
+ aliosablack (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a15:5600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)00:06
- chomwitt (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a15:5600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)00:06
- aliosablack (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a15:5600:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)00:12
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)00:31
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:31
violetoh interesting, in the move from sid to bookworm i accidentally stopped getting security updates00:54
violeti only had `deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian bookworm main` in my sources.list. apparently you also need00:55
violet`deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security main`00:55
violetotherwise you dont get security updates, like the chrome/libwebp thing that just happened00:55
violetthere is also apparently a `deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main`, i dont really know what comes from that but my server had it00:56
- Sario (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.0) (sario@libera/staff/owl/sario)01:08
+ Sario (sario@libera/staff/owl/sario)01:09
- violet (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vi@user/violet)01:09
+ violet (~vi@user/violet)01:09
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+ sknebel (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)01:26
- sevan (QUIT: Server closed connection) (~sevan@user/venture37)01:33
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)01:33
+ doppler2 (~doppler@user/doppler)01:52
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+ ajr (uid609314@user/ajr)02:00
+ jjbliss (~jjbliss@1464766-static.elnsmiaa.metronetinc.net)02:00
+ jomo (~jomo@user/jomo)02:00
+ ex-parrot (~fincham@user/ex-parrot)02:02
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
+ V (~v@ircpuzzles/2022/april/winner/V)02:03
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat241106.utdallas.edu)02:22
- sevan (QUIT: Changing host) (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)02:30
+ sevan (~sevan@user/venture37)02:30
+ jacobk (~quassel@utdpat242016.utdallas.edu)02:36
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)02:37
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid609314@user/ajr)03:27
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~nicolas@206-48-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:52
+ nsc (~nicolas@202-48-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:54
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:10
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@utdpat242016.utdallas.edu)05:16
- natalie (QUIT: Server closed connection) (~natalie@user/natalie)05:31
+ natalie (~natalie@user/natalie)05:31
+ jacobk (~quassel@
- Asmadeus (QUIT: Server closed connection) (~asmadeus@M014009140128.v4.enabler.ne.jp)06:49
+ Asmadeus (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300::42:13)06:49
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@ppp-94-67-176-27.home.otenet.gr)07:52
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)08:10
+ XYZ_ (~XYZ@37-48-49-3.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)09:31
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)09:43
- XYZ_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~XYZ@37-48-49-3.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)10:00
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)10:03
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)10:12
+ XYZ_ (~XYZ@78-80-98-72.customers.tmcz.cz)10:13
joschminute: once you have some time again (i know you are super busy these days), could you give me some pointers of how i can best investigate my "magic smoke" situation and which replacement parts i would need to order to fix my board? thank you :)10:52
joschsince parts are cheap, maybe i should order some possible parts i'd likely need to replace now. If the SP0503BAHTG is the broken part it seems it's only possible go get them from the US with quite expensive shipping, so maybe it makes sense to bundle several possible parts together in the same order to avoid having to order twice.10:54
minutejosch: oh damn, we need to get your board fixed10:55
joschi have bluetooth and usb audio, so it's not super urgent :)10:56
joschplus, it's totally my fault XD10:57
joschi don't know what went wrong as everything was working fine as i had the speakers outside the chassis. Only when i put everything back in did i hear the fizzle and see the smoke coming out from next to the 3.5 mm audio jack.10:57
joschso i probably failed insulating something of the cabling i did10:58
joschi'm most happy that everything else still works XD10:58
- XYZ_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~XYZ@78-80-98-72.customers.tmcz.cz)11:05
minutejosch: the wm8960 still gets detected right?11:05
joschwell, wait11:06
minutehmm, maybe your best option would be to upgrade to 2.5 mb at some point11:06
joschwhat should be in dmesg to make sure it is?11:06
minutejosch: it should be in alsamixer as one of the cards (F6)11:07
joschyes, mainboard 2.5 is on my shopping list but it's not offered yet, right?11:07
joschalsamixer just shows me pulseaudio11:07
joschaplay --list-devices11:07
joschcard 1: wm8960audio [wm8960-audio], device 0: HiFi wm8960-hifi-011:07
minutenot offered yet, but will be soon i think11:07
minutejosch: ah, so the digital part of the chip is still there11:07
minutejosch: but you neither get speaker nor headphone audio?11:08
joschnothing on speaker and headphone audio is just a constant high buzzing11:08
minutethen it could be that the wm8960 is damaged (maybe the analog part of it)11:08
joschyes, maybe11:09
minutereplacing it requires a bit more advanced soldering. i can do it, but probably better if you have a replacement mb first, and then you can keep this one as a backup, for example 11:09
joschyes :)11:10
joschi need a second mobo anyways once you sell the rack reform :D11:11
joschfor now i'll just use usb/bt audio11:11
joschif the ls1028a is going to ship soon [tm] you could also put in a replacement for the optical sensor of my trackball2. That would reduce shipping costs, right? I would just write this in a mail to support@mntre.com11:12
minutejosch: yes, please do!11:17
joschsent. thank you! :)11:21
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae))) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)11:41
* mark_ -> mjw11:41
Boostisbetterjosch: any idea on what happened to your trackball sensor? 12:15
violetneat, i got box86 working using an archlinuxarm chroot and the box86 AUR package, plus i386 wine. there's almost enough CPU to run the music program i was trying to run too, id say like 70 or 80% of what it needs. so maybe when the a311d gets here i can run it full speed!12:16
violetgraphics were perfectly smooth since i think the program uses gles2 anyway. just the audio synthesis is very cpu intensive through the x86 to arm translation 12:17
minuteviolet: nice12:17
violeti should write up how i did it on my blog later when its not so late. it definitely is easier than getting it working with debian multilib outside the chroot i think12:18
joschBoostisbetter: this: https://community.mnt.re/t/trackball-v2-with-rp2040-requires-a-trace-cut/147312:18
joschviolet: you mean multiarch not multilib, right?12:19
joschviolet: i am maintaining box64 in debian -- what issues are you running into?12:19
violetnone, as i havent tried using box6412:20
violetbox64 cannot run 32-bit binaries12:20
joschi misread, sorry :D12:20
violeti mostly dont have x86/amd64 binaries i need to run anyway, but this one is special because its a program that we've used for music making over the past decade. so being able to run it even away from an x86 system is really cool12:22
violetill be able to open these old projects forever!12:22
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)13:15
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:02
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)14:16
sevansurprised to find Debian/sid is not on the latest version of coreutils but 3 versions out. (was trying to work out oddness somewhere else and fired up the reform to see if the issue was present there)15:45
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:08
erlesevan what was missing or different?16:17
sevancoreutils 9.2 builds fine on ancient OS X, but its version of ln is behaving odd and I was trying to work out roughly where the issue is.16:20
sevan(thought I'd check on the reform)16:21
sevancoreutils is on 9.1 in sid, latest release is 9.4. I'm building 9.2 :)16:22
minutevideo about the protected battery boards, showing how they are installed etc, by nat tuck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cGDXyqNqvg17:44
andreas-eThanks, minute! I have bought some, but not yet installed them, so this could come handy. (Well, I assumed it would be super easy anyway, but I will give it a look.)17:56
- robin (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~robin@user/terpri)18:26
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)18:27
- mlarkin (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~mlarkin@047-036-115-056.res.spectrum.com)18:35
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:02
- andreas-e (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)19:14
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)19:15
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~quassel@
- ndufresne (QUIT: Server closed connection) (~ndufresne@apple.collaboradmins.com)19:33
+ ndufresne (~ndufresne@apple.collaboradmins.com)19:34
+ jacobk (~quassel@
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)19:39
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@c-67-170-115-80.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)20:24
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)21:05
* mark_ -> mjw21:05
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)21:05
+ mlarkin (~mlarkin@047-036-115-056.res.spectrum.com)21:09
- doppler (QUIT: Quit: doppler) (~doppler@user/doppler)21:25
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~quassel@
+ jacobk (~quassel@
minutei have kernel 6.5 running on the ls1028a, and mainline uboot, but there's a lot of nonsense in the default config for uboot for the ls1028ardb, so will have to customize that22:25
minutealso struggling with sd card always being in hard write protect mode22:26
+ XYZ (~XYZ@78-80-17-96.customers.tmcz.cz)22:27
vagrantcnonsense in mainline u-boot or vendor u-boot? :)22:28
joschwell then... and there i thought i had to do *anything* to get ls1028a working and it turns out it will ship 100% done after all :D22:33
minuteit looks directly copied from vendor uboot22:33
minutejosch: not sure about that :D22:33
joschwhat'll be missing you think?22:33
joschi certainly expected fiddling with getting linux 6.5 and mainline u-boot to work -- amazing that this already is done!22:34
minutewell, currently i have to paste custom commands into uboot to make it boot22:35
vagrantcminute: what sort of nonsens are you talking about?22:35
vagrantcah, doesn't support distro_boot (or the shiny new standard boot)22:35
minutewell, hdpload is kind of bodged in here https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/master/include/configs/ls1028a_common.h#L4922:37
vagrantcthat ought to be called with pre-boot-env or whatever it's called22:39
vagrantcdoes it not detect weather you're doing spi, sd or emmc boot?22:40
minutebut right now i have two other issues, which are unrelated to uboot, the PHY is not detected (think the address might be wrong, hopefully) and i can't write to MMC because the controller has a hardwired bit that forbids writing if a certain pin is high, which is floating on this board, but it's also multiplexed, and it seems the multiplexing is configured by RCW, but that doesn't change22:40
minuteanything either22:40
minutevagrantc: not sure, i think it wants to boot from (empty) emmc22:41
minuteno, it wants to boot from SD but fails22:42
minuteMMC read: dev # 0, block # 32768, count 81920 ... 81920 blocks read: OK22:42
minuteWrong Image Format for bootm command22:42
minuteERROR: can't get kernel image!22:42
minuteu-boot supports the usb controller at least...22:43
minutecurrently i boot like this by hand:22:44
minuteext2load mmc 0 $kernel_addr_r vmlinuz-6.5.0-0-reform2-arm64; ext2load mmc 0 $fdt_addr_r dtb; ext2load mmc 0 $ramdisk_addr_r initrd.img-6.5.0-0-reform2-arm64; booti $kernel_addr_r $ramdisk_addr_r:$filesize $fdt_addr_r22:44
vagrantcACTION wonders if that shouldn't be booti22:44
vagrantcah, yes. you found it. :)22:44
minutejosch: there is a possibility that it will be impossible to write to SD cards with the ls1028a22:56
joschminute: interesting -- i thought that the write-protect bit was guarded by software and not by hardware (despite the physical switch on the sd-card)22:59
minutejosch: not in the case of the ls1028a... it is totally hardwired22:59
minutei've also never encountered something like this before22:59
minutei.e. the controller IP refuses any write commands in hardware if this bit is set23:00
minuteunfortunately rbz did not connect anything to the ball T223:00
minute> If the SDHC_WP pin is not used, it23:00
minuteshould be tied low, so that the reset value of this bit is high and write is enabled.23:00
minutesays the reference manual23:00
- andreas-e (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Andreas@2001:861:c4:f2f0::c64)23:01
joschmeh... i guess the upside is, that this way my reform will definitely not screw up the photos on the sd-card of my camera XD23:01
minutei thought i could change the meaning of this pin in RCW, but it doesn't matter, the pin is sampled on cold boot it seems. which is super weird because you couldn't use the WP switch of a card23:01
minutealso, the ls1028a will _only_ be able to load uboot from sd card23:01
joschcan you make a list of these oddities somewhere?23:02
minuteyes, it will all go in the manual23:02
joschokay, great!23:02
minutesorry i didn't catch this earlier. i never expected that something like this could be the case in a chip23:02
joschsure, who could've thought about that23:02
joschbummer but it is as it is23:03
minuteyeah. this also means the system image for ls1028a will have to be customized a bit23:03
joschas it will be strictly read-only... does that even work?23:04
minutewe can put a copy of the system image on eMMC and boot to that by default23:04
minuteso the sd card has only the bootloader23:04
minuteand then you can move your system to SATA from there23:04
joschthat would make a rescue sd-card quite pointless though23:05
joschthough there used to be a time when read-only rootfs did function -- i wonder what breaks if one tries these days23:06
minutewell, linux can boot from the sd card23:06
minuteit just takes a while and systemd complains a lot23:06
minuteit might even be possible to run reform-migrate23:06
minuteor if you have the tools you need already on sd card, you can surely use it to perform repairs23:07
joschat the very least, reform-flash-rescue should work from sd-card to make sure one can always restore "factory settings" on emmc in case something gets bodged by accident23:08
minute> When the write protect switch is on (that23:10
minuteis, PRSSTAT[WPS] is active as '0'), any command with a write operation will be ignored.23:10
minutereally strange23:10
joschjust to understand this correctly: is this a problem that would need a theoretical second revision of the ls1028a board?23:11
minutejosch: yep23:14
minuteone could try to drill through the board from below or do some lasercut surgery or something to get to the ball underneath the ls1028a, but that would be quite risky23:14
joschlol no :D23:15
joschanother way to make the rescue-image work to just flash it on a usb-stick instead of sd-card23:19
joschu-boot on the sd-card will probe the first partition on usb before trying emmc and load everything from there23:19
joschsince we recently started using LABEL=reformsdroot and LABEL=reformsdboot instead of /dev paths, the rescue-image will work from usb-stick just as well23:20
minuteok 1gbe works23:59
minutejosch: ah cool, yes23:59

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