
cinap_lenrekbluerise: http://felloff.net/usr/cinap_lenrek/lcd.c00:03
cinap_lenrekbluerise: its more self contained (sans the i2c and clock stuff)00:04
cinap_lenrekbluerise: in this driver, the dsi configuration is static. only dpi and the bridge need the mode info.00:10
cinap_lenrekbluerise: well, dpi, bridge and the lcdif of course00:10
cinap_lenrekso shouldnt be too hard to roll this out00:10
cinap_lenrekand just have a big run of register writes hammering away00:11
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)00:24
vkoskivI didn't get anything out of the LPC serial line when doing screen /dev/ttymxc2 5760000:26
vkoskivThe blender build that comes with sysv3 seems to be missing some facilities. It doesn't have Cycles, and the settings window is missing a lot of options.00:28
vkoskivLike the input pane doesn't contain anything00:28
vkoskivSo I can't enable 'emulate numpad', for instance00:29
minutevkoskiv: serial is 115200 baud00:41
minuteah sorry00:41
minutei overlooked "LPC"00:41
vkoskivAre the docs accepting merge requests?00:41
vkoskivSame for firmware repos00:41
minutego ahead!00:42
vkoskivI'm interested in working on both. Probably more firmware, but small doc fixes as well :D00:42
minutecinap_lenrek: that's a plan9 driver, right? i wonder how hard it'd be to hack this into u-boot also00:43
vkoskivI also just hit circle+1 while messing with the thing to see messages :D00:44
vkoskivI'll see about adding a 'sure?' prompt to those00:44
minutei think circle 1 shouldn't do anything if power is already on. that would fix this00:46
vkoskivYeah. Probably better.00:46
vkoskivLooks like it just reset the thing.00:46
minuteit does a quick off, on00:46
vkoskivStill wondering what these nvme QID timeouts are about00:46
vkoskivI found this today: https://www.funkyspacemonkey.com/mpv-youtube-dl-stop-wasting-resources00:56
vkoskivI learned that you can config profiles for mpv00:56
vkoskivSo now I can just do mpv --profile=1080p <url> and it does what I want00:56
vkoskivIs the chromium shipping with v3 of the 01:14
vkoskiv'ungoogled' variant?*01:14
vkoskivI'm still getting used to the en-us layout :D Keep hitting return when I meant to type '01:15
vkoskivOverall I really like this, much nicer for programming than the se/fi layout I've used for ages.01:15
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)01:54
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)02:02
vkoskivI stuck a bluetooth dongle in, obtained firmware and it's working now :D02:14
vkoskivOn my Arch desktop this dongle just worked, but on debian I had to download the manufacturer driver package to extract the firmware02:15
vkoskivAre there any extra internal USB ports in addition to the two for the keyboard/mouse?02:17
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p54bf66aa.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)03:58
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)04:09
- erle (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5af7b3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)04:11
vkoskivI wrote a fix for the circle+1 oopsie and tested it on my hardware. I made it so if the system is powered up, it does nothing.05:00
vkoskivI submitted a registration to the gitlab server. Firefox didn't save my password though so I'll have to reset that tomorrow05:02
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)05:03
vkoskivActually it might have saved it.05:03
+ erle (~erle@
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)05:50
joschvkoskiv: what is the filename of the firmware you downloaded for your bluetooth dongle? usually these firmware bits are also distributed by debian but only as part of the non-free repository.07:07
+ Gooberpatrol66 (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)08:00
+ littlebo1eep (~alMalsamo@gateway/tor-sasl/almalsamo)09:13
- littlebo1eep (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~alMalsamo@gateway/tor-sasl/almalsamo)09:24
+ littlebo1eep (~alMalsamo@gateway/tor-sasl/almalsamo)13:17
- littlebo1eep (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~alMalsamo@gateway/tor-sasl/almalsamo)13:22
- iank (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in) (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)13:25
+ iank (~iank@fsf/staff/iank)13:27
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p54bf632f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:35
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 255 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)14:03
vkoskivjosch: I followed these instructions verbatim: https://gist.github.com/ssledz/69b7f7b0438e653c08c155e244fdf7d814:51
vkoskivThe author has the exact hardware I do.14:51
vkoskivSo BCM20702A1-0b05-17cb.hcd14:52
vkoskivOddly enough, I didn't find this file on my arch system, but it has to be in there somewhere14:52
joschvkoskiv: you are right, that firmware seems to be missing from Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=80108415:00
+ littlebo1eep (~alMalsamo@gateway/tor-sasl/almalsamo)15:11
- littlebo1eep (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~alMalsamo@gateway/tor-sasl/almalsamo)15:17
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p54bf632f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)15:30
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p54bf632f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)15:32
vkoskivOh well. Was easy enough to install.15:34
vkoskivI seem to be missing apt-listbugs15:35
joschvkoskiv: that's not yet merged: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/merge_requests/4915:38
joschbut even once it's merged the image can currently not be built because the CI is broken15:38
joschminute: since you merged the sysimage-v3 branch to main, maybe this is an opportunity to use a different CI runner based on some container? That way, each job/pipeline would be ephemeral as well as independent from each other and thus unable to break other CI builds.15:40
vkoskivSo if I understand correctly, the v3 img is using the normal debian unstable repos, but with a reform-specific 'layer' on top to intercept packages that need tweaks, right?15:41
joschvkoskiv: yes15:42
vkoskivVery cool! I am absolutely in love with this distribution. All the defaults just perfectly map to the way I want them :D15:42
vkoskivI've added some stuff from my dotfiles for vim and bash, and that's basically it.15:42
vkoskivI think I'll take a look at tweaking the blender package, it seems to be partially broken15:43
vkoskivI know it required some tweaks for Reform, but it's missing a bunch of settings in the settings panel15:43
vkoskivI'd also like to see if I can include Cycles there, I know 2.79 had it already. Not sure if it depends on OpenCL though.15:44
joschvkoskiv: please go ahead! I've kept it alive for the past months but I'm not a blender user so I just kept it compiling and checked that it starts but i have no idea how it should look or what it should do.15:44
vkoskivI still need to write the blender integration code for my raytracer, since that one runs on pretty much any computer from the last 30ish years.15:44
vkoskivjosch: Cool, will do. I'm also really interested in working on the firmware. Already did a small fix :D15:45
joschYup, I saw that, nice! :)15:45
joschvkoskiv: I also took your comments three days ago about my explanations about how the boot process works to heart and started writing a more comprehensive guide: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-handbook/-/issues/215:46
vkoskivThat looks like some solid documentation to me!15:48
vkoskivRight now my setup is actually using the boot partition from my emmc, so the only thing I need the sd card for is u-boot, I think.15:49
joschnot handbook-quality though, so somebody else has to do those adjustments :)15:49
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:09
verxjosch: thank you for that documentation! I’ve been dual-booting Gentoo on nvme and Debian on SD, and struggling since the sysimage-v3 changes… this helps17:04
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)18:00
joschverx: how are you booting gentoo?18:10
minutejosch: yeah, originally it wasn't possible to build in a container because of... some filesystem generation foo in the container that didn't work; don't quite remember. maybe it's possible again with the new build18:32
minutevkoskiv: cycles was cpu based/i tried it once with the 4 cores18:32
minutejosch: i can go over the docs change during the workweek18:33
minutei have to keep down my work activities on weekends to prevent burnout18:33
joschminute: since you don't need to be root anymore to generate an image, it should work inside a container even if the container doesn't give you all the privileges of root18:35
minutejosch: cool, then we should def. try that18:36
joschthe mmdebstrap stuff definitely works inside lxc or docker -- if it doesn't then that's a bug that i can probably fix18:36
cinap_lenrekminute: the mnt-reform can also boot completely off usb, no?18:37
cinap_lenreklike without sdcard?18:37
minutecinap_lenrek: not that i know of. only via emmc->usb18:38
minutethe imx bootrom doesn't have a usb stack 18:38
cinap_lenrekah, ok18:38
minutewell, that's not entirely true18:38
cinap_lenrekat work, we have a powerpc based machine from nxp and that is crazy18:39
cinap_lenrekits bootrom can boot from usb iirc18:39
minutethere is cable based usb debug/boot mode that is tied to running the usb in gadget mode18:39
minuteyeah, i was wrong. but i think the bootrom can't access usb ~storage~ on its own18:39
cinap_lenrekmakes sense, thank you!18:39
minutethere's something called mfgtool18:40
minuteuuu https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools18:41
minute> uuu (universal update utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu-1.0.1-gffd983718:41
minutelol > Download u-boot.imx via HID device18:41
minutewhy HID18:41
cinap_lenrekminute: so they'r robo-typing and mashing the keys just very fast18:42
minutepretty baroque https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools/blob/master/uuu/uuu.cpp18:43
minute> Generally iMX ROM will fail back to usb serial download mode if boot failure18:45
minutei'm not sure which or if both of the usb hosts support this18:50
minuteon mnt reform, USB1 is connected to the hub and USB2 goes directly to the usb port next to the HDMI18:51
minutenot sure if USB2 can be used for uuu18:51
cinap_lenrekis here a way to chnage the bootcmd?18:52
cinap_lenrekit seems to get ignored for saveenv18:52
cinap_lenreki ust want it to pxe boot by default18:57
cinap_lenrekit seems the only way is to modify that boot script permanently?18:57
cinap_lenrekor make another script18:58
cinap_lenrekcalled netboot.scr18:58
cinap_lenrekand change the script variable?18:58
cinap_lenrekso both $script and $bootcmd are locked down?19:01
minutemaybe josch knows more?19:01
+ mjw (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:04
sigridyou can make a script that sources another one if it exists19:05
sigridso to disable netboot you'd just rename it19:05
BoostisbetterJust curious: but are we at a point where we can simple run apt upgrade and not break anything on the Reform?19:08
Boostisbetternot in a rush myself, I am very happy with my Reform. 19:08
minutefunny, the imx8 processors page on nxp is 404 now19:09
minuteBoostisbetter: normally this should be the case with systemimage v3... we agreed to put debian-listbugs in there so you can see the risks up front19:09
cinap_lenrekthe issue is i cant easily modify files from uboot19:10
cinap_lenrekif i screw this up i lock myself out19:10
cinap_lenrekthis is just stupid19:10
cinap_lenreklet me instead build my own uboot without that nonsense19:11
cinap_lenreki mean, if you screw up the uboot env, you can always reset it19:11
cinap_lenrekbut some file on the sdcard you cant easily once you screwed your linux somehow19:11
minutecinap_lenrek: in the past i would just put changes here https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-boundary-uboot/-/blob/f66054591dfa8712581de4869eac7d022ed42789/board/boundary/nitrogen8m_som/nitrogen8m_som.c#L32819:13
minuteand build my own version of uboot19:13
Boostisbetterok, if I am not on systemimagev3, is there a way for me to get there with out having to start all over? You know, bring my system up to that point?19:14
cinap_lenrekthanks for the link19:14
minuteBoostisbetter: yes, i did that. it was a bit complicated though and there is no guide for it yet19:18
minuteBoostisbetter: it might be easier to just backup your home folder (and maybe some etc stuff), start over and restore your home folder and configs19:18
cinap_lenreki see now19:19
Boostisbetterminute: is it bad if I just keep what I have, and not update? I mean overtime I know that is not wise, but in the hopes that a guide might be produced. The reason I'm not keep on it, is I had to get a lot of stuff working (boxes, etc.) and I would rather not having to set that all up again. 19:20
cinap_lenrekin the stock it always hard overrides $script and $bootcmd19:20
cinap_lenrekand in your image it doesnt19:20
cinap_lenrekmakes sense19:20
cinap_lenrekin fact19:22
cinap_lenreki can just remove the call to set_env_vars() from board_late_init() no?19:22
cinap_lenrekits fine to have this as a default19:22
minuteBoostisbetter: well, you're free to run your system how you like, that's one of the benefits of reform19:32
minutecinap_lenrek: idk, i'd just try :D19:33
cinap_lenrekdidnt work :(19:33
vkoskivminute: what do you do for leisure on weekends?19:33
vkoskivFor me it's kinda weird. I write code both for my dayjob and as a hobby :D19:33
vkoskivI've made it work by doing very different types of programming in the two.19:34
minutevkoskiv: since this year i spend most of the weekend with my partner, we watch movies or nerd about videogames, cook and go to the park and stuff19:35
minutei used to do more coding on weekends too yup19:35
minutebut reform is my dayjob and i usually work more than 40h a week on it19:35
minute(or, MNT)19:35
vkoskivYeah it's important to balance that out to prevent burnout19:35
vkoskivCool job though, right? :D19:36
minutehobby turned into job means you need different stuff as a hobby19:36
minuteyes, i would really like to keep this job19:36
vkoskivI can't put to words how much I enjoy this thing. Thank you and the team for making it happen!19:36
minutedepends on how well pocket reform + reform next version(s) will go, sales wise19:36
minutea lot of pocket design work will go back into big reform though19:37
minute(some new glue chips etc that are sourceable)19:37
vkoskivYeah, what's the lead time on AVR stuff now?19:37
minutesummer 202319:37
minuteso we're phasing avr out19:37
minutei must say the new trackball is great so far19:38
minutei'm astonished how well rev 1 just works with rp204019:38
minuteso i'm gonna put that in the keyboard too19:38
minuteand on the motherboard instead of lpc19:38
minutethe sdk is very sane also19:38
vkoskivAny big code changes in the firmware? Lots of ifdefs or mostly the same?19:38
vkoskivOr is it a new firmware completely19:38
minutewell, the trackball is a rewrite19:38
minutebut the keyboard will need to be some modular thing i guess, not sure 100% yet19:39
minutegood that i recently split it up into a bunch of .c files19:39
minutealso, there will be a different usb hub19:39
minuteand maybe different power supply stuff19:39
minuteand maybe i.mx8mp19:39
cinap_lenrekset_env_vars()switch to partitions #0, OK19:40
vkoskivAn extra internal usb port would be fun if possible19:40
cinap_lenrekthis is not the uboot i'm looking for19:40
vkoskivI have a busted up bluetooth dongle I'd like to solder in permanently19:40
minutevkoskiv: what form factor of port?19:40
minutevkoskiv: you could hack nanohub in there19:40
vkoskivNot sure. I can solder, so anything works.19:41
vkoskivAnd true! I might go with that19:41
vkoskivJust hook it up to the trackball port and trackball to nanohubn19:41
minutei tried this a long time ago, it's great19:41
cinap_lenrekits not enougth to override /boot/flash.bin?19:41
vkoskivThat looks good for what I want!19:41
BoostisbetterThere is also the retrocution 2 or 4 port hub19:42
minutecinap_lenrek: u-boot needs to be written to a certain sector on the raw disk19:42
BoostisbetterI'm currently trying to use a 4 port one of those for the Penkesu that I have. 19:42
minutesee https://mntre.com/reform2/handbook/advanced.html#system-boot19:43
minute> The resulting file, processed to be in the correct format loadable by the i.MX8MQ processor is flash.bin. This file has to be written to the boot medium at an offset of 33kB (33792 bytes).19:43
minutethat's why the first partition has to be at an offset19:43
minute(to not conflict with the bootloader)19:43
cinap_lenrekgod it19:44
vkoskivWhat sorts of CPU temps are y'all seeing when in use?19:45
vkoskivI'm wondering if my repeated heatsink removal/replacement has affected the thermal paste distribution such that it gets warmer19:45
vkoskivAt 60C now just chilling in a terminal19:45
vkoskivWith firefox and telegram open in another workspace19:45
cinap_lenrekwhats mmcblk0boot0?19:46
cinap_lenrekis here a way to get the offsets of these partitions?19:48
BoostisbetterIn the 50s under my normal workload, which is about 10 programs running at one. 19:49
Boostisbetter52 is normal after the laptop has been on for a couple of hours. It does depends on the room ambiance though. 19:49
BoostisbetterSummer in Germany is usually without AC and so things will be hotter then. 19:49
BoostisbetterIt can get so bad that I don't use my desktop and try to only use a laptop where I heavily monitor the heat readings. 19:50
minutevkoskiv: 59 deg19:50
minutecinap_lenrek: that's a emmc boot partition19:50
minutecinap_lenrek: you can unlock it in linux with some echo to sysfs19:51
minute(unlock for writing i mean)19:51
vkoskivI slammed this thing with my raytracer and it was still in reasonable temperatures, so it should be fine19:51
vkoskivI suspect my SSD draws more current than the recommended one. I rarely see <0.3A current draw when in light use19:51
vkoskivI remember someone mentioned averaging 250mA19:52
cinap_lenrekso iirc, should be dd if=flash.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 seek=6619:52
vkoskivBetting it's my intel SSD that is the difference19:52
Boostisbettervkoskiv: I hardly ever see anything greater than .280A19:52
cinap_lenreklets try19:53
BoostisbetterI have the wifi card and nvme (transcend) populated. 19:53
vkoskivminute: How do you feel about an automatic refresh every N seconds when the battery/status views are open?19:53
Boostisbetterright now my system has been up for 2 hours and I'm at 46C19:53
cinap_lenrekwas it like oseek?19:54
minutevkoskiv: if cleanly implementable, sure!19:58
minutecinap_lenrek: wait, i have a script somewhere19:58
cinap_lenrekits odd19:58
cinap_lenrekwhy didnt that work?19:58
minutecinap_lenrek: you sure bs is 512?19:58
minuteyeah i use sudo dd if=flash.bin of=/dev/sda bs=1024 seek=3319:59
cinap_lenreki tried reading with skip before19:59
minutebut mmcblk0 might be wrong19:59
minutemaybe it's mmcblk0boot019:59
cinap_lenrekdidnt work20:00
cinap_lenrekwhere the hell does that go20:00
minutefor me there is a bootloader at hex 8400 on mmcblk0boot020:01
minute00008400  d1 00 20 41 00 00 c1 32  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |.. A...2........|20:01
cinap_lenrekd: error writing '/dev/mmcblk0boot0': Operation not permitted20:01
minuteyeah, the sysfs thing i mentioned comes into play there20:02
cinap_lenreki thought mmcblk0 was ok because when i dumped it it looked fine20:02
minuteecho 0 > /sys/block/mmcblkXbootY/force_ro20:02
minutelooks like that's a hardware feature of emmc20:03
cinap_lenrekthat wrote20:04
cinap_lenrekbut thats still not my uboot20:04
cinap_lenrekso it is in boot1?20:06
cinap_lenrekwhats the difference?20:06
cinap_lenrekalso no20:07
cinap_lenrekwhat the hell20:07
cinap_lenrekthe way i know its not my uboot is because i changed the set_env_vars() print20:09
cinap_lenrekand with strings i can show its in the binary or not20:09
cinap_lenrekroot@reform:~# strings /boot/flash.bin | grep nope20:11
cinap_lenrekset_env_vars(); nope!20:11
cinap_lenrekso out of ideas20:14
cinap_lenrekis it possible to flash u-boot from u-boot maybe?20:15
cinap_lenrekat least u-boot is able to write the environment block fine20:15
minutei know that writing to emmc def. works because we flash the rescue image onto every reform20:17
minuteyou are flipping the BOOT switch to eMMC yes?20:17
minutei mean the dip switch20:17
minuteon the SOM20:17
minute(has to be turned OFF)20:18
cinap_lenrekwhat dip switch?20:18
cinap_lenrekyou mean i was like booting some kind of rescue system all the time?20:19
cinap_lenrekwhich is located in a different address?20:19
minuteno you were booting from SD card i guess20:19
minutethat's the default20:20
minuteeMMC is the rescue system20:20
minuteenabled only by flipping the dip switch on the SOM off20:20
minuteis there a reason you don't want to boot via SD card?20:20
minute(i prefer SD because easier to fix from another computer)20:21
cinap_lenrekits probably mmcblk120:21
minuteyeah, that's the SD card20:21
cinap_lenrekthats also where /boot is from20:21
cinap_lenrekeverything makes sense20:21
cinap_lenrekand the sdcard shouldnt have any protections20:22
cinap_lenrekthanks for your patience!20:25
- XgF (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:5400:2ff:fef2:1fa2)20:30
+ XgF (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:5400:2ff:fef2:1fa2)20:32
joschi was pinged earlier but from the backlog I was reading I guess the problem got solved?21:23
- ggoes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)22:05
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:20)22:15
vkoskivjosch: Are you able to approve my gitlab acct, perhaps?22:31
joschvkoskiv: nope, pinging minute who has the required permissions22:32
vkoskivBut they are off work today...!22:32
vkoskivI still can't seem to get the firmware side of suspend working.22:34
vkoskivI flashed the kbd and lpc with the latest firmware and I still get 'no response from LPC' when invoking the wake cmd22:34
- Gooberpatrol66 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66)22:53
vkoskivInteresting observation! The trackball on my Powerbook 100 is the exact same size as the Reform trackball. But it has this light gray surface, and the sensor has a really hard time tracking it.22:56
vkoskivSo it seems like the sensor likes a darker surface?22:56
minuteit just needs some texture, probably23:18
vkoskivYeah the pb100 ball is a bit more shiny. And the bigger PB150 ball is very polished.23:19
minutevkoskiv: approved your account23:20
vkoskivThank you!23:21
vkoskivThe little check in the kbd firmware is optional really. It just prevents the bootup animation from running if the power-on command didn't actually do anything23:32
vkoskivOn the other hand, the animation is very cool, so it would be okay to drop that check.23:32

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