
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)00:00
dustfingerminute: when I try to clone the reform-system-image I am getting a permission deneid. shouldn't I be able to just clone that repo? i.e. git@source.mnt.re:reform/reform-system-image.git.00:00
dustfingerI think the problem is probably on my end with how I have all my ssh keys configured maybe. I will figure it out. I can see the repo is public, so I should be able to clone it. I have to head out for a bit now. Will look at this again later...00:07
minutedustfinger: clone with https url00:20
minutedustfinger: the git/ssh url is only for registered accounts 00:20
minutedustfinger: just select the other url from the dropdown00:20
jfredYou know it is also interesting that the diode that failed was in the buck/boost charger circuit. The stock charger outputs 24V while the cable I was charging from outputs 20V - which is still within-spec per the handbook but potentially noteworthy given the failureā€¦00:39
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)00:40
jfredDatasheet says it's used "during periods of reverse current inhibit operation" which sounds like something that might happen more when charging from lower voltages. Just a wild guess though, I haven't actually looked too closely at this circuit00:44
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)01:06
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
- qwer (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~qwer@78-80-112-49.customers.tmcz.cz)03:37
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)03:52
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:10
- dustfinger (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~user@d75-159-228-218.abhsia.telus.net)05:03
+ reform11357 (~masop@67-43-243-35.fidnet.com)05:29
* reform11357 -> morrig05:30
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)06:18
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)06:46
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)06:48
morrigI've come to the conclusion that I'm just a bit too dumb for the imager. I've been trying and reading for fixes but I just havent found one yet. IDK what I'm doing wrong here.07:13
joschmorrig: what's the error message?07:14
morrigi have the newest version of the imager and i try to run it but it just tells me that a chroot fails and exits without ever making an image. I've been trying to figure this out for the last week but I'm just at a loss. Sorry if the fix is obvious.07:14
morrigGet:14 https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo reform/main arm64 reform-handbook all 1.1 [264 MB]07:14
morrigFetched 374 MB in 9min 25s (661 kB/s)07:14
morrigE: Failed to fetch https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-5.19.0-reform2-arm64_5.19.6-1%2breform1_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 443]07:14
morrigE: Failed to fetch https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-arm64_5.19.6-1%2breform1_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 443]07:14
morrigE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?07:14
morrigE: run_chroot failed: E: apt-get -o Dir::Bin::dpkg=env -o DPkg::Options::=--unset=TMPDIR -o DPkg::Options::=dpkg -o DPkg::Chroot-Directory=/home/masop/reform-system-image/reform2-imx8mq/mmdebstrap.agsuj6kGEa --yes install -oAPT::Status-Fd=<$fd> -oDpkg::Use-Pty=false e2fsprogs u-boot-tools sudo kbd bash-completion net-tools parted iputils-ping console-data htop console-setup xwayland rsync systemd-sysv cryptsetup xterm gpgv bsdmainutils mesa-utils07:14
morrigI: removing tempdir /home/masop/reform-system-image/reform2-imx8mq/mmdebstrap.agsuj6kGEa...07:14
morrigE: mmdebstrap failed to run07:14
joschmorrig: if you paste more than three lines into IRC, please use a pastebin07:15
morrigwill do my bad07:15
morrigim still learning how to do all this. im used to discord.07:15
joschmorrig: linux-image fails to download because we currently are investigating a problem with the latest image our CI built07:15
joschmorrig: this is a known problem on which we have been working since sunday -- it will hopefully be fixed soon07:15
morrigahhh ok07:16
joschmorrig: so this is not something that you did wrong but something that we have to fix first before we can build new images again07:16
morrigthank you, sorry about the bugging07:16
joschno problem, that's why this channel exists :)07:16
morrigim very happy you guys are working on this. I would like to help if i can ever get profficient enough. I love everything this project stands for07:17
joschminute: do you think it would be a good idea to create a second staging repo (similar to the one you already created) to which CI can output, such that in situations like this one we keep the old working versions available and only move stuff from staging to the real one manually every once in a while?07:27
- morrig (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~masop@67-43-243-35.fidnet.com)07:30
+ indefini[m] (~indefinim@2001:470:69fc:105::1e2a)08:13
- wielaard (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)09:02
+ spiral (~root@spiral.sh)09:32
spiralhey, I accidentally flashed my standalone keyboard with non-standalone firmware, and now I can't get back to flashing mode to flash new firmware. how can I fix this?09:33
spiralit looks like by trying to perform operations on the system controller and then pressing reset while the display shows "waking up LPC", the keyboard goes into DFU mode, but dfu-programmer shows "no device present"09:40
spiralah, dfu-programmer on arch/ubuntu are broken. I got an alpine live usb and was able to flash it from there09:57
joschspiral: what is the dfu-programmer bug?10:01
spiralit doesn't recognise the keyboard when it's in flashing mode10:03
joschspiral: and the alpine version has it fixed?10:04
joschAh it seems that ubuntu only has dfu-programmer 0.6.1 while alpine ships 0.7.2 -- lets fix this10:06
joschminute: did you build your own version of dfu-programmer to be able to flash the keyboard? You are also a Debian user, right?10:10
minutejosch: i used dfu-programmer from debian10:16
joschhrm... then it's strange that it didn't work for spiral10:17
minutespiral: did you use sudo?10:17
minutea common mistake is to not use sudi10:17
minutethe error message is misleading then10:18
spiralyes I am running dfu-programmer as root10:18
minutespiral: how does the device present itself in lsusb?10:19
minutemaybe you erased the usb bootloader?10:19
spiralBus 001 Device 019: ID 03eb:2ff4 Atmel Corp. atmega32u4 DFU bootloader10:20
minutethat's fine10:20
minutewhat's the error from dfu-programmer?10:20
spiraljust `dfu-programmer: no device present.`10:20
minutethat's usually what i get when not being root / not having permission, maybe there's another reason it can't find the usb device10:21
minutedo you have another computer you could try it with?10:21
spirali tried on a few different computers, was able to flash only under alpine10:22
minuteso it works with alpine?10:22
minuteok so it's a software issue10:22
spiralfwiw joshc: arch also has 0.7.2 and it doesn't work10:22
joschthen it's probably not the dfu-programmer version... nevertheless, the version in Debian should be made up-to-date (I'm on it)10:23
spiralfwiw, running dfu-programmer in a privileged alpine docker container works correctly, on the same host where it throws the error10:24
minuteinteresting 10:25
minutemaybe something about libusb10:25
minuteor could there be other protections at play? something like selinux? wildly guessing10:26
spiralhm there's a comment in dfu-programmer source mentioning it throwing that error because something about atmel changing interface class (arguments.c:513)10:38
spiralbut that doesn't seem related10:38
spiraloh, well, compiling dfu-programmer myself does work under arch10:43
spiraland now flashing with arch's own dfu-programmer also works10:45
spiralI'm so confused10:45
spiraluser error somehow, maybe?10:45
+ dustfinger (~user@d75-159-228-218.abhsia.telus.net)11:03
joschspiral: what happens if you copy the /usr/bin/dfu-programmer to your ubuntu or arch and run it there?11:14
joschspiral: if that works, then it's not dfu-programmer itself but something about your system (like libusb, selinux etc)11:14
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc16:fe00:36b8:e455:625c:e00b)12:40
minutejosch: uart debugging the 5.19 build now13:13
joschnice :)13:14
minutemy guess is the panel is not probed13:14
minutewe repeatedly get > [    7.734638] [drm:ti_sn_bridge_probe [ti_sn65dsi86]] *ERROR* failed to create panel bridge13:14
minutethis points at the ti sn probe being deferred13:14
minutewaiting for the panel, which doesn't appear13:15
minuteroot@reform:~# lsmod | grep panel13:16
minutepanel_edp              32768  013:16
minutedrm_display_helper    118784  2 panel_edp,ti_sn65dsi8613:16
minutedrm_dp_aux_bus         20480  2 panel_edp,ti_sn65dsi8613:16
minutedrm                   442368  11 drm_cma_helper,gpu_sched,drm_kms_helper,imx_dcss,panel_edp,etnaviv,nwl_dsi,drm_display_helper,ti_sn65dsi86,mxsfb13:16
minuteperhaps another mixup of which panel driver is responsible now13:17
minutethere was one transition from panel-simple to panel-edp before iirc13:17
minute[    6.328282] pwm-backlight backlight: unable to request PWM13:18
minute[    6.333797] pwm-backlight: probe of backlight failed with error -2213:18
minute[  330.129168] of_pwm_get(): can't parse "pwms" property13:19
minutelooks like a change in dts?13:19
minute(this happens if i rmmod and modprobe pwm_bl)13:19
minutemight be this:13:22
minute[  330.124313] OF: /backlight: #pwm-cells = 3 found 213:22
minutei don't get it though, as we have [  330.124313] OF: /backlight: #pwm-cells = 3 found 213:23
minutesorry, copypaste fail. we have pwms = <&pwm2 0 10000>;13:24
minutei dumped the loaded device tree, and pwm2 is not in there 13:26
minutewell, it is actually in there. phandle 0x5e13:29
minutejosch: this is likely the culprit https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/15ca3f00a1e3a56811371a63bf0c067603226eae13:32
minutethey even fixed our dts upstream!13:32
joschminute: should i revert that patch in our 5.19 kernel?13:33
minutei'm just fixing our dts13:35
minutejosch: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/commit/ce0ca34ff1af3e3410374fd914df2fd20edb318e13:36
minute(chassis-type is another thing they added, not critical but i'm just including it while i'm at it)13:36
joschoh cool13:36
minutefixed wrong whitespace in next commit13:36
joschlets see what happens :)13:36
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
minutewe have a new build on staging, will test14:26
minutehmm, still no display14:33
minutethat error is gone though14:34
minutethere's no /dev/fb014:34
minute[    6.476065] imx-dcss 32e00000.display-controller: failed to get pll_phy_ref clock14:36
minuteprobably IMX8MQ_CLK_PHY_27MHZ is not there/patch is not 100% correc t14:37
joschminute: the problem is probably mnt3004-MNT-Reform-imx8mq-add-PHY_27M-clock.patch14:38
joschthat was the patch that I wasn't sure about when rebasing the patches14:39
minutewill check14:42
minutejosch: in my monolithic 6.0 test kernel, i by accident did not include any of those clk27 patches... and it still worked. so i'm gonna check what they did in 6.014:49
minuteor maybe it just worked because i was reusing the old dtb14:50
+ wielaard (~mjw_@83-87-18-245.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)14:52
minuteahhh the difference is that i did not apply the hdmi-dcss patch in my test15:03
- mechs (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mechs@
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by wielaard!~mjw_@83-87-18-245.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl))) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:14
* wielaard -> mjw15:15
+ mark__ (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:15
+ mechs (~mechs@
- Boostisbetter (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)15:38
+ Boostisbetter (4a410829d7@irc.cheogram.com)15:39
minutethe error doesn't make a lot of sense to me. the clock itself is there (it's just a fixed 27mhz clock) root@reform:/sys/kernel/debug/clk# cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/hdmi_phy_27m/clk_rate15:43
minuteit must be failing to get this clock for another reason15:43
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mjw_@83-87-18-245.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)15:45
minuteinterestingly, clock-hdmi-phy-27m at the end of dt dump from the running kernel does not have a phandle15:46
minuteaha! > [    2.028063] i.MX clk 303: register failed with -1715:50
minutethat's the one15:50
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)15:51
minutethat's an error thrown by drivers/clk/imx/clk.c15:52
joschat least all the errors seem to be properly reported :)15:56
minute> #defineEEXIST17/* File exists */15:57
minutemight be hitting "check to see if a clock with this name is already registered" in clk.c15:59
minuteohhhh maybe it got added to dtsi?16:01
minuteyes https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/7d0d3fa7339ed5a06d6608b7cde9f079eba62bb1/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mq.dtsi#L6616:01
minuteso maybe we can just reference this by phandle and drop the extra hw clock 30316:02
minutethis might do the trick https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/commit/30e935c36ca6f8980350f25d8c7715769382a06616:06
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:09
- hl (QUIT: Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) (~hl@user/hl)16:22
+ hl (~hl@user/hl)16:30
joschminute: when you add or remove patches you also have to adjust this list: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/blob/main/linux/build.sh#L8916:44
josch(I just did that and pushed)16:44
joschminute: I could also make this script just apply all the patches from the linux/patches directory but for that to work we'd have to rename them in alphanumeric order so that the script knows in which order to apply them16:44
minutejosch: ooohh16:45
joschwould you like me to do the renaming? maybe by prefixing them with 0001, 0002, ...?16:45
minutethat would be great, yes... 16:45
minutelets see if this one works16:45
joschyes, i'll only do the renaming once we have a working kernel again16:46
+ monkeybusiness (~monkbusy@user/monkeybusiness)17:08
bkeysI got about another week and my Reform will be repaired and hopefully shipped back17:11
joschminute: kernel built successfully17:15
joschthree times is a charm! :D17:15
minuteoh :0 gonna try it then!17:18
minutebkeys: are they exchanging the edp chip?17:19
minutealright. new errors17:24
minute[    7.419065] phy phy-30a00300.dphy.2: Failed to configure PHY with invalid PHY mode: 017:24
minute[    7.419076] nwl-dsi 30a00000.mipi-dsi: [drm:nwl_dsi_bridge_mode_set [nwl_dsi]] *ERROR* Failed to configure DSI phy: -2217:24
minutewe have a panel and framebuffer though17:24
minutebut no display output of course.17:24
bkeysminute: Yes I sent them everything you said when you troubleshooted it17:27
bkeysOnce I get it back working I will write a post on the community endorsing them17:27
minutejosch: possibly we miss https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/69ed3dd6be9cf5d75252940b9a927dff4bab786017:29
minutewhy is 5.19 so buggy17:29
minuteyeah, we're hitting this, it got introduced in 5.19 https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/3fbae284887de24c83e88b1ebbb0a5fe8dbe9ac1#diff-6d31c533aa3108fa98483a2f53b05458cb8483171b77e0d6caa04f74e950a995R45417:35
minutebut setting the mode in nwl-dsi was introduced only in 6.017:35
minutehere we go again https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/commit/43887f9f5d205af34ac86c772fc17b850669aaed17:44
bkeysI think what I will do is if I get a booting Fedora system and the Fedora kernel doesn't support the Reform well then I will make a .rpm for the v3 kernel y'all use until stuff gets mainlined17:47
minutehas someone tried this already on reform? https://docs.waydro.id/usage/install-on-desktops#install-waydroid17:53
- monkeybusiness (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~monkbusy@user/monkeybusiness)18:01
+ monkeybusiness (~monkbusy@
eerybkeys: the kernel Fedora ships doesn't work18:17
eeryminute: I tried, but the v3 sysimage kernel was missing some stuff it needed, so it never "booted" properly18:18
- monkeybusiness (QUIT: Changing host) (~monkbusy@
+ monkeybusiness (~monkbusy@user/monkeybusiness)18:19
eerythis was using the Fedora COPR-packaged version, so maybe it assumed something specific to the Fedora kernel that Waydroid itself doesn't strictly need18:19
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)18:21
eeryguess it would probably work on debian since it'd build the extra modules with dkms18:22
minuteeery: hmm! there is a waydroid debian repo 18:22
minutejosch: finally, display is on18:24
bkeyseery: Does it at least boot to a tty session?18:26
bkeysIf so I can SSH into it and install the v3 kernel via a custom kernel rpm18:27
bkeysI'd put it up on copr for everyone to benefit from18:27
minutedid some quick tests with 5.19: sway, clapper with h264 decode, minetest with sound, chromium (with ozone), wifi, sleep/wake, all works18:28
minute(booted from encrypted nvme)18:29
minutewill try hdmi next. there could still be dragons18:29
minute4K hdmi display has wrong colors (green instead of black), otherwise computer works fine18:38
minutejosch: i'm gonna release the latest build to the default repo18:41
+ reform2836 (~sevan@host-92-23-203-220.as13285.net)18:41
- reform2836 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~sevan@host-92-23-203-220.as13285.net)18:43
flowyACTION cheers18:50
joschminute: YES!! \o/18:57
joschACTION throws confetti at minute 18:57
joschlets hope 6.0 will be a nicer experience XD18:57
minutei think it will18:57
joschminute: could you add some patch headers (just From: and a short Subject:) to the patches in linux/patches that do not have that yet? Then later tonight I'll restructure the patching stuff such that you just need to drop it into linux/patches for the script to pick it up.18:59
joschminute: otherwise I guess I put you for From: and the patch name as Subject: ?18:59
joschs/patch name/patch filename/18:59
minutethe following ones are by me:19:00
minute0005-pci-imx6-add-support-for-internal-refclk-imx8mq.patch (based on nxp kernel, though, but doesn't matter -- i can remove the bulk of it soon, and rewrite the patch i think)19:01
minutemnt4002-imx-gpcv2-wake-smccc.patch <- this adds some commented code that can be removed19:02
minuteand that's it, everything else has From: and Subject:19:02
+ natalie- (~natalie@user/natalie)19:09
- natalie (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~natalie@user/natalie)19:10
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by mark__!~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org))) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)19:11
* mark__ -> mjw19:11
+ wielaard (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)19:12
joschminute: thank you!19:14
vkoskivminute: Great work with the kernel patching! Updating very soon19:25
vkoskivI seem to recall I need to manually mount my SD card to /boot for the upgrade to work19:25
vkoskivI'm still booting off an SD card, but using internal nvme for data19:25
vkoskivYees, I found the instructions from the irc logs. From june.19:27
vkoskivI'll sort this out at some point, but this works for now.19:28
flowysounds like you might just need to fix yer fstab19:31
minuteyep, in the fstab it shall go19:31
flowyi've been quiet in the channel for a while but that's basically because all has been well with my reform for the past months. use it on a daily basis and it's my primary computer when i'm travelling19:33
minuteflowy: great to hear19:33
minutethe new battery board (final version to test will arrive here this week) will add a bit of additional robustness19:34
flowyi'm currently on a trip in finland and have been making days worth of audio recordings in the forest19:34
flowyi use the reform to sort through the files19:34
minuteoh cool19:34
minuteflowy: which audio software do you use for that?19:35
flowyalso, the built-in SD reader has been handy for this19:35
flowyi bring the reform to the forest and transfer files off in the field, then put the SD back into the recorder19:36
vkoskivThe SD card that ships with Reform is 32GB, right?19:36
vkoskivAnd the internal emmc is 1619:36
jfredWoo new battery board! :D19:36
vkoskivI think the last time I encountered this I fixed my fstab, so /boot is indeed coming from the SD19:36
vkoskivIt's coming from mmcblk1p1. Trying to make sure that is indeed the SD card19:36
flowyi've just been using audacity to preview files, but then i use a combination of other programs like sox ffmpeg csound and pure data for filtering19:36
vkoskivflowy: Whereabouts in Finland?19:37
vkoskivI'm based in Helsinki. Reform meetup? :D19:37
flowyah cool! close to fiskars19:37
flowyunfortunately i'm not sure i'll have time anymore but that could have been fun19:38
vkoskivThat's a fun place, I haven't visited (I think)19:38
BoostisbetterI've always wanted to go to Finland. 19:38
BoostisbetterOne of these days I will19:38
flowyvkoskiv: you're finnish?19:38
flowyyeah i am liking my visit here a lot. only briefly went through helsinki19:39
flowycan't say i'm extremely well travelled when it comes to remote parts of europe but actually the forests here are the first i've seen that remind me of where i'm from, pacific north west / coast of BC19:40
flowylove the rockiness19:40
flowyvkoskiv: actually i might have a bit of time on thursday19:44
flowyam going back to helsinki for the ferry and have a few hours before19:45
vkoskivWoo! Let's see if we can arrange something19:52
vkoskivJust coffee/hot beverage of choice and nerding out with reforms19:53
vkoskivSounds fun19:53
vkoskivI work from 8-16 usually, but I have flexible hours.19:53
BoostisbetterI'm kind of jelly. 20:03
eerybkeys: No internal display without the patches, not sure if the system comes up otherwise. Beyond the kernel I think there'd be a lot of extra work in adding support for the reform's fork of u-boot, versus just managing it manually20:06
+ kfx (~kfx@wopr.sciops.net)20:30
joscheery: I recently tried 5.18 from Debian without our patches and you get an error from the kernel when attempting to boot20:36
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)20:38
flowyBoostisbetter: i'm sure a germ meet-up can happen. i'd be into that too, in berlin anyways.20:40
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)20:41
Boostisbetterflowy: Berlin would be cool. They do Superbooth there and MNT is from there as well. 20:52
vkoskivflowy: You're based in Germany?21:01
bkeyseery: Yeah that is what I am thinking, I will build the v3 kernel and package it into a .rpm21:02
bkeysThe uboot should be separate from the Fedora cause I am using the .iso and not the .img21:02
vkoskivSo my fstab was sorted, I just upgraded and I'm running 5.19 now.21:02
vkoskivIs there a changelog of what improvements happened to etnaviv?21:02
vkoskivI guess I can go look at the kernel git logs21:02
eerybkeys: How do you intend to use the ISO image with Reform?21:05
- klardotsh (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~klardotsh@
- monkeybusiness (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~monkbusy@user/monkeybusiness)21:19
bkeysMy plan is to have the /boot partition and the custom uboot on the emmc and load the rest of the OS on the nvme21:26
bkeysSo dd the iso onto a USB drive or some other bootable medium to do the initial installation, and set the installer to do said partition scheme21:26
bkeysIt should "just work" since josch's uboot has the distroboot functionality, so I have an EFI implementation21:27
eeryuh, I'm 99% sure the unmodified installer isn't going to work, so at a minimum you'll need to generate a new ISO with the custom reform kernel21:30
bkeysOr I could just run the installer on a different ARM machine so the drive has everything but the /boot partition and copy the /boot partition over21:31
bkeysI believe I can configure the installer to install custom packages, which could include my reform kernel21:32
eeryany reason you want to run anaconda instead of just copying the files from raw image over?21:32
bkeysHaving an encrypted install would be nice21:32
bkeysI don't really care how it gets done, I just want to use Fedora on my Reform when I get it back21:33
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)21:33
eerywell, that would definitely make installation more complicated21:38
bkeysYeah, although push comes to shove it'd be fine without it since most of my actual data is on a network share on my power9 server21:39
bkeysI think that it can definitely be done21:40
eeryI figure if you had a working fedora-like kernel and initramfs you could get it working by mimicking the default anaconda setup of a LUKS encrypted LVM volume and pass rd.luks.uuid in the kernel args to get it to boot21:40
bkeysThat or I could just use anaconda and then copy the installation over the way I do a .img file21:41
eeryand hope the various UUIDs don't change21:41
bkeysThe only thing is I would copy the /boot partition onto the eMMC which can be done by booting from the SD card21:42
eerynot sure if any of those are dependent on hardware identifiers21:42
bkeysI don't believe so21:42
bkeysI just copy /boot over and modify the fstab21:42
eeryyou'd probably want to tune the LUKS configuration to try and squeeze out some performance21:44
eeryor does luks/dm-crypt make use of whatever AES acceleration is on the A53?21:47
eeryI just have this feeling FDE would be dreadful on the Reform21:49
eeryencrypting /home or something is the compromise I think I'd consider once I have an nvme drive21:50
+ monkeybusiness (~monkbusy@
- monkeybusiness (QUIT: Changing host) (~monkbusy@
+ monkeybusiness (~monkbusy@user/monkeybusiness)21:57
joscheery: https://community.mnt.re/t/does-drive-encryption-cause-the-reform-to-slowdown/87121:57
eeryjosch: oh nice - makes me wonder how much worse it'd perform with the CPUs pegged at 100%, like when ... browsing half the JS-laden internet in chromium :|22:04
eeryI just feel like it'd take a noticeable hit in "time for things to happen after pressing a button"22:05
joscheery: are you attempting to read from and write to your disk at the same time as you access JS-laden internet?22:05
eeryI mean yes, so far as both firefox and chromium lean heavily into disk caches22:06
eeryI don't have a good idea for the average disk load a typical page reads but I know both browsers keep fairly enormous caches on drive and seem to make heavy use of them to avoid fetching media and the like22:07
eeryso I'd guess the combo of limited memory for a block cache + slow CPU + lack of AES accelerator (?) + full CPU utilization would be unpleasant22:08
joscheery: and browsers will call fsync all the time or where would the slowdown come from?22:12
joscheery: even if browsers write to disk a lot, that writing will not be synchronous but will be written to disk whenever there is time to do so.22:12
+ klardotsh (~klardotsh@
minuteeery: i use chromium on encrypted nvme all the time.22:30
vkoskivSpeaking of chromium, I use Firefox for privacy reasons, but I never figured out how to configure that as a default22:34
vkoskivI spent some time on the problem a few months ago, but I just never got Firefox to open when I, for instance, open a link from xfce4-terminal22:35
minutevkoskiv: that can be tricky, there are several sources of truth depending on the framework the application is using. xfce4-terminal is gtk322:39
minuteone thing to try: > xdg-settings set default-web-browser 22:41
joschvkoskiv: what does your /usr/bin/x-www-browser point to?22:41
minuteor maybe first `get` that22:41
joschif x-www-browser and gnome-www-browser point to the browser you want it's probably what minute said22:44
vkoskivjosch: It points to /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser, which points to /usr/bin/firefox23:01
vkoskivminute: xdg-settings did the trick!23:02
eeryjosch: minute: cool, glad to hear it's not actually bad23:02
vkoskivI'm around 87.2% certain I tried that when I last messed around with this, but it worked now.23:02
minuteSep 06 23:08:48 reform waydroid[2596]: [23:08:48] modprobe: FATAL: Module ashmem_linux not found in directory /lib/modules/5.19.0-reform2-arm6423:11
minutewe have binder_linux but we don't have ashmem_linux23:11
minuteapparently upstream removed ashmem?23:12
eeryoh, fun23:13
eerythe COPR module I use to install waydroid has the notice "NOTE: Kernels 5.18.18 to 5.19.5 are broken"23:13
eeryalthough same module also notes it doesn't require ashmem23:14
minuteoh https://github.com/waydroid/waydroid/blob/02d2b113c6031cc41f610ce338dfd6a7a4f2a316/debian/changelog#L323:14
eerysomething else breaks tho23:15
minutei get a blue window so far23:16
minutechanging ro.hardware.gralloc to default in /var/lib/waydroid/waydroid_base.prop gives me some graphics23:25
minutebut i guess it's not accelerated23:25
minutei get a lock screen but it's crashing all the time "Trebuchet keeps stopping"23:27
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)23:27
vkoskivMy love for my Reform has significantly increased recently. I now use it more than my main desktop.23:34
vkoskivI forgot how significant sleep/suspend was to my workflow.23:34
vkoskivStill haven't had it fail once since it started working.23:34
bkeysSee I want to have a power9 workstation and Reform as my laptop23:36
- monkeybusiness (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~monkbusy@user/monkeybusiness)23:57

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