
vagrantcwith new firmware and/or protected battery boards?00:00
noamNew firmware, old (unprotected) battery board00:00
noamalso, uh. I think I found the root of the issue00:00
noamOne of the cells lists a negative voltage.00:01
noamNo, I didn't have the terminals backwards00:01
ex-parrotthere is an issue even with the newer LPC firmware where it'll continue to draw current when "off"00:01
ex-parrotbut 30mA seems higher than I'd expect for that00:01
vagrantcmine drains about 3-4% per week ... starting at 100%00:02
noam...oh. If I'd known that, I probably wouldn't have updated the firmware TBH00:02
ex-parrotit's an order of magnitude better on the new firmware00:02
noamAnd I _definitely_ wouldn't have been so cavalier about leaving it at 0% for a few hours00:02
ex-parrotwon't kill the batteries in a week or two like it would previously00:02
vagrantcwell, the old firmware drained about 5-10% per day, so ...00:02
ex-parrotthe protected battery boards are a good upgrade imo00:03
ex-parrotI just did mine ~ a week ago00:03
noambut yeah, pretty sure the cell with a negative voltage is the issue here00:03
ex-parrotyeah that won't be helping :(00:03
noamIt's actually getting less negative as I leave it on the multimeter O_o00:03
ex-parrotI'm also on my second set of cells if it makes you feel better :P00:03
noamit does not :/00:04
ex-parrotnobody sells the right cells here, I ended up having to import some protected cells from China and de-protecting them00:04
noamI, uh00:05
noamIs there a way to try to fix this cell? O_o00:05
ex-parrotyou can try and slowly charge with e.g. a bench PSU00:05
ex-parrotbut the harder over discharged they've been the less likely they are to come back00:05
noamAt what, 3V?00:05
noamOnly one of them is *extremely* bad00:06
ex-parrotand they will tend to be less reliable after that and may even not be entirely safe to use :/00:06
noamWould the protected board have prevented this? :/00:06
ex-parrotI'd just try doing a constant current trickle charge at hundred milliamps or so00:06
ex-parrotyes the protected board prevents this 00:06
ex-parrotI had one cell go right down to zero and it was a dead short more or less after that00:06
ex-parrotthe protected board prevents any given cell from under or overcharging00:07
noamokay yeah buying that.00:07
ex-parrot_b it's worth doing00:07
noamI don't know if I _can_ apply a constant current charge with anything I have lying around :/00:07
vagrantclifepo4 are abuse resistant... but have limits and probably some quality controll issues now and then00:07
ex-parrotyou could probably use a basic PSU with a resistor if you just experiment with the resistor values00:08
ex-parrotthis is all kind of sketchy and may not be entirely safe tho, as I feel I should repeat00:08
ex-parrotso keep a close eye on it00:08
noamCan I run the Reform with no batteries, safely? >_>00:09
noamMight be easiest to just _only_ power it off the external battery until new cells arrive00:09
vagrantcthere are instructions in the manual00:09
ex-parrot^ yeah if you follow the instructions you should be OK, the main thing to avoid is running it with some cells dead or missing00:09
vagrantclifepo4 have a pretty bizarre charge curve ... basically it hovers at 3.2v for the vast majority of it's capacity00:10
noamNot a single one of mine is above 1V right now :(00:10
vagrantconce you are below 3.2v ... it is nearly dead kinda sorta00:10
ex-parrotbelow 1v is pretttty dead territory00:11
noamIs there any where to buy the board from in the US?00:11
noamOr is the only option to order it from the MNT shop?00:11
ex-parrotI ended up just leaving my reform plugged in for a year while I waited for the protected boards 00:11
vagrantcmy solar battery got as low as 0.9v ... seems to have partially recovered ... but it has been the first to drain and the first to reach max voltage for some time now...00:12
abortretryfailnoam: if you have a stand-alone LFP charger you can charge them in that just so the cells don't get damaged00:12
noamI don't have one, I'll order one rn :/ It'll come in handy anyways probably00:12
ex-parrotdef a nice thing to have00:13
ex-parrotjust make sure it can definitely handle LiFePO400:13
abortretryfailthey're good to have. I got an old Tenergy one that charges 4 cells and will do Li-ion, NiMH, and NiCd too00:13
vagrantcif you can, find one that *only* does lifepo4 ... many do other li-ion chemistries and require you to manually change it when you plug the battery in00:13
abortretryfailyeah mine has a switch, it's not a big deal00:13
vagrantcand those other chemistries are dangerous for the lifepo400:13
noamAny suggestions on which one to get? :/00:14
vagrantci've got an xtar vp2, but apparently it is discontinued :(00:15
vagrantc(er, rather, the voltages used to charge other chemistries are too high for lifepo4)00:16
noamtrying to find a decent one *in the US* so it doesn't take months to ship :/00:17
ex-parrotoh noam also, upgrading the LPC firmware gets you working battery monitoring in the OS :) so it's also worth doing for that too00:17
ex-parrotjosch: are you around today? I meant to follow up with you on the emmc updater script00:18
abortretryfailnoam: this is the one I have. https://www.amazon.com/Tenergy-Intelligent-Universal-Rechargeable-Batteries/dp/B00L4HNGQS/00:19
noamex-parrot: I did do that already00:19
noamabortretryfail: found this from home depot https://www.homedepot.com/p/Dantona-ULGLION-4-Battery-Charger-ULGLION-4/314247174 , but I'm leaving the state on Monday and it can't deliver before tuesday :/00:20
noamSo I'll probably order that, and figure out a hack for today00:20
noamNeed to figure out how to get constant-current to feed to them00:20
noam...if I had a way to look at current, I could hack up a program for a microcontroller to adjust the intensity of a transistor or something...00:21
ex-parrotgot a microcontroller with analog input?00:22
ex-parrotcould read the voltage across a shunt maybe00:22
ex-parrotbut probably a constant voltage + resistor would do, you just want to charge gently mainly00:22
noamhow would that help for keeping the _current_ constant?00:22
noamah, k00:22
noamSo, what if I just used a buck converter to drop voltage to ~1V or some such? :P00:22
ex-parrotso the voltage drop across the shunt is a function of the current00:23
ex-parrotif you can't measure current you can make an ammeter with a shunt + voltmeter00:23
ex-parrotlow value resistor00:23
ex-parrotsay 30 ohms or so00:23
noam[I mostly do software stuff, I've forgotten most of what I knew about the hardware side :/]00:23
noamahhh, right, thanks!00:23
ex-parrotohms law says that current = voltage / resistance 00:24
noamactually, here's an idea00:24
ex-parrotyou need a charging voltage for the cell that is at least a bit higher than what the cell voltage is currently to get the chemical reaction going00:24
noamWhat if I grabbed a 1.2V battery and discharged that into the cell?00:24
noamMaybe through a resistor to lower the voltage even further00:24
ex-parrotyeah might work, tho I'd suggest if you can you really want to measure the current flow in to the cell and try and fiddle with the resistance to keep the current flow low, below say 100ma or so00:25
ex-parrotto prevent heating the lifepo cell and damaging it further, and it supposedly helps with the crystal formation in the battery etc to charge at a lower rate00:25
ex-parrotif you don't have any external resistor then you're going to be limiting the current based on the internal resistance of the power supply + your lifepo4 cell00:26
ex-parrotwhich if the lifepo4 is very dead or shorted could be quite low, causing large current to flow and heating etc00:26
noam...what if I just use a reallllllllllly long copper wire lol00:26
noamthat might actually work as a makeshift resistor00:26
ex-parrothave you got a multimeter handy?00:26
noamI've done that before with a USB charger to reduce the voltage00:26
noamex-parrot: yep, that's how I know the cell's at a negative voltage :P00:26
ex-parrotit hasn't got a current measurement mode?00:27
noamit does00:27
ex-parrotok cool00:27
ex-parrotand you're confident in using it, e.g. you know you need to move the leads usually to a dedicated current measurement terminal and put the meter in series with the load rather than in parallel like you would for measuring voltage?00:27
noamas ok last week when I blew the 10A fuse by putting it in parallel? Yes00:28
ex-parrotyeah nice :D00:28
ex-parrotso this is getting in to definitely don't try this at home territory00:28
ex-parrotbut if you can find a graphite pencil00:28
ex-parrotyou can use the graphite lead as a resistor00:28
noamokay but00:28
ex-parrotand adjust the length of the piece of graphite to contorl the resistance00:28
noamI have a spool of copper wire00:28
noamWouldn't that be easier? :P00:28
ex-parrotyou could measure out a few metres of wire I guess, but it'll only be a few ohms most likely00:29
noamor heck, a long strand of solder00:29
ex-parrotyou will prob want a few hundred ohms at least00:29
ex-parrotto gently charge the lifepo400:29
ex-parrotit sounds like you have all the things you need to macguyver a trickle charger anyway :P00:29
noamcept the knowledge :P00:30
ex-parrotwire up a circuit with power supply + multimeter in ammeter mode + lifepo4 cell, and just try different resistances until you get around 100ma flowing in to the battery00:30
ex-parrotthen keep an eye on it for half an hour or so and see if the lifepo4 cell voltage increases t all00:31
noamdunno that I have a good way to keep the multimeter in the circuit :/00:32
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:36
joschex-parrot: in my timezone, "today" started half an hour ago, so the answer is "yes" after having slept for the next six hours :)00:39
ex-parrotperfect :)00:39
noamex-parrot: problem is, the only terminal I have is fused at 200mA; if I'm accidentally running 205mA through, I lose my voltmeter too :(00:40
ex-parrotjosch: ping me if you want to talk about the rescue flash script at some point00:40
ex-parrotnoam: :( 00:40
joschex-parrot: what was the issue with it?00:41
ex-parrotcurrently it doesn't work because it downloads a system image with the modules etc for the -9- kernel and the repo is serving up a -10- kernel package00:42
ex-parrot(the reform.debian repo)00:42
noamex-parrot: I'm giving it brief pulses of power from a NiMH AAA battery (brief so as to avoid overheating it - like, two or three seconds at a time), and it's up from -0.3 to -0.1V :)00:43
ex-parrotnoam: good luck :)00:43
noamI can at least use the voltmeter in between pulses00:43
joschex-parrot: ah you are using the reform-flash-rescue script with the image from reform.debian.net?00:44
ex-parrotI'm also happy for "that's not supported" :P00:44
joschex-parrot: but you are running reform-flash-rescue from an sd-card flashed with an image from reform.debian.net?00:44
ex-parrotah right, no I haven't switched to using your SD images yet00:45
ex-parrotthis is the latest v3 sysimage where I switched over to your repo00:45
joschthen that issue is independent of reform.d.n00:45
ex-parrotgot it, didn't realise there were images on reform.d.n already00:45
ex-parrotI'll switch over to that :)00:45
joschit will happen in the same way when the kernel from the mnt.re CI and mnt.re repos differ00:45
ex-parrotneat to have images and a branded page and everything00:46
joschyou mean the new MNT research page?00:46
ex-parrotI just mean https://reform.debian.net/00:47
ex-parrotlast time I looked at it it was just your plaintext page with the repo instructions00:47
ex-parrotthat might have been ~ 2 weeks ago though :D00:47
joschit was easy because https://raspi.debian.net/ exists :)00:47
ex-parrotexcellent work josch 00:47
ex-parrotI know I say this a lot but I really appreciate the hours everyone is pouring in to this project, it's so good00:47
ex-parrotI need to decide if I want to swap out my LFS install on the nvme for Debian00:49
ex-parrotless fun but maybe more useful overall. not that I really need more "useful" computers00:49
ex-parrotoh uh josch 00:53
ex-parrothttps://reform.debian.net/images/reform2-imx8mq-system.img.xz is 404 currently00:53
ex-parrotas is https://reform.debian.net/images/reform2-imx8mq-rescue-system.img.xz00:53
joschoh whoops00:55
noamapparently fully drained the AAA just getting back up to -0.02V O_o00:56
noam...it was probably low before, actually00:56
noamthat's why I picked it, its voltage was lower :P00:57
ex-parrotI hate to say it noam but I suspect your lifepo4 cell isn't coming back from this00:57
noamWe'll see!00:57
noamIt's almost back to 0V :P00:57
joschex-parrot: i fixed the rescue system image location00:58
ex-parrotACTION downloads00:58
joschex-parrot: the full image cannot be created right now because of https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=103947200:58
ex-parrotv good00:59
ex-parrotI'll flash my rescue system in the meantime00:59
noamit's up to ~0.5V :)01:08
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)01:13
+ yewscion (~yewscion@2601:547:a01:2900:5c15:78d2:b913:fc63)01:19
noamex-parrot: I probably shouldn't put them back in the Reform until and unless they're _all_ at ~2V, right?01:45
ex-parrotuhhh it can rebalance them to some extent01:45
noamBut not if three cells are at near zero volts, presumably01:46
noamI'd expect that to go Hissssss01:46
ex-parrotyeah you don't want that01:47
ex-parrotyou'll need them to be approx ready to go01:47
noamyeah, I figured :/01:48
noamI need to order new cells for sure01:49
noamAny recommendations on where to look, other than BatterySpace?01:49
noam[for within the US]01:49
ex-parrotno idea, I've never been to the US01:49
ex-parrotI got my most recent set from AliExpress but had to clip the protection circiutry off each cell 01:50
ex-parrotthey seem OK otherwise tho01:50
noamThat's all shipping from China, no?01:52
noamThat'll take until September to arrive O_o01:52
noam...which might be the right way to go.01:53
ex-parrotit's almost september :P01:53
noamI won't be here when they'd arrive lol01:53
noamI mean the _end_ of september01:53
noamIt's probably fine01:53
noamAs long as I can power it off of my external battery pack, this isn't the end of the world01:53
noamI mean, it's not regardless01:53
noamand I'm going to *try* to resuscitate these cells01:53
noambut holy heck, the protected battery board should be _mandatory_01:54
ex-parrotsounds good to me01:54
ex-parrotyeah I think the protected board is shipping in all new units? someone may correct me on that01:54
noami think so, but only from the MNT shop01:54
noamI ordered mine through Crowd Supply, the US distributor01:54
ex-parrotit took a while to understand the problem with the power drain too01:54
noamhuh, there's 2Ah cells on AliExpress - what are the odds that those are legit?01:54
noamex-parrot: wait, do we know where that's coming from now?01:55
noamAnd? :)01:55
ex-parrotthe charge circuitry on the motherboard does have a low voltage cutoff but there's one connection "above" it which doesn't get cut01:55
ex-parrotwhich is why the new battery boards also protect the individual cells01:55
ex-parrotlet me link you the cells I have01:56
noamThanks :)01:56
ex-parrothmm they don't seem to exist anymore01:56
ex-parrotthey were So01:56
ex-parrotSoShine brand 1800mah01:57
ex-parrotremoving the protection is fairly simple01:57
noamwhat are the odds I can assume that e.g. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805594707990.html are legit? I haven't used aliexpress, don't know how trustworthy it/the sellers are01:58
- yewscion (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~yewscion@2601:547:a01:2900:5c15:78d2:b913:fc63)02:00
- klardotsh (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~klardotsh@
- mjw (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)02:00
- mtm (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:00
- XYZ (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~XYZ@37-48-48-59.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)02:00
- inhji (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~inhji@2a01:4f8:1c0c:42e4::1)02:00
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~linx@149-210-5-215.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)02:00
ex-parrotyeah not sure tbh for batteries, I only have that one data point02:00
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)02:00
+ inhji (~inhji@2a01:4f8:1c0c:42e4::1)02:00
ex-parrot"laptop batteries" on aliexpress for e.g. thinkpads tend to be pretty low quality, don't know about individual cells02:00
+ XYZ (~XYZ@37-48-48-59.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)02:00
noamIs there money back policy legit?02:00
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@
ex-parrotthe buyer protections are generally fine02:00
ex-parrotthe buyer protections are generally fine02:01
noamI've e.g. bought a 55Wh thinkpad battery on ebay because I trusted that if it *wasn't* what it claimed to be, I'd be fine02:01
ex-parrot"1 sold" is a bit of a red flag maybe02:01
noamif aliexpress' protections are as good, then it's fine02:01
ex-parrotyeah should be02:01
ex-parrotalso 0.0% Positive Feedback02:01
ex-parrotI'd maybe look for a store with more feedback / sales02:01
+ yewscion (~yewscion@2601:547:a01:2900:5c15:78d2:b913:fc63)02:01
noamtheir tracking is worse than ebay's lol02:01
noamthat one looks better, at least...02:01
ex-parrotreport back how it goes :)02:02
noamThere's a review, even - someone claims that the batteries tested to only be 1.7Ah _when discharged to 2V_, which... uh. People are discharging HOW far??02:03
noamI"m actually more annoyed if the listed capacity is by increasing the rated depth-of-discharge lol02:03
ex-parrotyou def take a bit more of a chance on aliexpress with this stuff02:04
ex-parrotI didn't have much choice here02:04
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-5-215.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)02:05
noamI'm probably better off ordering from BatterySpace. That'll be a tad faster anyways02:06
noamOn the one hand, I want to grab two sets, just in case - on the other hand, they only really HAVE two sets, so that's probably unethical02:06
ex-parrotehh they'll have more on order02:07
ex-parrotno ethical consumption under capitalism anyway02:07
noamBuying up the entire stock because I *MIGHT* need it *in a while* seems dubious.02:10
ex-parrotmaybe :P02:10
ex-parrotjust order another set later?02:10
noamAnd nah, they literally only have 17 cells right now02:10
noamOr so they claim anyways :P02:10
noamYeah, looks valid02:12
noamThey now claim to have only nine02:12
noamGiven that I bought eight a few mintues ago... yeah02:12
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)02:13
noamex-parrot: thanks for all the help :)02:15
ex-parrotno worries02:16
noamI really need a good resistor... otherwise, my only real options are 0.2V, 5V, or to try using _another battery_ which, upon reflection, is an extremely ridiculous idea02:17
noam[or 12V or 20V, but, uh, that's obviously NOT helpful]02:18
sevanderp :)02:31
noamex-parrot: is 500mA a bit too high? :/02:34
noamI can get ~500mA at 3.3V stably through the voltage regulator on a small microcontroller I've got lying around :P02:34
ex-parrotehh might be OK? if nothing is getting too hot02:37
noamseems to be working :)02:37
noamThe uController _should_ only be giving like 100mA, but apparently it's actually _better_ than the spec sheet claims02:39
noamWhich in this case makes it *worse* :P02:39
noamHow concerned should I be, safety wise, if I *do* get all eight cells back to nominal voltage?02:40
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-110-219.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)02:45
noamshoot. ONE of the cells seems dead-dead :(02:54
noamI was so proud of myself, too; I got *seven* of the eight nearly up to the nominal (I was rotating between the cells), but the last one's just... gone :(03:07
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~nicolas@94-98-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:56
+ nsc (~nicolas@3-49-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:58
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:10
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)05:50
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)06:12
- XYZ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~XYZ@37-48-48-59.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)06:41
- minute (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mntirc@softboy.mntmn.com)08:20
+ reformer (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)09:11
vkoskivminute: any lion sightings yet? :D09:20
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid609314@user/ajr)09:22
nscvkoskiv: i can confirm that the north of Berlin is still free from lions09:31
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)11:31
minutevkoskiv: we believe it's a boar11:59
minutethis is good i guess https://www.arm.com/company/news/2023/07/arm-expands-open-source-partnerships12:00
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:27
* mark_ -> mjw12:35
- cwebber (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~user@user/cwebber)13:44
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)14:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
vkoskivminute: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1012807179075600535/1131927169887649824/20230721_143414.jpg14:43
abortretryfailnoam: *one* cell failing in an entire pack of them is about on par for what I find on laptop packs I've disassembled. Usually one will end up reverse-biased somehow and be properly dead and the others can be brought back by something like what you did.15:09
abortretryfailThe bms on the pack will do the safe thing and just refuse to charge all of them because the one dead one might be dangerous.15:10
+ [tj] (sid609767@id-609767.lymington.irccloud.com)15:20
- yewscion (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~yewscion@2601:547:a01:2900:5c15:78d2:b913:fc63)15:28
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@199.226-24.cm.ptn.tftn.dynamic.friendlycity.net)15:38
+ yewscion (~yewscion@c-73-236-134-241.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)16:06
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:10
joschso... i never got zoom via browser working on the reform -- the imx8mq is just too slow16:13
joschbut today i had a video chat (via browser) on an online authentication platform16:13
joschwhich went smooth like butter16:13
joschno visible frame drops or audio jitters16:13
joschcpu didn't even go beyond 25% utilization16:13
joschi wonder what zoom is doing wrong...16:14
minutemaybe it requests a different webcam resolution?16:20
minutei'm struggling getting the LPC SPI driver to work on a311d... i'm using spi-gpio16:20
minutethe SCLK and MOSI look good on the scope, but there's nothing on MISO16:21
joschand another thing: after having swapped out some cells, the reform doesn't anymore die at 35% but at 9%. Does the percentage at which the reform will die go up the older my cells get?16:27
sknebelsome browser-video things caused performance issues in general because they requested multiple resolutions16:34
minutehmm, it doesn't look like spi-gpio is honoring the speed limit16:38
minutejosch: is this the percentage as reported on LPC oled?16:38
joschminute: yes, the oled percentage16:45
josch(it matches the one reported via the lpc dkms kernel module)16:46
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)16:46
minutesigh > #define spidelay(nsecs)do {} while (0)16:47
minutejosch: normally it works like that: when the voltage of a cell goes critical, lpc defines this at the new "empty" point (0%). so the % is flexible. it tries to remember the capacity in mAh at this zero point and also tries to find a new 100% point when charging. 16:51
minutejosch: when you reset lpc, it forgets all of this16:51
joschthat sounds reasonable16:51
minutejosch: so when you exchange the cell, you reset lpc, and the process begins anew16:51
joschthen i'll go back down to zero again16:51
joschwhich should now work16:51
joschfunny that the last time it died at 35%, meaning i haven't been close to 0 for a while, no? XD16:52
minuteit is also possible that the algorithm is not yet perfect :316:52
minuteit tries to measure mA in/outflow every second and adds or subtracts these from the "account". if time is stretched, there's a lot of sleeping and waking etc, it's possible that this timing and accounting is inaccuarate and errors compound16:53
minutehmm, actually there is data coming out of MISO17:09
mjwWait there are bling, bling, silver mnt reforms? https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/11075184151780227717:24
amospalla[m]I like a lot the images of the Reforms keyboards.17:27
amospalla[m]How does it feel writing on a Reform with this mechanical switch?17:28
minuteamospalla[m]: it's one of the main features of the device :317:28
minutemjw: no, this was just a CNC sample without anodizing :D17:28
sknebelit does work quite well for the industrial look :D17:32
mjwToo bad. Having a bling bling mnt reform (gold!) would be cool.17:36
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)18:01
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)18:23
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)18:23
* mark_ -> mjw18:23
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)18:24
+ XYZ (~XYZ@78-80-99-104.customers.tmcz.cz)18:29
minutei'm getting "cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb" (bytes) from the lpc status command in my log. then i was looking at the scope and counting 1s and 0s on falling clock transitions: 0b11001011...18:31
minutewhich is 0xcb18:31
minutebut it's interpreted as "-13.-365 -13.365 203% 203"18:31
noamholy heck, battery board is expected to be here on _Thursday_?? Wow that shipping is _fast_18:51
noamalso, uh: given seven resuscitated cells, what's a good way to test them to be sure they're safe to use?18:51
noamand: is using them with an eighth cell of equivalent effective capacity safe, in the Reform?18:52
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@
minutenoam: yes, that's theoretically safe19:01
noamIf I can do a full charge-discharge cycle (or three!) after resuscitating the cells, that probably indicates that they're safe to use, right?19:09
noam...I would never be this cavalier with other chemistries :P19:09
minutenoam: yep19:13
+ ajr (uid609314@user/ajr)19:16
minuteoh nice, the "hack the planet" header is useful now for the first time...19:34
minutei made myself another debug UART for the lpc to my external computer19:35
minuteif you set LPC_IOCON->PIO0_19 = 0x01; // TXD19:35
minutethen you can read the debug uart output on LPC_TXDa19:35
+ marty_mcfly88 (~marty@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-5197-f1da-916a-84d6.res6.spectrum.com)19:45
minutehmm, it works now, how annoying20:17
minuteso the only required fix appears to be `gpioget -B pull-up 0 20` before loading spi_gpio20:36
minuteto pull up the MISO line a bit higher20:36
minuteour battery driver has a missing attribute, "present"21:09
minutecbatticon expects it21:09
vagrantc"the battery which may or may not actually be present has this much capacity remaining"21:12
vagrantcisn't that the sort of thing you can, infer?21:13
minutecbatticon doesn't work anyway because apparently it doesn't use SNI or something for the tray21:27
vagrantcspooky batteries at a distance? :)21:27
minuteit uses gtk_status_icon_new21:27
minuteah, this is all deprecated stuff. oh well21:32
- robin (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~robin@user/terpri)21:40
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~klardotsh@
+ sknebel_ (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)21:47
- sknebel (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)21:54
- jfred (QUIT: *.net *.split) (sid534649@libera/sponsor/jfred)21:54
+ jfred (sid534649@libera/sponsor/jfred)22:01
- yewscion (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~yewscion@c-73-236-134-241.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)22:39
- marty_mcfly88 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~marty@2603-6000-8c01-0f3e-5197-f1da-916a-84d6.res6.spectrum.com)22:56
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@
+ yewscion (~yewscion@2601:547:1480:bc60:9da:d549:1885:c96c)23:16
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)23:36
* sknebel_ -> sknebel23:37

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