
minuteTwodisbetter: yeah, i'm also very interested in hibernate00:09
* theesm1_ -> theesm100:12
- NanoCodeBug (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)00:14
minuteTwodisbetter: which cpu archtitecture is the steamcmd binary for?00:14
minuteTwodisbetter: if steamcmd is /usr/bin/steamcmd, you can do: file /usr/bin/steamcmd00:15
minuteTwodisbetter: that should tell you if it is intel x86 32 bit or 64 bit for example00:15
minuteTwodisbetter: do you have these two files: /etc/binfmt.d/box64.conf and /etc/binfmt.d/box86.conf ?00:18
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]00:20
- andypiper[afk] (QUIT: Quit: My device has gone to sleep. Zzzz…) (~andypiper@
mrbcmorrisDo we have any info on what the hibernate problem/feature gap is?  I've heard folks talking about suspend/hibernate but i'm not sure if there's a known problem or if it's something that needs a lot more research00:52
minutemrbcmorris: i haven't had time to investigate it in depth01:00
- staticbunny (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~halloy193@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)01:31
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:38
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:04
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:05
mrbcmorrisNot a worry, just had heard a few people talking about it, didn't know if we had anything to read to catch up on the issue.03:03
- nsc_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74DF27.versanet.de)03:19
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C74DCFB.versanet.de)03:20
- cobra (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~cobra@user/Cobra)03:22
+ staticbunny (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)03:24
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)03:31
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- cobra (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~cobra@user/Cobra)04:02
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)04:07
- staticbunny (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)04:19
+ midfavila (midfavila@freeshell.org)04:24
midfavilahey, question for those with experience putting together system images for embedded machines: where would i start if i wanted to learn? i've done some tinkering on x86 and friends but not really on anything else. i'd like to port KISS Linux to both the Reform and the uConsole R-01, an open hardware handheld based on risc-v from clockwork04:26
+ staticbunny (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)04:27
midfavilaive been fiddling with debian on the uconsole, trying to get it to play nice with what i want, and it's just impossible. maybe i'm getting filtered but there's way too many ways to do things and not enough documentation that's actually up to date and i'm just fed up04:27
midfavilaadmittedly clockwork has a similar issue to pine but *still*04:27
midfavila(wrt: software support)04:28
staticbunnydamn that sucks, im looking forward to my uconsole04:31
midfavilai mean to be clear the uconsole rocks04:31
staticbunnymaybe when i get it next year they will have better documentation ;-)04:31
midfavilahardware wise i only have a few complaints 04:31
midfavilaoh no i'm bitching about debian here04:31
staticbunnyoh gotcha04:31
midfavilai've never liked debian04:31
midfavilai can *tolerate* it, but, geez, dude, who decides they need like five friggin package managers for their distro?04:32
staticbunnyyeah its a mess distro wise, when you see how many newer distros surpassed it04:33
midfavilafor context i was fiddling with my uconsole to set it up as a hotspot. idea being i use iptables to nat together wwan and wlan interfaces and then expose wlan to clients using hostapd04:33
midfavilaive done similar things before with laptops so like, mmmmmnmhmmm04:33
midfavilabut no. they've just had to go and change it all04:34
midfavilamaybe there's a valid reason for it but it's a pain in the ass. 04:34
midfavilai've always preferred slackware to debian.04:34
midfavilalike, i hate to be That Guy:tm:, but slackware... just... it just works. it just does the thing. 04:34
staticbunnyi feel ya, not everyone loves linux for wasting time troubleshooting some basic feature04:35
midfavilai mean fwiw my hobby is troubleshooting xorg driver stacktraces04:35
midfavilai run my own fork of kiss linux that's a stitched-together abomination of linux, openbsd, netbsd, plan 9, and a bunch of crap i found on github04:36
staticbunnythat sounds crazy lol04:36
midfavilagetting it to all work and play nice and neat together is fun, and ive learned a fair amount from slowly replacing the userland with my own programs04:36
midfavilawhile ago i was fussing about with -ck and -hardened patchsets, getting those to run together04:36
midfavilano biggie04:36
midfavilabut then i install mfing debian and it's just *suuuuuuuch* a pita to do anything04:37
midfavilai mean maybe im just an adminlet but gosh04:38
staticbunnyim considering switching to cm4 or rk3588. I think i might be able to run kali on cm4 easier04:41
staticbunnytrying to find the wiki page that said which chipset supported which boot method04:42
midfavilacm4 has a kali port ye04:42
midfavilabut ngl i dont know how discreet you would be walking around with a uconsole04:42
midfavilaunless it's for educational purposes and not work :p04:42
staticbunnyim thinking of using uconsole with meshtastic and emulation. I feel like the pocket has way more options for expansion04:45
staticbunnyi noticed it has an i2c connector and another internal usb-c port04:46
midfavilathe pocket prolly does but i prefer my handhelds vertical04:47
midfavilaim used to blackberries and the old linux zaurus04:48
staticbunnyi dont have mine yet, but you might be right04:48
midfavilaoverall the pocket is almost certainly better though04:58
staticbunnyeven with my charge board being faulty, i'm loving it so far05:00
staticbunnymy only complaint is documentation. i wish there was a wiki or confluence page that community could help maintain. 05:03
staticbunnythis is what i was looking for btw. https://reform.debian.net/d-i/05:16
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
- staticbunny (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)06:01
joschmidfavila: i'm the person who is mainly maintaining the debian system images for the reform and i'm the upstream author of mmdebstrap and the maintainer of sbuild in debian. If you have any specific questions, i might be able to help.06:32
midfavilaawesome, i'll keep it in mind. i'm mostly just completely lost on where to start porting a new system. i have a rootfs and a kernel that i built from the reform's source, but getting a device tree and the bootloader configured is a bit daunting since i don't have a backup computer and don't have much experience (read: any) with embedded platforms06:33
midfavilai would assume it's as simple as dumping the rootfs on a partition with a kernel and pointing the bootloader at it and the DTC, but... i'm not sure06:34
joschmidfavila: the biggest pain with non x86 is the bootloader part i find06:35
joschonce you have kernel and initramfs loaded, it's mostly just your normal distro from that point onward06:35
midfavilayeah the initramfs is another thing i was iffy about06:35
midfavilai uhhhhh normally use a fat kernel06:36
joschsure, you can do that too06:36
midfavilaso i'm not sure how that would work on the reform06:36
midfavilaig im mostly just nervous about bricking it lmao06:36
joschmidfavila: which reform do you have?06:36
joschwithout a second computer, doing this kind of tinkering is extremely challenging i'd say06:36
joschi did most of my work when i still had my thinkpad06:37
midfavilathe imx8mq06:37
midfavilafirst revision06:37
midfavilagot it off crowd supply06:37
joschthen you have the big advantage that you even got display support with u-boot06:37
joschso you can nice perks like a functioning boot menu that lets you choose what system or kernel to load06:38
joschthe other SoMs the reform supports do not have that feature sadly06:38
midfavilayeah that's why i got it off crowd supply06:38
midfavilathe other modules are neat and it's amazing the choice is there but in terms of support and power usage the imx8mq seems the best06:38
midfavilai'm also not a fan of integrated wireless because that's just a peeve of mine06:39
joschthe imx8mq was my main computer for nearly a year -- it certainly worked for me06:39
midfavilayeah it's been great so far06:39
midfavilai got an x server running bare on it a while ago and it's p comfy06:39
midfavilatinyx runs nicely with a quick edit to the source to let the preproc match aarch against arm3206:39
midfavilanow and again firefox locks the system up but that's because the modern web is a disaster 06:40
joschyup :(06:40
midfavilai don't intend to buy another laptop for personal use again06:40
midfavilaunless there ends up being a plus-size reform 06:40
midfavilawith sata and stuff06:40
midfavilawink wink hint hint nudge nudge06:41
joschif you have multiple sd-cards, maybe start by setting the dip switch on the som to load u-boot from there06:41
midfavilai need to get spares06:41
joschi get my sd-cards second-hand06:41
midfavilaa dangerous game06:41
joschyou get a box of them for very few euros06:41
joschand i do not need more than 4 GB anyways06:42
midfavilawhere do you get these boxes?06:42
midfavila4gb is plenty for my testing image06:42
joschin germany there are a couple of second-hand websites06:42
midfavilathe entire system is like under a gig06:42
joschi'm sure things like that exist elsewhere as well06:42
midfavilai used to tinker with my fork and once i got a complete system including toolchain, debugger, X server, everything, in under a hundred megs06:43
midfavilai think compressed it was 24mb?06:43
midfavilabut yeah i'll have to look around06:43
midfavilathat's just regular gzip06:43
joschah kk06:43
midfavilamind you it was a *very* stripped down system but for daily use it was sufficient06:43
joschoh, this page might be interesting to you:06:43
midfavilahad a browser and stuff06:44
midfavilaoh yeah06:44
midfavilareminds me 06:44
midfavilai need to attack crowd supply06:44
midfavilai ordered a handbook and they still havent sent one to me06:44
midfavilalike three months down the line06:44
midfavilakneecaps *will* be broken06:44
joschplease don't break people's kneecaps06:44
dozenshide your knees hide your caps06:45
midfavilathe kneecappening commences at 0000EST06:45
joschso once, your imx8mq loads u-boot from sd-card, create a extlinux/extlinux.conf file in your /boot and use that to load your kernel and dtb06:45
joschi'd recommend avoiding writing a boot.scr06:46
midfavilaif it's really just that simple i should be able to get that done06:46
midfavilathe scr was something i was nervous about yeah06:46
joschit should be just that simple06:46
midfavilaokay cool we'll see tomorrow then :306:46
joschextlinux.conf is just a machine readable, declarative way of telling u-boot where your kernel, dtb and initramfs are06:46
midfavilayeah i've used extlinux lots before06:47
joschand what your kernel boot arguments are06:47
midfavilait's my usual bootloader06:47
midfavilaon desktops anyways06:47
joschcool -- it's just like that06:47
midfavilawhen i was on x86 i had a little 200b assembly program that would boot my laptops06:47
joschfor imx8mq, there are some bootargs you might want to pass06:47
joschthis is the line we use by default06:48
joschyou might not need all of that but it's a starting point and then you can tinker and see what works for you06:48
midfavilawill do06:49
midfavilait's something i hafta get over the hump of anyway06:49
midfavilai'm hoping to drop x8606:49
henesyTwodisbetter: is this running with box64? i never had any exec issues07:25
joschhenesy: do you have box86 installed in addition to box64?07:33
henesyi believe so08:11
henesyi thought box64 dep'd on box8608:11
joschit does not08:16
joschi packaged box64 for debian but not box8608:17
joschand box64 works completely independently of box8608:17
joschdid you build it from source?08:17
henesyohhh i used the github box64 repos08:38
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)08:54
joschTwodisbetter: this is the information you wanted ^09:01
Twodisbetterjosch: Thanks!09:03
TwodisbetterLeft the pocket at home today so I'll sort this out this evening when I get home.09:03
henesyso yes i have both installed09:09
henesytho there09:09
henesy's not much box86 alone can run09:09
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)09:31
* Guest7933 -> mjw09:44
minutemidfavila: crowd supply doesn't have any reform handbooks/didn't order any from us.09:55
+ _hramrach (~hramrach@
_hramrachThe mnt pocket screen is glossy :\09:58
vkoskivKnown issue?10:06
vkoskiv(linux pkg having issues)10:08
chxtrx package is the problem, not linux10:08
vkoskivLooking at /boot, I think I'm still good to go, there are a bunch of kernels in there10:09
vkoskivUnusual that linux would ship with an SDR driver built in like that10:13
vkoskivWell, as a module anyway.10:13
_hramrachAlso the setup wizard has broken control properties like default button, cannot be easily operated with keyboard10:13
josch_hramrach: can you report that issue here so that it does not get lost? https://source.mnt.re/reform/mnt-reform-setup-wizard/-/issues/10:16
+ NanoCodeBug (~NanoCodeB@c-73-35-191-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)10:32
_hramrachcharging is very slow, went from 22% to 52% overnight, and the current dropped from 1A at 20V to 0.3A10:38
josch_hramrach: i don't have a pocket but since nobody else answered: there is a firmware update. Did you install that? https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/releases/2024-08-26B Also for the charging percentage to be correct you apparently first need to let the battery drain all the way down to zero (so that it switches off) and then charge it up again and only then is it calibrated.10:48
_hramrachso it can be misreported, too. It says the voltage is 3.8/4.0 V10:58
_hramrachdid not do any update yet10:58
_hramrachI will try to do the calibration, thanks11:08
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
_hramrachhm, I see the sway config that is shipped sets some gsettings every time sway starts. I find this rather unfriendly. There are other tools fro managing these settings, and with this every time the user logs in the changes get reverted. Reminds of GNOME reverting keyboard and screen settings on every GNOME start11:36
josch_hramrach: good point. Do you know how to replace gsettings with something that works even in a chroot without xsettings daemon running?11:38
_hramrachAlso the background is hardcoded while there seems to be a variable for setting it https://github.com/manjaro-sway/manjaro-sway/commit/afa3611:41
_hramrachI suppose you the setup wizard runs before the user session is started, and gsettings needs the user session so it cannot be used in the wizard11:43
josch_hramrach: how is what you linked applicable to the default sway config in the mnt repo?11:43
josch_hramrach: yes, if we want to use gsettings, a mechanism would be needed which runs it on first login into sway and then never again11:44
_hramrachjosch: the config sets hardcoded background with swaybg rather than setting the designeated config variable for it11:44
_hramrachjosch: The gsettings are backed by some database that can be distributed already pre-made in /etc/skel. It's not like the setting depend dynamically on user input, they are hardcoded11:45
josch_hramrach: yes, but i'd imagine that that database looks different depending on the settings version?11:46
joschthus using gsettings avoids having to ship different databases for different settings versions11:46
_hramrachdoes it?11:49
_hramrachThat would mean settings resetting all the time11:49
joschif i understand it correctly, then settings are stored in ~/.config/dconf/user which is a binary file in GVariant Database format11:50
joschhow do i initialize and set that up without gsettings?11:50
_hramrachthere are alos some override files, apparently: https://github.com/manjaro-sway/manjaro-sway/commit/afa3611:53
_hramrachwrong link11:53
joschoh that looks useful!11:55
josch_hramrach: can you provide a patch?11:55
_hramrachnot sure I can provide a patch11:57
joschoh i think i found it11:57
_hramrachhere is the doc about overrides https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/unstable/overrides.html.en11:57
joschthis should do the trick: 12:01
josch_hramrach: could you place that into /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20_reform.gschema.override create a new user and see if that does the trick?12:02
minute_hramrach: the keyboard controls in reform-setup-wizard are indeed bad, sorry for that.12:06
minutecc plomlompom lets fix this12:06
minutejosch: a fixed pocket-reform-manual with images is just waiting for some debian upload to go through, right? or do i still need to provide sth?12:07
minutei have a list of homework to polish the pocket reform experience... i guess i should create issues for everything in pocket-reform issue tracker12:07
joschminute: i didn't touch the packages built by the MNT gitlab. I created new packages from scratch but only uploaded the big-reform handbook so far12:08
_hramrachjosch: looks like the $background setting does not work. Not sure if they have downstream patch for that or I did not set it correctly 12:13
josch_hramrach: the $background variable is consumed by their sway configuration12:14
joschinterestingly, the manjaro image you linked is doing a very similar stunt as we do with gsettings: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/768ec5dc/12:14
josch(that's from their /etc/sway/config.d/90-enable-theme.conf)12:14
minutei think back in the day it was the recommended way to do it from arch or sway wiki, i think12:17
josch_hramrach: the $background variable works for them, because they ship a file /etc/sway/autostart which has:12:17
minutesorry, double "i think"!!12:17
joschset $apply_background swaymsg 'output * bg $background fill'12:17
joschnow triple! :D12:17
joschthough i see the issue with always resetting this every time sway starts even if the user changed it with gsetting or the gui tool12:18
joschand then gets surprised that it gets reset and doesn't realize that their sway config is the culprit12:18
minutesway isn't a full DE in terms of there are no centralized settings except for its config file and random state poked into the remains of other DEs like gnome12:18
joschthe only problem i see with shipping the defaults in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20_reform.gschema.override is, that then those defaults would also be applied for other desktop environments than sway12:19
joschso if the user would install gnome on their machine, then those would be the defaults as well and they'd have to manually change them12:19
minutei've been thinking about a "indie" settings app that would at least provide a central place for all this stuff and does the poking for you12:19
minutei guess it is relatively easy to discover things in the sway config12:20
_hramrachjosch: yes ,suspected something like that might be the case. That said it does make the configuration more data-driven and less reliant on code which might be generally a good idea12:20
josch_hramrach: i agree with moving from turing complete scripts to declarative machine readable data, yes12:20
minutedid you know i made a NIH logo back in the day? http://dump.mntmn.com/nih.png12:21
joschminute: do you think using a /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20_reform.gschema.override instead of calling gsettings each time sway starts would be an improvement?12:21
joschminute: the existing NIH logo wasn't good enough so you had to make your own? ;)12:21
minutejosch: i don't know how this override would work12:21
minutejosch: ahaha12:22
_hramrachI think it would be an improvement if it turns out to work12:22
joschminute: as far as i understand the docs, the override would apply these settings the as the default the first time the user initializes their settings database12:22
minutejosch: so the user can change them later with gnome-tweaks or sth...?12:22
_hramrachand some tool needs to be called to compile those settings into the binary database12:23
joschor by running gsettings12:23
josch_hramrach: that tool would be called automatically if the file gets shipped by the reform-tools package as a trigger on the /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ directory in glib2.012:23
_hramrachyes, it may be automated by the packaging or it may need some poking12:25
_hramrachI used ot use lxappearance for theme settings. Not sure it still works12:28
- andypiper (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~andypiper@
minuteah i forgot about lxappearance12:46
minutejosch: ok so about pocket-reform-handbook, i installed the package like 2 days ago after watching deBear's unboxing video, because i wanted to suggest to install that package. but it isn't the build that i tagged here i think? because all the images were broken https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform-handbook/-/commits/main?ref_type=heads12:50
minuteso i'm not sure what i installed there :D12:51
minutenot sure how this works https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/blob/main/build_custom.sh?ref_type=heads#L7112:52
joschminute: line 78 will always get the latest git commit12:53
joschbuild_custom.sh are not sticking to a specific tag/release for either handbook12:54
joschthey just build the top commit12:54
minuteok cool... so i will try to build locally from a fresh git to see what's up12:54
joschyes, that should reproduce the problem12:54
joschhere is the debian/rules i uploaded to debian: https://salsa.debian.org/reform-team/reform-handbook/-/blob/master/debian/rules?ref_type=heads12:58
joschone notable difference to the one on source.mnt.re is the compilation step of the *-icon.png files which are the images that are missing from the reform-handbook in the mntre.com repo12:58
joschfor the pocket-reform-handbook, i think the ./make-pngs.sh is the one missing12:58
minutethe debian build script for the web version is wrong. it calls make directly12:59
minutebut it should call build-web.sh12:59
minutethere are several workarounds in build-web.sh that need to be applied before calling make12:59
minutei.e. this https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform-handbook/-/blob/main/src/build-web.sh?ref_type=heads12:59
minutejosch: should i try messing with the debian install script or do you know how to do that in a few seconds? :D13:01
joschminute: as you can see, my d/rules replicates big parts of what ./src/build-web.sh does. It does not call ./src/build-web.sh because i want to ln instead of cp13:02
joschminute: i'll give it a try13:03
joschspecifically, calling cp instead of ln creates duplicates which eat up space unnecessarily13:03
minutejosch: ok thanks, also the sed is important to fix a table that would otherwise disappear. unfortunately sphinx and pandoc disagree on the syntax13:04
joschaha i was wondering about that13:04
NanoCodeBugi may have gotten a bit silly with it13:04
NanoCodeBugbut i have refactored the pocket firmware and added toggle between usb/pd13:04
NanoCodeBugi have only tested it with my previously unworking anker charger, swapping between it and a sd card reader13:05
NanoCodeBugthe important logic is in here https://source.mnt.re/NanoCodeBug/pocket-reform/-/blob/main/pocket-reform-sysctl-fw/src/pd_com.c?ref_type=heads13:05
NanoCodeBugbut i hope the refactor makes the firmware a bit cleaner by moving each communication peripheral into its own function13:05
joschminute: ah we were talking past each other -- now i see what you mean! fixing it... :)13:07
minuteNanoCodeBug: oh wow13:08
NanoCodeBugi initially tried using the fusb302b internal interrupt and automatic toggle feature, but it was strange - it takes control of the CC pins so you can't poll them manually anymore, which would be fine, if that didn't interfere with the pd communication. but disabling the fusb302b automatic toggle feature breaks the interrupts, would be nice if that13:08
NanoCodeBugworked so there doesn't have to be a poll loop within the rp204013:08
minuteah i see13:08
minutei wish the successor of the rp2040 had already been out at that time13:09
minutewe had beta silicon of it here since a long time...13:09
minute(saying that because it has real low power modes)13:09
minuteNanoCodeBug: very nice refactor, thanks a ton! could you make a merge request to the main repo? then i would see to testing it13:11
NanoCodeBugah that would be nice, the lack of low power is what kept me from using the rp2040 for my hobby projects, i'll have to take a look at the new one13:11
minuteat some point we can make spins of the keyboard + motherboard with the new one, but would like to gather more data, problems, etc from everyone first ^^13:12
NanoCodeBugminute: i can! i have not given it a full once over after getting it working so it might be a bit rough still. pretty sure my change of the build script will have broken the build pipeline as well.13:13
minuteNanoCodeBug: no problem13:13
minutei can assign a builder to your project as well13:14
minutea "runner", that is13:14
NanoCodeBugi would love to chat more but it is big 4 am on the pacific coast so I shall get some sleep now, feel free to leave feedback or build on top of the PR13:15
minuteNanoCodeBug: for sure! good night and thanks again!13:16
minutei wonder... if something like background image path is available in gsettings as well? :013:19
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)13:22
joschminute: you mean so that in the sway config you call $(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri) to retrieve it?13:25
* mjw -> Guest55513:26
- Guest555 (QUIT: Killed (iridium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)13:26
* mark_ -> mjw13:26
+ Guest555 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)13:26
joschminute: and yes, it's possible -- look at /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10_desktop-base.gschema.override13:27
joschthis is what i have so far: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/blob/65347cdb6e5ecf02dd8b6782a22d069d7e075643/schemas/20_reform.gschema.override13:29
minutejosch: exactly @ background-uri, then one could use some settings tool to change it (i don't know which one though), and also it wouldn't solve the problem that the swaybg command would need to be re-run. but maybe there's a better alternative to swaybg that could auto refresh 13:37
minutejosch: i've even seen someone from our team struggle with setting a background image, that's why i'm asking13:38
minutejosch: that's really cool @ override13:38
joschnice, lets try it out then :)13:38
joschi had my partner curse at the wallpaper settings in gnome flashback yesterday (no option to change the wallpaper mode between zoom, stretch, fit etc) -- so i'd say we are not *that* far worse :)13:40
minutehaha ok :D13:40
minutewow: 13:41
minuteminute@minute-i9:~$ lxappearance 13:41
minuteSegmentation fault (core dumped)13:41
minute(i just installed it ooc on my i9 debian pc)13:41
minutewow, crash is in > #1  0x00007ffff7338e31 in XInternAtom () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.613:42
minutejust wow13:42
minuteold bug https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/67697#issuecomment-69967948113:44
minuteok, lets close the lxappearance chapter here13:44
minutea shame because it's a actually a solid looking app (runs with GDK_BACKEND=x11 lxappearance)13:46
minutei wonder why noone has fixed that xwayland bug...13:46
minutei'm now using github code search to look for UIs that set org.gnome.desktop.background13:50
minutethere's lots of interesting stuff :D https://github.com/search?q=org.gnome.desktop.background&type=code13:51
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@vps.buckket.org)13:53
minutethis mentions an "X background" https://github.com/derf/feh/issues/22513:53
+ buckket (~buckket@vps.buckket.org)13:53
_hramrachwaybg does not exit, it keeps running. Then it could be patched to listen to gsettings changes14:01
_hramrachof course, it would balso possible to write a simple script that does the listening and pokes swaybg accordingly14:02
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
joschminute: this should fix the missing images issue: https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform-handbook/-/merge_requests/214:04
joschminute: do you have an image that is known to be missing that i could check to be present now?14:04
joschcasual browsing through the html looks good14:04
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:05
minute_hramrach: neat idea about the script. i was thinking that maybe there are other background tools that had this listening already built in, but don't know14:13
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
minutejosch: do you have a deb for me to quickly inspect?14:39
minutei mean, it should be fine14:39
minutei can try the .deb of the next reform-debian-packages when we build it14:39
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74DCFB.versanet.de)14:43
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C74DCFB.versanet.de)14:45
joschminute: https://mister-muffin.de/reform/pocket-reform-handbook_1.0_all.deb14:48
minutei've sent an email to the openmoko project to apply for 10 usb product IDs15:08
minutelets see...15:08
minutejosch: thanks!!15:08
minutejosch: the images are broken unfortunately, for example file:///usr/share/doc/pocket-reform-handbook/html/quickstart.html15:09
minuteand there is no logo :015:09
minutei guess the logo would be the wrong one in any case, will check that now15:10
minutei just fixed various css fixes15:32
minutejosch: there were a bunch of bugs left in pocket-reform-handbook web build, now pushed fixes15:55
minutethere's still the odd weird-sized graphic, but better already https://mntre.com/documentation/pocket-reform-handbook/safety.html15:57
minutestill pretty broken on iphone, but that's for another day perhaps15:59
* mjw -> Guest831416:05
- Guest8314 (QUIT: Killed (calcium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)16:05
* Guest555 -> mjw16:05
+ Guest8314 (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)16:05
minuteok anyway did the fix for mobile16:14
joschah the problem was in quickstart.html17:10
joschfor the big reform handbook the problems were in hardware.html17:10
minutefixed the graphics etc etc17:27
minuteand the reform handbook is now at https://mntre.com/documentation/reform-handbook17:28
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)17:28
joschah i see you made a redirect from https://mntre.com/reform2/handbook to https://mntre.com/documentation/reform-handbook -- nice! :)17:31
minuteyeah :317:32
minuteuh oh:17:33
minuteminute@minute-i9:~$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri17:33
joschminute: that's from /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10_desktop-base.gschema.override17:34
joschit looks like that xml file can do even more magic if tags like <duration>8640000.0</duration> can be any indication17:35
minutethat's... something17:35
joschspeaking about wallpapers my brain tells me that there used to be this tool which was essentially a wrapper around tons of tools that are able to show a wallpaper (imagemagick can do it too) and it would essentially check what is installed on the system and then use whatever is there... but maybe that was back in Xorg-only days...17:36
minutethere's another surprise17:36
minutethere's also picture-uri-dark17:37
joschminute: you removed src/source/_inkscape/4-oled-menu.svg but then the latex build fails because it cannot find _static/illustrations/4-oled-menu.eps17:37
minutejosch: oh no17:38
minutejosch: i'll restore it17:38
joschmaybe there is more17:38
joschi can fish it out of the git history and create a MR17:38
minutejosch: i deleted some svgs that were wrongly in there, leftovers from reform handbook17:38
minutei now have a background image in sway where i can do this and it changes: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri-dark file:///usr/share/backgrounds/reform-mountains.jpg17:39
minutebecause: https://mastodon.social/@AdrianVovk@fosstodon.org/11307411580304263617:39
joschnice, vala :)17:41
minuteunfortunately thunar crashes when selecting set as wallpaper ;______________;17:42
minutei wonder what nautilus does...17:42
sigridjosch: fbsetbg? :)17:42
sigridit's of fluxbox heritage17:42
minutenautilus "set as background" also does nothing17:44
minuteso both do some other proprietary stuff i guess17:44
minutemaybe they send a lonely dbus message to nowhere17:44
joschsigrid: yeeeeees that was it! :D17:45
minuteaha, one needs XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP https://github.com/xfce-mirror/thunar/blob/7f468882b9580b1ce994c924efd3fa7be148d3cc/plugins/thunar-wallpaper/twp-provider.c#L19417:45
minute> Segmentation fault (core dumped)17:46
minutemakes sense17:46
joschoh no XD17:47
chthe only correct answer17:47
joschseems 2024 is not the year of the linux desktop after all :)17:47
minute> 0x00007ffff6c58889 in XNextRequest () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.617:50
minutecan't make this up17:50
minuteall segfaults today are in libX1117:50
sigridwhy does it even go to x11?17:50
sigridis thunar using xwayland?17:51
minutelegacy stuff i guess... lets see the code17:51
minutesigrid: it shouldn't, because it's gtk317:51
minutewell, probably thunar doesn't actually support gnome settings, because it's part of xfce4 normally17:51
minutehmm no it should do exactly what we want https://github.com/xfce-mirror/thunar/blob/7f468882b9580b1ce994c924efd3fa7be148d3cc/plugins/thunar-wallpaper/twp-provider.c#L30217:52
minuteah there are no debug symbols for #2  0x00007ffff5713701 in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/thunarx-3/thunar-wallpaper-plugin.so17:54
joschminute:  is https://mntre.com/documentation/pocket-reform-handbook supposed to contain the files produced by the pocket-reform-handbook git? Because there is https://mntre.com/documentation/pocket-reform-handbook/_images/4-oled-battery-status.png and the svg for that is missing17:55
minutejosch: yep, i'll reinstate it17:56
minutealso 4-oled-battery-status.svg17:59
minutejosch: pushed18:00
joschminute: i went through all the files you removed and the only files i did *not* see being used are 4-keyboard-v1-special-keys and 9-trackball-sensor-v118:00
minuteoh ok one moment18:00
minutejosch: that can't be18:01
minutejosch: maybe you looked at reform-handbook sources?18:02
joschi did XD18:02
minuteah :D18:02
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)18:02
minutejosch: i think only 2 files needed restoring, the 4-oled*.svg18:02
joschlets do this again...18:03
minutejosch: don't all debian packages have debug symbols?18:04
minute(available i mean)18:04
joschokay, only 4-oled-battery-status and 4-oled-menu18:05
joschminute: no, it's possible to upload packages to the Debian archive without them producing dbgsym packages18:05
minuteok... asking for thunar ;__;18:07
minuteah, there's an upgrade available18:07
joschthunar has thunar-dbgsym and libthunarx-3-0-dbgsym packages18:08
joschso that should work18:08
minutejosch: yes, it was my mistake, one needs an up to date package18:08
minutecrash is in twp_get_active_workspace_number18:09
minutegasp https://github.com/xfce-mirror/thunar/blob/7f468882b9580b1ce994c924efd3fa7be148d3cc/plugins/thunar-wallpaper/twp-provider.c#L32818:09
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)18:10
minutesigrid: that's the X11 right there18:11
midfavilaminute: rip fair enough18:12
midfavilai'll have to ask them for a partial refund then18:12
midfavilai did pay out for a handbook 18:12
minutemidfavila: yeah, i'm sorry for that18:13
midfavilai don't strictly need one but i like the idea of it18:13
midfavilanah it's just a mixup :p18:13
minutewe offer it in our shop but i guess that's too high a shipping cost18:13
midfavilai'll probably order one straight from you in the future18:13
midfavilawhatever happened to the spiral-bind btw?18:13
minuteanyway the thunar thing won't work because it doesn't set picture-uri-dark18:14
minuteand i guess we won't ship a fork of thunar...18:14
minutebut we could ship gde-background and let it use only picture-uri. 18:15
minutei will just raise an issue about the x11 related crash in the xfce gitlab18:16
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
minuteok i just patched gde-background a bit and i can set the wallaper with gnome tweaks18:19
* mjw -> Guest5518:25
- Guest55 (QUIT: Killed (tungsten.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)18:25
* Guest8314 -> mjw18:25
+ Guest55 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)18:25
minutefiled https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/-/issues/143718:34
- andreas-e (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)18:35
minuteof course we could put a filepicker for the background in reform-waypanel...18:37
_hramrachMATE has its own settings for wallpaper ... because wallpaper settings must be desktop-specific there is no way for the settings to be general18:57
_hramrachof course, it does not help that gsettings has every setting prefixed with the project URL18:58
minute_hramrach: not sure if sarcasm :D18:59
minutewow https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/-/issues/143719:03
minutethey already fixed the bug19:03
minutethis is the fastest bugfix i've ever seen19:03
andypiperthe power of the reform community! :-)19:04
minuteif this gets into debian, and we package gde-19:05
minute...-background, we can have nice things19:05
minute(setting wallpaper in sway/wayfire via thunar)19:06
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]19:07
- andypiper[afk] (QUIT: Quit: My device has gone to sleep. Zzzz…) (~andypiper@
minuteso, the recipe for getting nice wallpapers will be: 1. replace swaybg with gde-background (with background-uri-dark patched out, 1 line fix) 2. set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME 3. ship thunar 4.18.12 when it comes out19:08
_hramrachhm, somhow the wifi died, and I can't even figure out the module name of the driver to reload it19:34
_hramrachhm, and it can be unloaded but not loaded. Something fishy going on19:39
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)19:44
- laumann_ (QUIT: Changing host) (~quassel@2a0a-e5c0-2-2-0-c8ff-fe68-bef1.loves.ipv6.at.ungleich.ch)19:46
+ laumann_ (~quassel@user/laumann)19:46
* laumann_ -> laumann19:46
_hramrachit plays like 20s of video and then breaks down, previously package download worked but that was with different kernel version. It complains about missing firmware and regdb but it does start initially so that should not be the problem19:47
minutehmm, do we have a regression in qcacld2?19:54
_hramrachthe module probably comes from somewhere where it is cached in ramdisk19:56
_hramrachI have the package installed but it puts the module in /opt, not available to the kernel. Linking it to the module directory it still cannot be loaded: qcacld2: no symbol version for module_layout19:57
_hramrachLooks like I should get the special Ethernet cable19:59
_hramrachaargh, now the wifi does not come up at all20:01
_hramrachno, it only takes quite a while20:02
TwodisbetterI have found that the further from the AP and the hotter the device the more frequent the drops. If you move closer to the AP it should improve. 20:02
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-4135524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)20:02
minute_hramrach: that's not how it is intended. it's loaded by /sbin/reform-hw-setup from /opt20:04
minute(because it's an out-of-tree module and we don't want it loaded on any platform)20:05
_hramrachwhy it can't be installed as standard kernel module?20:05
_hramrachthere are hardware IDs for determining which module to load for which device20:05
minute_hramrach: for sdio?20:06
_hramrachsurely for SDIO as well, there are people raving how it's discoverable bus20:06
minute_hramrach: how exactly should that work?20:07
_hramrachhow does PCI discovery work?20:07
_hramrachyou have IDs that are reported by the bus, some platform-specific quirks, ..20:08
minuteand how is the module loaded on demand?20:08
_hramrachwhen it matches the detected ID it is loaded20:08
minuteby who? (genuine question, i don't know)20:09
_hramrachmodprobe, the kernel passes it some 'module alias' that it tries to resolve to a specific module20:09
minuteah, i see20:10
minutei don't know how to integrate a binary out-of-tree driver into debian's kernel infra though... we had a lot of discussions here that didn't lead to a good solution20:11
minutethere's dkms but we only understood how to use it for built-from-source modules. the driver is too big to be compiled from source on imx8mp (it takes 15 minutes or so, don't remember)20:12
_hramrachbut also you have device tree so you can add 'this-is-very-special-driver' as the note compatible, and match that20:12
minutebtw there's also a mainline driver for this card but it doesn't work and noone knows why 20:12
_hramrachsince the module is kernel version specific you can ship a hardcoded symlink or directly install to the module directory, and run depmon in postinst/postrm20:13
_hramrachI understand that Debian with reliance on dkms does not support this very well but I don't see why it would not work20:14
minuteif you want to work on this, you're welcome to tinker and send MR20:14
_hramrachadding the symlinkk and script should not be too difficult. Auditing that the hardware IDs are correct is another story20:16
_hramrachthat's not exactly my area of expertise20:17
TwodisbetterIt is amazing that the Pocket is so good at playing all my favorite games. 20:41
_hramrachis this the Ethernet cable https://eu.mouser.com/ProductDetail/HARTING/33480653830002?qs=Li%252BoUPsLEnt9QBrDSqfKbw%3D%3D ?20:50
minute_hramrach: yeah but that one is only 20cm 20:51
minute_hramrach: useful only with a coupler20:51
minute2m by amphenol https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/Amphenol-Commercial-Products/ND9-ACN2-B0A?qs=T%252BzbugeAwjiDhhAAwf6CKQ%3D%3D20:53
minutesorry, no. that's a socket on one end20:53
minutewe're in the process of buying a bunch of cheap iX to rj45 socket adapters20:53
minute_hramrach: 3m cable https://eu.mouser.com/ProductDetail/HARTING/33480147826030?qs=W%2FMpXkg%252BdQ4Dl9lSDo1Ldg%3D%3D20:55
minutethey're filed wrongly under "USB Type A" on one end at mouser20:55
_hramrachI am looking for a cable that I can connect to the normal cable with a cube21:01
_hramrachI would need 5m+ cable otherwise21:01
minutemakes sense21:02
_hramrachhow is the module even loaded when it is not loadable?21:27
joschminute: if i understand this correctly, then the graphite desktop environment and with it gde-background are archived and not developed anymore. So am I assuming correctly that you intend to fork the project and become its new upstream for the lack of a better alternative?21:30
erleyay, i am in the situation that i want to flash my second MNT reform keyboard.21:57
NanoCodeBugi'm happy with the current state of the revised pocket firmware i've been working on - it works on my battery packs and chargers i've tested against.22:20
NanoCodeBugit has some debug logging if it should encounter a error and folks can capture the serial output of the rp2040.22:20
NanoCodeBugif anyone is feeling adventurous, and knows how to flash their firmware, feel free to try22:20
NanoCodeBugand let me know how it goes.22:20
NanoCodeBugah i take that back22:24
NanoCodeBugdon't try it just yet22:24
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)22:32
+ staticbunny (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)22:44
TwodisbetterNanoCodeBug: thanks for your efforts!22:48
TwodisbetterAny chance you wanna help out with hibernation?22:48
- staticbunny (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~staticbun@76-223-253-78.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)22:48
Twodisbetterminute: must a charging source for the pocket be a PD cable charger? If it is a dumb source that can do 5V at up to 4 amps max, would this work for charging the pocket? 22:56
NanoCodeBugTwodisbetter: hibernation is going to be tricky. a lot of kernel debugging I imagine, that OS-SoC interaction is not something I know a lot about.22:58
^alexNanoCodeBug, oh, good, you're doing the sysctl refactor that we were lowkey dreading22:58
Twodisbetterminute: I have a Jackery battery unit that does 5V up to 2.5 amps and it does not seem to work, which is why I am asking. 22:58
NanoCodeBugTwodisbetter: the internal charge chip will not accept a voltage below 6 volts22:59
TwodisbetterNanoCodeBug: thank you! That answers my questions nicely. I wonder if there is any chance to improve that, to allow more types of chargers? Or is 6V the minimum voltage to charge both cells? 23:00
NanoCodeBugfunctionally, this means a PD charger is required.23:03
NanoCodeBugthat requirement is there to prevent the pocket from feeding back into the charger while powering a USB device.23:03
NanoCodeBugI think it could be changed to allow that, but that would break the usb-pd/usb-device detection.23:03
NanoCodeBuga manually enabled mode could be added - toggled via the keyboard or within the OS - that keeps vbus off, drops the threshold to 5volts, and sets a current limit to 3 amps (its 2 amps by default since its expecting 9-20 volts on the PD rail).23:03
NanoCodeBug^alex: yeah I saw everything in one file and my brain could not handle that, https://source.mnt.re/NanoCodeBug/pocket-reform has the current code i'm using.23:05
^alexyeah that's what we were looking at23:07
TwodisbetterNanoCodeBug: That manually activated 5V charging mode would be awesome and improve the ability of the Pocket to charge. 23:11
NanoCodeBugTwodisbetter: my current understanding of the charger circuitry is that should be possible, but I have not tested that, not sure if the charge controller would be happy with that either. ideally a external battery pack would bypass the charging circuitry entirely to avoid energy loss charging the batteries.23:16
NanoCodeBugah, the charger chip refuses to report discharge current and voltage unless vbus is powered, fascinating.23:27
chNanoCodeBug: any reason you're not using the fusb's toggle logic?23:28
chthe resulting interrupt flags make it very clear what role one -should- be in23:29
chi need to do some more debugging with my 'interesting' chargers, but so far using the toggle logic was quite easy to do23:30
NanoCodeBugch: i could not get it work reliably, it would sometimes settle into the wrong state, and it would block PD communication until it was disabled even after exiting - according to the interrupt flags.23:30
NanoCodeBugrenabling toggle after disabling it to do PD communication would cause it to refuse to send interrupt flags (so detach would not be shown) until a full reset23:30
chat least the detach was very reliable for me so far23:31
NanoCodeBugTOGGLE and the interrupts are the ideal solution by far, but I could not get them to behave reliably across the chargers i was testing with.23:32
NanoCodeBugits certainly possible i was dealing with other bugs at the same time that might have been affecting this.23:34
chack. i'll hack some more on my fw but not today23:37
chone thing to keep in mind is testing with non-chargers23:37
NanoCodeBugi have a handful of regular usb-c devices and cables i've plugged in from my menagerie of devices to see what happens, which has helped me find a few issues23:38
minute_hramrach: it is loaded by /sbin/reform-hw-setup23:39
minute_hramrach: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/blob/main/sbin/reform-hw-setup#L9323:39
joschminute: gde-background is not working for me -- did you have to change something in your sway config first?23:40
minutejosch: you need to patch one line23:41
joschcurrently i have a line in it that says: output "*" bg ~/.config/sway/wallpaper.jpg fit23:41
minutejosch: well you need to disable swaybg23:41
joschhah i got it!23:42
joschthank you :)23:42
minutejosch: http://dump.mntmn.com/gde-background.patch.txt23:42
minute(most frontends don't support the dark uri)23:42
joschminute: but gde-background is abandoned upstream, no? I also searched for a similarly minimal alternative but could not find one23:43
minutejosch: well, the author recommended it to me on fedi today. i think we could fork & maintain it (and keep it minimal)23:45
minute(just not add any features ^^^^)23:45
joschminute: instead of forking and you maintaining it, how about replacing it by this 70 line python script i just wrote which does the same thing and would be architecture independent and could thus be shipped by reform-tools without needing to compile it with vala?23:47
joschplus, i would maintain it and not you :)23:47
minutejosch: oh?23:48
minutejosch: well, sure!23:48
minutejosch: is it something that talks to swaybg?23:48
minutelike, an adapter?23:48
joschit does not support these wallpaper slideshow xmls though23:48
ch.oO( clearly it should be in rust )23:48
minutewell, we don't need to support those23:48
minutech: lol23:48
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-4135524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)23:49
joschminute: no, it doesn't talk to swaybg (or otherwise it would not support wayfire) but instead uses the same mechanism as gde-background and just creates a window and then uses GtkLayerShell to make it the background23:49
joschand in the window it draws an image in a gdk pixbuf23:49
minutejosch: nice23:56
joschwe were talking about NIH, so i thought i'd contribute to the topic23:58
joschclearly standard nr. 15 from xkcd#92723:58

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