
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~stites@2603:3005:b69:4100:ffbe:3c4e:c9c0:ad22)00:00
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dcd:e247:3117:f970:e6:e12c)00:01
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)00:05
joschabortretryfail: can i help you with your u-boot-menu problem?00:07
abortretryfailjosch: maybe? I removed it and the problem went away.00:10
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)00:11
vkoskivSo I clone linux, checkout roughly the same commit as what's on rescue sd, copy in the config, then build it00:12
minutevkoskiv: yup, with cross compile env vars 00:13
joschabortretryfail: can you post your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf?00:14
josch(maybe you already did and i missed it in the backlog)00:14
vkoskivthe build script in reform-debian-packages seems to just pull in master00:14
minutevkoskiv: hmm i don't think so... it uses debian's kernel version00:14
vkoskivI guess tag 6.5 is close enough?00:15
minutefor this purpose probably00:15
abortretryfailjosch: yeah just a sec00:16
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dcd:e247:3117:f970:e6:e12c)00:18
+ stites (~stites@
abortretryfailworth noting i didn't write that. something in the debian package makes it. 00:19
joschabortretryfail: ah that should be an easy fix -- what is in your /etc/default/u-boot?00:19
joschabortretryfail: yes, u-boot-menu writes this00:19
joschand it reads /etc/default/u-boot for the cmdline00:19
joschabortretryfail: are you on imx8mq?00:19
abortretryfailright now, nothing. I uninstalled the package because I don't want it making my laptop randomly unbootable after updates. :)00:19
abortretryfailyeah, imx8mq00:20
joschabortretryfail: writing /etc/default/u-boot will prevent something from breaking after updates because reform-tools does not mess with /etc00:20
joschputting this in that file should make it work again:00:20
joschU_BOOT_PARAMETERS="ro no_console_suspend cma=512M@3G cryptomgr.notests console=ttymxc0,115200 pci=nomsi console=tty1"00:20
joschyou could do that, install u-boot-menu again and then look into your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf to see if the right entries are set in the "append" lines00:21
abortretryfaili guess the part i'm confused about here is how all the different parts get applied for u-boot to figure out the kernel cmdline 00:21
abortretryfaildoes extlinux.conf override boot.scr?00:21
vkoskivHmm, some patches don't apply. meson/g12a.{c,h} at least00:22
joschabortretryfail: no, boot.scr is created by flash-kernel00:23
joschabortretryfail: extlinux.conf is created by u-boot-menu00:23
abortretryfailbut u-boot reads both of them00:23
joschyou can create both manually but that sucks because you'd have to manually re-do that on every kernel upgrade00:23
joschabortretryfail: u-boot tries reading both of them00:24
joschit first triest extlinux.conf and if that does not exist tries boot.scr00:24
abortretryfailso yes, extlinux.conf overrides boot.scr00:24
vkoskivI'm guessing I probably need to clone a debian kernel, instead of the mainline one?00:24
vkoskivMainline doesn't even have a 6.5.3 tag00:24
abortretryfailso whatever script logic in boot.scr is trying to create the right kernel cmdline never happens, explains what i was seeing earlier.00:25
- aliosablack (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)00:25
joschvkoskiv: mainline doesn't have 6.5.3 because that's a tag from the stable kernel00:25
vkoskivAh, got it. And is 6.5.3-1 == 6.5.31?00:27
vkoskivI misread, there's just 6.5.3 here.00:29
vkoskivI've never actually applied patches in a plain tarball, the obvious for patch in $(find patches); do patch < $patch; done didn't work00:32
joschit has to be patch -p000:33
joscherr... -p100:34
joschyou are in an extracted tarball and not git?00:34
vkoskivProbably a good idea to clone, but I just want to see if I can even build the thing00:34
joschthen it should work with patch -p100:34
joschthe patches are all git format-patch format00:35
vkoskivsome patches in drivers/clk/meson/g12a.c didn't apply, but as long as the rejected ones aren't in the ti module I'm looking to modify, it should be fine?00:36
joschvkoskiv: then you should try to rebase the patches -- i'm doing that all the time when new kernels get uploaded to debian00:39
joschwhat are you trying to do?00:39
joschi only skimmed the backlog00:39
vkoskivI want to set this up so I can modify the ti_sn65dsi86 kernel module00:40
vkoskivThere are those errors that happen when I bring my A311D from suspend00:40
vkoskivJust want to see if I can build a .ko that does something more interesting than that00:41
vkoskivI've got UART hooked up and everything00:41
joschyes, building a custom kernel and not using reform-debian-package is definitely faster when you do builds locally00:41
vkoskivI'm pretending to be a hardware person, you see :D00:41
vkoskivI'm actually building on my desktop00:41
vkoskivI intend to scp the .ko over and modprobe00:41
abortretryfaili wonder if there is special things like whats in /usr/sbin/reform-standby00:42
vkoskivabortretryfail: I haven't modified it yet, but I know that script exits if it's not running on imx800:42
abortretryfailok cool :)00:42
vkoskivIt kicked me into config, do I just spam return or should I pay attention here?00:43
vkoskivI copied .config from the running reform from under /boot00:43
vkoskivThere are some new options I guess00:43
vkoskivHmm, I do wonder what a reasonable clocksource watchdog maximum allowable skew is :D00:43
vkoskivOkay, this one I know. "Enable PC-Speaker support". I'll say no.00:44
vkoskiv(That's a NEW option? :D)00:44
vkoskivDo some people actually sit through and answer all of these? There has to be over 100k switches in here00:46
vkoskivIt's compiling now, I just held down return, hoping for the best :D00:47
vkoskivminute: forgot to comment earlier re: qwerty-se: It looks very reasonable. You can also sell it as QWERTY-FI (we use the same keyboard layout, but don't tell the Swedes)00:48
abortretryfailvkoskiv: i used to do that back in the Slackware days, 20+ years ago.00:50
vkoskivOof, why is it building x86 object files if I'm using a cross-compiler :(00:51
vkoskivDid the compiler vendor sell me a fake compiler (0€)00:51
minutevkoskiv: export ARCH=arm64?00:54
joschvkoskiv: you should ask for your money back!00:55
vkoskivI forgot to do that, it seems00:55
joschvkoskiv: much success with all that :)00:55
vkoskivHm, the toolchain I found from AUR isn't up to the task it seems. The build went right for a bit, but it blew up right away00:56
vkoskivunrecognized '-mlittle-endian'00:56
vkoskivBut now it certainly was building arm-y things instead of a bunch of x86 stuff00:57
vkoskivexporting CROSS_COMPILE too, let's see if that sticks00:59
abortretryfailmaybe one of those situations where the slow little ARM box would've finished compiling by the time the cross-compiler gets sorted out. :)00:59
vkoskivYeah. Now it's saying there is no rule to make the target for our bananapi dtb00:59
vkoskivSo that's probably not a cross-compiler thing maybe00:59
vkoskivLet me wipe the config once more01:00
vkoskivOh wait, this is probably those failed patches01:00
minutevkoskiv: did you copy the dts in?01:14
vkoskivI did not, it seems01:14
vkoskivI though the patches would add 'em01:14
minuteneeds to go to boot/arch/arm64/dts/amlogic01:15
vkoskivYeah, I see it now01:15
minutesorry, forgot to mention that earlier01:15
vkoskivIt's fine, I was just about to figure it out as well :D01:16
vkoskiv"Hmm, the file is missing..."01:16
minutebtw https://community.mnt.re/t/mnt-reform-system-image-v4/1671/801:16
vkoskiv'unknown type name u128' :D01:17
minutevkoskiv: what's going on there01:18
minutevkoskiv: what compiler are you using?01:18
vkoskivI found it on AUR01:18
vkoskivIt is of questionable origin.01:18
minutethat's no good01:18
minutethat's for 32 bit01:18
vkoskivAh, figures.01:19
minuteye olde01:19
minutehow about gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu01:20
minuteor probably just called aarch64-gcc in arch land?01:21
vkoskivAh, and I even had it installed this whole time, just couldn't find the tab complete01:22
vkoskivEasy fix though01:22
vkoskivIt's going again01:23
vkoskivNow it's happy, I think. device trees compiled, it's building objects now01:23
minuteyou mentioned some patches did not apply? which ones?01:24
vkoskiv> find . -name '*.rej'01:24
minuteok, probably not too bad01:24
vkoskivI tried to look at those, didn' really grok what I was looking at, or how to resolve01:24
minutemy guess is those have maybe been mainlined01:25
vkoskivMeanwhile, I can take a closer look at the speaker cables to see if those need work01:25
minutevkoskiv: did you already take a look at all those bars in alsamixer?01:25
vkoskivI did, yeah, nothing obvious popped out01:27
vkoskivv3 kbd uses hyper+up/down for pgup/pgdown, right?01:31
vkoskivI really grew to like the dedicated pgup/pgdn on v201:31
minutethey've been sacrificed on the altar of tradition01:32
minutealthough you could potentially remap AGR and menu key to them01:32
vkoskivYeah, are the 1u caps same size as on V2?01:32
vkoskivCould even replace caps then01:32
minute1u and 1.5u are the same, there are just a few additional caps now01:33
minute1.25, 1.75 and a 2u01:33
vkoskivI kind of want a clicky one, so that'd be the time for a v3 too01:33
minutei've been typing on the clicky one for a few days at work now01:33
minuteit's fun, except if i'm stressed, then the noise adds to the stress lol01:34
vkoskivHeh, yeah. I think it'd be less than ideal in some settings01:34
vkoskivI'd also be interested in swapping the keyswitches in my trackball to whites01:35
minutewe always ship the TB with whites now01:35
minutesometimes i think that might be too aggressive but.... so far no complaints01:35
vkoskivAh, well that would explain it01:47
vkoskivOne of the wires on the left speaker just popped off when I pulled it back :D :D01:47
vkoskiv"Hmm yes, the wire here is made out of air..."01:47
vkoskivGood thing I've got my soldering iron handy01:48
vkoskivQuick dab of solder, it's fixed!01:54
vkoskivThe left speaker is also the one I peeled back some months ago to take a closer look at the speaker unit out of curiosity.01:54
vkoskivSo probably just one too many twists. It's now solidly connected.01:55
vkoskivminute: Hope you have a relaxing weekend! Someone on the forum mentioned they got furnace to work on their A311D reform01:57
vkoskivI hadn't heard of it, but it looks like an interesting program01:57
minutethank you, same to you! n8n802:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:04
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)03:35
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:10
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)05:12
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)05:57
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)06:16
+ jacobk (~quassel@
joschminute: about your "no complaints" from yesterday: i actually prefer the brown switches on my trackball v1 over the white ones of v2 :)06:56
pandoraanyone knows whether there is a working matrix bridge to this room again? i kinda miss all the messages when i am not online07:35
joschpandora: I think Boostisbetter is using cheogram and might be able to tell you more07:37
Boostisbetterpandora: I am using cheogram to bridge xmpp to irc. There was a matrix to irc bridge, BUT that was taken down because of some issues. It has not, as of yet, been restored. 07:44
Boostisbettermy own experience with the matrix bridge was that it was kind of spotty. Cheogram for bridging xmpp is pretty good, although sometimes libera chat will block it and i'll have to cycle the xmpp account being enabled to get it to try again. 07:48
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@
pandoramaybe i should just setup an irc bouncer :D08:01
BoostisbetterIf you could extend that to me on my Matrix account that would be awesome. 08:07
BoostisbetterBy bouncer you just mean one way traffic right?08:08
+ aliosablack (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)08:54
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)09:59
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)10:03
Boostisbetterminute: btw, regarding my left speaker, the cable came undone again. I have resoldered it, but I am thinking the length of the wire is the real issue. Is this something that happens for your own Reform? Any tips on preventing the constant need of resoldering the wire? (The white wire is the one that is kind of short.) Don't worry I see this as a normal thing and I don't consider it a design or qu10:53
Boostisbetterality issue. 10:53
Boostisbetteralso it is Saturday so I have no expectation of a response today. 10:53
- aliosablack (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)11:12
ec0pandora: I use heisenbridge to connect IRC and my Matrix homeserver, it might be useful for you if you run your own12:16
minutepandora: we also have logs, there's a link in the topic.12:27
minuteBoostisbetter: sorry to here. maybe it needs some strain relief? it doesn't happen to me. although i have a mod with bigger speakers living in the main body.12:28
joschthe question about boot order on ls1028a was easily answered as minute already took care to instruct it to do the right thing: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-ls1028a-uboot/-/blob/main/patches/0001-tweak-boot-commands.patch :)12:35
pandora@Boostisbetter I was briefly looking into psyBNC as a bouncer. Maybe I set one up and make it somewhat public so other people could  use it too12:46
pandora@minute  yes that is how i stay up to date rn :D12:47
joschpandora: depending on the IRC client, prefixing a nick with another character might not create a highlight13:17
+ aliosablack (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)13:21
pandoraoh yeah ... using matrix too often13:26
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)13:30
joschminute: as you know, I'm maintaining a fork of reform-debian-packages and reform-system-image on reform.debian.net to provide the same content for stable releases. I'm now wondering and wanted to agree with you on what you think should happen when somebody who downloaded a system image from reform.debian.net boots that and then runs "reform-flash-rescue"? Should that download the rescue image from MNT 13:33
joschor should it download the rescue image from reform.d.n? What do you think?13:33
minutejosch: i think it should download the image from debian net13:34
joschthat's also my gut feeling13:34
joschminute: with that in mind, would you object if reform-flash-rescue in the official MNT repos would check (for example by investigating /etc/apt/sources.list.d/reform_bookworm.sources) whether it's running a Debian stable system (the one from reform.d.n) or not and then choose where to download the rescue image from depending on that?13:37
minutejosch: sounds good to me13:37
minutejosch: i would say that it should print the download URL and let the user confirm it13:38
minuteso they know what they're getting13:38
minuteor, no extra confirmation, but show the url in any case13:38
joschi could make it do a confirmation only if it thinks that it's running stable13:39
joschthat way there is just auto-downloading on the MNT images and confirmation for the stable reform.d.n images13:39
joschin any case, yes, having some confirmation sounds like a very good idea13:39
joschthere will ne another larg-ish diff to review soon (i'm at 284 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-) right now) to make reform-tools be able to cope with a311d and ls1028a13:41
joschin that process i'm also updating reform.d.n to build stable images for ls1028a which should work fine even with the older kernel13:41
joschfor a311d i'll have to wait for a backport of kernel 6.5 to stable13:41
+ jacobk (~quassel@
Boostisbetterexcellent work! 14:25
+ IchikaZou (~IchikaZou@36-231-76-229.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)14:58
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~quassel@
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:13
vkoskivminute: Is the pwmval (OCR0A) on the kbd limited to between 0-10 for hardware reasons? To keep things from breaking?15:45
vkoskivI'm trying to debug why the keyboard brightness control tends to be a bit jumpy15:46
vkoskivI think I under/overflowed pwmval with my changes, and the keyboard was much brighter than it usually gets briefly, just wondering if that has a chance of breaking things15:46
Zabamight be that the current consumption can get pretty high15:51
vkoskivIn the mcu, the pwmval does get adjusted in equal steps, but it feels like the ti backlight chip doesn't always get the new value right away, so there is a big jump in brightness15:53
vkoskivAnd then stepping back down, the step isn't nearly as big15:53
minutevkoskiv: there was an issue in the beginning where the full brightness would cause it to flicker, maybe this is not the case anymore?16:15
vkoskivI did observe it blink very harshly in that state16:16
vkoskivNot flicker, blink16:16
minutevkoskiv: and you're right, there has always been some weirdness in the steps... would be cool if you figured sth out16:16
minutevkoskiv: yep, it blinks. the current is too high then16:16
minutevkoskiv: i think the blinking is a reset loop16:16
vkoskivYeah, investigating. I verified that the pwmval itself isn't the issue16:16
vkoskivSo basically I'm unlikely to break things if I set the brightness pwm to 0xff?16:17
abortretryfailTrip report: I got my friend's Wacom Cintiq 22HD to work on the Reform via HDMI. Everything just works out of the box. :D16:22
abortretryfailShe pre-ordered a pocket and wanted to know if it'd be able to drive the tablet display, so maybe?16:22
minutevkoskiv: i don't think it'll break.16:37
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~stites@
minuteabortretryfail: wow, that's cool! and yes, the pocket has good dual screen support16:37
minutewith the defaut imx8mplus at least. the gpu is weaker than that of the imx8mq though16:38
minutethe cpu speed makes mostly up for it16:38
minutei'm looking forward to the day when we have one chip ticking all the boxes16:38
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dc9:51d1:1285:280d:59e4:7da2)16:38
abortretryfailTbh, it's probably enough to run something like inkscape or gimp.16:44
Boostisbettergimp runs on the Reform, so I would imagine the Pocket having any problems with it. 16:49
abortretryfailyeah, that's what we were testing with. Even the pressure sensitivity worked. I'm pretty impressed16:52
- IchikaZou (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~IchikaZou@36-231-76-229.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)16:55
- dodo (QUIT: Quit: dodo) (~dodo@user/dodo)17:06
+ dodo (~dodo@user/dodo)17:07
Boostisbetterthat's awesome. 17:24
BoostisbetterEver since I got the Reform I have been impressed with just how capable the SoC is. I mean it feels like a Pentium class cpu. 17:24
BoostisbetterARM has come such a long way17:25
vkoskivI think I did manage to bust the backlight partially :D17:39
vkoskivGoing any higher than 10 on the pwmval seems to do it.17:39
vkoskivNope, not busted. Just temporary, it seems.17:40
vkoskivPower-cycling the keyboard resolves it17:40
vkoskivPerhaps reading the docs on the TI chip properly is in order, before I venture further :D17:43
abortretryfailBoostisbetter: you never used a "Pentium class" CPU did you? This is so much faster.17:44
vkoskivI own pentium machines. This is indeed far faster :D17:50
vkoskivRPi1 in 2011 was roughly equivalent to a Pentium in the early 2000s17:50
vkoskivInteresting fault mode on the TI chip, I managed to put pins 15 and 7, by the looks of it, stuck to low17:51
vkoskivRest of the keys still lit up, but most of the top row, and bottom row were dark17:51
- xktr (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~xktr@2602:fe3d:c01:10ca:1050:1ace:0:b)17:52
vkoskivStill takes up a lot of memory, but Discord is also quite usable on A311D17:55
vkoskivThe transition animations are a slideshow, but they are that on my desktop too.17:55
vkoskivI'm running kicad and firefox with a bunch of tabs too17:56
+ xktr (~xktr@2602:fe3d:c01:10ca:1050:1ace:0:b)17:56
abortretryfailDiscord works on ARM?17:57
vkoskivIn the browser.17:57
abortretryfailahh ok17:57
vkoskivBut the actual client is just an extra browser anyway17:57
abortretryfailYeah the client is just Electron17:57
Boostisbetterexactly. You could make it an app though. I think it has a thing for that if you are on a chromium based browser. 17:58
BoostisbetterActually strike that. I don't think it will let you. 17:58
BoostisbetterBut it runs perfectly in the browser. 17:58
BoostisbetterAlthough I really can't figure out what the appeal is with Discord17:58
abortretryfaillots of emojis everywhere. :)17:59
sigrid(not an ad) I used to run https://cancel.fm/ripcord/ when I needed a "lighter" slack on reform. though it's mostly for discord18:00
sigridran it via one of those box* emulators18:01
vkoskivI love ripcord, I bought a license a year or two ago18:02
sigridit was still much faster than whatever they come up with for a browser18:02
vkoskivI'd just love to see a native aarch64 binary18:02
sigridyeah, I asked the author about it but I think he's too busy with other stuff18:02
vkoskivYeah, I'd imagine it is a lot of work to maintain to begin with18:02
abortretryfailDidn't Discord start banning people using 3rd party clients?18:09
vkoskivI heard that, yes, but I don't know how they go about it18:09
vkoskivSince ripcord just uses the session token from the official client18:09
vkoskivI guess they added some challenge response thing to their client, perhaps18:10
sigridI vaguely recall discord being ok with ripcord specifically18:12
sigridas in, the staff of discord being ok18:12
sigridbut also, like, I don't use discord. at all. so idk18:13
vkoskivYeah, if anyone wants to expell 3rd party client users, it's the people in suits with the money.18:13
vkoskiv"Oh, you people like our thing so much that you made a thing to use it? OUT!"18:13
vkoskivOr I guess it's the other way, they disliked it enough to go write a better client :D18:14
vkoskivBut did like it enough for it to be worth the effort18:14
vkoskivI'm happy I can just retreat to my corner and pretend Electron does not exist18:14
- abortretryfail (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~arf@146.ip-149-56-132.net)18:16
+ jacobk (~quassel@2603-8080-b200-7b02-0000-0000-0000-0b71.res6.spectrum.com)18:36
BoostisbetterI actually just fired Ripcord up, and I am very impressed with how fast and lightweight yet full featured it is. Kind of impressive that one person made something like this. 18:40
BoostisbetterI use discord begrudingly. I really don't see the appeal at all. I mean XMPP and Matrix do everything I really need. 18:40
jfredsigrid: How'd you get ripcord running on reform? Tried running it with box64 and it's failing to start for me due to missing qt wayland libraries, I wonder if I need the x86-64 version of whichever libs it needs18:48
BoostisbetterYeah I didn't see it for ARM at all, so I was going to ask that myself. 18:48
sigridjfred: yes, iirc I went with installing x86-64 libs18:51
sigridI used it with diy void-musl aarch64 installation too, so even in this case it was doable18:52
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@2603-8080-b200-7b02-0000-0000-0000-0b71.res6.spectrum.com)18:52
jfredHm, I'm on the stock reform debian image so might be trickier. (Then again, maybe x86-64/aarch64 multiarch works okay? I've admittedly never tried!)18:53
+ jacobk (~quassel@2603-8080-b200-7b02-0000-0000-0000-0b71.res6.spectrum.com)18:56
jfredBut yeah, I've got one friend who insists on using Discord and it doesn't run well on the Reform so Ripcord looks appealing18:59
jfredmostly otherwise I use Matrix via Nheko18:59
BoostisbetterYeah Nheko is good, but one client that has really impressed me is Hydrogen. hydrogen.element.io19:04
jfredhm, got qt6-wayland:amd64 and qtwayland5:amd64 installed but no luck19:04
BoostisbetterSuper light weight and really fast. 19:04
BoostisbetterAnd you can make an app out of it. 19:04
jfredHydrogen is neat but I often rely on the tray icon for my chat apps, and it doesn't have that19:05
vkoskivI've made some improvement on the keyboard backlight jumpiness when adjusting19:05
vkoskivNow trying to understand why this works :D19:05
jfredoh it worked with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb19:07
vkoskivI think the issue has to do with clock prescaling in pwm setup. The comment says it's being set to clk_io/256, but the actual code disables prescaling entirely19:09
vkoskivSo it's at whatever the clk_io on this mcu is, I couldn't find it in the docs, I have to assum 16MHz? That's well beyond the spec of the backlight chip, that has a max of 2MHz19:09
vkoskivSetting prescaling to /256 made the backlight blink again, but /8 seems to work nicely19:10
vkoskivI get no jumpiness at all when I adjust backlight now. Feels good.19:10
Boostisbettercongrats, glad you got that sorted. 19:20
vkoskivI'm just bothered that there is now 9 brightness levels, instead of a nice round 10 :D19:21
vkoskivBut yeah, it feels much more responsive now that it doesn't jump arounnd19:21
Boostisbetterwhere I would really like to get Ripcord working is on 32 bit Raspbian OS. 19:24
Boostisbetterfat chance of that, but that is where it would make a lot of sense. 19:24
vkoskivAh, on an old pi?19:24
BoostisbetterPenkesu using a Pi Zero 2 W19:26
BoostisbetterIt was my Pocket Reform before the Pocket Reform19:27
Boostisbetterstill pretty useful, compact, and completely repairable. 19:27
sknebelzero 2 should be able to run 64bit, but I guess 32bit makes some sense with the limited RAM?19:27
Boostisbetteryep. You end up loosing RAM with 64 bit due to larger name space requirements. 19:28
BoostisbetterNot worth it at all. 19:28
BoostisbetterIf the Zero ever has a gig or more it would be great. 19:28
BoostisbetterAlthough I don't think RPI will ever do that, because it would cut into people getting the RPI519:28
BoostisbetterWhy buy a RPI5 with 1 or 2 gigs when you can just get a Zero for $1519:29
sknebelI kinda doubt they are going to make smaller-RAM variants of the RPi519:30
BoostisbetterI watched a video from RPI where they said they were making 1 and 2 gb models for people who know what they are going to be using the RPI for. 19:33
Boostisbetterand don't need much memory. So they could get it cheaper 19:34
Boostisbetterin much of the same way that I have been impressed with the Reform, have I been impressed with the Penkesu and 32 bit Raspbian. With so many web based clients these days, you can still do pretty much everything on a 32 bit only system. 19:36
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)19:41
sknebelhuh, ok. I guess if you really need the CPU power of a 5 but not much RAM. but feels getting quite niche to me, esp given they still make RPi4 too afaik?19:41
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)19:53
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dc9:51d1:1285:280d:59e4:7da2)19:56
+ stites (~stites@
vkoskivOoooh, I built something very neat now :D20:01
vkoskivAs the MNT logo appears and does the little brighten/dim effect, the keyboard does the same, nicely fading in the backlight20:02
vkoskivLooks sweeeet20:02
- jacobk (QUIT: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@2603-8080-b200-7b02-0000-0000-0000-0b71.res6.spectrum.com)20:05
+ jacobk (~quassel@2603-8080-b200-7b02-0000-0000-0000-0b71.res6.spectrum.com)20:07
BoostisbetterHa! That is awesome, hopefully that can get merged so we can all get something like that!20:11
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@2603-8080-b200-7b02-0000-0000-0000-0b71.res6.spectrum.com)20:14
jfredSo I just grabbed the system image v4 version of the waybar config in /etc/skel and it looks super nice, but the battery widget seems stuck at 0%. Is there a dependency I'm missing since I started on an older system image?20:17
Boostisbetterwhat kernel are you on? 20:18
Boostisbetterok, yeah that is fishy. It should work. I wonder if your LPC version matters here. 20:23
BoostisbetterShouldn't mine is still bone stock from 21 and it works. 20:24
jfredcould be an LPC upgrade needed, I also see my reform-tools package is on version 1.29 with 1.31 available so maybe that's it20:25
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
jfredyeah wasn't reform-tools, I probably need an LPC upgrade20:39
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)20:45
vkoskivOof, I just realised that the keyboard backlight fade-in on powerup would require changes to the system power on sequencing, since the backlight is on the 5V rail (it only turns on later during boot)21:48
vkoskivI'll leave this out until I've gauged with mnt if that's an acceptable thing to do *purely* for a cosmetic thing :D21:49
vkoskivIt'd require a new lpc command to just turn on the 5v rail when the keyboard requests it, but that SOM/system startup code in the LPC looks like something I don't want to experiment with too much21:54
vkoskivFor the adventurous: https://source.mnt.re/vkoskiv/reform/-/commits/kbd-backlight-no-jumpy21:58
vkoskivJust be aware, I'm a software developer, and I adjusted hardware parameters I only think I understand from reading the docs21:59
vkoskivSo, buyer beware. Works nicely on my keyboard, though.21:59
BoostisbetterAlthough I am curious by what you mean by backlight being jumpy. I never felt that way with mine. It was always just a quick adjustment. 22:02
vkoskivBasically, as you go up or down, there are keypresses that do nothing, and then a big jump22:03
vkoskivAnd if you go back the other way right after a big jump, it's a much smaller increment22:03
vkoskivWith my fix, every keypress to adjust brightness brings it up or down the same increment, consistently.22:04
vkoskivIt just feels much more precise now. It's kind of a subtle thing.22:06
sigridnice. i needed that22:07
vkoskivMaybe the /8 prescaling works nicely, because 16MHz/8 = 2MHz, and that's the upper bound for the backlight chip22:22
vkoskivNot sure why lower values make it go blinky blinky, though.22:22
vkoskivHmm, TI says the range is 0.1->20kHz. Some math is needed to figure out how that range jives with our pwm generation circuitry22:27
vkoskivSeemingly nowhere in the doc does it actually tell me the clock io frequency, so I have to assume 16MHz22:31
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb90:ad63:e013:9e88:5faf:89ef:30)22:47
vkoskivYeah, evidently it's just equal to the system clock.22:55
vkoskiv(section 12.1)22:55
vkoskivYeah, I think I get it now. Without my fix, the PWM frequency is 31.25kHz, which is over the max limit of the backlight chip spec.23:06
vkoskivMy change to the clock divide turned it down to 3.9kHz, if my math is right.23:07
vkoskivWhich is well within the 0.1-20kHz range of the backlight chip.23:07
vkoskivBut the old frequency was probably also not high enough to make it totally not work, hence the jumpy weirdness.23:08
+ abortretryfail (~arf@146.ip-149-56-132.net)23:23
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)23:32
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)23:41

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