
+ cinap_lenrek (~cinap_len@
joschhello :)00:03
cinap_lenrekthe weinachtsmann came buy and sent me a ls1028 board for the reform ;)00:03
joschanother one!! :D00:03
joschdid you try it out already?00:03
cinap_lenrekwell played! ;)00:03
cinap_lenrekjosh: no time yet, but i will00:04
cinap_lenreki got the 4k pages reference manual for the SoC anyway00:04
cinap_lenrekthe fucking displayport TX controller for sure will be a challange00:06
cinap_lenrekpoco a poco00:06
joschwow literally 4k+ pages o000:06
minutecinap_lenrek: great to hear!00:08
cinap_lenreki'm a bit drunk today00:09
cinap_lenrekbut just wanted to say, you all rock00:09
cinap_lenrekthank you so much!00:10
cinap_lenrekkeep up the great work00:10
cinap_lenrekall of you!00:10
joschsame to you :)00:10
minutecinap_lenrek: cheers!00:20
cinap_lenrekminute: you too :)00:20
cinap_lenrekhow's it going?00:20
cinap_lenreki wasted a bit of company time today to read the manual...00:22
cinap_lenreki was quite surprised that the ethernet controller appears to be a pcie root complex00:22
cinap_lenrekclearly, without the actual signaling, but taking advantage of the configuration infrastucture00:23
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)00:23
minutecinap_lenrek: i guess those are the parts from qoriq heritage00:25
cinap_lenrekof course00:25
cinap_lenrekdude, qoriq is my day job currently ;)00:25
cinap_lenrekso i had alot of deja-vu moments reading the manual00:25
cinap_lenrekunfortunately, i dont think this will be the end00:26
minutecinap_lenrek: oh ok!00:26
cinap_lenrekall the socs are still kind of a chaos00:26
cinap_lenrekdont worry, i'll definitely get everything working00:27
cinap_lenrekbut i glady miss the pc spirit in all of it00:27
cinap_lenrekpci is an amazing technology if you think about it00:27
minutejust one word of advice: don't run it without the heatsink00:28
cinap_lenrekin the abstract sense00:28
cinap_lenreklie forget about the actual physical bus00:28
minute(i think i managed to burn one of 'em)00:28
minutecinap_lenrek: i see00:28
bkeysminute: Did you look at this link?00:28
cinap_lenrekbut it has exactly wahat is required for being independent of the underlying architecture00:29
cinap_lenreki/o has converged to memory mapped devices00:29
cinap_lenrekits all transactions on a unified single address space00:29
cinap_lenrekand pci gives you the flexibility to put the devices anywhere in the address space you want00:30
cinap_lenrekso its pretty genetic00:30
cinap_lenrekMSI interrupts solve the freaking chaos which is out of band interrupt signaling00:31
cinap_lenreki have no idea why ARM isnt pushing for a standard to organize a bit more the axi bus00:31
minutebkeys: yep. is there a reference manual for that chip?00:31
cinap_lenrekits really not much that is needed to reach PCI level funtionality00:32
cinap_lenreklike forget about the signaling and serdes stuff00:32
minutecinap_lenrek: ah, you mean something like auto discovering devices?00:32
bkeysminute: I am not certain. It says it uses the 2nd HDMI for display00:32
cinap_lenrekthe actual benefit is really about a standartized OS interface for managing address space and device identification00:32
minutecinap_lenrek: i only have experience with axi from zynq, and there i had to assign everything to fixed places in a memory map00:33
bkeysI am willing to take the risk of preordering it and doing testing, but I'm not certain if it could work even in theory, but if it did it would be a big deal, you could have a SoM with 8GB of RAM, riscv for less than $10000:33
cinap_lenrekminute: yeah, been there00:33
minutecinap_lenrek: yeah, it would be a lot better than this devicetree stuff00:33
cinap_lenrekminute: but in the end its just bullshit work00:33
cinap_lenrekminute: someone has todo the extra work to maintain the devicetree files for a specific setup to make it all happen00:34
bkeysminute: I g2g soon, but they have emails at the bottom of the link, their Development Department could likely get you a reference manual00:34
bkeysI can send an email00:34
cinap_lenrekbkeys: hahaha00:34
minutebkeys: i was hoping someone other than me would get into this thing00:34
cinap_lenrekbkeys: the milk is indeed a interesting machine00:34
minutei kind of had enough bringups for a while00:35
bkeysminute: I can be that person00:35
minuteand i have yet to tackle rk358800:35
minutebkeys: yes please00:35
bkeysIs the fact that it uses the 2nd HDMI port a non starter?00:35
minutebkeys: it's good00:36
minutebkeys: see https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11118403082227630900:36
bkeysOkay so using the 2nd HDMI port might be the standard00:36
minuteit's luck maybe00:37
bkeysIn that case it should theoretically be able to work; I'm willing to take the risk and I'll place the order00:37
minutei routed the second hdmi to fpc cable for internal display00:37
bkeysHopefully it will come around the same time my keyboard does00:37
bkeysminute: Do you see any reason to get the non-wifi version over the wifi version?00:38
cinap_lenrekgood luck!00:38
cinap_lenrekpirate while you can00:38
bkeysI'm not sure if wifi on other SoMs has caused any seriuos issues; I know sometimes they block pcie lines00:38
bkeysminute: So I'm reading a document on it now, it might use the 1st HDMI port? Would that ruin it?00:41
minutebkeys: does it have only 1 display? no mipi dsi?00:42
+ ethulhu (ethulhu@nora.ethulhu.co.uk)00:46
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~chomwitt@athedsl-368454.home.otenet.gr)00:56
- rah (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (rah@verain.settrans.net)00:56
+ rah (rah@verain.settrans.net)00:57
bkeysminute: it has mipi dsi and hdmi00:58
bkeysI g2g now, if the SoM has a chance at working according to you I will place the order and when you send me back my keyboard and the like I'll start looking at it right away01:00
bkeysCause a riscv reform would be big news01:00
cinap_lenrekdanger robinson :)01:04
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)01:23
- ethulhu (QUIT: Excess Flood) (ethulhu@nora.ethulhu.co.uk)01:59
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:04
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)02:21
+ ethulhu (ethulhu@nora.ethulhu.co.uk)02:48
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~nicolas@132-48-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:06
+ nsc (~nicolas@84-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:08
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)03:15
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:09
+ eery (~eery@
- eery (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~eery@
+ eery (~eery@h210.3.55.139.dynamic.ip.windstream.net)05:11
- violet (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~vi@user/violet)05:14
- eery (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~eery@h210.3.55.139.dynamic.ip.windstream.net)05:16
+ violet (~vi@user/violet)05:25
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@
erlecinap_lenrek i vaguely remember your name. are you a plan 9 or 9front user?09:41
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)10:07
- kensanata (QUIT: Quit: OK) (~alex@user/kensanata)10:51
+ kensanata (~alex@user/kensanata)10:51
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:01
vkoskivI was looking at boot logs and saw:12:03
vkoskivOct 06 12:42:01 reform kernel: KASLR disabled due to lack of seed12:03
vkoskivProbably not ideal?12:04
vkoskivI wanted to try suspend on A311D just to see what happens. It certainly did go to 100mA for a bit, but obviously didn't go well from there.12:04
vkoskivI'd really love to make myself useful and investigate suspend on A311D12:05
minutevkoskiv: i think this kaslr thing is around forever?12:17
vkoskivYeah, I do recall seeing it on imx8 too I think12:18
minutevkoskiv: cool! serial debugging it is, and maybe ask for some pointers in #linux-amlogic, people are helpful12:18
vkoskivFound a typo in /usr/sbin/reform-standby, the error saying it doesn't support this hardware says 'reform-flash-rescue' instead of 'reform-standby'12:19
cinap_lenrekerle: yes12:19
vkoskivI was confused why in the log it was trying to flash the rescue partition when suspending, but it's just probably a copypaste goof12:19
vkoskivI'll start with setting up serial, I think I have the needed hw for it12:19
vkoskivThen I'd have to modify that standby script to detect A311D and then just try and see what works12:20
vkoskivProbably best to do all this on a fresh SD card instead of my main nvme though :D12:21
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:25
minutevkoskiv: yep! try with as little peripherals as possible. also, hook up your uart adapter to SER2, not 1z12:30
minutenot 112:30
vkoskivFairly certain my flipper zero toy can work as a UART adapter12:35
vkoskivFinally some actual use for the thing beyond tomfoolery :D12:36
abortretryfailerle: no i don't have a specific example, but if there is a way to do it in Sway, that's where it'll be.12:43
abortretryfailactually, re-reading that after sleeping on it i wonder if that's even true. 12:43
- pandora (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid585533@id-585533.ilkley.irccloud.com)13:04
abortretryfailsorry, man 5 sway. See the "CRITERIA" section at the bottom. you can do things like swaymsg [con_id=foo] move position 300 2413:09
abortretryfailI knew there was a way to do it i just forgot because there's never any reason to do it.13:09
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)13:12
erleyeah okay so it's not possible to spawn a window13:19
erlejust to move it13:19
erleig this provides some flexibility, but ultimately is not what i want (i want hints, i will just have to wait)13:20
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)13:33
minuteerle: sway is the wrong wm for positioning windows in specific places. maybe check out wayfire14:02
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:02
minuteerle: also with wayfire you can just write a little decoration plugin that puts cats everywhere you want14:05
erlenever heard of wayfire, is this the thing that is like compiz fusion?14:06
erlelike i have seen some things where people made wayland windows very weird14:07
erlelike skewing them and so on14:07
erle“this is the backside of my terminal”14:07
erleit reminded me of compiz, but obviously it could not be compiz14:07
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)14:31
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)14:34
minuteerle: it is in the spirit of compiz. we ship a customized version in system image v4.14:39
Boostisbetterminute: how does one try out wayfire with the v4 system image?14:45
minuteBoostisbetter: one types "wayfire"14:58
minuteBoostisbetter: if you have upgraded an old system you'll need to do some tweaks though... do you have a fresh v4 sd card / system?14:59
minuteBoostisbetter: IIRC the most important pieces are: `apt install wayfire firedecor papirus-icon-theme` and `cp /etc/skel/.config/wayfire.ini ~/`. if you also want the new waybar setup, `cp /etc/skel/waybar/* ~/.config/waybar/`. i wrote these now from memory so might have missed something15:01
Boostisbetterok, need to look into it. Not sure what the advantages over Sway are. 15:02
erlepositioning windows in specific places15:02
minuteBoostisbetter: the most important thing is it's more of a traditional, floating windows (with border snapping) thing15:02
minuteit will feel more familiar if you come from windows, mac, kde, gnome 2, fvwm, openbox, ...15:03
minutealso recommended: `apt install dunst` and `cp -Rv /etc/skel/.config/dunst ~/`15:04
minute(for nice looking notifications)15:04
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:06
BoostisbetterBut you can still snap things to a similar grid layout like in Sway? Is it light weight like Sway?15:25
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~stites@
minuteBoostisbetter: it is based on the same compositor library wlroots. maybe slightly heavier. 15:29
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dc3:545:4935:e9c4:fad4:f984)15:29
Boostisbetterminute: thank you. I will look into, but I'm pretty content with sway. 15:31
BoostisbetterI like it a lot on the Reform. 15:31
+ aliosablack (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)15:32
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)15:33
+ Gooberpatrol_66 (~Gooberpat@2603-8080-4540-7cfb-0000-0000-0000-113a.res6.spectrum.com)15:33
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Changing host) (~Gooberpat@2603-8080-4540-7cfb-0000-0000-0000-113a.res6.spectrum.com)15:33
+ Gooberpatrol_66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)15:33
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)15:34
sevanfollowing on from WD firmware the other day, found this post on updating WD firmware on Linux https://community.frame.work/t/western-digital-drive-update-guide-without-windows-wd-dashboard/20616/515:36
sevanhaven't tried it yet.15:36
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dc3:545:4935:e9c4:fad4:f984)15:46
+ stites (~stites@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:59
+ jacobk (~quassel@
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:08
+ IchikaZou (~IchikaZou@36-231-76-229.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)16:14
Boostisbettersevan: I have. It works. 16:19
sevanBoostisbetter: that's great to hear16:20
Boostisbettersevan: yeah I used to run Ubuntu LTS on my Framework 13, but I got to a point where it was just easier for work and all to use Windows with WSL. Most of the applications I'm running on Windows (that has been locked down) are through WSL, but for me it is the best of both worlds. 16:23
sevanI actually want to try this out on my reform as I have a WD Black installed in it.16:24
abortretryfailHeh, I still have not tried Wayfire yet.16:25
* mark_ -> mjw16:28
IchikaZouWhat is maximum storage size support by pocket reform m.2 slot?16:29
sknebelprobably "the maximum you can buy"16:31
abortretryfailanything that fits in the slot? power consumption might be a limiting factor16:31
IchikaZouI got a 4TB ssd and my laptop can’t detect it, so might ask weather pocket reform would support it before return it.16:33
IchikaZouSome laptop seem to not support up to 4TB ssd, only 2TB.16:35
abortretryfailweird. does it say anything in dmesg or lspci about it?16:35
- aliosablack (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)16:36
IchikaZouNope. It can even detect by bios, but that ssd can be see on my desktop from bios and lsblk.16:37
IchikaZouIt can’t even detect by bios16:37
abortretryfailoh i see, you have something that is not a reform and it doesn't detect it16:39
IchikaZouI haven’t got my reform yet, the ssd only can’t be read by my old dell16:40
abortretryfailIf you boot the old dell into Linux, can you see it in lspci? it could just be the old dell's bios has no nvme support?16:41
abortretryfailor some kind of weird vendor-locking and that slot is only intended for a wwan card or something (I have a HP that is like this)16:41
IchikaZouI asked on dell forums and got the answers the some old dell models that only support up to 2TB16:42
abortretryfailright, so the BIOS doesn't know what to do with it, and you couldn't use it as a boot device. 16:43
abortretryfailThe Reform doesn't exactly have a "BIOS" 16:43
IchikaZouI see, pocket reform is my first arm machine so there are some stuff I don’t understand 16:44
+ pandora (uid585533@id-585533.ilkley.irccloud.com)16:46
IchikaZouGuess I don’t need to return that ssd.16:48
abortretryfailtry booting the dell off USB into linux and see if the ssd shows up in lspci and lsblk16:49
+ aliosablack (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)17:15
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
- aliosablack (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)17:49
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)17:49
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)17:55
minutei think 4TB SSD should just work but still need to try one myself.18:00
abortretryfailIt's all down to whether the Linux kernel supports it, right?18:03
+ eery (~eery@h210.3.55.139.dynamic.ip.windstream.net)18:18
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)18:55
- IchikaZou (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~IchikaZou@36-231-76-229.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)19:02
- violet (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~vi@user/violet)19:13
+ violet (~vi@user/violet)19:15
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)19:30
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
eeryDoes anyone know if the current A311D firmware/kernel support switching to HDMI output?19:41
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dcf:cc9b:5aee:fc9:75af:2def)19:43
- murphnj (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~murph@user/murphnj)19:47
- mlarkin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mlarkin@047-036-115-056.res.spectrum.com)19:51
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:54
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:57
* mark_ -> mjw19:57
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:57
abortretryfailuhh darn... apt upgrade on sid made my reform not boot. currently in chroot trying to fix it.20:00
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dcf:cc9b:5aee:fc9:75af:2def)20:00
+ stites (~stites@
+ mlarkin (~mlarkin@047-036-115-056.res.spectrum.com)20:03
abortretryfaillibpython3.11-testsuite fails to config, but i dont see what this has to do with booting... 20:04
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
Boostisbetterabortretryfail: are you using the normal imx8 SoC?20:21
BoostisbetterI'm on sid trixie and I have been updating a lot and have not had any issues. 20:22
abortretryfailyeah, normal imx8 encrypted nvme root20:22
abortretryfailbooted just fine off the latest system image v4 sdcard 20:23
abortretryfailbrb gonna reboot and try again20:23
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@
Boostisbetterabortretryfail: ahh ok, I'm not encrypted, maybe that matters. 20:24
eeryThe python thing sounds like a problem we ran into at work with updating sid a month or two ago20:24
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
Boostisbetterhonestly i've been very surprised with how stable sid has been in general20:36
Boostisbetterbut I don't feel the need to update too much. 20:36
- eery (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~eery@h210.3.55.139.dynamic.ip.windstream.net)20:36
BoostisbetterI kind of have the system working and resuming from suspend everytime perfectly. I don't want to mess that up. Hahahaha20:37
Boostisbetterflatpaks for the win. 20:37
+ eery (~eery@h210.3.55.139.dynamic.ip.windstream.net)20:47
- eery (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~eery@h210.3.55.139.dynamic.ip.windstream.net)20:55
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)20:57
vkoskivI found a servo with a dupont connector that might be suitable to create an adapter cable for UART21:00
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:03
+ eery (~eery@
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:11
vkoskivIs there a recommended way to poke at /dev/hidraw devices like the keyboard without running as root?21:15
vkoskivMy current approach is to just run as root just while I open the file, then drop root right away, and carry on21:16
vkoskivBut I don't want to write code that runs as root at all if I can avoid it21:16
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:18
- eery (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~eery@
Zabaadd a udev rule to set permissions on the /dev/hidraw file?21:35
vkoskivIs that an acceptable thing to do in a debian package?21:39
abortretryfailprobably not21:43
abortretryfaildoes anyone know what the heck this message means?21:44
abortretryfailmxsfb 30320000,lcd-controller: error -ENODEV: Cannot connect bridge21:44
abortretryfailDEBUG: ti_sn65dsi86_suspend skipped.21:45
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)21:55
abortretryfailoh that's the adapter that connects the internal display. weird.21:57
minuteabortretryfail: is this a fresh update from today?22:04
abortretryfailyes, this morning22:04
abortretryfaili did apt update; apt upgrade; the broken python package seems to be a red herring. I removed it 22:04
abortretryfailweird thing is, all of the kernels i have in the uboot menu say something similar about the edp bridge22:05
minuteabortretryfail: unfortunately i'm totally out of energy for today/this week so i can't immediately help, but the first thing i'd do is try to image an sd card from https://mnt.re/system-image and see if that wokrs22:05
minuteah, uboot menu... haven't tried that22:05
abortretryfaili have a system image booted and it works fine, so the hardware is OK22:05
minuteabortretryfail: you're getting this error on serial, i suppose?22:05
abortretryfailno, thats the last thing it writes to the LCD before it just stops.22:06
abortretryfaili dont have a ttl serial console handy 22:06
minuteah, well if it can write to the display this shouldn't be an issue then, probably can ignore it22:06
abortretryfaili can ignore it but the machine is still useless in that state :) 22:06
minuteit would be useful to see the effective kernel commandline22:06
minutemaybe you're bitten by the recent problem that the decryption question is on the serial console22:07
minutebecause the console= bootargs are the wrong way around or similar22:07
minuteah, you can try replacing boot.scr with the known good one:22:07
abortretryfailugh, maybe? i'll check that thanks22:07
minuteabortretryfail: https://community.mnt.re/t/reform-won-t-finish-booting/1675/1322:07
minutedownload this file, rename to boot.scr and put on the first partition of your sd card22:08
minutebut i'm not sure how it interacts with u-boot-menu, how did you set that up?22:08
minutei haven't personally tested the menu22:08
abortretryfaili dont remember, that was a couple months ago22:08
minuteok, sounds like that might be related22:09
abortretryfailcan i just edit the boot.scr file or is the binary gibberish in the top going to get upset?22:09
minuteyou cannot22:09
abortretryfailstinking ARM ecosystem i swear... :)22:09
minuteyou will have to convert it to a text file first and then recreate the gibberish with mkimage22:09
minutewell, uboot is to blame here ;(22:09
abortretryfailyeah, that's what i mean 22:09
minuteabortretryfail: mkimage -c none -A arm -T script -d boot.script boot.scr22:10
minutewhere boot.script is your plaintext "source" of boot.scr without the first binary line22:10
minuteok, will head home, this week has been really exhausting, good luck!22:11
vkoskivI have crafted the world's ugliest UART adapter cable :D22:14
vkoskivdupont -> 3x pins I can stick into my flipper zero's GPIO22:14
vkoskivThree hasty solder joints, individually wrapped in kapton + all three wrapped in more kapton22:14
vkoskivIt should work22:14
abortretryfailminute: thanks for pointin me in the right direction. Have a nice weekend.22:16
abortretryfailvkoskiv: !!! I dont have a TTL UART adapter but I *do* have a Flipper Zero. I totally forgot it could do that. Thanks for the reminder!22:16
vkoskivI guess the flipper shows up as /dev/ttyACM022:18
vkoskivNow I have to re-remember how to show serial links, I guess screen22:18
vkoskiv115200 baud I'll assume22:19
vkoskivYeah! it's working22:22
vkoskivAlright, I'll de-jank the setup a bit, then I can mess around with this22:22
abortretryfailI need to figure out how to edit the kernel cmdline from the u-boot prompt 22:23
abortretryfailbasically the only thing you ever need to do with your bootloader and u-boot makes it hard to do22:24
vkoskivThis reminds me that I haven't done anything with the 'hack the planet' connector yet. Have any of you?22:24
abortretryfailwhat are you going to add to the LPC? 22:25
vkoskivI don't know yet22:37
vkoskivAt the moment I'm setting up to see what happens when I go to suspend A311D22:38
vkoskivI'll modify the existing suspend script I guess, and go from there22:38
abortretryfailminute: u-boot-menu appears to be the culprit. I renamed /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf and its able to boot and prompts for cryptsetup on the console correctly.22:40
abortretryfailfor now i might just uninstall that... 22:40
Boostisbetterabortretryfail, 22:44
Boostisbetterabortretryfail, whew! Glad you got it working! 22:44
vkoskivkeyboard also works on uart, that means I hooked the pins up correctly22:45
vkoskivVery neat22:45
+ aliosablack (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)22:48
vkoskivFor the curious, here's me running suspend with nothing modified: https://mister-muffin.de/p/mIU-.txt22:55
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@
abortretryfailwhile logged in via the serial console?22:58
vkoskivSince I lose display + input on the thing22:59
abortretryfailI need to wire that up and see if i can get hibernate to work23:02
vkoskivYeah, hibernate is IMO even more valuable than suspend23:02
vkoskivThat was my MO for all the years I owned Macs. Super convenient to be able to turn it "off", and then all the state is there when I turn it back on23:03
abortretryfailits weird, i cant find good examples of working hibernate with Linux on ARM anywhere. I went digging last night 23:03
vkoskivThat's maybe an idea for the hack the planet connector. Some tiny reed switch to detect the lid closing :D23:03
abortretryfailworst default behavior ever, sleep on lid close :)23:04
abortretryfailwould be nice to have it kill the backlight though. that's a good idea23:04
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)23:05
minutevkoskiv: i recommend "tio" instead of screen. thank me later23:05
vkoskivAh, yeah, I always thought screen was just clunky to use23:06
vkoskivI'll give it a go after I'm done reading these logs :D23:06
vkoskivI have to put it into "copy mode" to be able to even scroll. And then surprise! The default scrollback is 1024 lines, because I probably have what, 32MB of RAM?23:06
minuteyes, exactly 23:06
minutetio doesn't have this issue23:06
minuteand tolerates disconnection of the adapter etc23:07
vkoskivthe earliest ddr training stuff comes from before u-boot, right? 23:07
minutefrom arm trusted firmware23:07
vkoskivAh, I see. And that runs the DDR training thing, is that a blob on this SoM too?23:08
minuteyes, funnily it's the same blob 23:09
abortretryfailwoah that auto-reconnect feature is killer23:09
minute(they licensed the same controller ip as imx8m)23:09
minutevkoskiv: looks like suspend/resume kind of just works?!23:10
vkoskivI mean, the display doesn't come back up, that's what I'm investigating23:10
vkoskivThe panel backlight does turn on23:10
vkoskivBut no picture23:10
vkoskivAnd it comes back up from suspend right away, I didn't wake it23:10
minutevkoskiv: probably i didn't nuke enough power off/reset/suspend things in the sn65dsi86 driver then23:11
vkoskivI haven't modified the sleep/suspend script yet, but I think right now that script just exits23:11
minutevkoskiv: i guess you have the debug uart as a wakeup source23:11
minuteso i would look into that first23:11
vkoskivIt happened before I hooked up UART too23:11
vkoskivBut I'll check23:11
minutehmm ok23:12
minutethere's some way to list all wakeup sources in the system23:12
vkoskivAre those ti_sn65 errors relevant to the display not coming back perhaps?23:12
vkoskivThat's the eDP adapter chip, is it not?23:12
minutevkoskiv: yes. as i said, not enough nuking of power off stuff in the driver23:13
vkoskivAh, okay.23:13
vkoskivSo I just flashed my SD card with the system image, I wonder what the most ergonomic solution is for testing things out?23:14
minutethis is what i did so far https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/blob/main/linux/patches/meson-g12b-bananapi-cm4-mnt-reform2/0018-sn65dsi86-never-turn-off.patch?ref_type=heads23:14
vkoskivI guess I can just dev on the SD card, can't I?23:14
minutesure can23:14
minutevkoskiv: grow the partition first23:14
vkoskivI'll grok this patch. Though is this in a module or do I have to cross-compile the whole kernel?23:15
vkoskivCool, so should be quick to iterate, then23:15
minutebut you have to set up a kernel build 23:15
minutei recommend getting the config from /boot23:16
vkoskivHow likely is the SD card fs to corrupt from repeated hard shutdowns from suspends gone awry23:16
minuteand clone roughly the same kernel version23:16
minuteput the config as .config in linux git23:16
vkoskivWill do, yeah, I remember doing that some time back on another system23:16
vkoskivThen make oldconfig, right?23:17
minuteand before building apply all patches23:17
vkoskivAlso that, yeah23:17
minutei never used make oldconfig... it should just work with make23:17
vkoskivDo I have to build the whole thing once? Or just build the module I want23:17
minuteyes build everything once i think 23:17
minuteuse a big computer:323:17
vkoskivHmm, so a cross-compiler toolchain build on big PC, then transfer it to the SD card?23:18
minutei think the goal is to have sn65dsi86 to never reset, power off, reinit etc23:18
minutevkoskiv: you can copy the .ko over the network23:19
vkoskivAh, that works.23:19
vkoskivshould be easy enough to set up cross-compilation, I'll get going on that23:19
minuteanother approach would be to fix all kernel bugs that happen when unloading the modules23:19
minuteso one could reload it...23:20
vkoskivYeah, are there many?23:20
minuteidk how many, but there are oopses23:20
vkoskivThese are just 3rd party modules? Or do you mean reform-specific ones?23:20
minutenot 3rd party at all23:20
minutemainline linux23:20
minutebut nobody tested them thoroughly i guess23:21
vkoskivAh, the reform things are in mainline too now?23:21
minutebut there are no reform specific modules23:21
vkoskivI know the device tree is in there23:21
minutewell ok23:21
vkoskivThe lpc driver is out of tree?23:21
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dcd:e247:3117:f970:e6:e12c)23:46
vkoskivHeh, just resizing the volume somehow borked /boot on the SD card23:54
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dcd:e247:3117:f970:e6:e12c)23:55
vkoskivWeird, it looks okay, mounts fine23:55
+ stites (~stites@2603:3005:b69:4100:ffbe:3c4e:c9c0:ad22)23:56
vkoskivMaybe bad contact. fsck'd it, now it boots23:56
joschvkoskiv: thank you for the typo you found in /usr/sbin/reform-standby -- i locally fixed the same thing in other scripts as well23:58

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