
minutevkoskiv: i wanted to ask you how up-to-date your debian packages were on the rootfs00:00
minutethat's why i wrote to apt update and apt upgrade earlier 00:00
joschonly reform-tools 1.29 and later contain the a311d bootargs00:00
jjblissI thought I had upgraded everything through apt00:01
minuteand this is also why i want a good migration wizard tool... because not even experienced users can remember all the steps and checks that are needed00:01
joschat the absolute minimum, there should be a documented list of steps -- it's just too much to keep in mind for something one does only once or twice :)00:01
minutejosch: yep00:01
minutejjbliss: could you re-image the sd card and mount that nvme rootfs again and check if /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv is there?00:02
vkoskivminute: I ran a update+upgrade right before going about this00:02
jjblissminute: I'll do that00:02
joschjjbliss: maybe you did but then something else must've gone wrong. The lines "# setenv kernel_addr_r" and around that are not part of reform-tools anymore and indicate an older version00:03
minutejosch: also, you were right about the need to make the uboots set all the required bootargs00:03
joschminute: because of the btrfs reated forum post you mean?00:03
vkoskivSeriously? I pull out a random ugly 2013 Asus and it's running WINDOWS XP?00:03
minuteyeah but also now... if uboot-a311d would have set all the nvme related args, this wouldn't have happened also00:04
minutes/would have/had00:04
vkoskivOkay, an old thinkpad. This should have something reasonable on there00:04
joschindeed. i think reform-a311d-uboot does set the special cmdline: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-a311d-uboot/-/blob/main/bananapi-cm4-mnt-reform2_defconfig?ref_type=heads#L8600:05
minuteah, and jjbliss' boot.scr does: setenv bootargs "ro no_console_suspend cma=512M pci=nomsi ${bootargs} console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1"00:05
vkoskivThinkpad runs Arch, but has no SD slot00:05
minutemaybe the pci=nomsi is the culprit here though00:06
minutevkoskiv: usb sd card reader?00:07
joschminute: but pci=nomsi would be overwritten by a311d-specific pci=pcie_bus_perf so should not be an issue as later values override earlier ones, no?00:07
vkoskivNah, I'll pull out the boring option, a MacBook with a USB-C dongle00:07
jjblissOk, I'm booting up a freshly imaged sdcard00:08
minutejosch: i don't think that's necessarily how it works... at least some options can be specified multiple times00:08
joschcould be. i'm not sure.00:08
minutevkoskiv: not sure if we migrated the boot partition from fat to ext2 though which the mac won't handle00:09
joschanyways, i have to head off to bed now00:09
joschgood luck to you two!00:09
minutejosch: n8n8!00:09
joschi'll read the backlog tomorrow :)00:09
joschgood night :)00:09
vkoskivLooks like macOS doesn't understand linux volumes00:10
vkoskivI think my desktop has USB-C somewhere...00:10
jjblissjosch:  Thanks and goodnight!00:10
vkoskivOkay, hooked up now.00:11
jjblissso, /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv is there on my nvme00:11
jjblissit's looking for u200 though00:12
minutejjbliss: that's fine, also this whole code is expected to show up in boot.scr00:12
minutejjbliss: i.e. it should be included in there, but it's not00:12
vkoskivErm, bunch of I/O errors on this SD card00:12
vkoskivWilling to bet it's the crappy USB-C dongle though00:12
vkoskivYeah, linux hid the volumes on there after trying to mount, it's not happy00:13
vkoskivOof owie, how can this be so hard00:13
vkoskivOkay, now it mounted00:14
vkoskivI just unplugged the card and put it back in00:14
vkoskiv/boot/boot.scr, yeah?00:14
minutevkoskiv: well, boot.scr from the first partition00:14
vkoskivI think this is it here00:15
minuteyep, same problem, the code is missing00:15
vkoskivCan I append it in here while it's mounted?00:15
minutevkoskiv: well, kind of. unfortunately boot.scrs have some binary junk at the beginning that must be correct00:16
minuteit's like a checksum or something00:16
vkoskivAh, I found instructions on ubuntuwiki00:17
minutebut one can replace it with the boot.scr from the original image00:17
vkoskivStrip the header, then append it back at the end?00:17
minuteok you have two options:00:17
minute1. copy to boot.scr.txt, remove the header, alter the file, use a tool (mkimage) to bake it into boot.scr again00:17
minute2. extract the known good boot.scr from the downloaded system image00:18
vkoskivI'll go with 200:18
minuteok. i'm downloading the image too on my laptop to see how to extract it00:19
vkoskivgunzipping here00:19
vkoskivI think a loop device mount will work00:20
minutestackoverflow says > sudo losetup -Pf disk_image.raw00:20
vkoskivGot it!00:21
vkoskivsudo mount -o loop,offset=4194304 reform-system-a311d.img yee/00:21
vkoskivThen just copy this boot.scr to the actual sd /boot?00:22
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:1fe3:e61a:30b8:bd10:dac3)00:22
minutevkoskiv: yes00:22
+ stites (~stites@
minutevkoskiv: keep it open for later. 00:22
vkoskivAh, vimdiff does indeed show the missing stuff00:22
minutevkoskiv: the mount from the disk image file i mean00:23
minuteso flash-kernel messes up somehow... i wonder why/how00:23
vkoskivnow umount the sd card and try boot?00:23
minutevkoskiv: yep!00:23
jjblissyup, the original on my reflashed image has the stuff in there.00:23
minutejjbliss: in your case it won't boot from the nvme now though because you also restored the default initramfs, which in turn contains the fstab (and maybe crypttab) that tell it to mount the nvme00:24
vkoskivdifferent things are happening on boot00:24
minutevkoskiv: aha?00:24
jjblissMy nvme is unencrypted, so I don't have to worry about that at least00:25
vkoskivDetected keyboard and mouse, now stuck again00:25
vkoskivLet's see if it's the nvme error, waiting00:25
jjblissflash-kernel is what creates the boot.scr, right?00:25
minutejjbliss: as far as i know, yes00:25
minutemaybe vagrantc can chime in here00:26
vkoskivSo the new text is mostly USB logs, detecting those devices. Didn't have that before, I think00:26
vkoskivBut it's def. stuck doing something now00:26
jjblissI can run update-initramfs -u from my chroot, but leave the boot.scr alone.00:26
vkoskivat +8.23s from boot00:26
minutevkoskiv: sounds a bit like https://community.mnt.re/t/reform-won-t-finish-booting/1675/200:26
minutejjbliss: back the boot.scr up first00:26
minutejjbliss: i think update-initramfs -u will also run flash-kernel00:27
jjblissI've created a boot.scr.original for reference00:27
vkoskivminute: yeah, same exact spot is where this is stuck00:27
vkoskivexcept mine got there a bit quicker :D00:27
vkoskiv8.3s vs 9.300:27
minutevkoskiv: ok, so maybe there's something messed up in our latest initramfs. which is not good TM00:28
minutevkoskiv: person in forum suggests ctrl+alt+f2. does that do anything?00:28
minute(i kinda doubt it)00:28
vkoskivNope, nothing happens00:28
sevanis the partition mark active?00:29
jjblissokay, I've run update-initramfs and reverted the boot.scr00:29
vkoskivsevan: On mine? How do I check?00:30
jjblissanything else I should do before unmounting everything and restarting?00:30
minutejjbliss: i think not00:30
jjblissI'll give it a try then00:30
sevanvkoskiv: does fdisk indicate?00:31
minutevkoskiv: before i've debugged this in depth (like, tomorrow) i fear the only reasonable thing is to revert the initramfs (or the whole sd card) as well00:31
vkoskivI can't invoke fdisk, no shell00:31
minutesevan: isn't that an old MBR thing? is that still a thing?00:32
vkoskivSure, so just flash the SD card from a downloaded image?00:32
minutenormally initramfs should just mount / as per what is in its /etc/fstab00:32
jjblissIt's booted into my nvme system!00:32
minutejjbliss: oh nice!00:32
jjblissEverything looks to be working00:32
vkoskivI'm fine continuing debugging tomorrow, it's been an enjoyable night of hardware goodness already00:32
minutevkoskiv: maybe the fstab is not correct00:32
sevanminute: absolutely ancient DOSism. lives on in the arm world for steering where u-boot is.00:33
minuteif it works for jjbliss but not for you, that is probable00:33
vkoskivI didn't change the fstab, I observed it and thought it looked reasonable00:33
vkoskivBut I can pull it up if you want00:33
minutevkoskiv: yes, can you show it to me? it's still possible it needs a different device on a311d 00:33
jjblissvkoskiv: you are switching from emmc to sdcard for boot right?00:33
sevanvkoskiv: perhaps ignore my suggestion.00:33
vkoskivIt's on the nvme, right? I was using emmc to boot, now SD00:33
minutevkoskiv: yes. relevant is from where you ran update-initramfs00:34
vkoskivinside chroot00:34
minutevkoskiv: that will look at /etc/fstab and copy it in the initramfs00:34
minutevkoskiv: so if /etc inside your chroot was on your nvme, it'll be that00:34
vkoskivOkay, so I'll flash up this SD card, boot again from that, mount luks and look at the fstab00:34
jjblissmy nvme isn't using encryption, so a good chance your issue is related to that in some way00:35
minuteah yes, so also check /etc/crypttab vkoskiv 00:35
vkoskivOkay, just a minute00:35
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat242016.utdallas.edu)00:36
minutevkoskiv: you can also unpack the initrd on that (problematic) sd card and look at what is in its /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab00:36
jjblissthanks for the help everyone!00:36
minutejjbliss: you're welcome, i'm glad it works for you00:36
minutevkoskiv: it is also possible that it wanted you to unlock the nvme on another console, for example on serial00:36
vkoskivWe will soon find out, is that configured in crypttab or something?00:37
minuteno, not sure how that is selected tbh00:37
vkoskivFlashing SD00:37
minutebut for me everything is on the display console00:37
minuteok, i need to go to bed soon... sorry we didn't find an instant solution vkoskiv, but at least some good insights and the hw seems to be working per se00:39
vkoskivYeah, that's fine, we'll continue tomorrow00:40
vkoskivI'll just grab the fstab and head to bed too then00:40
minuteand crypttab00:40
sevanminute: it was still a thing in 2022? slide 11 & 12 https://bootlin.com/pub/conferences/2022/elce/opdenacker-implementing-A-B-system-updates-with-u-boot/opdenacker-implementing-A-B-system-updates-with-u-boot.pdf00:41
sevanperhaps invalid in the context of Reform?00:42
vkoskivfstab says /dev/reformvg/root / auto errors=remount-ro 0 100:43
vkoskiv/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot auto errors=remount-ro 0 100:43
vkoskivcrypttab has 'reform_crypt UUID=<long UUID> none luks,discard'00:43
vkoskivSo I have lvm on luks00:44
vkoskivOh, the fstab also has a UUID line at the end: 'UUID=<long uuid> none swap sw 0 000:44
sevanminute: n/m, gnite :)00:47
vkoskivpast bedtime here too, night!00:49
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat242016.utdallas.edu)00:56
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)01:04
minuteseveral people have issue booting with encrypted nvme https://community.mnt.re/t/reform-won-t-finish-booting/1675/5 cc josch01:30
minutebut need to sleep now, debugging tomorrow01:30
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:1fe3:e61a:30b8:bd10:dac3)01:35
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)01:55
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dca:1fe3:e61a:30b8:bd10:dac3)01:58
+ stites (~stites@
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:06
+ Gooberpatrol_66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)02:10
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)02:12
- sevan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~sevan@user/venture37)02:12
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)02:13
- xktr (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~xktr@2602:fe3d:c01:10ca:1050:1ace:0:b)02:13
+ xktr (~xktr@2602:fe3d:c01:10ca:1050:1ace:0:b)02:14
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)02:16
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)02:18
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:19
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)02:22
- sevan (QUIT: Changing host) (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)02:23
+ sevan (~sevan@user/venture37)02:23
jjblissFigured out the issue with boot.scr I had.  the old 00reform2_ubootenv still exist in /etc which takes precedence over the new ones in /usr/share02:26
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)02:28
jjblissI think that was it anyways02:28
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid609314@user/ajr)02:28
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~nicolas@128-48-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:09
+ nsc (~nicolas@63-97-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:11
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:10
joschjjbliss: that is a good point! This file needs to be removed before moving over to a different SoM that needs some special boot options.07:23
+ jacobk (~quassel@
joschlet me also document that this is how one can overwrite /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv if one really wants to07:29
joschminute: i am on latest linux kernel and reform-tools from the mnt repo and it boots just fine for me with encrypted nvme08:38
josch(that's the good news)08:38
joschthe bad news: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=105254708:43
vkoskivOh, is it a debian issue then? :O08:49
BoostisbetterYou know if the rpi5 does a compute version it seems like it would be a perfect candidate for the Reform. Rtc means it can do sleep now and it has an expose pcie lane for the nvme as well. 08:54
joschBoostisbetter: but it does need active cooling if you want its full performance :)09:06
joschvkoskiv: you ran into this, right?09:07
joschvkoskiv: when you had upgraded all your packages, did you reboot?09:07
joschor did you just power off your system and started the migration?09:07
Boostisbetterjosch: indeed! It will run without it but big throttling then. 09:07
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)09:13
vkoskivjosch: I might have just shut down after upgrading09:40
vkoskivIn fact, yes, I did just shut down.09:40
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)09:40
joschokay, bummer09:43
joschif you had rebooted, the problem would've shown on imx09:43
joschand then we'd know for sure that your problem is not related to your SoM upgrade09:43
vkoskivYeah. I'm not worried about issues with my particular nvme, since it works perfectly when booted from the fresh SD card and mounting it manually09:44
vkoskivThe random old Intel SSD I had before this was doing it randomly during normal use, just froze for a moment09:45
joschvkoskiv: but just as i've said in https://community.mnt.re/t/reform-won-t-finish-booting/1675/9 it would be useful to have the last lines of  /var/log/apt/history.log to see which packages you upgraded that broke your system09:45
joschi'm now afk for a few hours09:46
vkoskivI'll grab that info soon09:46
vkoskivSame, work stuff09:46
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)10:03
* mark_ -> mjw10:04
minuteok so after more than a month of delay and me asking and begging, i got an answer from nxp via the distributor that they can't release the ls1028a chips because i didn't print the "EUS" form on paper containing our letterhead11:00
vkoskivThat's so lame11:27
vkoskivIs that some sort of legal requirement then?11:28
Boostisbetterminute: is the pocket able to use a nvme and a cellular m2 based card at the same time? 11:33
- iank (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in) (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)12:00
+ iank (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)12:01
minuteBoostisbetter: sure12:05
minuteapropos https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11117199611903737012:05
BoostisbetterOk, for some reason I was thinking the newer Imx8 only had a single PCIe lane available. 12:05
Boostisbetterso the additional m2 slot would not be functional as on the Reform itself, but I guess the cellular modem isn't using the pcie lane?12:06
minuteBoostisbetter: modem is usb, not pcie12:07
Boostisbetterminute: wunderbar MB12:08
Boostisbetter*wunderbar! 12:09
joschminute: wait, so the chips you bought for the remaining ls1028a customers will not be delivered??12:27
joschah i now read the answer to my question on mastodon... uff...12:31
minutejosch: well, i can send that document again12:44
minuteit's just very painful delays12:45
minutei need to make paper with a letterhead.... can't believe this is 202312:45
sknebelthat still seems to be the "answer" to "how can we verify companies globally" in many cases :/12:48
sknebel(whatever exactly it is supposed to "verify")12:48
joschminute: maybe you can send them a fax instead ;)12:54
joschi'm currently writing out the rescue image to two sd-cards and then i'll try upgrading cryptsetup-initramfs and see if i get the same error12:55
minutejosch: unfortunately i don't have any direct contacts12:56
minutejosch: i'll do a similar thing, i'll sidegrade my personal reform with a311d now to the official /boot stuf12:56
joschminute: it doesn not help that neither you nor me are running a vanilla setup XD12:56
minuteyep, shame, shame (on me)12:57
joschi've added some additional things to the reform-check utility in my reform-tools MR12:57
joschi discovered some more ancient leftovers of sysimage-v3 on my system that can be removed now12:57
joschideally reform-check should not output anything on sysimage-v4 but i don't think that's the case right now12:58
minute> 2539 packages can be upgraded13:01
minuteguess i didn't update in a while13:01
joschit's customary that after a stable release happened *everybody* uploads major packaging updates for their packages again :)13:02
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb91:dcf:5280:3352:40b4:9f34:deb7)13:16
- iank (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in) (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)13:25
+ iank (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)13:27
joschhuh weird13:37
joschi just upgraded cryptsetup-initramfs to the latest version from unstable (2:2.6.1-5) but i still booted successfully from nvme13:38
joschso it must be another package that introduced the breakage13:38
joschthis makes sense because 2:2.6.1-5 did not change anything that should the boot process fail (the change was very minimal)13:38
joschminute: are you able to reproduce it?13:38
vkoskivI'll try to grab my apt log soon13:50
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)13:54
joschyes, if everybody who is affected by this problem could share the last bits of their apt log it should be easy to figure out the offending package13:59
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:02
- S0rin (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)14:05
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)14:22
minutejosch: apparently i have unmerged /bin and /usr/bin :D14:23
minute(apt complains)14:24
minutenow running update-initramfs again14:24
minuteok my boot.scr was generated wrongly14:24
minutedeleting /etc/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv14:25
minutejosch: i can reproduce14:27
minutemy system hangs after start of device-mapper14:27
minutei will do some serial debugging later, but there is a lot going on here today14:27
minuteso first have to take care of some other stuff in the office14:27
joschdid you upgrade all 2539 packages at once?14:27
minutejosch: yes14:27
joschwell, it's somewhere amongst those! XD14:28
joschand at least you can reproduce it14:28
minutejosch: well, i think serial will reveal something, otherwise "break" in cmdline14:28
joschminute: could you share your broken initramfs (assuming it does not contain any private data) so that i can dissect and compare it to mine?14:28
joschminute: here is how you can potentially debug this kind of stuff: https://cryptsetup-team.pages.debian.net/cryptsetup/README.debug.html#debug-cryptroot-initramfs-script14:29
joschin other news, reform-check from my MR seems to work fine in vanilla sysimage-v414:41
joschjjbliss: since you are on a311d, would you mind giving it a spin on your device and put in a pastebin what it prints out?14:41
joschjjbliss: specifically this version of it: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/raw/1547e0d18795b1b4fe4d5a4b412c9a55fb0d38c4/bin/reform-check14:42
jjblissI'll take a look14:47
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~quassel@
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb91:dcf:5280:3352:40b4:9f34:deb7)14:54
+ stites (~stites@
+ jacobk (~quassel@
jjblissthat's my current ouptut when running that version with sudo15:06
joschthank you!15:07
jjblissSo, right now WiFi, Bluetooth, and Battery levels aren't working.  I'm going to double check that those work on the fresh SD card image and see what's different.15:10
Boostisbetterjjbliss: how are you don't Bluetooth? 15:11
joschjjbliss: thank you! your output helped me fix some bugs15:22
joschif you like, here is an updated version: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/raw/da873fa009cc5b69276386f2f1399943a9259a75/bin/reform-check15:23
minutejosch: btw sorry, i tried to upload initramfs but i have a problem here that big uploads crash the damn fritzbox if 5g wifi is used (sigh)15:25
jjblissFor bluetooth, I just tried installing blueman but it's not detecting the integrated bluetooth on the A311D.  Bluetooth isn't important to me yet though.  Wifi takes priority.15:27
jjblissjosch: happy to help.  I'll try out the updated version15:27
minutejjbliss: sometimes there's an sdio glitch, perhaps it'll work after reboot15:29
minutejjbliss: esp if both wifi+bt don't work, as they're on the same sdio module.15:33
minutejjbliss: "sudo dmesg | grep -i sdio" might yield something.15:34
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:40
jjblissI get [    5.163030] mmc2: new SDIO card at address 000115:41
jjblissminute: I've tried a freshly imaged sd card and bluetooth and wifi work fine there.  I'm pretty sure it's something wrong with my nvme system. 15:41
jjblissmaybe some packages I don't have installed there15:42
minutejjbliss: perhaps the firmware15:44
minutejjbliss: i think the package is firmware-realtek15:44
vkoskivjosch: https://vkoskiv.com/stuff/apt_history.txt15:48
vkoskivThat's all that was in there15:48
jjblissminute: That was it, thanks!15:49
- stites (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~stites@
+ stites (~stites@2607:fb90:ad62:a06c:7a16:280f:353f:7e4f)16:02
- sevan (QUIT: Quit: reboot, brb hopefully) (~sevan@user/venture37)16:05
jjblissNow I need to get the battery levels figured out.  It was working before switching modules.  Currently it is constantly showing 0.  This happens both on my install and a fresh SD card16:06
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:09
jjblissjosch:  Here is a run of the updated version if it would help. https://pastebin.com/1DBYFmte16:10
Boostisbetterjjbliss: if this is working well for you,i think I going to get a A311D for myself. I miss Bluetooth. 16:13
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@
jjblissBluetooth is definitely seeing things, but I haven't tried actually using much.  Sometime in the next couple days I can try seeing if it handles several devices at once.  I've had issues on other computers if I connect mouse, keyboard, and headphones through bluetooth all at once.16:16
+ jacobk (~quassel@
minutebluetooth works very well on the a311d according to my tests.16:29
joschvkoskiv: thank you! you probably do not remember whether you rebooted between any of these?16:29
joschjjbliss: thank you, that looks really good now! According to that output, you have firmware-realtek installed16:30
jjblissI do now.16:30
vkoskivjosch: between the apt autoremove and apt install pigz, I likely rebooted? Not 100% sure though16:31
joschBoostisbetter: or you could add a usb bluetooth into the case by installing a small usb hub as i did :)16:32
joschi'm using bluetooth right now to connect my headphones because my audio chip is fried :D16:32
+ sevan (~sevan@user/venture37)16:33
joschvkoskiv: the "interesting" stuff is in your very first stanza but that one is also huge :D16:35
minutei have a few minutes now to look on serial what's up during boot hang (on a311d)16:37
minutewell, it's like how i thought16:38
minute> Please unlock disk crypt: 16:38
joschyour idea of the password prompt showing up in the wrong tty was a good theo16:38
joschit was that!16:38
minutethis is on serial, it's not on the graphical console16:38
joschthen... maybe it's the order of tty in the cmdline?16:39
minuteyeah 16:39
minute[    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=tty1 ro no_console_suspend cma=512M@3G cryptomgr.notests console=ttyAML0,115200 pci=pcie_bus_perf libata.force=noncq nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=016:39
minutei can manually change that in my boot.scr, one sec16:39
joschsysimage-v3 had console=ttymxc0,115200 and console=tty1 *after* it16:41
minuteyep, also just seen that16:41
minute(because of residue in my boot.scr)16:41
minutesudo mkimage -A arm -T script -C none -n "MNT A311D" -d boot.scr.txt boot.scr16:41
joschand it of course did not trigger for me because i use u-boot-menu which bypasses boot.scr and thus my cmdline is different16:42
josch/proc/cmdline for me is: ro no_console_suspend cma=512M pci=nomsi console=ttymxc0,115200 console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty116:42
joschand that works16:42
minutejosch: yep, confirmed16:42
joschperfect, let me prepare a patch16:43
minutejosch: so i changed in my u200 case the bootargs line so that the ${bootargs} is at the end16:43
minutejosch: maybe we could provide a working boot.scr for people to replace on /boot on another computer?16:43
vkoskivI have a chroot set up here atm16:44
minutehmm, htop shows N/A for cpu frequency16:44
minuteah, it's because i am on old kernel16:45
joschminute: sure, you can provide a working boot.scr. That's probably easier than telling people to do the cryptsetup, mount sheningans to get a chroot, then update reform-tools and then run update-initramfs -u16:46
vkoskivI didn't know htop even showed that :D16:46
minutevkoskiv: F2, there somewhere you can enable it16:46
minute"also show cpu frequencies"16:46
vkoskivjosch: I guess since I'm already in here, I can do that? Just wait for the new version to come up in apt?16:46
vkoskivOr maybe it's easier to copy in the boot.scr16:47
joschminute: about how to best fix this, do you think the correct fix would be to put ${bootargs} at the end? That would mean that the arguments from the board are able to overwrite the defaults. If we do it that way, we must be very certain that u-boot never provides wrong values.16:47
vkoskivI can scp files to and from here16:47
joschvkoskiv: do you have network in your chroot? you might need to copy in resolv.conf from the outside16:47
joschminute: another solution would be to append the console=tty1 part at the end to ${bootargs} instead of setting it in the beginning of the script16:48
vkoskivLet me test, sec16:48
joschminute: i have no strong opinion here. It depends on whether you want 00reform2_ubootenv having the final say about the platform-specific arguments or u-boot itself.16:48
joschvkoskiv: htop even has mouse support these days16:49
vkoskivyeah, that I noticed. Sometimes F1/F2 are intercepted by the terminal emulator16:50
minutejosch: lets try putting console=tty1 in the end of every board-specific string16:50
vkoskivI can ping 1.1 in my chroot16:50
vkoskivPing me when you've worked out a working conf, I can try it then16:50
Boostisbetterminute: could I help pay for a bounty to get hibernation working on the Reform? This is the last hard edge the Reform has for me, and I think hibernation would help out a great deal, especially for those with NVMEs in their system. 16:52
joschminute, vkoskiv: this is how i solved it now: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/57/diffs?commit_id=d9ee804f63720c550238c6790f80f0a0019c5cca16:54
joschvkoskiv: here is the resulting file to test: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/raw/d9ee804f63720c550238c6790f80f0a0019c5cca/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv16:54
vkoskivAnd this goes where again?16:56
joschputting console=tty1 after the if/else block avoids duplication and allows for a comment explaining why it is done like that in the hopes that this does not happen again16:56
vkoskivOn the nvme?16:56
joschvkoskiv: on the nvme you put it to /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv16:56
joschthen you run flash-kernel again16:57
Boostisbetterminute: in other happy news, today was the first time that I started on the charger, suspended, took it off the charger, used it twice off the charger, suspending and resuming in between, and then finally suspending because the batteries were low. Getting home, plugged into the charger, and then resumed. All worked 100%. This is the first time. 16:57
BoostisbetterSo I am going to say that the 6.5 kernel fixes suspend in most cases. However, there ARE still cases where a file lock or something like that can cause resume to crash, as the NVME is not brought back up16:57
vkoskivjosch: since I wiped my sdcard in the meantime, do I also do the initramfs command16:59
joschvkoskiv: i don't think you have to re-build the initramfs16:59
vkoskivupdate-initramfs -u && flash-kernel16:59
vkoskivIt now boots from the sd card though?17:00
joschbut if you have /proc and /sys and /dev and /boot mounted, it does not hurt to run it either17:00
vkoskivI do, I'll run it too17:00
vkoskivhm, no output, it exited right away17:00
vkoskivQuicker than before17:00
joschwhat exited?17:00
vkoskivHang on, I forgot /boot in the chroot17:01
joschvkoskiv: after you are done, maybe inspect your boot.scr to make sure it contains the right stuff17:02
vkoskivHmm, the bootargs doesn't match what's in the file you sent17:04
joschwhat do you mean?17:04
vkoskivI see pci=nomsi17:04
vkoskivWhich in the file you sent is for imx917:04
- stites (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~stites@2607:fb90:ad62:a06c:7a16:280f:353f:7e4f)17:04
vkoskivimx8, I mean17:05
+ stites (~stites@
joschvkoskiv: which file exactly do you mean?17:05
vkoskivMaybe I misunderstand the format? You have the shared bootargs, then you append the platform specific flags, then console=tty1 at the end17:05
vkoskivBut I'm not seeing pci=pcie_bus_perf libata.force=noncq nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=017:06
vkoskivin my bootargs in boot.scr17:06
joschthen something went wrong17:06
joschboot.scr should contain a copy of /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv17:06
joschthe contents of /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv are copied verbatim into boot.scr17:06
joschso everything inside that file should end up in there17:07
joschif it does not, then something went wrong17:07
vkoskivYeah, I def. don't see the contents in there17:07
vkoskivI'll go back into chroot to investigate17:07
joschvkoskiv: do you maybe have /etc/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv on that system?17:07
jjblissI had the old file in /etc that was overriding it.  17:07
joschif you have /etc/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv then that file will take precedence over whatever is in /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv17:07
joschand then the latter will have no effect17:08
joschyes, what jjbliss said17:08
joschthe reform-check version that jjbliss tested checks for that17:08
vkoskivI do have that file. Do I delete it?17:08
joschvkoskiv: probably yes. Do you want to share what is inside of it?17:09
vkoskivsure, sec17:09
vkoskiv# setenv bootpart "1"17:10
vkoskiv# setenv prefix "/"17:10
vkoskiv# setenv kernel_addr_r "0x40480000"17:10
vkoskiv# setenv fdt_addr_r "0x50000000"17:10
vkoskiv# setenv ramdisk_addr_r "0x51000000"17:10
joschis it by any chance this: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/27fff577/17:10
joschthat is a remnant the old system image17:10
vkoskivrerunning flash-kernel once more17:10
joschthis is why the system image should not put stuff into /etc17:10
joschit's just a big hassle to tell users to please adjust their stuff in /etc17:10
joschvkoskiv: i hope you are still taking notes so that we can write something down after all of this is done :)17:11
vkoskivLooks better now17:12
vkoskivI have the pics from last night, plus my questionable short-term memory :D17:13
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)17:14
vkoskivNoted some commands I forgot down17:16
vkoskivRebooting now17:16
vkoskivstuck again @ "new SDIO card at address 0001"17:17
vkoskivYep, NVME error again. Completion polled thing17:17
joschvkoskiv: what is your boot.scr now?17:18
vkoskivI'll grab that, sec17:19
vkoskivMy boot.scr on the SD card now: https://pastebin.com/zguCjC8817:20
joschvkoskiv: that looks good17:21
vkoskivooo! hardware time!17:22
vkoskivI think last night, copying another boot.scr from the SD image made more stuff happen17:22
joschhrm... minute fixed their setup by appending console=tty1 at the end of the line... theoretically my change should have the same result17:22
vkoskivBut then that would overwrite this boot.scr again17:22
joschminute: do you see anything wrong in that boot.scr?17:22
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)17:22
joschwhen was the last time you bought a computer that came with schematics? https://mister-muffin.de/p/h4ay.jpg17:29
joschoh sorry, wrong channel :)17:29
minutevkoskiv: you still have pci=nomsi i guess17:37
minutevkoskiv: that needs to go away17:37
joschthat setting kills nvme?17:37
vkoskivYeah, I noticed that, I wonder where it comes from17:38
joschvkoskiv: it comes from your /etc/default/flash-kernel17:38
joschthis is also something that reform-check warns about17:38
vkoskivSo chroot, delete that, then flash-kernel?17:38
vkoskivOr delete pci=nomsi from in that file?17:38
joschboth would work17:38
joschreform-check recommends the following content for that file:17:39
vkoskivGuess I need to flash my SD once more to get to chroot?17:39
vkoskivOr can I fix this from having the SD mounted on my desktop?17:39
minutejosch: yes, pci=nomsi is harmful on a311d and ls1028a iirc17:40
joschvkoskiv: theoretically you can rewrite your boot.scr outside using mkimage17:40
joschvkoskiv: minute pasted the command you can use above17:40
joschminute: this also answers the question whether the pci argument gets overwritten or appended to17:40
vkoskivI'll try that17:41
joschvkoskiv: reform-system-image and reform-check recommend the following content for that file:17:41
vkoskivHrm, no mkimage on my desktop17:45
joschvkoskiv: install u-boot-tools17:46
vkoskivYeah, need to permute the name to please pacman first17:46
vkoskivah, uboot-tools it is17:46
joschminute: once vkoskiv confirms this to work, should i merge https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/57 and re-run reform-debian-packages or do you want to confirm this first?17:47
vkoskivOkay, new boot.scr in, testing this out17:47
vkoskiv> Please unlock reform_crypt:_17:48
vkoskivAww yeee17:48
vkoskivAaand we're in sway! Success!17:49
vkoskivMmm, 6 cores. Sweeet17:50
joschokay, so adjusting /etc/default/flash-kernel and /etc/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/00reform2_ubootenv must definitely be part of moving to a different SoM17:51
joschvkoskiv: you could paste your boot.scr to that forum thread so that others can get their system back maybe17:51
vkoskivSure thing, but is it safe to paste with the binary data in there?17:52
joschvkoskiv: maybe you should use a pastebin that does not mangle those bits17:53
vkoskivMaybe base64 it and have people base64 > boot.scr or something?17:53
joschyou could use my pastebin for that, for example:17:53
joschcat /boot/boot.scr | curl -F 'arg=<-' https://mister-muffin.de/paste17:53
joschthat pastebin definitely does not do any mangling17:53
vkoskivOkay, sec17:54
vkoskivI'll put that link in the thread17:55
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@
vkoskivSo wait a bit longer before running apt upgrade, then?17:58
joschyes, i'd like for minute to approve that MR of mine first17:58
vkoskivObservations right away: Idle current seems much lower, it's around ~220-230mA when sitting in sway17:59
vkoskivBloated tabloid website loads up reasonably fast, much faster than on imx817:59
vkoskivIt's a good benchmark. If the bloated tabloid loads acceptably fast, that means I'm dealing with a really powerful system.18:00
vkoskivNot even my current i7 desktop loads it acceptably fast.18:00
joschjust recently i introduced the problem described here https://community.mnt.re/t/problem-upgrading-kernel/1667 so after messing up again, i'd like to share the blame with minute if something goes wrong XD18:00
vkoskivEeeh, it's a lot of very detailed work. I really, really appreciate what you do!18:02
joschlast time, the problem was that i'm not running the HDMI version of imx. This time the problem was, that i'm not using boot.scr to boot, so i just assumed it worked from looking at it but didn't test it in practice. :(18:04
joschi had no idea the console= order mattered for the unlocking luks18:04
vkoskivIn any case, you needn't apologise. If I were in charge of maintaining the system image, I guarantee it'd be a disaster :D18:06
vkoskivI forget things a lot18:06
vkoskivOkay, wifi card is missing still, it seems. Ethernet works. Bluetooth shows up, I'll test that out18:06
vkoskivBT controller shows up, and as unblocked in rfkill, but bluetoothctl can't chat with it.18:09
vkoskiv[   37.997989] bluetooth hci0: firmware: failed to load rtl_bt/rtl8822cs_fw.bin (-2)18:09
vkoskiv[   38.005390] bluetooth hci0: firmware: failed to load rtl_bt/rtl8822cs_fw.bin (-2)18:10
vkoskiv[   38.012817] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for rtl_bt/rtl8822cs_fw.bin failed with error -218:10
vkoskivSome maybe relevant lines from kernel log18:10
vkoskivbt service running too18:10
vkoskivlsusb doesn't see the bt controller, maybe that's it18:11
vkoskivWell, I'm still good to go for the time being, I've got ethernet hooked up and I have some work to do hacking on my secret project :318:12
joschvkoskiv: those files are in the package firmware-realtek -- do you have that installed?18:14
vkoskivapt says it's not available, but referred to by another pkg. Isn't this the thing where I need to opt into nonfree pkgs or something?18:15
vkoskivSince that's a blob package, if I recall18:15
joschyes, then that is your problem18:16
joschyou need to add non-free-firmware18:16
- murphnj (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~murph@user/murphnj)18:16
joschin contrast to non-free, non-free-firmware only includes non-free blobs, not non-free software that runs on your main cpu18:16
+ murphnj (~murph@user/murphnj)18:16
joschi have this in my /etc/apt/sources.list:18:16
joschdeb http://deb.debian.org/debian unstable main non-free-firmware18:16
joschvkoskiv: running the new reform-check would've shown you :)18:17
vkoskivI will give that a go, I'm sure it has many things to say about my ex-V3 system :D18:22
+ jacobk (~quassel@
minutejosch: sorry, was afk18:25
minutejosch: what do you want me to accept?18:25
minute(which MR)18:25
minuteah, probably https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/5718:26
minutestrange, if i click on changes there it has a bunch of old stuff18:27
joschminute: either inspect just visually or try out the new ubootenv in your system to see if it fixes your setup as well18:27
joschjust force-pushed some more changes to d/changelog18:28
joschvkoskiv: if you did not yet install firmware-realtek you could try out reform-check from that MR to see if it really does warn about it missing18:28
josch(the check only warns about this on a311d)18:29
vkoskivI'll have dinner and then test18:30
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~quassel@
minutejosch: LGTM, merged18:34
joschnice, reform-debian-packages pipeline triggered18:39
joschin 1.5 hours reform-tools 1.31 should be in the MNT repo18:39
joschi'll reply to that forum thread once that has happened18:39
joschsorry again for the mess :(18:39
vkoskivDo I want to just upgrade reform-tools to get the latest reform-check, or pull one off src.mnt.re?18:59
vkoskivInteresting, the LPC reported low battery and shut the system off a few secs after I pulled the plug19:00
vkoskivThat didn't happen just an hour or so ago19:00
vkoskivI have a script that plays a sound at <10%, so that started playing19:01
vkoskivThen it shut off while I started investigating19:01
vkoskivLPC shows 99%, and my battery should be full19:01
vkoskivI'll do more digging19:01
vkoskivIt did a controlled shutdown, that's nice19:01
vkoskivYeah, the lpc driver is doing something funky, it's reporting values all over the place19:06
vkoskiv109% :D19:06
minutevkoskiv: a311d spi lpc stuff is very funky,19:06
minutevkoskiv: because it's emulated with gpios19:07
vkoskivYeah, it's just randomly bouncing around it seems. I'm looking at /sys/class/power_supply/8xlifepo4/device/status19:07
vkoskivThe fix is needed in the lpc driver?19:07
vkoskivSo you have gpios bit-banging the serial/UART to the LPC? Where's that code?19:09
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:10
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:12
* mark_ -> mjw19:12
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:13
minutevkoskiv: it's a linux feature. hang on a sec... perhaps i put some error recovery code in the lpc firmware19:14
minuteah yes. totally forgot about that19:15
minutevkoskiv: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/blob/master/reform2-lpc-fw/src/boards/reform2/board_reform2.c?ref_type=heads#L93119:15
minutevkoskiv: pull the latest master from reform repo, and build the reform2-lpc-fw, and flash it. while making sure to activate this line https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/blob/master/reform2-lpc-fw/src/boards/reform2/board_reform2.c?ref_type=heads#L4419:16
vkoskivCool, I'll get to that then19:17
minutejjbliss: same applies to you, sorry for this inconvenience19:18
jjblissno worries.  My LPC firmware is still on one from about a year ago, I was assuming that it was what needed updating for the battery status.19:19
vkoskivI'm running 2022091519:22
Boostisbetterminute: I know that the L5 kernel is not the same thing, but it seems like the option just needs to be set to true when compiling the kernel. https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/linux/-/merge_requests/70119:28
Boostisbetterminute: I would think that if the swap is large enough, it should just work. 19:28
BoostisbetterEspecially if encryption of the drive is not being used. 19:28
minutei would think that debian has this enabled.19:30
vkoskivlpc flashed, battery info looks good now19:32
vkoskivYup, certainly matches the OLED battery view19:33
minutethis document i'm trying to sign to get the ls1028as says: 19:33
minute> Pursuant to subsection 40(1) of the Strategic Trade Act 2010, a person who submits false or misleading information in any application, report or other documents for any purpose under this Act or the related laws commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be punished with the fine not exceeding one million ringgit or with imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or with both, and in19:33
minutethe case of a body corporate, be punished with a minimum fine of two million ringgit.19:33
minutevkoskiv: oh great!19:33
vkoskivDownside of A311D: It now runs youtube smooth enough for me to waste more time on there :D19:35
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)19:36
vkoskivOpened this from my front page to test, just look at this wonderful computing optimism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ1RcNxiNX819:37
vkoskiv"120 billion bytes of fast-access storage!"19:37
minutevkoskiv: hehe @ a311d19:40
vkoskivLeft speaker is very quiet, wonder if it's a connection issue or a hw one19:42
vkoskivheadphones sound normal19:43
vkoskivSchematic time!19:43
vkoskivHmm, speakers hook up to U3, which is on the motherboard19:44
abortretryfailcheck the mixer first.19:44
vkoskivI'm looking at pavucontrol, don'19:44
vkoskivt see a slider for this19:44
abortretryfailalsamixer -c 0 should show you all of the controls for the codec19:45
abortretryfailpavucontrol presents a very simplified version of what's going on. :)19:45
vkoskivit shows 76<>76 for the speaker, which is I assume meaning that both channels have same vol19:45
abortretryfailyeah that's it19:46
vkoskivThey adjust in tandem if I bump up/down the volume19:46
jjblissI've updated my lpc firmware and the battery status is showing properly now, thanks for the info minute19:46
abortretryfailthere are more though, the PCM DAC output levels are separate for right and left19:46
vkoskivAll these seem to be in sync19:48
vkoskivNothing obvious jumps out19:48
minutejjbliss: great!19:50
minutevkoskiv: in doubt i would recommend to join #linux-amlogic also and ask there19:50
vkoskivI'll ask there, thanks19:51
vkoskivI'll grep their irc log first though :D19:51
minutewe'll also send a laptop with a311d to neil armstrong soon, who is very active in upstreaming the drivers for this soc19:52
vkoskivThis thing is smooooth though! Very noticeable speed boost19:52
minutevkoskiv: yaaay19:52
vkoskivThat is a... Very un-googleable name :D19:53
minute(bay libre)19:53
vkoskivAh, that does it.19:53
jjblissI just tried out gnome with the a311d, it's so much better than with the mx8mq19:53
vkoskivI'm quite certain sway will be it for me for a very long time, it was perfectly snappy on the imx8 too19:54
minutejjbliss: ohhh i've never even tried that! 19:54
jjblissnot sure if I'll stick with it, as sway has been working fine, but I thought it was worth giving gnome a try19:54
minuteif one of you wants to put up some videos of gnome and/or kde in action on a311d reform, would be much appreciated19:54
vkoskivlots of mentions of speaker observations in that IRC log, I'll comb through in a bit19:56
vkoskivSo many things to test :D19:56
vkoskivMuch fun19:56
vkoskivAnd I was testing with spotifyd, so now I'm just jamming to some good tunes too.19:56
vkoskivI need to do that headphone jack fix to get more bass at some point19:57
+ jacobk (~quassel@
joschoh well... reform-debian-packages is blocked until next dinstall because of https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=python3.1120:03
vkoskivjosch: Pulled latest version of reform-check, and it does mention missing 'firmware-realtek'20:06
vkoskivIn fact, let me grab the whole output for ya20:07
vkoskivjosch: https://mister-muffin.de/p/mxby.diff20:08
vkoskivMany things, I haven't tended to these in a while :D20:08
joschvkoskiv: you absolutely need apt-listbugs20:14
joschvkoskiv: if you run unstable, that package will prevent you from installing or upgrading to packages with release critical bugs in them20:14
vkoskivI'll just install all those recommendations20:15
joschthat output looks mostly good20:15
joschexcept that i'm unsure of what to make of a311d u-boot20:15
joschminute: in reform-system-image you dd it but skip the first 512 byte of flash.bin?20:15
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
bkeysI am excited to get the adapter boards but I got my ppc64le workstation I do most computing on20:20
bkeysI have an A311D SBC that runs mainline Fedora so I am excited by those prospects20:20
vkoskivNot too many people aroudn running PPC on their workstations20:22
bkeysYeah I bought it from my best friend; it's really performant I enjoy it20:23
bkeysAnd runs all the paplications I need it to20:23
vkoskivCurious what makes you prefer that arch?20:23
vkoskivI think it's cool there are boxes running it around20:23
vkoskivIt's a newer machine, right?20:23
bkeysIt's fully libre 20:23
bkeysIt's a talos workstation20:24
vkoskivAh, right. Yeah, I think I read about that20:24
bkeysIt's comparable to performance to x8620:24
vkoskivVery cool, I see the appeal. Performant, libre silico.20:24
bkeysThat and ppc64le is IBM architecture so all the Red Hat stuff is really well supported and that is the family of distros I prefer20:25
bkeysI actually have an aarch64 server that has UEFI and it runs CentOS Stream, the only thing not running RH distros is the Reform, but hopefully adapter boards change that20:26
bkeysAbsolute worst case I could pay out the wazoo for rpi cm4 SoM and get mainline support, the cm4 adapter is an awesome idea it opens up a lot of possibilities20:26
minutejosch: yep, following the way it is done up/downstream20:30
joschokay, then i have to fix reform-check again XD20:32
sevanbkeys: very nice, running not so impressive ppc64be here :)20:46
joschvkoskiv: would you mind trying another version of reform-check?20:51
vkoskivSure thing!20:51
vkoskivDo I just grab off master?20:52
joschvkoskiv: use this: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/raw/d10284c29757d0a46527b43bde0133dcd1c4db31/bin/reform-check20:52
joschthat's part of yet another reform-tools MR: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/5820:52
jjblissSo, I just went to try using mpv for hardware accelerated h264 video on the A311D and I'm getting a segfault.  This happens on a fresh SD card and on my nvme system.20:55
vkoskivjosch: https://mister-muffin.de/p/GOcb.diff20:55
vkoskivHmm, I meant to try accelerated playback, but I forget the name of the player that I used20:56
vkoskivI switched from mpv to another one that seemed to work better on the imx820:56
vkoskivSpecifically with accelerated playback20:56
jjblissThe segfault follows an ffmpeg message "Could not dynamically load CUDA"  I don't know if this actually related or just something it always says when no nvidia card is available20:57
joschvkoskiv: you probably used clapper20:57
jjblissI also tried a flatpak installation of clapper and it did not play any video on A311D20:58
joschvkoskiv: hrm... this is still wrong output20:58
joschi have to check with minute how to do this properly on a311d20:58
vkoskivI'll reboot to see if I can get bluetooth working20:59
vkoskivIs the realtek firmware package also for the wifi, or is that a separate issue?21:00
vkoskivjosch: I think installing the firmware package did something with the /boot volume, I get the pci=nomsi NVME issue again. I had this once earlier, I can just fix the boot.scr and get back to booting.21:01
minutejjbliss: ah, the problem is the default config for mpv21:01
minutejjbliss: i also stumbled over this. we ship some default config for mpv which sets hwdec=auto. i think that should be removed cc josch 21:02
minutejjbliss: on a311d you don't need hw dec, the cpu can easily do it21:02
minutejjbliss: delete ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf and mpv should work21:02
vkoskivYoutube was smooth earlier, and I didn't observe hwdec interrupts going up21:02
minutea311d has some hwdec but i didn't figure out how to use it yet.21:03
minuteit can easily sw decode 1080p @ 60fps youtube or h265 1080p videos with mpv21:03
minuteso i didn't have a need for hw dec21:03
jjblissminute: thanks I might also try messing around with the hwdec option there21:04
minutejjbliss: if you want to know more about the state of hwdec on a311d i would suggest to ask in #linux-amlogic here21:04
vkoskivWifi working now!21:07
vkoskivSignal strength is usually around ~50ish % here, now it's showing 73%21:09
minutevkoskiv: nice! i have to say that wifi is slower than it should be at the moment, driver issue21:09
minutevkoskiv: ethernet was plenty fast though in my tests21:10
vkoskivAround 30Mbit/s, I ran a speedtest21:10
minutethat checks out21:10
vkoskivEthernet does go fast though, yeah21:10
vkoskivI rarely transfer files with USB sticks these days, I just hook up ethernet and scp/rsync21:10
vkoskivAt Assembly this year, I bought the most hilariously bad USB stick. They were selling them for I think 12 euro, 256GB Kingston stick21:11
vkoskivI measured the performance, and it would take you over 6 hours to actually fill it with 256GB of data21:12
vkoskivWhich is probably why they were so cheap. Of course the packaging advertised the USB 3.1 link speed, not the actual transfer speed.21:12
vkoskivI thought better of Kingston. Naughty, naughty.21:12
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:13
vkoskivI get into sub-200mA at idle if I turn the brightness down21:21
vkoskivCool, literally and figuratively.21:21
+ sigrid (~sigrid@ftrv.se)21:23
- mhoye (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mhoye@li319-32.members.linode.com)21:26
+ mhoye (~mhoye@li319-32.members.linode.com)21:26
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:27
minutevkoskiv: yep, this chip runs quite cool21:31
minute12nm vs imx' 28nm perhaps21:31
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@
vkoskivAirPods connected with noise cancelling enabled21:37
vkoskivVeeery cool21:37
vkoskivBunch of this in dmesg:21:39
vkoskiv[ 1744.799362] rtw_8822cs mmc2:0001:1: failed to send h2c command21:39
vkoskiv[ 1746.868008] rtw_8822cs mmc2:0001:1: firmware failed to leave lps state21:39
vkoskivNot sure if relevant, things seem to work21:39
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)21:40
minutevkoskiv: yep, i see these too sometimes21:43
- bluerise (QUIT: Changing host) (~bluerise@p5b0acf0d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)21:50
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)21:50
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)21:58
vkoskivI wonder if 'vdec' is the hw video decoder interrupt?22:03
minutei think so22:05
minutehere's the datasheet btw https://dl.khadas.com/hardware/vim3/datasheet/a311d_datasheet_01_wesion.pdf22:05
vkoskivmpv works really smooth with just software decode22:05
vkoskivsmoother than the youtube player in a browser22:06
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)22:06
vkoskivBT reception seems good, I just walked to the other side of my apartment, only cut out when I went behind a concrete wall22:09
vkoskivSlight caveat with the OLED change I made - If a program draws to those rightmost 2 columns of pixels, and then neglects to clear it on exit with WCLR, then the menus don't clear those pixels and they are stuck22:23
vkoskivI'll make a fix MR22:23
joschvkoskiv: when you installed firmware-realtek, flash-kernel ran again and destroyed your boot.scr because reform-tools in the mnt repo is not yet fixed22:24
vkoskivYeah, I figured that. Easy enough fix22:24
joschminute: yes, hwdec=auto is from etc/skel/.config/mpv/mpv.conf but that only influences initial installations22:26
vkoskivI had that in there, removed it, and that fixed mpv for me22:26
joschminute: what config should reform-tools ship then? It will not change anything on a running system as it only changes files in /etc/skel22:27
Boostisbetterahh teh exact science of Linux22:27
joschminute: maybe setting up stuff like this should be done by the same thing that is supposed to set up keyboard layout, timezone, language etc on first boot?22:28
joschminute: such a script would also know what platform it is running on and could write out correct values in ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf when creating a new user22:28
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a24:b000:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)22:32
minutejosch: hmm yeah, i agree23:02
- robin (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~robin@user/terpri)23:39
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)23:39
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)23:41

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