#reform | Logs for 2018-11-21

[00:13:33] -!- vervein [vervein!~vervein@5-49-241-78.hfc.dyn.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #reform
[00:13:55] -!- vervein has quit [Client Quit]
[01:34:24] -!- bkeys [bkeys!~Thunderbi@c-76-17-206-162.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #reform
[02:12:09] -!- adjtm_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:12:28] -!- adjtm_ [adjtm_!~adjtm@71.red-83-37-49.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #reform
[04:56:47] -!- bkeys has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[09:49:04] -!- vervein [vervein!~vervein@5-49-241-78.hfc.dyn.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #reform
[18:59:44] -!- bkeys [bkeys!32ce09ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #reform
[18:59:55] <bkeys> What kind of connector is the reform's laptop going to use?
[19:00:04] <bkeys> A ribbon cable of sorts I imply?
[19:06:04] <bkeys> Nvm, reading about it in the manual
[19:10:26] <specing> The one necessary to make a good connection
[19:16:45] <bkeys> Does anyone know where you can order Cherry ML switches?
[19:16:52] <bkeys> I've never heard of them
[19:17:03] <adjtm_> bkeys, you asked about what kind of connector but not for what propose, and then you wrote "a ribbon cable of sorts I imply?" which is a cable and not a connector
[19:17:39] <bkeys> s/laptop/keyboard
[19:17:46] <specing> bkeys: china?
[19:17:51] <bkeys> I was wondering how the keyboard connected to the main board but then read it in the manual
[19:17:53] <bkeys> specing: Website?
[19:20:24] <specing> bkeys: aliexpress.com, ebay.com, ...
[19:21:06] <bkeys> Couldn't find any on eBay, I can try aliexpress
[19:22:51] <bkeys> Don't seem to be on aliexpress either
[19:23:12] <specing> digikey, arrow, mouser, farnell?
[19:23:23] <specing> octopart should search them all
[19:24:12] <bkeys> https://octopart.com
[19:24:19] <bkeys> Seems like we get a preassembled keyboard at best
[20:07:25] <vervein> You can get gateron switches on aliexpress, the quality is comparable to cherry mx
[20:07:51] <vervein> some say it's even better, I don't really know enough about it
[20:08:17] <vervein> to tell by myself*
[20:52:02] <bkeys> vervein: Yeah but I don't know if that would fit inside of the reform's chassis
[22:04:10] -!- Jookia has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:04:50] -!- Jookia [Jookia!~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia] has joined #reform
[23:28:37] -!- bkeys has quit [Quit: Page closed]