#reform | Logs for 2018-11-20

[01:19:07] -!- wiedi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:01:05] -!- bkeys [bkeys!~Thunderbi@c-76-17-206-162.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #reform
[03:01:17] -!- lanodan has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[03:03:51] -!- lanodan [lanodan!~lanodan@] has joined #reform
[04:22:48] -!- pretec_ [pretec_!~pretec@i577BC1BB.versanet.de] has joined #reform
[04:25:42] -!- pretec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[04:29:03] -!- lanodan has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[04:30:01] -!- lanodan [lanodan!~lanodan@] has joined #reform
[05:18:16] -!- Jookia has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:22:28] -!- Jookia [Jookia!~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia] has joined #reform
[06:32:45] -!- pretec [pretec!~pretec@i577BC1EF.versanet.de] has joined #reform
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[06:52:45] -!- bkeys has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[07:26:51] -!- wiedi [wiedi!~wiedi@ip5b40efc7.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #reform
[12:52:19] -!- Jookia has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[12:54:26] -!- Jookia [Jookia!~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia] has joined #reform
[13:07:34] -!- bkeys [bkeys!~Thunderbi@c-76-17-206-162.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #reform
[13:10:12] -!- bkeys has quit [Client Quit]
[13:49:33] <adjtm_> mntmn, is imx driver needed?
[14:26:41] -!- zakx has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[14:31:56] -!- zakx [zakx!zakx@yolo.pro] has joined #reform
[15:01:34] <mntmn> yes
[18:23:46] <mntmn> reform was mailed out to crowdsupply today, it should arrive there on friday. i really hope that there won't be any customs problems etc because of the battery.
[18:24:01] <mntmn> i'm building the third one now.
[18:36:54] <specing> mailed to crowdsupply? Doesen't crowdsupply only operate as an "escow" and promotion place?
[18:41:43] <adjtm_> specing, no, crowdsupply is not only a crowdfunding company, but it handles sells and logistics (mntmn correct me if I'm wrong)
[18:42:16] <adjtm_> after the funding campaign success, it works as an e-market
[18:42:40] <mntmn> correct
[18:42:50] <mntmn> and they need one preproduction unit before anything starts
[18:43:01] <mntmn> to make sure it's real :) and they will take photos etc
[18:44:46] <adjtm_> that's what I understood, they also care for the project viability
[18:45:29] <mntmn> yes
[18:45:52] <specing> crowdsupply did not care at all about Libreboot project warnings that Purism is a scam
[18:46:02] <mntmn> specing, explain?
[18:46:19] <adjtm_> I suppose that it's the main reason why nearly every funded crowdsupply project fulfills and many hardware projects in other crowdfunded sites don't
[18:46:29] <specing> they did deliver computers, but they were whitebox units ordered to specification at ODMs
[18:46:33] <specing> and they did not even bother porting Coreboot to them
[18:46:39] <specing> let alone any libre firmware
[18:46:55] <specing> understandable, as the latter would be impossible on latest generation intel platforms
[18:47:36] <mntmn> found https://www.phoronix.com
[18:48:58] <mntmn> btw i wonder why nobody has done a commented disassembly of the imx6 boot rom yet. it is very easy to read out
[18:49:28] <specing> No user of the novena?
[18:49:28] <mntmn> and because everything is memory mapped you can follow what devices it talks to etc
[18:49:45] <mntmn> specing, i haven't found anything yet, maybe it's just not easily google-able
[18:50:11] <mntmn> i poked around with hopper in it one afternoon and it was promising, but i didn't have enough time
[18:50:40] <adjtm_> specing, I agree that their initial statements were at least misleading marketing staff and that their original specifications were specially bad for freedom (nvidia gpu, a very bad CPU choice...)
[18:51:01] <mntmn> librem make an interesting i.mx8 thing now though
[18:51:26] <adjtm_> but they delivered a working device (something that many other crowdfunded can't say)
[18:51:41] <mntmn> and they use kicad so it will be interesting to poke around in the design
[18:52:35] <adjtm_> and they improved their design with better choices (removed nvidia gpu, better cpu, hardware switches...) and finally started selling with coreboot (not fully open)
[18:54:18] <adjtm_> specing, I was very skeptic from the beginning so I didn't even considered it, but Librem exceeded my expectations
[18:55:52] <specing> adjtm_: you'd be better served by a modern thinkpad
[18:55:58] <specing> better in every way
[18:56:07] <adjtm_> anyway novena and reform are much better choices for a more free laptop
[18:56:08] <adjtm_> :)
[18:57:17] <specing> asus c201 chromebook is something that is very free and can be purchased from an established manufacturer
[18:57:50] <specing> I made my research and settled on librebooted montevina thinkpads, as a compromise
[20:37:47] -!- pretec [pretec!~pretec@i577BC1EF.versanet.de] has joined #reform
[21:37:29] <mntmn> i wonder why noone makes open source ryzen embedded boards for example... in general open x86 boards seem to be rare
[21:41:28] -!- pretec has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:01:45] <specing> there are no open source ryzen processors
[22:02:09] <specing> they have PSP, a philosophical equivalent to the ME
[22:02:28] <specing> and besides, good luck getting board design docs from AMD
[22:02:52] <specing> mntmn: what is being made however, are IBM POWER9 boards
[22:02:56] <Jookia> mntmn: i imagine it would be due to manufacturing complexity and inability to to get the time of day if you aren't selling a million units, lack of documentation, and mostly importantly for an open source board: lack of firmware code
[22:02:59] <specing> high high end with the price to match
[22:04:00] <Jookia> the open hardware boards i've seen generally aren't set to make a profit
[22:04:21] <Jookia> at least, not the ones that end up on crowdsupply
[22:04:34] <swivel> specing: is there any other than the Talos?
[22:05:17] <swivel> which BTW there is the Talos Lite that lowers the cost considerably, but the motherboard is still ~1.2k iirc
[22:05:27] <specing> no
[22:05:49] <specing> Talos is both the only open POWER9 motherboard AND the cheapest of all POWER9 motherboards
[22:06:10] <specing> which is a rare combination, even when considering its high price tag
[22:10:48] <Jookia> even as an avid open hardwarer, i really can't see myself getting a talos given how high the price tag is. not for the price, but because i can just imagine the hell with driver/firmware support and bugs from being on a non-standard arch that's hard to get a handle on
[22:12:07] <Jookia> usually with ARM firmware bugs i can dig through mailing lists and find some hack to patch u-boot/kernel
[22:12:13] <specing> I would get the talos if only I had something to use it for
[22:12:51] <specing> with talos you actually can contact those who know a lot about power : raptor eng
[22:13:49] <Jookia> at least for now until they move on to other things. though i'm aware i'm being pessimistic
[22:14:16] <swivel> if the talos were a laptop resembling a classic thinkpad i'd have one
[22:14:31] <swivel> desktops just have no place in my life anymore
[22:16:29] <specing> my problem with desktops is just that there is no quality li-ion UPS
[22:57:09] -!- Jookia has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:16:44] -!- Jookia [Jookia!~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia] has joined #reform
[23:20:46] -!- Jookia has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:21:15] -!- Jookia [Jookia!~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia] has joined #reform