+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 00:50 | |
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 00:52 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 00:53 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 00:53 | |
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a22:8c00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 01:07 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 01:08 | |
- LainExperiments (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 01:44 | |
+ XgFgX (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:5400:2ff:fef2:1fa2) | 01:59 | |
+ Kooda2 (~kooda@natsu.upyum.com) | 02:01 | |
+ jfred-linode_ (quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred) | 02:04 | |
- XgF (QUIT: Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:5400:2ff:fef2:1fa2) | 02:04 | |
- jfred-linode (QUIT: Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) (quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred) | 02:04 | |
- Kooda (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~kooda@natsu.upyum.com) | 02:04 | |
+ LainExperiments (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 02:08 | |
- LainExperiments (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 02:18 | |
+ LainExperiments (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 02:49 | |
- LainExperiments (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 02:56 | |
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~linx@ | 02:59 | |
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@ | 03:03 | |
+ LainExperiments (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 03:10 | |
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~paperManu@ | 03:41 | |
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74DEE1.versanet.de) | 03:51 | |
+ nsc (~nicolas@161-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net) | 03:53 | |
- murph_nj (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~murph@pool-108-35-93-154.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) | 04:04 | |
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50) | 04:18 | |
- LainExperiments (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 04:24 | |
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~linx@ | 04:33 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@ | 04:34 | |
- mra (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:bb09:1237:bbc8:3401) | 04:59 | |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@ | 05:47 | |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 06:53 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 06:55 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 06:55 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241033.utdallas.edu) | 07:15 | |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241033.utdallas.edu) | 07:23 | |
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a22:8c00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 07:39 | |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 07:40 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 07:43 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 07:43 | |
josch | Bisecting: 719 revisions left to test after this (roughly 10 steps) | 07:59 |
josch | minute: it might be something else that changed in the kernel -- i apply the same patches with differing results depending on the kernel | 07:59 |
josch | so we'll get to the bottom of this :) | 07:59 |
+ jacobk (~quassel@ | 08:09 | |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 08:13 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 08:16 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 08:16 | |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@ | 08:22 | |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 08:46 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 08:49 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 08:49 | |
minute | josch: awesome! | 09:36 |
josch | no worries, the hard part are only the first few bisection steps. I'm now down to 188 revisions left to test which means that the patch stack does not change at all anymore. :) | 09:46 |
josch | and every build takes ~100 minutes, so there is plenty of time left to focus on day job ;) | 09:46 |
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 09:49 | |
ajr | minute: watching your kicon eu '24 talk now, very interesting - thank you! | 09:51 |
minute | ajr: cool! | 09:57 |
minute | josch: haha nice | 09:58 |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 10:04 | |
+ jacobk_ (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 10:04 | |
* jacobk_ -> jacobk | 10:25 | |
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 10:48 | |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 11:18 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 11:21 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 11:21 | |
+ mra (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:9f13:30f:deb4:2577) | 11:27 | |
- chomwitt1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a22:8c00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 11:36 | |
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) | 12:22 | |
grimmware | https://www.byran.ee/posts/creation/ this person made an open source laptop for their senior project, they also ended up using a 3588 SoM | 12:35 |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 12:36 | |
josch | grimmware: and they read MNT schematics :) | 12:36 |
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) | 12:37 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~aloo_shu@ | 12:38 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 12:38 | |
+ paperManu (~paperManu@ | 12:38 | |
[tj] | grimmware: senior project apparently means at the second of secondary school | 12:45 |
- mra (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:9f13:30f:deb4:2577) | 12:55 | |
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-78-82-52-61.bbcust.telenor.se) | 13:02 | |
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~textual@ | 13:04 | |
+ V (~v@ircpuzzles/2022/april/winner/V) | 13:04 | |
+ mtm (~textual@ | 13:05 | |
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@vps.buckket.org) | 13:12 | |
+ buckket (~buckket@vps.buckket.org) | 13:13 | |
+ murph_nj (~murph@pool-108-35-93-154.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) | 13:17 | |
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 13:25 | |
* Guest7423 -> mjw | 13:31 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 13:48 | |
- yankcrime (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~nick@gw.tetromino.io) | 15:03 | |
+ chomwitt1 (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a22:8c00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 16:07 | |
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 16:27 | |
amatecha | yeah they know of MNT, they mentioned it in discussions on Hacker News | 16:52 |
josch | yes, quote: "The Novena and Reform are amazing pieces of engineering, but I believe they sacrifice the portability and looks for repairability which some people certainly prefer. I wanted to aim for something that a non-technical consumer might look and say "hmm, nice laptop!" and not think it came out of the matrix or built it myself." | 16:57 |
josch | a couple of others mention the reform as well in the comments | 16:58 |
gordon1 | is there any extra space (0.5mm?) between bottom of the trackball and the case's bottom plate in reform classic? | 17:08 |
josch | gordon1: the bottom acrylic is a bit flexible. So even if there was no space (there is a little bit) then the bottom plate itself certainly would be able to bend 0.5 mm | 17:09 |
gordon1 | it would be a shame if it got scraped by the screw heads of the sensor | 17:10 |
josch | well, there is only bumping, no scraping, no? | 17:11 |
gordon1 | basically thinking of making a little indent in the cup to help the lid register with magnets (since they allow a bit of lateral play), but that makes the whole cup 0.5mm taller https://litter.catbox.moe/1ygyuz.png | 17:12 |
gordon1 | just wondering if i can get away with it or i have to do it properly | 17:13 |
josch | i think that should work | 17:13 |
gordon1 | N52 magnets (3x2 and 3x1 combination) btw are happy to hold SiN ball upside-down without falling out even when lid is not supported on the other side | 17:16 |
minute | it's really cool that someone in high school can make a computer nowadays | 17:24 |
minute | fast internet, cheap online manufacturing, kicad and available oshw docs enable it | 17:25 |
minute | in the 80s one could've cobbled together a z80 board i guess. also cool | 17:25 |
minute | i'm upset that non technical consumers don't want gear from the matrix! | 17:26 |
amatecha | yeah I agree, I was just about to say something along those lines | 17:26 |
amatecha | like yeah a high schooler can literally DIY an entire open source PC but everyone will just buy a proprietary walled-garden thing full of ads and spyware lol | 17:27 |
- cobra (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~cobra@user/Cobra) | 17:56 | |
minute | nice, byran reached out https://mastodon.social/@Hello9999901/113884279958891692 | 18:11 |
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra) | 18:12 | |
BoostisBetter | that is impresive but I have to say that I think the Next is MUCH better. | 18:15 |
BoostisBetter | froim a design and practicality perspective. | 18:15 |
midfavila | not like he's just "in high school" | 18:26 |
midfavila | he's some rich kid going to a prep school | 18:26 |
midfavila | kind of expected that someone with the resources that implies can do things like that | 18:26 |
midfavila | the carrier board is neat, but the rest is just basic electronics. if more people had the opportunity to learn and study instead of that being the domain of the well-off, more people would have those skills. | 18:27 |
midfavila | idk. | 18:27 |
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:28 | |
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Thunderbi@38-146-94-247.echocast.zone) | 18:54 | |
josch | BoostisBetter: there is no comparison of Byran's project and the Next, i think | 18:57 |
BoostisBetter | josch: same | 18:57 |
josch | because byran did this as a school project -- their project is great by itself independent of what the next is or is not | 18:58 |
minute | yeah it's a totally different setup. we're a small company doing this for a living | 19:02 |
josch | yes, exactly that | 19:03 |
minute | i didn't have these resources as a teenager but also because they simply didn't exist. no way to cheaply order pcbs or get 3d stuff made | 19:03 |
minute | there was a shop in our town where i went with my father and they had little DIY electronics kits that i soldered | 19:04 |
Sario | Speaking of, I really hope that Next is as successful as I think it will be | 19:04 |
minute | as a kid i paged through thick Elector books of pcb layouts and stuff not understanding much (but i liked the looks of the PCBs) | 19:04 |
amospalla | you also fulfill a type of hardware that no other company does, it is not only a question of technical computer specs and features | 19:04 |
minute | and 1000 page component catalogs :D everything was only in books | 19:05 |
minute | and in school breaks i snuck into the library where they had sometimes obscure books on 68000 etc | 19:05 |
minute | quite different from having the internet community of now with youtube etc and people that encourage you | 19:05 |
josch | and being able to look at MNT kicad files :) | 19:08 |
minute | yeah that is really a good thing, OSHW is there to learn from | 19:09 |
josch | minute: about imx, my git bisect says, that 04cf420bbc32a599aa2481725f708435ea19bf3d is the first bad commit: https://paste.debian.net/1346649/ | 19:18 |
josch | about my imx8mq hdmi display bisect i mean | 19:19 |
* mjw -> Guest497 | 19:21 | |
- Guest497 (QUIT: Killed (iridium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c) | 19:21 | |
* mark_ -> mjw | 19:21 | |
+ Guest497 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c) | 19:21 | |
josch | the amount of changes is huge so i guess i now have to learn how to bisect that | 19:23 |
minute | josch: oof that's a huge merge | 19:23 |
minute | no cdns in there though | 19:24 |
minute | only dw hdmi... | 19:25 |
minute | but leaving that out enables hdmi on imx8mq for you josch? | 19:25 |
josch | i did not test that yet | 19:26 |
josch | i'll try that next | 19:26 |
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@ | 19:27 | |
josch | (of course also possible that i messed up a bisection step) | 19:28 |
grimmware | minute: "i'm upset that non technical consumers don't want gear from the matrix!" - I have never and will never understand people | 19:28 |
grimmware | I remember listening to an interview with William Gibson on (I think) the BBC in which he said, wrt nerds, "I just gave them permission to wear leather jackets" and I can't help but feel that there's something terribly wrong with technology these days that most people don't *want* to look a e s t h e t i c whilst they're hacking | 19:30 |
minute | grimmware: (hopefully it was clear that i was joking) | 19:38 |
minute | grimmware: ah lol i think i remember that gibson quote | 19:38 |
minute | i think the problem is that cyberpunk 2077 is putting the wrong kind of 3d models for their laptops etc in the game... too nu-skool | 19:39 |
minute | i wonder how production design will be on that new neuromancer tv show | 19:41 |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 19:49 | |
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50) | 19:50 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 19:51 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 19:51 | |
+ mra (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:9f13:30f:deb4:2577) | 19:54 | |
grimmware | oh man I really really hope it's good | 20:07 |
grimmware | I'm so ready to be annoyed by it and I know that's wrong | 20:07 |
grimmware | but I was pretty pissed off with The Peripheral that they started out really strong and then just did banal shit like have fights for no reason | 20:08 |
grimmware | I agree about the CP2077 laptops, they looked way too much like laptops | 20:09 |
grimmware | I think those of us who go around that game looking at the computers more than the robot arms and the guns are a special breed though | 20:10 |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 20:17 | |
+ LainExperiments (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 20:20 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 20:22 | |
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@ | 20:22 | |
Manis | Just read the Technical Deep Dive post on CrowdSupply. It's always a pleasure to read these articles. Congratulations, minute. | 20:42 |
Manis | Especially seeing you guys do actual testing of the hardware before throwing it into the market. | 20:42 |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 20:45 | |
- mra (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:9f13:30f:deb4:2577) | 20:47 | |
+ mra (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:9f13:30f:deb4:2577) | 20:48 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 20:48 | |
mra | ooh, it's out! reading time! | 20:48 |
Manis | But after seeing the toot from Jan 13 I can't stop wondering: Reform with built-in floppy drive, when? | 20:51 |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 20:56 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 20:59 | |
- mra (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:9f13:30f:deb4:2577) | 21:08 | |
minute | grimmware: ahaha true | 21:15 |
minute | Manis: thanks! | 21:16 |
+ mra (~mra@2a02:aa10:e778:ad80:9f13:30f:deb4:2577) | 21:25 | |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 21:27 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 21:30 | |
+ reform30185 (~annika@ | 21:30 | |
* reform30185 -> abackstrom | 21:33 | |
abackstrom | have any of y'all messed with 24 bit color in foot + tmux? my test pattern script works fine outside tmux, but tmux (no config applied) drops back to 16 colors | 21:35 |
L29Ah | abackstrom: why do you need tmux? | 21:36 |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 21:38 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 21:40 | |
+ reform14201 (~rose@ | 21:41 | |
reform14201 | hi hi! checking out the chat for the first time to ask a question | 21:41 |
reform14201 | (hoping this is working properly) | 21:41 |
gordon1 | works fine from this side | 21:41 |
reform14201 | glad to hear it %% | 21:42 |
reform14201 | *^^ | 21:42 |
reform14201 | I was wondering if anyone knows how to set up LUKS on reform pocket; I saw mention of some command line script, but couldn | 21:42 |
reform14201 | 't get much else; | 21:43 |
reform14201 | and the script doesn | 21:43 |
reform14201 | 't seem to be installed | 21:43 |
gordon1 | don't have reform-pocket, but remember finding this script in the reform-tools repo, it might be what you need https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/blob/main/sbin/reform-setup-encrypted-nvme | 21:45 |
abackstrom | L29Ah: long-running processes and tabbing through multiple terminals in the same window, mostly | 21:46 |
abackstrom | I used that nvme script the other day, worked like a charm | 21:48 |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 21:50 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 21:53 | |
reform14201 | thank you gordon ^^ will check it out | 21:54 |
grimmware | abackstrom: `tmux -2` | 21:57 |
grimmware | abackstrom: solved this exact same problem a couple of weeks ago | 21:57 |
grimmware | I was lazy and just aliased it in my shell because I couldn't be bothered to find the actual configurations | 21:58 |
- reform14201 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~rose@ | 22:03 | |
abackstrom | thanks grimmware! will give it a shot | 22:04 |
- abackstrom (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~annika@ | 22:04 | |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 22:04 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 22:07 | |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 22:08 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 22:10 | |
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-78-82-52-61.bbcust.telenor.se) | 22:15 | |
- LainExperiments (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) | 22:21 | |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 22:27 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 22:30 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~aloo_shu@ | 22:51 | |
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@ | 22:53 | |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 23:02 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 23:05 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~aloo_shu@ | 23:10 | |
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@ | 23:12 | |
josch | bingo, my bisection was incorrect | 23:12 |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 23:20 | |
+ _justin_kelly71 (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 23:25 | |
- _justin_kelly71 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~justinkel@user/justin-kelly/x-6011154) | 23:31 | |
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4) | 23:35 | |
+ aloo_shu_ (~aloo_shu@ | 23:36 | |
- sevan (QUIT: Changing host) (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4) | 23:36 | |
+ sevan (~sevan@user/venture37) | 23:36 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 23:39 | |
* aloo_shu_ -> aloo_shu | 23:39 |
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