
- belgin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~belgin@2a06:cd40:300:1::33)00:09
blueriseVideo device 'lcd-controller@30320000' cannot allocate frame buffer memory -ensure the device is set up before relocation00:15
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:40)00:21
blueriseminute: for some reason though with this I can't enumerate PCI anymore lol :D00:22
- technomancy (PART: ERC (IRC client for Emacs 26.1.50)) (~user@170.ip-158-69-211.net)00:23
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:36
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:38
blueriseminute: I see some display noise after booting up OpenBSD00:40
bluerisewonder if it's related to clocks or ... didn't you have that PCIe interference issue?00:40
blueriseAh yes, if something is happening on the disk, stuff is weird00:41
minutebluerise: yes. you need to do some magic pokes to fix it00:42
blueriseqbit: QBIT!!!00:42
blueriseI have U-Boot mainline running with LCD and NVMe support :D00:42
blueriseThis is gonna disappoint jcs00:42
vkoskivdid he already sell his00:43
minutebluerise: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/blob/main/linux/patches/0003-lcdif-fix-pcie-interference.patch#L2700:43
bluerisevkoskiv: yeah, to qbit00:43
qbit_mbluerise: nice!!!00:44
blueriseminute: thanks, that works00:48
minutebluerise: ok cool!00:49
sigriddoes lcdif code automatically becomes gpl with no reference to where it came from?00:53
minuteheh yeah, that file is missing some attribution00:55
blueriseIf someone gives me a header I'll gladly put it in00:56
minutewhere is cinap_lenrek00:57
sigridi guess you can just attribute it to "9front authors"00:57
sigrididk how to word this properly00:57
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:03
qbit_m“9front did it”01:04
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)01:04
blueriseminute: how does the LPC Wake thing work? that's for suspend/resume?01:05
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
minutebluerise: yes01:05
minutebluerise: it sends a string to the internal uart to imx. 01:06
blueriseis there any magic interrupt or is that simply a return from...01:06
minutebluerise: imx is configured to wake on uart01:06
minutebluerise: how's life in openbsd on reform?01:06
blueriseIf it wasn't for the keyboard layout... :X01:07
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
* bkeys1 -> bkeys01:10
blueriseNow I can watch James Hoffman Youtube videos on the Reform201:11
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:40)01:11
blueriseThat said, it's quite slow ;)01:11
minutei see :D01:11
minutebluerise: the keyboard layout will get an update soon01:11
sigridwhat's with the layout?01:11
minutesome people can't handle it 01:12
bluerisehehe, yes, I'm just not good enough01:12
bluerisethe split spacebar, and especially the "incorrect" key offsets01:12
sigridhmm.. i can't play wasd shooters well on it, think that's about it when it comes to my struggles01:13
blueriseon a regular keyboard the S is basically below the W, just shifted a tiny bit. on the reform it's shifted much more to be right01:13
blueriseit really fucks with my typing habits :/01:13
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)01:16
blueriseGonna take a picture tomorrow during "daylight", gives the reform better lightning then now at 1AM01:17
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
* bkeys1 -> bkeys01:17
sevanwas nosing around old drives and I found windows installers for GTA & GTA2. Might try and run it on the laptop, since there was news of windows gaming earlier01:20
eerybox86 + wine should do the trick01:26
qbit_mbluerise: have you tried an ergodox)01:27
sevaneery: thanks, I'll give it a go :)01:27
minutebluerise: keyboard v3 will fix both of these complaints!02:06
minutebut i have to sink many 1000 eur into keycaps 02:06
minutethe pcb design is already done though02:06
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~nicolas@168-49-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:08
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:09
+ nsc (~nicolas@220-49-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:10
* nsc -> Guest161003:11
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)03:49
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)03:50
blueriseqbit_m: love my Leopold FC660M04:30
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:40)05:17
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)05:56
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)05:58
eerykind of a shame to hear people have a lot of trouble with the keyboard06:14
eeryIt did take me a couple of weeks to adjust, but I kind of like the "only 1 and 1.5U keyaps in a perfectly rectangular space"06:14
ex-parrotI haven't found it difficult but I have weirdly small hands06:14
eeryat least from a design/repair perspective06:15
ex-parrotit's very satisfying to type on06:15
* jackhill -> KM4MBG06:17
* KM4MBG -> jackhill[m]06:18
* jackhill[m] -> jackhill06:18
eeryThe difference in stagger is tricky to adjust to06:18
ex-parrotI didn't even notice with my hands :(06:18
eeryProbably depends on individual typing habits, which is why some people just can't do it06:19
ex-parrotyeah makes sense06:19
violetjosch: I've only used the v4l2-requests patches on ffmpeg 4, sorry to say09:38
joschyeah it also worked with ffmpeg 4 for me but now breaks with ffmpeg 5 :/09:56
joschto the keyboard topic: i have no clue about keyboards and also no requirements for them. My difficulties with the reform keyboard were more about the different positions of DEL, super, ctrl, alt, page-up, page-down and the like09:58
joschi never even thought about that the keys would somehow be shifted differently compared to "normal" keyboards09:58
joschi very much enjoy the split spacebar because it allows me to hit enter, and backspace without moving my fingers away from their default position09:59
- sevan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~sevan@user/venture37)11:39
+ sevan (~sevan@2001:470:1f1d:1d6:5a55:caff:fe24:ed4)11:55
pandora[m]I never had an issue with the split spacebar but the different alignment of the keys made me hit two keys at the same time quite often bc the key was just not where my muscle memory was expecting it to be. I was not able to type quickly on it. Maybe that could be an option in the future to also offer a "normal style" keypad12:50
minutepandora[m]: thanks for the feedback, the "normal" keyboard is almost done12:54
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:03
qbit_mbluerise: nice, a "feature" specific to the ergodox is it really exposes the bad habits :13:35
blueriseBad habits as in "this is bad for your health"?13:36
bluerisemy body already lets me know about that everytime I wake up...13:37
minutebluerise: would it be possible and/or advisable to create a live SD card for openbsd or an usb stick? i mean where you don't have to install it completely from scratch14:17
blueriseIn my 'perfect' world I'd put a distroboot-capable U-Boot on the eMMC, and put a mainline .dtb on an eMMC FAT partition14:33
bluerisethen you could boot from an sd card, or from an NVMe with the bootloader and device tree on eMMC14:33
bluerisethis btw works out of the box if you configure the boot sequence to load from eMMC; then SD; then NVMe or something like that14:34
bluerisebecause it looks for the .dtb first, then the EFI. so it'll load eMMC dtb, not find eMMC EFI, find SD/NVMe EFI; boot ;)14:34
blueriseand 'live boot' OpenBSDs are not really advisable; you'll have a fixed size image; maybe only root configured14:35
blueriseminute: is the WiFi slot internal-refclk or ext_osc?14:37
blueriseNVMe is ext_osc14:37
blueriseHm, I'm confused, thought internal-refclk was upstreamed14:39
bluerisecurrently checking if we can use your dtb, minute 14:59
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:09
minutebluerise: mpcie (wifi) uses imx8m generated (internal) refclk that is output on an anatop monitor pad15:30
minutebluerise: nvme uses refclk from oscillator on the motherboard15:30
minutebluerise: can i install openbsd from an sd card to an usb stick?15:31
minutebluerise: i'm just trying to plan how i will try it out for real without needing to install it on my emmc or nvme (where linux is)15:32
minutebluerise: i also thought that internal refclk is upstreamed but i'm not sure in which form, need to check that tomorrow15:33
blueriseminute: you can also install from SD to SD ;)15:37
bluerisethe problem is that the .dtb you currently ship doesn't boot15:37
blueriseI'm fixing that15:37
blueriseheh, fsl,refclk-pad-mode is only defined for MM and MP15:38
bluerisethanks, NXP, thanks Linux15:38
blueriseimxccm_set_parent: 0x000000af 0x0000004715:39
blueriseimxccm_get_frequency: 0x000000af15:39
blueriseimxccm_set_frequency: 0x000000af 98968015:39
blueriseIMX8MQ_CLK_PCIE2_AUX to 10MHz via PLL 80M15:39
minuteah @ MM/MP :(15:40
- Nulo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Nulo@user/nulo)15:42
bluerisedo you happen to have a link to the debian kernel source handy?15:42
minuteyeah, it is still not upstreamed https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pci-imx6.c#n31515:42
minutebluerise: you mean our patches?15:42
bluerisethe patches I can see here15:42
bluerisebut I'm looking for the imx8mq.dtsi that you're using15:42
minuteshould be a mainline one from 6.1.7?15:43
blueriseah yes found it15:44
blueriseit's really just mainline15:44
bluerise+                       assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_SYS2_PLL_250M>,15:44
bluerise+                                                <&clk IMX8MQ_SYS2_PLL_100M>,15:44
bluerise+                                                <&clk IMX8MQ_SYS1_PLL_80M>;15:44
bluerise+                       assigned-clock-rates = <250000000>, <100000000>,15:44
bluerise+                                              <10000000>;15:44
+ Nulo (~Nulo@user/nulo)15:48
blueriseminute: which pll is IMX8MQ_CLK_MON_CLK2_OUT using?15:58
blueriseah, and it's a divider from one of the monitors15:59
minutebluerise: afaik it is a monitor output (mon) which can be switched to output a bunch of clocks15:59
blueriseyeah, to the monitor divider of a bunch of clocks15:59
blueriseweird. How was I able to use WiFi without needing to do that?15:59
minutebluerise: did you boot linux before?16:00
bluerisenah, only OpenBSD16:00
bluerisewhich didn ot do that monitor output thing16:00
minuteit's probably sys_pll2_out_monitor16:01
minuteone moment16:02
blueriseheh, that one is 1GHz, so I don't think so16:02
bluerisesame for sys3_pll_out_monitor16:03
bluerisemaybe it's sys_pll1_out_monitor / 8?16:03
blueriseor sys2_pll_out / 1016:05
minuteit is sys_pll1 divided by 816:05
minutesee here https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/blob/main/linux/patches/0002-pci-imx6-add-support-for-internal-refclk-imx8mq.patch16:05
blueriseah, thx16:06
blueriseah fun :)16:06
minuteand then you have to set IMX8MQ_GPR_PCIE_REF_USE_PAD to 016:06
blueriseyeah I do that16:06
blueriseok, right, I'm already doing that, but also in the pcie driver and not hte clock code16:07
minutei'm not sure how to model this monitor output thing cleanly in linux16:07
minutei would guess with assigned clock parents16:07
minuteor something16:07
minuteit looks like the building blocks are there https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx8mq.c#L38216:10
minuteyeah, this patch added them https://www.spinics.net/lists/arm-kernel/msg871190.html16:11
minuteso one could use these in dts (not sure how to declare it correctly, something like setting IMX8MQ_CLK_MON_CLK2_OUT's parent to IMX8MQ_CLK_MON_SYS_PLL1 and its rate to 100mhz?)16:15
minuteand then the driver should probably check if ref_clk is fixed or if it is this clock and set REF_USE_PAD accordingly?16:15
blueriseTechnically you already do something like that16:17
bluerise assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_PCIE1_CTRL>,16:17
bluerise  <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_PCIE1_PHY>,16:17
bluerise  <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_MON_CLK2_OUT>;16:17
bluerise assigned-clock-rates = <250000000>,16:17
bluerise  <100000000>,16:17
bluerise  <100000000>;16:17
bluerise assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_SYS2_PLL_250M>,16:17
bluerise  <&clk IMX8MQ_SYS2_PLL_100M>;16:17
bluerisebut that's assigning 100Mhz to IMX8MQ_CLK_MON_CLK2_OUT16:18
minutewell that's ok no?16:18
blueriseah right, yes, sorry, was confused with aux16:18
minutethe divider would be set automatically16:18
minuteso then only the pad setting is missing16:18
minutemaybe the default is 016:18
minuteand that's why it worked in obsd?16:18
blueriseah no I already check ext_osc (and soon internal-refclk)16:19
blueriseand I have a device tree where I have those configured16:19
minuteok, but the flag shouldn't be necessary because the driver could check for the clock source, no?16:19
minuteah, there's no real relationship in the dts16:19
bluerisehowever one encodes it, it still needs if (check something that basically depends on the dts) then do X16:19
minuteor is there?16:19
minutei mean, an assignment of IMX8MQ_CLK_MON_CLK2_OUT to ref_clk16:20
blueriseI think I have all pieces together now, but it still hangs. 16:20
minutebut if we were to also upstream it to linux, i would suggest sth like REF_USE_PAD = (refclk != IMX8MQ_CLK_MON_CLK2_OUT)16:20
blueriseshouldn't be power domain this time16:20
bluerisebut it's only the wifi pcie that hangs this time, so maybe something with the refclk or something else, will debug16:21
blueriseAh, aha16:21
blueriseyes, I put the if wrong :)16:21
bluerise                if (OF_getproplen(sc->sc_node, "ext_osc") >= 0 &&16:26
bluerise                    OF_getpropint(sc->sc_node, "ext_osc", 1) &&16:26
bluerise                    OF_getproplen(sc->sc_node, "internal-refclk") < 0) {16:26
blueriseI hope that is right...16:26
minutewhy both ext_osc and internal-refclk ?16:26
blueriseold device trees16:26
minutelegacy support16:27
blueriseI had support for ext_osc as bool, ext_osc as int, and now internal-refclk bool...16:27
bluerisesomething like16:27
blueriseif ext_osc exists and as an integer it's 1 (in case it's a bool, default 1), and there's NO internal-refclk, use pad16:28
blueriseYeah, that seems to work16:31
blueriseI should eat something16:44
minutebluerise: great!16:46
minuteme too, i should start cooking soon16:46
blueriseminute: the check isn't nice either. the non-existence of both properties would now be ambigous17:24
blueriseI'm gonna propose that if we see a device tree with linux,pci-domain we start checking internal-refclk, and otherwise do the old ext_osc check17:25
blueriseSent two diffs out to OpenBSD, with those committed the .dtb you ship works fine, minute 17:26
blueriseThen all you need to do is a) use the snapshot miniroot b) somehow provide the dtb (either from the eMMC or mount the miniroot and copy the .dtb there)17:26
blueriseso linux resumes from suspend if something is typed on a UART? always?17:31
- leonardo (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.6) (~leonardo@user/leonardo)17:37
blueriseminute: heh, you do have support for the wake gpio, but prefer the UART?17:42
blueriseah, or both.17:44
minutebluerise: i just kind of stuck with the uart. 18:39
minutewe do this:18:39
minute  echo enabled > /sys/devices/platform/soc@0/30800000.bus/30860000.serial/tty/ttymxc0/power/wakeup18:39
minute  echo enabled > /sys/devices/platform/soc@0/30800000.bus/30890000.serial/tty/ttymxc1/power/wakeup18:39
minute  echo enabled > /sys/devices/platform/soc@0/30800000.bus/30880000.serial/tty/ttymxc2/power/wakeup18:39
minutebluerise: the actual uart is ttymxc218:40
minuteif you listen on /dev/ttymxc2 with 57600 baud and select wake in the oled menu, you will see the string "wake"18:40
bluerise        gpio-keys {18:42
bluerise                compatible = "gpio-keys";18:42
bluerise                pinctrl-names = "default";18:42
bluerise                pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_reform_wake>;18:42
bluerise                wake {18:42
bluerise                        label = "Wake";18:42
bluerise                        linux,code = <KEY_WAKEUP>;18:42
bluerise                        gpios = <&gpio1 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;18:42
bluerise                        wakeup-source;18:42
bluerise                };18:42
bluerise        };18:42
bluerisesomething like that might be nice18:42
bluerisebecause you do have LPC_WAKE -> IMX_WAKE -> GPIO1_IO318:42
minuteah yeah18:42
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)18:43
minutebluerise: the lpc fw can do it https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/blob/master/reform2-lpc-fw/src/boards/reform2/board_reform2.c#L70618:44
blueriseand I think the keyboard does both?18:45
minuteyes, just checked18:46
minuteok so perhaps the gpio wakeup works, but haven't tested it myself i think18:46
blueriseI'll try it18:51
+ leonardo (leonardo@user/leonardo)19:16
blueriseminute: GPIO1_IO13 is active high, right?22:01
bluerise          LPC_GPIO->SET[1] = (1 << 24);22:01
bluerise          delay(100);22:01
bluerise          LPC_GPIO->CLR[1] = (1 << 24);22:01
bluerisereads like low->high->low22:01
+ leonardo1 (~leonardo@user/leonardo)22:08
vagrantcbluerise: have you made additional fixes to the u-boot reform patches beyond v6?22:08
- leonardo (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.4.1) (leonardo@user/leonardo)22:08
* leonardo1 -> leonardo22:08
bluerisevagrantc: only in additional commits on my github branch22:24
blueriseI'm not adding any more features to that v6 patch, as that would only take more time to get some review22:24
vagrantcbluerise: makes sense, thanks for moving that forward! :)22:34
bluerisebut yeah, the only changes I have on top is for PCIe and the display22:36
vagrantcboth... very nice features :)22:36
vagrantcthe v6 patch applies to v2023.01, but i cannot manage to get it to build successfully ... will try with your git master + your patches22:37
bluerisehm. need to find something fun to do again22:48
vagrantchrm. battery jumped from 40% charged to 100% charged after i turned off the power and turned it back on again23:05
vagrantcthink i left it at ~60% last night monitoring the battery status on battery power ... and now just noticed it at 40% after charging for a while ... and then poof 100%!23:07
vagrantcstill drawing about 1 amp off of a 24-28v power supply...23:08
vagrantctimes like this, wish i could see the oled display with the lid closed...23:09
pandora[m]It would actually be really nice to have a second small pled somewhere on the outside that mirrors the inside one (maybe on the front or the side of the case)? Would be a really nice feature unwound enjoy on the pocket (:23:28
pandora[m]*unwound = i would23:29

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