
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:15
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:19
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:34
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)00:41
- sevan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~sevan@user/venture37)00:53
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)01:01
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)01:03
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)01:09
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:05
abortretryfail vkoskiv did you figure out your speakers issue? i had to afk for work03:02
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)03:24
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~nicolas@63-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)04:06
+ nsc (~nicolas@132-48-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)04:08
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:10
+ b04 (~b0@leo.uberspace.de)04:10
- rah (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (rah@verain.settrans.net)04:12
- b0 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~b0@leo.uberspace.de)04:13
* b04 -> b004:13
- sevan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)04:13
+ rah (rah@verain.settrans.net)04:17
- murphnj (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~murph@user/murphnj)04:27
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)04:29
- sevan (QUIT: Changing host) (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)04:38
+ sevan (~sevan@user/venture37)04:38
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)05:25
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)06:17
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)06:20
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)06:22
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@
- doppler (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~doppler@user/doppler)07:31
+ doppler (~doppler@user/doppler)07:47
vkoskivabortretryfail: Not yet. Left speaker definitely has some signal, but it's much quieter than the right one07:52
vkoskivMy raytracer, c-ray, shows a live preview of tiles of the image being rendered, and I can actually see spot which ones are being rendered by the two A53 cores :D08:56
vkoskiv(It's a software raytracer, so CPU only)08:57
vkoskivI'm tracking solutions to some A311D issues here: https://community.mnt.re/t/tracking-known-issues-and-solutions-with-the-bpi-a311d-upgrade/168209:33
vkoskivMessage me to remind me of any I forgot, or post in the thread. I'll try to keep the OP updated.09:34
vkoskivWeird, I somehow managed to disable F1 and F209:46
vkoskivRest of the F-keys work normally09:46
vkoskivI was configuring htop, then it happened.09:46
vkoskivAnother thing I recently noticed, my DEL key has turned into the <> key.09:46
Boostisbettervkoskiv, thanks! 09:48
vkoskivI can't even adjust display brightness, but volume adjust works with mnt+F3/F409:49
minutevkoskiv: sounds like wrong kb fw version 09:50
vkoskivYeah, I think that might be it, I recently flashed it a few times when debugging my OLED changes09:51
vkoskivI have the v2, I think? And ANSI-US layout.09:52
vkoskivI'll reflash it after work09:52
vkoskivBut brightness control did work just a 30min ago, though. That's a separate issue maybe09:52
joschminute: the upload of python3.11 yesterday broke cross-building src:linux. I applied a workaround (disabling python extensions) so that at least things work again. Pipeline has succeeded but this is why things are only done today and not yet yesterday.09:57
vkoskivbtw has the reform-tools/boot.scr fix made it to the repo yet? I could try an apt upgrade to test09:57
vkoskivnot sure how apt deals with me having modified the files by hand though :D09:58
joschvkoskiv: it will have made it in about 2 minutes09:58
joschvkoskiv: the reason for the delay is my last message above09:59
joschvkoskiv: you can now apt upgrade10:00
joschversion 1.31 is in the repo10:00
vkoskivAlright, I'll give it a go. 10:00
minutejosch: no worries, thanks a lot for making it happen!10:06
minutei'll also upgrade myself10:06
joschi think i have a patch for linux now that makes it work again with perf10:06
vkoskivI still get pci=nomsi in my boot.scr10:14
joschvkoskiv: what is in your /etc/default/flash-kernel10:17
vkoskivLINUX_KERNEL_CMDLINE="console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1"10:21
vkoskivLINUX_KERNEL_CMDLINE_DEFAULTS="ro no_console_suspend cma=512M pci=nomsi cryptomgr.notests"10:21
vkoskivThese should both be "", right>10:21
joschvkoskiv: did you run reform-check?10:21
joschit will tell you about this10:21
joschif not, that's a bug i need to fix10:21
vkoskivYeah, it does warn about that.10:22
joschnice :)10:23
vkoskivI'll apply some of these suggestions10:23
joschthen you have your answer and i have some reassurance that this part of the tool works :)10:23
joschvkoskiv: if you have questions about the stuff it prints, please tell so that i can clarify the messages around it10:24
vkoskivWill do10:24
joschmy goal is, that if somebody has a problem with their reform, they first should run reform-check and ideally in 90% of the cases, the problem will be obvious from its output10:24
joschthat is easier than to ask everybody who has a problem the same X questions every time :)10:25
vkoskivYeah, just haven't gotten in the habit yet, I'll run that first going forward10:25
joschmost of what reform-check does these days is to clean up baggage from earlier days of sysimage10:25
joschi think we are in a much better state now because only very few things still get put into /etc by reform-system-image10:26
minutejosch: hmm, after upgrading reform-tools, bootargs is still at the beginning of the strings in boot.scr. will run flash-kernel manually now10:30
joschminute: i don't understand -- can you pastebin your boot.scr?10:31
minutehmm no, the source file in 00reform2_ubootenv is still old10:31
joschminute: maybe you have /etc/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv on your system?10:32
minutejosch: https://source.mnt.re/-/snippets/410:33
minutejosch: no, i have an old /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv10:33
joschif your /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv is old, why does your boot.scr contain this at the end:10:34
minutelooks like upgrade didn't work10:34
joschsetenv bootargs "${bootargs} console=tty1"10:34
joschthat line is only part of the new 00reform2_ubootenv, no?10:34
minutejosch: ahhhh sorry10:34
joschis it the same problem as vkoskiv had?10:34
minutejosch: i didn't see that10:34
joschyou have a line above10:34
joschminute: maybe you should also try running reform-check? ;)10:34
minutehehe yes. so in my memory the fix looked different10:35
minuteuser error in this case10:35
minutei'll reboot10:35
vkoskivPEBRAC? :D10:35
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@vps.buckket.org)10:35
+ buckket (~buckket@vps.buckket.org)10:36
minutehmm, having some boot issues today10:36
minutefreezing after "new SDIO card..."10:37
vkoskivI get that too, if I have pci=nomsi in /boot/boot.scr10:37
minuteuh oh10:37
vkoskivI guess it's not the serial issue, rather the nvme not working? At least in my case10:37
minuteah yes, damnnn10:37
minutei am still too tired for upgrades10:38
vkoskivmkimage time10:38
minutei forgot to nuke old setenv stuff10:38
vkoskivOr I can give you a boot.scr10:38
minuteyep, but no other computer at home10:38
minutelater in office then10:38
minutewell, i have an sx-64 with turbo chameleon10:39
minutebut it doesn't have a hex editor for ext2 sd cards 10:39
joschminute: what do you think about adding udev rules to reform-tools which add symlinks in /dev that point to what sd and emmc are, depending on the platform?10:42
joschi mean even on the imx i'm always worried to accidentally dd into my emmc instead the sd card10:42
joschwould be more obvious if i could just dd to /dev/sdcard, for example10:42
joschi'd just have to come up with udev rules that do the right thing10:42
minutejosch: hmm, somehow strange that there isn't a solution for this already10:45
joschwhat solution would you have expected?10:45
joschvkoskiv: do things work now for you?10:46
vkoskivI guess flash-kernel is the one that replaces boot.scr? I'll try running that?10:49
vkoskivlooks right now, I'll try rebooting10:50
vkoskivYup, works now10:51
joschthen i'll now be afk for a bit10:52
joschyou all know what i'm going to do now10:52
joschso wish me luck :)10:52
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)10:54
vkoskivminute: Adding a mention to not try to flash EMMC, what was the thing needed to recover if that goes wrong?10:58
vkoskivSome kind of debug adapter for the SoM?10:58
vkoskivAh, the io adapter. Added a bold note to not try messing with EMMC for the time being.11:13
minutevkoskiv: either rpi cm4io or the little base board from banana pi11:21
vkoskivWhat is actually on the EMMC currently? Flashing it can render it unbootable, right?11:24
minutevkoskiv: i think there's nothing on it11:49
minutevkoskiv: if you flash a bootloader to the boot area it will probably always boot from there and you lose the ability to boot from sd card11:50
minuteexcept if you erase that bootloader again11:50
minutebut imagine you have a crashy bootloader there with no ability to boot linux or to erase itself... then you'll have a brick11:51
Boostisbetterminute: was it hard finding a place to manufacturer the aluminum body of the Reform and Pocket Reform? Did you ever think that it could all just be in a 3d printed enclosurer?11:52
+ reform4815 (~josch@ip2504e72f.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)11:55
reform4815hello from ls1028a :)11:56
BoostisbetterHello! 11:59
reform4815ah on ls1028a, mmcblk0 and mmcblk1 are also the other way round11:59
Boostisbetterminute: and are you aware of a wifi / bt that works in the reform with the imx8 so? 12:03
Boostisbetterminute: and are you aware of a wifi / bt that works in the reform with the imx8 soc? 12:03
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:12
reform4815minute: how does booting on the ls1028a work? can i write u-boot to /dev/mmcblk1boot0 with the correct offset and the board will load u-boot from there instead of the sd-card?12:19
reform4815i see that there are no partitions on /dev/mmcblk1 -- is having /boot on emmc supported on ls1028a?12:20
- reform4815 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~josch@ip2504e72f.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)12:26
minuteswedish kbd layout, any comments? https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/111/181/899/424/489/242/original/f6f656a40d103e54.png12:28
minuteBoostisbetter: what's the real question behind the enclosure question?12:32
minuteBoostisbetter: and i'm not aware of a combo wifi/bt that works over mpcie12:32
minutedamn, missed josch on the ls1028a12:42
Boostisbetterminute: I am asking because I am looking at ordering an aluminum enclosure and I was just curious if you felt it was hard to find a place that could make it for you in bulk. 12:44
joschback at imx8mq12:45
minuteBoostisbetter: not particularly hard.12:49
joschminute: do you agree that the default system image should include something like neofetch/hyfetch to be able to show off a new installation with a screenshot easily?12:49
minuteBoostisbetter: you can use hubs.com but make sure to select "cosmetic" 12:49
minutejosch: how was it on ls1028a??12:49
minutejosch: also, no emmc boot at the moment, sorry. not without hw modification on the module12:50
Boostisbetterminute: thanks. I am just really impressed by the quality of MNT products. I figured it was hard to find a place to do iti at that quality level. 12:50
joschminute: okay, so just as with a311d, emmc should remain empty?12:51
minutejosch: no, you can fill it up with stuff. it will always boot from sd card. 12:51
minutejosch: if you look closely on the module i removed level shifter chip D9 and soldered a 0 ohm resistor on it to set all the bootcfg pins to 012:51
joschyou mean it will always load u-boot from sd-card12:51
joschbut then u-boot can loads /boot from emmc12:51
minutejosch: correct, correct.12:51
joschis u-boot for ls1028a already configured so that it searches emmc?12:52
minutejosch: hmm, not sure. i think you can access it from uboot at least. i haven't done much testing with emmc except for some perf tests in linux12:53
joschthen i'll have to investigate that at another point12:53
joschi'll make some notes in reform-flash-uboot (so that it explains why it shouldn't be used on ls1028a for emmc) and for reform-flash-rescue12:53
joschsome feedback:12:54
joschof course i cannot say anything about performance because i was only on sd-card so far :)12:54
joschthe worst part was putting in the two screws that go through the board itself12:54
joschi was very afraid i would break something12:54
minutejosch: yes, sorry for that12:54
joschokay, so that is known12:54
joschand i didn't do something horribly wrong then :)12:55
minutejosch: were the holes not fully aligned for you or just because of fiddliness?12:55
minutewhat we did now to make it match better with new MBs is actually sand off a bit of the module's card edge :312:55
minute(we're building a bunch of reforms that come with the module built-in)12:56
minutejosch: also, display worked, yes?12:56
joschbigger holes would probably help12:56
joschvisually it looked perfectly aligned12:56
minuteahh ok, thx12:56
joschbut from the force i had to put on the screwdriver, something was off12:56
joschmaybe not perfectly aligned, maybe holes too tiny12:56
minuteyep, ok12:57
joschbut both problems would probably be solved by making the holes a tiny bit bigger12:57
minuteagreed, and noted for if we ever make a second batch!12:57
joschbefore that happens, there are probably better boards out there, like the rockchip ones :)12:57
minuteyep, but they won't be fully oshw12:57
joschnext issue:12:58
joschthe display flickered a lot. pressed my finger on the eDP flat cable a bit and that resolved the issue12:58
Boostisbetterminute: I imagine for EU reasons, you kept sourcing that partner in the EU, but did you look outside the EU as well? Was the price difference, or quality similar?12:58
joschi probably have not connected the side at the eDP adapter board correctly12:58
joschbecause when i pressed the flat cable on that side, it fixed the flicker issue12:58
minuteBoostisbetter: all reform case parts were made in china by JPR12:58
Boostisbetterminute: and no worries if you don't feel like talking about this kind of thing here. I fully get it. 12:58
minuteBoostisbetter: i've also been recommended runze metal12:59
minuteBoostisbetter: they quoted slightly higher but i think they are fast and have good quality12:59
minutejosch: oh damn. normally this was solved just by the heatsink having contact with the cable. the cable was routed under the heatsink, yes?13:00
minutejosch: i wanted to get some FPC ferrites for the cable but the problem went away for me13:00
minutejosch: so i can still get those and send you some 13:00
joschsince touching the cable helped i thought it must've been the connector on the eDP adapter board that i maybe didn't put properly13:01
minutewürth elektronik offers them13:01
minutejosch: no, i think it's about shielding13:01
joschah okay13:01
minutejosch: by touching it you shield it a bit13:01
joschah right13:01
joschultimately, i want that board in my rack reform13:01
minuteok, there the DP cable will be different... or perhaps you'll use a gpu13:01
joschthis semester i'm giving classes so i need the hdmi output and thus i need to keep the imx in my reform for a bit longer13:01
joschyes, i'll use a gpu because i want hardware video decoding :)13:02
joschif it's about shielding, i can probably find something in the household that works well enough for the trial runs i'm doing here13:02
joschi want to fix reform-tools to play well with it but then it gets put into the rack reform once you sell those13:03
minutejust make sure not to short anything 👀13:03
joschuff, i had my fair amount of magic smoke13:03
minutehmm interesting https://www.we-online.com/de/components/products/WE-FSFS13:03
joschi was super careful now13:04
minutecool :D13:04
minutei'm really glad it worked for you13:04
joschi'm so happy it worked! :D13:04
minutethis module is rarer than the commodore 65 at the moment13:04
joschif you can give me some tips on how to make fitting the screws a bit easier, that would help13:04
joschi don't know if i'm brave enough to "sand off" something XD13:04
minuteyeah, so just do it like you did it, i would say13:04
joschoh and thank you for the trackball sensor that came as part of the order!13:04
minuteflat ferrites https://www.we-online.com/de/components/products/WE-FLAT13:04
minutejosch: ah, did you already put it to use?13:05
joschno, not yet13:05
minutevkoskiv: great a311d problems/diagnosis/solutions list btw, thanks for that13:05
joschnext i'll see if i can get u-boot to load /boot from emmc after having used reform-flash-rescue on it13:06
joschbut it will take a bit because i definitely want a second computer next to me to do that XD13:06
minuteyes, good call13:07
minuteputting mb2.5 in the shop is on my todo list and i'm getting closer to that task13:07
vkoskivThanks! If there's anything else to add, ping me13:07
vkoskivOr you can also edit the OP directly13:07
joschminute: the display cable is juuuust long enough to fit -- did you plan ahead for such an adapter when you chose its length?13:08
joschsame about the empty space next to the imx SoM -- that had to be planning for bigger boards in the future, no?13:08
minutejosch: about the empty space, yes, planned.13:09
minutethe display cable was more like luck and then trying to make the edp adapter as small as possible13:09
minutebut it was much more challenging for the rpi version13:10
minutehere's a pic of that (without THT connectors soldered) https://mastodon.social/@theawesomerandomness/11117811958386761813:10
minutethis has an STDP2600 hdmi-to-edp chip (which has a x86 core lol)13:10
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)13:11
joschno way XD13:11
minutei think it's a 80186 or sth13:11
joschsadly Boostisbetter just quit -- they asked me yesterday if i would ever want x86 in my reform :D13:11
minuteok, now i need to revisit what i need to delete to not get a dysfunctional boot.scr again on a311d13:13
joschminute: what do you think about neofetch or something similar in the default reform-system-image? if it was there i would've made a screenshot :)13:13
minuteah, /etc/default/flash-kernel13:13
joschminute: your last boot.scr looked like you had 13:13
joschyes, that13:13
joschreform-check will tell you about it13:13
minutejosch: ok so in my experience neofetch was outputting some wrong data on our modules 13:14
minutei'm now checking screenfetch and it looks better i think13:14
joschyeah, there are some forks13:15
minuteit correctly identifies the cortex cores and gpu 13:15
joschi think there are some directories it searches for a logo, so maybe the MNT logo could be displayed instead as well13:15
minuteoh nice13:15
minuteneofetch also shows wrong screen res... i'll show you a screenshot, one sec13:15
joschneofetch will soon leave debian13:16
joschsomebody is packaging hyfetch as neofetch was abandoned upstream13:16
minutei wanted to check hyfetch but alas it is not packaged yep13:16
joschthis is how the ls1028a looked like earlier: https://floss.social/@josch/11118211587712179213:17
joschokay, lets revisit the topic once hyfetch is available13:18
minuteahhh, awesome13:18
minuteneofetch vs screenfetch: http://dump.mntmn.com/screenshot-2023-10-05-13-15-57.png13:18
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)13:18
* mark_ -> mjw13:18
joschcan't wait to test its speed with the ssd :)13:18
mjwAll I can see are those really nice rainbow batteries. So nice!13:18
minutescreenfetch missing "Host" unfortunately13:18
joschmjw: i just had to change the sleeves because the eremit batteries used to ship with really ugly brown sleeves :D13:19
abortretryfailit can't figure out what compositor it is, just "wlroots wm" 13:19
minutejosch: ok hyfetch has the best output13:20
- marty_mcfly88 (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-7dac-14c7-19c1-fd5c.res6.spectrum.com)13:21
+ marty_mcfly88 (~quassel@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-7dac-14c7-19c1-fd5c.res6.spectrum.com)13:21
joschnice! :)13:22
mjwminute, so if you are looking for more items in the shop I vote for rainbow colored battery sleeves (with the MNT logo on them) :)13:23
minutemjw: hehe13:23
joschmjw: i have leftovers! you want some?13:24
joschsleeves are cheap but only came in packs of 10 for each color13:24
joschso i have a bunch still sitting around here13:24
joschand sending a letter anywhere should be super cheap :)13:25
minutejosch: btw is that intenso disk SATA or still NVMe?13:30
mjwACTION had no idea 18650 battery sleeves were a thing but searching for it there are so many, so much color! :)13:32
vkoskivmjw: I think they are quite popular among custom vaporizer enthusiasts13:33
vkoskivThose tend to take plain 18650 cells13:33
joschminute: that intenso drive is sata13:33
joschwhy do you ask?13:34
joschmy pci nvme is a wester digital blue13:34
minutejosch: ah! did it show up?13:35
joschi unfortunately forgot to test that XD13:35
mjwjosch, so thanks, but I might look around first to see what other patterns are on the market!13:36
joschsure! :)13:36
joschi also had never imagined that i'd browse websites for vaping supplies but then i got the reform XD13:37
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
abortretryfailOkay, so this is bonkers. Since the deep drain it did on Sunday and recovery on Monday, I haven't once seen the ???% on the battery meter14:10
+ theesm (2cbdf4b38a@2604:bf00:561:2000::11c8)14:29
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:27
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:08
- erle (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then Putin can not legally invade your nation without your consent.) (~erle@ip5f5bf349.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)16:10
+ erle (~erle@2a02:8109:da40:c4:d1c7:e4b3:e255:70a3)16:10
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)16:23
vkoskivRecompiled keyboard fw with REFORM_KBD_OPTIONS=-DKBD_VARIANT_2_US and now my del key is working17:05
vkoskivAlso F1 and F2 are back in business17:05
- qbit (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.8) (~qbit@h.suah.dev)17:09
Boostisbettervkoskiv, that is great to hear. So basically the Reform is fully working now? 17:11
vkoskivYeah, I can use it normally now. The remaining stuff, mostly the somewhat slow WiFi + left speaker being quiet are not things that affect me much.17:12
Boostisbetterthe speaker on the left being quiet might be some in the alsamixer, or you have a loose wire to that speaker. My left speaker was the same way. I had to resolder the positive wire to the speaker. 17:14
Boostisbetterthe speaker on the left being quiet might be something in the alsamixer, or you have a loose wire to that speaker. My left speaker was the same way. I had to resolder the positive wire to the speaker. 17:14
vkoskivI already checked all the mixers I could find - not the issue.17:16
vkoskivHaven't checked wiring yet, but I also haven't touched it17:16
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)17:20
+ qbit (~qbit@h.suah.dev)17:21
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)18:18
abortretryfailvkoskiv: if you got the latest commit, there's now home/end on hyper+left and hyper+right too18:25
abortretryfailso happy about that. I was missing those keys.18:25
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)18:35
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:3058:3f83:72fd:e49a:2543)18:49
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:3058:3f83:72fd:e49a:2543)19:06
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:3058:3f83:72fd:e49a:2543)19:07
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:3058:3f83:72fd:e49a:2543)19:08
+ stites (~stites@
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)19:44
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)20:01
vkoskivMine doesn't seem to do that20:10
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@
erlewayland apologists, what's the current hacky workaround to position a window at specific coordinates?20:12
erleyes, i know it is not officially supported20:13
vkoskivAlso interested in this, coincidentally.20:13
erlei have also read some issues and the hostility from some people to this is super weird20:13
Boostisbettervkoskiv, neither did I. it is a consequence of opening and closing the screen. The wire is real tight. After resoldering it, I haven't had any issue. 20:17
vkoskivI'll check it out, then. Easy enough fix.20:17
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:47
* mark_ -> mjw20:47
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:47
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
bkeysminute: https://milkv.io/mars-cm21:05
bkeysPleasw tell me this can theoretically work21:05
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
erledoes anyone have x11 running on their reform 2?21:35
joschThere are some. It supposedly works using /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-reform-etnaviv.conf from the reform-tools package.21:38
joschoh and maybe this /etc/X11/xorg.conf is needed:21:40
joscherle: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/blob/main/etc/X11/xorg.conf?ref_type=heads21:40
erlei was told that “the hacky workaround” for window placement is using X1121:41
bkeysI don't have anything against wayland but the people who are for it are devout about it21:43
bkeysAnd it seems any criticism levied about wayland it's like you are insulting their god21:44
+ jacobk (~quassel@
abortretryfailisn't window position up to the compositor? 21:47
BoostisbetterI think wayland makes a lot of sense from a technical standpoint. But I can see how X is still very important. 21:49
erleabortretryfail that's the same on X11 for the window manager21:49
erlethe problem is that the application *may* know better21:49
abortretryfailMy favorite is the ones that know better and draw themselves off the screen entirely. :)21:49
erlesay you have a multi-window application that wants to position new windows so they do not overlap existing ones or so that they pop up in specific places21:50
erlei don't even know how somethink like xneko would be done on wayland21:50
erleyou know oneko?21:50
abortretryfailyup, that's exactly the kind of apps that draw themselves totally off-screen in my experience.21:50
abortretryfaillike GIMP's old UI 21:51
erleyou can still have that gimp ui21:51
abortretryfailYaeh I know, but it's not the default anymore.21:51
erleand yes i know many apps suck here21:52
erlebut there are legit reasons to do it21:52
erleand all i found so far is the wayland guards making fun of people requesting it21:52
erlei mean i get it, X11 is not good from a design POV, but feature parity with X11 is kinda desired21:53
erleat least by some21:53
erle(e.g. me)21:53
abortretryfailYeah, people won't be satisfied until every single design defect of X11 has reached parity. That's sort of the hazard of replacing anything.21:53
erlethat's trivially false21:53
erlepeople want features, not design defects21:54
erlei.e. i want a lockscreen, not “exactly the same as xscreensaver”21:54
abortretryfailerle: the problem is when people can't tell the difference, like how Zoom does screen sharing.21:54
abortretryfailI think there's a way for the *user* to configure Sway to make certain windows floating and go to a specific location.21:55
erlei would say X11 is very about mechanisms and leaves the policy open to other stuff (like a window manager)21:55
abortretryfailThat'd qualify for hacky workaround, right?21:55
erlewayland starts with the policy and reverse-engineers the necessary mechanisms from that21:55
erleabortretryfail no that does not work because where the window might need to be can be context-sensitive21:55
abortretryfailWhen X11 has a mechanism like "Let any client mess with any other client's window and input" the WM has very little say in the matter about policy.21:55
erleand so xdotool exists21:56
erlebut regardless of the merits of both approaches, you see they are different21:56
erlebefore wayland gets a mechanism you must convince the devs the policy makes sense21:56
erleother way around for X1121:57
abortretryfailRight, some kind of voluntary policy compliance. Idk this has been beat to death and everyone who wants X11 back just looks at it as a feature.21:59
abortretryfailVoluntary policy doesn't stop keyloggers and RATs :)21:59
abortretryfailIf your app is dead set on moving itself around you could tell the compositor to do it. man sway-ipc22:05
erleabortretryfail the problem here is that yes, some compositors have facilities22:10
erlebut i think one really would want a wayland protocol22:10
erlewhich will come eventually22:11
erlebut it is not here now22:11
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@
abortretryfailI knew you were trolling the moment you said "apologists" but you've got your hacky workaround now22:11
erlei am not trolling22:12
erleapologia is a formal written defense22:12
erledefending something you believe in22:12
erlealso if i don't write stuff like that, people will be like “use X11” which i can figure out myself22:13
erlei mean i can figure out myself that that is one option22:13
erleabortretryfail do you have an example of using sway-ipc to spawn a window on a specific place? i never used it22:14
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)22:22
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@199.226-24.cm.ptn.tftn.dynamic.friendlycity.net)22:32
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
* bkeys1 -> bkeys22:34
+ pandora (uid585533@id-585533.ilkley.irccloud.com)22:35
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)22:45
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@athedsl-368454.home.otenet.gr)22:48
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:3058:3f83:72fd:e49a:2543)23:09
- ethulhu (QUIT: Excess Flood) (ethulhu@nora.ethulhu.co.uk)23:13
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:3058:3f83:72fd:e49a:2543)23:24
+ stites (~stites@

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