
noamminute: assuming I tested the SoM right and the issue is the capacitors, what does the cost look like for repair? tbqh I don't think I trust myself to solder this by hand :/ Maybe I should see if there's a hackerspace nearby or something that has better tools I could rent out...00:11
minutenoam: did you already find a 5v to gnd short on the module?00:37
minutenoam: another option would be to abandon imx8mq and upgrade to a311d. did you consider that already?00:39
noamminute: fairly sure it's shorted, yes; first tested the 5V->gnd connection (first and fourth pin from the top, if I read the schematic correctly)? Then tested the capacitors, and multiple of them are reading as effectively shorts if I tested correctly00:40
noamThat said, it's entirely possible i misread the schematic, or was looking at an outdated one (it was date-stamped as from 2020 IIRC :/), or that my testing was flawed00:42
noamminute: as for upgrade, I've considered it but I'm not really interested. I'd rather repair what I've got than waste it.00:43
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:43
minutenoam: oh ok! the problem is that you need to be lucky to find exactly the capacitor that is broken00:43
minutenoam: and that can be done only by trial afaik 00:43
noamI was thinking of just replacing all of them to be safe :P00:44
minutenoam: as there are a number of identical caps in parallel on the 5v input00:44
minutenoam: in my experience replacing a single one often was enough... but i had some lucky hunches. sometimes it looked a little darker or sth00:44
minutesometimes i had to desolder 4 or 5 to find the one00:45
minuteboundary never made a new rev of the module i think00:46
minuteso 2020 is probably right 00:46
minuteanyway, i could do it but i am kind of swamped right now00:47
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@
noamThe capacitors are fairly large by SMD standards, I miiiiiight be able to do it00:48
noamCan probably order the capacitors and some spares from a relatively local distributor, and get to work on testing / desoldering the existing ones before they arrive...00:49
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
minutenoam: good luck!00:54
minutehmm, my wayfire is suddenly broken. getting gray screen with cursor.00:54
minuteah lol. wrong user00:54
minutevkoskiv: suddenly i hear the keyboard's new coil whine. 00:55
noamminute: thanks :) And double thanks for actually posting the schematics so that this is feasible, and triple thanks for actually helping me through it :)00:58
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)01:10
abortretryfailnoam: i dont know what tools you have at your disposal, but some capacitor ESR testers are good for measuring very small resistances. the one with the lowest resistance is likely to be your short.03:12
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)03:14
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~nicolas@247-48-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:27
+ nsc (~nicolas@226-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:29
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)04:44
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat242016.utdallas.edu)04:58
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat242016.utdallas.edu)05:41
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a1a:f800:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)07:39
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)07:56
- b0 (QUIT: Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) (~b0@leo.uberspace.de)08:29
+ b0 (~b0@leo.uberspace.de)08:30
vkoskivminute: Yeah, it's kinda hard to un-hear it once you do. I'll do a bit of digging today to see if I can find a combo that works nicer08:41
Zabaalso even a dirty cheap stereo microscope is a huge enabler for smd soldering09:28
+ Sario (sario@libera/staff/owl/sario)10:03
* mark_ -> mjw10:06
noamabortretryfail, Zaba: thanks :)10:58
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a1a:f800:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)11:11
+ peasochema (~peasochem@
- peasochema (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~peasochem@
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)12:14
erlejosch btw this is the MNT logo in unicode (mnt-logo.txt), but in the browser it does not render correctly, because the content-type is “text/plain” and not “text/plain; charset=utf-8” https://mister-muffin.de/p/5a4v.txt12:18
erlebut type this to see an MNT logo on your unicode-capable terminal: curl -s 'https://mister-muffin.de/p/5a4v.txt'12:19
vkoskivIf we were to move to foot as a default terminal, could even print out a sixel logo12:33
minutevkoskiv: we already did!12:36
minutedidn't realize that foot supports sixels12:37
abortretryfailminute: so far so good on the fixed lpc-fw :)12:37
minuteabortretryfail: nice12:37
minutealso still robust here12:37
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@ppp-94-67-130-102.home.otenet.gr)12:38
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)13:15
erleso what exactly outputs sixels?13:19
erleanyone has a tga 2 sixel script or so?13:19
vkoskiverle: img2sixel(1)13:29
erlei have that installed actually13:30
erlewell i did “apt-cache search sixel” and the only terminal emulator it shows is foot13:32
erle> Section: x1113:32
vkoskivWeird, it's definitely a wayland program13:33
erleoh right13:34
erleweston has several backends – it can run on linux KMS … or as an X client!13:34
erlesomehow that is something i only learned today13:36
erlei mean it is the reference compositor, so ig it makes sense to advertise wayland programs as supporting X1113:36
abortretryfaili always thought it was silly they called Weston the reference compositor. Nobody uses it13:46
sknebel"nobody" on desktop, maybe. and even then, reference doesnt quite mean that?13:47
abortretryfailI guess. Does it get use on mobile?13:47
- cwebber (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~user@user/cwebber)13:48
sknebelwas thinking embedded (re mobile, not sure what the linux phones do, android has its entirely own thing)13:49
abortretryfaillinux phones i've used were based on Phosh (gnome, basically) or that Unity-based thing they wrote using Mir for Ubuntu13:49
abortretryfailWeston plays like a tech demo, not something somebody would actually use to get anything done. The rotating windows thing is a good example of that, especially how it doesn't (or didn't...) have a way to snap to right angles.13:51
erlecjpeg is the reference jpeg library too13:52
erleso far i think the only thing that it means is that google uses it for benchmarks13:52
erlethey “webp is so much better than jpeg” benchmarks use cjpeg and not the highly optimized mozjpeg encoder13:53
erlei suggest to make your own value judgements about that ;)13:53
abortretryfailI do wonder how many years ahead we'd be in Wayland-land if they'd written something like wlroots instead of weston as an example.13:56
abortretryfailthen again, i think wlroots was the product of a lessons-learned after sway was originally written to use wlc13:56
erleoh great, xfce4-screenshooter crashes itself when trying to screenshot a weston X11 window14:03
BoostisbetterI don't know. I think Waylands progress is super predictable. I think it is good to see progress there and I feel like Sway is an excellent tiler that takes advantage of what Wayland has to offer.14:04
erlei suspect wayland is more held back by missing features rn (i.e. the screen locking and window placement thing). by which i don't mean “those are totally impossible”, but more like “you can not rely on every wayland compositor doing this in the way users are accustomed to it” ig14:06
erlemeanwhile, flameshot can screenshot weston14:07
erlesixel support looks nice https://mister-muffin.de/p/NwDy.png14:08
abortretryfailwhat's the problem with screen locking? 14:40
abortretryfailI've heard the gripe about app devs wanting to be able to micro-manage where their window gets drawn and tbh i'm kinda glad wayland makes it hard. Sick and tired of stuff being drawn off-screen.14:41
vkoskivWhat if I'm building a notification program? It's okay if notifications pop up anywhere on the screen?14:46
vkoskivI think there are valid reasons to control window location14:46
abortretryfailhm, maybe14:47
abortretryfailthose have been pretty poorly behaved in my experience too, like Firefox popping notifications up on other desktops and leaving them there.14:48
abortretryfailseems like they target the gnome/kde user and anyone using something like fluxbox, awesome, i3, sway, etc just gets to deal with shit being wrong.14:49
sevanw00t, new openzfs release adds support for 6.5 kernel which means I no longer need to hold back on to the old reform kernel 14:59
sevanreform kernel is still on 6.5 right? :)15:00
joschsevan: yes, but not for long -- 6.6 can already be found on kernel.org since yesterday :)15:01
sevanheh :)15:02
sevanordered the new antenna and the flex bars for the keyboard yesterday, looking forward to trying that.15:03
joschi printed the flex bars yesterday to see what the difference is to the solution i am running right now: https://community.mnt.re/t/reform-mod-idea-internal-keyboard-brace/137315:05
joschif you ordered the laird antenna, the improvement will be quite noticable15:05
sevanthat's great :)15:06
sevancan't play atm anyway, so will have to wait until everything shows up.15:07
sevanhad to pull all the keycaps off the keyboard for the first time, a while back. Did it by hand and snapped the legs on some of the caps, hopefully the superglue did the trick. Will find out when I install them back in.15:09
noamvkoskiv: for what it's worth, I have notifications on wayland on my work laptop and they always show up in the upper-right corner?15:44
noambut yeah, that's a question of which implementation you're using >_>15:44
noamIn general, anything wlroots based works very well IME, and anything not is going to have problems :/15:44
rahis it possible to power up the Reform 2 without batteries present?15:51
noam...which one's the Reform 2?16:02
noamI've definitely powered my reform without batteries a couple of times16:03
noamthough of course the monitored battery readings become nonsensible16:03
vkoskivReform 2 is the "normal" reform. Reform 1 was a beta unit, only few dozen were made.16:15
erlereform 1 battery is a slab16:36
erlei believe 15 were made and 13 actually ended up working, correct minute?16:36
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)17:26
BoostisbetterI was missing a few applications that reform-check told me about, up until I installed those, I never saw a notification outside of a browser based one.17:29
BoostisbetterI kind of liked it though. I mean I was never bothered, and when I moved back to the screen with the application of concern I always found out then what was up. It was kind of a nice way to not let notifications interrupt me.17:30
- technoid_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~technoid_@user/technoid/x-1284035)17:39
+ technoid_ (~technoid_@twoaday.nettek.io)17:39
- technoid_ (QUIT: Changing host) (~technoid_@twoaday.nettek.io)17:41
+ technoid_ (~technoid_@user/technoid/x-1284035)17:41
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)17:54
+ jacobk (~quassel@
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)18:34
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)18:34
* mark_ -> mjw18:34
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)18:34
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)18:53
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)19:09
minutevkoskiv: erle: sounds about right, i think there were 13x reform 1. there were also i think 10x reform 2 betas.19:13
minutehere are photos of reform 1 https://mntre.com/media/reform_md/2019-01-14-status_update_on_reform.html19:14
minutemotherboard says reform 0.4 :D19:16
minuterah: the answer is yes btw19:16
+ ehenter (~ehenter@82-181-225-23.bb.dnainternet.fi)19:17
minuteTIL that i can just look at pictures in my terminal...19:18
erleif you have the right terminal yes19:18
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)19:19
erlelibsixel-bin contains img2sixel and sixel2png19:19
minutei use foot (and we ship foot as the default terminal)19:19
erle“cat mnt-logo.sixel” when19:20
erleoh LOL, libsixel-examples has a directory ”opengl”19:21
erle> Example program for libsixel-OpenGL integration19:21
erlelet's see if i can have the minetest in the terminal haha19:22
erlethis is so cursed19:22
erlei'm not doing that minetest thing19:24
erlebut definitely funny19:24
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)19:24
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)19:29
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)19:33
erleRun a trivial OpenGL application on xterm using osmesa and libsixel https://yt.oelrichsgarcia.de/watch?v=1m64s9_vcc819:37
vkoskivTried, but the make/configure setup seems broken19:50
vkoskivI tries aclocal-1.15, but I have aclocal-1.16 :'D19:53
vkoskivSo much for autoconf19:53
vkoskivfix that, it also just looks for a specific slightly older version of autoconf19:54
vkoskivFixed that, then the build violently explodes.19:54
vkoskivThe video is enough for me, I think :D19:55
- ehenter (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~ehenter@82-181-225-23.bb.dnainternet.fi)20:03
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~doctorhoo@217-210-162-155-no600.tbcn.telia.com)20:10
+ doctorhoo (~doctorhoo@2a00:801:779:4c0:29db:a57e:c818:b4ad)20:10
erleimg2sixel can do gif in terminal too lol20:13
f_minute: hah that reform1 is different from reform2 :D20:17
f_I guess it was your first laptop?20:17
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~doctorhoo@2a00:801:779:4c0:29db:a57e:c818:b4ad)20:19
+ doctorhoo (~doctorhoo@2001:2043:5e0f:a800:62e2:867b:e012:5863)20:19
- bkeys (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@
- marty_mcfly88 (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-8981-851c-da40-7ba9.res6.spectrum.com)20:46
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~doctorhoo@2001:2043:5e0f:a800:62e2:867b:e012:5863)20:46
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)20:47
+ doctorhoo (~doctorhoo@217-210-162-155-no600.tbcn.telia.com)20:47
+ marty_mcfly88 (~quassel@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-8981-851c-da40-7ba9.res6.spectrum.com)20:47
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)20:54
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)20:58
minutef_: yep21:07
joschminute: awesome progress photos of the pocket reform on mastodon -- cool to see even without having preordered one :)21:12
joschthe SM8650 sounds too good to be ever of feasible reality XD21:12
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)21:16
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~doctorhoo@217-210-162-155-no600.tbcn.telia.com)21:17
+ doctorhoo (~doctorhoo@2001:2043:5e0f:a800:97cb:e27b:ac61:2e37)21:17
f_sdm845 is pretty nice21:22
f_josch: and a mediabox soc inside a laptop was too good to be true until it became real :)21:23
minutejosch: well, the sm8650 does exist, it was just mainlined by linaro21:26
minutejosch: but i don't think there's a som for it yet21:26
minutef_: or do you know of a sm8650 module?21:26
minutejosch: btw we should... soon start building a pocket reform image21:26
minutein the CI i mean21:26
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~doctorhoo@2001:2043:5e0f:a800:97cb:e27b:ac61:2e37)21:27
+ doctorhoo (~doctorhoo@217-210-162-155-no600.tbcn.telia.com)21:27
joschi guess i'm just keeping my expectations low :) after having been in the "linux on mobile" space since openmoko times the reform is the first device that really became my only computer because it just does everything reliably enough. Everything else before was just too much hacks piled upon hacks to be more than a fun hacking project.21:31
joschminute: sure, doing so should only add another 10 minutes of computation time because theoretically only a new /boot partition has to be populated21:31
joschminute: do you have a u-boot binary for it?21:32
minutejosch: ah. i think not, need to set up a repo21:48
f_minute: I don't, sorry21:57
vkoskivI cooked up a fun script with fzf: https://mister-muffin.de/p/Hia222:30
vkoskivI have these aliases to use it:22:30
vkoskivalias pkgi='~/utils/findinstall.sh pkg'22:30
vkoskivalias apti='~/utils/findinstall.sh apt'22:30
vkoskivBrings up a list, fuzzy match and select one, then it shows you the apt package, and lets you install it if you want22:31
vkoskivAlso shows the files it just installed after doing so22:31
vkoskivOr with pkgi, shows you pkg-config flags, if any22:31
- chomwitt (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~chomwitt@ppp-94-67-130-102.home.otenet.gr)22:51
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a2d:bc00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)22:52
+ wielaard (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)23:12
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)23:13
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)23:14
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a2d:bc00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)23:18

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