
vagrantcbluerise: the v6 mnt/reform u-boot patch lacks ramdisk_addr_r environment variable00:09
vagrantcbluerise: which i believe was added in an earlier series00:12
vagrantci'll comment on the patch00:13
vagrantcother than that, it works well enough for me, thanks!00:25
blueriseSigh :)00:35
blueriseimx8mq evk doesn't have it either00:36
blueriselibrem5 has it though00:37
bluerisewhich address should I put for the ramdisk_addr_r then?00:39
blueriseah you proposed it in the mail, ok00:39
vagrantcbluerise: although, if i were really particular, i'd put it below kernel_addr_r ... the kernel is much more likely to grow in size than the device-tree00:56
vagrantcat least, significantly...00:57
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@149-210-16-58.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)01:00
vagrantcbluerise: just have to be picky about ramdisk_addr_r and kernel_addr_r and fdt_addr_r not trampling each other as the files tend to grow ... the initrd tends to grow the most, the kernel some, and the device-tree very little relatively01:00
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-16-58.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)01:00
vagrantcheh. and testing this i managed to take my battery from 100% down to 10% ... think that is the lowest i have ever seen it01:01
vagrantcguess it will recalibrate better once it recharges then01:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:04
vagrantcnext, to try the shiny patches01:35
vagrantcok, now to try the shiny u-boot-with-display patches :)01:36
vagrantchrm. wireless doesn't appear to work...01:37
vagrantcworks fine when i switch back to the old u-boot01:38
vagrantcok, patches for the LCD support seem to work ... but then once linux boots the screen is split with the leftmost part of the screen down the center of the LCD ...02:01
vagrantcand it wraps over to the right side of the LCD02:02
vagrantcACTION fires up sway02:02
vagrantcoooh... sway doesn't even start02:02
vagrantcalthough killing sway "fixed" the console screen on LCD ...02:04
vagrantcbluerise: thanks for v8, I had apparently missed v702:10
- S0rin (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.0) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:18
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:36
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+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:46
- S0rin (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.0) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:58
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:10
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)03:22
+ klardotsh__ (~klardotsh@
- klardotsh_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~klardotsh@
- S0rin (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)03:30
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)03:35
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- klardotsh__ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~klardotsh@
+ klardotsh__ (~klardotsh@2607:fb91:1592:1f9d:52eb:71ff:fefa:beaf)04:25
- klardotsh__ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~klardotsh@2607:fb91:1592:1f9d:52eb:71ff:fefa:beaf)05:00
+ klardotsh__ (~klardotsh@2607:fb91:1521:e5a1:52eb:71ff:fefa:beaf)05:02
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)05:16
+ reform20183 (~root@2600:4040:2dfb:500:209c:666a:e903:614e)05:26
- reform20183 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~root@2600:4040:2dfb:500:209c:666a:e903:614e)05:26
+ bgs (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)07:20
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:40)07:31
- bgs (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)07:59
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:03
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@
- buckket (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)13:24
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)13:40
- jjbliss (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~jjbliss@1464766-static.elnsmiaa.metronetinc.net)14:45
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)14:55
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:09
- S0rin (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.0) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)15:13
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)15:17
* wielaard -> mjw16:38
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~MajorBisc@
joschanybody successfully using audacity on the reform?18:07
joschi used it to make about 2 hours of audio recording but it already happened twice that audacity would lock up and about 10 seconds later the whole desktop would freeze and not come back anymore18:08
joschmaybe a OOM error? no idea18:08
joschwhat are you guys using to record audio on your linux desktops?18:08
joschi thought i try some gui but with this experience i am close to just going back to arecord :D18:09
sevanI haven't done anything at length on mine but only tested that Mixx runs (it does)18:20
sevanI wonder if audacity is keeping it all in memory, sounds like it. What does top(1) indicate if you fire off a new test recording, is audacities process sitting there, ballooning? 18:22
sevanif it was on OOM eeror, it would be reported in your dmesg output18:22
sevanguess: or in the system journal if you have rebooted?18:23
sevanI updated my copy of audicity to the last version before license fiasco sometime back and haven't touched it since, so no idea if the software has new problems18:26
minutejosch: other options might be qtractor (light weight) and ardour (a bit more heavyweight)18:28
minutejosch: do you have a swapfile?18:29
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)18:29
+ ajr (~ajr@user/ajr)18:53
joschminute: i have a swap partition19:04
joschthe behaviour looks like it started swapping heaviy which of course makes the system stall19:05
joschthe OOM killer is never called because it's (slowly) writing to swap19:05
joschthat's also why there is nothing of interest at the end of `sudo journalctl  -b -1 -e`19:05
joschi have a memory-usage display in my waybar (as is the default) which doesn't go up -- which is also not suprising because the system is completely stalled19:06
joschthis issue is probably not even reform related19:06
joschsevan: as far as i understood the license fiasco has been resolved, no?19:07
sevanI meant I'm not up to date and out of touch. :)19:17
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)19:33
sevanjosch: install bpftrace and try the swap_in.bt script to see if audacity is thrashing? https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace/blob/master/tools/swapin_example.txt20:03
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by markw!~wielaard@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:08
+ wielaard (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:09
+ ndufresne6 (~ndufresne@static.
- ndufresne6 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~ndufresne@static.
+ yankcrim- (~nick@agrajag.dischord.org)22:48
+ swivel__ (~swivel@shells.gnugeneration.com)22:51
- qbit_m (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~qbittapen@2001:470:69fc:105::194)22:56
- ysionneau (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~fallen@tools.sionneau.net)22:56
- yankcrime (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~nick@agrajag.dischord.org)22:56
- swivel (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~swivel@shells.gnugeneration.com)22:56
* swivel__ -> swivel22:57
+ ysionneau (~fallen@tools.sionneau.net)23:02
+ qbit_m (~qbittapen@2001:470:69fc:105::194)23:03
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)23:09
joschan easier way would be to run audacity in a namescape with restricted maximum memory per process group i think23:12
- robin (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~robin@user/terpri)23:12
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)23:18

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