
joschminute: about xml parsing, these two seem well maintained, more popular and (in case of xml-quick) an order of magnitude faster: https://crates.io/crates/xml-rs https://crates.io/crates/quick-xml when compared to sxd-document00:34
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:56
minuteplomlompom: cc ^00:58
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:04
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:04
- se6astian (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@
+ se6astian (~quassel@
plomlompomminute josch – thx for the hint, I can tomorrow take a look at replacing it with xml-rs or quick-xml!01:26
plomlompoms/tomorrow/today/ as it's past midnight already :D01:27
minuteplomlompom: great, thank you! btw i booted into the setup wizard for the first time preinstalled through system image on a laptop today (almost without hitch, i had to rename one script) and we played through it a bit01:36
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:48
- skipwich (QUIT: Quit: DISCONNECT) (~skipwich@user/skipwich)02:50
+ skipwich (~skipwich@user/skipwich)02:52
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
- kop316 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ kop316 (m-6f6zq6@static.
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:10
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)03:43
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)03:45
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~nicolas@186-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:47
+ nsc (~nicolas@1-99-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:49
- sevan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~sevan@user/venture37)04:34
- f_ (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~AUGESOUND@fases/developer/funderscore)04:43
+ f_ (~AUGESOUND@fases/developer/funderscore)04:44
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)06:05
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)06:06
+ wakest (m-a7d6fe@
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)06:33
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)06:34
joschplomlompom: thank you! in the meantime, i packaged the other dependency which wasn't in debian yet: https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/merge_requests/63106:43
joschminute: i also wonder whether this should be called mnt-reform-setup-wizard (as in the git project name) or reform-setup (as in Cargo.toml)? I'm about to send the ITP to d-devel and need the correct name. :)07:03
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)07:13
joschpersonally, i like reform-setup-wizard most because it has the "reform-" prefix like all the other software components. And the "-wizard" suffix distiguishes this component from any other "setup" that might be necessary.07:13
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)07:15
joschwhy am i interested in getting reform-setup-wizard into debian? because i want to also ship it with the images i publish on reform.debian.net and i'd like to keep its property that the only binary blobs the system images ship are firmware blobs loaded onto the hardware and nothing that runs in userspace07:18
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)08:48
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)08:49
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a11:6600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)09:12
minutejosch: ok, lets call it reform-setup-wizard09:27
joschminute: i don't find a license in the mnt-reform-setup-wizard git repo -- which one do you intend to use?09:36
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)09:52
jfredJust bit the bullet and ordered the rcore module... it's spendy but exciting to have a Reform with so much power10:24
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a11:6600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)10:30
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)11:26
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)11:54
* Guest9687 -> mjw11:59
minutejosch: oh right. GPL V3 or better12:31
minutebetter=later i mean :D12:31
minutejfred: awesome! sorry for the priciness12:31
jfredThat's okay, I know small production runs make things pricy haha12:34
joschminute: thank you! filed here: https://bugs.debian.org/106715312:38
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:03
minutejfred: yeah, it's kind of a chicken-and-egg problem. not enough people are aware of us, or they don't buy because the prices are perceived high, which is why we can make only small batches, which keeps the prices high. the exception are perhaps crowdfundings, but we haven't got into 1000 units territory yet (only almost, with pocket reform's batch 1 being 720 units)13:37
minuteother companies (like framework) can overcome this by using VC money to finance larger first batches or have little-to-no-margins and sit it out using... VC money13:38
minutejosch: awesome, thanks for the packaging initiative13:46
joschminute: i also have some more comments for the way that reform-setup-wizard calls the cleanup script but nothing serious, so i'd rather wait until there is a bit more room to breathe before tackling those :)13:48
minutejosch: i have one more thing to discuss. i would like to add loglevel=3 to the kernel commandline on all our system images. alternatively and more simply we could also add CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL_DEFAULT=3 to the config. what is your opinion? the reason is that the current console loglevel (i think 7) spams the login screen, which is worse for tuigreet but already bad for the normal login (i have13:49
minutewitnessed users confused by wifi messages on the login prompt)13:49
joschminute: the bigger this is, that i think that reform-tools 1.35 is ready to be released: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/6213:49
joschminute: unless you found any bugs that is13:49
minute(loglevel 3 would still print errors or worse, so if something is really bad, users would still be informed)13:50
joschi think adding loglevel=3 to the kernel cmdline via flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv is the way to go13:50
joschi can add this to the reform-tools 1.35 upload13:50
joschminute: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/62/diffs?commit_id=e2f4f8bc5f0b9f77043c0386345b9de8b5c72c4813:54
minutejosch: awesome. reform-tools 1.35 can be merged then13:55
joschnice, lets click the button13:55
minutejosch: cool!!13:56
joschi started two reform-debian-packages pipeline runs as well13:57
joschone for main, so that the mntre.com repo gets updated13:57
joschand one for rk3588-reform2-josch so that we can build more system images13:57
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)13:57
- aard_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~bwachter@
+ Aard (~bwachter@edna-edison.lart.info)14:01
minutejosch: i wish i had had this MR open before :D https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/6314:21
minutejosch: there's one little legal hitch here. it brings the MNT logo into the system as a font. the font is free for anyone to use. but the logo cannot be used as a brand or in a commercial context by others, only in terms of fair use (as a signifier/reference). i wonder how we can solve this. i am sure this problem also exists in other fonts or applications that contain logos that are also14:24
minutecopyrighted (for example, firefox)14:24
minutejosch: i wonder if we could license the font as OFL, for example, (or would debian accept a CC BY-NC font?! maybe in the nonfree repo?) 14:26
minuteah, debian itself has this problem https://www.debian.org/trademark14:27
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a11:6600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)14:35
minuteif CC BY-NC is not acceptable, we could split out just the font into a nonfree package and preinstall it but not make reform-tools depend on it14:37
minuteif it's not installed, you'll just see an "M" in the upper left corner14:37
joschminute: why is this relevant? We are not trying to upload reform-tools to Debian.14:42
joschSo if the logo has a restrictive license, then that gets documented in debian/copyright and that's it, no?14:42
joschi'm also not very familiar with the topic but i think these are two different things14:43
joschone is the copyright i.e. under what conditions you are allowed to make modifications14:43
joschthe other is trademark law14:43
joschso as far as i understand it, you can have a DFSG-free picture but then not be allowed to use it technically because it would violate a trademark14:43
josch(if used in the wrong context)14:44
joschif what you are thinking about is my upload of reform-setup-wizard, then i think the simple solution is to have the trademarked logo be shipped by reform-tools under some path and then reform-setup-wizard just loads that logo from /usr/share/reform-tools/...14:45
minutejosch: ah great, ok. i wasn't sure if you wanted to package reform-tools for debian. 14:52
joschi was thinking about it but i don't think it's possible as it would not be safe14:53
minutejosch: reform-setup-wizard will not include the logo, so that's fine14:53
minutejosch: yes, ok14:53
joschi mean if you don't have a reform and install it, it would do certain things that probably should not be done :)14:53
minutehaha true14:53
minutejosch: i pushed some more fixes which should hopefully make the actual launching of the wizard and its cleanup work (i changed the cleanup script call in the wizard itself before) https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/merge_requests/92/diffs?commit_id=17a19d8da5c6370e32682226b459878e2db3df5314:56
minutei shall now test your imx8mp images in pocket reform and in reform14:56
joschminute: i think reform-setup-cleanup.sh is something that reform-tools can ship in a directory like /usr/share/reform-setup-wizard/cleanup.d/reform.sh15:00
joschand then reform-setup-wizard can look into /usr/share/reform-setup-wizard/cleanup.d/ and execute the scripts that were placed there by reform-tools15:01
minutejosch: sounds clean + good15:01
minuteplomlompom: can you make it so? ^15:01
joschthat way, the reform-specific stuff stays in reform-tools and does not get into the Debian package that anybody can install15:01
joschplus, we get to freely decide what that script should do whenever we like without having to wait for Debian15:01
minutealso the wizard should not fail if nothing is in this cleanup.d15:01
minutejosch: just to double check, the images i am currently testing are these, right: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/3737/artifacts/browse15:02
joschmy backlog says https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/3737/artifacts/browse15:05
joschlooks the same15:05
minutegood :315:07
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:10
joschthough now that reform-tools 1.35 is out, i'll build some new images right after the CI build server finished with the corresponding reform-debian-packages pipeline :)15:10
- cobra (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~cobra@user/Cobra)15:36
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:49
plomlompomminute: Make the wizard execute all the scripts in the cleanup.d directory rather than a single cleanup.sh? Ok!15:50
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)15:52
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)15:52
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)15:53
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)15:55
jjblissSo, recently I noticed the ethernet on my reform wasn't working.  It turns out that reform-hw-setup was failing on boot before the ethernet workaround line.16:08
jjblissCommenting out the line "echo 1-001a > /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/wm8960/bind" fixes it for now16:09
+ cobra (~cobra@user/Cobra)16:10
jjblissIs this an issue other people are having or is this probably just an issue with my system?16:11
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a11:6600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)16:14
minuteplomlompom: yes!16:17
minutejosch: awesome, pocket-reform-system-imx8mp.img from your MR boots to login on display and the console is rotated correctly.16:18
minutehmmmm wait something can't be right16:19
minuteit seems to have booted from eMMC16:19
minuteah yeah. i need to force SD card boot first to be able to test this ;316:21
minutejjbliss: oh! maybe there's set -e in the script?16:21
minutejjbliss: the new forum posts made me suspect that reform-hw-setup is not working16:21
plomlompomminute: Ok, go check the MRs!16:22
minuteplomlompom: nice!!16:23
jjblissminute: Ah, yeah, it starts with set -eu16:24
minutejjbliss: josch: we need to make sure not to use -e in reform-hw-setup, that will cause problems16:24
joschoh whoops! yes indeed there should be better and most importantly non-fatal error checking in there18:14
joschi'll work on this later tonight18:14
- f_[xmpp] (QUIT: Quit: f_[xmpp]) (fffdb90022@fases/developer/funderscore)18:34
joschminute: is https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/63 ready? Then I'll also include it in the emergency reform-tools release later.18:34
+ f_[xmpp] (fffdb90022@fases/developer/funderscore)18:35
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:40
- erle (QUIT: Quit: Democracy must always be better armed than tyranny.) (~erle@2a02:8109:da01:6400::311a)18:51
joschminute: about the forum posts, do you think it's likely that this is connected with the set -e? Because the reform-tools 1.35 release only happened a few hours ago.18:54
joschjjbliss: what is printed when you run this: "systemctl status reform-hw-setup"18:56
jjblisserrr, meant to just paste text sorry19:18
joschjjbliss: for that much text i prefer a pastebin :)19:20
joschjjbliss: this is with reform-tools 1.35 i assume? on a311d?19:21
jjblissjosch: yes to both19:22
joschjjbliss: thanks a lot for your report! this all makes sense19:23
jjblisshappy to help!19:24
joschhere is the fix: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/64/diffs?commit_id=83a0cd63e1d7704dfab00a113f9afdde78d0eaf319:25
minutejosch: i _think_ !63 is ready yeah... anyway the changes only apply if you create a new user. which i'll try immmediately19:47
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:51
minutejosch: so if you could include it, that would be great!20:06
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)20:07
- hairu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)20:40
+ hairu (m-uotkmd@user/hairu)20:42
joschminute: done. New reform-debian-packages pipeline is running.20:56
minutejosch: great21:01
minuteok i checked again, on imx8mp we won't be able to boot from SD card _at all_21:01
minuteonly from emmc21:02
joschseems like i have to do another round of adjustments of the tooling21:02
joschminute: so u-boot has to be on emmc but /boot can still be on sd-card, correct?21:03
joschthen i only have to adjust reform-flash-uboot21:03
minutechecking now21:03
minuteat the moment it doesn't look like uboot can access the sd card21:04
joschoh no XD21:05
minutewell, lets see if we can't fix that... i mean technically it should be able to, just like linux, there's probably some driver or dtb problem21:05
minutei will check if uboot will boot an usb stick21:05
minutelol that uboot only checks the usb controller/port that's connected to the rp2040 21:07
joschminute: are there any measures in place against accidentally bricking the imx8mp by flashing a faulty u-boot?21:16
minutejosch: no21:25
minutei will still have to come up with a very cheap unbricking board21:25
joschi'm also now having a closer look at your changes to reform-tools21:27
joschit seems that share/fonts/truetype/MNTIcons.ttf and mnt-icon-font/MNTIcons.ttf are the same file? i guess only the latter one is supposed to be kept?21:27
joschalso, the ttf is generated from the sfd, right?21:28
joschi'd like to do this at build-time -- how did you do it?21:28
joschi tried running: fontforge -lang=ff -c 'Open($1); Generate($2)' mnt-icon-font/MNTIcons.sfd mnt-icon-font/MNTIcons.ttf21:28
joschbut this misses a bunch of metadata in the produced ttf21:29
joschdoes installing it into /usr/share/fonts/truetype/MNTIcons.ttf make it work? As far as I can see, all font packages in debian install their fonts into a subdirectory of /usr/share/fonts/truetype/21:32
minutejosch: yeah the subdirectory doesn't matter, if you like you can change it so that a subdirectory is made21:40
minutejosch: about producing the font, i did it in the GUI21:40
minutejosch: and yes, mnt-icon-font/MNTIcons.ttf is not required21:41
joschi see, thank you!21:42
minuteit looks like imx8mp boot offset is 32kb21:50
joschokay, currently reform-tools has 33792 bytes as the offset21:52
joschthat's 33*1024 bytes21:52
minutehmmmm no, something is weird21:52
minutewhen i hexdump the emmc boot partition on the device, and look at the flash.bin file, the content is identical at the very beginning, i.e. at offset 0 of the emmc boot partition21:54
minutei'm checking some old notes of mine btw... sd card being broken in u-boot is a new thing since the 2.0 release of the som. it used to work21:58
+ mundanesemantics (~alice@135-180-123-170.fiber.dynamic.sonic.net)22:03
minuteaha, IMX8MPRM.pdf has the answer22:03
minuteoffset for SD is 32KB (but we can't boot from SD due to boundary device's design)22:03
minuteEMMC offset is 0 if it is a boot partition or 32K if it is a user partition :D22:03
minuteoh funny > ROM supports both of the USB ports on the chip for boot purposes. Only one port can be selected as the boot connection. The port that is active first wins the selection.22:04
minuteso it might be possible to construct a usb boot cable for the second usb port which is on a jumper22:05
joschminute: do you want people to use reform-flash-uboot with imx8mp or should it be disabled?22:06
minutejosch: only after i have tested it enough :D22:06
minutei will try to flash my own uboot now from the booted linux, wish me luck22:07
joschphew... fingers crossed22:07
joschi hope you don't brick your board22:07
minute> U-Boot 2022.04-63921-g2a41b6192d8-dirty (Mar 19 2024 - 21:44:04 +0100)22:09
minutethat worked. i have modified the dtb here to see if i can fix the sd card22:09
minuteName: USDU1 22:10
minuteBus Speed: 10000000022:10
minuteMode: UHS SDR50 (100MHz)22:10
minutelets see if we can boot taht22:10
joschjfred: you can try running 'apt update && apt upgrade' to get reform-tools 1.36 from the mnt repo which should fix your issue22:11
joscherrr.... jjbliss i mean22:11
minute(no, it booted from emmc again, lets see)22:11
minuteah! ERROR: invalid device tree22:12
minuteok ok22:12
- mundanesemantics (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~alice@135-180-123-170.fiber.dynamic.sonic.net)22:13
minutehmm, it can't boot our boot.scr for unknown reasons (it outputs the syntax of the "load" command)22:16
minutei will try to drop an extlinux.conf on the sd card22:16
+ mundanesemantics (~alice@135-180-123-170.fiber.dynamic.sonic.net)22:19
minuteok progress! i was able to boot the pocket/imx8mp system image using > sysboot mmc 0:1 any $scriptaddr /extlinux/extlinux.conf22:25
jjblissjosch: thanks!  I've update now.22:25
minutethere's no output on serial, usb hub is not reset, and the console is not rotated, but the display came on22:26
- digitalrayne (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~digitalra@vps-446f4f39.vps.ovh.ca)22:26
- mundanesemantics (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~alice@135-180-123-170.fiber.dynamic.sonic.net)22:27
+ mundanesemantics (~alice@135-180-123-170.fiber.dynamic.sonic.net)22:35
minuteok i'll need to do a bunch of fixing on the pocket reform dts and uboot (i think i just didn't push the som 2.0 changes yet) but otherwise, a lot of stuff works22:38
joschnice :)22:39
joschminute: what is the license for ./mnt-icon-font/MNTIcons.sfd -- CC-BY-SA 4.0?22:39
joschcopyright holder is "2023 MNT Research GmbH"?22:39
minutejosch: i'd say in this case CC-BY-NC 4.022:39
minutejosch: well, it's 2024 now, otherwise yes @ copyright :D22:40
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a11:6600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)22:44
minuteah, firmware for ath10k is missing22:49
minutebut also i just remembered why might need to ship that out-of-tree driver for that, urgh22:50
minuteok, time to go home for today22:53
joschproductive day! _o/22:53
minuteprogress progress!22:53
joschdoes the out-of-tree driver need the binary blob from the firmware-atheros package?22:53
+ eschaton (~eschaton@li541-49.members.linode.com)23:43
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)23:56
- sevan (QUIT: Changing host) (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)23:56
+ sevan (~sevan@user/venture37)23:56

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