
+ ec0 (~ec0@vps-446f4f39.vps.ovh.ca)01:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)02:23
- yewscion (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~yewscion@2601:547:1480:bc60:9da:d549:1885:c96c)02:37
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~nicolas@107-49-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:16
+ nsc (~nicolas@148-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:18
+ Guest65 (~Guest65@ip4d15f165.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)04:05
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:09
- Guest65 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~Guest65@ip4d15f165.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)04:15
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)04:24
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid609314@user/ajr)05:48
+ yewscion (~yewscion@2601:547:1480:bc60:9da:d549:1885:c96c)05:55
+ ming_ (~yewscion@2601:547:1480:bc60:9da:d549:1885:c96c)06:01
- yewscion (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~yewscion@2601:547:1480:bc60:9da:d549:1885:c96c)06:02
- robin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~robin@user/terpri)06:05
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)07:33
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)07:41
joschminute: I'm close to officially announcing reform.debian.net. Do you have a creative-commons or similarly licensed photo of the reform that you'd like to see on reform.d.n?08:36
joschThe feedback I got from Debian people so far was, that they didn't know what this page was about and while I can (and did) write a text about that, an image would make it immediately clear what kind of hardware this is about.08:37
+ leonardo (leonardo@user/leonardo)09:12
ex-parrothello josch I see the SD image is live09:32
ex-parrotACTION writes to an SD card09:32
joschex-parrot: this is yet untested, okay?09:34
joschso please be careful :)09:34
ex-parrotI refuse to be careful09:34
joschplease report all bugs you find :)09:35
ex-parrotthat I can do09:35
joschthank you!09:35
ex-parrotwould you prefer feedback by IRC, e-mail, something else?09:35
joschwhatever fits you better :)09:36
ex-parrotnumber one impediment right now is where is my SD card reader..09:37
ex-parrothmm, doesn't seem like my LPC went to sleep last time I turned off the Reform09:38
minutejosch: i would suggest the second picture on this page (you can crop it if needed) https://mntre.com/reform.html09:57
ex-parrotI found the world's slowest SD card reader09:59
ex-parrotit's been writing the image for more than half an hour09:59
ex-parrotmmm that bismuth wallpaper and ethernet LED 09:59
vkoskivbs=? That can make a big difference09:59
ex-parrotI'm just xzcating the image in macOS, I hope / assume it's capable of guessing a reasonable block size09:59
ex-parrotI think it's just a terrible reader. there's a reason I normally use my other MIA one :(09:59
vkoskivOn macOS, using /dev/rdisk<N> is often faster than /dev/disk<N>10:00
vkoskivDon't ask me why.10:00
ex-parrotminute: do you think I should upgrade the keyboard in my reform? I don't dislike the v1 keyboard at all but I feel like I'm missing out on some immaterial thing :P10:00
ex-parrotgood to know vkoskiv I didn't even know macOS had rdisk10:00
ex-parrotok booting debian...10:11
ex-parrotjosch: one bug report, there's no instruction or automated process for disabling the passwordless root login after making a normal user10:13
ex-parrotwhich makes me worried that a lot of Reforms are floating around in the world with passwordless root still enabled10:14
ex-parrotthe instructions displayed on normal login tell me to use "sudo" but by default my user isn't in the sudoers group either10:14
ex-parrotalso the kernel logging level might want to be adjusted, connecting to wifi I get the wlp1s0 status messages breaking through over the top of nmtui for instance10:15
joschex-parrot: this is all addressed here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/merge_requests/4310:17
joschex-parrot: also, when you run "sudo reform-check" you will be told how to disable the passwordless root10:17
ex-parrotit seems that the reform-flash-rescue shipped in the reform.d.n image will still bork the eMMC install if you let it try update it10:18
ex-parrotactually no, it just /says/ it's going to download the v3 sysimage but I see it is actually pulling the correct debian one10:19
ex-parrotok that mr makes sense josch, sorry I will have a look through what's open before I complain too much more :)10:20
ex-parrotthere's an existing tool in Debian for handling boot-time partition resizing that I use at work10:20
joschwhich one?10:20
ex-parrotjust trying to remember what it's called10:20
ex-parrotthere are two I'm aware of, https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-repart.service.html and growpart but that's in cloud-guest-utils so probably less good for Reform10:21
joschah of course there is a systemd thing for this...10:22
ex-parrotyeah, it seems to work OK, I'm using it on a small handful of machines10:22
ex-parrotok josch I was right the first time, the rescue flash script is borked still10:27
ex-parroteven using all reform.d.n parts10:27
ex-parrotreform-boot-config fails to run because it reckons /lib/modules/6.1.0-10-reform2-arm64 doesn't exist10:28
ex-parrotpresumably inside the chroot in to the rescue env10:28
ex-parrotand indeed I seem to only have -9- modules in /lib/modules10:29
ex-parrotah, it /is/ installing the wrong image10:31
ex-parrotthat's why :)10:31
ex-parrotI can fix this and send you a patch10:31
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@vps.buckket.org)10:43
+ buckket (~buckket@vps.buckket.org)10:44
ex-parrotjosch: another small issue, you're missing an http -> https redirect on reform.d.n10:46
joschi prefer to let the users choose what they want to use10:47
joschif you want an automatical redirect, your browser can do this for you10:47
ex-parrotit's irresponsible to serve up operating system images over http10:47
ex-parrotand configuration advice10:47
joschit's GPG signed10:47
ex-parrotyeah but the entire page content can be replaced by a person with network intercept capability to make it say anything you like10:48
ex-parrotthere should be nothing on *.debian.net without a strict redirect for safety10:48
ex-parrotthat's how you care for the users of Debian10:48
ex-parrotI am fundamentally intensely opposed to serving any plaintext content ESPECIALLY if it's providing instructions on configuring or installing your operating system etc, it's irresponsible10:49
joschbut... then why don't you use https instead?10:49
ex-parrotsame reason I don't leave dangerous footguns around for people I care about10:49
ex-parrotit's our job to do the Right Things here10:49
ex-parrotand help people not get pwned10:49
joschi see you feel very strongly about this topic10:49
ex-parrotyeah I do10:50
ex-parrotI'm kind of astonished that there's even disagreement about this 10:50
ex-parrotalso, I made you a patch for the rescue system flasher10:50
joschyou are correct in saying that somebody could be pwned by shipping different instructions over http10:51
ex-parrotyeah, it's intensely irresponsible to give critical advice over a plaintext channel over the Internet10:52
ex-parrotsorry I'm getting worked up about this, it legitimately distresses me10:52
joschand here we are passing critical advice to each other via IRC ;)10:52
ex-parrotyeah I know :( but we're in a position to evaluate this discussion10:53
ex-parrotspeaking of which, here's a patch https://hotplate.co.nz/files/reform/reform-flash-rescue-fix-image-url.patch10:53
ex-parrotthe whole ethos of the Reform project to me is responsible stewardship of technology 10:53
ex-parrotrather than saying to people "oh you can choose to do the dangerous thing, and it's the default, and I don't have an opnion on the matter"10:54
ex-parrotthere's no utility in serving it over plaintext but there are massive downsides10:54
ex-parrotI feel like this is the ethos of the Debian project even10:54
ex-parrotbuilding responsible software for everyone10:54
ex-parrotyou can't say "building software for everyone except people who don't know that http is dangerous"10:55
joschi don't want to argue10:56
joschi completely disabled http10:56
ex-parrotyou'll need a redirect, ideally you want an HSTS header so the browser only ever connects over HTTP once10:56
ex-parrotideally ideally the whole debian.net gets an HSTS preload but I can understand that is prob not possible yet10:56
joschi see you were never blocked yourself by sites that were https only10:57
ex-parrothow do you mean?10:58
joschit's not like i enabled http without redirect without thought10:58
ex-parrotI just assumed it was an oversight, it's extremely rare on the web now :/10:58
joschi have used enough machines in the past that did either not allow https10:58
joschor was behind a firewall/proxy that did not10:58
ex-parrotI think the risk of that is much smaller than the risk of having folks interactions with the Debian Reform support stuff default to and probably stay entirely over plaintext http10:59
ex-parrotI see you've just killed port 80 now which feels unneccassrily passive agressive :(11:00
ex-parrotI'm trying to help get this in to what I consider to be an uncontroversially good and secure state for everyone to use11:00
joschdo you have an nginx config that does the right thing?11:00
ex-parrotI mainly run Apache, but I can probably find a config11:01
ex-parrotI have no objection to figuring that out, hang on11:01
ex-parrotthis should do it11:03
joschthat looks like it will create a redirect lop11:04
ex-parrotyou could add something like 'add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=86400"' to the TLS server block too to tell browsers to connect over HTTPS in future11:04
joschlets try it out11:04
ex-parrotif your TLS server block listens on 443 and this block listens on 80 it shouldn't loop?11:04
joschah no it does the right thing11:05
ex-parrotsorry I realised I was being weirdly mean about this11:05
joschno worries11:05
joschwe all feel strongly about something11:05
ex-parrotthat patch fixes the rescue flash script on my machine11:05
ex-parrotI made the messages slightly more descriptive but that might be diverging from upstream too much, idk11:06
joschyes, i see how it works11:06
joschbut i want to solve this is a different way11:06
ex-parrotyeah fair enough11:06
joschbecause otherwise, i will also fork reform-tools11:06
ex-parrotthis script seems quite fragile11:06
joschit is11:06
ex-parrotah no we do have a redirect loop now11:07
joschmust've been my browser cache that made it work earlier11:07
ex-parrotfincham@samsa:~$ curl https://reform.debian.net/11:07
ex-parrot<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>11:07
ex-parrotI'd say the most common nginx config there is on the planet is 80->443 by a 301 redirect then serving the application on 443, so it shouldn't be esoteric 11:08
joschi think i have to put this in its own server{} block11:08
ex-parrotyeah that is the usual way I've seen it done11:09
ex-parrotone server block for the port 80 redirect, one serverblock for the 443 / tls vhost11:09
joschnow it works btter11:09
ex-parrotyep looks perfect11:09
ex-parroteverything else seems to be working fine in these images11:10
ex-parrotgnome works, wifi works, browser works, battery measurement is working11:10
ex-parrotI managed one working round trip through suspend / resume11:11
ex-parrotbooting in to the rescue immage from emmc is also working11:16
ex-parrotI'm going to do some boring dev work on this image and see if anything weird happens11:18
joschcool, thank you!11:18
ex-parrotno probs, I really want to help with this thing, sorry again for freaking out about the HTTPS thing :<11:18
ex-parrotidk what is wrong with me sometimes11:18
ex-parrotI've been using Debian since about 1999 and I really just finally want there to be a Canonically Debian Laptop 11:19
ex-parrotNovena was good but didn't make it :/11:19
joschyou came to the right place -- the reform has been my only computer for nearly a year now11:21
ex-parrotmine has been sitting on a shelf for the last year more or less :/11:21
ex-parrotI injured my spine and couldn't do much hobby computer stuff for the last year or so11:21
ex-parrotbut I'm finally getting back in to it now11:22
joschi hope you are recovering well!11:23
ex-parrotfingers crossed11:23
ex-parrotsorry this is extra irrelevant, I think I should actually just go to bed11:23
joschthank you for your help and sleep well :)11:24
ex-parrotthanks for your continued great work josch I will report back on how the image is going in a couple days11:24
joschnice :)11:25
amospalla[m]Hi guys, was there any approximate date for Pocket Reforms?11:26
amospalla[m]Just wondering, no stress at all.11:26
amospalla[m]Does this conversation of yours mean that suspend/resume is working on modern kernel on a reform guys?11:27
ex-parrotit works some of the time11:28
ex-parrotsome people seem to be having more success than others11:28
amospalla[m]That sounds great!, IIRC it didn't work at all some months ago.11:29
ex-parrotanecdotally at least it seems to be more reliable than it was11:29
+ mjw (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)12:07
minuteex-parrot: oh i'm also sorry to hear about your injury and wish you a good recovery13:45
minutehuh, i'm using bluetooth PAN with my iphone by accident on a311d13:46
minuteit works very well13:46
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:04
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)15:42
+ mjw (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)15:49
+ marty_mcfly88 (~marty@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-f06c-aeac-847a-3a14.res6.spectrum.com)16:05
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:09
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)16:29
vkoskivOh, hte a311d has bluetooth too? Very cool!17:25
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)17:28
- marty_mcfly88 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~marty@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-f06c-aeac-847a-3a14.res6.spectrum.com)17:45
+ ajr (uid609314@user/ajr)18:44
+ bgs (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)18:54
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)19:21
- XYZ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~XYZ@78-80-114-28.customers.tmcz.cz)19:32
+ XYZ (~XYZ@37-48-34-1.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)19:46
+ wielaard (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)20:55
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)20:57
+ mjw (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)22:03
- wielaard (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~mjw@213-10-231-91.fixed.kpn.net)22:04
- bgs (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)22:07
+ marty_mcfly88 (~marty@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-eed9-8fa2-3f4a-6b40.res6.spectrum.com)22:26
- marty_mcfly88 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~marty@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-eed9-8fa2-3f4a-6b40.res6.spectrum.com)22:28
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-110-219.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)22:38

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