
+ q66_ (~q66@q66.moe)00:08
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p54bf632f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)00:11
- q66 (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~q66@q66.moe)00:14
- tinybronca[m] (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~tinybronc@2001:470:69fc:105::2:1af6)00:14
+ tinybronca[m] (~tinybronc@2001:470:69fc:105::2:1af6)00:24
vkoskivIs it normal/expected for the LiFePO4 cells to get quite warm when charging? I don't have a thermal camera available, but I estimate 40°C+ by finger feel, at least.01:05
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:20
kfxit's normal, but if they're that warm I might throttle back the current01:35
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)01:37
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)01:38
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:04
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)02:06
- mlarkin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mlarkin@047-048-086-214.biz.spectrum.com)02:16
+ ggoes (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)02:57
flowyjosch: i would be happy to swap motherboards or SOMs or both with you so that you can use the uart. i definitely don't need it04:04
flowyi'm in berlin04:05
flowy(guess i should maybe test that mine works...)04:06
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:09
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)06:12
joschflowy: thank you!! But minute already offered the same and he's also in Berlin and has the advantage of being the official source. ;)06:48
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)07:12
+ mlarkin (~mlarkin@047-048-086-214.biz.spectrum.com)07:14
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)07:49
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)07:51
- Nulo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~Nulo@user/nulo)08:06
+ Nulo (~Nulo@user/nulo)08:22
ex-parrotgot my RISC-V Pi module thing08:37
ex-parrotfor the DevTerm08:37
ex-parrotif anyone wants anything poked at08:37
kfxex-parrot: https://i.imgur.com/B7E8wuq.png08:48
kfxmine apparently made it to seattle and ran out of steam?08:48
kfxex-parrot: how does it run?  is the provided linux install useful?08:53
ex-parrotI had a read through the supplied instructions on how they make the image and it's pretty tortured08:54
ex-parrotI am just writing it to an sd card now...08:54
ex-parrottheir download site doesn't support https even :<08:55
ex-parrotinteresting yours went DHL, mine was FedEx08:55
ex-parrotand arrived ten days ahead of their expected delivery date08:55
kfxluck of the draw08:59
ex-parrotwe've had non-stop thunderstorms for the last week even09:01
ex-parrotfor some reason the R01 disk image is 7.2 GiB09:01
ex-parrotI will be able to boot this in 17 minutes09:03
ex-parrotwhen my high quality SD card finishes writing09:03
ex-parrotok kfx it booted. it's Linux09:24
ex-parrotjust need to try get Debian or something to replace the weirdo rootfs09:24
ex-parrotthis seems like it would be a great platform to run a BSD on09:41
kfxif we could get a decent os on this thing it would be a great machine09:45
ex-parrotI'm not super sold on the keyboard on the clockworkpi 09:45
ex-parrotwould be fun to run this module in the carrier on the reform tho09:45
ex-parrotin a carrier* rather09:46
ex-parrotsince I don't think there is one currently in the works for this standard09:46
kfxI can use the keyboard pretty effectively despite having giant stupid hands09:54
kfxI find I liked the devterm much more once I printed that front cover they put out a 3d file for09:54
kfxbut it's still just a raspberry pi and requires additional patches and stuff so I haven't taken the time to build a real os for it09:55
ex-parrotyeah I printed that cover too09:55
ex-parrotmakes it much easier to just chuck in bag and go bike somewhere09:55
ex-parrotI had a brief go at running the OpenBSD Pi3 image but of course it doesn't know how to talk to the LCD 09:55
ex-parrotI could, and indeed will, play nethack on this09:56
ex-parrotI should probably get some kind of emulation or cross-compilation setup going so I can build the kernel etc09:58
ex-parrotkind of wonder about building some kind of leather or canvas flappy cover09:59
ex-parrotthe bb demo runs pretty acceptably10:01
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)10:12
joschBoostisbetter: I would recommend you do the upgrade rather sooner than later. Reason being that the system you are currently working on is based on Debian unstable and the older your unstable system is, the more problems you can expect wher upgrading to a current version of unstable. The reason for that is, that upgrade guarantees are only made from one stable release to the next. So you definietly 10:28
joschshould't let your current system become older than a year or so or expect problems when upgrading. You could try backing up your current system so that you don't loose anything and then follow the guide here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/issues/15#note_160110:28
* wielaard -> mjw10:59
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)11:57
vkoskivAccording to Molex, the pico lock battery connectors are rated for 30 insertion cycles max. Wonder how conservative that figure is? :D12:02
vkoskivI must have done more than 30 and the connectors still feel like new12:02
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)12:08
sknebelafaik the main issue with such contacts is the gold plating wearing down12:09
sknebelyou dont see that necessarily, and it isnt an outright failure, but it'll go out of spec regarding resistance etc12:09
sknebelor at least they dont want to promise it stays in spec for longer12:10
vkoskivA possible mod then would be to splice a more robust connector inline with the battery cables12:21
Boostisbetterjosch: thanks I'll do that this evening once I get home from work. 12:38
BoostisbetterI agree, I would like to have my system on the same track to make getting updates, etc. possible with breaking the system each upgrade .12:39
flowyjosch: ah good!12:52
Boostisbetterjosch: actually I think I have already done that script once. I suppose I need to check on which repos I am using. 13:01
flowyoooh i just received the MNT purple standalone keyboard, anodized purple w/ white switches! loving this13:10
flowycan't wait to swap the pcb into my reform so that the sounds of my clicky switches will drown out the obnoxious cell phone speaker callers on the train!!13:11
flowybut this is extremely sexy.13:12
flowyminute: thanks13:12
flowyso glad it uses usb-c. i hate how flimsy micro usb is13:15
flowyit's hilarious that i have the same trouble typing quickly on it that i initially had with the reform. it becomes obvious that we train ourselves to use different keyboards contextually. like my brain switches without me knowing, when i switch between reform and a standalone kb on my desk.13:20
flowyprobably won't take long to adjust and now there will be consistency13:20
vkoskivTook me 2 days of adjusting, I type my normal full 90-100wpm on the reform now.13:20
vkoskivSome people say the stagger/layout is a dealbreaker, I don't see it.13:21
vkoskivI had a theory that those folks learned typing the 'proper' way, whereas I just kind of organically learned13:21
flowyi did find it a bit annoying at first but yeah, just adjusted over time too.13:21
vkoskivThe Reform is also my first daily drive system with an en-us layout, all my other keyboards are fi13:21
vkoskivI quite prefer the en-us for programming.13:22
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)13:22
vkoskivHitting compose+"+{a,o} to get ä and ö is a bit annoying, but I think I can solve that with some custom key combo/layer.13:22
vkoskivI also mostly type english anyway.13:22
flowyvkoskiv: what's a more ergo setup for those chars for you?13:23
flowyor i guess the fi keyboard just had them dedicated13:23
vkoskivYeah fi keyboard has them where en-us has ; and '13:26
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)13:30
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@wlan-145-94-167-33.wlan.tudelft.nl)13:30
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)13:37
flowyi might get a second :313:39
flowythe kailh whites are as i hoped. it's not about the sound for me, as the feeling. i want this in my reform + standalone13:41
minuteflowy: nice @ purple+white13:41
minutethe white switches are really great yes13:41
minutei made a custom trackball for myself with 'em, it's also really nice13:41
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)13:46
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:02
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p54bf6140.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)14:06
flowyBoostisbetter: i've been running sysimagev3 since february and have encountered maybe 1 or 2 breaking changed during apt upgrades. i don't think either were reform specific. i can't quite remember. both were easy to fix14:23
flowyrunning debian unstable does require the right mindset. i've had to adjust from being a chronic apt updater to asking myself- is now the right time to risk breakage? do i have time to do that sort of thing today? :)14:25
flowyi take some comfort by using the flatpak chromium. i can go for months without upgrading my debian packages, while still upgrading flatpak daily and keeping my browser up to date.14:26
flowyanother thing i've considered is trying some form of snapshotting before apt updates. in the end i think this is more hassle than it's worth though, and just taking care to upgrade at the right time is a better approach.14:27
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:08
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)16:09
bkeysOkay I have had the weekend to rest, time to get back at putting Fedora on the Reform16:17
bkeysjosch: I cannot get my Reform to boot from SD card16:24
bkeysI get some error about "Begin: Running /scripts/local-block ... done." about 20 times then it goes to busy box16:25
- frank2 (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~frank2@juicy.frank2.net)16:28
+ frank2 (~frank2@juicy.frank2.net)16:28
Boostisbetterflowy: well I'm updating the system now via apt upgrade. 16:29
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)16:38
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)16:38
BoostisbetterI'll you all know how it goes. I don't really feel like fixing anything but we'll see. 16:40
bkeysminute: Do you know what that message is about?16:58
Boostisbetterwhelp just finished restarting and everything seems to be working just fine. 17:01
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)17:05
Boostisbettervery pleasantly surprised about that. Things even feel a bit snappier in Sway17:08
Boostisbetterhow excellent17:08
Boostisbetterjust need to see if the suspend script is still working. 17:10
Boostisbetterand suspend worked great! Woot!17:32
bkeysminute, josch: I have tried with several images on the SD card; I have no clue why I keep getting that message and it failing18:02
bkeysI know I am set to boot from SD card because if it isn't present it will not output anything18:03
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~MajorBisc@wlan-145-94-167-33.wlan.tudelft.nl)18:35
joschBoostisbetter: Okay, wow i'm happy that worked for you. :)18:37
joschbkeys: the message is a red herring -- you have to read further up in the log to see what's actually happening. I suspend the initrd fails to find your rootfs and then gives up and drops you to busybox.18:38
joschbkeys: which image did you put onto your sdcard exactly?18:38
joschI'm currently trying out this to see if I can reproduce your problem: wget https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/793/facts/raw/reform2-imx8mq/reform-system.img.gz && gzip -cd reform-system.img.gz |  dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=10M status=progress18:49
joschbkeys: the image I linked in my last message boots fine from sd-card for me18:56
joschbkeys: in the context of you trying to get fedora to boot you might also be interested in this thing I started to write: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-handbook/-/issues/218:57
joschi'm afk now but back in about 2 hours18:57
+ mark_ (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:37
Boostisbetterjosch: Yeah for a minute I thought that I was having some issues with wi-fi but I deleted the connection and re-added it and everything is super solid network wise again. 19:43
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)19:44
* mark_ -> mjw19:44
+ wielaard (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)19:45
bkeysjosch: I did exactly what you said and it does the same thing19:52
bkeysOh my gosh it does this no matter what20:04
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)20:13
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)20:14
bkeysminute, josch: I cannot get this laptop to boot any of your images20:19
bkeysIt keeps going to busybox20:19
bkeysWhich doesn't make sense, the uboot is coming from the SD card which I don't modify at all20:19
bkeysI mean in uboot it looks like a valid root partition20:27
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)20:46
Boostisbetterit seems like updating has finally brought a build of Chromium along that isn't crashing when using the tab suspender extension. 21:32
Boostisbetterminute: btw, I just watched a interview you did with hackster cafe, and I have to say that I'm jelly of your black hinges on your personal Reform. 21:42
Boostisbetterminute: j/k of course, but those do look nice. 21:49
kfxBoostisbetter: https://www.armysurplusworld.com/black-out-emblem-refinisher  :)21:50
slwhere in the repo is the u-boot configuration?22:16
kfxit's all in https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-boundary-uboot/ except for the source for boot.scr, which I can't find22:19
kfxI'm not even clear that it's using boot.scr any more?22:19
slthanks :)22:20
slhey it's only 4.2mb of files22:21
joschsl: more precisely, it's here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-boundary-uboot/-/blob/master/include/configs/nitrogen8m_som.h22:23
joschkfx: yes, it is. I now wrote it all up here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-handbook/-/issues/222:23
joschsl: the source for boot.scr is here: https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/flash-kernel/-/blob/master/bootscript/all/bootscr.uboot-generic22:24
slthe issues link wants a login22:25
joschoh no...22:26
joschi thought that was public22:26
sli'm fully ignorant of u-boot, but i thought i'd read through some of this22:26
sljosch: maybe it just wants me to be signed into gitlab in general22:27
joschsl: i cannot confirm -- the issues link works well even on a browser profile without my login cookie22:27
joschsame on a totally different browser -- i wonder why your browser redirects you to a login page instead22:28
sl"You need to sign up or sign in to continue"22:28
slyeah, tried with fennec and vivaldi22:28
joschdid you maybe copy the link wrongly?22:28
sli'll check later on a real computer22:29
slthat was it, terminal program mangled tbe url22:29
slwe want to build a u-boot that starts with graphics already turned on, so the u-boot menu can be manipulated without hooking up a serial cable22:31
slwould make alternate os stuff a lot easier22:31
joschyes, that would be great22:32
joschbut it's also extremely tricky to turn on the internal display -- progress on that front has only very recently been made by cinap_lenrek who found out how to do this for plan9.22:33
joschsl: check out the very bottom of irc logs from two days ago: https://mntre.com/reform-irc-logs/2022-06-11.log.html22:34
slhe wanted help with the drudgery while he works on pci and usb stuff22:35
sli don't anticipate being useful, personally, but i felt pretty guilty!22:35
slso i'm going to read up, at least22:35
joschdon't feel guilty -- think about the kind of hero you would be if you manage to pull this off :)22:37
slwell, at least i'll understand what he's complaining about22:41
cinap_lenrekjosch: the code isnt the hard part23:01
cinap_lenrekbut i'd need at least a couple of days to prepare a good workflow23:01
vkoskivcinap_lenrek: I had a glance through the source code an I can't really understand a thing :D23:17
vkoskivIt clearly requires a bunch of context/domain specific knowledge23:18
vkoskivBut I do know for a fact that the code is flipping a bunch of bits around to do things.23:18
vkoskivC is, after all, merely a domain-specific language for manipulating computer memory.23:18
cinap_lenrekvkoskiv: thats what pretty much every driver does ;)23:18
cinap_lenrekthe hardest part was trying to figure out mipi-dsi23:19
vkoskivI want to dive into kernel stuff, but it's a bit overwhelming every time I try.23:19
cinap_lenreksigrid had a very good document linked23:19
cinap_lenrekthat helped me alot23:19
vkoskivAt least with linux stuff everything is C so I don't have that additional obfuscation to deal with23:19
cinap_lenrekin the end, you just feed the timing parameters in the registers23:19
vkoskivAnd the way you figure out the params is documented somewhere23:20
vkoskivVery cool work though! Excited to see u-boot video support appear.23:20
cinap_lenrekthey'r default params23:20
cinap_lenreki didnt not have access to the dsi spec23:20
cinap_lenrekbut that nxp tutorial had the tables with all the parameters23:21
cinap_lenrekthey'r also in the RM23:21
vkoskivWhich repo has the mr?23:21
cinap_lenrekbut that document is not so helpfull trying to learn how dsi works23:21
vkoskivAh, that's the one you get by signing up right?23:22
cinap_lenrekthe other one from sigrid was mipi-dsi-AN13573.pdf23:22
vkoskivI haven't downloaded that stuff yet.23:22
cinap_lenrekvkoskiv: you can find it by googling23:22
vkoskivAh, neat.23:22
cinap_lenrekbut yeah, this also pisses me off23:22
vkoskivFor now I'm happy just doing tweaks to the keyboard/lpc fw, but I now also have a really good excuse to delve deeper into linux internals than before.23:23
cinap_lenrekoh yeah23:23
cinap_lenrekthe lpc firmware is nice23:23
vkoskivI did a little patch to the oopsie where hitting circle+1 hard-reboots the system.23:23
vkoskiv(I hit it a few times while messing around :D)23:24
cinap_lenreki need some help with the trackball23:24
vkoskivI'm so used to esc with vim that I kept dismissing the display with that instead of the Any Key, so I was more prone to hitting 1 instead.23:24
cinap_lenreki have to completely relearn how to use a mouse23:24
cinap_lenreki'v used to only work on thinkpads with a trackpoint23:24
vkoskivI like this trackball, it's very ergonomic to mouse around with my thumbs while keeping other fingers near the home row.23:25
cinap_lenrekthe issue is the mouse buttons23:25
cinap_lenrekplan9 heavily uses 3 button mouse23:25
vkoskivI used to use solely trackpoint stuff in the '00s, but it's been so long that I no longer prefer it on my work thinkpad.23:25
cinap_lenreki'm thinking about ignoring the trackballs buttons and just put the mouse keys on F1,F2,F323:25
kfxall three buttons are present and accounted for23:26
cinap_lenrekbut i'm always tempted to drive the ball with index finger23:26
cinap_lenreki dont know, my thumbs dont feel precise enougth23:26
cinap_lenrektho i guess thats what i have to learn23:26
vkoskivI've never tried plan9. I googled around earlier to recall what made it cool.23:27
kfxI await my bearing-equipped trackball cup, it's gonna be great23:27
vkoskivkfx: I have it. Can't compare to non-bearing, but it's very nice23:28
vkoskivI know of smoother ones, but those are from the 90s - the golden age of trackballs.23:28
cinap_lenrekanyway, i'd like some tips how to use trackball efficiently23:29
sigridI learned to trackball in drawterm pretty fast, imo it's better than a trackpoint23:29
vkoskivPB150 has a rather fancy setup with a polished ball riding on synthetic ruby bearings23:29
vkoskivBut the 90s ones all used rotary encoders.23:30
vkoskivI'm tempted to mod my trackball with white switches to get that clickyness23:30
vkoskivThe PowerBook trackballs all have really nice, fluid, bouncy microswitches in there. A bit loud but satisfying.23:30
cinap_lenreksigrid: nice23:34
minutevkoskiv: things that come to mind re: plan9: unicode, namespaces, bitmap terminals, 9p fs, cpu servers, rc shell, acme23:34
minute(i'm not an experienced user though)23:34
minutealso the codebase is kind of small?23:34
minutelinuxemu also funny23:35
minutea lot of stuff works by passing around text23:35
minutesigrid: oh yeah23:35
minuteit's kind of like the future of unix that never was23:36
minuteand all that could have been!23:36
cinap_lenrekminute: everything is mall and simple in plan923:36
minuteforgot fossil23:37
cinap_lenrekminute: fossil sucks23:37
kfxvkoskiv: I have considered ordering ruby bearings and modifying my stock trackball cup, but I'd screw it up23:37
kfxminute: we forgot fossil as a matter of policy23:38
cinap_lenrekthe idea is neat but the implementation was rushed23:38
minutekfx: i see23:38
cinap_lenrekand then the authors left and everyone had to deal with constant deadlocks and data corruptions23:38
minuteit's kind of like a snapshotting fs for backups or something?23:38
kfxthe maintainers would fix one bug per decade and each time declare the software free of flaws23:38
cinap_lenrekminute: its still here23:38
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)23:38
cinap_lenrekwe use kenfs/cwfs fileserver23:39
cinap_lenrekit also provides snapshots23:39
cinap_lenrektho theres no crash resistance (except the worm)23:40
cinap_lenrekthe hole system was really designed for a networked environment23:40
cinap_lenrekwhere you have a big fileserver with disks and everything else uses it over the network23:40
cinap_lenrekbut it is still usable23:41
cinap_lenrekanyway, programming is fun in plan923:42
cinap_lenrekeverything is so light and easy and no legacy bullshit23:42
sigridon my rpi4 with 1gb ram 9front's userland builds & installs in 4 minutes23:43
sigridit could be faster, probably, if the fs wasn't on a usb flash drive23:43

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