the more useful phisical connectors for this20:28
minuteyeah the other option would have been to output nothing on that connector20:29
- XYZ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~XYZ@37-48-32-137.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)20:29
minutebecause ls1028a doesnt have hdmi20:29
minuteok gotta run, ttyl20:29
hramrachyes, and that's exactly the thing - the connectors are on the mainboard, and don't match completely to what the SoC has, there is this disconnect20:30
+ XYZ (~XYZ@37-48-32-137.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)20:32
hramrachwith that said I think the ls1028a SoM works well with the limitations of the existing carrier bord, and at the time the mainboard was designed it would be difficult to do it differently20:35
joschi think when the reform motherboard was designed, since there was just one SoM available (imx) it made sense to design everything around it as it's hard to foresee what the future would bring or if the whole project would even become viable and successful in the first place. Clearly, the motherboard is only really a 100% fit for the imx8mq and a bit less of a fit for other platforms. How much less 21:18
joschdepends on the platform of course. When there is a new motherboard revision in the future i think there are things that can be learned but as i see it this is already happening with the pocket reform motherboard that does a couple of things differently. And in the past Lukas also pointed out how the Reform Next motherboard will likely be more a successor of the Pocket motherboard than the big Reform 21:18
joschfor example, for the Reform Next there is the idea to have the boards holding the physical ports on the side of the laptop be replacable. Then users can choose which ports they want to have available either depending on their personal use-case or depending on the SoM they use.21:20
joschhramrach: the last bit is in the direction you were thinking about earlier, no?21:20
- sevan (QUIT: Changing host) (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)22:00
+ sevan (~sevan@user/venture37)22:00
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)22:30
hramrachyes, that could be it.23:12
eibachdNew blog post about my adventures trying to boot the MNT Reform2 with NXP LS1028A from eMMC. Involves fiddly hardware modifications, writing a disassembler for an exotic architecture and *gasp* lighting a LED. https://zeromips.org/posts/2023-11-24-emmcboot/23:39
mjwwow, very nice23:55

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