
- MyNetAz (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)00:00
digitalranetried HDMI after runnign reform-display-config dual and rebooting, and I didn't get any display after that, so possibly something wrong there00:01
digitalranei also am not familiar with how it is supposed to work though, i've always just used the internal display00:01
joschdigitalrane: not more should be needed -- possibly something is wrong00:05
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
sevanjosch: on the known working system images, the hdmi should work out of the box without config?00:07
sevanplug in cable and system auto adjusts? or you have to activate the display?00:07
digitalranewhere can i grab an older system image to test? i took a look at the build history but the other builds from main seem to have expired00:09
+ MyNetAz (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)00:11
joschsevan: no, the default is single display00:12
sevanjosch: ack00:13
josch"The artifacts were removed 3 hours ago "00:14
joschdigitalrane: there are no older images00:14
joschoh wait00:16
joschi missed this one: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/7051/artifacts/browse00:16
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)00:33
+ jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)00:34
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:51
sevanblimey, synced my sway config with what ships now in /etc/skel/.config and there's so much improvements :)00:52
sevanI like the waybar improvements and colour search menu with icons. Before it was just bold black & white text00:55
sevanI added the "USB flash mode" menu item to the laptop keyboard mode firmware and it works. However, once you select it, there's no going back from the keyboard itself, you'd have to flash or reset the keyboard using picotool by another means (ssh in, use another keyboard). Am I right? or is there a way to snap it out of the boot loader mode?00:59
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~textual@
minutesevan: only via reset button on the keyboard, i.e. one has to remove the bezel. that's why the menu item is hidden in laptop mode.01:05
+ mtm (~textual@
minuteor well, one can press the button with a pointy object while depressing f4 or a key near that01:06
sevanminute: that's sneaky, didn't think of F4 :)01:07
sevanminute: makes sense. I'll take a look at implementing the system reset next. Am I right it thinking that the keyboard currently doesn't work in u-boot because u-boot doesn't recognise the device id?01:10
minutesevan: that i don't know. i haven't had a reform with graphical u-boot for a while. on rk3588 one can use edk2 and i think it works there01:11
sevanminute: no worries, I'll have a play around and see. :)01:12
sevanthat was fun. gnite.01:12
- kerntallett (QUIT: Quit: kerntallett) (~kerntalle@
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
- murphnj (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~murph@user/murphnj)01:40
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)01:41
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)01:49
+ jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)01:50
+ jacobk (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02::b71)02:01
- ndufresne (QUIT: Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) (~ndufresne@apple.collaboradmins.com)02:06
+ ndufresne (~ndufresne@apple.collaboradmins.com)02:07
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)02:12
- kerntallett (QUIT: Quit: kerntallett) (~kerntalle@
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
- kerntallett (QUIT: Client Quit) (~kerntalle@
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
- kerntallett (QUIT: Client Quit) (~kerntalle@
- cobra (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~cobra@user/Cobra)02:30
digitalranejosch: i saw that one, but i think it is built from the same commit as the one i tested?02:32
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@2a02:c7c:d128:6600:6fa2:26e3:23a9:6fcf)02:57
- kerntallett (QUIT: Client Quit) (~kerntalle@2a02:c7c:d128:6600:6fa2:26e3:23a9:6fcf)02:57
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02::b71)03:10
+ jn_ (~quassel@2a0a-a549-eb45-0-20d-b9ff-fe49-15fc.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de)03:23
- jn_ (QUIT: Changing host) (~quassel@2a0a-a549-eb45-0-20d-b9ff-fe49-15fc.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de)03:23
+ jn_ (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)03:23
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)03:24
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~nicolas@226-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:30
+ reform14205 (~chris@
+ nsc (~nicolas@96-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:32
* reform14205 -> cjm03:35
* cjm -> ntcng03:35
- ntcng (QUIT: Client Quit) (~chris@
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)03:59
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~paperManu@
+ jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)04:33
- jn_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)04:33
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)06:03
+ jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)06:03
noamMy reform has said both that it's at 100% and that ~30W is going into the cells for the last 5-10 minutes, I'm _assuming_ it just misdetected the 100% mark on the prior charge cycle and that it's probably fine?06:15
noamCells are still ~3.5V, so I'm not worried06:16
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)06:16
+ jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)06:16
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)07:13
+ jn (~quassel@2a0a-a549-fbef-0-20d-b9ff-fe49-15fc.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de)07:14
- jn (QUIT: Changing host) (~quassel@2a0a-a549-fbef-0-20d-b9ff-fe49-15fc.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de)07:14
+ jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)07:14
- MyNetAz (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)07:16
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ MyNetAz (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)07:27
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
+ jn_ (~quassel@2a0a-a549-fe5e-0-20d-b9ff-fe49-15fc.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de)08:33
- jn_ (QUIT: Changing host) (~quassel@2a0a-a549-fe5e-0-20d-b9ff-fe49-15fc.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de)08:33
+ jn_ (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)08:33
- jn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)08:33
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)09:07
+ BoostisBetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)09:21
mesaoptimizerwhat is the estimated weight of mnt reform next?09:32
minutenoam: yes09:42
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:04
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)10:04
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)10:11
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~nicolas@96-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)10:47
digitalraneinterestingly my reform display doesn't seem to want to show anything anymore after testing the hdmi stuff, will try some older images11:13
- iank (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)11:54
+ iank (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)12:02
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:13
* Guest9162 -> mjw12:20
+ paperManu (~paperManu@
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C74DE85.versanet.de)12:45
grimmwareminute: hey, would it be possible to reset the keyboard (or just power cycle it) from the sysctl or SoM without physical modifications?12:58
grimmwareThere's a particular kind of keyboard fuckup that I occasionally get (probably due to my sysctl mods) which I can't deterministically rescue without a full system reset via the hard power switch (unless I want to get a screwdriver out and hit the keyboard reset switch) and I'd love to be able to do something with a USB keyboard to rescue it13:01
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-78-82-54-227.bbcust.telenor.se)13:02
grimmwareI mean failing that I'll drill a pinhole in the keyboard cover plate but I'm reticent to do that in case I fuck it up, positioning would be hard13:02
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~textual@
+ mtm (~textual@
chgrimmware: on the pocket?13:08
chi mean to add the usb reset thing to the kbd fw, so it can be updated automatically. then you should also be able to reset it using the same mechanism13:08
ch(= from the running OS)13:09
grimmwarewill that work if the keyboard firmware is wedged?13:09
chdepends on 'how much' :)13:10
chon sysctl fw it seems usb reset often continues to work even if spi is broken etc13:11
grimmwareack, I think I've seen the keyboard de-enumerate when it's wedged before is the thing13:12
chright, then that wouldnt help you13:13
grimmwareminute: so the question still stands if there's a way to cut power to the keyboard from the sysctl or SoM13:29
minutegrimmware: unfortunately no13:30
minutegrimmware: maybe some watchdog could be implemented in the keyboard (or second core of keyboard)13:31
minuteor use of its hw watchdog13:31
minutethe question is can the keyboard see that usb has crashed13:31
minuteok back at the hq, now testing system image build 7051 on further pocket reform permutations to see if we can continue shipping...13:45
+ glu_ (~glu@user/glu)13:45
- glu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~glu@user/glu)13:45
* glu_ -> glu13:45
* jn_ -> jn13:48
- MyNetAz (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)14:12
+ MyNetAz (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz)14:23
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)15:00
bkeysminute: Is there a way when my rk3588 ships that y'all can preload edk2 on the internal memory instead of the system image?15:06
+ reform17484 (~coder@
minutebkeys: currently i don't wanna do that because edk2 is not yet tested enough15:28
bkeysDo I need to have any weird cables or other hardware to flash it when it arrives then?15:28
minutebkeys: no15:28
bkeysJust a type C cable?15:29
minutebkeys: you can try it on sd card first and then copy it to emmc15:29
bkeysI see15:29
minutebkeys: no cables needed15:29
minuteok system image 7051 works with a311d pocket + display v1, so no regression there 15:30
minutesystem image 7051 works with a311d pocket + display v2 (autodetected)15:32
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
- kerntallett (QUIT: Client Quit) (~kerntalle@
minutesystem image 7051 works with imx8mp pocket + one specimen of display v2 (but not other, that may be broken, investigating)15:42
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@2a02:c7c:d128:6600:6fa2:26e3:23a9:6fcf)15:44
minuteah, now it works with both specimen (cable issue)15:44
minuteimx8mp hdmi also works on image 705115:48
minuteethernet as well15:48
minutedisplay v2 brightness control via lpc also works15:50
minutepcie/nvme also works15:50
joschphew... such a relieve when things just work \o/15:51
minuteyes... now will test imx8mp+display v1, i have fears it won't work right but lets hope for the best15:51
minutelol yeah i introduced a regression there as expected... something is off and the display is wrapped + wrong colors15:53
minuteif the display is initialized one more time it fixes itself15:54
minute(i.e. pkill sway in setup wizard shell)15:54
minutebut theoretically we can ship pocket reforms to shop customers with this system image already, as we don't sell imx8mp nor display v115:55
minutebut the current kernel can't be merged to main because it will cause an annoyance for current imx8mp users15:56
minutejosch: and also the new hdmi doesn't work for imx8mq right?15:56
joschminute: not according to digitalrane, yes15:56
joschfixing that might mean to just go back to the last patch stack15:56
minutejosch: can we use the old patches still? or they don't build?15:56
joschno, they should build15:56
joschi made a commit which just increments the patch version15:57
joschso a "git revert" of that commit might work15:57
minuteok need to look into that after/while fixing pocket display v1+imx8mp combo15:57
joschunfortunately i cannot try this myself right now because i have to catch a train in 20 minutes, sorry15:57
minuteno problem15:58
minutemeanwhile i can't run BCN3D stratos appimage on my debian pc anymore......15:58
minute> qt.glx: qglx_findConfig: Failed to finding matching FBConfig for QSurfaceFormat15:58
minutei wonder if rebooting will help :LD15:58
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)16:14
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)16:14
noamminute: thanks, I figured as such but itnever hurts to ask :)16:16
- kerntallett (QUIT: Quit: kerntallett) (~kerntalle@2a02:c7c:d128:6600:6fa2:26e3:23a9:6fcf)16:39
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
- kerntallett (QUIT: Client Quit) (~kerntalle@
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
minutewtf https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/19837#issuecomment-248626700216:47
sevanquite strange to understand since the naming of libz doesn't really correspond with zlib releases :/16:50
minutealso what does this have to do with openGL...16:51
minutebut preloading the old libz indeed works m)16:51
sevanah, looks like we have a name clash16:52
sevanlibz3-4 - theorem prover from Microsoft Research - runtime libraries16:52
sevanit's lib Z316:52
sevanis this embrace, extend, extinguish? :)16:53
+ jjbliss (jjbliss@infinity.garden)16:56
cho_O why is libz3 involved at all17:00
minuteno idea17:03
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)17:04
jjblissI've been having an issue with my reform.  The OLED screen will stop displaying anything for extended periods of time. The system controller is still working, so I can turn the reform on and off, just not see anything on the OLED.  If I unplug and plug back in the sysctl port on the motherboard it starts working again, and if the system is off long enough it will sometimes start working too.17:07
- reform17484 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~coder@
jjblissI'm assuming it's the OLED module going bad, so I might just replace that if that makes sense.  Also considering upgrading to the V4 keyboard.  Does the no-case keyboard come with a new OLED module?17:07
jjblissHas anyone else heard of a similar issue with the OLED?17:12
sevanjjbliss: which version of firmware are you using (circle key + s to display system info will tell you on a working OLED display)17:15
minutejjbliss: yes, comes with new oled17:17
- kerntallett (QUIT: Quit: kerntallett) (~kerntalle@
jjblissminute: thanks.17:19
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)17:19
jjblisssevan:  I'll check that.  Currently the OLED is not displaying and with the RK3588 heatsink it's a lot harder to get to the sysctl port, so it might take me a bit to get the OLED working again17:20
sevanjjbliss: if you haven't updated the firmware in a while, might be worth updating it first.17:21
jjblissI think I did a couple months ago17:21
sevanjjbliss: ah ok, looks like some newer changes landed a month ago :) https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/commits/master/reform2-keyboard-fw?ref_type=heads17:23
sevanonly reason I'm going on about the firmware is I saw something similar, on the v4 firmware, reset the keyboard when system is up, firmware starts displaying the help menu on subsequent firmware. Ignore it long enough and it stops & displays a white bar.17:26
sevanrest of display is black.17:26
jjblissFor mine, the whole display turns black.17:27
jjblissIf the bottom line is the firmware, it is R3 2023112417:28
sevanfooling around: off by one year :)17:30
noamKeyboard backlight on my reform isn't working, and i checked all the wires i could think to check :/17:32
noamI've had it work occasionally on boot, and then cut out after being physically moved17:32
noamSo I'm assuming some sort of loose wiring or something :/17:32
noamany suggestions where to look?17:32
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
sevanjjbliss: did you build the firmware yourself a couple of months ago?17:36
jjblisssevan: I think so.  It might have been closer to a year ago.  I don't really remember the timing17:37
jjblissI can try building and flashing a new firmware.17:38
sevanjjbliss: I think there's a default date which is set in source, so that might be from that. There's fresh build from the CI on gitlab, which will have the correct date.17:39
sevanjjbliss: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/jobs/7052/artifacts/browse17:41
- glu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~glu@user/glu)17:49
+ glu (~glu@user/glu)17:49
minuteok, have fix for pocket display v1 regression with imx8mp17:50
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)17:50
jjblisssevan: looks like the firmware section in the reform repo has a script for downloading the latest firmare build now17:52
- kerntallett (QUIT: Quit: kerntallett) (~kerntalle@
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
- kerntallett (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~kerntalle@
jjblisssevan:  I've now updated both the system firmware and the keyboard firmware, so I'll wait to see if the problem happens again.18:12
jjblisseither way, thanks for the help18:12
jjblissah, looks like it's still happening.18:21
qbitit seems setting a keyboard layout in the installer doesn't change the layout in the login window18:24
sevanjjbliss: at least you ruled out firmware being an issue.18:26
jjblissyeah, I'll probably just go ahead and order the v4 keyboard18:27
jjblissin the meantime it's still usable for the most part18:27
minutehmm, so i booted the 7051 system image on imx8mq reform. then in setup wizard opened a shell and did reform-display-config dual. after reboot(s), no more display output at all, not even on internal.18:33
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)18:34
minuteln -s dtbs/6.12.3-mnt-reform-arm64/freescale/imx8mq-mnt-18:35
minutereform2.dtb ./dtb-6.12.3-mnt-reform-arm6418:35
minutesorry, linebreak18:35
minuteafter that the internal display is up again18:35
minuteok, i'm gonna revert this https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/commit/e110002bbf1666ae49aebae989d4102cc5bf7a1018:38
qbitmm, after loging in the keyboard layout is as expected18:46
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (tantalum.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c)18:51
* mark_ -> mjw18:51
+ Guest7168 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2486:a800:7602:5eff:dc71:a72c)18:52
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)18:53
minutejosch: otherwise (other than hdmi), 7051 works well on imx8mq reform. surprisingly snappy, even firefox performs ok19:13
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)19:13
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:22
sevanqbit: gdm & sway?19:22
joschminute: oh you have an imx8mq reform ready for testing again?19:24
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:24
+ TwoDIsBooster (~booster@user/TwoDIsBooster)19:24
joschqbit: sounds like you are hitting this issue? https://source.mnt.re/reform/mnt-reform-setup-wizard/-/issues/1619:24
minutejosch: we have an imx8mq reform in the hq here that's always on for years :D19:29
joschminute: it seems the pipeline for reverting cadence patch stack v17 back to v16 succeeded19:29
minuteah neat19:29
minuteok, gonna build system images19:29
joschi used firefox on the imx8mq exclusively. I thought it was fine back then. It's better now you feel? :)19:30
minutethink so, but didn't try it in a long time... we always had chromium running here on that machine19:30
minuteah yeah i remember now that mostly stuff like youtube was problematic, right19:31
joschoh yes youtube was problematic19:31
joschi always used mpv+youtube-dl...19:31
TwoDIsBoosterBrave works fantastic on the Reform and Pocket. That is my go to. 19:31
- TwoDIsBooster (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~booster@user/TwoDIsBooster)19:52
qbitah, seems so - wasn't sure if i was in the tty or a login manager that looked like a tty :D20:03
qbitanyone running guix? I found https://codeberg.org/lykso/mnt-reform-nonguix, but it doesn't build atm it seems20:04
qbit'build' phasebuilder for `/gnu/store/hkdkaya0amb9lqsbda36y7ckik05vx65-u-boot-nitrogen8m-som-4g-2024.01.drv' failed with exit code 120:04
joschqbit: i was experimenting with this as well but it fails with a different error for me: https://source.mnt.re/josch/mnt-reform-nonguix/-/jobs/484620:06
josch1802:13  3 (_ #<&compound-exception components: (#<&error> #<&origin origin: "scm_to_stringn"> #<&message message: "cannot convert wide string to output locale"> #<&irritants irritants: 84> #<&exception-with-kind-and-args kind: encoding-error args: ("scm_to_stringn" "cannot convert wide string to output locale" 84 #f #f)>)>)20:06
joschno clue how that is fixed20:06
qbitoh ya, that seems like a scheme error?20:07
qbiti haven't played with guix much (nixos mostly)20:07
qbitmight need to spin up a real guix machine to try building it on20:08
minutelpc shutdown is broken on imx8mq... i guess since a bit longer while?20:09
minutejosch: hdmi (and internal display when hdmi is activated) also does not work on imx8mq with the reverted patch20:16
minutei wonder how many people are out there with this kind of setup20:16
minuteextremely annoying timing because i can't really afford to dig into this problem at the moment20:19
minutei guess i can debug this together with motherboard 3.020:21
mhoyeI'm running imx8mq, have it set to hdmi out, and hdmi out doesn't work.20:22
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)20:22
minutemhoye: do you know since when approx?20:22
minutei.e. kernel version20:22
minutemhoye: but interesting that internal display works for you20:22
mhoyeCouldn't narrow it down in a usable way, unfortunately. I virtually never used it until I tried to do a presentation in October, and it didn't work then.20:23
minuteoof, sorry about that ;/20:23
mhoyeNah, it was fine.20:23
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-78-82-54-227.bbcust.telenor.se)20:24
mhoyeThis is thing is modified to within an inch of its life, I'm perfectly happy to accept that I'm the only person out there with my problems.20:24
mhoyeThis is interesting because it might not be my problem? I _think_ I have an old reform image somewhere here I could check.20:24
mhoyeWhat's the earliest you'd like to check?20:26
sevanminute: is the i.MX8MQ the stock CPU module the reform2 shipped with?20:28
sevanminute: referring to your toot about hdmi20:28
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-78-82-54-227.bbcust.telenor.se)20:29
minutesevan: yes20:29
minutemhoye: hmm maybe like a year ago?20:30
mhoyeMight have that, 'sec. 20:30
sevanminute: ok, I'm still on the i.MX8MQ, debian is fully patched up to yesterday. Haven't tested HDMI before. But I can easily.20:30
minutesevan: beware20:31
mhoyeWell, maybe not a sec. I'll reflash and test after work.20:31
minutesevan: only do it if you have a way to recover20:31
minutebecause on my test machine, the internal display stops working once hdmi (dual display) mode is activated20:31
sevanminute: ah, ok. I'm boot from sd card20:31
sevanminute: fixed by the symlink you mentioned earlier?20:32
minutesevan: yeah there are two symlinks, dtb and dtb-6.12.3-mnt-reform-arm6420:35
minuteboth can be relinked to the non-hdmi dtb and then it's fine20:35
sevanok, booted 6.11.10 kernel & nothing autoactivated the hdmi20:37
sevannow to run reform-display-config --dual20:37
minutei think without --20:40
sevanminute: yep, handbook needs to be update20:41
minuteohh wow20:41
sevangot it from https://mntre.com/documentation/reform-handbook/linux.html20:41
minutewith -- would be nicer though20:41
sevanrebooted, internal display works, but hdmi out doesn't20:43
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)20:43
sevando I need to do anything configuration wise on Wayland? or it's sufficient to run reform-display-config & reboot?20:44
sevanlet me try gnome20:47
sevangnome only offers to configure internal display20:51
+ TwoDIsBooster (~committed@user/TwoDIsBooster)20:54
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)21:11
minutesevan: ok nice so on 6.11 it still worked...21:18
minutesevan: you sure the hdmi dtb got applied, yeah?21:20
TwoDIsBoosterminute: I know your plate is always full, but I was wondering if there were any plansn to realize a bmc board for the pocket to allow for a wider selection of usable chargers?21:23
Koodaminute: seems like your masto instance doesn’t receive my posts so I’ll answer here: am still on imx8mq, 6.1.0 has HDMI with a few issues (1440p doesn’t work), 6.10 has no HDMI21:28
minuteKooda: oof thanks for the report21:29
- TwoDIsBooster (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~committed@user/TwoDIsBooster)21:30
+ TwoDIsBooster (~booster@user/TwoDIsBooster)21:31
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)21:32
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)21:32
TwoDIsBoosterminute: sorry my question was a little messed up due to typos. I'm still not quite 100% on the pocket just yet. But I was asking if there was going to be a v2 BMC board for the Pocket that would allow for a wider selection of charger to work? I would happily buy something like that. 21:38
minuteTwoDIsBooster: which chargers do you mean? 5v?21:39
TwoDIsBoosterminute: yeah. Basically if we coudl get 5v dumb chargers working on it. 21:45
TwoDIsBoosterI know there was a hardware fix, or bodge, but I am wondering if a v2 was being considered. 21:45
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
minuteTwoDIsBooster: i'm not sure atm if the bodge isn't on the motherboard21:57
TwoDIsBoosterminute: I know you have a ton on your plate, so this isn't me being pushy. Just curious if we are looking at eventual hardware change for it. 21:57
- kerntallett (QUIT: Quit: kerntallett) (~kerntalle@
+ kerntallett (~kerntalle@
- kerntallett (QUIT: Client Quit) (~kerntalle@
+ TwoDIsBo1ster (~committed@user/TwoDIsBooster)22:10
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-78-82-54-227.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
* mark_ -> mjw22:17
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@195.sub-75-228-53.myvzw.com)22:24
joschKooda: are you using 6.1.0 from reform.d.n or is it a very old version from the mntre.com repo?22:28
sevanminute: I can post a diff of the /booot list before & after reform-display-config a little later, but yes, the dtb symlinks had changed. internal display alway worked, never managed to get hdmi though.22:33
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)22:41
- TwoDIsBo1ster (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~committed@user/TwoDIsBooster)22:46
- TwoDIsBooster (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~booster@user/TwoDIsBooster)22:47
sevanminute: https://paste.debian.net/1339252/23:13
minutesevan: legit, thanks23:19
sevanhow would I check which version of firmware my LPC is running?23:30
minutesevan: circle+s should show a bit of info23:53
sevanminute: doh, thank you.23:53

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