
- nocko (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~nock@user/nocko)00:37
+ nocko (~nock@user/nocko)00:38
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
- jfred (QUIT: ) (sid534649@libera/sponsor/jfred)02:03
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:05
+ jfred (c9b58a1025@libera/sponsor/jfred)02:07
jackhilljosch: thanks! Yeah, I guess I'm cunfused as to what to put in the firmware. This is what I have now: https://git.hcoop.net/jackhill/reform.git/blob/2b0fa817dccc49ea78f8cd12890c1abeeee44ad7:/reform2-keyboard-fw/matrix_3.h#l4302:11
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)02:49
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~nicolas@150-96-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:42
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C74DCB8.versanet.de)03:43
jackhillthis confusion (or my confusion) seems to be happening on the libinput side of things. An external keyboard sends the same keysim03:54
^alexwe helped someone with this recently, lemme see03:59
^alexin your input config, try setting xkb option `lv3:ralt_alt`04:02
^alexthis tells xinput to not use a level 3 switch, but instead to send "right alt", aka altgr04:03
jackhill^alex: thanks, but that doesn't seem to do it for me04:09
jackhillor maybe what I'm doing in the config file is incorrect. https://paste.debian.net/1324689/04:13
jackhillindeed caps as super doesn't seem to take with external keyboards04:14
jackhill^ah! I think I found it. I had a config.d folder with some stuff in it. I don't think I created that, maybe it came with the system image.04:23
jackhillyep, that was it!04:25
- colinsane (QUIT: Quit: bye) (~colinunin@97-113-150-69.tukw.qwest.net)04:40
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-150-69.tukw.qwest.net)04:44
jackhillI learned about more xkb options in the process, so my flailing about was still worthwile :)04:59
jackhillthanks for your suggestion04:59
- bkeys (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@
^alexwe've done some mildly cursed things with xkb :)05:05
jackhillhmmm, now I'd like to remove delete, but https://git.hcoop.net/jackhill/reform.git/commitdiff/d5cd443bcf41ed05fdd32c1c04b56dc2823b0db0 doesn't seem to do it05:26
- cobra (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~cobra@user/Cobra)05:40
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)05:48
+ mtm_ (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)10:29
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)10:29
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:22
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)12:28
joschminute: in May 2020 you added the iosevka font in commit 61824e8a724c15360f3bde839483adf08b18f5e6 -- but the iosevka font currently has 455 variants: https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/releases I'm unable to exactly identify the one you used. Do you remember?13:06
joschaha, iosevka as i packaged it does not show up as a selectable font in xfce-terminal because it does not show up in "fc-list ':mono'" but only in "fc-list :fixed"13:15
sevanis this the same issue that gnome terminal suffers which I suspect is actually due to libfreetype where the listing of fonts is restricted?13:19
sevan(Italic variats of fonts no longer show up in the font list, I actually want the italic variant)13:20
joschi just can't seem to find a release artifact which works out-of-the-box... :/13:25
sevan"fun!" :)13:29
sevanMy bodge to side step the issue is to set the font in relevant ~/.config files & then only have the variant of the font installed in ~/.fonts13:31
violetyaeh i like terminals that let you specify variants13:33
violeti use a bold font in my terminal13:33
sevanPutty & Command Prompt impose this restriction I think, I hope it wasn't someone's idea to copy it (no evidence, just aware that I ran into the problem with those utilities)13:39
sevanon Windows ^13:40
joschiosevka term version 3.0 from May 2020 does show up as a selectable font in xfce termina13:41
joschbut the current version 31 does not13:41
josch"iosevka fixed" does but "iosevka term" does not13:41
joschminute: should reform-tools switch out "iosevka term" for "iosevka fixed" as the font is also put into /etc/skel/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc and the "term" variant will just be wrong there?13:42
joschminute: we could also package both but the font is currently 463 MB large which will blow the size of the system image out of proportion i think13:46
joschthis is because the iosevka font has 57 variants each around 8 MB in size13:47
joschminute: another option would be to throw out iosevka for an already packaged much smaller font, for example fonts-mplus is already in debian and only takes 40.3 MB of disk space instead of nearly half a GB13:52
joschand it seems to look very similar:13:53
sevanI first ran into it after upgrading Ubuntu & since it wasn't there on my up to date Debian install on Reform, I assumed it was an Ubuntu specific bug. Filed it on the launchpad and some months later it was changed as confirmed. Nothing progress since14:00
- mjw (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)14:01
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)14:01
sevans/the launchpad/their launchpad14:01
sevanIRC needs an edit feature!14:02
- mtm_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:04
+ mtm (~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:06
[tj]josch: I had to manually fix a bunch of files to get lualatex to work once due to the sheer insanity of hte size of isoveka14:30
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (iridium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)14:58
* Guest6299 -> mjw14:58
+ Guest6002 (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)14:58
minutejosch: what does iosevka fixed look like? maybe it's good?15:06
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)15:13
+ mjw (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:d37c:619d:fe7c:4eb9)15:26
jackhillI'd like to remove the delete key next to the left shift on keyboard v3, but https://git.hcoop.net/jackhill/reform.git/commitdiff/d5cd443bcf41ed05fdd32c1c04b56dc2823b0db0 doesn't seem to do it. What am I missing?15:36
minutejackhill: you need to build as non-US variant15:46
minutejackhill: the DEL is inserted in a hacky way into the matrix at startup if it's the US variant15:47
grimmwareminute: on the topic of keyboard modifications, on the pocket are there any complications around moving any of the keys in the matrix? I'm specifically thinking about whether hyper is a special case or not15:50
minutegrimmware: yes, you can shoot yourself in the foot by moving HYPER and not moving it in the HYPER matrix :D15:52
minutegrimmware: so when pressing it it becomes non-hyper15:52
jackhillminute: ah, thanks! I'll give it a go.15:52
minutegrimmware: also, there's a hacky special case for showing the "menu hint" in off mode which relies on the physical default position of hyper. this should be fixed soon15:53
minutehmmm no that wasn't it15:53
minuteabout the backlight. so the backlight control using hyper+trackball is hardcoded to use the bottom left key as a trigger for that15:53
grimmwareah just the backlight for the keys15:54
grimmwarethat's fine, that's not a common combo anyway15:55
grimmwareI'm quite keen to get hyper and super where I can get to them easily with my thumbs, I'm considering hacking in some tap-vs-hold support as well when I have the wherewithall for it.15:58
grimmwareI'm not going to do any mods though until I have the time and patience for fixing them if they fuck up and I don't think that day is today 15:58
minuteok i tried EDK2 on the RK3588 Reform and it ~just works~16:06
+ lexik (~lexik@
sigridnice! would it work without hdmi-to-dp adapter?16:22
jackhillminute: thanks, I got it to my liking!16:35
minutesigrid: no. that adapter is crucial for the success i think16:42
minutesigrid: is there a generic aarch64 uefi image for 9front?16:42
minutei can boot fedora rawhide installer from usb via edk2. it comes up in 1080p, trackball works16:43
gsoravia usb? this is nuts16:43
gsoralike, a standard live cd?16:43
minutejust downloaded the iso, dded to usb16:44
minuteedk2 auto boots it16:44
minute(or you can select it in boot manager)16:44
minutealso tried with netbsd16:45
gsorai wonder if it's booting with acpi or device tree16:45
minuteyou can select that16:45
minutefor all non-windows, devicetree is recommended16:45
gsoraspeaking of, you should try windows 11 for arm :^)16:46
minuteyeah, i'm in the process ^^16:46
minuteah yes, need to try freebsd of course16:47
sigridminute: nope16:47
[tj]it would be cool to know how well it works16:47
minute[tj]: i think it has no gpu accel yet so probably sluggish16:48
gsorait's funny that we're getting excited about tech that has been in use for 15-20+ years lol16:48
[tj]if it can find something storage would attach to I will be impressed16:48
[tj]I think you need a clocks driver for anything to come up and a wrapper for the device tree node for usb16:49
[tj]but I quite like to be wrong when I'm being pessimistic 16:49
gsoraoooh i wonder if edk2 also contains secure boot etc16:54
minute[tj]: freebsd boots until pcie enumeration, i think i need to correct the dtb for that. the dtb is currently for the firefly aio board16:55
minute[tj]: here are some photos https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11287036295772548016:59
minuteahh it's actually using acpi16:59
minutetrying freebsd with dtb now17:02
minute(but still not the fully correct one)17:03
minuteah, that's worse :D 17:03
joschminute: about the fonts and iosevka it might not be a problem of how it looks like but a problem of size. Four years ago when you chose the font, it was 37M small.These days, independent of whether we are talking about Iosevka Term or Fixed, it's 10 times that and more than 400 MB large. Is that not too large for the system image?17:03
minutejosch: that's bizarre. i wonder if it's not possible to just generate only one variant17:04
joschminute: upstream offers over 500 variants, each nearly half a gig in size17:05
joschso this is already one out of 50017:05
minuteIosevkaTerm-Regular.ttf is 8.9MB17:05
minutefrom this zip file https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/releases/download/v31.0.0/PkgTTF-IosevkaTerm-31.0.0.zip17:06
minuteso something is off17:06
minuteahh iosevka fixed is without ligatures17:07
minuteIosevkaFixed-Regular.ttf is 7.2MB17:07
joschminute: but when i package a font for debian, i do not just package a single ttf17:07
minutejosch: why not?17:07
minuteok, all the cuts in the fixed ttf package are 110MB together17:08
joschwell, by default you package the whole thing -- do you not think that i would immediately receive a bug report asking where all the other variants are in the package?17:08
minuteyes, that is true. 17:08
minuteah yeah, uncompressed it's 394 MB17:08
minutethat's a little bit annoying17:08
minuteok then i need to select a new font :S17:09
joschyou don't *need* to17:09
joschreform-tools can also be doing different things for the MNT images and the variant that will be in Debian17:09
joschi mean, you can ship whatever you want at mnt.re even if it's just a single ttf17:10
minuteyeah but maybe it's a good idea anyway17:10
minutehaha mplus originally also has 800 different weights!17:10
minuteit's a thing now17:10
grimmwareTrying to make something good in a world that has gone tech maximalist is a fucking nightmare17:10
sigridyou can cut some bits out of a font too, if that's something you wanna do17:11
sigridjust for the image to be smaller17:12
joschsigrid: you can also build the whole thing from source but that downloads half the internet as npm packages...17:12
minutei'm trying ibm plex and then i'm seeing on the github > This package uses IBM Telemetry to collect metrics data. By installing this package as a dependency you are agreeing to telemetry collection 17:12
minutebut how17:12
sigridpyftsubset is nice to get rid of most of font's garbage that isn't used17:12
minuteyeah iosevka has the downside of being implemented in javascript/nodejs17:13
gsoratelemetry *on a font*?17:13
joschsigrid: but if we go that route, then i'd now maintain an iosevka-minimal and an iosevka-full package. It's possible, but it's not something i've seen before for a font.17:13
joschminute: i just read your progress regarding edk2 on rk3588 -- that's really cool!17:14
sigridmaybe package a 2x vga.otb then :)17:14
sigridthat would look sick17:14
joschoh i wouldn't mind throwing iosevka out of the window but minute will have the last word on that :)17:15
sigrid79K Jul 18  2023 /home/ftrvx/.local/share/fonts/u_vga16.otb17:16
sigridhas pretty good unicode coverage for a bitmap font17:16
grimmwareheh, use gnu unifont - excellent unicode coverage, looks like hot garbage17:16
jackhillGuix has plex, so it must be possible to turn off the analytics. I haven't looked at the package definition17:17
minutemaybe it's just counting the github downloads17:19
minuteplex is already in debianb17:19
joschgosh but iosevka *is* a pretty font. Either that or i really got too used to it. I have trouble finding another one i like...17:23
gsorai moved to spline sans mono after yeeeears of iosevka17:24
minutei think ibm plex mono:weight=regular could be a good alternative17:25
^alexwe use Berkeley Mono but that's a licensed product17:25
minutei used pragmata back in the day but it's also commercial17:25
^alexwe kind of miss x11-misc-fixed17:25
minutefira code is also OK but plex has a bit nicer computery character17:27
^alexalso thinking of ways to save power on the RP2040 cores and, i think the stock RPi config keeps the second core held in reset, so we are considering asking the second cores to jump to a `1: wfi; br 1b` loop17:27
^alexwhich ought to let them sleep17:27
minute^alex: ohh17:27
^alexhavent confirmed this exactly, we were reading code as we were falling asleep17:28
joschi guess everything looks weird to me now but ibm plex mono regular seems to have good glyph coverage: https://mister-muffin.de/p/HAaE.png17:32
minutejosch: yep17:32
minuteit's weird at first because it runs a bit wider than iosevka17:32
minutebut the glyphs are pretty well designed17:33
^alexhm so, the core1 is told to sleep by the boot rom17:37
grimmwarenice, first keyboard firmware modifications have been successful17:37
minutegrimmware: neat17:37
minute^alex: btw are you working on keyboard or sysctl rp2040? sysctl, right? i added some extra msleep in the state machine recently, did you see that? i also have a uamp-scale power measurment toolkit here but didn't set it up yet17:38
minutefrom nordic iirc17:38
grimmwareI especially enjoyed yoloing a `sleep 10; ./flash.sh` so I could hit hyper+ent,x without having to go upstairs and get my keyboard17:38
minutegrimmware: haha i do the same17:39
grimmwarewhat's the best way to get the keycaps off17:39
^alexminute, yeah, we pulled the latest branches of both keyboard and syscon17:40
joschgrimmware: if you use reform2-keyboard-fw/flash.sh you should get something similar to your sleep with more magic17:40
minutegrimmware: pull with long fingernails or use tweezers to lever them off17:40
^alexthis is how we bricked the keyboard, it doesn't like sleep_ms(200) ;)17:41
^alexthat made it go haywire on the USB17:41
minute^alex: ah because of usb constraints probably17:41
^alexbut also here's the other thing17:41
^alexthat sleep is a busywait17:41
minutereally? i chased down the code and it uses the timer normally17:42
minutewhen it's longer than the minimum time17:42
^alexhuh, we couldn't find that implementation?17:42
^alexwhat we saw depended on `sync_internal_yield_until_before`, which is not defined 17:43
^alexand uses the RTC17:43
^alexnot an interval timer17:43
^alexs/uses/is designed to use/17:43
grimmwareminute: next time somebody asks, tell them to do it from the top or the bottom but not the side, came quite close to snapping one of the little mounting posts17:44
minutegrimmware: oh ok!17:44
grimmwaremy arrow cluster is now hjkl style and my left space key is now backspace :)17:45
grimmwarehas gone where the up arrow was17:45
grimmwaresorry, / has gone where the up arrow was17:45
joschgrimmware: i usually take either a thin cable or thread and make two loops out of it. One loop goes over the top half of the keycap and the other loop hooks the bottom. And then i can pull the keycap up vertically without fearing to accidentally snap the stems off.17:46
^alexminute, oh hm ok. batting 0/10 this morning17:46
minute^alex: so your battery was at 100% and discharges to 0% overnight?17:48
grimmwareoh wait what that has apparently done some very weird shit to the mouse buttons...17:49
minutei charged mine in the morning yesterday and it's now at 41%17:49
minutegrimmware: maybe you're just now on the latest fw for the first time after i toggled the mouse buttons around17:49
^alexit was at 100% last night and went down _by_ 0.1 v overnight, which the meter registered as going down to 80%17:50
minutegrimmware: they're now: middle left (O) scroll right17:50
minute^alex: ok, that sounds normal17:50
grimmwareminute: hahah yeah, that'll be it!17:50
^alexyeah we're just wondering about ways to get it even further down17:51
grimmwareokay cool I'll stick with this, should be better for right-hand only scrolling17:51
^alexlike putting the keyboard to sleep when the system is off, and waking it only when the bottom row or the first column changes state17:51
minutegrimmware: yep exactly17:52
- colinsane (QUIT: Quit: bye) (~colinunin@97-113-150-69.tukw.qwest.net)18:02
* mjw -> Guest297918:18
- Guest2979 (QUIT: Killed (osmium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:d37c:619d:fe7c:4eb9)18:18
* Guest6002 -> mjw18:18
+ Guest2979 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:d37c:619d:fe7c:4eb9)18:19
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-150-69.tukw.qwest.net)18:23
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)18:33
- murph_nj (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~murph@ool-457bb02e.dyn.optonline.net)18:34
- colinsane (QUIT: Quit: bye) (~colinunin@97-113-150-69.tukw.qwest.net)18:35
+ colinsane (~colinunin@97-113-150-69.tukw.qwest.net)18:39
grimmwareIs there a more convenience way of interacting directly with the lpc than ripping the appropriate bits from reform2_lpc.c?18:43
grimmwareI'd like to see the raw responses from the commands so I can try to determine why charge_now is always equal to charge_full18:45
grimmwareheh, never mind I've just figured out that I can modify the module and insert some more printks :P19:19
grimmwareOkay, I've found the issue. https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/blob/main/pocket-reform-sysctl-fw/sysctl.c?ref_type=heads#L1071 sets the current charge to the max charge but even if it were set to `report_capacity_accu_ampsecs` it would *also* be pegged to the max capacity https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/blob/main/pocket-reform-sysctl-fw/sysctl.c?ref_type=heads#L7920:00
grimmwareSo like, I think if we get that fixed it'll solve the waybar 100% problem without having to fork waybar20:04
joschwell, we would definitely not fork waybar in any case :)20:06
joschbut if this works, then this just fixes waybar on the pocket -- it's broken on the big reform as well20:06
grimmwarehas anyone checked if the charge_now works correctly on the big reform?20:15
minutegrimmware: thanks for finding that bug! the second line you linked should be fine though. that's just the default state20:17
grimmwareyeah but it never gets updated!20:17
minutegrimmware: well yeah that's fine too20:18
minutegrimmware: this is a leftover from reform code. the current percentage is no longer calculated in the sysctl at all. it comes from the gauge chip now20:19
minuteprobably should be: 20:21
minuteuint16_t cap_accu = (uint16_t) report_capacity_max_ampsecs / (((float) report_capacity_percentage) / 100.0)  / 3.6;20:21
minutefirst / should be a *20:24
grimmwareI *may* feel brave enough to test that out tomorrow20:25
minutei will test it now on my pocket...20:25
grimmwareheh, nice, I'm not feeling super brave about that stuff cos I'm couch surfing for a while20:26
grimmwareI'd rather not brick my system controller without at least a desk I can sit at to fix it all20:26
minutegrimmware: good call!20:28
minuteupgrading waybar20:35
minuteit does show the right percentage for me20:35
minuteyep, it works... upower -i ... shows the right "energy" now20:36
minuteneed to double check the actual design capacity of these cells...20:37
minuteto get the real capacity one would need to calculate an integral under the discharge curve20:39
^alexlittle a calculus, as a treat20:44
^alexseems like one of those moments wherein you've accidentally given yourself a "tech company interview question"-type problem :)20:53
minutehaha i chose to use the "industry standard" method of just multiplying with 3.720:55
^alexanyway we'll test this syscon branch out later tonight once we're done with $DAYJOB20:55
^alexthe right-angle adapter came in and so we can unbrick the syscon from our macbook without unscrewing the entire motherboard and praying to Coyote that we don't short anything20:57
minuteenergy is calculated by something in linux or upower, the driver reports charge, in "µAh"21:02
minutethe driver wants a value that is multiplied by 100021:02
minuteso it wants mAh21:02
minuteso this can be simplified again21:02
^alexunit conversion woes21:02
minutecomment https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/linux/power_supply.h#L2221:05
^alexone miliwoe per megasecond21:05
minuteha, u > sysrq-trigger seems to work against fs corruption before flashing21:10
minutegrimmware: working capacity fix pushed to that branch21:14
^alexstill thinking about ways to upgrade the syscon without it yanking the power rails out from underneath the device21:20
^alexit looks like `picotool reboot` doesn't do a hardware reset, it just loads sp and pc and throws the Halt/Run switch back to Run21:22
minute^alex: there is already some hardware in place for that, but needs some code fixup21:27
minute^alex: power rails are going through a latch chip21:27
minute^alex: that's interesting @ hw reset21:27
minuteenable signals are changed when gpio_put(PIN_PWREN_LATCH, 1);21:28
minutethe culprit is // latch the PWR and display pins21:29
minutein main()21:29
minuteso at reboot, it will turn off21:29
minuteit would probably be best to not touch the latch initially21:30
grimmwareminute: sorry which branch?21:30
minutegrimmware: display-panel221:30
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)21:30
minute^alex: but the next question is, how does sysctl realize that it is still supposed to be in the "on" state after reset21:31
minute^alex: i guess either the keyboard or the system via spi could remind it that it is on. for example, if spi commands are coming in, it definitely must be on.21:33
^alexminute, we were thinking about a magic word at some location in memory that doesn't get cleared on reboot, and if it sees that word, then it knows the power is on21:52
^alexbut maybe making the syscon's first cry be "hey, is the system on" would be more reliable21:53
minuteah, interesting idea22:03
grimmware"u ok hun?"22:04
^alexminute, we stole the "magic word to indicate warm boot" from mainframes22:16
^alexour bedtime reading material is bitsavers.org docs :X22:17
grimmwareDoes anyone have a suggestion for a mastodon client that works well on the imx8mp?22:17
minute^alex: nice :322:17
minutegrimmware: tut22:17
minutegrimmware: https://github.com/RasmusLindroth/tut22:18
minutenote to self, pff and whomever is interested about pocket keyboard backlight timeout: https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/merge_requests/1#note_976622:19
Zabait would be better to use some register that has a known reset value than a memory location that has a *random* value on a power-on reset22:19
Zabaa 1 in 2^32 chance your system randomly refuses to boot is hypothetical but *also* it's architecturally janky22:21
^alexZaba, ah but POR is identifiable from the reset-cause register, so the thing we'd have to check is "not POR and word", plus using a 64-bit word, or perhaps a checksum22:24
Zababut the reset cause register won't be cleared if a reset is never triggered22:25
^alexand even in the 1/2^32 case, you can resynchronize it by powering it off 22:25
^alexand get back into a defined state22:25
Zabaperhaps it *would* be a good idea to trigger a reset22:26
^alexwe'll have to do some experimentation with what the rst-cause register appears like on a coldstart vs `picotool reboot`22:26
^alexbut the consequences of failure here aren't that dire 22:26
^alex'cause you can get everyone back on the same page pretty easily22:28
grimmwareminute: nice thanks, I'll try that for a few days and see how I get on with it22:29
Zabaif you could reliably use the reset cause register to detect power-on resets, that would be a good indicator that the rest of the system is also, well, powering on22:32
^alexsure, but we would still want to validate that assumption before we go mucking with the power rails22:35
joschminute: does the reform2 lpc require a similar fix as in https://source.mnt.re/reform/pocket-reform/-/merge_requests/2/diffs?commit_id=05e6bb3114d2c5fef793bc9951e9555ee5ec02c5#diff-content-c2b06a626cfc44e0fa9c2b4611ccfbf0aa3eedc6 for the pocket reform to fix its capacity reporting with the latest waybar changes?22:35
^alexthe syscon test points on the main board are so tiny and hidden under the cpu module :( 22:45
^alexour picoprobe is of no use here22:45
minutejosch: afaik not23:03
minute^alex: sorry for that, probably you will need to solder some magnet wire23:03
joschminute: then i wonder how i was able to find the waybar commit which, if reverted, fixes things on the pocket reform even though i have a big reform :D23:04
^alexminute, we saw something that used the 1th core on the pico as a probe to debug the 0th core23:07
^alexthat one briefly intrigued us23:07
minutejosch: hmm so the problem is present on reform as well? i didn't notice yet, so i shall upgrade my waybar23:15
grimmware0.10.4 should be problematic23:17
joschyes, exactly23:17
minutehmm, the reform2 lpc might exhibit a different, related problem23:17
minuteright now i get:23:18
minute    energy:              23.8722 Wh23:18
minute    energy-full:         46.1052 Wh23:18
minutethat sounds like the new waybar might show 50% now23:18
minutebut it's actually 36%23:18
joschyes, i had old and new waybar running at the same time and it showed different percentage values23:21
+ jacobk (~quassel@2601:380:837f:3520:b5be:3d0:bfde:a44a)23:21
minutejosch: then we need a similar fix there23:24

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