
minutejosch: hmm normally this happens if you attach the usb cable too early/before pressing reset00:33
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0f:8900:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)00:37
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:28
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)02:20
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)03:03
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~nicolas@i5E86146A.versanet.de)03:44
+ nsc (~nicolas@166-121-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:46
- lexik (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~lexik@
+ lexik (~lexik@
- f_ (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~f_@fases/developer/funderscore)03:52
+ f_ (~f_@fases/developer/funderscore)03:54
joschminute: third time's a charm -- flashing worked now and my unit is charging from all adapters again :)04:17
joschat least the lpc shows negative current now04:17
joschthe figure jumps erratically between 0.1 and 0.7 though04:17
joschbut at least some current is coming in, I guess? XD04:18
joscherr... between -0.1 and -0.7, of course04:18
joschi also hear a very quiet buzzing noise when the power cable is attached04:19
- lexik (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~lexik@
+ lexik (~lexik@
- jagtalon (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@user/jagtalon)08:07
+ jagtalon (~quassel@user/jagtalon)08:07
- jagtalon (QUIT: Client Quit) (~quassel@user/jagtalon)08:07
+ jagtalon (~quassel@user/jagtalon)08:08
joschand battery is at 100% \o/08:36
joschtook a few hours but it got there :)08:37
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c002026752f58af3308.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)09:28
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c00213b3d1249890d94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)09:29
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)09:48
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c00213b3d1249890d94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)09:52
+ eibachd (~eibachd@2a01:599:313:f146:f042:2177:c81:fccf)09:53
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~eibachd@2a01:599:313:f146:f042:2177:c81:fccf)10:14
minutejosch: ok, i see (and hear) mostly the same behavior. the buzzing is from turning the charger off and on at around 1kHz i think11:35
joschminute: thank you so much for your very quick workaround!! <311:49
joschyou didn't have to work on that on a holiday, thank you :)11:49
joschright, makes sense then that the buzzing seems to be gone once batteries are charged to 100%11:51
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:00
+ eibachd (~eibachd@2a01:599:301:8b97:acec:523:146d:9756)13:04
joschminute: so I'm investigating the CI failures on the mntre-builder. I saw that the docker systemd unit wasn't running. Running "dockerd --debug" manually revealed that there was a broken symlink from /var/lib/docker to /ramdisk/docker and re-creating the latter made docker start successfully. But now the new problem is, that the build runs out of space. It seems that /ramdisk is no longer actually a 13:11
joschramdisk and looking at /etc/fstab, the 32G tmpfs entry for /ramdisk is commented out. Do you know more about that?13:11
+ f_[xmpp] (fffdb90022@fases/developer/funderscore)13:13
minutejosch: ah. the server probably restarted and you need to mount the ramdisk. there is a script in / i think? or in /root?13:14
joschminute: found it! /make-zram.sh13:16
joschah that script also contains the "mkdir /ramdisk/docker" thing, so i wasn't totally crazy :)13:17
- eibachd (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~eibachd@2a01:599:301:8b97:acec:523:146d:9756)13:29
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c0029d9b2b5ee8d0c06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:30
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c0029d9b2b5ee8d0c06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:53
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c006e7f86cd4b19823f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:57
+ julianwgs (~julian@p200300e9d74175008d93a5a3fbbdc935.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:57
minutejosch: yes. feel free to automate this on the server :D maybe we can make a systemd unit?14:38
- f_[xmpp] (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (fffdb90022@fases/developer/funderscore)15:31
- Twodisbetter (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (2cc0e4ea1c@irc.cheogram.com)15:31
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c006e7f86cd4b19823f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)16:07
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c003d801d802ff5b116.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)16:08
joschminute: nope, display stays black when attempting to launch sway with Radeon RV710 withou anything interesting in dmesg :/16:15
joschoh nevermind there is something!16:18
- ggoes (QUIT: Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)16:19
minutejosch: ahaa?16:20
minutejosch: first thing you should rmmod etnaviv16:20
minutejosch: in my experience otherwise etnaviv will be used as gpu and render to the discrete GPU framebuffer16:20
minutejosch: also a good first thing to try is kmscube16:21
minute(in linux console)16:21
+ ggoes (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)16:22
joschprogress? :D https://mister-muffin.de/p/e6UU.jpg16:23
joschand now something on dmesg https://paste.debian.net/1302786/16:23
minutewow haha16:24
joschi'm just going to blacklist etnaviv as i don't need it on this system anyways16:24
minutejosch: these errors in the log are expected/ok16:24
minuteah that's a very old ati gpu 16:25
minutedid someone test these on ARM before?16:26
joschnot to my knowledge16:26
joschi have a bunch of cards here that i'm just throwing at the ls1028a and see what happens16:26
minuteit's possible that you will run into driver incompatibilities if they make assumptions about the cpu16:26
joschat work we had to dispose of a bunch of machines recently so there is a few choices available to me :)16:26
minutei remember someone had to fix a lot of floating point stuff in the kernel for amdgpu16:26
minute(for arm)16:26
joschhah :)16:27
joschi'm surprised your nividia card just worked then?16:27
julianwgsHey all, I just created this issue: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/issues/1616:28
julianwgsI am very interested what you have to say about it :)16:28
julianwgsAlso I am having issues exporting netlists or bom with kicad-cli in docker. I am getting this errors: "Failed to load schematic file". I suspect it has something to do with the version differences. The files were created with 5 and the docker images are only available for 7. However it works perfectly fine using the GUI. Has anyone experience with this and could help me?16:28
minutejosch: i think maxwell architecture is one of the best supported by nouveau16:29
minutebut it uses quite a lot of CPU, which is not desirable16:29
minutewould be more fun to try turing though because of https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/nvk.html16:30
minutewelcome julianwgs 16:30
minutejulianwgs: we should upgrade the files to kicad 7.0.6 i think16:31
minutejulianwgs: would be good to do this in a new branch16:31
minutejulianwgs: maybe you can attempt that, fork the repo and make a new branch like kicad-ci and then open and re-save the files and commit them?16:32
- yankcrime (QUIT: Quit: "") (~nick@gw.tetromino.io)16:32
+ yankcrime (~nick@gw.tetromino.io)16:34
julianwgsWhen I open an old file with a new version of KiCAD the rescue helper opens and I need to make decisions whether to rescue symbols (which might break the schematic). Also it is not a diff on the file, but a complete new file (.kicad_sch instead of .sch). I am kind of anxious I might break something in a very subtle way. Are you sure this is the best approach? As I said I am new to KiCAD coming from Eagle :) 16:40
- XYZ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~XYZ@78-80-26-245.customers.tmcz.cz)16:41
joschgmscube on the Radeon: https://mister-muffin.de/p/QDMu.jpg16:56
joschis the cube supposed to move? because it does not16:56
joschthe gmscube output says "renderer: AMD RV710" which sounds okay? https://mister-muffin.de/p/bWrx.jpg16:56
joschstill only a black screen with sway16:57
joschnow this one is in:16:57
josch0001:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP107GL [Quadro P600] (rev a1)16:57
joschbut the monitor doesn't even turn on. dmesg says all firmware got loaded and a framebuffer device got created. Maybe this is a problem on the monitor side with which the card is connected using a display port to DVI adapter? dmesg here: https://mister-muffin.de/p/_8kC.txt17:02
joschnow taking a break -- more cards will get tested in the following few days :)17:03
minutejosch: yes, the cube should move17:17
minutemaybe there's some interrupt problem. MSI is enabled/not disabled, yeah?17:17
+ reform1358 (~josch@win7148.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)17:28
reform1358Linux reform 6.6.8-reform2-arm64 #1 SMP Debian 6.6.8-1+reform20231225T111019Z1 (2023-12-25) aarch64 GNU/Linux17:28
reform1358hello from a311d with linux 6.6.817:28
reform1358neil's new patch stack seems to at least get me sway17:29
reform1358minute: what are the things that i should test on a311d to make sure 6.6 works as it should with neils recent patch stack instead of the old one?17:29
minutereform1358: does the display look good in sway, no vertical offset or glitches?17:30
minutereform1358: can you exit and reenter sway?17:30
- reform1358 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~josch@win7148.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)17:31
+ reform10637 (~josch@win7148.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)17:32
reform10637okay, i exited sway using "pkill sway" (couldn't come up with the swaymsg command) and am back17:32
reform10637things seem to look fine17:32
minutereform10637: great17:32
reform10637i guess i'm next upgrading my existing system for more real-life testing17:32
reform10637sound works, wifi works17:36
reform10637now on to the next thing...17:37
- reform10637 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~josch@win7148.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)17:37
AbortRetryFailwasnt it just `swaymsg exit`?17:41
joschoooh i was reading the wrong man page17:49
joschthis is not documented in swaymsg(1) but in sway(5)17:49
josch"See sway(5) for a list of commands." -- being able to read is supposed to have advantages XD17:49
AbortRetryFailman sway-ipc18:02
AbortRetryFailyea the manpages about it are sorta confusing18:02
+ reform7795 (~josch@win7148.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)18:16
reform7795hello from imx8mq on motherboard 2.518:16
reform7795i just successfully suspended and resumed three times18:16
reform7795with kernel 6.6 and reform-tools 1.3418:16
reform7795ah, unfortunately Twodisbetter isn't here right now18:21
- reform7795 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~josch@win7148.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)18:22
joschi now put the imx8mq and motherboard 2.5 together with my existing system (hence me being logged in as josch again)18:34
joschand resume from suspend still fails with the original symptoms of not being able to recover my nvme18:35
joschnvme 0001:01:00.0: Unable to change power state from D3hot to D0, device inaccessible18:39
joschnvme nvme0: I/O 0 QID 0 timeout, disable controller18:39
joschnvme nvme0: Identify Controller failed (-4)18:39
joschnvme nvme0: Disabling device after reset failure: -518:39
joschthe other errors in dmesg are from a higher level like from jbd2, ext4fs etc18:40
joschEXT4-fs (dm-2): I/O error while writing superblock18:40
joschwell, it was an experiment :)18:40
joschback to a311d now18:40
minutejosch: how do you like a311d so far?18:51
joschi must admit i was skeptical of the idea of stacking three boards on top of each other18:52
joschbut the heatsink hex screws are an incredible improvement :D18:52
joschbluetooth connection is somehow worlds better compared to my usb adapters -- suddenly i can listen to stuff throughout my whole flat without connection drops18:52
joschwifi is okay but even with the powersave hack it drops occasionally and i have to reconnect18:53
joschbut it's rare for that to happen18:53
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:53
joschit seems more stable for connections to non 5GHz networks18:53
joschbut i only have a few days of experience :)18:53
joschthe increase in raw computing power is the most amazing thing -- it's such a massive improvement18:54
joschsince suspend didn't work with my imx8mq either, i'm hard pressed to find a disadvantage of the a311d for me18:54
minutethat sounds great!18:56
joschthere are the occasional graphical glitches in firefox but it's acceptable18:58
joschit's really bad in chromium which becomes nearly unusable18:58
joschbut those glitches do not happen when booting Debian unstable from an sd-card so i guess they exist because i'm using mesa and other stuff from bookworm and not from unstable18:58
vkoskivI haven't had glitches, or a drop in WiFi since applying that workaround18:58
vkoskivAnd yeah re: bluetooth, it's much nicer than I'm used to on Linux18:58
minutejosch: yes, old mesa is likely the issue. i also remember having had gpu issues in firefox or chromium because of our old patched xwayland19:00
joschright, i'll see if i can backport newer mesa to bookworm for my personal use and/or for reform.debian.net and see if it makes a difference19:01
joschbecause i'm definitely staying with a311d and will not go back to imx8mq XD19:01
minutehaha :D19:01
minutei'm happy you got a performance boost19:01
joschi now finally managed to test kernel 6.6 and reform-tools 1.34 on all three SoMs19:02
joschminute: so i think we can push those into the repo soon unless you want to do some testing yourself before that?19:02
joschi'd like to build a new system image on source.mnt.re but the "500 Internal Server Error" is still there and i have to dig a bit deeper to debug this at some point: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/272119:03
joschminute: about your suggestion about MSI above, this looks good, right? https://paste.debian.net/1302808/19:06
minutecool, something like synergy for wayland/wlroots https://github.com/feschber/lan-mouse19:34
minutejosch: yes, green lights from me19:38
joschminute: cool, thanks! Once you find some time, could you also tell me what command the cron script that updates https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo uses to download the artifact from the reform-debian-packages pipeline?19:39
joschThe issue is, that it seems that running the pipeline with different pipeline variables set will overwrite the last default artifacts for the same branch19:40
joschSo in MR 88 I added some code to prevent this from accidentally happening19:41
minutewill check a bit later, currently in subway 19:42
joschindirect pocket reform flex? ;)19:42
joschokay, reform-debian-packages pipeline is running... fingers crossed!20:26
joschthe reform-tools update was in the pipeline since october last year -- i hope nothing breaks XD20:27
+ Twodisbetter (2cc0e4ea1c@irc.cheogram.com)20:29
joschTwodisbetter: howdy! I tested suspend with imx8mq and motherboard 2.5 today but it failed with the same error as before :(20:31
minutelikely som related?20:35
joschsince switching the mainboard didn't change the behaviour i think so, yes20:41
joschalso since i had tried three different nvme drives including the one that works for Twodisbetter 20:41
- eibachd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c003d801d802ff5b116.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)21:05
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)21:09
+ eibachd (~eibachd@p200300dcf7231c001fa87565e7775b4e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)21:11
- Twodisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (2cc0e4ea1c@irc.cheogram.com)21:40
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0f:8900:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)21:49
- julianwgs (QUIT: Quit: Leaving.) (~julian@p200300e9d74175008d93a5a3fbbdc935.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)22:14
joschminute: the error 500 probably has to be tracked down by you as you have access to the log files. According to issues on gitlab.com, the reason for those errors should be in /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log or /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/current23:21
minutejosch: do you have a link that produces the error 500?23:23
minutegrepping workhorse log for "error" i find: > {"correlation_id":"01HK64C95YW726GSJP6W46EY39","duration_ms":877,"error":"badgateway: failed to receive response: context canceled","level":"error","method":"GET","msg":"","time":"2024-01-02T22:23:19Z","uri":"/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/commits/999e39a7aaf0653d2c60632c193fa62edec12e3c"}23:24
joschminute: that's the one i cancelled right now23:25
joschminute: here is an example: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/272123:26
joschthe reform-debian-packages jobs manage to upload just fine23:26
minuteok so the error is while uploading artifacts23:26
joschso i'm currently trying only building the imx8mq image -- maybe the artifact size is too large or the transfer takes too long?23:26
minute> /dev/sdb         98G   93G  443M 100% /mnt/gitlab-artifacts23:27
minutethat disk is full ;323:27
joschaha! :D23:27
minutehmm normally default artifacts expiration is 3 days23:32
minutebut artifacts from latest successful jobs are kept23:32
joschmaybe they are kept for each branch that exists and stale branches should be cleaned up?23:33
joschyeah, these are 2 months old and not useful anymore, for example: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/2388/artifacts/browse23:35
joschfor reform-system-image i'm going to delete test, reform.debian.net, u-boot and ls1028a-unified23:36
joschminute: okay?23:36
minutejosch: ok, lets try that23:36
joschi don't know whether artifacts belonging to those branches are cleaned up automatically somehow23:36
minutethey should, i can check after you deleted them23:37
minuteand yes, i think stale branches with built images are the culprit23:37
minuteok, i guess some worker task has to run to do the job... maybe i should restart gitlab23:37
minuteah, there is supposed to be "run housekeeping" in admin23:39
joschi can also delete unite-them, unite-builds, a311d-v2, a311d, ls1028a-dev, v3-kde-tweaks, sysimage-v3, sysimage-v2, ls1028a, mmdebstrap, ci23:39
joschreform-debian-packages also has 27 branches :D23:41
joschand then there are all the forked projects as well23:41
+ XYZ_ (~XYZ@37-48-49-146.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)23:43
minutehm https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/38315923:43
joschminute: I deleted some more branches that were either my own or which belonged to merge requests that got merged23:49
joschthere is lots of stuff left over but this should already free quite a bunch of space up23:49
minutejosch: i think until the artifacts expire (3 days?) we have to delete the artifacts manually here https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/artifacts23:49
minutejosch: i read through the issue at gitlab and they don't automatically delete the artifacts of deleted branches23:50
joschah okay23:50
joschlet me delete some artifacts of my branches manually23:50
joschi only need a little bit of space for now23:50
minutehandily they show the size in that list23:50
joschnon-handily they show up even when expired23:52
minuteso far the needle does not move @ df 23:52
joschinteresting... i keep deleting stuff...23:53
joschand yeah at the top it keeps showing "Total artifacts size 32.18 GiB"23:53
minutehaha oof > An error occurred while deleting. Some artifacts may not have been deleted.23:55
minute(i tried to delete the lateset artifacts of a311d-v2)23:55
joschhah, it changed!23:57
joschminute: did you do something?23:57
joschTotal artifacts size 6.04 GiB23:57
joschthose 6 GiB correspond to the only two artifacts that should be remaining for reform-system-image, the one for the main branch and the one for the staging branch23:58
minuteno, didn't do anything23:58
minutei just tried to delete those artifacts again and checked network inspector to grab the response23:58
minute> "errors": ["Artifacts (2860,2861,2864) not found"]23:59
joschmagic  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯23:59

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