
minutech: i think checkbox 5 is now complete? https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/issues/400:15
minutei read recently in #linux-rockchip that someone almost has rk3588 VOP2 working in uboot00:16
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
grimmwareminute: does that basically mean having the screen render useful things earlier in boot?00:45
grimmwareI need to read into the latest keyboard firmware cos I think it might solve some of the problems I’ve been having when using the accelerometer mod00:47
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
chi take it to mean that, provided it'll run edk200:55
chbut that would be awesome00:55
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~textual@
+ mtm (~textual@
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:15
+ aperezdc (~aperezdc@2a03:6000:6e61:633::43)01:25
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)01:51
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74DC72.versanet.de)03:13
+ nsc (~nicolas@65-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:15
- cobra (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~cobra@user/Cobra)04:09
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)04:11
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)04:20
- MyNetAz (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)04:23
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~paperManu@
+ MyNetAz (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)04:34
- bleb (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~cm@user/bleb)05:40
+ bleb (~cm@user/bleb)05:44
+ ajr_ (~ajr@syn-172-091-111-232.res.spectrum.com)07:58
- ajr_ (QUIT: Client Quit) (~ajr@syn-172-091-111-232.res.spectrum.com)08:01
+ ajr_ (~ajr@syn-172-091-111-232.res.spectrum.com)08:01
- ajr_ (QUIT: Client Quit) (~ajr@syn-172-091-111-232.res.spectrum.com)08:04
+ ajr_ (~ajr@2603:8001:6400:3795::1012)08:05
- ajr_ (QUIT: Client Quit) (~ajr@2603:8001:6400:3795::1012)08:07
+ ajr_ (~ajr@syn-172-091-111-232.res.spectrum.com)08:07
- ajr (QUIT: ) (uid609314@user/ajr)08:18
- ajr_ (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.9.1 - https://znc.in) (~ajr@syn-172-091-111-232.res.spectrum.com)08:21
+ ajr (~ajr@user/ajr)08:21
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.9.1 - https://znc.in) (~ajr@user/ajr)08:40
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:04
+ jacobk_ (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:04
- n_to (QUIT: Quit: quitidiquit) (~n_to@2a03:4000:6:3662:24b1:57ff:fec6:76c1)11:33
+ n_to (~n_to@2a03:4000:6:3662:24b1:57ff:fec6:76c1)11:34
BoostisBetterminute: I am happy to report that your updated keyboard firmware and after updating psuspend and rmt tools, the psuspend is working perfectly again with the Pocket. The battery ready out on the oled is showing an average,  power draw of .300ish amps which is a .200 ish amps improvement. 12:26
BoostisBetterminute: is these numbers are true this means that the pocket could last for over 24 hours in psuspend12:28
- aperezdc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~aperezdc@2a03:6000:6e61:633::43)12:29
BoostisBetterminute: if these numbers are true this means that the pocket could last for over 24 hours in psuspend12:30
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:36
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-78-82-52-90.bbcust.telenor.se)13:02
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~textual@
+ mtm (~textual@
op_4anyone here using the RK3588 and have the misfortune of having to use slack/google meet/zoom? is it powerful enough to get by?13:05
BoostisBetterthe RK3588 is more powerful than an x230 i513:07
BoostisBetterwhich runs all of those things without issue13:07
BoostisBetterso I would say that it SHOULD be able to13:07
op_4sweet! BoostisBetter i think you might have been the tipping point for me here :)13:07
op_4i have an x230 and it does indeed work13:08
BoostisBetterop_4: no worries, I also have an x230 but I have an i7 version13:08
op_4BoostisBetter: yeah, tbh me too but it's running qubes so i guess emulating an i5 :p13:08
op_4and i had a veyron speedy chromebook (RK3288) and it could just _barely_ squeak by13:10
chfwupd failing appears to be a permission issue m(13:17
minuteBoostisBetter: i also have seen a lower power draw but it's hard to believe :D13:18
chare we sure its not the leds? :D13:18
minutewe are not sure :D but i can do some tests in the lab with the keyboard in isolation13:19
minuteold vs new fw13:19
BoostisBetterjust happy about the improvement regardless13:21
amospallaare you using imx8mp on reform BoostisBetter? If so, what amp/voltage shows when pseudo suspended?13:26
BoostisBetteramospalla: .300-430-ish amps13:36
BoostisBetteramospalla: also the CPU is obviously cooler. Kind of unbelievable as well. 13:36
amospallaI'm upgrading firmware today.13:37
amospallaWhat is the process to manually upgrade to the latest firmware? (I can not use fwupd).13:43
- ericsfraga (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~user@2a00:23cc:b43d:4b00::3ce)13:43
choled menu -> X should always work and get you into bootsel mode13:44
chthen picotool load filename.uf213:44
chpicotool reset13:44
chhave an external keyboard attached before doing that13:44
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
amospallaIs the latest built artifact a good choice? Or too risky?13:48
chworked for me yesterday13:50
amospallaOk, it has an update script.13:50
amospallaoh well, no package named picotool on Debian/Stable :'(13:52
amospallaNo luck for me, I'll have to wait till next Debian release.13:52
chor flash from an sdcard13:53
amospallaor a chroot13:54
bkeysHas anyone got a shipping notification for rk3588?14:00
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
+ paperManu (~paperManu@
amospallaI think I upgraded the sysctl firmware, how can I check I actually have the latest one?14:21
+ ericsfraga (~user@2a00:23cc:b43d:4b00::3ce)14:23
+ aperezdc (~aperezdc@2a03:6000:6e61:633::43)14:25
amospallanevermind, I have it. I see it is consuming 0.275A, never saw something that low before.14:25
joschmaybe a pocket owner can benchmark the battery runtime before and after the change to make sure that these numbers are not fake?14:27
amospallaComparing it to the values I noted when I got my pocket, it is roughly half the power consumption :S14:27
amospallajosch: yes, I'll do. Will take time, I need a full charge/discharge cycle.14:28
BoostisBetterit is an impressive improvement that is mostly likely due to the idle power consumption efforts. Combined with some loop elements being removed from the keyboard firmware, I think we are just seeing some realistic improvement. Excellent work indeed. 14:30
BoostisBetteramospallo: does psuspend only use brightnessctl and NOT dpms?14:30
amospallabrightnessctl + switch into another virtual terminal + setterm blank(from memory)14:31
amospallaBecause it has to work system wide.14:31
BoostisBetterok good14:32
BoostisBetterbrightnessctl has worked reliably for me14:33
BoostisBetterI am wondering if we will get working suspend on the RK3588. Quite a few people have that now out in a wild. Do we have reports of suspend working?14:33
BoostisBetterand if so, on what kernel?14:33
chamospalla: wait, your sysctl wasn't at least 2024-08-26 before?14:36
chthats the version that brought improved idle power consumption14:36
BoostisBetterch: if you didn't upgrade then it was at the initial version when the pocket shipped. Minute said mine was way old, for example14:37
BoostisBetterand that version was previous to July as well14:37
chyes, but upgrading to 2024-08-26B was always a good idea14:37
BoostisBetteryep, although with old non-updated keyboard firmware, it caused the keyboard and sysctrl to crash and be usuable with a power cycle14:38
amospallach: I upgraded to the one minute announced on the forums.14:38
amospallaIt was on these dates IIRC.14:38
chthats the one that was announced iirc14:38
BoostisBetteramospalla: you need to update your keyboard firmware as well14:38
amospallaOh, keyboard firmware too?14:38
joschBoostisBetter: we don't have suspend working with rk3588. I have working suspend with imx8mq on classic reform and kde plasma 6 -- bisecting now to see where it broke...14:38
BoostisBetteror you will have issues of the sysctrl crashing14:38
amospallaI only upgraded the sysctl.14:38
amospallaWell, I just ran the included script in ./scripts14:38
chthe current fw discussion was always about the keyboard firmware :)14:38
BoostisBetteramospalla: this is the one you want for your keyboard14:39
BoostisBetterit has the keyboard firmware already built with an install script already there explaining how to upgrade it14:39
BoostisBetteryou will need another usb keyboard though14:39
BoostisBetterbut my limited time running this version has been VERY good14:40
BoostisBetterand the best thing is you can recover the usb hub and the keybaord independently with it14:40
amospallaWhatever, I upgraded the sysctl to the latest build artifact and the power consumption apparently improved (if the oled values are correct).14:41
chtry plugging a charger and then unplugging it to see if theres a difference14:42
josch$ git bisect bad v6.1214:43
joschSegmentation fault (core dumped)14:43
BoostisBetterjosch: good times14:44
amospallach: yes, plug/unplug, it still consumes less power than before.14:45
amospallawhen plugged, voltage gets higher, and amps get negative and around 1.4A14:46
BoostisBetterhow much power the pd pulls has to do with the stater of your battery. Max discharge is around -1.9 amps14:46
BoostisBetterclose it gets to 100% the more it tapers off, and at 100% it will just be the charger supplying operating requirements. Love that. The batteries are nice and cool once they are charged. 14:47
BoostisBetteramospalla: when you upgrade the sysctrl or keyboard make sure you reboot the system. This ensures that the file system is correct and not locked. 14:50
amospallaShould the new keyboard firmware make the computer consume less energy?14:50
amospallaIf so, I should wait to test the time it gets the battery to deplete with the latest sysctl firmware, and then test again with the latest keyboard firmware.14:51
BoostisBetteryes the new keyboard is the key to a much better overall netted power consumption. However with the new sysctrl I saw slight improvements as well. 14:53
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)14:53
* Guest4113 -> mjw14:55
amospallaBut I have not applied the keyboard firmware (from usb-preempt branch), but the sysctl firmware (from main branch).14:55
joschBisecting: 85361 revisions left to test after this (roughly 16 steps)14:57
joschsecond time was a charm14:57
joschof course it would not segfault inside gdb...14:58
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@
joschwhen bisecting linux and you re-use your current .config with another kernel version -- do you do anything other than just pressing and holding the enter key as all the differing config options scroll by?15:02
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
minuteamospalla: looking forward to your results!15:04
BoostisBetteramospalla: ditto15:04
Zabajosch: make olddefconfig perhaps?15:12
joschZaba: thank you! I'll try that out at the next bisection step in ~6.5 hours :)15:13
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
josch./include/trace/events/ext4.h:1891:46: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault15:26
joschthis is not my lucky day...15:26
BoostisBetterahh the joys of debugging work. 15:27
* leonardo- -> leonardo15:55
BoostisBetterin other news, I already have an idea for something I am going to work on to improve teh Next when it comes out. has to do with the touchpad. 15:57
BoostisBetterany guesses? I will hint that it is something Windows already has. 16:03
BoostisBetterCrap, just had the USB hub just crash again. System was still running but no USB port was active. Keyboard and trackball unresponsive and the lpc was also unresponsive and inaccessible. 16:11
BoostisBetterHad to power cycle... Bummer. 16:12
- jacobk_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)16:16
chjosch: lol. is that with the newest git from unstable? (i think jonathan uploaded a new git yesterday)16:17
BoostisBetteramospalla: seems like it is evtest and trying to get a handle on the keyboard. I guess the hook changes and psuspend spams the system waiting for the keyboard to awake. This causes the whole usb hub to take a giant dump.16:17
BoostisBettersystemd actually automatically restarted the service, and this is when evtest first failed and the awaiting keybaord messages happen. 16:18
BoostisBetterI think assuming that the hub is going to give the keyboard the same address is perhaps not prudent here and is the source of the issue16:18
amospallacheck your dmesg, I suspect that keyboard disapears, evtest stops and psuspend stops with it. Then systemd restarts the failed service, and because there is no keyboard it waits forever for it to exist.16:19
BoostisBetterThat is possible, because the keyboard DID disappear. 16:21
BoostisBetterminute: I wonder if the hub could automatically detected if it is disconnected and reset to connect again?16:21
anttiHello Folks16:22
anttiI just got a mnt-reform v4 keyboard. I noticed that there isn't an insert key and I want to change the left ctrl for the hyper key.16:22
anttiI also I want to disable the rgb backlight and only enabled when I need it.16:22
anttiBased in the following links16:22
anttiWith version 4.0, we are now using the ARM-based controller RP2040 as it is faster and better16:22
anttidocumented than the ATmega32U4.16:22
anttiThis links said that it is easy to update via USB but there aren't instructions.16:22
anttiMNT Reform Standalone Keyboard Manual (V4)16:23
anttithis manual has only a few details about it v4 keyboard16:23
anttiwhere can I find the official way to modify some keys ?16:23
anttiI found an old link in https://community.mnt.re "Another firmware for the MNT Reform keyboard: QMK16:23
anttifrom 2021 that he mnt keyboard supports qmk16:23
anttiis this the way how can I change a few keys ?16:23
chin the pdf you linked it says the source and instructions are at https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/tree/master/reform2-keyboard4-fw?ref_type=heads16:23
chin qmk both mntre and mntre_v3 are for processor=atmega32u4, so that wont work with v416:25
chbut maybe you can contribute a config to qmk thats using rp204016:26
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
anttithanks for the replies . I saw the gitlab repo but how do you which file do you need to modfy for the keyboard and then swap the keys16:27
chhttps://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/blob/master/reform2-keyboard4-fw/src/usb_hid_keys.h?ref_type=heads looks relevant16:28
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)16:31
minuteBoostisBetter: keyboard disappeared with new fw? does it come back after usb reset from oled menu?16:32
chhttps://bugs.debian.org/1092015 unstable users might want to hold off upgrading for a bit until its clear if this affects arm64 too or whats going on16:36
ch('libwlroots-0.18: WLR compositors's fail to run due to "undefined symbol: wlr_output_is_drm"16:36
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)16:39
BoostisBetterminute: the lpc does not respond or give me a menu. It as if someone just unplugged the whole hub. 16:41
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
amospallaBoostisBetter: does your pocket lose keyboard only when it is pseudo-suspended? Never ever in other situation?16:41
BoostisBetteramospalla: in this instance it has resumed 3 minutes earlier from psuspend. Was working fine. Then the hub disconnectes and psuspend went into waiting for keyboard status16:42
BoostisBetterBut before, yes it seemed to do that while psuspend was active. 16:43
amospallaBattery 0: Discharging, 96%, 25:36:00 remaining16:47
anttihttps://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/blob/master/reform2-keyboard4-fw/src/usb_hid_keys.h?ref_type=heads looks relevant -> interesting I can see a lot of keys here. these should be the keys that I need to check in order to swap it. but how do you know what is the main file for that ?16:48
BoostisBetteramospalla: with psuspend active right. That is what I was seeing as well. Massive. 16:48
minuteBoostisBetter: the menu is rendered by the keyboard itself. so you couldn't open that, yes?16:48
BoostisBetterminute: that is correct. The keyboard was totally unresponsive. 16:48
minuteBoostisBetter: ok so the keyboard main loop hung or crashed, hmm.16:48
BoostisBetterminute: I tried plugging another keyboard in as well and the hub did nothing with it. 16:48
BoostisBetterminute: so the sysctrl was likely also crashed. 16:49
BoostisBetterminute: or like I speculated, the USB hub connecting all of it took a dump16:49
BoostisBetterminute: lastly what amospalla is reporting is what I am seeing as well. This means that psuspend is almost better than a real suspend. 16:51
minuteBoostisBetter: hub and sysctl are not really related to each other. but interesting that the new keyboard was not detected as well16:51
amospallamy script is a wannabe suspend, can't really compare16:52
BoostisBetterminute: hmm, if we can just keep the keyboard stabke then psuspend will be super useful for the Mplus crowd not upgrading. 16:52
BoostisBetterminute: So I just enabled sway idle and left my pocket alone. I come back to it and normally wiggling the track ball will wake it and I'll get the screen and the keyboard backlight will come back on. But now it's acting the exact same way. So the keyboard is disconnected. The OLED menu is not visible and I can't, it doesn't have any way to wake the machine. I'm going to plug a keyboard in and see16:54
BoostisBetter if that's recognized. But my guess is the hub will be down as well.16:54
BoostisBetterminute: the hub is still active and I am back in16:56
BoostisBetterminute: I should note that this time psuspend was disabled and not running. This just happeed while the pocket was on and plugged in. It is possible that the Librem 5 charger I am using is doing something weird to the sysctrl or something. 16:57
BoostisBetterminute: looking at the dmesg logs from journalctl it seems that there is a usb error: usb 1-1.3: device descriptor read/6, error -3217:00
BoostisBetterthen the hub is listed as device 4, resets and is listed as device 517:00
BoostisBetterI this this relisting of the hub is what is causing the keyboard to disconnect17:01
BoostisBetterxwayland, on another tangent seems to be causing the etnaviv gpu to crash. I need to figure out which applicants I am using that is using xwayland. 17:02
minuteBoostisBetter: it can also be the other way around, that the keyboard hangs and disturbs the hub17:02
BoostisBetterminute: lsusb reads out the way it should and shows both keyboard and sysctrl17:03
minuteBoostisBetter: ok but keyboard responds not to hyper+enter yes? and holding hyper and rolling trackball does not change the backlight?17:04
BoostisBetterminute: I think the sysctrl is still running as waybar seems to be reporting a battery precentage that is correct. I guess it really is isolated to just the keyboard this one time. 17:04
BoostisBetterminute: yes that is correct17:04
BoostisBetterI am using a System76 keyboard with it now17:04
BoostisBetterno mouse17:04
minuteBoostisBetter: ok, so the keyboard rp2040 has crashed or is hung17:04
BoostisBetterminute: ok, that seems probable17:05
BoostisBetterminute: is the only way to get it back to power cycle?17:05
minutei wonder how to reproduce that17:05
minuteBoostisBetter: you can remove the keyboard lid and press the reset button of the keyboard. but not very comfy17:06
minutewe could look into hw watchdog of the rp2040, but that's also a bandaid17:06
BoostisBetterminute: amospalla: I am wondering if rmt tools are maybe something here. Swayidle is using rmt leds to turn the backlight off on the keyboard. When resume is activated by moving the mouse, then rmt leds is setting the leds to 0 0 50 17:07
minuteif we had a good reproducer, that would be best17:07
minutei'm currently in a train and will see how my pocket behaves17:08
BoostisBetterreseting the keyboard brought keyboard and oled back17:09
amospallaBoostisBetter: you can find if psuspend has some interaction.17:11
BoostisBetterit didn't this go around because it was systemctl stopped17:11
BoostisBetterbut rmt leds were still doing things17:11
+ jacobk (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02:77cb:6304:f9db:dda1)17:12
amospalladisable everything, use it for a couple of days, enable only one thing and use it for a couple of days, until you enable everything. If psuspend is triggering something you will locate what is this way.17:12
BoostisBetteramospalla, right now I have it sleeping as I am doing a battery test like you. 92%, enabled psuspend. Going to see how much drains in 4 hours. Once I resume, I will disable all things that use rmt in psuspend, and try it like that. I will also remove all instances of rmt in my sway config to make swayidle or something else isn't using it as well. 17:18
BoostisBetteramospalla: the good news, is that I think we are real close and this is just something minor. 17:18
BoostisBetterminute: I don't mind trying to figure this out with your help. I can do whatever you need. 17:19
BoostisBetterminute: going to dinner now, but I'll be back in about 3 hours. 17:19
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02:77cb:6304:f9db:dda1)17:24
minuteindeed trackball moves slower on usb-preempt fw. 17:25
minutei now edited .config/sway/config.d/input and added:17:26
minute        accel_profile "adaptive"17:27
minute        pointer_accel 1.017:27
minutethat's much better!17:27
minutehmm, rk3588 pocket reform headphone audio sounds bitcrushed in some frequencies17:41
minutei wonder if there's a clocking/mode mistake17:41
chminute: btw did you recently test ethernet on rk3588/pocket?17:44
minute[tj]: thx for that link!17:45
minutech: hmm not sure, do you have issues with it?17:45
chi think i saw it not working, will retest with a more controlled environment later17:45
chcongress was not the best testbed :)17:46
minuteyeah :D17:48
+ ajr (~ajr@user/ajr)18:13
+ piroko (~piroko@
grimmwareminute: BoostisBetter's problems sound pretty familiar to me, I'm going to re-read what they've written tomorrow as I may have been triggering the same thing with my accelerometer mod when plugged in to a power supply18:41
grimmwareif it *is* the same thing I can tell you some more about the conditions under which I've triggered it18:44
chgrimmware: in case this only happens when connected to a charger, can you try my usbpd branch?18:44
grimmwarech: is this a separate branch or the stuff you merged to main a while ago?18:45
chnot merged yet18:46
chcant use usb devices on the charging port with it at the moment18:46
- ericsfraga (QUIT: Quit: ERC 5.6.1-git (IRC client for GNU Emacs 31.0.50)) (~user@2a00:23cc:b43d:4b00::3ce)18:48
grimmwarehmm, I'd have to merge our branches18:48
chyeah probably18:49
grimmwareI'll give it a look tomorrow as the merge might not be too nasty, we're both in the spi_com code for example but I wouldn't be surprised if we've managed to avoid stepping on each other's toes because I didn't touch the pd stuff18:50
minuteBoostisBetter: shut down pocket in previous train. pulled out of sleeve in new train. keyboard not responding. maybe there's just a bug in my new branch18:58
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:02
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:17
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
+ jacobk (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02:77cb:6304:f9db:dda1)19:35
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
BoostisBetternot sure, but similar things were happening before the branch as well. I can confirm that resetting the keyboard controller manually always brings the keyboard and oled back up19:52
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:53
BoostisBetterminute: I am really curious if the sysctrl firmware (which has changed) is maybe polling the keyboard or something in a way that is contributing to this. Seems kind of illusive. 19:54
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
BoostisBetterminute: came back from dinner, and the keyboard has disconnected again as well. It seems to be happening all the time now. From 17:12 to 19:49 the keyboard was fine. Then it disconnected again.19:56
BoostisBetterch: I would be willing to try your branch, can you link me to the artifacts to download? 20:08
BoostisBetterI will say that the latest disconnect I had happened while only on battery power. BUT, plugging into power while in psuspend or swayidle does tend to lead to crashes on the sysctrl. 20:09
chBoostisBetter: on https://source.mnt.re/zeha/pocket-reform/-/commits/zeha-usbpd click the green tick -> in the bottom right corner there is a download button -> then click build:archive20:09
chBoostisBetter: this click-path should work for most things20:10
BoostisBetterthanks, got it. 20:12
BoostisBetterCan you paraphrase what your branch is bringing to the table? 20:12
BoostisBetterIt mainly improves PD selection? 20:12
BoostisBetteralso I pulled from pipeline #3297 right? 20:13
chmostly PD stuff, yes. 3297 yes20:13
chlet me just check sth20:13
chok, this doesnt work as is on your hardware20:14
chif you want to try it, try it from https://source.mnt.re/zeha/pocket-reform/-/commit/63b9f2282549db90f585933907368cd9c7f270c620:15
BoostisBetterI just installed it form that pipeline though, seems to work. I should take it from what you just linked though? 20:20
BoostisBetterroger, installing it now20:21
BoostisBetterinstalled and rebooting20:25
BoostisBetterregarding the xwayland clients, found codium, brave, and betterbird all using it. They all are able to use wayland though. Made some changes and they are all happily using wayland. Something though like lxpolkit, pasystray, and gsm-settings are all dependent on xwayland. 20:43
BoostisBetterI doubt they are crashing though, so I am not worried. Most likely it was Brave.20:43
BoostisBetterch: so far now problems using your branch. I do see faster pd charging negogitations though20:45
BoostisBettershould more chargers work with this? Like maybe the Framework charger?20:45
BoostisBetterch: YES!!! The Framework charger works with it now. How awesome is that!20:46
chyes, more chargers should work20:46
chand you should see better charging behaviour20:46
chas said, usb devices mostly dont work on the charging usbc20:46
BoostisBetterlooks like it is trickle charging compared to the others, which I like. I prefer low and slow as it is just better for the batteries.20:47
BoostisBetterI rarely plug anything in, and mostly have the pd port used for charging anyway20:47
chthe charger ic should switch automatically to faster charging once its safe to do so20:49
chdepending on the charging brick and the supported voltages that might not work without a hw mod, but if so it never did20:49
BoostisBetterseems to be working well enough. 20:55
BoostisBetterReally appreciate it so far. 20:55
BoostisBetterin other news I am trying to force LibreOffice to use wayland, but I can't seem to get soffice to use it. 20:55
BoostisBetterI only ever use Writer20:56
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02:77cb:6304:f9db:dda1)21:07
joschbisecting imx8mq is not going well... kernel 6.6 is stuck in the initramfs... :/21:23
BoostisBetterjosch: bummer! Appreciate the efforts! 21:30
BoostisBetterminute: seems the keyboard is exclusively the issue. Did another psuspend, and I had to reset the keyboard to get the keyboard working again. not trying to stress just reporting some hopefully useful information.21:35
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
anttiHello there. I'm trying to figure out how to switch the left ctrl vs the hyper key in mnt-reform v4 keyboard. I cloned the gitlab repo and ../reform2-keyboard4-fw/README.md there is only an example of build.sh22:03
anttiWhich tools do I need to flash it ? How can I make a copy of the current version ? in this new v4 model is the "usb flashing mode" the current way to push the flash on it? How do you know which file modify . somebody here point me to a file called usb_hid_keys.h but I don't see how can I use it .22:03
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (iridium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c)22:06
* mark_ -> mjw22:06
+ Guest1720 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c)22:06
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-78-82-52-90.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
BoostisBetterhi antti: asking on the community forum is a great way to get help as well. Asking here MIGHT be quicker but only if the relevant people are on and are free. At least on the forum you give everyone a chance to help as well. 22:16
anttiBoostisBetter: oh I see. thanks for let me know. I will post it there.22:43
BoostisBetterno worries. Folks here are really awesome as well. Just might miss them depending on when you ask questions or say something. 22:47
BoostisBetterIRC is fun like that. 22:47
joschantti: also, not many folks are with keyboard v4 yet22:48
anttioh that explains why there isn't a qmk support 22:53
anttiwell I more than happy to help with the documentation. this is my first keyboard that it has openhardware :P22:54
joschantti: if v4 works like the versions before, then the file you might want to modify is src/matrix.h You will see comments like // Top row, // Second row, // Third row22:55
joschantti: since you want to swap the first and second keys in the last row (right?) you should probably look under // Sixth row22:56
joschand then swap KEY_HYPER with KEY_LEFTMETA22:56
joschand then README.md tells you how to build it22:58
joschthe script flash-direct.sh has the picotool invocations that let you flash it22:58
joschi ordered keyboard v4 but don't have one yet, so i cannot give you help from my own experience -- just reading the stuff in git22:59
anttiI see. thanks for let me know all this. I was lost when I read usb_hid_keys.h23:00
anttiI'm trying to switch keys four row first key (ctrl) for six row  first key (hyper) . this is the first modification. thne I would like to see how can I map the insert key and then the pause key becasue when I'm playing 0ad I need to hit the menu with the rodent 23:01
joschantti: note, that unless you want to change the hyper key, you can also use this method which avoids having to change your firmware: https://community.mnt.re/t/remapping-keyboard-without-firmware-modification-adding-sysrq-key/68723:06
joschantti: it sounds like you want to do this change: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/b5498744/23:08
anttiA moderator must manually approve your new account before you can access this forum. --> step one completed.I need to wait for it.23:11
joschantti: one sec...23:13
joschantti: welcome to the forum :)23:13
anttilet me check23:13
anttiI was using with Xorg key mapping but I prefer to avoid this because I have multiple hosts and sometimes I forget to push the settings. if it is in the keyboard I just need to plug and play :P23:14
joschantti: ah, it's an external keyboard v4?23:15
anttiyes I just order the keyboard standalone. it took like more than 3 months but I finally have it.23:15
BoostisBetteryeah MNT is a small company doing assembly in house. Good quality from excellent people, all worth the wait. 23:16
anttiis there a dark mode for https://community.mnt.re hidden somewhere ?23:16
anttiBoostisBetter: sweet. I saw a talk about mnt in the last ccc and it looks like they are working hard to have a working arm64 alternative.23:17
joschantti: Preferences → Interface → Color Scheme23:18
anttiI found the dark mode. wow is amazing.23:18
anttithanks josch .23:19
anttiit has a strong magenta. 23:19
BoostisBetteryeah Team MNT love magenta23:20
anttioh that explains why the default led is magenta in the v4 standalone keyboard23:21
anttithat is the post Folks. let me know if I need to include something else23:33
vkoskivOn my earlier keyboard at least, circle + x kicks it into flashing mode. Not sure there is a way to recover the firmware already on there though.23:34
joschprobably via "picotool dump"23:37
BoostisBetterhas anyone tried getting openBSD running on a MNT Reform or Pocket?23:37
joschah no, "picotool save"23:37
joschthe man page looks wrong... i should fix this...23:38
anttiwhich cpu/soc are you using in the mnt reform or pocket ? 23:39
joschMy main computer is a MNT Reform with A311D.23:40
vkoskivSame here23:40
joschI don't understand all the hype about the rk3588 -- 3.6 GB RAM should be enough for everything, no? ;)23:41
chno :D23:41
chthis is not kansas^i386-land anymore 23:41
joschhey i can *address* more than that easily! :D23:41
chPAE wants to have a word with you23:42
BoostisBetterjosch: the hype is 32gb RAM and a CPU that is more powerful than a x230 i5 basied thinkpad23:42
BoostisBetterI can DO A LOT with my X230 still 23:42
BoostisBetternice to think the same about a Pocket or Next. 23:43
anttiI can't find A311D in obsd pages. rk3588 is here >  https://www.openbsd.org/74.html 23:44
^alexBoostisBetter, iirc openbsd didn't initialize the screen with the default compute module23:46
BoostisBettergotcha. Would love it if OpenBSD worked. One day perhaps. 23:52
anttiwell you will have more changes than waiting for obsd support than any other Os (even in the linux world) 23:56
anttiwell you will have more changes  waiting for obsd support than any other Os (even in the linux world) . 23:58

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