
ex-parrotdang the pocket reform looks so good 00:00
blueriseah, another designware mipi dsi . hmmm00:00
minuteex-parrot: thank you! it's not even the production version00:00
ex-parrotI've been very out of the loop recently, good to be catching up on all the amazing stuff happening00:00
joschminute: at some point you mentioned an upgraded speaker that can sit next to the trackball?00:01
joschis this something that will become reality?00:01
joschin https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/110/688/973/385/219/152/original/9b6f8c8f05d3bda0.png are you using networkmanager to connect to lte?00:02
minutejosch: yes, networkmanager+modemmanager00:02
minutejosch: sooo the speaker uprade is in my reform, it's just not super cleanly made and i basically forgot turning it into a product, thanks for bringing it up :3 00:03
ex-parrotit's very weird running gnome in the v3 system image for a change, I have almost exclusively been using LFS and then 9front up to now00:10
ex-parrotjosch: switched my pristine v3 image to the reform.debian repo, all seems fine so far but I did get a config file change warning when installing apparmor00:20
joschex-parrot: what warning was that?00:20
ex-parrotand a warning about not having zstd for the initrd00:20
joschthe zstd warning can be safely ignored00:20
joschno idea why it's there and presented to every user not having zstd installed00:21
minuteex-parrot: how is gnome holding up in there?00:21
minutea zstd ad!00:22
ex-parrotI only barely know how to use gnome but it seems OK so far? the wifi password dialog didn't work00:23
ex-parrotjosch: https://paste.hotplate.co.nz/PSix2KJ6ep#4D+oMbCDSs8HLXeJRyakMQ$0 here is the error I got00:23
ex-parrotminute: also the KDE packages are all installed as well and it makes the Gnome chooser experience a bit meh 00:23
ex-parrotthe battery amount is not working but I assume it's because I am on old LPC firmware00:23
ex-parrotgoing to upgrade that shortly00:24
ex-parrotthe motd gets printed again when I run "gnome" which is kind of amusing but not harmful :P00:25
joschex-parrot: ah you can indeed ignore that appormor bug (as you did) because it doesn't apply to you00:26
joschex-parrot: thank you for trying out reform.debian.net! this is all highly experimental and i'm happy i didn't bork your system. XD00:27
ex-parrotit's fine, it's a fresh install of the latest v3 image that I downloaded while trying to troubleshoot my SD card situation anyway00:27
ex-parrotso nothing much to bork00:28
ex-parrotI have somehow never used the speakers before, good to know they work I suppose :P00:28
ex-parrotshould the v3 reform images have the security and updates components enabled in sources.list? 00:35
ex-parrotthe one I grabbed from gitlab just had unstable/main00:35
ex-parrotI switched this to bookworm00:35
joschuuh good point00:35
joschlet me update the instructions00:35
ex-parrotthe updates and security components should prob be enabled in the reform image too? or is that on purpose 00:37
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:38
joschex-parrot: the image built by the mnt.re CI use unstable so there are no updates and security mirrors00:38
joschon reform.debian.net i will offer images for bookworm and those will include updates and security00:38
ex-parrotoh of course00:38
ex-parrotsorry, not thinking clearly this morning apparently :)00:39
joschex-parrot: i added how your sources.list should look like now: https://reform.debian.net/00:39
ex-parrotI generally go for https for the mirror lines but I'm not sure this is very important00:39
joschyou can go for https but it will not add much00:39
ex-parrotACTION <-- runs ftp.nz.debian.org :P00:40
joschuh nice!00:40
ex-parrotso I will use that mirror00:40
ex-parrotbut yeah, this is looking great00:40
ex-parrotone thing on these instructions, the cat heredoc to update the sources list seems to assume a root shell where everything else here is prefixed with sudo00:41
joschgood point -- one sec00:41
joschthanks, fixed!00:42
ex-parrotlovely, instructions worked00:43
joschsweet :)00:43
ex-parrotre-ran dist-upgrade and got another 16 packages to do00:43
ex-parrotjosch: do you know if xorg is expected to work on the v3 sysimage w/ that 10-reform-etnaviv config file?00:55
ex-parrotI am getting an error at startup currently about not being able to load glx or modesetting00:55
joschex-parrot: i never got it to work00:57
ex-parrotah ok00:57
ex-parrotACTION returns this project to the backlog00:58
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:06
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:09
ex-parrotdo I want firmware-20_R3.bin for an early reform board?01:14
ex-parrotor firmware-25_R2.bin?01:14
joschfirmware-25_R2.bin is for mainboard 2.501:17
ex-parroter cool01:17
ex-parrotI wasn't sure if the RX or the 2X was the thing to be looking at 01:18
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-130-101.cust.tzulo.com)01:19
ex-parrotit seems like there's an R4 floating around too?01:22
minuteex-parrot: what's gnome chooser?01:22
ex-parrotthe application launcher thing you get when you hit the MNT button01:23
minuteoh ah01:23
minuteyeah i'm thinking to backpedal on kde (and maybe gnome) and go for a more lightweight image in the future incl instructions on how to install the DEs01:24
ex-parrotseems sensible to me01:24
ex-parrotok LPC R3 is working01:24
ex-parrotamazing. battery stats in gnome01:25
ex-parrotok reform-flash-uboot in the current v3 image complains about checksum mismatch for both --offline and download modes01:34
joschex-parrot: what version of reform-tools are you on?01:37
ex-parrot1.22 from the reform.debian repo01:37
joschoh shoot!01:39
joschi forgot to update that checksum01:40
ex-parrotanother small bug: the keyboard flash script says to toggle the DIP switch to "ON" but "ON" is the non-programming state, it should say to toggle it to "PROG"01:40
joschminute: is that a mistake in the handbook? "Remove the keyboard’s frame and toggle the programming DIP switch SW84 on the keyboard to “ON”." https://mntre.com/reform2/handbook/parts.html#keyboard-firmware01:41
ex-parrotmaybe mine has been in the wrong state all this time01:42
joschminute: now that you made kernel 6.4 official it's also really important that you merge this: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/3901:42
ex-parrothmm ignore me, I think I am wrong about the switch thing01:42
joschminute: or otherwise building the lpc dkms module will fail01:43
minutejosch: merged01:46
minuteex-parrot: ON is correct. the switch is called PROG01:46
minuteneed to sleep! n8y01:47
ex-parrotyeah sorry. I must have toggled it absent mindedly then toggled it again and gotten confused01:47
ex-parrotcya minute01:47
joschex-parrot: could you try this patch with reform-flash-uboot: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/61634ee9/01:48
ex-parrotI get "41: version: parameter not set"01:50
ex-parrotand it fails to run01:50
joschoh sec...01:50
joschex-parrot: and this one on top of what you have: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/e591a3b4/01:53
ex-parrot"1 computed checksum did NOT match"01:54
joschif [ -n "$version" ]; then01:54
joschshould be01:54
joschif [ -z "$version" ]; then01:54
ex-parrotget a sha1sum warning but it proceeds anyway01:55
ex-parrotwhich seems like what would be expected01:55
joschwhat warning?01:55
joschit warns despite --quiet?01:55
ex-parrot"1 computed checksum did NOT match"01:55
ex-parrot"/boot/flash.bin: FAILED"01:56
joschgot it01:57
ex-parrotsemi related, I guess picotool isn't packaged in debian yet?01:58
joschi removed the --quiet and appended >/dev/null 2>&101:58
ex-parrotlet me test that 01:58
joschit is not01:59
joschokay, final diff: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/41/diffs02:00
joschminute: please merge tomorrow :)02:00
joschthank you!02:00
joschnow bedtime for me as well02:00
ex-parrotall looks good now here too02:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
ex-parrotjosch: for tomorrow, the reform-flash-rescue script is also failing for me02:06
ex-parrot"FATAL: could not search modules"02:16
ex-parrotgoing to try shovelling the modules dir over manually in to the mmc...02:19
- robin_ (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~robin@user/terpri)02:46
- chartreuse (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)02:50
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)03:14
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)03:19
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)03:20
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)03:22
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)03:45
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:09
violetjosch: im happy to test thekernel04:34
violetcan you mention me in a link to the kernel i should be trying out? im having a hard time processing irclogs in my brain right now04:36
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)04:39
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)05:07
- jacobk (QUIT: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@47-186-122-163.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)06:10
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)06:12
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)06:12
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~klardotsh@
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)07:16
joschex-parrot: do you have more bits of that log for me?07:56
joschviolet: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/1559/artifacts/browse/repo/pool/main/l/linux/07:57
joschminute: why did you cancel the second to last reform-debian-packages pipeline?07:58
minutejosch: because i made a tag and it ran the whole thing again for the tag09:40
joschminute: yes, but I suppose you have your mirror set up so that it downloads the latest artifacts from the main branch, right? Those artifacts were not produced because the pipeline got cancelled and thus mntre.com still contains the old packages: https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo/pool/main/l/linux/09:44
minutejosch: damn, sorry10:12
- lifning (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~lifning@user/lifning)10:15
minutererunning that pipeline now10:17
+ lifning (~lifning@user/lifning)10:18
joschminute: the rack reform uses the same motherboard as the MNT Reform 2 and thus needs no changes in the software compared to the MNT Reform 2, right?10:19
minutejosch: correct... except perhaps it will get a different lpc firmware, but that's not 100% clear yet10:22
+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)10:30
joschearly feedback welcome: https://reform.debian.net/10:43
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)12:03
amospalla[m]josch: the links on that page are stubs right?12:16
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:17
* mark_ -> mjw12:25
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)12:47
joschamospalla[m]: some still are, yes12:51
joschamospalla[m]: you mean the ones on the bottom, right?12:52
amospalla[m]josch: I meant the repo and images, they did point to the page itself, but now they point to real data.12:53
joschyes, that's fixed now :)12:54
amospalla[m]I can't wait for my pocket :')12:55
- Asmadeus (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300::42:13)12:55
+ Asmadeus (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300::42:13)13:00
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
+ abortretryfail (~arf@146.ip-149-56-132.net)14:50
- abortretryfail (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~arf@146.ip-149-56-132.net)14:57
+ abortretryfail (~arf@146.ip-149-56-132.net)14:59
dozensme either :)15:23
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:09
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)16:38
minutejosch: i think the issue about the repo not updating was that the download url was still referencing a job called "build", but now it's called "reprepro"16:55
minutefixed that now, so i can now apt install linux-image-6.4.0-0-reform2-arm6416:56
sknebeljosch: minor wording thing: "To learn more about this" is a bit unclear what "this" means - I wouldve expected that to be specificially about the "debian stable images/repos" thing, not reform in general. so maybe "For more about MNT Reform computers, ..." ?16:57
sevanjosch: keyboard firmware update with flash.sh 17:03
sevanforgot to make clean; make before starting and initially flashed the old build artifact :) (I had updated the tree)17:04
sevannow reports keyboard r2 2023070317:05
joschminute: ah that makes more sense, yes :)17:05
minutehmm, lpc dkms build fails on a311d17:07
minute/var/lib/dkms/reform2_lpc/1.21/build/reform2_lpc.c:430:27: error: implicit declaration of function ‘of_match_ptr’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]17:07
minute  430 |         .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(of_tis_spi_match),17:07
minute> cc1: some warnings being treated as errors17:07
joschsknebel: thank you, fixed!17:07
joschminute: do you have the latest reform-tools installed?17:07
minutelets see17:07
joschminute: this error message is fixed by the merge request you merged yesterday17:07
minutei did not!17:07
joschon the topic of unmerged stuff, there is also https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/4117:08
joschsevan: so, success, right? :)17:09
sevanindeed :)17:09
minutejosch: woops, merged17:09
joschex-parrot: problem solved! ^17:10
joschminute: thank you! i'll trigger another run of the reform-debian-packages pipeline17:12
minutekind of bizarre how i can install stuff on a311d without ethernet cable or a wifi antenna...17:14
minute(the rtw8822cs has enough wifi reception anyway)17:15
minutejosch: hmm, i still get the same dkms build error.17:16
minutePackage: reform-tools17:17
minuteVersion: 1.2217:17
minute> reform-tools is already the newest version (1.22).17:18
minutebut the good news is, a311d reform booted with that kernel. > Linux reform 6.4.0-0-reform2-arm64 #1 SMP Debian 6.4.1-1~exp1+reform20230710T195054Z1 (2023-07-10) aarch6417:19
joschminute: you need 1.2317:24
joschminute: 17:25
sevandoes the machine need to be offline in order to reflash the LPC or can I use it to flash itself?17:26
minuteok hmm17:26
minutesevan: it cannot flash itself17:26
sevanminute: ack17:26
minutejosch: the latest reform-debian-packages that i just deployed only got repo/pool/main/r/reform-tools/reform-tools_1.22_all.deb17:27
sevanACTION copies firmware.bin to another device before shutting down.17:28
joschminute: you merged https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/merge_requests/39 tonight at 2:00 but the last reform-debian-packages run started at 00:3917:29
minuteoh :D17:29
minutethat explains it, sorry17:29
minutethat also explains why i'm so tired today lol17:30
joschminute: would you like for the reform-debian-packages pipeline to run more often than once a week?17:30
minutejosch: no, it's fine! i just wanted to have the latest version on my a311d reform :317:30
joschokay :)17:30
minutei'm thinking to migrate my daily driver reform to it (at least for a while) to get a good feeling for the stability17:31
joschminute: how did you end up solving the ls1028a cpu situation?17:33
minutejosch: the batch is split in 14 and 36 units 17:33
joschoh that worked out -- nice17:34
minutejosch: 14 processors i had in stock still. and i just acquired the memory chips via a broker17:34
minutejosch: i found some alleged LS1028AXE7PQA stock in japan, but will see tomorrow or so if it is real. otherwise i will buy from a big vendor with 18 weeks lead time17:34
joschuff 18 weeks17:34
minuteyeah :( better than 52 weeks though how it used to be...17:35
joschyeah that's nuts17:35
minuteinteresting, the part number for imx8mplus is not MIMX8MP, but MIX8ML17:38
minuteMIMX8ML i mean17:38
sevanLPC flashed as well, now shows 20230703 date.17:44
sevanalrighty, now to switch to the system to Debian stable17:51
sevanjosch: I'm going to work through the instructions on debian.net and switch. debian-keyring isn't preinstalled on the MNT unstable (< correct terminology for reference?)18:02
sevanjosch: step 4 clobbers /etc/apt/sources.list, step 3 unnecessary? (http://reform.debian.net/repo/)18:08
sevancurrent status: running apt update 18:11
joschsevan: yes, debian-keyring isn't preinstalled but you can install it if you wish. Though I only created the subkey a few days ago, so it is not yet part of the debian-keyring package. But you can still use my GPG key as shipped by the debian-keyring package to make sure that the signature for that repo is really mine.18:13
joschsevan: what do you mean by step 4 clobbering /etc/apt/sources.list?18:14
joschsevan: why is step 3 unnecessary?18:14
sevanjosch: clobbering means that the previous contents was lost so the entry for the mnt repo at step 3 is potentially unnecessary (it's lost anyway, if that's the desired behaviour)18:16
sevanjosch: re keyring, ack, I didn't quiet understand the output from gpg when it stated "nothing exported", assuming that it hadn't nothing to do, rather than implying key is not found? (mind melting :) )18:19
joschsevan: step 3 clobbers, correct. But you said that step 4 does.18:20
sevanugh, off by one.18:20
joschAnd why is step 3 unncessary?18:20
sevansteps 2 & 318:20
joschindeed, if one just runs the command in 3. then 2. is unncessary18:21
sevanDo i need to "comment out or remove https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo from /etc/apt/sources.list" if in the next step it'll be overwritten18:21
joschlet me make the "tee" into a "tee -a"18:21
sevanok :)18:21
joschno wait18:21
joschso, i don't think there is a way to express what should be done as a command that can be run18:22
joschi've written it as a HERE document, clobbering /etc/apt/sources.list in the hopes that people would know what it does and do the right thing18:22
joschsevan: i don't want to tell people "throw away everything and start over"18:24
joschsevan: do you have an idea how i can formulate this better?18:24
BoostisbetterHas anyone tested 6.4 kernel with suspend? Is it still the same thing since 5.12? (Ie: suspend is unstable?)18:24
sevanjosch: how does dropping the commands to run at the shell sound and instead, suggesting that the the reader appends the following three deb repos to /etc/apt/sources.list ?18:25
joschsevan: well the command can remain if "tee" is replaced by "tee -a"18:27
joschsevan: but you also have to disable the "unstable" repo if it's in there18:27
sevansevan: understood.18:28
sevanjosch: understood :)18:28
joschsevan: I change the wording a bit -- do you think it's better now?18:35
sevanjosch: "3. switch out your Debian unstable entry to bookworm in your /etc/apt/sources.list" switch it out with what?18:37
sevanjosch: ah, replace ustable with bookworm, example of what the resulting statement will look like (so someone can just copy it)18:39
minuteBoostisbetter: not tested it yet, but should!18:39
sevanjosch: it would help if unstable & bookworm were marked up with code tags for those unfamiliar with the sources.list contents (myself included)18:42
joschsevan: what are "code tags"?18:43
joschsevan: you mean html tags?18:43
minutei just tested suspend. the issue is that the sn65dsi86 fails DP locking. i guess it needs a delay18:44
sevanjosch: yes, I wasn't sure if you're writing html, or using something else which generates the pages for you.18:45
minute(or retries or something)18:45
jfredworking suspend would be amazing! I worry about draining my battery less now that I have the protected battery boards installed (they've already saved me once) but still being able to suspend the machine at night would be great18:59
joschsevan: i changed more stuff. Do you like it better?18:59
joschsevan: I fear the problem with adding more scripting solutions is, that people will just copypaste those without understanding them.18:59
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:01
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:02
* mark_ -> mjw19:02
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:03
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)19:04
sevanjosch: it's not good, because you're making the reader roleplay a shell and parse the commands. There's an element of trust that in the worse case scenario I can just copy and paste the command to do "the right thing"19:10
sevanjosch: I mean generally ^19:11
sevanjosch: not a comment on your most recent changes. :)19:11
sevanjosch: on the latest changes, looks good. Can't try it since I didn't backup /etc/apt/sources.list before I started. short of downloading a new copy of the system image, is there a copy of sources.list somewhere?19:13
joschno, such a copy isn't downloadle anywhere i think19:22
joschi don't like the current version19:22
joschi have to sleep over this19:22
sevanno worries :)19:23
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@
violetjosch: tried the kernel you gave me. partial success! i now have /dev/dri/card2 and /sys/class/drm/card2-HDMI-A-1 . i dont know how to get sway to use the output though because `swaymsg -t get_outputs` still shows just eDP-119:31
violetbut that is maybe a sway thing19:32
violetok it just did not detect my HDMI to VGA adapter. i plugged in a normal HDMI cable and now it sees the display and gets EDID data i am getting an error19:40
minuteoh, there is some bug where on a311d reform, update-initramfs -u changes the dtb to imx8mq-mnt-reform2-hdmi.dtb19:48
minuteviolet: can you try to force a resolution on output HDMI-A-1 via sway.config?19:50
minutealso, update-initramfs didn't honor the new modules i added to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, hmm 19:54
minutejosch: FYI there are two scripts that load the reform modules in the initrd now: /scripts/init-top/reform and /scripts/init-top/reform-modules-fix.sh20:01
minutejosch: looks like some redundancy in there20:01
joschminute: where is reform-modules-fix.sh from?20:01
violetminute: tried that, https://dpaste.com/5LN9SGXPW it cannot modeset it apparently20:02
joschminute: what is in your /etc/flash-kernel/machine?20:02
minutejosch: hmm, maybe it could be a leftover from an older version that is still around on my nvme20:02
minuteand that got baked into the initramfs20:02
minuteah, root@reform:/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top# cat /etc/flash-kernel/machine 20:03
minuteMNT Reform 2 HDMI20:03
minutethat's wrong :20:03
joschminute: the location of that script is definitely a leftover20:04
minuteah, but it makes sense20:04
joschminute: the canonical location is /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/reform20:04
joschif it lives in /etc we cannot upgrade it well20:04
minutethanks, deleted20:04
minuteit's totally clear why /etc/flash-kernel/machine is wrong, because i took the drive out of the reform with imx8mq20:05
violeti also have this in my dmesg: [  632.317143] imx-dcss 32e00000.display-controller: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes20:06
minuteviolet: are you booting with hdmi connected?20:06
minuteah, nevermind20:06
violetcannot find any crtc seems relevant because that's like, the actual display clock right20:07
minutecrtc means cathode ray tube connector20:07
violetthey live on in our hearts20:07
violetand our kernel code20:07
minuteit just means that it thinks nothing is connected / no mode set20:07
violetah ok20:07
minuteaha > Unsupported platform 'MNT Reform 2 with BPI-CM4 Module'20:08
joschminute: we should build patched flash-kernel in reform-debian-packages20:09
minutewhat i need there is an entry with:20:10
minuteMachine: MNT Reform 2 with BPI-CM4 Module20:10
minuteDTB-Id: amlogic/meson-g12b-bananapi-cm4-mnt-reform2.dtb20:10
violetwell the connection is definitely there because like i say i got monitor model-number data over the cable, and the monitor itself detects that a connection exists20:10
joschminute: before patching flash-kernel you can write an entry into your /etc/flash-kernel/db20:11
violeti have had troubles with my Rock64 where that device only supported 1080 display though, and could not handle 1280x1024. so i am going to go try it with that 1080p monitor and see if that works20:11
minuteviolet: what if you run wdisplays in sway? does it show HDMI-A-1? (btw it will get very slow, go to hamburger menu and disable the previews)20:11
joschminute: just copy and adjust the reform entry from /usr/share/flash-kernel/db/all.db20:11
minuteah yeah20:11
joschand later when we patch flash-kernel you can jus rm your custom /etc/flash-kernel/db20:12
violetdisplays wont run because "no provider of glFenceSync found. Requires one of: Desktop OpenGL 3.2, GL_ARB_sync, OpenGL ES 3.0, GL_APPLE_sync" lol20:12
violetbut the display shows up in `swaymsg -t get_outputs` as Output HDMI-A-1 'Unknown GH18PS 0323ME0502' (inactive)20:12
joschi remember glFenceSync20:12
violetand GH18PS is the display model20:13
violetit doesnt have any modes available. that log i linked above was from me adding a custom mode using swaymsg 'output HDMI-A-1 mode --custom 1280x1024'20:13
joschre glFenceSync: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/574920:14
violetoh gods you were not kidding about the lag20:15
violetanyways yes HDMI-A-1 shows up in wdisplays20:15
violeti used that GDK_GL=gl workaround20:15
violetbut yeah as expected it cannot be enabled from wdisplays either20:16
violet....... sigh20:17
violetyeah it works just fine with my 1920x1080 display20:17
violetplugged in and the display came right on and is working20:18
violetjosch: well good news is your kernel build works for hdmi20:19
violetbad news is that this is now the second embedded graphics hardware ive used that apparently couldnt be bothered to test anything other than 1080p for their kernel driver hahahaha. oh well20:20
violetill test 1440p later my friend is using my 1440p display right now20:20
minutei vaguely remember that for some clocks one has to add something to the hdmi driver table20:20
violetyeah i also remember seeing a table like that when i was hacking at the rock64 but i could never figure out how i was meant to modify it20:21
minutehmm, looks like my nvme died20:23
violet1080p is the main thing that matters for me anyway though because i use a 1080p display when im in bed so its good enough!20:24
minuteah no, nvme still works on usb adapter20:25
+ jacobk (~quassel@47-186-122-163.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)20:48
minutejosch: for initramfs-tools, we still use /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, right?21:06
minutelol, trying to assemble the right modules list for initrd is such a horror21:28
vagrantcand once you have it figured out ... you get to try again with debian-installer, which has an entirely different way of representing which modules to include! :)21:35
- bkeys (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-130-101.cust.tzulo.com)21:37
minutevagrantc: nice21:38
minutei'm one step before just dumping allll the loaded modules into that list21:39
minuteaha. but it works now. the missing one was "display_connector", hadn't heard of that one before21:39
vagrantctotally valid tactic :)21:39
joschminute: yes, /etc/initramfs-tools/modules is the file filled by reform-system-image21:56
joschfinding the list for imx8mq that was needed in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules was also lots of "fun"21:56
vagrantci usually add hooks to /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks or scripts directories ... as you can drop in your own hooks without mangling initramfs-tools managed configuration files ...22:07
vagrantci've even put hooks in there that just install all the modules :)22:08
joschvagrantc: but /etc/initramfs-tools/modules is not managed by /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, no?22:10
vagrantcACTION wonders where it comes from22:11
vagrantci still prefer things that can be isolated ... e.g. this specific part comes from this specific thing ...22:12
joschvagrantc: an you mean that by putting it into /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/ and scripts you can give it an appropriate name instead of putting everything into the same file?22:13
vagrantchooks with the various helper functions, e.g. manual_add_modules, add_modules_from_file, copy_modules_dir, etc. just seems a bit cleaner22:13
vagrantcyeah ... isolation of concerns22:13
joschactually that's a good idea22:14
joschthis way, we could ship it under /usr with reform-tools22:14
joschvagrantc: do you have an example pair of hook and script doing the module loading?22:14
vagrantcand you could use add_modules_from_file if you really want a static list too22:14
vagrantcbeen a while since i've messed with it ... nothing handy at the moment22:15
vagrantcmost of the time i didn't need to explicitly load it, it just needed to be present in the initramfs image22:15
joschadd_modules_from_file() seems nice -- i'm reading it now22:15
vagrantcand by shipping the stuff in the packages rather than postinst scripts or whatever, you get no-nonsense upgrades :)22:16
joschthis is a great idea :)22:17
joschit can also be introduced without touching the existing /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks22:17
joschand new systems can then have this file in its original state22:17
vagrantcthere has been occasional talk of switching away from initramfs-tools ... but every other option always seems needlessly overly complicated and less flexible ...22:18
joschi've heard the talk22:18
joschlike switching away from flash-kernel ;)22:19
vagrantcsometimes lack of active development on something is a good sign that it works22:19
vagrantcuh-oh, guilty as charged.22:19
joschi'm now using flash-kernel to install the dtb and u-boot-menu to choose my kernel22:20
- lifning (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~lifning@user/lifning)22:23
+ lifning (~lifning@user/lifning)22:25
- jacobk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~quassel@47-186-122-163.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net)22:37
vagrantci swear recent u-boot-menu has an option to copy all the .dtb files22:39
vagrantcmaybe it is just a merge request i never pulled in22:40
vagrantcjosch: there's zz-sync-dtb in /usr/share/doc/u-boot-menu/examples22:42
joschvagrantc: that copies all dtbs but it doesn't create the symlink to the dtb we want22:43
vagrantcwhy do you need the symlink? broken versions of u-boot?22:47
vagrantce.g. the name of which file you want should be available in u-boot's environment ... and u-boot-menu supports it with fdtdir22:48
joschvagrantc: then how do you switch the dtb if you want hdmi?22:48
vagrantcrecompile and reinstall u-boot, of course :)22:48
vagrantcto have an image bootable by N possible incompatible boards, you're going to have to rely on the bootloader telling you the information you have ...22:49
vagrantccustom .dtb entries ... are much more tricky :)22:50
vagrantcjosch: so you're essentially using u-boot-menu to select between hdmi and non-hdmi support?22:51
joschvagrantc: but the image contains the bootloader22:51
vagrantcif you get really lucky, you can install multiple bootloaders at compatible offsets ... but that falls down pretty fast :)22:51
vagrantcnow i'm starting to talk like the tow-boot folks :)22:52
vagrantcyou can have a single image and either boot from some other device, or install the bootloader to the image for your specific board22:53
vagrantcbut not if you rely on symlinks  ... then you'd have to adjust the symlinks as well22:53
joschvagrantc: are you just thinking out loud or do you have a proposal?22:54
joschso we soon have different boards -- some similar some very different22:54
joschi don't think we'll have a situation where the same image will boot on all of them22:55
vagrantcjosch: somewhat thinking out loud, yes ...22:55
vagrantcbut everything but the bootloader should work across the boards, no?22:55
vagrantcpresuming you can pick the correct .dtb ?22:56
joschand assuming that the boards all work with the same u-boot22:56
vagrantcok, i was assuming a different u-boot for each board, which is somehow otherwise installed (e.g. separate device, installed to the image before booting, etc.)22:57
vagrantclike debian-installer images which have the bootloader part, and the image22:57
vagrantcbasically, to avoid shipping N different images for N boards, where only the bootloader/bootfirmware/u-boot differ22:58
joschvagrantc: my plan was to do that on the server to avoid endusers having to dd it together23:01
- deflated8837 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~deflated8@
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-130-101.cust.tzulo.com)23:01
vagrantcjosch: ok, so you solve it a different way23:02
joschthe operation is the same -- just the location where it's carried out will be different from what d-i does23:02
joschi run mmdebstrap once to build / and then dd that onto N different filesystem images with the correct choice of u-boot23:03
vagrantcworks fine for a handful of images23:03
vagrantcbut keeping it simple for other folks is nice too23:04
+ deflated8837 (~deflated8@

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