#reform | Logs for 2018-11-07

[00:27:21] -!- bkeys1 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[05:45:15] -!- bkeys has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[11:38:52] <mntmn> anyone gonna be at 35c3?
[15:48:35] -!- bkeys [bkeys!~Thunderbi@c-76-17-206-162.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #reform
[16:57:52] -!- lanodan has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:22:26] -!- lanodan [lanodan!~lanodan@2a01:e0a:d6:9930::35] has joined #reform
[19:22:09] <zakx> mntmn: yo
[19:42:05] -!- bkeys has quit [Quit: bkeys]
[19:43:53] -!- bkeys [bkeys!~Thunderbi@c-76-17-206-162.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #reform
[20:48:52] -!- darthrak1 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:49:00] -!- darthrake [darthrake!~darthrake@xrpbot.org] has joined #reform
[23:09:32] -!- darth-cheney [darth-cheney!~darth-che@pool-173-52-211-139.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #reform
[23:15:45] <darth-cheney> yo
[23:16:16] <darth-cheney> I remember hearing a while back that you might be considering epd for the reform
[23:16:38] <darth-cheney> I've since become interested in epds myself (in theory) but good god -- I can't find good information anywhere
[23:16:45] <darth-cheney> clearly there is no FOSS epd, right?
[23:17:09] <darth-cheney> Looks like you don't get a lot of info if you buy just the epd or a epd + driver board from manufacturers
[23:17:39] <darth-cheney> So I guess my questions are: 1) What are the biggest problems getting an epd for reform and 2) is that still in the cards?
[23:18:11] <darth-cheney> I have this high minded dream of making a new kind of interface with an epd built in a new os (hopefully the Interim)
[23:29:30] <swivel> epd = e-paper display?
[23:46:35] -!- darth-cheney has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]