
joschvagrantc: the bl31.bin is found if i set BINMAN_INDIRS=/path/to/bl31.bin for "make all"00:04
vagrantcoh ... then we should be able to specify that the same way BL31 is specified for other platforms00:06
vagrantcthat simplifies things a good deal :)00:06
vagrantcor maybe use BINMAN_INDIRS for all of them?00:06
joschi just don't understand why the BL31 variable doesn't work...00:06
vagrantcit's pretty much a wild west problem ... u-boot had so many highly divergent ways of doing things and even though it has been improving over the last decade or so, there is a lot of difference for difference sake ...00:11
joschvagrantc: another way to do it (maybe): could u-boot in main compile a (dfsg-free) imx flash.bin that misses (or has zeroed out) the ddr4 memory training blob (this flash.bin would of course be non-functional) but then the non-free part would grab the non-functionl but free flash.bin, combine it with the non-free ddr4 training blob and create a package that cain be uploaded to non-free?00:24
joschvagrantc: just grepping my flash.bin it seems that those blobs could be transplanted at a later stage00:26
joschvagrantc: so since the non-free blobs essentially never change, we know they have a fixed size. src:u-boot in main could produce placeholders of exactly the correct size with some magic signature at the beginning and put these into the (dfsg-free) flash.bin00:30
joschvagrantc: then src:u-boot-non-free would pick up these artifacts, search for the magic signatures and just replace the placeholder bytes with the non-free blobs00:31
vagrantcjosch: does it build at all without them? ... or you replace it with dummy zeroed out versions? might be tricky to keep all the sizes matching exactly00:31
joschvagrantc: i'd inject zeroed out dummies, yes00:31
joschthis might work because the sizes are fixed00:32
joschand even if the sizes change, it would just break a package in non-free00:32
vagrantcit wouldn't be the first non-working without other processing binary shipped in u-boot packages in Debian (e.g. u-boot-mvebu, u-boot-amlogic)00:32
joschuh interesting00:32
vagrantcso ... there's precedent ... although i think those have a process to convert them correctly out of the box00:33
vagrantcsort of00:33
joschshipping non-functional flash.bin might be a bit easier than shipping the whole u-boot source and trying to keep build-depends etc in sync between free and non-free u-boot00:34
vagrantcjosch: fwiw, pushed the debian packaging up to 2023.07-rc1 ... shouldn't be hard to pull in the mnt/reform patch from mainline ... and maybe apply the other patches as well00:35
vagrantcjosch: yeah, i can see the appeal ... big question gets down to how hard it will be to inject them, of course  ... it may produce a checksummed image00:36
vagrantci haven't poked at that layer in a long time :/00:37
joschvagrantc: true -- i'll try to come up with a PoC to see how hard it is00:37
vagrantcjosch: cool!00:37
joschsaw your push to salsa -- thanks!00:37
vagrantcjosch: if you can come up with a process to even do it manually ... we could ship it in debian experimental ... because ... it sounds good and experimental :)00:38
joschlets see :)00:39
joschfirst i'm gonna try out https://github.com/bluerise/u-boot/tree/mnt on my reform :)00:39
vagrantcmight be able to do the same for librem500:39
vagrantcsure :)00:39
vagrantchah. i still haven't put in my upgraded trackball ...00:41
bluerisejosch: but that's old :D00:44
vagrantcsimply weeks out of date00:44
vagrantcACTION loves it when rebases go smoothly00:45
joschbluerise: are there newer commits? i thought i just rebase the top commits onto upstream git master00:45
blueriseI mean00:45
bluerise + 0495e5ea3e...8bc893b989 mnt -> mnt (forced update)00:46
bluerisethis should be fine (but untested by myself)00:46
joschbed for me now00:47
joschit's 00:47 AM over here :)00:47
joschgood night!00:47
bluerisesame here00:48
vagrantcACTION waves00:52
- chomwitt (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~chomwitt@ppp-94-67-201-180.home.otenet.gr)01:11
vagrantcu-boot 2023.07-rc1 + the patch from u-boot git adding mnt/reform2 works (at least as well as it used to for me)01:17
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)01:26
- mtm- (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
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+ bgs (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)09:36
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+ mjw (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)11:43
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)12:10
* mark_ -> mjw12:19
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+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)14:35
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- dichen (QUIT: Client Quit) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)14:51
minutevery interesting board https://olimex.wordpress.com/2023/05/05/our-most-complex-oshw-board-the-imx8quadmax-tukhla-project-first-prototypes-are-assembled-and-they-boot/14:51
+ mjw (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)14:51
+ sbates (~sbates@user/sbates)15:41
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:42
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.6) (~MajorBisc@2001:1c00:2408:a400:7f99:b6d8:c8b8:dc05)15:42
+ mtm- (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:10
- mark_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)16:34
joschminute: are you thinking about cooperating?16:59
minutejosch: well i would definitely like to give the board a spin17:00
minuteafaik it needs a security blob though (seco)17:00
minuteafaik it's meant to run two OSes in parallel and has two GPUs and stuff (the big i.mx8)17:01
sigridlooks like it can use both(?) gpus as one though?17:13
Boostisbetterthat sounds like an amazing board. Would be very cool to see if it could be a part of the Reform lineup. 17:38
- sbates (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~sbates@user/sbates)17:52
+ ajr (~ajr@user/ajr)17:54
BoostisbetterI'm really looking forward to the Pocket Reform and the 8gb RAM it will have. 17:57
BoostisbetterI am seeing, of course, that it isn't necessary to have more than 4gb, thanks to the Reform, but I think having more RAM to use instead of swap is a good thing. 17:57
sigridI am yet to use more than 1Gb ram on anything but filesystem cache17:59
joschi have been fine with 4 GB for nearly a year now18:02
+ nottheoilrig (~nottheoil@198-48-158-226.cpe.pppoe.ca)18:15
Boostisbetterminute: does the Reform work if the batteries are removed but the DC is plugged in?18:17
BoostisbetterMy system is usually sitting at 3.2 GB RAM in use and 2.4GB swap18:18
mjwit does18:18
Boostisbettermjw: awesome18:18
Boostisbetterjosch: in your case where your system is on all the time, do you think it would make sense to remove your batteries and keep them from power cycling?18:19
Boostisbetteror are the batteries so affordable that you don't really care, and the convience of being able to go on battery whenever you want the primary draw?18:19
mjwACTION has to admit he has to run it that way because the batteries drained beyond recovery :{18:20
mjwI need to order some new ones, they aren't that expensive indeed, but not always in stock18:20
Boostisbetterif you can try to get the 2000 mAH batteries from Eremit. 18:21
+ ajr_ (~ajr@user/ajr)18:31
- ajr (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~ajr@user/ajr)18:35
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)19:07
joschBoostisbetter: but if i would remove the batteries, then my reform would be stuck to my couch -- how am i supposed to move it to other places where i want to use it without having to shutdown and boot it up again every time i'm moving it?19:10
joschvagrantc, bluerise: i have a proof-of-concept that replaces u-boot flash.bin built with empty dummy binaries of the ddr4 training blobs with the real blobs, creating a bit-by-bit identical flash.bin compared to compiling with the real blobs in the first place19:20
joschbluerise, vagrantc: the problem is signed_hdmi_imx8m.bin19:21
joschsomehow that file is not contained varbatim inside flash.bin but gets processed somehow19:21
joschdoes somebody know how that processing looks like and/or where in the u-boot codebase it is done so that i can replicate it?19:22
+ mark_ (~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:29
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark_!~mjw@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:31
* mark_ -> mjw19:31
+ mark_ (~mjw@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)19:31
joschvagrantc: alternatively, since i'd call hdmi support optional, the patching method already is producing a working u-boot binary19:39
vagrantcjosch: nice progress!19:47
joschit'd be really nice to do the same thing for the cadence hdmi blob though :)19:47
vagrantcjosch: bigger question is does it boot when you re-add the binaries?19:48
joschvagrantc: i didn't try because the result is bit-by-bit identical to u-boot built with the non-dummy versions (if one sets SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)19:49
vagrantcah, yes. reproducible builds for the win!19:49
joschit's the best! :D19:49
josch99% of my reproducible builds modivation just comes from it making software development so much easier19:50
joschso i see signed_hdmi_imx8m.bin referenced in arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-u-boot.dtsi -- which part parses the dtsi and thus munges the arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-u-boot.dtsi?19:51
josch*munges the signed_hdmi_imx8m.bin19:51
vagrantcjosch: as to what mangles the signed_hdmi bianries ... wild guess would be tools/imx8mimage.c19:51
joschvagrantc: that looks very promising, thank you!19:52
josch/* The signed HDMI FW has 0x400 IVT offset, need remove it */19:53
vagrantci will be curious if it works by leaving the HDMI blanked out or not19:56
vagrantci suspect it is building a FIT image ... which i am pretty sure has checksums19:56
joschvagrantc: is there any advantage of not putting the hdmi blob in there as well?19:57
joschs/as well//19:57
Boostisbetterminute: I ordered the keycap replacements, and was wondering if they might have already shipped? I know you all are busy. 20:21
joschvagrantc: okay i now can produce replacement blobs with which i can build u-boot and then later replace those dummy blobs with the real non-free blobs creating a bit-by-bit identical flash.bin20:54
joschthe dummies are produces with a small shell script, the replacement with a short python script20:54
joschthe dummies are all zero except a short header including the filename, size and sha1sum20:55
joschvagrantc: any thoughts?20:55
joschthe cadence hdmi magic was indeed just to strip off the 0x400 bytes of IVT header20:55
minuteBoostisbetter: currently on vacation (this week). when something ships, you get a ups tracking email.20:57
- ajr_ (QUIT: ) (~ajr@user/ajr)21:04
vagrantcjosch: that sounds great ... could include it in a u-boot-imx package and update the relevent README.Debian or whatnot21:11
vagrantcjosch: and include the python script in examples? or maybe make it executable somewhere? dunno.21:12
vagrantcjosch: as to leaving out the signed_hdmi bits ... i guess no, not really much reason, given it requires the ddr training blobs21:23
joschvagrantc: src:u-boot has to ship the dummy blobs. But src:u-boot cannot contain the script creating the dummies because that script requires non-free material, making src:u-boot belong into contrib. I'd put both the script creating the dummy blobs and the script doing the patching in a src:u-boot-imx package and upload that to contrib. The src:u-boot-imx package can then depend on the non-free 21:23
joschfirmware-imx package.21:24
joschvagrantc: this would of course mean that src:u-boot would ship blobs "without source" but i'd argue that those blobs are trivial enough to be written by hand21:24
josch(i mean it's just all zeroes except for a filename, a size and a hash)21:24
josch(you'd also not require the source for a textfile containing that information)21:25
vagrantcjosch: i guess i have a more liberal reading that a script that could be used to embed arbitrary blobs is not in and of itself non-free ... even though technically the only known working blobs are currently non-free21:25
joschvagrantc: i tried the same argument for a game engine for which there are currently only non-free graphics even though it's theoretically possible to draw free alternatives. Still ftp-master deemed that engine to be for contrib.21:26
joschvagrantc: i'll not stop you from uploading (and i won't be the one filing any bugs complaining)21:27
vagrantcjosch: the script that generates the zero'd blobs ... does it actually require the blobs for the sizing?21:28
vagrantcor other headers?21:28
joschvagrantc: the script creating the zeroed blobs requires the blobs to get the size and hash of them21:28
vagrantce.g. could it just be included in the src:u-boot package21:28
vagrantcgot it.21:28
joschalternatively, i could also throw that script away and just hand you the blobs21:28
joschsince the non-free blobs won't change, the zeroed blobs won't either21:29
vagrantcthis is definitely getting into really weird grey areas :/21:29
joschshould i talk to #ftp-master?21:29
vagrantcit would probably be harder ... but almost wonder if you couldn't regenerate the hash too ...21:30
joschwhat do you mean by "regenerate the hashes"?21:31
vagrantcalternately, maybe we could ship the components that flash.bin is constructed out of ...21:31
vagrantcjosch: ship with hashes for the zero'd out blobs, and then replace both the blobs and the hashes21:32
vagrantcwe used to do that sort of thing for sunxi and rockchip systems ... just ship components that had to be manually assembled21:32
joschvagrantc: you mean instead of containing the blobs, src:u-boot would contain a table with sizes and hashes and create the blobs from that?21:33
vagrantcjosch: build it with some dummy firmware, doesn't even match the size, and then re-build the flash.bin from all the various parts21:34
vagrantcor no firmware at all ... flash.bin is constructed out of some u-boot-imx.bin + ddr blob + hdmi blob ... so just ship the u-boot-imx.bin part?21:35
vagrantckind of obnoxious21:35
vagrantcwhy do vendors have to think they have some magic special sauce that needs to be kept private ... when in reality there's probably nothing particularly special about it21:36
vagrantcjust an arbitrarily different way of doing something ...21:36
+ v4rke_ (~v4rke@
vagrantcjosch: i guess this makes me more thinking of the src:u-boot producing a u-boot-src package, and then a u-boot-non-free-firmware package that builds things for non-free-firmware out of that21:38
vagrantcor inclines me to think that approach would be worth doing21:38
vagrantccan still use the zero'd out blobs until the firmware package becomes available ...21:38
vagrantca size and a hash are not source code ... per se.21:39
vagrantcand once the imx-firmware package becomes available, can just use that to build the complete images.21:40
vagrantcthis also opens the door to various other flexible options in the grey area space...21:41
joschvagrantc: i still think duplicating the u-boot building process in a second source package would be more complex but if you're doing it i'm not going to complain :)21:41
- v4rke_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~v4rke@
vagrantcjosch: more complex, yes, but also more clear in a way ...21:42
joschthose who do the work get to decide21:42
joschyou just tell me whether i should send you patches for the approach that i tried just now or not :)21:43
vagrantcso, presuming the licensing on these blobs is at least ok for non-free-firmware ... this would make it possible to have a works-out-of-the-box debian-installer (and maybe live image) for the mnt/reform2 officially supported on debian21:44
vagrantcso, that is pretty exciting21:44
vagrantcjosch: i'd like to at least take a look at what you've done, definitely!21:44
JC[m]that is definitely exciting - I know how excited I was when the Olimex TERES-I worked with vanilla d-i21:45
joschvagrantc: then let me just quickly share my PoC shell and python script before investing the time to polish them (and probably combine them into a single python script)21:45
joschvagrantc: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/f5b7b78c/21:46
joschvagrantc: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/66292194/21:46
vagrantcah, you're also using the ATF from the blobs21:47
vagrantci forget if i am using that or the arm-trusted-firmware from the package in debian21:48
vagrantcthat might explain the different issues21:48
joschvagrantc: ah you mean that the bugs you see result from the different ATF you are using compared to me?21:48
joschi shall try out the version from arm-trusted-firmware next, then21:49
vagrantcjosch: that's a theory21:50
vagrantce.g. wifi and display/drm/sway issues21:50
vagrantcyeah, i'm definitely using arm-trusted-firmware from Debian21:53
vagrantcoh, i should try the switch to BINMAN_INDIRS21:55
vagrantcthe other difference is i haven't been quite confident of reflashing my SD card so i interrupt u-boot in order to swap in the SD card with /boot on it when testing the newer version21:57
joschi only have u-boot on my sd-card and nothing else (/boot is on emmc)21:58
vagrantci tend to avoid using things that are hard-to-remove and fix ... but that does seem compelling21:58
joschvagrantc: that's why i want to move my /boot to nvme! :D21:59
vagrantcACTION tries with bl31-iMX8MQ.bin instead22:08
vagrantcchanging out ATF didn't appear to change my issues with mainline u-boot. hrm.22:19
vagrantcoh ... i wonder22:20
bluerisewhat's going on?22:23
blueriseI usually use NXP's newest firmware-imx drop22:24
blueriseoh and... hm... bl31...22:24
blueriseNXP's branch/fork, because I think ATF's upstream branch might not work anymore really22:24
vagrantcmy issues were due to the fact that the old vendor u-boot only booted boot.scr, but the new u-boot supported extlinux.conf ... and extlinux.conf did not pass all the same boot commandline arguments22:26
vagrantcthat's a relief to have figured out at least22:27
joschvagrantc: a relief indeed! you are not generating your extlinux.conf using u-boot-menu?22:30
vagrantcjosch: i am using u-boot-menu ... but maybe i don't have some hooks installed?22:31
joschvagrantc: i placed all the hooks that make it work into the reform-tools package22:31
joschvagrantc: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-tools/-/tree/main/u-boot-menu22:31
vagrantcjosch: ah, don't have that installed22:32
vagrantcthe image i'm running off of was a very stripped down v3 image that has been upgraded a bit over time22:32
Boostisbetterminute: awesome! Have a great vacation! 23:01
vagrantchrm. so every once in a while, i hit the circle button and it just freezes :/23:21
chartreuseAlright digikey parts arrived today, gotta work up the courage and replace the mosfet now23:26
minutechartreuse: good luck!23:36
chartreuseOnly main concern is getting it off without a hotplate, but I do plan on preheating the backside evenly with the hot air first23:37
chartreuseAnd then when soldering it down making it flat , but that should be alright23:37
chartreuseAlready got the motherboard out and all the removable parts out so should be fine23:37
chartreuseI did also RTV down my audio capacitors since I was worried the heat might cause the superglue they were supported by to fail23:38
- bgs (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)23:56

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