
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)00:00
chthe fpc is a stock part, any electronics shop should have them...00:11
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
gordon1if i would get response from (any) support along the lines "please buy this NNNN part on mouser and replace it yourself" i will be soooo happy00:17
L29Ahi got my x210 lcd cable like that00:19
L29Ahbut there was no support except the thinkpads forum00:20
kfxit's right here bud https://mntre.com/documentation/pocket-reform-handbook/schematics.html#assembly-parts00:23
kfxwhole list of part numbers used00:24
gordon1yep https://eu.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Wurth-Elektronik/686704050001?qs=5aG0NVq1C4zl2CMLl7djnA%3D%3D00:24
L29Ah4 Conductor? sus00:27
kfxdepends on which display cable is being described00:29
kfxI note there's an entry 'display panel with flex cable'00:29
kfxso I hope that's not the damaged cable in question00:29
chthats the wrong part number00:37
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)00:38
kfxhttps://octopart.com/687733050002-wurth+elektronik-52743581  this is the fpc cable00:39
minutewhich cable are we talking about exactly?00:52
minutethere is a fpc cable for mipi dsi from the som to the motherboard. this is a stock part. and there is a flex cable (actually i think it's a flex pcb) from the motherboard to the display00:53
minutei actually don't know the exact part number for that (yet).00:54
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~textual@
+ mtm_ (~textual@
- mesaoptimizer0 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~mesaoptim@user/PapuaHardyNet)01:06
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)01:18
- L29Ah (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)01:20
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~linx@
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)01:33
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
+ L29Ah (~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)01:37
- jacobk (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)01:43
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)01:51
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)02:08
+ jacobk_ (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)02:08
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)02:45
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)03:24
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu03:29
- vagrantc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)03:34
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~paperManu@
- op_4 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~tslil@user/op-4/x-9116473)04:05
+ op_4 (~tslil@user/op-4/x-9116473)04:05
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu04:47
+ reform25496 (~root@2600:6c44:f7f:7a21::1976)05:15
reform25496I have a pocket reform with the aisarf wifi card, and when I download packages, I get 2mbps, -when I run a speedtest, I get 20mbps, but when I run iperf3 I get 100mbps to my local hardware. I have a gigabit internet connection, and nothing else on wifi gets throttled -like this. What gives?05:19
reform25496I would understand if I got 100mbps everywhere, but this behavior really has me stumped05:21
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)05:27
+ jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)05:27
- reform25496 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~root@2600:6c44:f7f:7a21::1976)05:43
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu05:50
+ Joeyalbo007 (~Joeyalbo0@HOLIDAY-INN.bear1.Boston1.Level3.net)05:56
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu06:06
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu06:25
- Joeyalbo007 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Joeyalbo0@HOLIDAY-INN.bear1.Boston1.Level3.net)07:03
- b0 (QUIT: Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) (~b0@user/b0)07:06
+ b0 (~b0@user/b0)07:06
- nybble (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~sprang@user/csprng)07:32
- jacqueline (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~jacquelin@user/jacqueline)07:41
+ jacqueline (~jacquelin@user/jacqueline)07:42
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)07:42
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)07:47
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu08:13
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)08:22
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu08:31
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu09:03
* jacobk_ -> jacobk09:24
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu09:36
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-92-32-81-6.bbcust.telenor.se)10:02
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:04
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:04
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu10:53
+ reform13993 (~qwazix@
* reform13993 -> qwazix11:12
qwazixBefore I go dig in the schematics does anyone handily know what the pitch of the jst connectors that connect the keyboard to motherboard?11:14
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu11:42
- qwazix (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~qwazix@
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu12:29
minuteqwazix: you mean on the pocket reform, right? 1mm. jst-sh12:36
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)13:03
- mtm_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~textual@
+ mtm (~textual@
- wickedshell (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~wickedshe@2601:8c0:800:4baa:37c3:2773:77d7:8067)13:28
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)13:44
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu14:32
+ paperManu (~paperManu@
- sterni (QUIT: ) (~quassel@user/sterni)14:57
+ sterni (~quassel@user/sterni)14:59
+ wickedshell (~wickedshe@2601:8c0:800:4baa:4c6c:21a0:725c:a355)15:35
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu15:48
+ jaume (~user@user/jaume)16:16
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu16:37
- jaume (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~user@user/jaume)17:13
+ nybble (~sprang@user/csprng)17:13
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu17:25
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu18:11
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)19:15
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)19:27
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu19:30
+ reform9672 (~jsae@
reform9672list all20:02
- reform9672 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~jsae@
- xha (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~xha@user/xha)20:10
hairubye fr20:16
L29Ahbrutal irc20:16
hairureminds me of when i tried mirc for the first time in ~199820:17
hairuwe all start somewhere :)20:18
- leonardo (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~leonardo@li1800-6.members.linode.com)20:19
+ leonardo- (~leonardo@li1800-6.members.linode.com)20:19
+ xha (~xha@user/xha)20:21
- nybble (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1) (~sprang@user/csprng)20:22
+ nybble (~sprang@user/csprng)20:28
- xha (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~xha@user/xha)20:34
+ xha (~xha@user/xha)20:38
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
mhoyeThis is one of the reasons Mozilla switched to Matrix.21:04
mhoyeThe IRC first-contact experience is so bad.21:04
mhoye_so_ bad21:04
joschmhoye: irc as a protocol is far inferior to matrix for sure but are "first contact experience" problems not rather a client issue? the reform-chat client is not quite intuitive i think21:08
chmy pocket is in a weird state. maybe i broke the sysctl fw on it or sth21:17
chdraws 1.2A @ 4.8V from the wall psu, but i dont see the charging led21:18
chi guess i'll wait a bit21:18
+ yankcrim- (~nick@gw.tetromino.io)21:23
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)21:49
Zabajosch: I think there’s a pretty big disconnect between how someone might expect IRC to work given that it’s a real time chat, and what actual IRC etiquette ends up like among people who mostly use 24/7 clients or bouncers22:02
chok, maybe the 4.8V were an artifact of the charger i've used22:03
+ reform10851 (~wytch@syn-047-034-059-225.res.spectrum.com)22:08
reform10851has anyone been able to get a trrs headset with a microphone working on the pocket? I have not yet found the magic alsamixer incantation to get mic input working22:10
reform10851nick wytch22:11
* reform10851 -> wytch22:11
- wytch (QUIT: Changing host) (~wytch@syn-047-034-059-225.res.spectrum.com)22:14
+ wytch (~wytch@user/wytch)22:14
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-92-32-81-6.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
joschZaba: yes, i also find this really interesting. I was very baffled when I learned that apparently these days "the channel is logged somewhere" is the default *and* the expectation of real time chat. I am still very much used to "nothing is logged and if it is, you *have* to say so in the topic or otherwise make the user aware that what they say is being permanently recorded"22:23
joschAlso things like copypaste or how to "reply" to messages is probably something that clients can do not much about to improve the experience. :)22:24
+ wytch1 (~wytch@user/wytch)22:27
- wytch (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~wytch@user/wytch)22:27
* wytch1 -> wytch22:27
Zabajosch: well I mean you join a channel and there’s a hundred people but nobody responds. why are they all even “here” if they aren’t actively talking? it can be very disorienting 22:32
joschZaba: is that not the same in other multi-user chats?22:35
wytchZaba: yeah, admittedly I'm guilty of not leaving a client open long enough to get a response, but hopefully registering a nick and getting a client that doesn't require me to start tmux first will help22:36
Zabanot really. in something like discord you can be in a server/channel, but offline, and usually the set of *online* users at least somewhat matches with who you can actually expect to be immediately active 22:37
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a13:5400:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)22:38
kfxirc has the concept of 'away' but nobody uses it22:45
minutemhoye: well that was just the "reform-chat" script which is really brutalist22:53
minutewhenever you see someone like reform9672 with a random number here it's because they typed reform-chat on their (new) reform device22:54
minutethis script could also be extended to print some help to quit the chat :D22:55
minutemainly what it does is > exec irc -c '#mnt-reform' -p 6697 "reform$(shuf -i 0-32767 -n 1)" SSLIRC/irc.libera.chat22:55
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)22:58
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
+ reform9072 (~qwazix@2a02:587:d84:a767:5d55:9856:46b7:b6dc)23:18
* reform9072 -> qwazix23:19
qwazixminute, (re: jst) thanks, yes, pocket.23:21
qwazix(a day later)23:21
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)23:29
chwhere does the keyboard firmware set the initial led brightness on power on?23:35
chi see the led_set(0x004040); but thats just the color?23:36
choh no23:37
- qwazix (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~qwazix@2a02:587:d84:a767:5d55:9856:46b7:b6dc)23:37
hramrachThere is a difference with the other web-based chat clients. The channel has messages stored on the server and whoever joins can see them, including how long it has been since somebody wrote something.23:40
hramrachWith IRC you get to an empty window with nothing there23:41
- jacqueline (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~jacquelin@user/jacqueline)23:45
spewyou could set up some kind of bouncer like source hut does 23:46
spewthey use soju23:46
spewbut then they'd have to set up an account first23:46
+ jacqueline (~jacquelin@user/jacqueline)23:48
* leonardo- -> leonardo23:53

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