
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)00:39
minutewhy does debian turn on GPU Rasterization for chromium in /etc/chromium.d/default-flags?00:55
sevanis it because the chromium executable is a wrapper script which pulls that in for passing on as a flag to the actual chromium binary?00:58
minuteyes but why force this setting00:59
minuteit seems weirdly specific01:00
minutewhy not let chromium handle its own default settings01:00
minutealso this setting makes a mess of all SVGs on a311d01:00
sevanah, sorry, I thought you meant what going from a gui based browser to the /etc01:00
minuteah no, i meant why is debian messing with a gpu setting01:01
minutethe other settings there are all more about privacy/phoning home stuff01:01
sevangot it, to the package history in its repo! :)01:02
minuteit's not explained there why it's done... there's a comment but it says "Enable GPU rasterization." :D01:02
minutelike if the person who did this was just a fan of this setting lol01:02
joschthe commit that introduced this is also not helpful: https://salsa.debian.org/chromium-team/chromium/-/commit/05ee00d9adc0cb37c756ead81db30c60d5f056e301:05
NanoCodeBugch: i've noticed the waybar battery meter acting strangely recently, i see on both your and mine firmware forks, which makes me think its a regression in waybar. I don't see the battery uevent showing incorrect values, or upower showing incorrect values.01:15
joschNanoCodeBug: waybar changed behaviour, yes. The community forum has the commit that broke things.01:16
NanoCodeBugjosch: i thought that was for it being stuck at 100%? the behavior i see is it toggling between 0% and the correct value.01:17
+ reform15947 (~georg@84-115-231-62.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)01:18
joschah okay01:18
joschyes, that's different then01:18
* reform15947 -> g-man01:20
- g-man (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~georg@84-115-231-62.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)01:26
NanoCodeBugdoes anyone else get slow download speeds for apt? speedtests say i should be getting 50/50 mbps, but my download speed for apt is 60 kB/s from the mnt servers01:43
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
+ NanoCodeBug30 (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)02:03
minuteNanoCodeBug30: getting 726kB/sec over wifi when installing pocket-reform-handbook02:03
- NanoCodeBug30 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)02:04
+ NanoCodeBug83 (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)02:04
minutenow getting 2MB/sec02:04
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:05
- NanoCodeBug (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)02:05
minutejosch: i'm very pleased that pocket-reform-handbook works fine now and is also correctly listed in reform-help02:09
NanoCodeBug83minute: i can't get above 100, averaging around 50 kb/s, speed tests show higher02:10
minuteNanoCodeBug83: maybe some weird throttled connection somewhere to our server?02:10
minutesomewhere on the internet i mean02:10
NanoCodeBug83minute: i think so, it doesn't seem to be a pocket-wifi thing.02:11
minuteunfortunately (?) we don't have a CDN in place02:11
NanoCodeBug83i'll poke at some traceroutes, but getting some data from other folks on the west coast of the US would be good too02:13
- NanoCodeBug83 (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)02:16
+ NanoCodeBug (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)02:27
NanoCodeBugminute: from my desktop - it starts out slow but eventually climbs to 500+ kb/s, but the pocket stays at 50 kb/s02:29
minuteNanoCodeBug: hmm no idea... i don't have imx8mp with me. mtu issues?02:31
NanoCodeBugminute: a311d with a wifi card i bought from asiarf - its the same as the one in the shop but they didn't put a rf shield on it for some reason02:32
NanoCodeBugi don't think thats affecting it but i'll keep poking02:32
NanoCodeBugand see if something changes it02:32
NanoCodeBugminute: the shop page for the wifi kit doesn't show where the antennas were mounted - obv not a problem until people get their hands on it, but where did you place the antenna stickers?02:33
minuteNanoCodeBug: ah, i've been testing with a311d and that card also, earlier02:49
minuteNanoCodeBug: that's true! i place one in the middle of the headphone board (where the molex originally was), and the other one kind of facing it (offset a bit) on the inside of the non metallic part of the back panel02:50
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74DD8F.versanet.de)03:14
+ nsc (~nicolas@28-96-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:15
+ reform24929 (~nano@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)03:18
* reform24929 -> set03:19
* set -> nanocodebugpocke03:20
* nanocodebugpocke -> nanocodebug203:20
- nanocodebug2 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~nano@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)03:22
- NanoCodeBug (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)03:45
+ NanoCodeBug (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)03:47
- paperManu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~paperManu@
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)04:04
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)04:40
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)05:33
- staticbunny (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)05:41
_hramrachHow do I tahe off the top panel? I suppose it does not come out when unscrewed because it's glued to the thermal pads?08:04
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-4135524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)10:02
TwodisbetterNo, it is not glued. But because of how tight the lid on the display is, it may feel like that. You just put a toothpick or something like that in one of the edges the display and lift gently.10:23
TwodisbetterNo, it is not glued. But because of how tight the lid on the display is, it may feel like that. You just put a toothpick or something like that in one of the edges the display lid and lift gently.10:33
Twodisbetterminute: to be clear to update the firmware of the system and battery controller can be accomplished through apt right? The keyboard firmware requires external flashing of the firmware on the RP controller right? 10:40
Twodisbetterminute: So when the PD logic has been redone to work with 5v sources, that should just be an easy matter of apt updating reform-tools or something right? 10:41
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)11:04
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)11:04
joschTwodisbetter: no, this is not yet how it works11:08
joschyou still have to manually download and execute the appropriate scripts11:09
joschTwodisbetter: this is what we talked about yesterday with respect to fwupd11:09
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
minute_hramrach: yes, there is some resistance because of the thermal pad, but it is not super strong. check out the ifixit teardown video!11:29
_hramrachyes, once one of the sides gets off slightly it's possible to grab the edge to flip it open11:30
_hramrachis there some source for those bolts used for bolting down M.2 cards? Looks like non come neither with the machine nor with cards11:31
minute_hramrach: very good question. one can also use a washer and an m2 screw, or a threaded hex spacer11:33
Twodisbetterjosch: with a second device right? No worries. It is possible so good. Just cumbersome.11:34
+ kensanata2 (~alex@user/kensanata)11:36
+ dominicm_ (45ee0d70e9@2a03:6000:1812:100::3e6)11:36
+ cobra_ (~cobra@user/Cobra)11:38
+ chrcav_ (~chrcav@user/chrcav)11:39
+ xktr_ (~xktr@user/xktr)11:40
minuteTwodisbetter: no, no second device needed11:42
Twodisbetterminute: ahh so you could download the firmware and the script and just run it on the machine to updated?11:43
Twodisbetterthat is easy. Awesome!11:43
Twodisbetterminute: so when the system and keyboard firmware is ready they will be pushed out and we can just grab them and go?11:44
_hramrachso, after router reset som devices actually connect to 5ghz, maybe wifi will work better now11:44
- chrcav (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~chrcav@user/chrcav)11:44
- cobra (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~cobra@user/Cobra)11:44
- xktr (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~xktr@user/xktr)11:44
- kensanata (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~alex@user/kensanata)11:44
- dominicm (QUIT: *.net *.split) (45ee0d70e9@2a03:6000:1812:100::3e6)11:44
* kensanata2 -> kensanata11:44
* dominicm_ -> dominicm11:44
_hramrachFWIW https://www.tme.eu/de/en/details/09482612749003/usb-cables-and-adapters/harting/ the price looks good but they have no ready stock11:45
minuteTwodisbetter: yes, see here https://community.mnt.re/t/mnt-pocket-reform-system-controller-firmware-update-2024-08-26/2434/1211:47
minute_hramrach: ha. i'm sourcing these at the moment and we'll resell them https://ix.sinbon.eu/product/ix-type-a-to-rj45-jack/11:48
Twodisbetterminute: that just confirms that these kinds of firmware updates are things we will have to manually pull down. Thank you!11:48
minuteTwodisbetter: at the moment yes. at some point this will be more automated11:49
TwodisbetterBUT, this update, for example, didn't update the keyboard firmware with the led timeout right?11:49
minuteTwodisbetter: no. the keyboard is separate but can be updated in a similar way. there isn't an official release yet though11:49
Twodisbetteralso sorry for bugging ya on a Saturday. Thanks for the help! Have a rad day!11:50
- colinsane (QUIT: Quit: bye) (~colinunin@97-113-148-88.tukw.qwest.net)11:50
minuteTwodisbetter: thank you!11:50
minutebtw i also find it strange that the imx8mp is so hot nowadays even when idle. i'm sure it wasn't like this a few years ago when i explored that chip. i was able to work on it more with no heatsink11:51
minutethe cpu freq seems to have no influence also11:52
minuteso it might be the gpu or some other core11:52
minutemight be worth to recheck all clocking options (there are a lot though)11:53
_hramrachhh, disconnected again, and when reconnected it's connected to 2.4GHz 11:55
chNanoCodeBug: it doesnt toggle between 0 and a value for me, but it does toggle between 'battery' and 'plugged'11:57
chNanoCodeBug: not sure how that state is derived in the first place, afaict in the sysctl fw state is always 0?11:58
_hramrachbut the wifi works much better now, the only thing changed is adding more heat transfer pads 11:58
chNanoCodeBug, minute: i was trying to make sense of transfer speeds yesterday, i really dont understand it yet. some things go fast, some stay slow. cant tell what makes a difference11:59
_hramrachI also had the state flip on the charger once so it might reflect reality, too11:59
_hramrachI have a carger which shows the carging state, and once it was flipping, reconnecting the cable fixed it12:01
chi dont have a charger connected12:01
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
- andypiper (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~andypiper@
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
chok reform2_lpc has its own ideas on charging/plugged/... instead of using a state reported by the sysctl fw12:29
_hramrachso looks like thermal transfer pads is what fixes the WiFi. Cut up some M.2 thermal pad and put a piece over the RAM and another over WiFi, with that there is little left of the CPU board that does not have a pad over it. There is a problem that the WiFi chip is very close to some connectors that shold  not be covered, a template would probably help if this were supposed to be done in12:40
- andypiper (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~andypiper@
+ paperManu (~paperManu@
Twodisbetterminute: congrats on the ifixit coverage. The ONLY thing I very much disagree with in their video is that comment they made about the design. I think the pocket is beautifully designed and absolutely should win some awards for that. 13:12
minute_hramrach: thanks for confirming that this helps!13:13
mesaoptimizerbtw the Reform next is beautiful13:14
mesaoptimizerbased on the prototype screenshots I mean13:14
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)13:16
minutemesaoptimizer: thank you! prepare for more drops next week :D13:20
joschTwodisbetter: if you are a doing a product review you have to find *something* negative or otherwise you'll sound biased, right? If the "design" was the worst they found about the pocket then so be it. :)13:28
minutercore pic https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11309602954556408813:34
joschthere is so much going on!13:37
minutethere's also a dsi connector on the back! (but nothing else)13:38
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:06
chstrange, rebooting the sysctl rpi without going through a flash confused it14:28
- sir-photch (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~m-hy5poy@static.
+ sir-photch (~m-hy5poy@static.
chNanoCodeBug: fun new edge case: the type-c power meter i have plugged inline seems to prevent the apple30w charger from detecting a reset of the fusb. sending a soft-reset message then makes it work again. :(14:39
- sir-photch (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~m-hy5poy@static.
+ sir-photch (~m-hy5poy@static.
chhttps://community.mnt.re/t/burn-in-on-display/2510/6 maybe sth like that can be put into the default config14:55
chwould be nice if the kbd backlight would turn off at the same time, but not sure how to pull that integration off14:56
chminute: curious, how much power does the a311d you're using draw when idle?15:12
- vkoskiv (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~vkoskiv@87-100-167-110.bb.dnainternet.fi)15:18
Twodisbetterch: josch could tell you about that in the Reform itself. He has been using one for a long time now. 15:22
- chrcav_ (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~chrcav@user/chrcav)15:45
+ chrcav (~chrcav@user/chrcav)15:45
+ vkoskiv (~vkoskiv@87-100-167-110.bb.dnainternet.fi)15:47
vkoskivOne of these days I'll reconfigure irssi to not mess up everything when the server reboots16:01
vkoskivAutolog makes the situation just about tolerable, but it's still lame whenever it happens16:02
joschch: last time i tried "swaymsg output * power off" it looked up my machine when idle16:08
joschbut maybe it is time to try this out again16:09
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)16:32
_hramrachhm, firefox can't display extensions https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uMatrix-issues/issues/1416:56
NanoCodeBugch: i've noticed my usb-c power meter messes with the port orientation detection as well17:08
NanoCodeBugch: the reform2-lpc was written for the original reform2 system controller - it makes assumptions based on the capabilities of the data that controller sent. I don't think all those assumptions hold true for the pocket, the pocket doesn't send all the same information either - a future project (for me or whomever wants to have some fun) is to go17:08
NanoCodeBugback and revisit it and add a device tree option that specifies the controller host (or fork the driver for the pocket). so things like the battery technology, number of batteries, etc. all report correctly.17:08
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
- NanoCodeBug (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:11
+ NanoCodeBug (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:43
* plomlomp0m -> plomlompom18:48
- NanoCodeBug (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:49
+ NanoCodeBug (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:49
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:06
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:07
- andreas-e (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)19:20
_hramrachupdate-initramfs complains it's missing zstd and is using gzip insted. zstd has generelly better compression and better performance than gzip, especially decompression performance. Adding it to the image is likely to slightly shoten boot times.19:37
andypiperadding zstd is already in one of the issues I think as a proposal... https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/issues/2719:47
- andypiper (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~andypiper@
+ IchikaZou (~IchikaZou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)19:59
- IchikaZou (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~IchikaZou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)20:04
+ jacobk (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02:77cb:6304:f9db:dda1)20:10
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)20:18
josch_hramrach: i tested unpack times of the initramfs when packed as gzip versus packed with zstd on a311d and yes, zstd is faster: by half a second20:22
joschas a result i didn't bother yet but there is this issue about adding a few more utilities to the image:20:22
_hramrachby more if the kernel uncompression happens during some initial boot state when the CPU frequency is low20:22
joschright, but anything below 0.5 seconds is not noticable compared to how often you boot the system per day, no?20:23
joschlike, lets say it uncompresses in 0 seconds -- that's still only 0.5 seconds faster20:23
joschhere is the issue: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/issues/2720:23
joschor in other words: the time i'm spending writing about this here is more than several hundred boots even assuming it would be zero :)20:24
_hramrachThe gain is only noticable if you load from slow memory or using very slow driver in u-boot or if the decompression happens before the CPU frequency is set20:25
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~quassel@2603:8080:b200:7b02:77cb:6304:f9db:dda1)20:26
_hramrachdoesn't sway have some fullscreen layout?20:31
_hramrachlike on a 27" screen I can make use of more than one appllication at the same time, on a 7" hardly20:32
chjosch: seemed to work fine on the pocket. maybe cpu and/or dts specific. certainly would suck a lot if turning off hdmi hangs the machine20:39
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-4135524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)20:51
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-4135524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)20:55
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)20:55
+ staticbunny (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)21:17
- staticbunny (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)21:22
joschch: this is why (before the pocket) everybody was using brightnessctl instead21:46
joschsearch in the channel logs for "dpms" to find people reporting this21:46
joschand i saw it on imx8mq and on a311d21:46
joschch: oh and maybe even more disturbing: people even saw the lock-up issues when not using wayland or xorg at all but just on the tty and console blanking enabled21:49
chnot good :)21:52
- blast007 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~blast@user/blast007)22:09
+ blast007 (~blast@user/blast007)22:09
+ IchikaZou (~IchikaZou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)22:11
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-4135524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
+ reform25593 (~sandspur@2604:2d80:c82:9b00:f867:92c3:f381:2832)22:26
- reform25593 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~sandspur@2604:2d80:c82:9b00:f867:92c3:f381:2832)22:27
chhmm, any tricks to be aware of for unbricking the sysctl rpi?22:35
chit doesnt enumerate as a device on my other laptop22:36
^alexhow are you connecting to it?22:38
^alexthe jumpers need to go away from the port on the mainboard, the switch needs to be thrown, and the internal usb-c port should show up the boot-mode pico22:38
chtried a usb-c<>usb-c cable and a usb-c<>a 22:39
chthe battery pack stays connected, right?22:39
^alexthe battery stays connected22:39
^alexto avoid having to unscrew the motherboard we use a right-angle adapter22:39
chi'll try another computer. the handbook says sth about micro-usb, but that seems like a leftover?22:41
^alexjust to confirm, you've also moved the jumpers above the port, right?22:42
^alexwith the jumpers in their default position, the internal USB-C port goes to the SoC, not the rpi22:42
chyeah i moved them22:43
chdo you know if c->a cables work or only c<>c?22:44
chah nevermind22:45
chturning off the standby powerswitch doesn't help :)22:45
chis there a harm leaving the jumpers in that way?22:49
ch^alex: thanks!22:50
changled cable is ordered already :)22:50
^alexyeah, if you leave them that way the mainboard can't communicate with the syscon22:51
chah. better put them back then22:57
ch^alex: have you explored using a timer interrupt + __wfi() intead of sleep_us(...) for possibly better power consumption on the sysctl pi?22:58
+ ryuka (sid667511@id-667511.hampstead.irccloud.com)22:58
^alexwe've been exploring Dormant Mode22:58
^alexbut have mostly been bricking the syscon instead22:59
^alexwe want to wait for NanoCodeBug's refactor to land22:59
* ryuka -> Ryuka_Zou22:59
^alexbefore we get too far into making things more interrupt-driven23:02
chi think i've also come to this conclusion23:08
chwith the som off, there a power draw of 0.5W if the reporting is correct23:09
- IchikaZou (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~IchikaZou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:10
+ IchikaZou (~IchikaZou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:11
* IchikaZou -> ryukazou23:14
- ryukazou (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~IchikaZou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:24
+ ryukazou (~ryukazou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:24
- ryukazou (QUIT: Killed (molybdenum.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~ryukazou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:34
* Ryuka_Zou -> ryukazou23:34
+ ryukazou_ (~ryukazou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:35
- ryukazou_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~ryukazou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:38
+ ryukazou_ (~ryukazou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:38
- ryukazou_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~ryukazou@36-231-102-217.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)23:40

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