
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p54bf6014.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)00:09
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@node-1w7jr9ql2247v4d4hj45ls10r.ipv6.telus.net)00:24
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0d:4a00:753b:477d:ff71:8b54)00:31
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)00:45
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@149-210-4-100.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)01:00
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-4-100.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)01:00
- chartreuse (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~chartreus@node-1w7jr9ql2247v4d4hj45ls10r.ipv6.telus.net)01:25
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)01:31
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:03
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)02:14
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)02:15
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:07
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)03:48
+ erle (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)03:48
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)04:14
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)04:29
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@149-210-4-100.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:11
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-4-100.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:11
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)06:22
- bkeys (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)06:22
* bkeys1 -> bkeys06:22
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@2a02:a461:129d:1:193d:75d8:745d:e91e)08:28
- conky (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (5fb0fe5593@2604:bf00:561:2000::10b)08:39
- patrick_ (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (224fa09e8b@2604:bf00:561:2000::217)08:39
+ patrick (224fa09e8b@fsf/member/patrick)08:39
+ conky (5fb0fe5593@2604:bf00:561:2000::10b)08:39
- NanoCodeBug (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~NanoCodeB@c-67-160-118-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)08:51
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~MajorBisc@2a02:a461:129d:1:193d:75d8:745d:e91e)09:01
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0d:4a00:ceae:439a:35c2:d6cc)09:29
- sbates (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (sid451432@id-451432.ilkley.irccloud.com)09:41
+ sbates (sid451432@id-451432.ilkley.irccloud.com)09:42
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)10:00
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@wlan-145-94-167-213.wlan.tudelft.nl)10:12
+ erle (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)10:18
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)12:08
+ erle (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)12:57
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)13:10
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p4fe73fa6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:18
joschshould I have a /dev/mmcblk0p1 ?13:28
- cinap_lenwerk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~cinap_len@232.red-83-48-121.staticip.rima-tde.net)13:42
- cinap_lenrek (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~cinap_len@ns3076381.ip-147-135-136.eu)13:44
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.5) (~MajorBisc@wlan-145-94-167-213.wlan.tudelft.nl)13:48
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@wlan-145-94-167-213.wlan.tudelft.nl)13:51
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
+ wielaard (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)14:59
- mjw (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:05
+ mjw (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:05
- mjw (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:07
+ mjw (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:07
- bkeys (QUIT: Quit: With every step we take, danger will follow closely) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)15:08
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)15:08
- mjw (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by wielaard!~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440))) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:45
* wielaard -> mjw15:45
+ mark_ (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)15:45
+ erle (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)15:50
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:09
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)16:11
+ erle (~erle@ip5f5af7e0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)16:29
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)17:22
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~MajorBisc@wlan-145-94-167-213.wlan.tudelft.nl)17:56
+ NanoCodeBug (~NanoCodeB@c-67-160-118-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)18:12
+ cinap_lenrek (~cinap_len@ns3076381.ip-147-135-136.eu)18:19
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)18:28
kfxjosch: why not?18:28
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p4fe73fa6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)19:00
- NanoCodeBug (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~NanoCodeB@c-67-160-118-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)19:36
* mark_ -> mjw19:57
- Nulo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~Nulo@user/nulo)20:07
+ Nulo (~Nulo@user/nulo)20:22
flowyminute: maybe you forgot to bump the keyboard fw version when recently merging the sleep bugfix?20:38
flowyguess it doesn't matter that much, although it might if we have to keep debugging this20:38
- natalie- (QUIT: Quit: quit) (~natalie@user/natalie)21:15
+ natalie (~natalie@user/natalie)21:16
joschkfx: because I do not21:17
joschdo others have that device?21:17
josch/dev/mmcblk0p1 that is21:17
joschi'm trying to figure out whether this is a bug in my emmc setup or in the reform-tools script i'm fixing21:17
minuteflowy: oh yeah that's true, sorry21:19
sigridjosch: yes21:28
sigridNAME                                          MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINTS21:28
sigridmmcblk0                                       179:0    0  14.6G  0 disk21:28
sigrid└─mmcblk0p1                                   179:1    0  14.6G  0 part  /boot21:28
sigridwhich is emmc21:29
joschsigrid: thanks! looks like i screwed up my emmc somehow21:34
joschsigrid: that looks similar to findmnt output but it's not, right?21:35
joschah, right21:35
- bluerise (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~bluerise@user/bluerise)22:12
+ bluerise (~bluerise@p5b0acfb5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)22:21
minutejosch: i do not have mmcblk0p122:23
minutemmcblk0          179:256  0  14.6G  0 disk  22:23
minutemmcblk0boot0     179:512  0     4M  1 disk  22:23
minutemmcblk0boot1     179:768  0     4M  1 disk22:23
minuteit's possible that this is different for different SOM revs maybe?22:24
minutei think boot partitions are a emmc hardware feature22:24
joschi also have mmcblk0boot0 but if mmcblk0p1 is missing then there is no partition table on mmcblk0, right?22:26
joschi wonder if this was different on my last board?22:26
joschoooh wait22:26
joschi changed my board!22:26
+ bluerise_ (~bluerise@p5b211827.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)22:26
joschand i didn't flash that one with sysimage-v3 yet22:26
- bluerise (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~bluerise@p5b0acfb5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)22:26
joschi totally forgot that i switched it for the one with working serial XD22:27
joschof course the emmc contents changed22:27
* bluerise_ -> bluerise22:28
- bluerise (QUIT: Changing host) (~bluerise@p5b211827.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)22:28
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)22:28
minutejosch: true!22:30
minuteand i also swapped my module recently22:30
joschwell, this just teaches me that another if/else check is needed in the scripts to guard against this ;)22:35
vagrantcACTION is happy to hear josch has working serial22:35
joschvagrantc: it is sooooooo nice!!! :D22:36
joschi finally see uboot stuff happening22:36
vagrantcACTION finds serial console a more basic functionality than a keyboard or screen :)22:37
vagrantcmore essential22:37
joschwell, this uboot gives you neither screen nor keyboard, so... ;)22:37
joschah it gives you some screen if you have a hdmi monitor22:37
joschbut not fun to copypaste from that one ;)22:38
joschand should the internal keyboard work at uboot time or not?22:38
josch(it doesn't for me)22:38
minutejosch: _maybe_ if you do the usb start and stdin usbkd etc dance23:02
minutedidn't try this in a long time23:03
joschuboot sets "stdin=serial,usbkbd" and the distro_bootcmd stuff runs "usb start" but still no keyboard23:08
minutehmm, i wonder if the usb hub has been reset at that point yet... also uboot is kinda picky about usb3+usb2 mix behind a hub IIRC23:16
minutei think there's "usb tree" also23:16
joschi can try running that tomorrow23:17
- bkeys (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Thunderbi@static-198-54-135-69.cust.tzulo.com)23:33

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