
Boostisbetterminute: the camera is looking great! 00:19
minuteBoostisbetter: thanks! first industrial design of my coworker greta00:27
Boostisbetterminute: I'm telling you dude, she is awesome on her work! 00:28
Boostisbetterminute: I'm telling you dude, she does awesome work! 00:31
vkoskivThe case will be milled aluminium too?00:38
vkoskivI'm a sucker for milled aluminium.00:38
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:08
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.6) (~ajr@user/ajr)08:55
+ reform20143 (~masop@67-43-243-35.fidnet.com)09:03
* reform20143 -> morrig09:03
joschmnt5000-imx8mq-import-HDMI-driver-and-make-DCSS-compatible.patch needs quite a few changes -- headers changed their locations and functions changed their name...09:04
morrigyo, I've got a question. Has anyone dealt with a failure to run mmdeb when using the v3 image builder beta on the reform? right now my reform is the only system with access to the mmdeb version new enough to run the builder.09:05
joschmorrig: what's the error message?09:06
morrigi wish i had wrote it down. i just remember it telling me that mmdeb something or other then it cancles the program and leaves me with a .tar file09:09
morrigit took hours to run tbh so it might be a bit for me to get it again09:09
joschalways copypaste console output of failures before closing the terminal09:10
- morrig (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~masop@67-43-243-35.fidnet.com)09:14
+ morrig (~masop@67-43-243-35.fidnet.com)09:18
+ kitty4 (~kitty@096-039-147-043.res.spectrum.com)10:24
morrigI have the error message now if anyone is around.10:25
morrig"run_chroot failed: E: command failed: chroot "$1" apt-get install --yes blender=2.79.b+dfsg0-7+reform1 blender-data=2.79.b+dfsg0-7+reform1 cage wayvnc ffmpeg10:26
morrigW: listening on child socket failed: 10:26
morrigI: removing tempdir /home/masop/Downloads/reform-system-image-sysimage-v3/reform2-imx8mq/mmdebstrap.M61t8YB2r7...10:26
morrigE: mmdebstrap failed to run"10:26
morrigmmdebstrap thats what it was10:26
joschmorrig: i need a few lines above what you pasted10:27
morrigPackage blender-data is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:29
morrigThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:29
morrigis only available from another source10:29
morrigE: Version '2.79.b+dfsg0-7+reform1' for 'blender' was not found10:29
morrigE: Version '2.79.b+dfsg0-7+reform1' for 'blender-data' was not found10:29
morrigthat'll teach me for not looking up high enough10:30
joschone sec...10:30
joschmorrig: are you running this from git?10:30
morrigno, i just have the files on my system10:31
joschmorrig: how did they get there?10:32
morrigoh yeah, git. my b10:32
joschmorrig: when was the last time you ran "git pull"? ;)10:32
morrignever. i guess i should learn git now10:32
joschmorrig: when you are inside the directory, just run "git pull"10:33
joschmorrig: that will fetch the latest changes and bring your current version up to date with what the server has10:33
morrigi'll give it a try10:33
joschmorrig: the problem you see was fixed -- you just need to retrieve those fixes by updating10:33
morrigweird, i wonder why i didnt get those on the git site download10:40
joschwhat's the "git site download"?10:43
morrigi didnt clone the repository, i just hit the download button10:44
minutewell, normally that should give you the latest version at the point of download10:52
joschmorrig: if you didn't use git to clone the repo but just downloaded it, then i'm afraid you have to download the current version again10:53
morrigso a git pull on this as a cloned repository will give me a more up to date verson? thats a little strange but im game to learn11:03
morrigupdate: i may have had the wrong initialk repository lol. user error11:45
morrigor maybe not. same thing12:03
morrigguess ill try again later12:03
- morrig (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~masop@67-43-243-35.fidnet.com)12:03
vkoskivIf you download with the download button, that package usually doen't contain the metadata git needs.12:23
vkoskivAnd yeah, spending a few hours learning git will be extremely valuable if you ever want to work more with software projects12:24
vkoskivThe basics are enough for ~90% of what you need.12:24
vkoskivOr, let's say 80% to be in line with the 80/20 rule12:25
joschvkoskiv: morrig is already offline :)12:35
joschthough one can also certainly argue that the git cli interface is somewhat "specialy" ;) -- though it has gotten a bit better with recent releases12:35
- cinap_lenrek (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~cinap_len@ns3076381.ip-147-135-136.eu)13:56
vkoskivI think my oled has mild permanent burn-in of the MNT Reform logo. I do remember some situations where the logo popped up and was on there for a really long time when the computer was off.14:00
vkoskivI'll look into some solution. Maybe a timeout to blank the display if it stays the same for too long.14:01
vkoskivIt's very mild burn-in though. I can see it if I set the display to all white14:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:02
minutevkoskiv: yeah, that's "normal". blanking would be good indeed14:04
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:51
- kitty4 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~kitty@096-039-147-043.res.spectrum.com)15:52
- ggoes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)15:54
+ ggoes (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)15:56
- ggoes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)16:09
+ ggoes (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)16:10
- Nulo (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Nulo@user/nulo)17:05
+ Nulo (~Nulo@user/nulo)17:05
- qwer (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~qwer@37-48-2-248.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)17:44
joschminute: pandoc broke the reform-handbook builds and thus the reform-debian-packages pipeline started failing even before linux 5.19 -- could you merge https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-handbook/-/merge_requests/10 so that i can re-enable building reform-handbook in reform-debian-packages? thanks!17:48
joschi managed to tweak the linux 5.19 patches such that it now builds in principle -- the builds still fails overall because of something that i think is completely unrelated to the reform but still has to be fixed for the build to succeed (a new binary package was added that broke cross builds)17:50
joschfixing that takes a while because of how crazy the resource requirements of the Debian linux source package are... i managed to find a machine with the required 64 GB of disk space though today and am running the whole kaboodle now17:51
josch"luckily" each new build takes 6.5 hours, so i can do other stuff in the meantime ;)17:52
sigridanyone tried latest lpc firmware?17:56
sigridI updated to it and now lpc is not waking up17:57
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)18:02
- smj (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (smj@sdf.org)18:03
sigridnvm. repeated the steps and it worked18:03
joschvagrantc: i thought more about your recent point that we should not call the kernel image linux-image-arm64. In case the reform repo at some point doesn't include the patched kernel package and if in that time-frame the Debian package happens to update to a higher version, then an "apt upgrade" would pull the vanilla Debian package and make the reform unbootable. This cannot happen if our kernel package 18:11
joschhas a different name.18:11
vagrantcjosch: yup, that was the idea18:13
vagrantcjosch: and ... once all the patches are in mainline, you can just switch it to depend on linux-image-arm64 :)18:13
joschvagrantc: thanks for bring that up -- i think we should do it the way you thought it should be done in the first place18:14
vagrantci mean, you can try to prevent the worst by apt pinning, but that can be tricky to get perfect18:14
joschthe current pinning always prefers the reform repo but will not prevent installing the Debian version if the package has no version in the reform repo (as it should)18:15
vagrantcyeah, i've found some surprising corner-cases with pinning now and then18:16
joschnow i have to find out how to best implement this in the linux Debian packaging... it's already a nightmare...18:16
vagrantcprobably can remove the default flavor and add another one18:16
joschah, right in debian/config/arm64/none/defines18:17
vagrantcbeen a while since i mucked with that sort of thing, but ... it wasn't too hard18:17
joschwhat throws me off are the long build times18:18
joschthe full build takes 6.5 hours on my machine...18:18
joschi was ranting about that just before you came online already ;)18:18
vagrantcindeed, definitely good to find a bigger machine and/or maybe corss-compile18:19
+ smj (smj@sdf.org)18:19
joschi am cross-compiling but i'm still only on a core2duo :D18:20
joschso yes, the arm64 cores of the reform are kinda an upgrade for me :P18:20
joschthe reform just lacks the ram, so i'm building on my old machine18:20
joschafk baby18:21
vagrantcjosch: there's a minimal kernel variant for running from ci ... could maybe mess with that to get a quick build just to test the packaging name change18:29
+ qwer (~qwer@37-48-25-254.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)20:01
vkoskivminute: Friend decided to get the Reform keyboard. Just the module, he'll do his own case. Here's what he said (loosely translated): "I wanted a smaller keyboard than a standard size because emacs keycombos feel easier that way. The price on the keyboard module was good, and I like that it has extra keys for thumbs (split spacebar)"20:04
vkoskivHe also did a case for his trackball unit already.20:04
vkoskivI actually haven't really fully gotten used to the two alt keys yet. I don't use that many keycombos on linux that use alt yet.20:07
vkoskivI think alt-[left,right] is nice to go back/forwards in Firefox. But that's about it for now.20:08
vkoskivIf I don't end up using the alt keys, I'll try coding up something more custom. Like macros or something20:08
vkoskivOr a layer thing.20:08
vagrantcwhen i get around to it i want to remap the alt keys to pageup and pagedown20:15
vagrantcand put alt keys on the outside of the spacebar :)20:15
vagrantcalso want to swap the compose and ctrl key20:16
vkoskivI've come to really like the placement of pgup&pgdn. Being right next to the arrow keys feels really logical to me.20:17
vkoskivAnd obviously far more ergonomic than fn+[up,down] on my previous laptop which was a MacBook Pro.20:17
vagrantcyeah, mostly i just don't like the placement of the alt keys which i use a lot, and pgup/pgdwn are the only key i could figure out that i might like there20:19
vagrantcand probably want to map the hyper key to a control key ... never figured out what the hyper key even is :)20:20
joschclearly, it is even superior to the super-key!!20:51
BoostisbetterI don't know, like many I found the keyboard layout on the Reform unique. But I got used to it pretty quickly. It doesn't bother me at all anymore. 21:12
joschfor me only the number of keys mattered and i remapped everything anyways21:16
joschi am very happy with the split spacebar which allows my thumbs to do a bit more21:16
joschi have my enter key at the very center because i'm hitting it so often when working on the terminal21:16
joschmuch better than having to stretch my right pinky all the way to the right all the time21:16
Boostisbettersounds like a good idea. I mean for me the placement of the spacebar lines right up with my right thumb, which is the finger I use to hit to the spacebar anyway, and so it all has worked out. 21:18
Boostisbetterhonestly, I'm really looking forward to the ortho keyboard on the Pocket Reform as well. 21:20
joschyup, it has even more keys ;)21:27
Boostisbetteryou know one other thing I have noticed is the DosBox performance on the Reform is great. 21:39
BoostisbetterI mean I built a Penkesu with a pi zero and so you shouldn't expect super performance to begin with, but while it can play Wolfenstein 3d well, it struggles with Doom. 21:39
BoostisbetterHowever, the Reform plays all DOS games without a problem, and would probably run Win95 pretty well through it as well. 21:39
Boostisbetternice little bonus if you ask me. 21:40
- ggoes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)22:21
BoostisbetterI am convinced that if we could get Steam running on here that it would be able to play many of the games I play a lot. (Nuclear Throne being one of the main ones.)22:28
- qwer (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~qwer@37-48-25-254.nat.epc.tmcz.cz)22:43

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