
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~hanno@213-67-23-31-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)00:35
vkoskivIs there a known best NVMe for the Reform? i.e. lowest current draw, etc.02:41
vkoskivI know the speed isn't critical with the 1x PCIe lane thing, but I'm probably going to go pick up a new SSD for this tomorrow. This intel one is no good. Constantly freezing.02:41
vkoskivI was just reading the kernel boot log, and it shows 'KASLR disabled due to lack of seed'04:10
vkoskivIs this intentional/expected?04:10
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)04:30
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc14:f500:baf8:17de:5af6:42e4)11:48
minutevkoskiv: there's a thread on nvmes on community12:40
Asmadeusvkoskiv: for kaslr the seed needs to come from uboot as the kernel cannot use the caam (crypto engine that has RNG) at that point in the boot; there might be an implementation around that does it but I haven't been looking specifically (yet)13:02
AsmadeusThat's on my todo though so if you find one I'll take it :)13:02
joschvkoskiv: I don't think anybody ever compared the power draw of multiple nvme drivers that are confirmed working with the reform13:20
joschI'd expect the power draw differences to be minimal though. Is there a reason to think otherwise?13:20
joschWhen I chose my ssd I just looked for the most storage per EUR and then confirmed that the drive was not listed as known-broken in the forum thread.13:21
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)13:39
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)13:42
vkoskivi can't find any ssds mentioned in the thread here17:30
vkoskivi grabbed a wd blue sn570 1TB, hopefully that will work...17:31
sigridvkoskiv: it will, I have that one17:40
joschI have a WD Blue SN550 which works fine. Once you tested the sn570 make sure to leave feedback here https://community.mnt.re/t/confirmed-working-nvme-drives/22417:43
+ doctorhoo (~hanno@213-67-23-31-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)18:12
vkoskivYeah, I'll also mention the problems I had with my current Intel one18:30
vkoskivI wonder what the easiest way is for me to migrate to this disk18:30
vkoskivCan I just dd the contents and somehow mess with the encrypted lvm to expand it18:31
vkoskivI did this exact thing a few months ago with my desktop, that time I think I just rebuilt the disk and then copied all the contents of the root volume over18:31
joschvkoskiv: if you do not dd but cp, you need to rebuild your initramfs because the partition uuids will differ18:36
vkoskivI assume do that when chrooted to the new root volume?18:41
vkoskivSeems to me like dd + resize2fs might be the easiest way18:46
vkoskiv(Assuming that works)18:46
vkoskivNeed to also resize the crypt thing first, of course18:46
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~hanno@213-67-23-31-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)19:13
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)19:40
vkoskivSystem migrated! I ended up going the dd route and then resized everything to match the new drive.22:17
vkoskivOnly weirdness so far is that the R/W meter in waybar constantly shows it doing 100% writing22:17
vkoskivNot sure where it gets that value from. Things work normally otherwise.22:18
kfxcould probably look into it with iotop(1) or similar22:25
vkoskivNothing really appears there. Same on htop i/o tab22:26
vkoskivJust small random reads/writes, what I would expect.22:27
vkoskivI know reform-compstat makes that string using the psutil lib in python22:27
vkoskivSpeaking of which, it just randomly stopped doing that weirdness :D22:27
vkoskivI rebooted, it was still doing it, I opened $(which reform-compstat) in vim and it suddenly stopped22:30
kfxdefinitely gremlins22:48
vkoskivBurst of cosmic rays, certainly. That meter works normally again.22:49
vkoskivAnd no nvme timeouts anymore! And 750GB more space, too.22:50
vkoskivI'll post results in the nvme drive thread after some testing. So far this drive seems to work much better.22:54

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