- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 00:20 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 00:27 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 00:28 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 00:37 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 00:37 | |
- buckket (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~buckket@vps.buckket.org) | 00:38 | |
+ buckket (~buckket@vps.buckket.org) | 00:38 | |
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 01:27 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 02:01 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 02:02 | |
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50) | 02:13 | |
- L29Ah (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) | 02:51 | |
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~paperManu@ | 03:12 | |
+ L29Ah (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) | 03:18 | |
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~nicolas@137-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net) | 03:27 | |
+ nsc (~nicolas@130-96-142-46.pool.kielnet.net) | 03:28 | |
+ cobra_ (~cobra@user/Cobra) | 04:06 | |
- cobra (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~cobra@user/Cobra) | 04:06 | |
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@ | 05:39 | |
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@ | 05:39 | |
- jackhill (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~jackhill@kalessin.dragonsnail.net) | 06:48 | |
+ jackhill (~jackhill@kalessin.dragonsnail.net) | 06:48 | |
- jacqueline (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~jacquelin@user/jacqueline) | 07:11 | |
+ jacqueline (~jacquelin@user/jacqueline) | 07:14 | |
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 07:51 | |
- wickedshell (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~wickedshe@2601:8c0:800:4baa:d52d:9d68:8254:652) | 08:10 | |
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 08:10 | |
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 08:22 | |
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 08:35 | |
+ glu_ (~glu@user/glu) | 09:54 | |
- glu__ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~glu@user/glu) | 09:55 | |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 10:04 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 10:05 | |
+ wickedshell (~wickedshe@2601:8c0:800:4baa:acef:33da:ab79:5335) | 10:15 | |
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 11:11 | |
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~linx@ | 11:48 | |
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@ | 11:53 | |
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@vps.buckket.org) | 12:14 | |
+ buckket (~buckket@vps.buckket.org) | 12:14 | |
+ paperManu (~paperManu@ | 12:28 | |
irimi1 | josch: to blacklist the qcacld2 module in there, too, so i don’t have two drivers competing for the external wifi card i installed. | 12:56 |
ch | you can blacklist it in a new file though | 12:59 |
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-78-82-52-87.bbcust.telenor.se) | 13:02 | |
ch | i wish wifi would work better, should have brought a screwdriver | 13:09 |
ch | and clicky was a mistake | 13:09 |
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 13:15 | |
- iank (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+deb11u1 - https://znc.in) (~iank@fsf/staff/iank) | 13:25 | |
josch | ch: you have a pocket with white switches? | 13:25 |
ch | yes | 13:26 |
ch | not sure why i thought that was a good idea | 13:27 |
+ iank (~iank@fsf/staff/iank) | 13:28 | |
* Guest9651 -> mjw | 13:28 | |
josch | ch: trying to write in the train or similar? | 13:29 |
ch | indeed, am on a train now | 13:30 |
ch | otoh "everybody" is having a phone call in the quiet area | 13:31 |
gl0b | hah,yeah the clicky switches were very nice, but i immediately regretted my decision when sat next to my wife who was trying to watch tv | 13:50 |
[tj] | my wife said "that is very satisfying to type on" | 14:09 |
josch | my second classic reform trackball came with white switches -- i immediately replaced them with brown ones XD | 14:11 |
- cow321 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~deflated8@user/meow/deflated8837) | 14:34 | |
- L29Ah (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) | 14:42 | |
+ cow321 (~deflated8@user/meow/deflated8837) | 14:45 | |
+ L29Ah (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) | 14:45 | |
- xktr (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~xktr@user/xktr) | 15:03 | |
+ ndufresne2 (~ndufresne@transit.collaboradmins.com) | 15:05 | |
minute | ch: we can get you a red switch keyboard | 15:25 |
gl0b | or you can do what i did and spend hours desoldering the white switches ;) | 15:32 |
+ xktr (~xktr@user/xktr) | 15:49 | |
- ndufresne2 (QUIT: Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) (~ndufresne@transit.collaboradmins.com) | 15:57 | |
grimmware | anyone know how to set the countdown in uboot to actually give me a chance to interrupt autoboot? | 15:59 |
grimmware | I'm assuming maybe I could add `setenv bootdelay 3` in boot.scr but I know nothing about u-boot | 16:05 |
grimmware | or use `mkimage` to decompile it, then modify, then compile it again? | 16:07 |
- natalie- (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~natalie@user/natalie) | 16:08 | |
+ ericsfraga (~user@2a00:23cc:b452:2900::99e) | 16:08 | |
josch | grimmware: rebuild u-boot? | 16:08 |
josch | grimmware: pocket reform with rk3588? | 16:09 |
josch | oh wait, for that target CONFIG_BOOTDELAY is set to *zero*? | 16:09 |
josch | grimmware: can you confirm? | 16:09 |
josch | on the other platforms it's set to 1 second | 16:10 |
+ natalie (~natalie@user/natalie) | 16:10 | |
josch | seems that was a deliberate change made by minute in 14aed286a2c444331c42c2d2670209e5dc80b9a0 | 16:10 |
josch | minute: maybe the bootdelay should be the same on all platforms for consistent behaviour and to avoid surprises? | 16:13 |
grimmware | josch: it certainly seems that way when I try to interrupt over serial | 16:17 |
grimmware | can you confirm how I'd check? | 16:17 |
josch | grimmware: if you are connected via serial you should not see any countdown during the boot process | 16:18 |
grimmware | it basically shows countdown 0 | 16:18 |
josch | okay, yes seems that is intended behaviour and to change it, you can build your own u-boot blob | 16:19 |
grimmware | `Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0` with no discernible pause | 16:19 |
josch | right, you need to rebuild your u-boot with CONFIG_BOOTDELAY set to something other than 0 | 16:20 |
grimmware | okay | 16:20 |
grimmware | so not something that can be configured in boot.scr? | 16:20 |
josch | maybe you can script something in boot.scr but it depends on what you ultimately want to do | 16:22 |
gordon1 | grimmware: there is a bit involved way to change the uboot environment using u-boot-tools throught fw_setenv, but in this case you should be able to boot the actual linux through this u-boot or be able to plug the medium into another computer | 16:22 |
gordon1 | and you need to know the offset for u-boot env | 16:22 |
ch | minute: heh. that'd be nice yeah. if you also have some parts to run a non-cased pocket w/o display that'd be useful too (for fw stuff) | 16:23 |
grimmware | I literally just want to be able to get the u-boot console in serial so I can play around with booting one of the older kernels I have installed | 16:24 |
grimmware | should exporting the `CONFIG_BOOTDELAY` in build.sh for https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-rk3588-uboot be enough? | 16:27 |
josch | grimmware: why not use extlinux.conf? | 16:27 |
josch | grimmware: no, you CONFIG_BOOTDELAY is not an environment variable, you change the respective line in mnt-pocket-reform-rk3588_defconfig | 16:28 |
josch | grimmware: this might be an XY problem. If what you want to do is selecting which kernel to boot via serial, then you might want to consider ditching boot.scr in favour of extlinux.conf | 16:29 |
grimmware | I'm really just trying to put myself in a situation where I don't feel like a dumb idiot when I need to test for a kernel regression. Being able to get interactive u-boot seemed like a good path toward that. | 16:31 |
grimmware | it seemed like the path that would involve least going down the wrong rabbit hole for a long amount of time before realizing I'm doing the wrong thing | 16:32 |
josch | grimmware: when i want to bisect linux i use extlinux.conf. You can of course also go into the u-boot shell but i find editing extlinux.conf and then re-using it for subsequent boots or selecting entries from it via serial more pleasant than having to write commands on the u-boot shell | 16:34 |
grimmware | do you have any reference material on doing so? | 16:35 |
josch | i just install u-boot-menu | 16:35 |
josch | using hooks this automatically edits /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf to add my new kernel | 16:36 |
josch | but you can also edit it manually: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/8530efc8/ | 16:36 |
josch | in contrast to boot.scr you can use a normal text editor | 16:36 |
josch | because it's just text and doesn't have the annoying binary checksum at the beginning like boot.scr does | 16:36 |
grimmware | okay cool! This looks like what I wanted! | 16:37 |
josch | nice | 16:37 |
josch | extlinux should really be the default | 16:37 |
grimmware | yeah it really should! | 16:37 |
josch | the reason it is not are classic reform users which did not upgrade their u-boot | 16:37 |
grimmware | I didn't realize it was going to be as simple as installing a package | 16:37 |
josch | thank vagrantc :) | 16:38 |
grimmware | okay well it's now no longer booting. Serial output gets as far as `Starting kernel ...` but never proceeds further and the screen doesn't come on | 16:43 |
josch | grimmware: simple fix is to edit your bootargs and to add loglevel=7 | 16:45 |
josch | but you cannot do that because the bootdelay is 0 | 16:46 |
josch | minute: i was facing a similar issue today, loglevel=3 might be nice from a user perspective but it's not nice when you are debugging a problem | 16:46 |
josch | minute: and it's even worse when your system is not booting (like for grimmware) and you cannot even enter the u-boot shell because the boot delay is zero | 16:47 |
josch | grimmware: then your next step is flashing a vanilla system image and booting that | 16:47 |
grimmware | this is pretty much exactly why I wanted to solve the bootdelay problem first | 16:48 |
josch | grimmware: how did you end up with the non-booting system -- did you just install u-boot-menu and then rebooted? | 16:49 |
grimmware | yeah | 16:49 |
josch | then i'm looking very much forward to your loglevel=7 output once you fixed the bootdelay | 16:50 |
josch | i'd build a fixed u-boot blob and flash that from a system image | 16:50 |
josch | <= afk for ~20 minutes | 16:50 |
grimmware | well I've just proven it's a regression SOMEWHERE that's stopped `dpms power on` from working because I found my old install media for when I migrated to rk3588 and it can power off and power on the display with no problems | 16:59 |
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 17:07 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 17:08 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 17:08 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 17:09 | |
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~linx@ | 17:10 | |
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@ | 17:15 | |
josch | grimmware: you can find some instructions on how to bisect linux quickly in the README of reform-debian-packages | 17:17 |
grimmware | cool, thanks | 17:17 |
grimmware | fwiw I moved /boot/extlinux to /boot/extlinux.bak from my rescue image to get back to my normal system, I'm now building u-boot in a bookwork podman container because some of the build dependencies aren't present on unstable and that's how it's built in CI | 17:18 |
josch | grimmware: can you give me more details about the problem you faced? | 17:20 |
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 17:21 | |
grimmware | sure, firstly `python3-distutils python3-distutils-extra` don't exist | 17:22 |
grimmware | and the error from build output (without having installed those deps): https://paste.debian.net/1357966/ | 17:23 |
josch | grimmware: that's okay. The build should succeed without those two | 17:23 |
josch | uuuh that's a good one | 17:24 |
grimmware | also from the bookworm containerised build: https://paste.debian.net/1357968/ | 17:25 |
grimmware | so that's failing too | 17:25 |
grimmware | in that container I installed all package deps and just ran ./build.sh | 17:26 |
josch | grimmware: you are building on arm64? | 17:26 |
minute | josch: i agree. but we need to find an alternative to tuigreet then | 17:26 |
grimmware | yeah I'm building on my pocket | 17:26 |
josch | minute: if i had to choose i'd more strongly favour a bootdelay of more than zero | 17:27 |
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 17:27 | |
josch | minute: because then i can change the loglevel if i need to | 17:27 |
minute | josch: well, if the boot cannot be interrupted then that is a bug | 17:27 |
grimmware | ^ same | 17:27 |
josch | minute: ah okay, i thought your change was intentional | 17:27 |
minute | i.e. it wasn't intentional | 17:27 |
josch | then lets revert that | 17:27 |
minute | i thought the delay and the interruption-ability were two different things | 17:28 |
josch | should be fixed here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-rk3588-uboot/-/merge_requests/6 | 17:30 |
josch | grimmware: next i want to try and reproduce your build failures | 17:31 |
josch | minute: could you enable CI for https://source.mnt.re/josch/reform-rk3588-uboot? | 17:31 |
josch | grimmware: with CI enabled you could grab a u-boot blob from there for now | 17:31 |
josch | unless of course we get the same problem in CI :D | 17:32 |
grimmware | josch: yeah will do! | 17:32 |
grimmware | fwiw I've actually printed a new side panel today that allows you to connect dupont cables next to the headphone jack that are internally connected to the uart | 17:35 |
grimmware | I'll share some images later, actually need to iterate again because I forgot to countersink the screw holes | 17:36 |
josch | very practical mod that | 17:37 |
[tj] | grimmware: you could put a magnetic connector there | 17:37 |
grimmware | [tj]: I'll print you one and post it along with the case that I finished printing today | 17:39 |
[tj] | sorry I was looking for a link and got distracted by aliexpress bundle deals | 17:40 |
[tj] | like these https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005005697060673.html | 17:42 |
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 17:50 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 17:50 | |
hramrach | nice pogonnectors but maybe I would prefer at least one side to have the contacts more sunk into the connector | 18:00 |
[tj] | I'm sure you could find what you want, thats just what I had in my order history | 18:00 |
grimmware | well never fear because I'm not going to do it anyway because I have already solved my problem :P | 18:12 |
hramrach | that's the thing, the connectora I wanted is in the pictures but not in the connector selection | 18:13 |
+ BoostisBetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com) | 18:17 | |
minute | josch: ok, runner assigned | 18:22 |
minute | grimmware: ah nice @ side panel | 18:23 |
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:25 | |
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:25 | |
josch | minute: thank you! job succeeded | 18:25 |
josch | grimmware: you can download the artifacts: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-rk3588-uboot/-/merge_requests/6 | 18:25 |
* bkeys1 -> bkeys | 18:27 | |
grimmware | nice, how do I flash? | 18:27 |
josch | grimmware: either you manually dd it or you put the image into /boot/boot.scr and then use reform-flas-uboot --offline emmc | 18:28 |
josch | errr | 18:29 |
josch | wat | 18:29 |
josch | my brain today... | 18:29 |
josch | grimmware: either you manually dd it or you put the image into /boot/flash.bin and then use reform-flash-uboot --offline emmc | 18:29 |
josch | the --offline flag will avoid downloading the latest u-boot and will instead flash what is in /boot/flash.bin | 18:29 |
grimmware | gotcha, I'll do the latter | 18:29 |
josch | oh there is a checksum check... | 18:30 |
josch | you could manually rewrite the script | 18:30 |
josch | or wait until i add the functionality of "flash this custom file instead" | 18:30 |
josch | i could do this tonight | 18:30 |
josch | and you could be my guinea pig :) | 18:30 |
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:32 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:7ebd:40cf:f56:c782:460:ca3d) | 18:32 | |
grimmware | I mean the checksum looks to be unset in the script unless it's sourcing from elsewhere in which case I should just be able to export the variable and then run the script... | 18:34 |
grimmware | lol no that did not work | 18:35 |
- andreas-e (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64) | 18:37 | |
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64) | 18:37 | |
josch | grimmware: just uncomment the check for now if you are in a rush | 18:39 |
grimmware | I've flashed successfully and now have uboot console | 18:40 |
grimmware | I'll restore extlinux now and have a go at getting that debug log | 18:42 |
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-72-123.tukw.qwest.net) | 18:45 | |
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 18:49 | |
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:55 | |
- bkeys1 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:56 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:7ebd:40cf:f56:c782:460:ca3d) | 18:58 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:58 | |
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@ | 19:02 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 19:05 | |
- bkeys1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Thunderbi@ | 19:06 | |
- colinsane (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~colinunin@97-113-72-123.tukw.qwest.net) | 19:09 | |
- L29Ah (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) | 19:14 | |
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-77-198.tukw.qwest.net) | 19:23 | |
- colinsane (QUIT: Client Quit) (~colinunin@97-113-77-198.tukw.qwest.net) | 19:24 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@ | 19:31 | |
grimmware | okay, figured out how to boot from boot.scr manually from uboot, so that's a really good start at least | 19:48 |
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66) | 19:49 | |
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66) | 19:50 | |
- cow321 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~deflated8@user/meow/deflated8837) | 19:50 | |
+ cow321 (~deflated8@user/meow/deflated8837) | 19:51 | |
grimmware | Okay well that's interesting, I set the loglevel to 7 in extlinux and it still produces no further output after "Starting kernel ..." | 19:53 |
grimmware | so something must be quite wrong in the default generated config | 19:54 |
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (zirconium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c) | 20:08 | |
* mark_ -> mjw | 20:08 | |
+ Guest5470 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c) | 20:08 | |
josch | grimmware: where did you set loglevel=7? | 20:10 |
grimmware | replaced `loglevel=3` everywhere in extlinux.conf | 20:10 |
grimmware | I've just done a manual boot from uboot using boot.scr as reference so I have some ideas of where to look now | 20:10 |
josch | hrm... that should've worked... | 20:11 |
grimmware | yeah the bootargs look correct too... | 20:15 |
grimmware | is there anything different about how bootargs are passed to extlinux.conf and boot.scr? | 20:15 |
grimmware | AH! | 20:17 |
grimmware | Just compared with yours, the fdts are missing | 20:17 |
grimmware | yeah now we're cooking | 20:20 |
grimmware | josch: okay so that's probably a bug, I installed `u-boot-menu` and it rendered my system unbootable (without intervention) because it didn't configure the dtbs | 20:25 |
+ helgoman (~helgoman@adsl-178-38-58-229.adslplus.ch) | 20:28 | |
helgoman | Hi, I'm new in the mnt-reform world and I'm interested in this nice piece of hardware :-) I have a question about the OS; will mnt reform next will run *BSD, too? What about OpenSUSE? | 20:31 |
- andreas-e (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64) | 20:32 | |
grimmware | EYYYYY, I've confirmed it *is* a kernel regression | 20:35 |
grimmware | josch: looks like I'm going bisecting! | 20:35 |
grimmware | okay, learned a whole bunch and made an adapter, good day | 20:39 |
grimmware | josch: thank you for all your help and advice | 20:39 |
grimmware | minute: thank you for unblocking josch's build | 20:39 |
minute | grimmware: sure thing! | 20:39 |
minute | helgoman: that mainly depends on *bsd support for rk3588. i'm not sure what the current status of that is | 20:40 |
minute | helgoman: opensuse should be possible either by booting through edk2 or extlinux depending on how new their kernel is/if it has enough of the collabora rk3588 patches yet | 20:41 |
hramrach | helgoman: there was somebody running OpenBSD I think - see the channel logs. Somebody is building reform-tools in OBS but that's quite a long way to working openSUSE. It would be much easier if there was an eeprom for storing the u-boot and DTB, and the u-boot provided the EFI interface but the boot process is very fiddly on Reform. | 20:42 |
hramrach | There are no mnt-specifica patches in the openSUSE kernel but a mechanism for building kernel with custom patches in OBS is provied: https://github.com/openSUSE/kernel-source/blob/master/doc/README.SUSE#L341 | 20:44 |
grimmware | pretty sure I can see what range of commits it's gonna be too | 20:47 |
grimmware | okay this is good, this is very empowering | 20:47 |
grimmware | and I built tools to do it as well | 20:48 |
grimmware | hell yes | 20:48 |
grimmware | time to go find dinner and space out | 20:48 |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 20:53 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 20:54 | |
minute | grimmware: very nice | 20:56 |
minute | feierabend here, too | 20:56 |
josch | grimmware: you probably ran into this bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1091979 | 20:58 |
josch | grimmware: have fun bisecting -- shout if you need any help :) | 20:58 |
josch | maybe vagrantc comes online some time tonight | 21:07 |
+ murdock (~murdock@2600:382:a912:5e3b:59b0:9995:7cf8:62ed) | 21:09 | |
- murdock (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~murdock@2600:382:a912:5e3b:59b0:9995:7cf8:62ed) | 21:10 | |
+ murdock (~murdock@dhcp-209-99-198-50.greenmountainaccess.net) | 21:10 | |
josch | grimmware: "by default, extlinux.conf does not have fdt nor fdtdir entries" me this january: https://mntre.com/reform-irc-logs/2025-01-02.log.html#t22:21:10 | 21:11 |
josch | grimmware: this should not matter if u-boot sets $fdtfile | 21:15 |
josch | grimmware: could you send me a printenv in u-boot console or just add yours here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/wikis/u-boot | 21:15 |
- murdock (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~murdock@dhcp-209-99-198-50.greenmountainaccess.net) | 21:20 | |
+ murdock (~murdock@2600:382:a912:5e3b:59b0:9995:7cf8:62ed) | 21:21 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~Thunderbi@ | 21:21 | |
- murdock (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~murdock@2600:382:a912:5e3b:59b0:9995:7cf8:62ed) | 21:35 | |
+ murdock (~murdock@2600:381:ca1f:150d:e4e8:4ec6:9731:70bc) | 21:45 | |
- murdock (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~murdock@2600:381:ca1f:150d:e4e8:4ec6:9731:70bc) | 21:52 | |
+ murdock (~murdock@2600:381:ca0a:fb27:15ce:c8c9:5739:368e) | 21:52 | |
+ L29Ah (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) | 21:59 | |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:7ebd:40cf:f56:c782:460:ca3d) | 22:01 | |
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-78-82-52-87.bbcust.telenor.se) | 22:15 | |
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 22:17 | |
- murdock (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~murdock@2600:381:ca0a:fb27:15ce:c8c9:5739:368e) | 22:41 | |
minute | btw anyone tried panvk on a311d yet? | 22:45 |
josch | i always wonder with what software to try out vulkan | 22:47 |
+ murdock (~murdock@2600:382:a92b:2198:11f4:3768:60db:e81e) | 22:50 | |
- murdock (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~murdock@2600:382:a92b:2198:11f4:3768:60db:e81e) | 23:00 | |
+ murdock (~murdock@2600:382:a906:f525:8095:4e20:1f78:3a16) | 23:05 | |
- murdock (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~murdock@2600:382:a906:f525:8095:4e20:1f78:3a16) | 23:09 | |
- dodo (QUIT: Quit: dodo) (~dodo@user/dodo) | 23:28 | |
+ dodo (~dodo@user/dodo) | 23:29 |
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