
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:46
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)02:14
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid609314@user/ajr)02:23
- violet (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~vi@user/violet)03:28
+ violet (~vi@user/violet)03:31
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~nicolas@129-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:59
+ nsc (~nicolas@34-49-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)04:01
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:08
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)05:06
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)05:47
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- vagrantc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)06:50
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)07:21
joschvagrantc: say.... can i use variables in extlinux.conf?07:48
joschvagrantc: like, can i insert a ${bootargs} into the "append" line so that it will respect the bootargs that u-boot knows about?07:48
joschro no_console_suspend cma=512M@3G pci=nomsi console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1 ro no_console_suspend cma=512M pci=nomsi console=ttymxc0,115200 console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty108:03
joschit worked!! \o/08:03
vagrantcoh, shiny! i did not know that worked. :)08:08
vagrantci may have gently asked for it as a feawture request at some point08:08
vagrantcwe can have nice things again.08:09
joschyes, i now have this in my /etc/default/u-boot:08:12
joschU_BOOT_PARAMETERS="ro no_console_suspend cma=512M@3G cryptomgr.notests \${bootargs} console=tty1"08:12
joschbecause apparently dollar-signs need to be escaped in there08:13
joschand my resulting /proc/cmdline is:08:13
joschro no_console_suspend cma=512M@3G cryptomgr.notests ro no_console_suspend cma=512M@3G pci=nomsi console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1 console=tty108:13
joschthere are some duplicates but the board specific stuff (pci=nomsi) comes from u-boot itself08:13
joschor the console=ttymxc0 is also from u-boot's ${bootargs}08:14
joschyou just need a u-boot that sets those08:14
joschwhich currently is not the case with reform-boundary-uboot XD08:14
joschi'm going to create a new tag with a version of reform-boundary-uboot that sets ${bootargs} to CONFIG_BOOTARGS="ro no_console_suspend cma=512M@3G pci=nomsi console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1"08:16
- qbit (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.8) (~qbit@h.suah.dev)08:23
vagrantcACTION waves08:24
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)08:24
+ robin_ (~robin@user/terpri)08:32
+ Goober_patrol66 (~Gooberpat@2603-8080-4540-7cfb-0000-0000-0000-113a.res6.spectrum.com)08:32
- robin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~robin@user/terpri)08:33
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)08:33
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)08:36
- marty_mcfly88 (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-7dac-14c7-19c1-fd5c.res6.spectrum.com)09:00
+ marty_mcfly88 (~quassel@065-026-065-202.biz.spectrum.com)09:01
Boostisbetterminute: So what pointed you to do my cmdline arguments as the potential source of my issues? I'm trying to understand the connection there. I feel like I should have learned a lot from all of that, and I want make sure I've captured it correctly. 09:18
joschBoostisbetter: depending on the board, a different kernel cmdline is required. If you do not use u-boot-menu (extlinux.conf) but flash-kernel (boot.scr) then the board-specific settings can be found in your /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv09:24
joschthere is a big if test "${board}"....09:24
joschdepending on the board, different stuff is added to bootargs09:24
joschfor example, depending on the board, the serial device is named differently09:24
joschin your case, you were missing the bit that says pci=nomsi09:24
joschBoostisbetter: if you read the backlog, i'm close to making u-boot-menu work out-of-the box :)09:25
Boostisbetterjosch: I think that will be great. U-boot-menu was a nice piece of kit for me. 09:28
BoostisbetterI was just bewildered how an update caused the setting that had been working with numerous updates to continue working, where this one failed. 09:28
Boostisbetterbut I'm back on the Reform (using it now) and I'm very happy that things are good. I have spent a lot of time getting my Reform setup exactly how i like, and it would have sucked to have start over. 09:29
joschnono, don't start over!09:30
joschbtw, did anybody observe their network to disappear and/or their mouse cursor to disappear when installing reform-tools?09:30
joschwhen installing or upgrading reform-tools, that is09:30
Boostisbetterjosch: no need now, because the system is back to working perfectly again, thanks to minute's help. And yours, of course09:30
Boostisbetterjosch: now back to just getting Starcraft to work on here... 😉 09:31
Boostisbetterjosch: I kid of course, no pressure at all. 09:31
joschsorry, right now there are more serious issues with the reform than getting starcraft to work :)09:31
joschBoostisbetter: it might also be, that dependencies in unstable changed in a way that makes it impossible what i did a few months back09:32
Boostisbetterjosch: getting starcraft to work has the absolute lowest priority possible, and I completely understand. 09:32
Boostisbetterjosch: that is what I am thinking happened as well. 09:32
Boostisbetterbtw, I got so used to hearing the right speaker only and not realizing my left speaker had come desoldered again. But now that I have it done again it is amazing how loud the speakers are on the Reform. Hahahaha09:34
joschtoo quiet for me :)09:35
joschaha got it09:38
joschthis should really trigger for others as well09:38
joschdid nobody notice that wifi gets killed when installing reform-tools?09:38
joschit fails with:09:39
joschso this fails:09:39
joschsudo systemctl restart reform-sleep.service09:39
joschand it fails because:09:39
josch/usr/sbin/reform-standby: line 65: echo: write error: No such device09:39
joschcan somebody reproduce that?09:39
joschwow, gitlab in chromium is massively faster compared to firefox10:12
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)10:28
Boostisbetter> sudo systemctl restart reform-sleep.service10:55
BoostisbetterWill running this mess up suspend in th event it fails as you describe?10:55
joschit should not10:56
joschbut if it does, a reboot will reset your state10:57
Boostisbettercopy, once second. 11:03
Boostisbetterno error. 11:03
joschvery funny11:03
joschi wonder what differs between your system and mine11:03
joschanyways, i now made the error non-fatal11:04
joschand i prevented the service to restart on package upgrades11:04
joschright now, when upgrading reform-tools, your wifi should be switched off and on again as the reform-sleep.service is restarted11:04
joschthat is of course not desirable11:04
BoostisbetterNot sure, but i will say this, I really think suspend has been fixed outside of running applications at the time of suspending that have a file lock or something else like that. If that is not the case, suspend seems to work flawlessly. 11:04
joschgood, i'm not changing anything about the suspend code11:05
Boostisbetter> right now, when upgrading reform-tools, your wifi should be switched off and on again as the reform-sleep.service is restarted11:05
BoostisbetterThat is what happened when I did it. I don't have swaybar up normally, so I only knew because some of my chat clients went offline and then came back up. 11:05
joschwhy did nobody report that before! XD11:06
Boostisbetterhonestly? I mean I have NEVER restarted the suspend service. 11:06
joschyou did. every time you upgraded reform-tools :)11:06
Boostisbetterthen I think I just didn't notice because I don't have swaybar open normally. 11:07
Boostisbettermost clients will not disconnect right away. They have a buffer time11:07
Boostisbetterso it might have just been hidden from me. 11:07
joschminute: i'm attempting to fix the wayfire build by choosing the last working commit. I noticed that you chose the git commit hash of reform-debian-package instead of wayfire-src here:11:33
joschminute: from the variable name, I suspect that the intention was that this command needs a -C wayfire-src?11:33
joschthis might fix it: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/commit/7daf1ec4d69f05eaa7cc6b040f346d13378c8d9e11:42
minutejosch: oh yeah, well spotted11:47
joschyes, that fixed it :)11:59
joschin about one hour a nice new reform-tools version will appear in the repos fixing multiple small things12:00
joschabortretryfail, Boostisbetter: with reform-tools 1.32 you can update your uboot using reform-update-uboot and then use u-boot-menu again as it installs /usr/share/u-boot-menu/conf.d/reform.conf that makes use of ${bootargs}12:00
joschvkoskiv: reform-tools 1.32 will also fix the warning you get with missing config file /etc/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv12:01
joschand you will no longer loose network connectivity during reform-tools upgrade :)12:01
BoostisbetterIf I want to try way fire, how can I get it on the Reform and working? 12:05
BoostisbetterIs it not easy? 12:06
joschreform-tools 1.32 is in the repos now13:01
joschrunning reform-system-image...13:01
joschBoostisbetter: you should be able to just apt install wayfire13:02
joschBoostisbetter: you can also try upgrading reform-tools -- i'd like some feedback :)13:02
joschBoostisbetter: if you also run reform-flash-uboot you should be able to use u-boot-menu again without /etc/default/u-boot13:03
Boostisbetterjosch: excellent work! 13:04
BoostisbetterWill try to do this things as well13:05
BoostisbetterProbably when I get home though. 13:05
minuteBoostisbetter: i recently made a list of packages and configs here for you to try wayfire.13:32
joschminute: the reform-system-image will soon start using reform-boundary-uboot 2023-10-10. With that it becomes possible to use u-boot-menu on all platforms with a single /usr/share/u-boot-menu/conf.d/reform.conf using platform-specific ${bootargs} from u-boot itself13:33
joschminute: the advantage of using u-boot-menu would be that fixing things in case something breaks is just a matter of editing extlinux.conf instead of having to run mkimage to produce a valid boot.scr13:34
joschbut switching to u-boot-menu only makes sense for imx8mq as the other platforms do not have display on during u-boot13:34
minutejosch: that sounds good13:34
joschsuch a switch would of course not affect new installations13:36
joschso i think it is safe to do in reform-system-image, if so desired13:36
joschah, the latest reform-ls1028a-uboot tag doesn't have bootargs set13:40
joschshould i create a new tag?13:40
joschoh and reform-a311d-uboot bootargs is wrong because it contains ttyAML0,115200 without console= in front :D13:44
joschso we need new tags for both a311d and ls1028a uboot13:44
joschminute: I now pushed a "normalize CONFIG_BOOTARGS" commit to both a311d and ls1028a uboot repos -- should i just tag it?13:56
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)14:15
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)14:18
joschi pushed the tags -- tell me if that was wrong and i'll clean that up14:18
Boostisbetterminute: awesome! Thanks! Where can I see the list?14:19
joschminute: also, a311d and ls1028a uboot builds are not reproducible like reform-boundar-uboot which sets export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(git log -1 --format=%ct) -- should that be fixed?14:19
Boostisbetterminute: because just installing it gives me a mouse cursor that works, but nothing else. black desktop, no menus. No keyboard shortcuts. 14:26
Boostisbetterjosch: update reform-tools and it worked perfectly. 14:26
abortretryfailjosch: thanks for fixing it i will give it a try later.14:35
abortretryfailRight now the Reform is busy, listening to 14.230mhz to decode slow-scan tv.14:35
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@
Boostisbetterabortretryfail: Rad! 15:08
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:19
* mark_ -> mjw15:24
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb90:ad63:d467:8c95:7826:30af:a5b6)15:36
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb90:ad63:d467:8c95:7826:30af:a5b6)15:52
+ stites (~stites@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb90:ad63:d467:8c95:7826:30af:a5b6)16:02
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb90:ad63:d467:8c95:7826:30af:a5b6)16:02
+ stites (~stites@
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:08
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@
+ jacobk (~quassel@
+ qbit (~qbit@h.suah.dev)16:45
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dc7:28cf:320c:e73:d9d7:7692)17:33
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dc7:28cf:320c:e73:d9d7:7692)17:34
+ stites (~stites@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
+ reform26997 (~josch@ip1f12fe3b.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)18:05
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:05
reform26997hello from ls1028a with root on lvm on luks on sata and /boot on emmc and uboot on sdcard :)18:06
Boostisbetterwoot! hello back at ya!18:07
reform26997reform-flash-rescue, reform-boot-config, reform-flash-uboot, reform-setup-encrypted-nvme (yes this is sata) and reform-migrate from my MR seem to work fine18:09
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
- reform26997 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~josch@ip1f12fe3b.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)18:13
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
+ reform31146 (~josch@ip1f12fe3b.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)18:30
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~quassel@
reform31146minute: i'm unable to get kvm acceleration under qemu on ls1028a -- should kvm be supported on ls1028a?18:31
- reform31146 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~josch@ip1f12fe3b.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)18:31
vkoskivOn A311D I see a /dev/kvm, I guess that means it's available? Haven't tried yet18:46
pandoradid anyone ever try to compile blender on a reform?18:50
+ ajr (uid609314@user/ajr)19:22
BoostisbetterI thought Blender already worked on the Reform? 19:26
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2a00:79e1:abc:133:77d:8d2b:ed76:33d)19:34
pandoraidk ? maybe i missed that19:36
pandorai missed a lot since the matrix bridge stopped working :D19:37
vkoskivI'm very confused about why the kbd backlight and mouse backlight blink only happens 10+ seconds into boot19:38
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:38
vkoskivJust looking at the trackball code, main is called when the thing gets 3.3v power, it sets up, and immediately goes to the main loop where it then initializes the sensor if needed19:39
vkoskivBut that sensor init is the thing that blinks the lights, and that clearly doesn't happen until much later19:39
vkoskivlpc does turn 3.3v and 5v on before even u-boot is in action, so this has me very confused19:40
vkoskivI don't see any power commands in the lpc driver either19:45
minutevkoskiv: usb19:57
vkoskivAh, so the usb hub only passes 5V to the kbd/mouse when linux kicks it into action?20:00
+ jacobk (~quassel@
sigriduboot should do that20:04
vkoskivYeah, but bottom line I guess is, that LPC/kbd controllers have no say in that, so no cool keyboard fade-in on powerup20:05
vkoskivthe usb_pwr_en and 5v_pwr_en do get switched in tandem, it seems.20:24
vkoskivYeah, the USB3_3_EN and USB3_4_EN come from the USB hub, and go to USB port power switches20:30
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@
vkoskivI bet those only get enabled once u-boot/linux set the USB hub up.20:30
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
sigridI guess keyboard's controller always has power, else how would it tell lpc to turn the power on via circle key20:31
vkoskivI think I could catch the power on event on the USB side, and then do the fade animation then20:31
sigridnot so sure about trackball :)20:31
vkoskivkbd has two power rails. The 3.3v that is always on, and then a separate USB 5V rail20:31
vkoskivThe backlight is on the 5V rail20:32
sigridI see20:32
vkoskivOkay, I set it up to run it on USB connect, testing.20:41
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:45
* mark_ -> mjw20:45
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:46
- _nrb_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~nrbnrb@2a01:4f8:172:299c:1::29)20:47
vkoskivYeah, that seems to work nicely. I'll go with that.20:47
vkoskivIt's a tiny, mostly useless thing, but it does look damn sleek :D20:48
+ _nrb_ (~nrbnrb@2a01:4f8:172:299c:1::29)20:49
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dc7:28cf:320c:e73:d9d7:7692)20:53
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2a00:79e1:abc:133:77d:8d2b:ed76:33d)21:08
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dc7:28cf:320c:e73:d9d7:7692)21:11
+ stites (~stites@
vkoskivAh, and the trackball 3V3 is derived from the USB 5V.21:18
vkoskivThe blinding flash of the trackball buttons does kind of take from the subtle keyboard fade. I'll reverse the condition, so the lights only light up if the trackball sensor failed to init21:19
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)21:19
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:20
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:27
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)21:33
vkoskivI added a command to the trackball toggle a flag to light up buttons when they are pressed :D21:42
vkoskivI'm not sure what the use is. But it's a thing21:43
Boostisbetterone thing I've noticed as a result of the Reform being able to use a NVME, is that the RAM limitation of the IMX8 doesn't really matter. I have a 10gb swap on the NVME, and I never see a slow down no matter how much stuff I have open. On the Librem 5 however with the 32gb eMMC and a 6gb swap file, I feel slows downs but not any crashes from running out of RAM. 21:44
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2a00:79e1:abc:133:77d:8d2b:ed76:33d)21:56
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:58
vkoskivWhich reminds me, I only set up a 4GB swapfile. Could probably bump that up a bit one of these days21:58
vkoskivI have lvm, so it should theoretically be a bit easier? Not very clear on the details21:58
sigridone option is to have the swap in a file. this may or may not be the best idea22:04
vkoskivOh, it's actually 8GB, wonder how I misread it that badly :D22:05
vkoskivIt doesn't get used very much, according to htop22:05
vkoskivOhh, now I'm tempted to add a command to the trackpad module to reverse scroll direction22:10
vkoskivMaybe I'll call it 'xAPPL'22:11
sigridisn't that supposed to be handled on the OS side? :)22:11
vkoskivIs it? I have no idea22:11
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)22:12
vkoskivI guess sway can do that, yeah22:12
vkoskivProbably the better way to do it.22:12
sigridsway had an option for input, iirc22:13
vkoskivYeah, natural_scroll, that works nicely.22:13
vkoskivIt's specified for this specific device, so when I swap the trackball back in, that should remain as it was22:14
vkoskiv12 years of Mac life left me preferring the natural direction22:14
Boostisbetterrandom though: the trackball is one of my favorite parts of the Reform. The trackball is such an eleogant pointing device. 22:32
Boostisbetterrandom thought: the trackball is one of my favorite parts of the Reform. The trackball is such an eleogant pointing device. 22:37
vkoskivImplementation is nice, too. It's very precise.22:47
vkoskivSpeaking of precise, I just noticed that there is 4 more bits of precision available for X and Y that the trackball is not using. I wonder if it would make any difference in this application22:47
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)22:49
vkoskivSpeaking of precise, I just noticed that there is 4 more bits of precision available for X and Y that the trackball is not using. I wonder if it would make any difference in this application.23:01
vkoskivMight play around with that a bit23:03
- vagrantc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~vagrant@2a00:79e1:abc:133:77d:8d2b:ed76:33d)23:05
+ jacobk (~quassel@
erlevkoskiv 4 more mouse buttons23:38
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)23:39

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