
- XgF (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:5400:2ff:fef2:1fa2)00:20
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)01:18
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:06
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)02:13
+ Gooberpatrol_66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)02:14
- bleb (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~cm@user/bleb)02:38
+ bleb (~cm@user/bleb)02:40
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)03:08
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~nicolas@1-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:13
+ nsc (~nicolas@86-96-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:15
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)03:20
+ phabulosa (~phabulosa@
- phabulosa (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~phabulosa@
- murph__ (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~murph@ool-457bb02e.dyn.optonline.net)05:04
+ XgF (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:394a:5683:12bb:5a9)05:53
+ phabulosa (~phabulosa@
- phabulosa (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~phabulosa@
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)07:13
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)07:13
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
+ ex--parrot (~fincham@user/ex-parrot)09:19
+ qbit_ (~qbit@mail.suah.dev)09:20
- qbit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~qbit@mail.suah.dev)09:21
- jfred-linode (QUIT: Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) (quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred)09:21
- ex-parrot (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~fincham@user/ex-parrot)09:21
- Asmadeus (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~asmadeus@user/meow/Asmadeus)09:21
+ jfred-linode (quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred)09:22
+ Asmadeus (~asmadeus@user/meow/Asmadeus)09:23
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~nicolas@86-96-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)09:23
* qbit_ -> qbit09:25
+ nsc (~nicolas@195-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)09:40
- kensanata (QUIT: Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) (~alex@user/kensanata)09:41
+ kensanata (~alex@user/kensanata)09:41
- laumann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@user/laumann)09:43
+ laumann_ (~quassel@2a0a-e5c0-2-2-0-c8ff-fe68-bef1.loves.ipv6.at.ungleich.ch)09:44
minuteeaster egg was found https://chaos.social/@jacqueline/11303811301422576510:01
henesywhats the pocket reform keybind for going to console ttys directly?10:04
henesyalso seem to have hit something where wayfire just crashes after starting and laoding the desktop https://paste.sr.ht/~henesy/8ca8d33bfee2353914873557e4ff325c8f6aee7310:05
minutef_: yeah10:13
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
henesywayfire fix seemed to be disabling the shadows plugin10:34
minutehenesy: ohh10:34
henesyvery strange, wayfire would start and waybar would work fine, but as soon as wofi or something would be called it would all crash10:38
henesyregular wayfire output didnt log an error so had to trawl the huge dump above10:39
henesyno idea why shadows broke10:39
gsorahi tina! cute easter egg10:39
henesyoh this is a very good easter egg10:41
henesynow i want to make one for my dog10:42
amospallaahh, cute! I know there is a shortcut for tina to appear, found it once :D11:00
grimmwareminute: just for my personal edification, is the want for 6V to begin power negotiation a way to ensure it's not a standard 5V USB power supply?11:03
+ jacobk_ (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)11:04
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)11:05
minutegrimmware: it's tricky. it's to recognize if PD has been negotiated after a cold reset. but actually it's not necessary if the device has batteries11:41
henesygame testing under box64 for today https://git.sr.ht/~henesy/awesome-reform-games/tree/master/item/README.md12:13
minutehenesy: wow, that's a lot of games12:32
minutehenesy: this is with imx8mp?12:32
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
andypiperok, I have a dog in my kbd firmware. confirmed.13:00
grimmwareteeny tina <313:02
* Guest4091 -> mjw13:03
gsoranext revision: a PC speaker to simulate tina barking13:07
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)13:11
minuteoof, how to find the error https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/572213:23
minuteah, i needed to remember to download the full output log13:26
minute> make[9]: *** [/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/scripts/Makefile.build:249: drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip/dw-mipi-dsi2-rockchip.o] Error 113:26
minuteah, api changes > /drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip/dw-mipi-dsi2-rockchip.c:1513:19: error: initialization of ‘int (*)(struct platform_device *)’ from incompatible pointer type ‘void (*)(struct platform_device *)’ [-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types]13:27
joschyeah, the linux build log is too large for gitlab sadly :(13:41
joschand according to the people in #debian-kernel, the regex to look out for is /(error:|Error|ERROR)/13:43
joschhow about we put this regex into gitlab and grep for that regex and put the results at the very end of the build log that gets then shown in the browser?13:43
joschokay, i managed to grab the failing commit 4c247466cb7fd1df794bf4fd7c0bc3530fc81723 from the rk3588-pocket branch -- now i can use this to test13:44
joschminute: i'll hold off with working on this until you are done so that i don't hog the CI time with this. If you remember, feel free to ping me once you are "done" :)13:44
minutejosch: thank you, will do!13:45
joschuh 6.10 was uploaded to debian backports yesterday14:16
minutejosch: is that good or bad?14:17
minutesob, this patch business is so tedious https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/5728#L189714:18
minuteok, lets fix that...14:18
minuteah, fuzz14:18
joschminute: that is good because then we get rk3588 support on reform.d.n :)14:21
joschyeah, handling patches with quilt is pretty annoying14:22
joschthere is tooling around it like gbp-pq but that has a semi-steep learning curve i'd say14:22
joschpersonally, before pushing to CI, I start the build locally and press ctrl+c once sbuild started running14:23
joschbecause once it reaches that step, i can be sure that i didn't mess up the patches14:23
chquilt push -a should also tell you :)14:23
joschch: yes, in a mountain of output... :(14:23
joschch: so what i also do is to not do quilt push -a but quilt push 1014:24
joschand then the output mostly fits on my screen14:24
choh my14:24
chmaybe stgit is something to look at14:25
chat least its not debian-specific14:25
joschi keep telling myself that this pain is to remind everybody to put effort into upstreaming everything instead...14:25
chthats a very useful stance in debian in general; however for the kernel, idk if thats really true14:26
joschch: i have also brought this upon myself because it's usually me going through the pain of rebasing the patch stack but me being reminded of its size solves nothing because i'm the wrong person to upstream anything XD14:27
chwell, gbp-pq is quite ok if you already have gbp installed, and you have the two commands to copy-paste14:28
chand the rest is then just git workflow14:29
chwhich is still terrible because its patches, but its the best we all seem to have14:29
joschyup :/14:30
chi usually steal this readme: https://salsa.debian.org/systemd-team/systemd/-/blob/debian/master/debian/README.source?ref_type=heads#L2814:31
joschch: thank you, that's a nice write-up14:32
joschin our case, it's a bit more complex because the sources that the patches are applied to are not part of the git tree14:32
minutejosch: what i do is also start the local build, abort it, then i have a linux source tree there, i add the driver and dtsi folders to a new git, commit a snapshot, and hand apply patches until something fails, then massage them and pull them out of that temp git into new patches14:32
joschand we have multiple patch stacks for multiple versions of linux in stable, backports, testing and unstable :D14:32
minutehere i tried editing a patch directly with emacs, which sometimes works, but here it didn't14:32
joschminute: that is not the worst strategy and i've done it like that as well14:33
chyeah if you have a "complicated" package, i think you need an upstream.git where you do the patch stuff, and then just copy them into the debian packaging14:33
chbut meh, no tools to support you14:33
joschyes, it's all made-up :/14:33
joschben told me that our situation is quite unique14:34
chdunno if thats true14:34
joschben didn't know of another project that tries to be the downstream of src:linux like we do14:34
chah like that14:34
chthe others just ignore src:linux and build their own source tree?14:34
joschwe want src:linux from Debian to get the Debian-only features14:35
chi -do- think src:linux is already in a place badly supported by debian tooling14:35
joschyes :D14:35
chand if that was better, the downstreams could also have a better day14:35
joschno worries, i'm filing merge requests in salsa but waldi is sometimes... special :)14:35
ch(sorry, my brain is looking for this sort of debian tooling pain everywhere and trying to guess a bit what could work for everyone)14:37
joschch: try to have a look at glibc or gcc packaging if you want to have fun :)14:37
chyes i will14:37
joschthat was supposed to be sarcasm -- please do not make your day worse :D14:38
chit was already on my plan. maybe not for today, but soon14:38
minutei guess armbian took a very different approach and just do their completely own kernel? but don't know how they integrated it into debian and what other parts of debian they use14:38
chbuilding tooling that only works for easy packages doesn't bring debian forward14:38
joschminute: if you run armbian, then things like guestfish, zfs-dkms or anbox will just not work unless you hack up your own solution14:39
joschminute: but that's not a problem for armbian because not many people run armbian on their work machine14:40
minutejosch: interesting! do they use a monolithic kernel?14:41
joschi don't know that detail, only the packaging side14:41
minutebtw i'm 100% happy that we use the "real" debian14:42
minuteeven if there's some painful kernel patch business sometimes14:42
joschi'm glad because i think there is a lot of value to not be "special"14:42
minuteand also i guess i/we should upstream more stuff like devicetrees14:42
minutejosch: 100% agree14:42
minutefor example, imx8mp-mnt-pocket-reform.dts should really be upstreamed14:43
joschmakes me also happy that the fwupd author would like to help because i'd really love to avoid adding more custom scripts :D14:43
charmbian kernels look like they are produced by make debpkg14:44
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]14:44
joschthat was also my last status14:44
- andypiper[afk] (QUIT: Quit: My device has gone to sleep. Zzzz…) (~andypiper@
joschthis gives the kernel integration into mkinitramfs, for example14:44
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]14:46
* andypiper[afk] -> andypiper14:46
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]14:46
* andypiper[afk] -> andypiper14:46
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]14:47
* andypiper[afk] -> andypiper14:47
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]14:47
* andypiper[afk] -> andypiper14:47
- tretinha (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (3a571d9f43@2a03:6000:1812:100::1151)15:00
- voltagex (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (bb9d16d177@user/voltagex)15:00
- dominicm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (45ee0d70e9@2a03:6000:1812:100::3e6)15:00
- henesy (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (d7619ffbc2@2a03:6000:1812:100::143)15:00
- larme (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (22544863b6@user/larme)15:00
- dook (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (c9db4a6425@2a03:6000:1812:100::1222)15:00
- jfred (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (c9b58a1025@libera/sponsor/jfred)15:00
- noam (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (81879d1ffa@2a03:6000:1812:100::dfc)15:00
- Zaba (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (80b9b4b35e@2a03:6000:1812:100::116)15:00
- theesm1 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (2cbdf4b38a@2a03:6000:1812:100::11c8)15:00
- rwv (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (1fa29d61cb@2a03:6000:1812:100::6b)15:00
- romi (QUIT: Write error: Broken pipe) (bd30729973@user/romi)15:00
- whereiseveryone (QUIT: Write error: Broken pipe) (206ba86c98@2a03:6000:1812:100::2e4)15:00
- bail (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (585c46d254@2a03:6000:1812:100::f91)15:00
- cmahns (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (8fe824803c@2a03:6000:1812:100::10cd)15:00
+ noam (81879d1ffa@2a03:6000:1812:100::dfc)15:01
+ voltagex (bb9d16d177@user/voltagex)15:01
+ henesy (d7619ffbc2@2a03:6000:1812:100::143)15:01
+ tretinha (3a571d9f43@2a03:6000:1812:100::1151)15:01
+ cmahns (8fe824803c@2a03:6000:1812:100::10cd)15:01
+ dominicm (45ee0d70e9@2a03:6000:1812:100::3e6)15:01
+ bail (585c46d254@2a03:6000:1812:100::f91)15:01
+ theesm1 (2cbdf4b38a@2a03:6000:1812:100::11c8)15:01
+ larme (22544863b6@user/larme)15:01
+ whereiseveryone (206ba86c98@2a03:6000:1812:100::2e4)15:01
+ rwv (1fa29d61cb@2a03:6000:1812:100::6b)15:01
+ jfred (c9b58a1025@libera/sponsor/jfred)15:01
+ dook (c9db4a6425@2a03:6000:1812:100::1222)15:01
+ Zaba (80b9b4b35e@2a03:6000:1812:100::116)15:01
+ romi (bd30729973@user/romi)15:01
- murphnj (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~murph@user/murphnj)15:31
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)15:33
minutewoop woop, display is up on rk3588 pocket w/ deb kernel15:38
grimmwareI still can't quite get over how tiny the SoMs are. That they can fit that much grunt on the rk3588 astounds me15:43
grimmwareI mean I know smartphones, but still15:43
minuteoh yeah... and it's only gonna get better15:51
minutei wonder what rockchip will be cooking up next time15:51
* jacobk_ -> jacobk16:10
chwhoa i have a mouser shipping notification claiming the package is already there??16:16
joschminute: nice! That means I can run "git push" for my stuff now? :)16:25
minutejosch: yeah, i will push dts changes but they're not critical for me atm as i use extlinux16:29
minutehmm, there's no more rockchip-cpufreq?16:38
minutei wonder what it was replaced with, psci something?16:38
minutemhm hmm https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/9576d3e622f325e617b272172dd68e329e742f7716:40
minutelol strike that, that was 10 years ago16:41
joschkernel 3.19... those were the days :)16:41
minutewell, i guess i should just compare with my big reform16:44
minuteah lol everything is fine, i just didn't enable cpu freq options in htop m)16:55
joschminute: this is my proposal for having the actual error at the very bottom of the build_linux job log using a perl regex heuristic: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/574017:02
joschminute: if you like it like this, i make this into an actual MR17:02
chmight be nice to do this in after_script17:03
joschch: why?17:03
minutejosch: that's really cool17:04
chjosch: i like it when the last lines in the actual script are hopefully close to the last thing that was run that was actually a build step. i find it confusing otherwise17:04
joschokay, let me try this out17:04
joschlets see how this looks like in after_script17:05
joschi'll just guard it by an if [ $CI_JOB_STATUS != 'success' ]; then ...17:05
chyeah. dunno if you can express that in gitlab ci yaml somehow17:06
joschwe already have an after_script, so it will be part of that17:06
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)17:06
Twodisbetterhenesy, really appreciate the tip on minigalaxy! That is exactly what I was looking for. Same helpfulness of Steam installing the games and the wine elements, but without the DRM. 17:18
Twodisbetterbut it seems to try to launch as if you are on a x86 system. Anyone know how to get it to use box64?17:23
joschTwodisbetter: you do not have box64 registered as a binfmt interpreter for x86_64 binaries?17:27
joschif you do, you do not have to manually run applications under box64 as the kernel will take care of doing that for you17:27
Twodisbetter i don't think so. I don't know how to set that up. 17:28
joschTwodisbetter: how did you install box64?17:28
mrbcmorrisjosch: got an MR to review anywhere?17:28
mrbcmorrisI've got some experience with GitLab pipelines, not sure if I could help but wouldn't mind looking17:29
Twodisbetterjosch: sudo apt17:29
joschTwodisbetter: then it should have registered box64 as binfmt interpreter already. What happens if you try running an x86 application without manually wrapping it in box64?17:29
joschmrbcmorris: which MR do you want to help with?17:30
minutemaybe this is about box86 vs box64?17:30
joschindeed, maybe17:30
Twodisbetter> Twodisbetter: then it should have registered box64 as binfmt interpreter already. What happens if you try running an x86 application without manually wrapping it in box64?17:31
TwodisbetterI don't have anything like that installed. 17:31
Twodisbetterbut I just tried running it from the terminal and it worked. So I guess the call mechanism or the script just is not correct. 17:32
joschTwodisbetter: to test this, could could install the arch-test package and then try running this:17:32
joschyou tried running what from the terminal?17:32
joschi thougt you said you do not have anything installed?17:33
joschminute: after using ch's suggestion to use after_script it looks like this: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/574617:34
joschminute: maybe this is a bit better because the "Running after script" line is green and thus there is a separation of color?17:34
minutejosch: yes, that's really cool17:34
joschokay, then i'll put that into main17:35
minuterk3588-mnt-pocket-reform.dts pushed17:39
+ minuterock (~minute@p509936c9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)17:39
minuterockhello hello, writing from rk3588 mnt pocket reform17:39
minuterockoh, this proto has old keyboard firmware, and also old sysctl firmware17:40
Twodisbetterjosch: sorry I have a game called Luftrausers installed but it was x64. I went into the game folder for it and just did a ./ ro tun it17:40
Twodisbetterjosch: as you said the kernel automatically started box64, etc17:40
Twodisbetterit ran really well on the Pocket, so I am going to add that gamem mto the Reform gaming thread17:41
Twodisbetterminigalaxy is awesome. So many games now open on the Reform17:42
- minuterock (QUIT: Client Quit) (~minute@p509936c9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)17:42
Twodisbetterminuterock: can't wait to get one in my Pocket. I'm going to hold off some just to get a few more of the kinks polished out. 17:44
minuteTwodisbetter: yeah, now testing thermals a bit17:48
+ minuterock (~minute@2003:a:736:9300:763b:8022:d9bd:c5a7)17:48
minuterockperformance is very good of course ^^17:49
minuterockhuh, looks like i'm on ipv617:49
chcant be on legacy internet with modern SOCs :)17:49
minuterocktemperatures seem moderate atm17:51
grimmwareminute: what sort of temps you getting?17:56
grimmwaresorry, minuterock even17:57
TwodisbetterI'm interested as well. I wonder if all that power comes with a hefty booster in heat.17:58
minuterockaround 55 degrees C at the moment, but i don't have a thermal interface between the cpu and the copper back at the moment, they're just directly touching18:00
grimmwaretbf I think the heat dissipation could probably be pretty well improved with a backplate that has a lot of copper filigree coming off the MNT logo 18:00
minuterock(the rk3588 w/ adapter is thicc)18:00
grimmwareOh that's actually pretty good because my imx8mp tends to run around 6018:01
minuterocki haven't done any sort of big compile or dhewm3 on this one yet though18:01
minuterockfor wifi i'm using the asiarf card at the moment18:02
minuterockok, brb, doing sysctl reflash18:03
- minuterock (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~minute@2003:a:736:9300:763b:8022:d9bd:c5a7)18:04
andypiperthis is exciting to follow :-)18:09
minutei think the back plate temp is similar to imx8mp18:09
minutejosch: a note, we're still shipping mpv.conf with hwdec=auto enabled. this crashes mpv on some platforms18:12
minutepocket with rk3588 and wifi card consumes around 5.8W here idling on the desktop18:13
minutea311d def. runs cooler18:17
minutepower draw is not that different though18:18
Twodisbettercan anyone give me a tip to being able to install box86 on the pocket. I know it has to do with enabling armhf or something like that, but I'm at a loss currently.18:22
+ minuterock (~minute@p509936c9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)18:27
- minuterock (QUIT: Quit: Lost terminal) (~minute@p509936c9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)18:27
Twodisbetterif box86 hooks into the kernel too, then I'll be able to get a bunch of games working through minigalaxy as well. 18:28
Twodisbetterof course, I'll report all of this to the forum, just to make sure it is captured there as well. 18:29
joschminute: lets just comment that line out then, no?18:29
minutejosch: yeah exactly18:31
joschdone: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/commit/bafe586dbd2a0177375286cd6c93ac357d06e4bc18:32
minutejosch: thanks a ton!18:33
joschthank you for spotting that one18:33
joschi think we had talked about that in the past already18:33
joschbut i failed to change it back then it seems18:34
joschhenesy: wow, minigalaxy is really cool!18:57
joschi just played stormlight 2 on the reform with a311d18:57
joschand it's smooth! o018:57
minuteok, so with our mainline uboot the display doesn't work in rk3588 pocket. i hope it's just spll clock patch missing19:01
minutethis one https://lore.kernel.org/all/e447ad70-2615-4f57-ae8d-4089424851bb@rock-chips.com/T/19:02
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]19:06
- andypiper[afk] (QUIT: Quit: My device has gone to sleep. Zzzz…) (~andypiper@
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:10
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (erbium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:10
* mark_ -> mjw19:10
+ Guest4625 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:10
minutegreat, display works with https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-rk3588-uboot/-/commit/2d3a71c28f7b1fb3d743c9a24b54ca62abfc4e2f19:11
- cobra (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~cobra@user/Cobra)19:17
+ ch2 (~ch@2a02:1748:fad4:5021:1ce7:d886:69d6:e4b1)19:18
joschch2: ch?19:21
ch2ch with an unexpected pocket19:22
ch2i thought my crowdsupply preorder would be in a later batch, but it arrived today! very glad now i planned my return home for today :)19:27
joschch2: congrats!! :D19:27
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)19:27
ch2now getting the full debian unstable experience :D19:27
swivelminute: hrm you guys on vacation or something? I've been trying to ask for order status via email and radio silence... maybe my mail server is broken19:28
ch2hm, while upgrading something triggered the qcacld2 reinstall job19:28
minuteswivel: which order #? i can check19:29
ch2that obv didnt go well19:29
henesy03:32:43 <minute> henesy: this is with imx8mp? ← yes19:29
swivelminute: thanks "MNT Research Shop Order Confirmation #R709998081" is that it?19:29
minuteswivel: yes, thanks, checking19:29
minuteswivel: asked internally about status, my coworker is ooo at the moment but will surely respond to me later. also she'll be on much needed vacation for a few days19:31
swivelok, i suspected vacation may be part of it... tis the season19:32
minuteyeah... 19:32
minutei should also take some days off at _some point_19:32
swiveli heard you're working on a slimmer reform too, will def. be ordering one of those when ready19:33
minuteswivel: oh nice to hear! yes, we plan to order the first aluminum case protos in 2 weeks19:33
swiveljust make sure I get my current order :)  I need that printed handbook to go with my reform before it's all outmoded vintage collectibles!19:34
joschch2: don't do the unstable experience and help out with reform.d.n instead *wink*19:35
minutemy guess is that classic reforms will have collector value indeed someday... even if they can be cloned :D19:35
Twodisbetterminute: the OG Reform is legendary already. Such a good design.19:36
joschDIY kit #161 baby :D19:36
Twodisbetterminute: Pocket is following the same steps. Legend as heck!19:36
joschhas only been powered on for 13894 hours so far :D19:37
swiveltime for me to head to work, ttfn guys/gals...19:37
josch(according to smartctl of the nvme)19:37
minutejosch: ohh interesting @ smartctl19:37
joschno idea if that value can be trusted19:37
minuteTwodisbetter: thx!19:37
minutejosch: well, at least there's a value19:37
joschbut i'm not keeping track of my uptime before rebooting :)19:37
- ch2 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~ch@2a02:1748:fad4:5021:1ce7:d886:69d6:e4b1)19:42
henesyTwodisbetter: minigalaxy doesnt always succeed in running games since afaict some GOG scripts do arch detection and it looks for nonexistent aarch64 files or similar -- i end up trying to run the games manually just to be sure19:42
chjosch: hah, i might. but somebody has to run unstable!11 ;)19:44
henesyjosch: you mean torchlight 2?19:45
henesyTwodisbetter: maybe im missing something to do, but most x86 games i get libgl1 or libc6 missing19:45
joschoh no i said stormlight 219:45
henesymaybe josch knows a workaround for that19:45
joschtoo much brandon sanderson XD19:45
joschyes, torchlight 2: https://floss.social/@josch/11304074582241567119:46
chnew sysctl firmware doesnt want to charge now, but from the looks of it the pd handshake with this charger didnt really work earlier too19:46
henesyvery nice josch!19:46
joschhenesy: feel free to ping me later -- afk for dinner now :)19:46
Twodisbetterhenesy, I just edit the script and it works from minigalaxy19:49
Twodisbettergreat little client there19:49
Twodisbetterit doesn't seem to be able to install windows based software correctly though.19:50
Twodisbetterif we could get that working there would be a TON of awesome games that could work on the Reform19:53
henesyTwodisbetter: well if you can run windows stuff you could just run gog galaxy19:54
henesyi havent tried running wine yet19:54
Twodisbetterhenesy: it is too heavy handed. Not lightweight enough. But you can run windows stuff on the Reform. Windows 98 stuff at least. Josch has gotten Starcraft adn Broodwar working with no problems already19:55
midfavilathat's pretty cool19:55
Twodisbetterthis leads me to believe that other things for Windows running through box64 and wine would work19:55
+ andypiper (~andypiper@
henesyyeah i bet a bunch of lightweight rpgs and whatnot would run fine19:55
henesyi see neverwinter nights enhanced edition even has an aarch64 client that i'd love to see try to start19:56
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-bd37524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)20:02
- mtm (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)20:03
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)20:03
henesyminute: some of those games on that list though are just dosbox games so in some ways they're kind of cheating as being listed as extra games :) but dosbox stuff works great for the most part20:11
henesytie fighter kinda runs like garbage though20:11
TwodisbetterLuftrauser works pretty well until the screen gets busy and then it chugs a bit but it speeds up again when you have cleared the screen some. Great game that I am really glad I have working on the Pocket20:19
TwodisbetterI want to see if I can get Nuclear Throne to work though. That might be a little bit too much though as it will need wine20:22
Twodisbetterthis is where getting things to work through steam might be beneficial 20:22
henesyam i missing something or is there not a hyper key bind for volume control by default?20:24
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~nicolas@195-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)20:24
henesytrying to avoid tabbing for volume control since it tends to mess up the more unstable games20:24
henesyor would making a wayfire media key shortcut Just Work?20:25
+ nsc (~nicolas@118-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)20:26
sigridpretty sure big reform had a few media keys around f10-f12, iirc20:31
minutelots of weird kernel issues with rk3588 pocket that i suspect have to do with mainline uboot, or DSI driver memory corruption20:37
Twodisbetterminute: what are the f11 and f12 keys on the pocket?20:44
henesybig reform it works fine this is specifically on the pocket20:44
henesyi couldnt find references to volume key shortcuts in the pocket manual either which threw me off at first20:44
henesywondered if there was some special reason20:45
TwodisbetterOn the big Reform it is hyper f3 and f420:45
Twodisbetterhyper meaning the MNT key not the actual hyper key20:45
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)20:45
minuteTwodisbetter: the mnt key is called super20:56
henesyyeah i think it's a bit different on the pocket since it doesnt have the 'O' and has a super key 20:56
henesybeat me to it20:56
minuteon the pocket there are no media keys provisioned20:57
henesyglad it's not a reading comprehension issue on my part then!20:57
joschhenesy: where do you see an aarch64 client for NWN?21:02
- amk (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~amk@user/amk)21:07
+ amk (~amk@user/amk)21:07
henesythe GOG install i got from minigalaxy has a dir `game/bin/linux-arm64/` with a `nwmain-linux` which file reports as ARM aarch64 binary21:09
henesyi didn't know this existed 21:09
henesyfrankly im very surprised21:09
henesyi have no idea if it works21:09
henesyi am tied up wtih work stuff atm but ill try tonight probably21:10
henesyhonestly if the pocket could reasonably run nwn i would probably just live in that for a good few months21:11
amkdo any of the reform models support external GPUs? could probably get quite a lot working with box86 then :)21:11
joschoh wow, nice find!21:11
joschamk: theoretically, the ls1028a does support graphics cards attached via pci-e21:11
amkoh cool, could the pocket make use of this, its got usbc right?21:12
amkmaybe egpus require thunderbolt4 thinking about it actually21:12
joschyeah, just having a usb-c plug does not mean you can attach a gpu or display to it21:13
henesywhen you say box86 do you mean box64? i was never able to get any x86 (non-64) stuff to run since theyd report libc6 or libgl1 as missing and i wasnt able to install the armhf equivalents21:13
joschamk: with the ls1028a, Lukas made a zotac nvidia gt710 1gb 64bit ddr3 work successfully21:13
joschhenesy: i got box86 working but i have no 32bit games i want to play21:14
amkhenesy: yeah box86 and 64 are from the same project right?21:14
joschfor example, starcraft broodwar is 32 bit but it is "emulated" by 64 bit wine with wow64, so i need box64 and not box8621:15
joschamk: yes21:15
henesythey are but i've only been able to run x86_64 linux binaries21:15
henesyi havent fiddled with wine yet21:15
joschhenesy: you "just" have to install the right armhf stuff. Sometimes this can get tricky if you are using Debian unstable because of multiarch:same version skews.21:15
amkah i see, maybe try fex? it seems to support both, maybe you'll have more luck with it21:15
henesyjosch: you said you just installed the standard debian wine? does that install an x86_64 binary? wouldn't it be an arm64 build of wine?21:16
joschhenesy: no, the arm64 build of wine would be used to run arm64 windows exe files21:17
henesyokay that's what i thought21:17
joschif you want to run x86_64 windows exe files you need amd64 wine21:17
henesysounds annoying21:17
joschit's all a bit hacky21:18
henesyamk: havent tried fex, ill try later21:18
joschwell of course it is, these windows binaries were not meant to be run on my MNT Reform :)21:18
henesyof course :)21:18
henesyahhhh fex requires an amd64 rootfs21:19
henesyand like that it is shelved as a rainy weekend project21:19
mrbcmorrisjosch: I could help on anything that's CI/CD based at the moment.  Once I get my pocket, could probably do more21:34
* andypiper -> andypiper[afk]21:36
joschmrbcmorris: you are a gitlab expert? Great! :D I don't think we have issues right now. If you like, you could review the gitlab-ci.yml of reform-debian-packages and reform-system-image repos and see if you spot anything that could be improved21:39
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)21:41
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)21:41
Twodisbetterjosch: you know we are on Debian Stable with our Reforms? Do you think it is possible to do with the Pocket already? Or should we hold off, especially if we are planning on upgrading the SoC?21:59
kop316Twodisbetter: I swapped to trixie, and I am pretty happy with that personally22:01
* andypiper[afk] -> andypiper22:01
Twodisbetterkop316, will we be missing out on anything important, or are the mnt repos different anyway?22:02
Twodisbetterkop316, care to detail how you went to Trixie? Did you just make changes to your sources list or do you mean you reinstalled trixie instead?22:02
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-105-237.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)22:02
kop316Twodisbetter: I haven't had issues personally. AFAICT, the mnt repos provide hardware support (i.e. kernel and drivers), which work fine in trixie22:03
Twodisbetterkop316: yeah that is what I expected22:04
Twodisbetterjust not sure how to make the swap myself22:04
Twodisbetteris it really just switching everything to trixie in the sources list?22:05
kop316Twodisbetter: I just changed the repos in "/etc/apt/sources.list"22:05
kop316pretty much. unstable flows into trixie anyways (when the right conditions are met, which is 99% of the time just waiting a few days)22:05
+ Gooberpatrol_66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)22:08
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)22:08
Twodisbettergotcha, just made the one word change myself22:08
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-bd37524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
Twodisbetterhenesy: not to keep gushing about MiniGalaxy and GOG, but this client is so good, you could totally replace Steam with it. 22:34
kop316Twodisbetter: happy to help!22:37
- aloo_shu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~aloo_shu@
henesyTwodisbetter: right?22:44
Twodisbetterhenesy: yep! 22:44
+ aloo_shu (~aloo_shu@
henesyhello from a pocket reform on WWAN on Verizon!23:25
henesyabout 80mbps down and 10mbps up23:26
minutehenesy: niiice23:28
minutehenesy: em06 or another card?23:29
henesythat is a great question23:36
henesysome sierra wireless card, module it uses is `cdc_mbim`23:36
henesyi could swear i took a picture of the card before i put it in but apparently i did not23:36
minuteoh ok :D23:41
minutehenesy: if you could tell me the model later that would be great, so cs could offer alternatives23:42
henesyyeah i just need to unscrew the back again23:42
henesySierra Wireless AirPrime™ EM745523:48
minutehenesy: thank you!23:49
henesyyup yup23:50

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