
- jacobk (QUIT: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@2600:1700:9e1e:7800:c40c:5464:17f4:498c)00:03
jfredJust got myself a 100W portable solar panel, excited and nervous to try it out with my Reform haha00:53
noamgot it! :DF00:54
noam:D :D :D00:54
jfredLooks like the stock barrel connector on the cable it comes with is the right one so don't even need any adapters00:55
noamMy reform is booting p9 again :D00:55
noamI didn't even have to disassemble it00:55
jfredWoo! :D00:55
noamand it looks like the u-boot was the issue, since a stock kernel works now :P00:55
noamUsed a USB port splitter, my PC's keyboard, and my modified Debian image; `reform-flash-uboot --offline emmc`, reboot, done00:57
noamCurrently booting stock 9front off of SD (well, okay, slightly patched 9front since it's the image I was using for debugging :P), but that should be enough for me to mount the encrypted NVMe, and use that to bootstrap the eMMC further ahead :P00:58
noamlol no01:11
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a10:cf00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)01:16
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)01:19
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:36
- digitalrayne (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~digitalra@vps-446f4f39.vps.ovh.ca)04:22
+ digitalrayne (~digitalra@vps-446f4f39.vps.ovh.ca)05:13
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)06:43
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)06:50
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)07:26
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)07:28
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)07:48
+ jaume (~user@user/jaume)07:56
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)08:01
vkoskivjfred: Are you just hooking it up directly, or is there some hardware between the panel and the Reform?09:19
vkoskivI've been curious about solar charging myself, too :D09:19
vkoskivNot that I have much use for it, I live very much in the city, but it'd be a neat curiosity.09:19
joschvkoskiv: there are some in this channel who, in the past have reported that they have directly hooked it up without anything between the panel and the reform09:21
noamI wonder how hard it would be to design a custom bottom that gives easier access to the cells >_>09:21
joschnoam: what do you want to have access to the cells for?09:21
vkoskivYeah, I recall something like that was discussed at some point.09:22
joschshould be easy to find in the logs :)09:22
vkoskivYep! I have a local copy I can grep09:22
joschwho doesn't :)09:22
joschwget -r FTW09:23
vkoskivI've started building little datasets I can browse easily with fzf. I tried building a component database I could quickly look up part numbers in, to determine what that component does, for instance.09:23
vkoskivSo my dataset is just 'partnumber|short description|PDF link', and when I hit return in fzf after finding the thing, it brings that PDF right up.09:24
vkoskivIt's very nice, but I only managed to scrape 1.7 million part numbers for this list, so it's not very comprehensive.09:25
vkoskivalldatasheets claims they have >50 million09:25
vkoskivI don't want the PDFs archived, those I can get ondemand, I just want to remove the annoying "google for PN and click through to the thing to even find out what it is" part of the cycle09:26
+ Manis (01a66df340@77-56-188-94.dclient.hispeed.ch)10:08
- nybble (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~sprang@user/csprng)10:20
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)11:42
minutelol the copper heatsinks are _heavy_ https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11259173440801882311:59
noamjosch: swapping them while it's live :P12:00
joschwow o012:01
noamminute: that means they're denser, in principle, and thus should have higher conductivity?12:01
vkoskivThat copper looks so nice12:01
minutenoam: yeah makes sense :D12:01
joschi does! please leave it bare without coating? :)12:01
noamjosch: in principle, it'd be cool to flip a switch so that it's running only from one set of four cells and interrupts the other one?12:01
noamand then swap the other set12:02
minutevkoskiv: yeah it has an interesting surface texture/color irl12:02
noamThat'd probably need more modding :/12:02
minuteit's more pinkish and less orange than i expected12:02
noamOh! Is the person who swapped sodium-ion cells in on IRC?12:02
noamI'm contemplating getting a set, though I'd want to patch the system controller so it's not permanently burning some of the capacity away on the first charge cycle :P12:03
minutejosch: yeah might need some tape on the bottom though to not accidentally short any caps12:03
joschis shorting a potential problem with the existing heatsinks?12:03
minutejosch: i don't think so, because of the geometry which has a protruding square on the bottom and hardcoat anodizing12:05
minute(well only V1 heatsink has the square, generic doesn't)12:06
joschah okay, i wasn't aware that the coating made the surface non-conductive12:06
noamAlso, for the record: https://hakadibattery.com/products/hakadi-18650-3-2v-1800mah-lifepo4-rechargeable-battery-cell-cycle-life-3000-for-diy-battery-pack-flashlight?variant=41712175841485 <- they look to actually have LFP 18650s in stock :D12:09
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a10:cf00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)12:09
noamI don't need any right now, but I was struggling to find some last time I looked, so I figured I'd share the link in case anyone else needs :)12:09
noamand by "in stock" I mean "they have a 'buy 300' option" :P12:10
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a10:cf00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)12:30
joschsir-photch (sitting behind me) just recommended this scrollable-tiling wayland compositor to me which looks quite lean and neat! https://github.com/YaLTeR/niri13:07
- robin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~robin@user/terpri)13:23
jfredjosch: Ooh! I used PaperWM a while back but it always felt a bit hacky as a Gnome Shell extension - might have to give this a try14:06
jfredvkoskiv: Yeah the plan was to hook it up directly. The panel outputs 12-18V which *should* all be within spec for the Reform... I haven't actually tried it yet though 😅14:10
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)14:37
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)14:45
AbortRetryFailwas there a guide for moving the Reform off of Debian sid somewhere? I'm about done with its antics15:02
AbortRetryFailhttps://community.mnt.re/t/strategy-for-apt-upgrade/2010/10 This thread seems to suggest downgrading isn't an option, dang.15:08
TwodisbetterYes Josch and I are on stable although the system still reports SID.15:35
TwodisbetterIt is not super recommended from what I recall. I have not, as of yet, had any issues though. 15:36
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (mercury.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:38
* Guest9859 -> mjw15:38
+ Guest7546 (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:38
AbortRetryFailwhen was the last time you updated? mine is going berserk right now15:43
AbortRetryFailinstalled firefox-esr and its removing dependencies from underneath xwayland. 15:43
joschTwodisbetter: where does your system report sid?16:13
joschAbortRetryFail: what are you attempting to do?16:13
Twodisbetterjosch: neofetch16:16
joschTwodisbetter: i have no idea where neofetch gets that information from. What does your /etc/os-release say?16:17
- ethulhu (QUIT: Quit: connection reset by purr) (ethulhu@nora.ethulhu.co.uk)17:03
minuteok, now looking into the pocket reform migrate-to-ssd issue17:36
joschmaybe it helps to boot with a root shell in the initramfs?17:42
joschi.e. init=/bin/sh and see what the state of the system is17:43
minutewell, first i have to move my system to ssd. 17:45
minuteinstalled the latest reform-tools for that17:47
minuteupdate-initramfs is so slow aaaa17:48
minuteok finally17:48
minute> The encrypted NVMe is now set up. Do you want me to run reform-migrate now as well?17:51
minutenice, 136MB/s17:51
joschinitramfs devs were open to talks about improvements re progress indicator, so once me or somebody else finds the free time...17:51
AbortRetryFailjosch: all i am attempting to do is stop apt from removing apps I use. 17:52
- robin (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~robin@user/terpri)17:53
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)17:53
joschAbortRetryFail: i wrote you on the forum how we can start debugging this17:54
joschAbortRetryFail: the important thing is, that you get into a stable state first17:54
joschthat is a state where "apt install -f" exits successfully17:54
AbortRetryFailit's never exited unsuccessfully so far. If I tell it to install something, it does do that.17:55
minutehaha the longest part is at 98%+17:55
joschAbortRetryFail: just send me the output of the command i sent you in the forum then17:56
AbortRetryFailokay, waiting for that page to load rn17:56
joschminute: with rsync?17:56
minutejosch: yeah... 17:57
minuteoooops thermal shutdown17:57
minutemaybe not a good idea to do this without the heatsink17:57
minutebut hey, at least thermal shutdown works cleanly17:58
joschmaybe somebody knows an alternative to rsync (or a way to do this with rsync?) but for a robust progress indicator, rsync would first have to build the list of stuff to be copied so that it knows where 100% is17:58
joschthere is a FIXME comment in reform-migrate which has the idea of maybe encoding the number of files and their overall size in the system image17:59
joschand put those values somewhere in /etc so that reform-migrate can tell the user: this is 100%17:59
AbortRetryFailjosch: all 3k lines of it https://paste.debian.net/hidden/227d222f/17:59
joschAbortRetryFail: can you also show me the output of "apt-cache policy"?18:00
minutejosch: yeah it's not a biggie, it takes long for me because i already have 28GB of data on emmc18:01
minutei don't _actually_ want to migrate my system... i prefer the eMMC18:01
minutebut i wanna solve the issue18:01
AbortRetryFailjosch: apt-cache policy https://paste.debian.net/hidden/ea16544d/18:01
AbortRetryFailI wish it would tell me why it thinks it needs to remove anything when all I have told it to do is update or install 18:02
joschAbortRetryFail: we can also go the other way round and you send me an output of apt with debug flags on18:02
joschAbortRetryFail: can you run the apt install command that causes you problems with the following additional flags:18:04
joschAbortRetryFail: -oDebug::pkgProblemResolver=true -oDebug::pkgDepCache::Marker=1 -oDebug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall=118:05
AbortRetryFailfor clarity: apt install never fails - it always installs the thing I asked it to18:06
joschthen i misunderstood the problem18:07
joschcan you show me an example?18:07
AbortRetryFailsure, here's apt install -f https://paste.debian.net/hidden/423ef9fd/18:08
AbortRetryFailall that stuff it's suggesting to autoremove? Deps for things I have installed. No idea why it thinks those aren't necessary anymore.18:09
joschoooooooooooooooh! :D18:09
joschbecause they are marked as automatic18:09
joschthat's why they are listed18:09
AbortRetryFailStarted when I was trying to do some stuff in FreeCAD, installed OpenSCAD, then it did crap like removed firefox, telegram, freecad itself, etc.18:09
joschapt is not removing things but it tells you that it would autoremove them18:09
AbortRetryFailI installed freecad again and apt wanted to remove kicad18:09
joschbut kicad is not in your list18:10
AbortRetryFailBecause I already reinstalled it manually18:10
joschtell me a package in the list you'd like to not autoremove because you need it18:10
joschAbortRetryFail: apt is not removing those packages -- it just tells you that it would remove them if you run "apt autoremove"18:11
joschsee the last line in the output18:11
joschwe can try figuring out what happened if you like18:11
AbortRetryFaillinphone-common is an example. I had linphone-desktop installed and it removed it for whatever reason18:12
AbortRetryFailso now it thinks the linphone-common package is no longer needed.18:12
joschbut it is no longer needed because you do not have linphone installed anymore18:12
AbortRetryFailSure, I get that part. :)18:12
joschif linphone-common was only installed as a dependency of linphone, then if you remove linphone, it will have linphone-common marked for autoremoval18:13
joschso far, what you experience is what i consider normal18:13
joschif you want to mark packages in that list as "please keep this one" then you can run:18:13
joschsudo apt-mark manual mypackage18:14
AbortRetryFailRight, I know that too. Or even just `apt install mypackage` will mark it as manually installed.18:14
joschsee the man page of "apt-mark" the entry for "manual": "manual is used to mark a package as being manually installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed if no other packages depend on it."18:14
joschthen i still do not understand the problem :D18:14
AbortRetryFailmaybe i need to paste all of /var/log/apt/history.log18:15
joschyou could but that could contain very personal information18:15
joschdepending on what you consider personal18:15
joschyour autoremoval list looks like you at some point had something installed that needed a lot of Qt and opencv and then removed that application18:15
AbortRetryFailThe problems basically all started yesterday evening when i did `apt install openscad -y`18:16
AbortRetryFailbut something about the state of things made it remove stuff, which I didn't notice until this morning, when telegram didn't work.18:16
joschokay, you can find out what got removed by looking at /var/log/apt/history.log18:16
AbortRetryFailRight. The problem I am trying to solve is not what got removed, but *why*?18:17
joschyou probably told it to install something which conflicted with something else18:18
AbortRetryFailIf I tell it to install openscad, why does it remove kde-baseapps and a zillion other things?18:18
joschif this happens when you try installing openscad, show me the output with the debugging flags i pasted above18:19
AbortRetryFailopenscad is already installed18:19
AbortRetryFailand the other things were already uninstalled. None of that *failed* 18:19
joschi think i get confused by your use of tenses18:19
AbortRetryFailmaybe. 18:20
joschyou said "if i tell it to install openscad" and i think what you meant is "yesterday when i told it to install openscad"?18:20
AbortRetryFailyeah that's right, sorry.18:20
joschmaybe history.log can tell you more18:20
AbortRetryFailhistory.log tells me what was done, not why18:20
joschcan you show me?18:20
joschplease carefully review what apt is about to do before telling it to do it :)18:21
AbortRetryFailRight, the mistake was -y 18:21
AbortRetryFailI get that 18:21
Twodisbetterjosch: from neofetch on my Reform:18:22
Twodisbetter      _,met$$$$$gg.          committed88@reform 18:22
Twodisbetter    ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.       ------------------ 18:22
Twodisbetter  ,g$$P"     """Y$$.".        OS: Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid aarch64 18:22
Twodisbetter ,$$P'              `$$$.     Host: MNT Reform 2 18:22
Twodisbetter',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:   Kernel: 6.6.13+bpo-reform2-arm64 18:22
Twodisbetter`d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$    Uptime: 2 days, 18 hours, 36 mins 18:22
Twodisbetter $$P      d$'     ,    $$P    Packages: 2245 (dpkg), 18 (flatpak) 18:22
Twodisbetter $$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'    Shell: bash 5.2.15 18:22
Twodisbetter $$;      Y$b._   _,d$P'      Resolution: 1920x1080 18:22
Twodisbetter Y$$.    `.`"Y$$$$P"'         WM: sway 18:22
Twodisbetter `$$b      "-.__              Theme: Arc-Dark [GTK3] 18:22
Twodisbetter  `Y$$                        Icons: Adwaita [GTK3] 18:22
AbortRetryFailEven if I do review it. If what it says its going to do makes no sense I still don't know why it decides to do that or how to fix it. :)18:22
joschAbortRetryFail: you can get to know the "why" by returning to the state from yesterday (for example by using a backup) or by hand-installing some packages that got removed (according to history.log) and then trying to install openscad again but with the debugging flags18:23
Twodisbettermy os-release file says the exact same thing as neofetch reports. If I were to change that, would neofetch reflect it?18:24
AbortRetryFailYeah, I'm just hand installing the packages at this point. I don't have backups of this machine since its not that important.18:24
joschTwodisbetter: please use a pastebin if you want to show more than 3 lines and what neofetch displays is much less important than what is in your /etc/os-release18:24
joschTwodisbetter: do not edit /etc/os-release18:24
Twodisbetterjosch: roger dodger18:24
Twodisbetterwill do18:24
joschTwodisbetter: this indicates that you have a system with mixed stable and unstable18:24
Twodisbetterjosch: safe way to make it only stable?18:24
Twodisbetteror is that the dangerous thing that might break things, that are beyond what stable provides?18:25
joschAbortRetryFail: you can retrieve the *why* even after apt already finished by reading /var/log/apt/eipp.log.xz but that only stores the *last* apt run18:25
joschTwodisbetter: i'd only attempt a downgrade if you have backups18:26
Twodisbetterjosch: but if I just leave it as is, am I fine?18:26
Twodisbetterdoes the kernel I'm using match what stable is using?18:26
AbortRetryFailhmm, okay18:27
joschTwodisbetter: your kernel seems to be from Debian backports, not stable18:27
- khm (PART: .) (~kfx@
AbortRetryFailI did apt update again and now it seems to think I can upgrade 349 packages. I wonder if I had an unlucky roll and got some inconsistency from a mirror earlier.18:28
joschmaybe -- you are using unstable after all18:29
joschthis year we had a ton of churn in unstable18:29
joschbecause we are performing 64bit time_t and /usr-move at the same time18:29
AbortRetryFailYeah, kind of why I'm wondering what the unstable -> stable migration path looks like.18:29
joschthe migration path is: switch to testing first and then wait for the next stable release18:30
AbortRetryFailThat seems reasonable. :)18:30
joschusing testing instead of unstable will already make things quite a bit more sane, i think18:31
joschthe only problem with using testing is, that occasionally, you'll be out-of-sync with the MNT mirrors for a while18:31
joschbut these days, we only patch flash-kernel, so that should not be too bad18:31
joschAbortRetryFail: are things better now?18:35
AbortRetryFailI'm not sure. I removed the waydroid repo and I'm trying to do an upgrade and it has heaps of things "kept back" and doesn't say why.18:35
joschan upgrade keeps things back that would result in additional packages getting installed18:36
joschsome of those are just due to library soname bumps18:36
joschAbortRetryFail: run "apt dist-upgrade" to not have packages that are kept back18:37
AbortRetryFailoh, interesting18:37
joschAbortRetryFail: but the dist-upgrade will then likely also show you packages that get removed or installed -- review that list carefully18:37
joschAbortRetryFail: "apt-get upgrade" is meant for safe upgrades when you have stable installed18:38
joschAbortRetryFail: "apt-get dist-upgrade" is meant for... a dist upgrade :)18:38
joschsince you are using unstable, you are going to be in the conditions for a dist upgrade all the time18:38
AbortRetryFailSee, that's actually relevant information for the forum thread about "strategy for apt upgrade"18:38
joschAbortRetryFail: then maybe add it there :)18:39
AbortRetryFailI have no idea what I'm doing here, so telling other users what to do is off the table for me rn18:40
AbortRetryFailOkay, now dist-upgrade wants to remove a bunch more things I use... Still not sure why18:40
joschAbortRetryFail: then run with the debug flags i showed above18:40
AbortRetryFailtrying that now. Where did you find those?18:42
joschAbortRetryFail: i'm a bad source for this kind of stuff as i'm a contributor to apt18:42
joschAbortRetryFail: so my personal answer would be: i read the source code18:43
joschit's probably documented somewhere18:43
joschgenerally, your questions are not about the reform but about debian18:43
joschso far, nothing in your questions was specific to the setup on the reform, i think18:44
joschso you would probably find the answers in a debian user forum18:44
joschminute: please stop me if i'm getting too off topic :)18:44
AbortRetryFailYou're right. These definitely are debian sid problems18:44
AbortRetryFailI got the answer to my reform-specific one which is switch to testing and then stable once the next one is released.18:44
joschand even that is an answer you'd also get for a more vanilla debian :)18:45
AbortRetryFailsure, but I wouldn't install a PC with a SD card image of sid in the first place. 18:46
joschgood point!18:46
joschAbortRetryFail: for the faint of heart, reform.debian.net also has the usual debian-installer medium to get Debian stable on your reform :)18:46
AbortRetryFailI just wish it'd break when I was at home and another machine with a SD card reader is handy. Seems to only do this when I'm on the road. :)18:47
minutejosch: all good18:48
AbortRetryFailthis almost looks like the mirror I'm using is in some sort of flux where half the packages depend on some libraries that haven't updated and others dont 18:49
AbortRetryFailI might just leave it alone and try again later/tomorrow.18:49
+ nybble (~sprang@user/csprng)18:57
minutejosch: migrating 28GB took 48 minutes so probably block copying would be more effective, but that only works if the NVMe is bigger than the eMMC or SD card of course19:00
minutejosch: can we change this for imx8mp? > Your /boot partition will be on the SD-Card by default. Do you want it on eMMC instead? [y/N] 19:01
minute> /dev/mmcblk2p1 is still mounted somewhere, which means that it is...19:01
minute> reform-boot-config FAILED to run19:01
minuteah, it doesn't offer to run /boot19:02
minutejosch: at this point i'm helpless if i'm not a super expert. i spent 48 minutes migrating data but i don't know how to rerun reform-boot-config19:03
minutei.e. i don't know the right parameters for --emmc and encrypted nvme19:03
minutethe help says > The disk has to be unlocked first with: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p1 crypt19:04
minutebut it's actually /dev/nvme0n119:04
minutethen it says to do reform-migrate /dev/mapper/crypt19:05
minutebut that's also wrong19:05
minuteas apparently reform-migrate made some kind of volume group19:05
minutei am trying > reform-boot-config --emmc /dev/mapper/reformvg-root19:06
minuteok that seemed to have been the right thing19:08
minuteaha, local-block fails in initramfs, as expected19:08
minuteso initramfs is buggy19:09
minute> ALERT!  /dev/mapper/reformvg-root does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!19:09
minutebut there's no shell19:09
minutedoing > setenv bootargs ro no_console_suspend pci=pcie_bus_perf nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0 fbcon=rotate:3 cma=256MB init=/bin/sh19:10
minutei miss reform-init...19:11
minuteok, i need to work around it wanting to use the non-initialized display as a console19:12
minuteand also we really need to get display working in initramfs... this is unusable19:14
minutei wonder why initramfs-tools can't do the job right and include all the necessary things19:15
minutebooting from microSD19:17
minutecommenting out the line in boot.scr > setenv bootargs "${bootargs} console=tty1"19:19
minuteand also setting loglevel to 719:19
minute> mkimage -c none -A arm -T script -d boot.scr.txt boot.scr19:21
minuteand there's a console19:22
minutecopying lsmod output to a file so i can compare vs a working system19:23
- andreas-e (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)19:23
minute> diff --color pref-broken-boot-modules-sorted.txt working-boot-microsd-sorted.txt19:27
minutehmm tons of stuff missing19:27
minutehuh, dwc3 is missing, weird19:28
minuteimx_bus is missing19:29
minutethat might be the culprit19:29
minutehmm didn't i bake that into the kernel recently?19:29
minuteother candidates: imx_cpufreq_dt imx_mailbox imx_pcm_dma imx_sdma 19:30
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a10:cf00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)19:33
minuteimx_bus is CONFIG_ARM_IMX_BUS_DEVFREQ19:33
minutep sure imx_bus is the issue19:34
minutei'm in the initramfs again. trying to load that module from disk19:36
minute> mount /dev/mmcblk2p2 /mnt19:36
minutedoesn't work because i have to (lol) > modprobe ext419:36
minute> insmod /mnt/lib/modules/6.8.11-mnt-reform-arm64/kernel/drivers/devfreq/imx-bus.ko.xz19:37
minutelmao > [  169.585907] imx-bus-devfreq 32700000.interconnect: devfreq_add_device: Unable to find governor for the device19:38
minute> [  169.603958] imx-bus-devfreq: probe of 32700000.interconnect failed with error -2219:38
minutei did the following:19:39
minuteinsmod /mnt/lib/modules/6.8.11-mnt-reform-arm64/kernel/drivers/devfreq/governor_userspace.ko.xz19:39
minuteinsmod /mnt/lib/modules/6.8.11-mnt-reform-arm64/kernel/drivers/devfreq/governor_passive.ko.xz19:40
minuteinsmod mnt/lib/modules/6.8.11-mnt-reform-arm64/kernel/drivers/devfreq/governor_simpleondemand.ko.xz19:40
minuteinsmod /mnt/lib/modules/6.8.11-mnt-reform-arm64/kernel/drivers/devfreq/imx-bus.ko.xz19:41
minutethen a lot of magic happened19:41
minutedisplay went on!19:41
minuteusb devices are proberd19:41
minutepcie is probed19:41
minutein the initramfs, most of these drivers are missing19:42
minuteonly governor_simpleondemand.ko is in /lib/modules/6.8.11-mnt-reform-arm64/kernel/drivers/devfreq/19:42
minutejosch: do you have any idea what could be buggy in initramfs-tools that would forget to include these drivers? i thought it looks at the list of loaded modules19:43
minutejosch: both cryptroot/crypttab and etc/fstab in the initramfs are _empty_19:44
minuteso i'm doing > cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme019:45
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a10:cf00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)19:45
minutethis works19:45
minutebizarrely after booting it wants to know the passphrase again19:45
minuteok, am at tuigreet19:45
minutesystem / is on encrypted nvme, everything works19:46
minutei'm trying to add imx_bus and cpufreq_dt to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and rebuilding initramfs19:48
minute> cryptsetup: WARNING: target 'crypt' not found in /etc/crypttab19:48
minuteah, those were not enough, it still complains about a missing governor. so must be passive or userspace19:50
minuteok so the missing governor is: userspace19:58
minutehmm, crypttab has an entry reform_crypt20:00
minuteshouldn't that be just "crypt"?20:02
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-8b68524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)20:02
minuteah no it should be reform_crypt, but i didn't know the correct incantation for reform-boot-config earlier20:04
minuteaha, magically we have display in initramfs now20:07
minutealmost as good as having display in uboot!20:07
* mjw -> Guest756920:10
- Guest7569 (QUIT: Killed (silver.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:10
* Guest7546 -> mjw20:10
+ Guest7569 (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:11
minutejosch: can you release a new reform-tools with this? https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/7120:13
minutenow looking into suspend/resume20:16
minuteit crashes when suspending with: > hdmi_pclk already disabled and > hdmi_pclk already unprepared20:16
minuteso as expected, hdmi related... the patchstack we have for hdmi is a bit older20:17
minuteit looks like imx8mp hdmi is merged upstream20:19
minuteyep https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commits/master/drivers/phy/freescale/phy-fsl-samsung-hdmi.c20:20
minuteit appeared in 6.10-rc120:21
- qbit (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~qbit@mail.suah.dev)20:25
+ qbit (~qbit@mail.suah.dev)20:26
joschminute: sorry, i'll be back in around one hour and then read the backlog21:02
minutejosch: no worries, i was expecting you to read it later when you have time ^^21:03
joschif anything is time-critical of course feel free to git push, merge upload etc freely :)21:03
+ reform8246 (~bastien@2a01:e0a:b48:b300:b73f:8441:5693:ad4a)21:32
reform8246hello all21:33
- reform8246 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~bastien@2a01:e0a:b48:b300:b73f:8441:5693:ad4a)21:41
josch oh, only 3 modules missing? that was a rather tame change21:44
joschif i didn't miss anything, the bigger problem is reform-setup-encrypted-nvme21:45
joschminute: first problem: "Your /boot partition will be on the SD-Card by default. Do you want it on eMMC instead?" -- do you mean to change the default? should the default be different for all platforms or just imx8mp? If it should be different, a new variable in machines/*.conf files is needed.21:48
joschwow, how did copying take 48 minutes? o021:49
minutejosch: idk, used system with 28GB stuff21:52
minutemany small files i guess21:52
joschokay, what do you want the default to be for reform-boot-config as called by reform-setup-encrypted-nvme? Should it put /boot on emmc or sd-card by default?21:53
minutejosch: yeah, normally there is no SD card involved on imx8mp... only in debug cases21:53
joschdoes it make sense to change this for all platforms that are allowed to use the emmc?21:53
minutejosch: i would say so yeah21:53
- cobra (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~cobra@user/Cobra)21:54
joschminute: okay, fixed. I'll start collecting the changes in this new MR: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/7221:55
joschnext thing: "/dev/mmcblk2p1 is still mounted somewhere"21:55
minutejosch: yeah. i would say if /boot is mounted before reform-boot-config, umount it21:56
joschi can see two ways to fix this: a) interactively ask the user to umount or b) check the mount early in reform-setup-encrypted-nvme21:56
minutejosch: and remount it after reform-boot-config has run21:56
joschthe reason i did it this way is, that i want to prevent users from nuking their /boot21:57
minutejosch: checking early is also a good option, and giving the umount command21:57
minutejosch: _and_ another convenience would be to output the reform-boot-config line before it is being run, so you have a chance to redo that21:57
minuteif it fails21:57
joschwe can do more than one of those things above21:57
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)21:58
joschi think the important choice is (others depend on this): should reform-boot-config umount by itself and if yes, after a prompt or automatically if needed?21:58
minutejosch: imho it's fine to do it automatically after a warning21:59
joschwell, the warning is not of much help if it then just continues -- or do you mean a worning which allows to abort interactivey?21:59
joschhaha worning21:59
minuteyeah warning and the ability to continue y/n22:00
joschokay, one sec...22:00
joschminute: one topic ahead: even if reform-boot-config allows to interactively unmount, it can still fail22:04
joschminute: in that case, it is not so easy to recover because to do that, one first hast to unlock the luks, set up lvm etc22:04
joschso i wonder how that should best be done22:04
joschso essentially, the user would have to run something like: cryptsetup luksOpen ... && vgchange -ay reformvg && reform-boot-config /dev/reformvg/root && vgchange -an reformvg && cryptsetup luksClose reform_crypt22:07
joschthat's a bit unweildy...22:07
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-8b68524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)22:15
minutejosch: hmm i didn't need to wrestle with vgchange etc myself for some reason22:17
minutejosch: what's the failure mode?22:17
joschminute: imagine the user runs reform-setup-encrypted-nvme, everything gets copied, then reform-boot-config runs and asks the user to umount, the user chooses "no"22:19
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:2a:5300:8af3:6216:8fce:7058)22:21
joschminute: untested interactive umount: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/72/diffs?commit_id=46c5b1a91992cb48f6a7c28590baca88c0cd7d9222:22
minutejosch: cool, thanks!22:27
joschwhile we are at it, this (untested) commit sets loglevel to 7 in the initramfs on ls1028a: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/72/diffs?commit_id=d566dc61815809f85bb1ecfc9e170e8e2c5f6bde22:29
joschi do not know if it does that early enough for the luks passphrase though22:29
joschminute: and this one (untested) will print instructions what to do if reform-boot-config failed: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/72/diffs?commit_id=9b2716eccd54c5540316cae51af6bd6b7062c51b22:40
joschminute: do you have capacity to test this before release?22:40
minutejosch: not today unfortunately22:48
minutejosch: only tomorrow22:48
joschminute: same here -- my ls1028a where i can run reform-setup-encrypted-nvme because nothing of value will get wiped is not with me at home22:49
minutejosch: ok, it's fine that i'll test it tomorrow...22:49
joschwould it make sense to send the link to the MR to the thread in the forum in case an affected user wants to test it before release?22:50
minutejosch: most definitely22:52
joschokay, i'll post it unless you would like to do that22:56
+ gustav28 (~gustav@c-8b68524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)22:56
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf74bee0070221fc8ae10b82c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)23:19
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a10:cf00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)23:37
- gustav28 (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~gustav@c-8b68524e.019-141-67626730.bbcust.telenor.se)23:43
minutenice, i finally have an acrylic bottom on my rk3588 reform again (and copper heatsink)23:48
minutefinally decent wifi again... 200mbit/s on speedtest.net23:48
minute(with ye olde ath9k mpcie carfd)23:48
joschfinally acrylic bottom again? what was there instead? no bottom? :D23:49
minutejosch: full aluminum bottom23:50
minute(there exists only one, it is quite heavy)23:50
joschthe reform-next will not have an acrylic bottom, right?23:51
minutejosch: correct, it is a very different design where the bottom is like an aluminum bathtub23:51
joschphoto of the underside of your rk3588 reform on fedi? :)23:52
minutejosch: ok one moment :D23:52
joschnice! i have the repost button ready!23:52
minutejosch: there you go! https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11259455008385529023:55
joschthe copper heatsink makes it look so alien! :D23:55
joschokay... i see the hdmi-dsi adapter, the wifi with the molex antenna instead of the laird, next to the trackball the speaker mod that i also have -- nice23:57
minute~next gen~23:57
joschi really love the look of copper23:57
joscherrr, yes23:57
minuteyeah the copper looks much better than i imagined somehow23:58
minutei wonder if it will turn green one day :D23:58
joschjust leave it out in the rain often enough or something ;)23:58
minuteCPU temp currently at 41 degrees23:59

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