- mjw (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 00:01 | |
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 00:01 | |
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 00:32 | |
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a16:a200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 00:57 | |
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~textual@ | 01:04 | |
+ mtm (~textual@ | 01:05 | |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 01:10 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 01:10 | |
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20) | 03:04 | |
mhoye | fyi the currently-in-debian Cage is broken, but if you compile Cage from source and have wlroots from a subproject, it works. | 03:42 |
- murphnj (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~murph@user/murphnj) | 03:47 | |
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~paperManu@ | 03:48 | |
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj) | 03:50 | |
- op_4 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~tslil@user/op-4/x-9116473) | 04:05 | |
+ op_4 (~tslil@user/op-4/x-9116473) | 04:05 | |
+ murph_nj (~murph@pool-108-35-93-154.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) | 04:07 | |
- murphnj (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~murph@user/murphnj) | 04:10 | |
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~aloo_shu@ | 04:37 | |
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@ | 04:46 | |
- murph_nj (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~murph@pool-108-35-93-154.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) | 06:27 | |
josch | mhoye: is there a bug report about the issue you see? | 07:10 |
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a16:a200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 08:05 | |
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a16:a200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 09:41 | |
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-78-82-52-175.bbcust.telenor.se) | 10:02 | |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 10:04 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 10:04 | |
- midfavila (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (midfavila@sdf.org) | 10:40 | |
+ midfavila (midfavila@sdf.org) | 10:40 | |
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 11:56 | |
xha | josch: copying the files over worked! i had to specify the root disk using the "root=" kernel command line paramter, but it finallly booted!!! :D | 12:40 |
xha | do you have any ideas what i should do now? just run apt update && apt upgrade again and hope for the best? | 12:41 |
xha | ok that did not reinstall linux, but apt install --reinstall the linux packages (linux-base,reform-image...,reform-kbuild-thing) worked! whooo! i don't know how i broke it but i am soo glad that it is fixed now!!! :D | 12:47 |
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-153-49.tukw.qwest.net) | 12:59 | |
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~textual@ | 13:02 | |
+ mtm (~textual@ | 13:06 | |
- colinsane (QUIT: Quit: bye) (~colinunin@97-113-153-49.tukw.qwest.net) | 13:17 | |
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-153-49.tukw.qwest.net) | 13:24 | |
- iank (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+deb11u1 - https://znc.in) (~iank@fsf/staff/iank) | 13:25 | |
+ iank (~iank@fsf/staff/iank) | 13:26 | |
+ paperManu (~paperManu@ | 13:50 | |
josch | xha: you experimented with building your own kernel, right? All kinds of things could've gone wrong. Best record somewhere which steps you carried out in order to allow reproducing a problem in case something breaks. | 14:53 |
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a16:a200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 15:40 | |
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a16:a200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 16:00 | |
staticbunny | does anyone know | 17:11 |
staticbunny | ugh | 17:11 |
staticbunny | does anyone know the backend that wayfire uses? Im getting an error no sockets available for seatd | 17:11 |
BoostisBetter | staticbunny: by errors do you mean the 3 in blue you see when starting wayfire from greetd? Is this on the pocket? | 17:43 |
BoostisBetter | can't help you with the backend question. I just know that it is wlroots or something like that based. | 17:43 |
BoostisBetter | Just like Sway | 17:43 |
grimmware | hey has anyone managed to do audio over hdmi with an rk3588 pocket? | 17:50 |
staticbunny | BoostisBetter: yeah but for me sway starts but wayfire doesnt... so im really confused what happened | 17:52 |
staticbunny | if that error is always there.. i guess its something else | 17:53 |
BoostisBetter | For me, I need to edit the wayfire.ini under .config/ before Wayfire would finally load correctly. | 17:54 |
staticbunny | do you have anything in /etc/envorinment? | 17:55 |
staticbunny | i think i need to reinstall wayfire, its starting to look like an actual error from the binary | 17:58 |
josch | note, that i'm currently fixing wayfire for wlroots 0.18 | 17:58 |
staticbunny | ok maybe this is that then | 17:58 |
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a16:a200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 18:03 | |
josch | staticbunny: would you like to test the new wayfire version before i upload? | 18:03 |
staticbunny | sure | 18:06 |
josch | staticbunny: would you like to build the new package from source or do you trust salsa.debian.org with delivering you binaries without a backdoor in them? | 18:07 |
staticbunny | im fine with salsa | 18:08 |
staticbunny | spicy debian | 18:08 |
josch | okay, i'll ping you once i have a link for you | 18:08 |
staticbunny | cool, pls msg me incase im not around. i can never get scrollback working on tmux | 18:09 |
josch | huh never mind, there is no salsa pipeline for wayfire... | 18:17 |
staticbunny | i dont mind compiling it if its easier to just send me what ya i need | 18:24 |
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a16:a200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) | 18:30 | |
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj) | 18:31 | |
staticbunny | [src/main.cpp:141] Fatal error: Segmentation fault | 18:45 |
staticbunny | EE 24-11-24 09:44:52.398 - #1 parse_extended_debugging(std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&) ??:? | 18:45 |
staticbunny | addr2line: '�qN���': No such file | 18:45 |
josch | staticbunny: you'll probably be able to upgrade to a more recent wayland from unstable in about 2 hours: https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=wayfire | 19:16 |
staticbunny | josch: does my error look like its related to wlroots? | 19:24 |
staticbunny | without spamming chat... EE 24-11-24 10:10:04.018 - [render/gles2/renderer.c:804] Could not initialize EGL | 19:25 |
staticbunny | thats the error before SIGABRT | 19:25 |
josch | staticbunny: unfortunately i have little clue about wayfire, i'm not using it | 19:33 |
josch | the package is orphaned in debian and is in need of a new maintainer | 19:33 |
staticbunny | ah man, i wish i knew that | 19:33 |
josch | if i hadn't done a QA upload, wayfire would get removed | 19:34 |
josch | at least from testing that is | 19:34 |
staticbunny | i wish there was a better way to have "forward knowledge" about things like this. I liked wayfire a little more than sway and was trying to customize it | 19:35 |
staticbunny | that just opensource life i guess though. You can't always know the best path to choose till you have tried a few | 19:36 |
josch | staticbunny: it is still maintained upstream it seems | 19:36 |
josch | it just needs somebody in debian who cares | 19:36 |
josch | if somebody in the reform community cares, i'm here to sponsor your work | 19:37 |
staticbunny | what would it take? keeping dependancies updated and fixing any problems between them? | 19:37 |
josch | staticbunny: it's packaging new upstream versions and handling bugs that get reported or found by you | 19:38 |
josch | and then managing the package in the environment it is in -- in this case it was about handling the wlroots api/abi bump | 19:39 |
staticbunny | i'll look into it see if its something i can commit too | 19:39 |
josch | staticbunny: if you want to help you could for example help getting this pull request finalized: https://github.com/WayfireWM/wayfire/pull/2452 | 19:40 |
staticbunny | i actually have RK3588's on my turingpi so i could do some test builds there in some sense | 19:40 |
josch | the arch doesn't matter i think | 19:41 |
staticbunny | ah ok, i always see people complaining about ARM64 support on github because it wasnt available till recently (for github actions) | 19:42 |
josch | my biggest headaches these days are with armel and armhf, not with arm64... | 19:42 |
staticbunny | ha yeah i have a cubox-i4pro | 19:42 |
staticbunny | i spent a while with steev from kali getting it working on there. Prob the only person who ever used kali armhf | 19:43 |
josch | ah Steev Klimaszewski i guess? :) | 19:46 |
staticbunny | yup thats him. good dude | 19:51 |
josch | yes and very active | 19:51 |
staticbunny | he would be an awesome resource to have help, but im sure hes already super busy | 19:52 |
staticbunny | maybe minute can send him a free reform and be like "wanna help us get kali on it?" ;-p | 19:53 |
minute | btw we _might_ replace wayfire with KDE or a lighter weight but more established linux desktop in the future | 20:02 |
minute | (like lxqt wayland) | 20:03 |
staticbunny | i feel like for people who arent used to tiling wm's there needs to be a toolbar or something | 20:03 |
staticbunny | because im lost trying to create workspaces and all that, etc | 20:04 |
minute | staticbunny: yeah | 20:04 |
minute | staticbunny: you don't need to create workspaces though, you press super (logo key) + 1, 2, 3, 4 etc just to switch or make a workspace | 20:05 |
minute | and super+shift+1,2,3 to move a window to that space | 20:05 |
staticbunny | thank you, i was trying it but it wasnt working | 20:06 |
staticbunny | i wonder if we could add that to reform-tray.py | 20:06 |
minute | we're about to finish a new reform-tray with a lot more options and a cheat sheet for the shortcuts | 20:07 |
staticbunny | damn, nice. always one step ahead :-D | 20:08 |
minute | it also has volume and brightness slider | 20:09 |
staticbunny | have you tried sfwbar? | 20:11 |
josch | minute: "we're about to finish" as in "i wait with the next reform-tools release"? | 20:12 |
josch | (nothing super urgent is in the pipe right now, so waiting is no problem) | 20:12 |
minute | josch: not that quick! | 20:15 |
josch | lets just hope wayfire is not still broken | 20:16 |
josch | i do not have much spare time left for looking into it... | 20:16 |
minute | yeah... | 20:18 |
minute | we could also consider labwc | 20:24 |
staticbunny | this might be blasphemy but i kinda like sfwbar beter than the default swaybar | 20:25 |
minute | we're not using swaybar | 20:26 |
minute | also you can of course customize the desktop to your liking! | 20:27 |
staticbunny | oh is it waybar? i forget | 20:27 |
minute | yes waybar | 20:27 |
josch | minute: if you have a touch device in the pipeline, maybe it makes sense to try and evaluate gnome vs. phosh vs. plasma for that and make that the sway alternative? | 20:28 |
minute | josch: yes. i'm thinking that the way to go is probably sway + kde + gnome now that we have more capable SoCs | 20:29 |
minute | we'll customize sway but leave gnome + kde mostly vanilla | 20:29 |
staticbunny | yeah both have their pros and cons. I just like the launcher and workspaces in the tray that sfwbar uses. its an easier transition for someone who hasnt used sway | 20:29 |
minute | or pick one of kde / gnome as the default to not bloat the system image too much, and offer good instructions to install kde | 20:29 |
minute | nice, labwc is in debian | 20:33 |
minute | interesting, TIL that valve has a micro-compositor for gaming that can be nested and used to scale games etc https://github.com/ValveSoftware/gamescope | 20:39 |
minute | ok, i'm giving KDE a spin and this time i'll try to install it via the kde-standard package | 20:40 |
BoostisBetter | anyone have a link for getting pocket reform OS images? | 20:59 |
BoostisBetter | The mnt.re website does not have any linkage to it. | 21:00 |
ch | https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/artifacts/main/browse?job=build | 21:00 |
ch | from https://mntre.com/docs-reform.html | 21:00 |
BoostisBetter | thanks much | 21:00 |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 21:34 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 21:35 | |
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@ppp-94-67-192-235.home.otenet.gr) | 21:44 | |
- mjw (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 21:48 | |
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org) | 21:48 | |
+ glu (~glu@ | 22:15 | |
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-78-82-52-175.bbcust.telenor.se) | 22:15 | |
- erle (QUIT: Quit: K-lined) (~erle@user/erle) | 22:35 | |
minute | BoostisBetter: ch: https://mnt.re/system-image | 22:40 |
ch | ah | 22:40 |
minute | a handy shortcut ^^ | 22:40 |
minute | there is some idiosyncracy with gitlab that shows artifacts in the main branch that are not really on the main branch IIRC but josch surely remembers the details | 22:41 |
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 23:07 | |
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) | 23:09 | |
josch | minute: we discovered the odd behaviour this march: https://mntre.com/reform-irc-logs/2024-03-25.log.html#t17:37:00 | 23:12 |
josch | the problem is, that even though you specify the branch name, gitlab will give you artifacts from the latest branch with the same top commit | 23:13 |
josch | the problem with that is that the latest artifacts from other branches might've been built with different variables | 23:13 |
ch | oh great | 23:13 |
josch | ch: that's the reason for forbidding all kinds of customization here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/blob/main/.gitlab-ci.yml?ref_type=heads#L52 | 23:14 |
josch | ch: uh nice @ #1088200 :) | 23:19 |
josch | (the fwupd bug) | 23:19 |
josch | ACTION subscribes | 23:19 |
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74DCCD.versanet.de) | 23:23 | |
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C74DCCD.versanet.de) | 23:24 | |
ch | re gitlab: i should have learned by now that its best not to trust gitlab with anything, but alas | 23:27 |
josch | that's why the artifacts of reform-debian-packages have the file variables.sh: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/6907/artifacts/browse | 23:34 |
josch | consumers of those artifacts can then check that the pipeline really was run with the usual variables set to the expected values | 23:34 |
josch | because gitlab provides no way to destinguish between jobs with different variables set | 23:35 |
josch | staticbunny: wayfire 0.9.0-3 is in unstable. You can try upgrading to that version and wlroots 0.18 and see what happens | 23:37 |
josch | it Depends on libwlroots-0.18 (>= 0.18.0) so it should pull in the correct thing if necessary | 23:37 |
mhoye | josch: I filed the bug against Cage, but because Cage explicitly says "you need something close to latest" and the debian packages are old, we ended agreeing to close it. | 23:38 |
ch | yeah the $cust setup "solves" this by ignoring gitlab artifacts :> | 23:41 |
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