
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:31
- sterni (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@user/sterni)00:40
+ sterni (~quassel@user/sterni)00:40
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu00:44
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu01:33
+ Flax_ (d8f5445b71@2a03:6000:1812:100::1a1)01:54
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)02:05
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)02:10
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)02:47
- natalie- (QUIT: Quit: quit) (~natalie@user/natalie)02:56
+ natalie (~natalie@user/natalie)02:58
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~nicolas@207-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:29
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C74DFCC.versanet.de)03:36
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~paperManu@
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu06:20
- nybble (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~sprang@user/csprng)06:48
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu06:53
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu07:10
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu07:28
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)07:35
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
fricklerch: just to confirm, if I do a full power off, I get back to the "ON BAT" state and other usb devices aren't detected. shortly plugging in a charger gets the port back to the "working" state. do you have a reference to the hw mod you were mentioning?09:05
chfrickler: basically https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/issues/3 ; if you do it you need to #define OTG_AS_5V for now09:27
chfrickler: but that behaviour is iirc what you should see on unmodified hw09:27
[tj]can anyone tell me what the battery connector is in the pocket?09:35
[tj]I must have 30 things in my office that can charge a lipo09:35
[tj]it is Eremit 606090, but the page offers a selection of connectors09:35
[tj]I love that I looked at the datasheet for my laptop to find a part09:35
chirc log tells me: JST-PH, 2mm pitch09:48
[tj]now to find something with that connector09:51
[tj]cool it is in the "charger board" section of the handbook09:52
- ericsfraga (QUIT: Quit: ERC 5.6.1-git (IRC client for GNU Emacs 31.0.50)) (~user@2a00:23cc:b43d:4b00::3ce)09:58
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:04
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:05
gl0bjosch: aha i see. apologies for the lack of detail, i didn’t put my console output anywhere useful before rebooting. my $HUMAN has been behaving itself since erasure10:08
joschgl0b: no worries! I figured it out when i literally ran your command :)10:09
joschit will be fixed with the next release10:09
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)10:54
gl0bi used my pocket hooked up to a large monitor for most of the work day yesterday and it performed admirably. it survived an ms teams call, which isn't even a given on a windows box!11:14
[tj]which soc do you have?11:19
gl0b32GB variant, which is more than enough memory for my needs11:34
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)11:34
[tj]good to know, mostly so I don't expect the world from the imx8mp11:37
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:26
+ paperManu (~paperManu@
* Guest9655 -> mjw12:57
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-78-82-55-220.bbcust.telenor.se)13:02
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)14:12
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~Thunderbi@h167.248.96.50.static.ip.windstream.net)14:39
gsorateams call? wow, unironically impressive14:41
gsoramy mac usually catches fire14:41
midfavilawas the reform camera permanently discontinued or will it be coming back?14:57
[tj]I thought mouser had them?14:59
midfavilado they? the discrete usb-c one? 14:59
midfavilai thought they only stocked individual parts14:59
midfavilaoh huh15:00
midfavilago figure they do15:00
midfavilahonestly i didn't think to check, thanks15:00
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~aloo_shu@
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)15:08
joschi just got an MNT shipment notification!15:15
joschi thought this week were holidays?15:15
[tj]what are they sending you?15:16
joschhandbook, trackball keycaps, halo-9015:17
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu15:31
gl0bch: i had some success with a usb-pd hub at the office today. once powered up, the USB ports and power both pass through fine.15:34
- arminweigl (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)15:46
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)16:51
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)16:51
- bkeys (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)16:52
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)16:52
- bkeys (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)16:53
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)16:53
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)17:06
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)17:06
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)17:21
- bkeys1 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)17:22
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)17:22
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)17:23
chgl0b: nice, thats what i'd expect to work :)17:29
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)17:52
+ nybble (~sprang@user/csprng)18:06
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu18:19
+ iank (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)18:36
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@dhcp-3.aquilenet.fr)18:56
- L29Ah (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)19:00
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)19:00
- MyNetAz (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)19:07
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)19:14
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)19:16
* bkeys1 -> bkeys19:16
+ MyNetAz (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)19:19
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)19:20
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)19:22
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)19:27
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)19:28
* bkeys1 -> bkeys19:28
- wickedshell (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~wickedshe@2601:8c0:800:4baa:773e:ed8f:cb5b:cd48)20:06
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu20:37
+ L29Ah (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)20:38
- andreas-e (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Andreas@dhcp-3.aquilenet.fr)20:49
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)21:08
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)21:09
- MyNetAz (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)21:22
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-67-114.tukw.qwest.net)21:25
+ MyNetAz (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)21:33
- colinsane (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~colinunin@97-113-67-114.tukw.qwest.net)21:41
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-70-199.tukw.qwest.net)21:56
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)22:12
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)22:12
* bkeys1 -> bkeys22:12
+ wickedshell (~wickedshe@2601:8c0:800:4baa:5cb6:f8a6:dfd0:2b7b)22:13
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-78-82-55-220.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
* mjw -> Guest631822:17
- Guest6318 (QUIT: Killed (zinc.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c)22:17
* mark_ -> mjw22:17
+ Guest6318 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c)22:18
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)22:32
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)22:34
* bkeys1 -> bkeys22:34
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)22:39
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)22:41
* bkeys1 -> bkeys22:41
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)23:02
* bkeys1 -> bkeys23:02
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)23:07
- L29Ah (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)23:08
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
* bkeys1 -> bkeys23:09
+ L29Ah (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)23:09
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~aloo_shu@
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone)23:34
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Thunderbi@2607:fb90:3fb5:c5a0:d154:8cee:87c2:6982)23:35
* bkeys1 -> bkeys23:35
- jm28 (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid689360@id-689360.ilkley.irccloud.com)23:41
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)23:56
+ arminweigl (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)23:56

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