
sevannot so excited about mini-itx hardware, more interested by risc-v hardware. Sipeed's new board which are going to come out soon look interesting https://sipeed.com/licheepi4a00:27
sevanwe just need to cut a new notch on the Sipeed board so that it'll fit on the mnt reform? ;)00:28
blueriseI'm less interested by RISC-V HW00:30
blueriseminute: still waiting for that CM4 adapter!00:30
bluerisethe reason I'm not ordering the 8MP module is that OpenBSD doesn't have a driver for ath10k and with ath11k already shipping in current machines... I just don't see myself spending time on writing a driver...00:31
blueriseath10k and ath11k are massive :(00:31
sigridfeeding pdf specs to chat gpt and getting a driver in c when00:34
sevanmaybe throw in an infiband one too for added speed00:35
bluerisehonestly, feeding the Linux driver to Chat GPT and getting an OpenBSD driver...00:35
blueriseit's BSD licensed, so license isn't the issue00:35
blueriseand, haha, specs for qualcomm atheros, sure :D00:35
sigrid"openbsd remix"00:35
sigridthe spec on that ath didn't seem as massive as the linux driver00:36
sigridbut that's just my ignorant opinion00:36
blueriseI remember the mvpp driver in Linux. GPL licensed. But Semihalf released a BSD licensed one for UEFI, which was basically the Linux GPL one but with some style changes. So I took the UEFI BSD one and added some sed...00:36
blueriseTalked to someone from Semihalf later, and they said "oh yeah, we basically threw the GPL one (also written by Semihalf) into sed for UEFI"00:37
blueriseso basically it was Linux --sed--> UEFI --sed--> OpenBSD00:37
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)00:40
minutebluerise: the cm4 adapter works, but pi has messed up dsi00:47
minutebluerise: so i'm still cooking up a cursed hdmi to edp adapter00:47
minutebluerise: or do you wanna go a311d?00:47
blueriserk356x, but a311d would also be interesting00:48
blueriseI have 2 rk356x modules. Radxa and ... and... shit00:48
blueriseAh, pine6400:48
minutei got a311d to boot linux on it. kind of00:48
minuteah. the pine one didn't want to say anything00:48
minuteeverybody told me that rk3568 was somehow disappointing 00:49
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:49
minutethough. so i didn't bother too much with it00:49
blueriseI'd love to have a look00:49
blueriseso if you can build one CM4 for me, I'd happily send euros over00:49
minuteok. we just ordered 40 of those sockets that are needed00:50
blueriseand I'm also taking the hdmi to edp adapter once that is available :D00:50
bluerisemostly because it's easier to bootstrap :)00:50
minutethey were unavailable a few months ago, but are well stocked now00:50
minuteok! so i have to respin that00:50
minuteit uses stdp260000:50
minuteslightly cursed, it has a 8086 core00:50
bluerisemy google search remembers I looked stdp2600 up, creepy00:51
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:51
bluerisethe "good" thing on the rk356x is that OpenBSD support is pretty good as well.00:51
bluerisedon't have a MIPI-DSI driver though... but edp, heh00:52
blueriseand they usually have a brcmfmac wifi00:52
blueriseanyway, looking forward, let me know as soon as I can buy one, even if it's merely a prototype :)00:53
sigridare there plans to do a rk3588? how does one even get those00:55
blueriseI sent the imx8mq reform2 diff to u-boot, hope someone has a look soon00:55
blueriseI haven't had any time to make progress on pcie (since it broke after the rebase to mainline), maybe I should just port lcdif first and then look at pcie again...00:56
bluerisesigrid: I think they are using RK3588S instead of RK3588, because the RK3588 footprint is too huge for CM400:57
blueriseThere's https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/09/08/radxa-cm5-rockchip-rk3588s-module-raspberry-pi-cm4/00:57
minutesigrid: i have icore 3588, and will make an adapter for it00:57
minutecm5 is not shipping00:57
blueriseminute: that's pretty cool as well00:57
minute(i hope it will at some point, though)00:57
blueriseThe A311D seems a bit boring, only A73s...00:59
sigridminute: i see00:59
blueriseminute: which one of these? https://www.firefly.store/category.php?id=301:00
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:03
minutebluerise: yup01:03
blueriseWonder how the pinouts look like...01:04
minutebluerise: a311d is boring but well supported, incl panfrost01:04
minutebluerise: the pinouts are... creative01:04
minutea mix of different connectors01:04
blueriseHow many PCIe controllers?01:05
blueriselooks like no WiFi on the SoM, so that must go onto the board or adapter01:05
minutedunno atm01:06
minutegotta hit the hay! good night!01:06
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)01:17
- vagrantc (QUIT: Client Quit) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)01:19
- cinap_lenrek (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~cinap_len@ns3076381.ip-147-135-136.eu)02:36
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:09
- Guest9779 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~nicolas@108-49-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:12
+ nsc (~nicolas@234-48-142-46.pool.kielnet.net)03:13
* nsc -> Guest82403:14
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@149-210-16-8.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:03
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-16-8.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:04
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Client Quit) (~linx@149-210-16-8.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:05
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-16-8.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:05
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)06:53
+ bgs (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)07:07
- bgs (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)07:49
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)08:46
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@c-001-032-042.client.tudelft.eduvpn.nl)09:26
- doppler (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~doppler@user/doppler)09:56
+ bgs (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)12:01
+ doppler (~doppler@user/doppler)12:08
- bgs (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)12:55
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:04
* wielaard -> mjw13:19
+ bgs (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)14:24
+ mtm (~mtm@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:09
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)16:36
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)16:39
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)17:29
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)17:30
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.6) (~MajorBisc@c-001-032-042.client.tudelft.eduvpn.nl)17:35
bkeysminute: My best friend says he would pre order a Reform if you made an adapter for the iCore-3588Q; (hell I'd prefer that over even cm4), is this something you are seriously gonna make?18:12
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)18:28
minutebkeys: yes, i will make it18:50
bkeysHow is the pocket reform launch going?18:52
+ oomono (uid328183@id-328183.tinside.irccloud.com)18:57
minutebkeys: good, for the video we need some final case parts that we can't get this week because of CNY18:58
minuteotherwise the device is p. much done18:58
bkeysDo you have a loose estimate of when launch would be? My friend is really interested in it cause he likes small laptops18:58
minuteso we're prepping the US demo unit and the crowdsupply demo unit18:58
minutebkeys: mid feb i hope18:58
minutedepends on how quickly we get the video shoot done and the review of financials18:59
bkeysCool beans, I'm looking forward to the Reform meetup in Seattle and I support your vision 100% man19:00
bkeys(I know you won't be in Seattle)19:00
minutecool! our guy bnys will be there19:03
vagrantcACTION will try to make it to seattle again19:25
joschthe iCore-3588Q can carry up to 32 GB of RAM?? o019:31
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@
minutejosch: yeah, not sure if they manufactured that yet, but i shall ask19:34
minutei think mine has 16?19:34
eerythat name is a bit unfortunate haha, when I first read it I saw "Core i3-3588Q"19:49
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by markw!~wielaard@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:22
+ wielaard (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:4fd:39a7:74ac:7bae)20:22
- bkeys1 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
joscheery: that might be the marketing trick making you think it's just as good ;)20:34
minuteaccording to passmark, Intel Core i3-13100 has around double the score as rk358820:40
klardotshjosch: I've never seen an RK3588 with 32GB actually sold. They were in all the marketing promo stuff but I've only ever seen 4, 8, 16GB SKUs actually sold anywhere.20:44
klardotshthat said, a 16GB RK3588 would be an absolute monster SOM20:44
joschit would -- that's more RAM than my old intel laptop had!20:45
eeryDefinitely would be closer to fully replacing my other hardware20:49
joscheery: because you need more ram?20:51
joschi've done everything on my reform up to compiling linux and libreoffice without having run out of ram yet20:52
eeryI mean yeah, I regularly use a full 32 GB of memory on my laptops for $DAYJOB stuff, and the 64 GB on my desktop is nice20:52
eerygranted, that's kind of a function of core count (12/32) and parallel build jobs20:53
joschah indeed, that's true -- for my job i need 32+ GB of ram20:53
eeryso with fewer cores there's less need for more RAM20:53
joschbut i have a intel desktop in my office for that20:53
klardotshmy desktop has 32GB RAM and compresses 1/4 of that with zram and I still have run out of even *swap* if I leave too much work stuff open and accidentally run like "cargo build"20:53
joschklardotsh: you compress 1/4 or you compress it to 1/4 of its original size?20:54
klardotshbut that's a rare and specialty case. incredible though that my first desktop in 2008 had a whopping 1GB of RAM and I ran Gentoo on that thing with few issues. fast forward a hot minute and I can pulverize 32GB no problem...20:54
eeryon the topic of CPU performance though, I'm pleased that the imx8mq manages half the performance of my i5-6200U20:55
eeryin a random synthetic benchmark I tried20:55
joschi can confirm -- my old cpu was a core i5-5300U20:56
klardotshjosch: that was a somewhat inaccurate simplification on my part. zram makes an 8GB (25% of my physical RAM) swap space backed by a zstd-compressed block in physical RAM, so I likely lose more like 5-6GB of physical RAM. it's hard to tell in htop (if it even denotes the backing block at all...)20:56
eeryYou can see the total size in RAM via zramctl btw20:57
klardotshjosch: zram 1GB blocks are used on my Reform and my also-4GB-RAM Skylake-based Chromebook. modern webshit gets real finnicky without it (read: tab crashes. I actually still get those on the 4GB devices, just less of them)20:57
klardotsheery: whoa. mind blown. ty! compression ratio is way better than I thought, and also is using lz4, not zstd like I used to use. Disk is 7.8G, I'm storing 924.3M of data, and that compresses down to 295.5M20:59
minuteit's kind of incredible how big the performance differences are between intel core generations21:00
sigridi'd be fine with 4gb just as before, personally21:20
minuteyeah, i'm not so often constrained by ram, more by cpu21:22
vagrantcanyone ever floated the idea of making a module that basically turned the mnt/reform into a portable battery/dock/monitor?21:24
vagrantcis that feasible in the "cpu" module slot?21:25
minutevagrantc: hmm! could be doable21:27
vagrantcmight also be interesting with the pocket reform21:27
vagrantcminute: i know you probably have a lot of ideas on your plate already... :)21:28
vagrantcbattery/keyboard/dock/monitor :)21:29
vagrantckind of like a nexdock or whatever21:29
minuteit would even be possible to expose the usb hub to the outside21:30
minuteand hdmi could be an input and convert to eDP via stdp260021:30
minutethe building blocks are there ;)21:30
minute(except that my stdp2600 design doesn't work yet)21:31
vagrantcwould presumably want a usb-c display ... alternate mode or whatever it's called21:35
minuteyeah, but big reform doesn't have usb-c :D21:35
minutewould need to smuggle another port in there somehow21:36
vagrantcon an extension cable off of the module :)21:36
- bgs (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net)22:48
- Gooberpatrol_66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)23:07
- sknebel (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)23:18
- _nrb_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~nrbnrb@xmpp01.you-host.me)23:19
+ sknebel (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)23:19
+ _nrb_ (~nrbnrb@xmpp01.you-host.me)23:20
chartreuseJust gotta turn one of the 3.0 ports on it into a usb-c port :P23:41
chartreuseI see ram mentioned, 4GB has been enough on the reform though of course more is always preferred. Though of course there's not really room for a SODIMM slot or such in there23:45
eeryAs an aside, USB-C ports can be 2.0/EHCI23:46
eerycheap android phones have 2.0 C ports lol23:46

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