
vkoskivWhat I've been doing is just umounting /boot after boot and then yanking the card out00:02
vkoskivNot sure if that's a correct thing to do00:02
vkoskivI hit circle+x and now my keyboard is frozen00:07
vkoskiv(I admit, I was browsing the firmware code and wondered what that option does :D)00:07
kfxvkoskiv: my favorite Stupid Keyboard Trick is circle-0 on the usb standalone keyboard00:07
vkoskivNot sure how to fix this00:08
vkoskivI can't even turn the thing off00:08
kfxvkoskiv: ssh into it?00:08
vkoskivNot enabled _D00:08
vkoskivI'll plug a usb keeb in00:08
vkoskivRebooted. Yanked the battery cables to fix it00:11
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)00:15
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)00:48
minutecircle-x is enter USB flashing mode00:53
minuteyou can't leave that mode without resetting the keyboard or flashing a firmware yeah00:54
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc1f:5600:518c:c264:c8fd:1f6b)01:00
Asmadeusnice keyboard firmwares improvement btw, I've updated mine recently from last year's version (it's been a while!) and have been quite happy with it (layers and that flashing feature)01:01
Asmadeusdidn't check with the reform version but for the standalone one some media keys aren't getting through though, need to check why/what's going wrong01:01
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:19
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p54bf61d7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)01:20
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@
klardotshhowdy folks. anyone manage to evidently brick their displays on day two of owning their Reforms? because that's evidently where I'm at. popped the back off to install a wifi antenna, reassembled, and now I get screen backlight but no actual content on screen, on any OS (I've reflashed the SD a few times)01:54
klardotshpopped it back open, removed wifi antenna, no change01:54
klardotshI suppose it's possible I shorted something, though I have no evidence to suggest that so far01:55
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7b3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)02:04
+ erle (~erle@ip5f5af7b3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)02:09
kfxklardotsh: do you have a serial cable?02:38
kfxe.g. https://www.adafruit.com/product/954 or similar02:38
klardotshhmmmmmmm somewhere, probably. I'd have to go digging for it, and I'm not certain of what pins are on the device end, but probably.02:42
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)02:44
kfxklardotsh: that would at least tell you if the thing is starting at all02:45
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)02:47
* bkeys1 -> bkeys02:47
klardotshI could have sworn I had at least two FDTI serial adapters in this house. what the hell box could they have ended up in....04:00
klardotshACTION uproots entire house, realizing he could probably instead just bitbang this out on a RP2040 in half the time04:00
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:09
- bkeys (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)04:13
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)05:08
mtmklardotsh: did you maybe jostle the display connector on the main board?05:14
klardotshmtm: I've reseated it twice now since doing the antenna connect05:22
klardotshunless I sheared a cable inside the hot glue, that cable should be fine05:22
klardotshgetting backlight especially makes me think it might be alright05:22
klardotsh(er, I guess that only means the backlight pins are okay....)05:23
klardotshalright, I had exactly two FDTI serial adapters in the house. first one was DOA (never showed up in dmesg on the desktop), second one shows up. let's see what this bad boy says.05:42
klardotshmtm: kfx: I'm at a Debian login prompt over UART (system image v3; though the "no display" issue was same on NixOS)05:44
klardotshbrightnessctl works too05:46
klardotsh[   10.092027] ti_sn65dsi86 3-002c: [drm:ti_sn_bridge_enable [ti_sn65dsi86]] *ERROR* Link training failed, link is off (-5)05:55
klardotshah that seems bad05:55
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)05:56
kfxI wonder if it's booting with a wrong device tree or something06:07
klardotshThe bigger question to me in that case would be "how?". Prior to the "sudo poweroff" to put the wifi antennae on I was rocking a NixOS SD card and just getting ready to set up the ZFS root on NVME at TTY. next boot, no display (despite same SD contents)06:11
klardotshand now this failure is on the sys image v3 from gitlab06:11
klardotshI wouldn't expect to see two OSes each with wrong DTBs, though nothing's impossible06:11
kfxhave you ever moved the switch under the heatsink?  06:32
kfxI basically immediately started playing games with which boot files the system sources from which storage medium, so I've painted myself into a corner before06:32
klardotshI tried that this evening to try to boot the recovery OS at one point to see if it would do anything differently (it didn't, I put the switch back and reinstalled the heatsink)06:32
kfxlooks like that process is nondeterministic at best : https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20201002135920.1.I2adbc90b2db127763e2444bd5a4e5bf30e1db8e5@changeid/T/06:34
kfxhave you tried disconnecting the batteries and power and bringing it up from a cold boot again?06:35
klardotshhmmmm I've disconnected the batteries and power at various points, but I suppose I haven't done anything to explicitly drain the caps, if that makes any difference here06:36
klardotshlemme give this thing the ol Circle-0 and disconnect everything for a min06:37
klardotshone more thing to note, I just now tried a reboot with no wireless card plugged in. no difference, so it doesn't appear to be the case of RF interference described on the forums06:38
kfxwhen you reseated the video cable did you reseat both ends?06:39
klardotshhmmmm no, I've never even seen the other end of the cable tbqh06:39
klardotshshould I go ahead and rip the lid enclosure apart for kicks?06:39
kfxI dunno, part of me thinks if it worked before it should still work and the other part of me disassembles the planet to double check06:41
kfxanother choice is to crank up loglevel=7 in the kernel command line, and see if you get useful information near that link training failure06:42
klardotshif I had time this weekend to just totally make a wreck of my house I'd find the mobo schematics in kicad and start toying around with a multimeter to make sure I didn't fry anything in the disp accel or gpu links somehow06:42
klardotshthere's a miniscule but possible chance I zapped something, IIRC (it's been hours so I don't fully remember) I may have left the batts connected when plugging in antennae because "well, it's antennas dude, I'm not doing NVME/PCIe work"06:43
klardotshhm. is there a way to intercept uboot over UART to override cmdline or should i mount the sd on desktop and screw with files there?06:43
kfxI do the latter06:46
kfxbut only because I don't know u-boot worth a damn06:46
kfxwhen I installed the huge antennae on my reform, I dropped the little brass connector, and it hit the mainboard, and somehow in that split second drained my rtc battery, so my rtc didn't work until I went to a drugstore and bought a new one06:47
kfxfrom then forward I took the 'disconnect batteries' warning a little more seriously06:47
klardotshhm. I could go the ENTIRE way back to square one maybe - is the system image that came from the factory still around anywhere?06:53
kfxI had a bookmark to imx8mq-mnt-reform2-system-2020-06-05.img.gz but it was back when source.mnt.re was a gitea install so it's broken now :/06:59
klardotshwait what the actual f?07:16
klardotshGPU is (I think) not hardware fried? maybe? plugged in an HDMI cable. I see pre-boot gfx very, VERY briefly (looks like CPU training RAM maybe; I've seen this output in UART)07:17
klardotshI'm now 10x more confused than when I started07:17
klardotshwhen OS comes up, obvs Linux isn't initing DRM successfully, so no gfx past that point07:17
kfxthis is a wild bug07:18
klardotshjust to make sure I'm not hallucinating I just Circle07:21
klardotsh-0'd and Circle-1'd. I see the "BIOS" on HDMI just fine07:21
kfxso I think the chip that is failing to train is the one that translates the mipi dsi video to something the panel can take in (edp)07:23
kfxwhich means either the chip is malfunctioning or the panel is, or something in between?07:24
kfxin that case it would make sense that hdmi is working, since that's a different hardware path from the gpu07:24
klardotshI should clarify that HDMI does not work in OS. just in pre-boot07:25
klardotshonce uboot takes over, I have no graphics anywhere at all07:25
klardotshI dunno if that changes your hypothesis at all, nor do I know how to continue isolating failure paths from here off the top of my head. down to try basically anything tho.07:26
kfxI'm out of ideas, unfortunately07:31
klardotshty for the help this far though!07:41
kfxif I didn't live on the wrong side of the state I'd just bring mine over and we could troubleshoot by swapping parts07:43
joschklardotsh: with the recent sysimage-v3, uboot should output to hdmi -- maybe you want to try that?07:55
klardotshjosch: that's what's currently in the SD slot07:57
klardotshwhatever the last green build on GL CI was as of yesterday (I know tip of master was failing, but the next commit down was passing IIRC)07:58
klardotshI'm absolutely spitballing at this point but I wonder, since I know "poweroff" from OS is slightly different than Circle-0, if I managed to get the display controllers into some funkadelic state, and with eDP not able to init, kernel DRM gives up on the whole GPU and thus I also get no HDMI in OS?08:00
klardotshthat started sounding dumber and dumber in my head as I wrote it, remembering that I have HDMI in u-boot, but... whatever, it's a half-baked idea.08:01
klardotshupdate: ran "reform-display-config dual" and now have full HDMI output, so it's only the eDP that's busted09:18
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc1f:5600:72bd:2e5c:4221:2d73)10:27
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc1f:5600:72bd:2e5c:4221:2d73)11:06
minuteklardotsh: connector on the display side loose perhaps?11:46
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc1f:5600:1db:79aa:6ee1:a01a)12:54
joschinteresting... the eremit lifepo4 batteries are dark purple colored13:13
joschi was hoping for a brighter color as in their photo https://www.eremit.de/p/18650-3-2v-2-000mah-lifepo4 but oh well, I can just get my favourite color heat shrink tubing :)13:20
joschagain I'd like to extend the offer to the members of this channel: I have 7 barely used JGNE 18650 1800 mAh batteries that I don't need anymore -- if you pay for the shipping, then you can have them for free (i'm located in germany, so a destination somewhere in europe is probably best)13:21
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc1f:5600:1db:79aa:6ee1:a01a)13:41
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p54bf66aa.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)14:06
+ mjw (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)14:19
joschminute: I finally found some time to try and replicate the problem you reported last week about "reform-display-config dual" leading to an unbootable system -- with the current sysimage-v3 with linux 5.18 I don't get any output on the internal display nor on hdmi after running that command15:13
minuteah damn15:14
minutebut thanks for reproducing. can we roll back the kernel version to a known good one?15:15
minute(not sure if i can bisect this next week)15:15
joschrolling back is a bit difficult because even if we put an older kernel version into the repository, apt will only always consider the highest versioned packages for installation candidates. We'd also have to somehow reproduce the old artifacts and let the CI machinery ship those. Before attempting to do all that, I'd also like to confirm that this issue really is solved by using an older kernel version.15:19
josch(which is difficult for me because I don't own any HDMI hardware myself and my serial is borked :D)15:19
minutewe should swap your imx8m module asap15:20
minuteand get you an hdmi monitor :D15:20
joschyou think it's the module and not the board?15:20
minutei think high probability it's the module, there's nothing on the motherboard except the traces and connectors. could be soldering issue on sodimm connector manifesting late, but improbable15:21
minutei can sponsor a hdmi monitor or decklink usb hdmi grabber for you, whichever you prefer15:21
joschLucas Stach also told me that he plans to create a single dtb for the reform, including hdmi support for the patch that he plans to submit mainline.15:22
minuteoh wow ok15:22
minutegood to know he has hdmi in the works!!15:22
minutethat patch is really a big wart right now15:22
joschoh no, no need to sponsor anything! i only need hdmi for the reform, so me borrowing the monitor for the time I need it for testing totally works :)15:22
minuteok, we'll send you a monitor and imx8m module for testing if it is the serial, if not, i need to look at the motherboard15:23
minuteif it fixes the serial i mean15:23
joschhm... i'd certainly appreciate a imx8m module to test whether that's the culprit15:24
joschbut i thought you sold all you had?15:25
minutewe recently got a few more trickling in15:26
minuteliterally trickling :D15:26
joschkfx: I just tried the distro_bootcmd branch again and flashed that u-boot to my sd-card. I'm not able to reproduce your findings from   http://sciops.net/paste/1654891315.cb36eecb15:29
vkoskivIf I flash the firmware for the keyboard and LPC, which order should I do it in?15:43
minutevkoskiv: i would say keyboard first15:45
vkoskivCool, I'll go about doing that now. I assume anything in master15:45
vkoskivmaster/main is safe to flash?*15:45
vkoskivI'll use my reform analog, the old Fujitsu machine to do the flashing. Only seems appropriate.15:46
vkoskivThat machine was incredible, I've had it since 2008.15:46
joschkfx: and the u-boot flash.bin produced by the CI also worked fine for me -- can you check again?15:55
vkoskivKeeb flashed! Now to do the LPC16:01
vkoskivActually the LPC is at R3 20210925 which appears to be the current revision?16:03
vkoskivLooking at git logs, there appears to be a bunch of changes since that revision was put in there.16:05
vkoskivI'd personally put a git hash in place of a revision number like that, I'd like to know exactly which git commit is running on there.16:06
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:09
minutevkoskiv: yeah, that would be better16:16
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)18:10
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)18:11
vkoskivI flashed the LPC and now it no longer responds.18:21
vkoskivI reset it a few times and pulled the battery connectors, still not responding.18:22
vkoskivFlashed it a second time, still nothing.18:24
vkoskivLatest 1a9c21 commit. Any known issues with the lpc fw there?18:27
vkoskivAand resolved. The post by plattfot on the forum mentioned the lpcrc step18:35
vkoskivThat's the only difference I think18:35
vkoskivBefore I compiled it on the reform and copied the bin to another laptop to flash, and this time I compiled it on the laptop that flashed it. Potentially another difference18:35
vkoskivBut the LPC responds now :D18:35
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)19:11
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)19:12
vkoskivWith andwithout the lpcrc step, the resulting firmware binaries did differ.20:01
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)20:01
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)20:02
vkoskivI want to add a refresh key for the oled menu. So I don22:02
vkoskivSo I don't have to hit circle+b to refresh the battery screen, for instance22:03
joschsince the keyboard knows when the reform is plugged in because of negative mAh, can the circle+b screen not refresh automatically at a fixed interval as long as the drawn power is negative (i.e. it's charging)22:17
joschotherwise, as it is right now, we just get a static display that is quickly outdated after a few minutes22:17
cinap_lenrekand the clock code22:44
minutecinap_lenrek: great stuff!!22:48
minutebluerise: check this out22:48
cinap_lenreki can also make you register traces22:49
cinap_lenrekjust need to comment out these lines22:49
cinap_lenreki thought uboot already has i2c infrastructure so my i2c driver isnt too interesting22:49
cinap_lenrekand clocks22:49
cinap_lenreksorry for it being a bit hacky22:50
- kfx (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~kfx@wopr.sciops.net)23:17
+ kfx (~kfx@wopr.sciops.net)23:43
cinap_lenrekbluerise: i posted some code for the lcd setup23:59

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