
- frank_ (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~frank2@juicy.frank2.net)00:00
+ frank2 (~frank2@juicy.frank2.net)00:01
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:671f:736d:4d41:28c3)00:15
- ajr (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.6) (~ajr@user/ajr)01:21
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:08
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)06:16
Boostisbettermntpocket: YES!!! minute: rad! Keep up the great work. 07:21
kitty4oh? niiiice uwu07:22
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:e515:c8d5:9938:b1b6)08:53
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:e515:c8d5:9938:b1b6)09:03
- chartreuse (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~chartreus@node-1w7jr9ql2247ulxzt91eckjma.ipv6.telus.net)10:24
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@node-1w7jr9ql2247ulxzt91eckjma.ipv6.telus.net)11:24
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:38ea:666e:63fd:fbc3)12:04
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:38ea:666e:63fd:fbc3)12:23
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)12:54
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)12:55
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)13:03
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)13:04
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:454b:92f1:2a92:b402)13:44
Boostisbetterminute: is there a good way to get a hold of you privately? Would that just me emailing you?13:55
minuteBoostisbetter: there's no private me basically ;)13:59
minuteBoostisbetter: what do you need?14:00
minutebtw StarFive wrote me about using their RISC-V soc, but they want me to sign an NDA to show any datasheets14:00
minutewhich i find... not good14:00
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
Boostisbetterminute: ok was going to write some thoughts your way, and didn't want to just dump them here or the forums. It isn't something I'd like to really have a public discussion on I guess. Nothing top secret or anything. 14:20
minutewhat's sensitive about it?14:20
Boostisbettertalking about other companies, business strategies, etc. 14:21
minuteok, you can send it to lukas@mntre.com14:21
Boostisbetterok, thanks!14:21
Boostisbetterminute: I sent you an email. I forgot to mention that I live in Germany should that matter. 14:38
minuteBoostisbetter: i have read it, thank you!14:43
- chomwitt (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:454b:92f1:2a92:b402)14:43
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:41c2:c97c:1364:63b1)14:43
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)14:46
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)14:46
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7a8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)14:48
+ erle (~erle@ip5f5af7a8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)14:52
BoostisbetterBTW, anyone know if RMS has ever commented on the Reform? I find the guy to be crazy myself, but I would think something like the Reform would illicit at least some kind of response. 14:56
Boostisbetterminute: I have that EXACT same Eremit battery in my Penkesu. Super rad seeing the Pocket Reform continue to come along!15:00
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)15:05
erleBoostisbetter i once talked to RMS at a conference about open hardware and he seemed less interested in it than i thought.15:12
erleBoostisbetter it was not about reform in particular i think15:13
erleBoostisbetter i remember him saying that the fabs are a problem for trust – after all your chip is still going to be made there – and that this problem could be solved “maybe if we have star-trek-style replicators”. but also that we have 40 years of evidence that the current arrangements about hardware are “good enough” for user freedom (but maybe i misunderstood him there).15:15
erleoh i did actually ask him via email some time later about reform15:17
erlelet's see15:17
erleBoostisbetter did you know you can just email RMS? he'll reply encrypted if you attach your PGP key15:18
erleso you can send him an encrypted mail with your key in there and no snooper will ever figure it out15:18
minuteerle: iirc he told us to talk to fsf ryf back then as he did not feel competent to comment on hardware questions15:24
erleah yeah i remember15:25
erleand then RYF was like “well we need a device to test if you want us to do the certification work” or so and i think it didn't seem worth it, right?15:25
Boostisbetterminute, erle: thanks, I have no desire to speak with him personally. I don't have much in common with him. I don't agree with his viewpoint much, at least not in the way he professes to implement it.15:27
erleoh yeah, i checked the email he sent me in 201915:27
BoostisbetterI don't think there is really anything to gain from him on it, but for all his hooting and hollering you would think HE would seek the Reform out himself. 15:27
erlethe one point of minute is entirely correct, RMS was like “i'm the wrong person to talk to about this, i don't have the background or time, ask RYF if you think it could qualify”15:28
erlethe second point was: “the management engine is a hardware backdoor and i wish we could get rid of it – but even if we had the full source code from intel for their stuff, we would not have the technology to fab chips with todays technology” which echos the replicator thing he said15:29
erleBoostisbetter AFAIK RMS does actually have some old netbook he seemed happy with, why seek out something new?15:31
erleand anyways, he is a software and policy guy, so i'd ask him software and policy questions.15:32
Boostisbettererle: it isn't really about him replacing the hardware he is using, as it is him acknowledging this that directly support his mindset. 15:32
minutefor me personally RMS is not an ideal figurehead in 2022, so to speak15:33
minutewithout wanting to get into flamewar territory15:33
erlewell, regardless of if he is, cult of personality helps no one, so i think you could leave it at “i'm not the right person to ask” in any case15:34
BoostisbetterYeah I understand. My issues are with his professional opinions well before the court of opinion had issues with him. 15:34
Boostisbetterand basically I just consider him a hypocrite. 15:34
erle“i disliked it before it was uncool” is a hipster-take i have not seen before hehe :P15:35
erleif you do that, why would you care about his opinion?15:35
BoostisbetterI think you misunderstand. I don't think my dislike of his professional opinions have anything to do with being a hipster (I despise such a thing if it is one)15:36
erlei was trying to make a joke15:36
BoostisbetterI don't personally care about his opinion, but was merely in a round about way mocking him again for being a hypocrite. 15:36
BoostisbetterHere is the Reform, a poster child of what he espouses, and he's mums the word on acknowledging it. 15:37
erlebut even mocking him is caring about his opinions.15:37
Boostisbetterif you split hairs enough, you'll find there is plenty of hair for everyone. 15:38
erlewell, i think there is no better answer than “i am not an expert on the topic, but getting rid of the intel management engine thing is good, ask people who are experts” – regardless of what you think of RMS or anyone else, that is a perfectly good answer anyone could give.15:38
erlenot everyone needs to chime in on everything15:39
erleand i actually appreciate it if people voluntarily keep to what they are experts on, it leads to better public discourse15:39
+ minutepkt (~mntmn@p54a436cd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)15:41
minutepktsitting on the company couch with pocket reform and wifi stick15:41
minutepktbatteries are now mounted in the device15:42
Boostisbetterhe was the frontman for RYF movement, I don't think it is unreasonable to at least have him express enthusiasum or something for it.l 15:42
Boostisbetterminutepkt: that is awesome!15:42
minutepktthe speaker is much better than i expected15:42
erleBoostisbetter, i had a relevant experience recently in a discussion about build systems. i started with sth like “please hold your horses if you have never implemented a build system” and inevitably, everyone who had implemented one gave useful answers and everyone who had and had strong opinions was just polluting the issue with uninformed garbage.15:43
minutepktthe sound is better than in big reform tbh15:43
Boostisbetterminutepkt: unexpected bonus huh? Very cool15:43
erleminutepkt how is it better?15:43
minutepktlouder, more bass15:43
erlei meant ”everyone who had not and hat strong opinions was just polluting the issue”15:43
Boostisbettersure, that can be an issue15:43
minutepktit is because it is an enclosed module with integrated acoustic box15:44
Boostisbetterminutepkt, nice!15:44
minutepkti tend to forget where the punctuation keys are on this keyboard15:44
minutepktbut getting used to the ortho layout15:45
erleBoostisbetter given laypeople's opinions on gender, vaccinations, geopolitics etc. pp. i am very much a fan of people not pulling an opinion out of thin air. ;)15:45
Boostisbetterminutepkt: You get acclimated faster than you initially think. 15:45
erleminutepkt have you compared the ortho layout to the n900 some time?15:45
erlei think it also had ortho15:45
minutepktthe device def has something magical about it15:45
minutepkti guess because it is smol15:46
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)15:46
Boostisbettererle: cool, not sure i see the relevance to our conversation about the head of an organization at least acknowledging a product that completely supports the organization's mindset. 15:46
minutepkterle: the n900 is for thumb typing right?15:46
minutepkton pocket you can type using more fingers15:47
Boostisbetterminutepkt: not sure about erle, but that is certianly how I used mine15:47
minutepktbut if you have big hands you can also thumb type on it15:47
BoostisbetterI think I'll be fine on it. I type near full speed on the 1 Netbook Onemix 3pt I have, as well as the Ortho kb on the Penkesu15:48
BoostisbetterI think the Pocket Reform's board will be a sort of luxury in that regard. 15:48
erleminutepkt yes and it worked very well, except for the thumb hurting after some time obv15:49
Boostisbettererle: I still have my N900. I need to update the thing. It is still running the last version of Maemo that Nokia released for it. 15:49
erleBoostisbetter IMO for the unqualified head of the organization to know if they should endorse the product, you need to talk to the experts, so i see no issue here except someone not wanting to make unqualified statements.15:50
minutepktBoostisbetter: cool15:50
Boostisbettererle: I think we are the same page. I think we are just talk past each other. I am simply saying that for the head of an organization to not even acknowledge the Reform publicly is disappointing, to say the least. That said, I care nothing for his opinion or RYF's mindset. 15:51
Boostisbetterwhile admitting that open hardware and software sure would be nice. 15:51
Boostisbetterbut, honestly, let's talk about the pocket reform. Much cooler subject. 15:52
erleBoostisbetter while i also think we are broadly on the same page: to be disappointed, you need to have expectations. i have none from RMS, so i can not be disappointed ^^15:54
erleabout the pocket reform15:54
erlehow big does the pocket need to be?15:54
erleminutepkt do you have a pic of it being in your pocket?15:55
minutepktyou need big pockets15:56
minutepktmaybe some kind of cargo pants15:56
minutepkttbh it does not fit in most pockets so it is a bit of a misnomer15:57
Boostisbetterminutepkt: I think the term pocket has been misused for so long that it being a misnomer is just kind of understood. From the first renderings and discussions I had no illusions about it fitting in a pocket. 15:58
vagrantcalmost seems more like the early netbooks in size15:59
erleminutepkt you should have gone with my suggestion of “MNT workboy color” (in before nintendo lawyers descending on me like vultures)16:00
Boostisbetterminutepkt: and that is 100% fine. Pocket does a good of illustrating the primary purpose of it: to be more portable. 16:00
erleMNT reform handbag hehe16:00
erleor just put sew-on pockets in the shop, problem solved!16:00
erleminutepkt does the ortho layout have the same amount of keys btw?16:01
Boostisbetterminutepkt: is the battery situation going to be 2 of those 4000maH cells in parallel?16:02
minuteBoostisbetter: in series yep16:05
minuteso 8000mAh16:05
Boostisbettervery nice16:05
vagrantcguessing that's not lifepo416:06
erlewhy not16:07
erledo you want a spicy pillow?16:07
minuteit's LiIon16:07
minuteit is spicy pillow16:07
erlespicy pillow time it is then16:07
minutebut the batteries do not get hot16:08
minutebecause they are in the bottom with the keyboard16:08
Boostisbetteryeah, that has been my observation as well16:08
erleregardless, i hope they have room to expand if they fail.16:08
minuteaway from the motherboard heat which is in the top part16:08
minuteerle: they would probably pop open the bottom shell16:08
erlesounds good16:08
erlei had a dumbphone fail recently bc the spicy pillow pressed against its internals16:08
Boostisbetteryeah, no really concerned about that myself. They have built voltage control, etc. 16:09
erleeven without being hot, you always need to care about the expansion that the end-of-life pillow state results in16:09
minuteyeah they have built in safeties and our charger has a real protection ic this time16:09
erleif it pops open the bottom shell, it can plop out itself hehe16:09
minuteend of pillow16:09
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:10
erleminute does the reform pocket work as a portable game console?16:10
vagrantcthis was to fit more overall power in a smaller space?16:10
minuteerle: yes16:10
minutelet me install a gameboy emulator16:11
BoostisbetterI was going to say, anything the Reform can do, it can do. It is basically a Reform in a smaller format. 16:12
minutepktyes, i am even using the same cpu module at the moment16:12
minutepktbecause the adapter for the 8mplus is not done yet16:13
Boostisbetterminutepkt: what is the short and skinny of the 8mplus? More RAM,faster clock speed?16:13
erleBoostisbetter question for a portable game console is also the controls. for example, i own the C.H.I.P. game thingy and it's THE WORST EVER keyboard i have ever had.16:14
minutepktthe main thing is that it is 14 nm instead of 2816:14
erleat the same time, i have a ~30€ chinese retro console thingy and it's pretty neat (but it does not boot rn, maybe the sd card is corrupted)16:15
Boostisbetterminutepkt: ah so increase power efficiency 16:15
Boostisbetterminutepkt: ah so increased power efficiency 16:15
minutepktso cooler/less energy and 1.8ghz instead of 1.516:15
Boostisbetter4gb RAM though right?16:15
minutepktalso yeah more than 4gb ram possible16:15
erleBoostisbetter, if you have not done so, a gameboy emulator installed on the n900 is a pretty good idea, except for battery life16:15
minutepktno, supports 8 gig16:16
minutepktnot many people know this yet though16:16
erle64k ought to be enough for anyone ;)16:16
erleminutepkt well now ~80 people def do know!16:16
Boostisbetterminutepkt: that is great. Looking forward to that. Since the Reform uses a PCIe lane for NVME RAM is not SUCH a big deal 16:16
Boostisbetterminutepkt: but I would absolutely get the 8gb version if possible. 16:16
Boostisbetterminutepkt: So far that is the best upgrade option I've heard. Because the SoC currently being used is very capable, and the plus would just be a solid upgrade for it on nearly ALL fronts. 16:17
minutepktbtw resolution of this panel is 1920x120016:18
erlerefresh rate?16:18
erlei mean not that it matters much for anything else than gaming16:19
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:41c2:c97c:1364:63b1)16:19
Boostisbetterminutepkt: so from a cpu and gpu crunching perspective, everything is a known quantity. Should be a very uniform and predictable experience. Which is to say it is going to be great. 16:20
- Nulo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Nulo@user/nulo)16:25
+ Nulo (~Nulo@user/nulo)16:26
minutepkterle: 6016:31
minutepktBoostisbetter: it feels like a good match for the device size16:32
minutepktwe just played some dr mario, it was great16:32
Boostisbetterminutepkt: nah wunderbar! I think it is going to be a very useful little computer. 16:33
minutehttps://twitter.com/minut_e/status/1558100425043484678?t=26y5u7rcZCgVJqK3_GiPng&s=19 video of my coworker playing dr mario on pocket 16:38
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:8ebc:7ad0:4cb3:bd5d)16:59
- minutepkt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mntmn@p54a436cd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)17:17
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)17:34
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)17:46
- mtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)17:47
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)17:48
+ minutepkt (~mntmn@p54a436cd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)18:24
+ ajr (~ajr@user/ajr)18:43
- minutepkt (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mntmn@p54a436cd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)19:18
Boostisbetterminute: Thanks! I love seeing the Pocket in action!20:05
Boostisbetterso the cover is transparent by design. It looks real good. 20:09
minutenot final20:19
+ minutepkt (~mntmn@ip-109-42-243-72.web.vodafone.de)20:35
BoostisbetterOk, yeah I am going to be getting the aluminum black version when possible. 21:15
Boostisbetterminute: and I absolutely love the lid design, how it sudo locks into place when closed. Just excellent design work!21:20
Boostisbetterminute, 21:21
Boostisbetteris there more work to be done for the LPC portion or you just haven't gotten there yet? 21:21
Boostisbetterminute: also sorry if I a hounding you too much on the Pocket. Hopefully you already quit for the day and the weekend ahead!!!21:25
Boostisbetterminute: also sorry if I am hounding you too much on the Pocket. Hopefully you already quit for the day and the weekend ahead!!!21:25
mtmI, too, am so ready for the Pocket21:25
ajrawesome work!21:26
mtm(ideally with a RISC-V SoM sometime in the future)21:26
- cwebber (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~user@user/cwebber)21:43
+ mtm- (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)21:47
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)21:48
- minutepkt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mntmn@ip-109-42-243-72.web.vodafone.de)22:00
+ minutepkt (~mntmn@ip-109-40-243-140.web.vodafone.de)22:02
+ cwebber (~user@user/cwebber)22:05
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)22:10
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)22:10
- GNUmoon2 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)22:31
+ GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)22:31
- buckket (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)23:03
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)23:03
grubmanare there current v3 system image builds?23:10
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)23:10
kfxjosch: https://community.mnt.re/t/will-we-be-able-to-usb-power-mnt-reform/241/1923:11
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:8ebc:7ad0:4cb3:bd5d)23:35

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