
minutejosch: ahh why does it fail?00:19
minutetada https://mnt.re/system-image00:20
minutejosch: i made a bash script with some jq magic and a cronjob 00:20
minuteit redirects to the latest successful job with ref=main00:21
minutein project 3 (reform-system-image)00:21
joschminute: i'm not quite sure why it fails -- there are some a311d warnings for the dtb though00:22
minutejosch: ok, will probably look into it tomorrow00:24
joschminute: thank you for fixing https://mnt.re/system-image -- long term we might want more tags and releases i think. Sometimes it would be nice to have a few weeks or month old images available00:24
joschminute: nooo! you have holidays!00:24
minuteok :D00:30
joschoh whoops, found the problem00:32
noamit me01:00
noami the problem01:00
joschi just threw out the cadence patch stack and replaced it with the new v15 version01:19
joschat least for this kernel version, that was much less problematic01:19
- bluerise (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~bluerise@pc19f8b89.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)01:22
+ bluerise (~bluerise@pc19f8d63.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)01:22
minutejosch: great to hear01:23
joschindeed -- but who knows whether this works out-of-the-box or not :D01:24
joschand the mipi dsi patch was already in 20240506_heiko_mipi_dsi_phy_for_rk3588.patch01:31
joschand CONFIG_PHY_ROCKCHIP_SAMSUNG_DCPHY=m is already in the config01:32
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:56
+ wakest (m-a7d6fe@
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a02:1a00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)03:16
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a09:e500:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)03:18
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74DC29.versanet.de)03:24
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C74DF86.versanet.de)03:26
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a09:e500:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)03:29
joschso... the good news is, that kernel 6.9 built successfully and it even includes cdns_mhdp_imx.ko07:19
joschthe bad news is, that then the job fails when it uploads the artifacts: Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created  id=4654 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-6407:19
+ pr8dan (~pr8dan@user/pr8dan)08:02
pr8danSo, newbie here trying to get nonbooting pocket back up (did an apt upgrade yesterday). I am just download an img to boot from sd. The general idea would then to copy vmlinuz and modules to emmc? be to copy vmlinuz08:10
joschpr8dan: yes, that worked for pandora yesterday08:24
pr8danok thx - will try and feedback thereafter08:25
joschpr8dan if you or pandora or anybody else wants to help out, we just built kernel 6.9 which may or may not fix this problem. If you want to help, feel free to start from a vanilla system image, download  linux-image-6.9.2-mnt-reform-arm64*.deb from here: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/4654/artifacts/browse/changes/ install and boot and see what happens08:26
joschLukas is on holiday, so we can help out by doing our own testing and maybe have things fixed when they come back from thair vacation. :)08:27
- pr8dan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~pr8dan@user/pr8dan)08:46
pandoraI can do that after breakfast09:21
joschthat would be awesome!09:25
+ pr8dan (~pr8dan@user/pr8dan)09:32
pr8danok can confirm that booting from sd card works again (probably not too surprising)10:10
+ megasquid (~megasquid@user/megasquid)10:15
joschpr8dan: maybe not surprising but it's always re-assuring to have more people confirm results :)10:25
pr8danI just copied vmlinuz from the sd to the emmc boot and rebooted - i did not yet copy any modules. rebooting works. where would I find problems with modules? dmesg? 10:25
joschpr8dan: if rebooting works after just copying vmlinuz and if your system seems otherwise normal, then this is probably all there is to it!10:28
joschin that case, thank you for trying out just copying over vmlinuz -- this then means that whatever happened, happend in kernel image itself... mysterious...10:29
pr8danin dmesg i do get some errors on direct firmware load  for ark6_wlan and imx-sdma (but as you can guess i am pretty clueless)10:32
joschpr8dan: those should be fine10:33
pr8dani will install your deb above on sd and feedback 10:33
joschthank you! :)10:33
chjosch: the artifact upload is not the reason for an 'exit code 1' failure10:41
joschch: do you know what is?10:41
chjosch: AFAIK 'exit code N' stuff is propagated from the last thing that happened before 'Running after_script'10:42
joschinteresting... then i have to investigate further, thank you!10:42
ch(it also says 'Uploading artifacts for failed job', so at that point it was already *failed*)10:42
joschaha i didn't spot that, nice catch! :)10:43
chi would imagine the grep didn't match or something10:43
joschyes, i have to improve the reporting for that check so that it's easy to spot the issue10:44
- nybble (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~sprang@user/csprng)10:44
joschthat's it! the driver is now stored in:10:45
joschch: thank you! :)10:46
pr8danpocket: install linux-image-6.9.2-mnt-reform-arm64_6.9.2-1~exp1+reform20240621T224758Z_arm64.deb over sd with clean img and it fails to boot again10:46
joschdrats :(10:46
joschpr8dan: thank you for trying this out10:47
joschthis will require more debugging...10:47
pr8danhappy to help (in a limited way)10:47
+ reform1462 (~user@business-90-187-186-49.pool2.vodafone-ip.de)10:50
reform1462so u want us to test this file: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/4654/artifacts/file/changes/linux-image-6.9.2-mnt-reform-arm64_6.9.2-1~exp1+reform20240621T224758Z_arm64.deb10:51
joschreform1462: yes, pr8dan already tried it without success10:52
pandoraOh yeah missed the last messages10:53
- reform1462 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~user@business-90-187-186-49.pool2.vodafone-ip.de)11:10
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)11:30
pandora@josch where are the build scripts for the kernel located? I would like to have a look how it is done11:32
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)12:10
- megasquid (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~megasquid@user/megasquid)12:13
joschpandora: this is the script: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/blob/main/linux/build.sh?ref_type=heads12:14
joschpandora: how you call it is documented in the README12:14
joschit's complicated because the Debian linux kernel packaging is not intended to be used by downstreams like us12:14
joschi sat down together with Debian kernel maintainer Ben Hutchings a few weeks ago and we improved the situation a bit thanks to their input12:15
joschbut it's still quite a bit fiddle unfortunately12:15
pandorai will have a look at it and see how much i understand :D12:32
- andreas-e (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)12:41
- pr8dan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~pr8dan@user/pr8dan)12:51
joschpandora: feel free to ask me anything :)12:53
+ pr8dan (~pr8dan@pub151248192164.dh-hfc.datazug.ch)13:00
- pr8dan (QUIT: Changing host) (~pr8dan@pub151248192164.dh-hfc.datazug.ch)13:00
+ pr8dan (~pr8dan@user/pr8dan)13:00
- pr8dan (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~pr8dan@user/pr8dan)13:05
noamjosch: mother's maiden name? /s13:25
joschnoam: can you explain the intended sarcasm please? i'm not familiar with the expression i'm afraid :)13:38
noamjosch: it's often used as a "security" question13:41
noamif people answer it honestly, which AFAIK many do, then if you know their mother's maiden name, you don't need their password on a _lot_ of sites13:41
noamI used a randomly generated one for my bank account IIRC13:42
noamhad to read out a buncha symbols to the exasperated person on the other end of the phone because apparently they had a human look it over lol13:42
noam"right square bracket" "_That_'s what that is!"13:43
noamfun times!13:43
joschoooh yes, i know the problem :)13:55
pandoraThats an interesting construct in the shell script :D 14:13
pandora&& exit 1 || :14:13
joschtimeless classic :)15:24
- cobra (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~cobra@user/Cobra)15:35
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)15:41
minuteCSS can make a big impact on gtk4 performance on imx8mplus https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11266067292788202916:17
joschhuh? the scrolling, sure -- but even the mouse pointer becomes less responsive? i do not remember this happening from back when i had the imx8mq16:27
joschthis is really bad XD16:28
minuteyeah it happens when the gpu's fillrate is exhausted16:30
minuteand some gui toolkits are really good at managing that16:30
minutethe imx8mp's gpu is slower than the imx8mq's (less shader cores)16:30
minutebut for example chromium and qt squeeze usable performance from it16:31
minutei think (without looking deeply) gtk does a lot of repaints when something small changes, and in a nested hierarchy of tons of elements this then all gets uploaded as textures or so16:31
minuteso the gpu is kind of swamped for a moment16:32
minutealso the cursor stutters because there are no overlay planes like even the amiga had in the 1980s (sprites)16:34
minutewe certainly have regressed in the way we are using the resources of computers16:34
joschyeah, why optimize if our processors are so fast that we don't notice how inefficient our code is...16:35
minutea fun excercise is to set a custom css of * { border: 1px solid red; } in gtk inspector :D 16:37
joschthis discovery is so wild...16:38
- ggoes (QUIT: Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)17:36
+ ggoes (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)17:36
+ jacobk (~quassel@2600:1700:9e1e:7800:c501:186:b0fc:52ef)17:42
+ nybble (~sprang@user/csprng)18:33
svpbeen reading up on the rcm4 docs, are the raspi and banana cm4s slightly different in terms of pinout? reading the online manual of both bundle options, the raspi manual mentions nvme yes mpcie no but the banana manual mentions nvme no mpcie yes. plus, is the sd/emmc quirk specific to the raspi as well? i was curious about trying a little more exotic modules too so i want to know what options i have available.18:58
minutesvp: the pinout / adapter is the same19:25
minutesvp: the banana adapter docs are more up to date, rpi version had very low sales. but will bring them up to date soon19:25
minutesvp: the ssd situation is identical, both work with m.2 adapter in mpcie slot19:25
minutesvp: bpi is more flexible in terms of emmc/sd, can do both in parallel. for rpi it's more tricky19:26
minutesvp: rpi can do dual display (2x hdmi, one of them converted to edp), for bpi we use mipi to edp, and you can use hdmi externally but not both at the same time19:27
minute(the latter is a limitation of drivers)19:27
svpso the sd shares the emmc bus with both configurations but one is more lenient than the other?19:28
minutesvp: no, on bpi emmc and sd are separate19:29
minutesvp: on rpi they are shared19:29
svpah! noted.19:29
minutei think rpi has a secondary sd card option but IIRC you need to move some resistors on our adapter for that19:29
minutebut haven't looked into that in a while19:29
svpyeah i did find that passage written somewhere19:30
svpi think itd be pretty fun to try something exotic like those risc-v CM4-drop-in-replacements, but juuust in case i should probably grab one or two CM4-slotting "backplane" boards in case something has to be repurposed...19:40
joschsvp: oh somebody is trying that already! :D19:44
svpoh! how're the reports looking so far?19:44
joschthere hasn't been a status update for a while... let me check the log to see who that was...19:44
joschah it was the milkv.io mars-cm, right?19:45
svpyep, that very one19:45
joschso far, the only one who was actually running riscv on the reform was Lukas via fpga :)19:48
joschsvp: nope, sorry i cannot find it. maybe i misremember19:50
- ggoes (QUIT: Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)19:51
+ ggoes (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)19:54
svprip, i'll report back if i can get my hands on one19:57
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)20:33
mtmis the version 2 Reform motherboard available for purchase?  Couldn't find it on the store20:34
joschmtm: it's the version 2.5 right now -- do you need version 2?20:47
joschand the 2.5 is out of stock right now: https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-reform-motherboard-2520:47
mtmah, yes, 2.5.  I've got an RK3588 on order and was thinking about getting the newer motherboard with it.  Then taking the old bits (original SoC, motherboard) and building a sort of wooden cyberdeck from them21:01
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~quassel@2600:1700:9e1e:7800:c501:186:b0fc:52ef)21:02
mtmany word on a re-vamped camera?21:03
minutemtm: we def wanna do one but no resources at the moment21:10
mtmwill the rk3588 ship around the same time the new 2.5 motherboards get in?  If it's reasonably close maybe I can add the motherboard to the order to save a little shipping21:18
+ megasquid (~megasquid@
- megasquid (QUIT: Changing host) (~megasquid@
+ megasquid (~megasquid@user/megasquid)21:55
+ ZylonMaster (~hjcs@syn-098-015-248-249.res.spectrum.com)22:25
sevanhello :)23:29
sevanjust a heads of in case it wasn't spotted but the apt repo advertises a kernel update which there's to package for, so when it comes to fetch during upgrade it returns 404 & fails23:30
sevanErr:1 https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo reform/main arm64 linux-image-6.8.12-mnt-reform-arm64 arm64 6.8.12-1+reform20240605T104210Z 404  Not Found [IP: 443]23:32
joschsevan: that is intentional23:32
sevanError: Failed to fetch https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-6.8.12-mnt-reform-arm64_6.8.12-1%2breform20240605T104210Z_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 443]23:32
sevanjosch: ah, no worries.23:32
joschsevan: https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11265382089926609523:33
sevanwait, I'm not one of those fancy Pocket Reform owners23:34
sevanwholesome Reform 2 here.23:34
joschsevan: if so, would you mind upgrading to the latest kernel and reporting whether this makes your reform fail to boot or not?23:34
sevanwell, since its Saturday night, why not :)23:35
joschsevan: cool! do you want to try out the old 6.8 kernel or the new 6.9?23:35
sevancurrently on 6.7.1223:36
sevanso 6.8?23:36
joschsevan: okay, please download and install this: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/4584/artifacts/file/repo/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-6.8.12-mnt-reform-arm64_6.8.12-1+reform20240605T104210Z_arm64.deb23:39
sevaninstalling... probably going to be a while since it'll trigger a rebuild of the zfs modules via dkms :/23:45
joschi'm going to be here for a while longer :)23:46
sevanok :)23:46
megasquidAbout to try and desolder L10 and L11 on the motherboard. I tried once without flux and couldn't get the solder to melt. I've since picked up a desoldering braid and flux. I'll be setting my iron to 380 C. I realize a hot air reflow station would be best, but don't have one. Any advice before I give it a go? Planning on using the pointiest tip I have for the iron. 23:50

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