
- qbit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~qbit@ns2.suah.dev)00:07
sigriderlehmann: 3068853e8a58ccc7370a5ce977c08223601c497a - issue present00:50
sigridI was wondering if it could be a problem in irrlicht00:50
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:03
+ qbit (~qbit@ns2.suah.dev)01:09
erlehmannmntmn sigrid https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11987#issuecomment-102171949401:22
sigridthe fix seems to set both front AND back face culling01:29
sigridnow, I am not proficient in mesa, but to me it looks like translate_cull_face in etnaviv logic only translates one of those01:30
sigridguess it meant to be really used as a bitmask 01:31
sigridlol I think I just fixed it01:36
erlehmannsigrid wait what how01:37
sigridwith a small fix in mesa01:37
mntmnsigrid: woah01:38
erlehmanncan it be fixed in minetest too?01:38
erlehmannor is this a mesa thing01:38
mntmnerlehmann: it sounds like a driver bug in mesa01:38
sigridlemme test again to be sure01:38
erlehmannyeah but workaround this that01:38
sigridyeah, the fix worked01:39
erlehmannso what now01:40
erlehmanncan it be integrated into system image01:40
mntmnerlehmann: we are not patching mesa01:41
mntmnthis needs to be upstreamed01:41
kfxmesa's release cadence is prety fast.  upstreaming it will get results01:41
erlehmannthen i hope sigrid can fire the patch in mesas general direction somehow01:41
erlehmannthank you sigrid. do you want to write comment here so the issue can be closed? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1198701:42
sigridfeel free to upstream it now, I really have to go walk my dog and sleep, going to be most likely very busy to follow through with the process :/01:43
sigridyeah, I'll write there01:43
erlehmanni have literally no idea how to mesa upstream01:43
sigridme neither. guess sending a patch. I'm too tired to figure that out rn01:43
mntmnerlehmann: you don't need to sort this out01:44
mntmnerlehmann: thanks tho01:44
mntmnsigrid: good night!01:44
erlehmannok cool01:44
kfxlooks like someone with a freedesktop gitlab account needs to open a merge request01:44
mntmnmaybe i can do it tomorrow01:45
erlehmannsigrid i found your website https://ftrv.se/_about can you tell me how to 9front on reform?01:49
sigridyou can't. it's only through drawterm rn01:51
sigridI'm doing on and off porting but it's very slow, I don't usually have much time in big continuous chunks, unfortunately01:52
sigridhw/state_3d.xml.h:486:#define VIVS_PA_CONFIG_CULL_FACE_MODE_MASK         0x0000040001:54
sigridthis seems wrong to me too01:54
sigridcw is 0x100, ccw is 0x200, mask is 0x400. I expected 0x30001:54
sigridmaybe it's not "bitmask" but another face culling mode, dunno01:55
sigridok, gn.01:55
mntmnn8 sigrid 01:56
mntmnhuh, i had a foggy memory of this https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/328802:03
mntmnweird https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/flto/mesa/-/commit/503e9619d269082be620b217edc051ef88f4eb4802:04
mntmn> HW has no value to cull both faces (setting both CW/CCW bits results in02:05
mntmnonly CCW being culled)02:05
mntmni wonder if that is true for GC700002:05
erlehmanni find it mildly amusing that this patch for backface culling is needed for literally culling the back of a face02:11
mntmnthere appear to be two different patches and none of them got picked up02:11
mntmni commented in marex' patch to get it some attention again02:12
erlehmanni bet there is a funny commit message to be written for the patch02:12
erlehmannsigrid do you get more fps with your fix in minetest when looking at a wall of glasslike nodes in devtest? i am asking bc not doing backface culling could have affected performance maybe02:24
erlehmannthe backfaces of glasslike nodes are not drawn when they are up against another node i think02:24
erlehmanncomparet the allfaces node, where each face is drawn every time02:24
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then the virus can not enter your body without your consent.) (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)02:29
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)03:01
+ bibliocar (~EricShmar@
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:09
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C74452E.versanet.de)03:57
- bibliocar (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~EricShmar@
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C7447EC.versanet.de)03:59
* nsc -> Guest153004:00
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p54bf60eb.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)04:21
- sts-q (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~sts-q@
+ sts-q (~sts-q@
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@149-210-32-252.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:19
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-32-252.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:20
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Client Quit) (~linx@149-210-32-252.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:21
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-32-252.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:26
- doppler (QUIT: Quit: doppler) (~doppler@user/doppler)05:49
- lexik_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~lexik@
+ lexik (~lexik@
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)07:22
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100e)07:25
sigridmntmn: hah, now there are three (if you count the wrong one I did)08:05
+ Major_Biscuit (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)09:08
joschmntmn: would you like me to build mesa in reform-debian-packages with http://okturing.com/src/13029/body on top?09:16
- qbit (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.3) (~qbit@ns2.suah.dev)09:16
- Major_Biscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)09:38
BoostisbetterDo we know if Reform's default polkit is vulnerable to the pwnkit exploit the media is raving about now?09:44
+ qbit (~qbit@ns2.suah.dev)09:55
+ Major_Biscuit (~MajorBisc@c-001-019-027.client.tudelft.eduvpn.nl)10:01
sigridvoid already had polkit updated yday10:15
mntmnjosch: no, lets stick with debian mesa for now, but thanks10:21
+ erlehmann (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)11:01
joschBoostisbetter: what is your version of policykit-1?11:06
joschBoostisbetter: you can check whether your version is still affected by comparing it to the list here: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2021-403411:10
sigridin case anyone gets bored and wants to try a minimal void linux image on their reform: https://github.com/ftrvxmtrx/void-mklive/releases/tag/mntreform2-2022012611:56
Boostisbetterthe default Reform distro uses lxpolkit. Is it vulernable? When can we apt update? mntmn: not in a rush or anything, but just curious. 12:03
sknebel... the reform runs debian. update your debian, all good12:07
Boostisbetteri was told initially that updating shouldn't be done as things can break...12:08
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)12:08
Boostisbetterand we were all kind of waiting for the ok12:09
Boostisbetteralso while I wouldn't consider myself a Linux noob, I am a little nervous when I check for updates and see that over a thousands thing can be updated. 12:13
BoostisbetterI'm really worried about stuff breaking. 12:13
Boostisbetteras I have my Reform perfectly setup and good to go12:14
erlehmannhey sigrid, i saw you did some tga stuff in the past. would you like to help me get minetest interpret A1R5G5B5 and 16 bit grayscale+alpha pictures correctly? context: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1197812:18
erlehmannas you may be able to see from the picture, currently A1R5G5B5 textures have no alpha channel and 16 bit grayscale+alpha is erroneously interpreted as A1R5G5B512:19
sigriddoes that involve writing c++?12:31
sigridtbh almost nothing supports all types of tga because it's a mess12:32
sigrid9front does.12:32
Boostisbetterwell, I just said f-it and set the thing to update12:39
Boostisbetterguess we'll see if I had any reason to worry12:39
BoostisbetterI did see the note about llvm so I shouldn't have any problems there. 12:39
BoostisbetterIf I accidentally overwrite the Reform keymap, how can I put back in the needed one? Is it something i can just pull off the SD card that came with the Reform? (I am using an SSD and not the SD)12:41
mntmnBoostisbetter: keymap for console or sway (or which DE are you using)?12:41
mntmnplomlompom: also ich hab hier ein image, vmtl irgendwie leicht verändert, wo es das delay nicht gibt, wenn ich 1 neuen user make12:43
mntmnsorry, wrong channel (still relevant tho lol)12:44
Boostisbettermntmn: I use sway12:47
mntmnBoostisbetter: then you configured your keymap in .config/sway/config (look for "input" lines)12:47
Boostisbetterok, then update isn't touching that. I am running an apt upgrade right now, and it was asking me about a keymap, and while I wanted to select keep it accidentally went to manually select and then continued updating. 12:49
Boostisbetterwhich is why I was asking, just to be prepared to need to find it. 12:49
mntmnBoostisbetter: yeah, it might update the console keymap12:52
Boostisbettermntmn: if it does that, is it easy to get it back in place?12:52
mntmnBoostisbetter: https://wiki.debian.org/Keyboard#Keyboard_configuration12:53
Boostisbettermntmn: vielen Dank!12:54
BoostisbetterI am about finished updating and will be restarting, fingers crossed. 12:55
mntmnBoostisbetter: did you move away from our /usr/local stuff already?12:56
Boostisbetterno I did not12:57
mntmnBoostisbetter: ok i can explain it later, i am really stressed atm trying to finish sysimage v312:57
Boostisbettermntmn: no worries. I don't think it will prevent me booting or anything like that so it should be fine. 12:58
mntmnwell, there was some breakage but i don't remember if sway will still come up12:58
mntmnBoostisbetter: anyway, if you get stuck: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/issues/15#note_160112:59
mntmnBoostisbetter: and then install sway via apt12:59
mntmnBoostisbetter: then remove "deb https://mntre.com/reform-debian sid/" from /etc/apt/sources.list13:01
mntmnBoostisbetter: then instead add "deb [trusted=yes] https://mntre.com/reform-debian-repo reform main"13:01
mntmnBoostisbetter: then apt update, then apt install xwayland (should pull in patched xwayland from our new repo)13:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:03
Boostisbettermntmn: yeah it is weird, it rebooted and I got back into sway but the waybar doesn't work. I'll look through all that you've said here when I get home. Thanks!13:06
mntmnBoostisbetter: also in your .config/sway/config, find instances of /usr/local and remove the local13:06
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p4fe73f85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:55
- Major_Biscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~MajorBisc@c-001-019-027.client.tudelft.eduvpn.nl)14:18
+ Major_Biscuit (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)14:25
mntmnjosch: do you have a suggestion of how to split out reform-tools from the huge reform-debian-packages build? it's too unweildly for me to rebuild all those packages if i just want to make small updates to the package14:31
mntmnjosch: and i'm very time constrained atm so i need a quick solution to push a new reform-tools update14:31
mntmnjosch: also, that repo is not currently building because of some problem building linux https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/jobs/54714:35
mntmnjosch: can we remove the linux kernel from the build for now as it is not synced with the linux build in reform-system-image?14:35
joschmntmn: the reform-tools package from reform-debian-packages is built the same way as it is in reform-system-image, so just by calling dpkg-deb. Have a look into build.sh for the exact call.15:01
mntmnjosch: yeah, i did a local workaround now by building it in reform-system-image15:03
joschmntmn: yes, the linux kernel isn't building right now because linux in Debian unstable fails to build. This is not because of our patches to it but because dwarves was renamed to pahole and the empty transitional package is m-a:foreign, so the :native dependency cannot be resolved. I already filed a merge request to fix this: https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/linux/-/merge_requests/44515:03
mntmnjosch: oof!15:03
joschyes, since you want to build kernel 5.17 we have to remove the kernel from reform-debian-packages15:04
mntmnjosch: yeah, as a temporary solution that would be great15:04
mntmnjosch: there's already changes/fixes in 5.17 that we would like to have15:05
joschmntmn: can I add linux back once it builds 5.17 with your patches from reform-system-image?15:07
mntmnjosch: yes, sure!15:07
joschmntmn: Cool! But as far as I'm concerned you can just push to main directly. :)15:09
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)15:09
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:10
mntmnjosch: haha ok, will merge15:10
joschI also just removed building linux so the pipeline should pass again.15:10
mntmninteresting https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/01/26/directfb2-project-brings-back-directfb-graphics-library-for-linux-embedded-systems/15:47
mntmnnow with GLES support15:47
BoostisbetterSo the only issue I am having after following the instructions is that I can get waybar to start. It complains that there is an error loading libfmt.so.715:55
sigridoh wow, directfb is back from the dead?15:59
mntmnBoostisbetter: how is waybar started in your sway config?16:01
mntmnBoostisbetter: maybe you are still starting /usr/local/bin/waybar? you should also delete it16:02
Boostisbetterbar {16:03
Boostisbetter    swaybar_command waybar16:03
mntmnBoostisbetter: ok that doesn't specify a path, so i assume it calls /usr/local/bin/waybar, delete it16:04
Boostisbettermntmn: the line which calls exec waybar pointing to local was already commented out with #16:04
mntmnBoostisbetter: fine, but it doesn't matter16:05
BoostisbetterMntmn: meaning I should still delete it? 16:06
mntmnBoostisbetter: yes16:06
mntmnBoostisbetter: and apt install waybar if you haven't16:06
+ erlehmann (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)16:10
Boostisbettermntmn: Yeah I installed it because I saw that in the scripts notes16:10
Boostisbetterbut still getting the libfmt.so.7 error16:10
- erlehmann (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)16:11
mntmnBoostisbetter: `which waybar` resolves to /usr/bin/waybar, yes?16:15
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)16:15
mntmnBoostisbetter: any results for `ldd /usr/bin/waybar | grep local` ?16:15
Boostisbettermntmn: no it resolves to local16:16
mntmnBoostisbetter: ok but... didn't you just delete that? can you restart your shell?16:16
BoostisbetterI deleted it from the config file16:16
mntmni meant `rm /usr/local/bin/waybar`16:16
mntmnit is shadowing the installation from debian16:17
Boostisbettermntmn: ahh16:17
Boostisbetterone second16:17
Boostisbetterok restarting now16:18
Boostisbettermntmn: that did the trick. Now the only other thing I see amiss is that rofi no longer shows the app your selected as being highlighted. 16:20
mntmnBoostisbetter: good that you mentioned that, i forgot to include that fix with the system image v316:21
mntmnBoostisbetter: the fix is to remove the 2 occurences of "element" in .local/share/rofi/themes/mnt-reform.rasi16:21
mntmnah i did not forget it16:22
mntmnBoostisbetter: the file has to look like this https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/blob/sysimage-v3/reform2-imx8mq/template-skel/.local/share/rofi/themes/mnt-reform.rasi16:22
Boostisbetteryep was element, and that fixed it!16:24
Boostisbettermntmn: so basically we are all set for just apt update apt upgrade in the future?16:24
Boostisbetterprovided various components updates don't break something else of course. 16:24
Boostisbettermntmn: honestly thank you for your help!!! I can't believe have attached to the Reform I have become. I love this thing!!!16:26
mntmnBoostisbetter: yes, i believe apt upgrade should be fine now16:27
mntmnBoostisbetter: you're welcome!16:27
+ erlehmann (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)16:27
mntmnBoostisbetter: now i need to package these instructions into a guide or better a script, so people can upgrade...16:27
BoostisbetterRuff: the upgrading had broken the suspend script. 16:28
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)16:28
mntmnBoostisbetter: how so?16:29
mntmni am shipping the new suspend script/method with the new image btw16:29
BoostisbetterI think it has to do with local. 16:29
mntmnBoostisbetter: how so?16:29
Boostisbettermntmn: well I believe I set mine up with /usr/local16:31
Boostisbettermntmn: I was thinking it might have to do with that since we are not really using that16:31
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)16:32
BoostisbetterRuff: any tips on getting that working again? 16:35
mntmnBoostisbetter: well, what exactly is the problem?16:36
Boostisbettermntmn: it will suspend like it should but does not resume. It hangs everytime16:37
mntmnBoostisbetter: how are you triggering the suspend? directly with the script?16:38
mntmnBoostisbetter: or with systemctl suspend?16:38
mntmnnew system-image build (beta) https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/554/artifacts/browse/reform2-imx8mq/16:49
Boostisbettermntmn: with systemctl suspend set to a keyboard shortcut via sway config16:59
Boostisbettermntmn: sorry for the delay was getting some spaghetti started17:00
mntmnBoostisbetter: so what's in /etc/systemd/system/reform-sleep.service? does it look right?17:00
mntmnesp. ExecStart and ExecStop17:01
BoostisbetterExecStart=/usr/local/bin/standby suspend17:06
BoostisbetterExecStop=/usr/local/bin/standby resume17:06
mntmnBoostisbetter: and does /usr/local/bin/standby exist?17:06
Boostisbettermntmn, 17:06
Boostisbettermntmn: yes it does17:06
Boostisbettermntmn: when i push the keyboard combo it does suspend17:06
mntmnBoostisbetter: well, it would suspend also without that script, i think17:07
mntmnbut without doing any of the preparations therein17:07
Boostisbettermntmn: well I enabled the terminal so I can see what is happening, and it seemed like it was resuming correctly. The lockscreen even came up, but keyboard and trackball were unresponsive then. 17:07
mntmnhmm, that's new/weird17:08
Boostisbettermntmn: indeed. I'll keep futzing around with it and see if I can make any progress. 17:11
mntmninteresting https://github.com/nwg-piotr/nwg-shell17:24
sknebel"It's aimed at those, who do not believe that the rationale of the modern computer is to use less than 200 MiB RAM and 0.5% CPU." lol17:25
sigridsuspend/resume seems to work fine for me besides one thing:17:25
sigrid[  371.709693] ath: phy1: Unable to reset channel, reset status -2217:25
sigrid[  371.747298] ath: phy1: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff17:25
sigrid[  372.211247] ath: phy1: Chip reset failed17:25
sigridrmmod helps but that's not great17:26
mntmnsigrid: ah, we usually remove the ath from pci and then rescan pci after resume17:26
mntmnsigrid: to work around this problem17:26
sigridok, so it's known?17:26
sigridthought I was doing something wrong :)17:26
mntmnsigrid: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/blob/sysimage-v3/reform2-imx8mq/reform-tools_1.0-8/usr/sbin/reform-standby#L2217:27
mntmnsigrid: yes, known problem17:27
sigridah, ok17:27
Boostisbettermntmn: well I just resumed from suspend and it worked as before, so who knows. Maybe I just needed a few reboots. 17:31
Boostisbettermntmn: nwg-shell is intersting, but I think with the 4gb that the Reform has, my WM using as little memory as possible is a good thing. Still love the idea. 17:33
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)18:23
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100e)18:35
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)18:35
- Major_Biscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)19:50
+ mjw (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:55
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~linx@149-210-32-252.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)20:01
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-32-252.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)20:10
mntmnnew beta image: https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/555/artifacts/file/reform2-imx8mq/reform-system.img.gz20:10
+ Major_Biscuit (~MajorBisc@2a02:a461:129d:1:193d:75d8:745d:e91e)20:26
Boostisbetterand just accomplished the 2nd resume from standby after upgrading. I think everything is back to 100% normal. 20:28
- Major_Biscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~MajorBisc@2a02:a461:129d:1:193d:75d8:745d:e91e)20:30
+ Major_Biscuit (~MajorBisc@2a02:a461:129d:1:193d:75d8:745d:e91e)20:32
- Major_Biscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~MajorBisc@2a02:a461:129d:1:193d:75d8:745d:e91e)20:37
mntmnwith the new system image, chromium has no problem handling 1080p fullscreen youtube playback20:45
dj-deathis it just updated kernel?20:45
technomancywhat about firefox?20:55
mntmnfirefox is slow21:05
mntmndj-death: not sure which parts of the stack make it fast21:05
mntmni mean, firefox is kinda ok with layer acceleration force-enabled, but too slow for me to be fun21:06
Boostisbettermntmn: does doing an apt upgrade get us that kernel after pointing towards the current mntre repo?21:09
mntmnBoostisbetter: no21:09
mntmni will provide a migration script/guide in the next days21:10
* Guest1530 -> nsc21:43
* nsc -> Guest292321:44
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)22:10
Boostisbettermntmn: most excellent22:23
Boostisbetterruff: I would like to pick your brain about possible reasons why the suspend script is not nearly as reliable after updating. 22:23
erlehmannit is indeed interesting why ff is so slow on reform, given that it is fast on old thinkpads still22:45
technomancyhuh, I never installed chromium; I just assumed it was roughly as slow as firefox22:45
technomancygotta say not having chromium installed feels *really* good22:46
technomancybut having a fast browser might feel better =(22:47
mntmntechnomancy: give it a try :322:53
technomancybut I don't like google =(22:54
technomancyj/k I'll see how it feels22:54
kfxI don't have a problem with firefox's speed, but I do all kinds of stuff like run ublock origin and localcdn, and disable serviceworkers entirely22:54
kfxsure I don't get push notifications but then I have fre cores22:54
technomancywasn't chromium going to nerf ublock origin or something?22:55
erlehmannad company nerfs adblocking22:56
erlehmannnot sus at all22:56
technomancyyou'd hope that's something they could break in chrome and un-break in chromium but I don't suppose we are that lucky22:57
erlehmannchromium is basically throwing source out there22:57
vkoskivI wish Apple bit the bullet and went back to distributing Safari for other platforms.22:58
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)22:58
vkoskivThey have the money, and they know just as well as we do that browser diversity is vitally important to a healthy web.22:58
erlehmannapple, the company known for caring about other platforms so much? ^^22:58
vkoskivThey used to do it. You could get Safari for Windows.22:58
technomancyI mean, that's basically why I'm still on firefox; mozilla is inept but at least they're not outright hostile.22:58
vkoskivYeah. I did use ungoogled-chromium, but didn't like to use software compiled and distributed by *some dude*22:59
vkoskivSo Firefox it is.22:59
vkoskivI find it mostly inoffensive, so I don't mind using it. But I'd prefer to have one or more viable alternatives as well.22:59
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)23:00
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)23:00
technomancyhm; ok, yeah this is legitimately a lot faster.23:01
technomancynot sure whether to be happy or sad about that23:01
mntmntechnomancy: same23:03
technomancythanks for the tip!23:03
mntmnsomebody should tell mozilla23:03
technomancyI bet the freescale people all use chrome and optimize for it23:07
mntmnthat's kinda true, but also mozilla decided to ignore embedded systems23:08
mntmnwhile chromium devs did not23:08
mntmnand there's a lot of open source work around chromium embedded stuff23:09
mntmnor, webkit23:09
mntmnfor example https://webkit.org/wpe/23:09
mntmnmozilla just doesn't do things like that23:09
mntmn(except maybe when they had the firefox phone)23:09
technomancyhuh, interesting23:10
mntmn> WPE powers hundreds of millions of embedded devices23:10
mntmnanother strategic blunder by mozilla23:10
technomancyI knew my days avoiding googleware were numbered; I just thought I had maybe another year or two before FF really crashed and burned23:11
mntmnWPE is very performant, but there is no full blown shell/UI for it afaik, you would need to roll it yourself23:11
technomancyfirefox on android is just as good as chromium tho23:12
mntmnthere is cog though23:12
mntmntechnomancy: depends on the phone i think? i use ff on my fairphone and it seems slower than chrome23:12
mntmn(it's fast enough though)23:12
erlehmannoh wow https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=155213223:14
erlehmann> This is super fast on my M1 MBP, so I will assume this is fixed by the new wasm optimizing backend for arm64.23:14
erlehmannmntmn, they do not even have arm64 CI apparently for linux? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=167796323:15
mntmnerlehmann: > 3 years ago23:15
erlehmann> Arm64 builds for Linux have been available on CI since bug 1532952. They're not tested, and not shippable builds, but they exist.23:16
kfx"this is super fast on my desktop class processor known for being fast"23:26
kfxnow THAT'S the mozilla bugfixing ethos I know so well!23:26
kfx(I think I'm allowed to snark because I'm in about:credits, right?)23:27
mntmni wonder if ff webrender works with the vivante blob23:27
mntmnbut then, probably a nightmare to set it all up23:27
mntmn(the vivante blob can do GLES 3)23:28
mntmntechnomancy: btw, you use "layers.acceleration.force-enabled = true" in FF, yes?23:31
technomancyit's not on; lemme try that23:33
mntmnthat will make things a bit faster23:36
sigridif I run iwd instead of wpa_supplicant and do "echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/reset 2>/dev/null" on resume from suspend, I get just a few ath9k errors in dmesg, the bonus is that the network connection is still intact23:41
sigridso far I got no hangs at all. just once keyboard and mouse didn't work, luckily I could ssh and go back into suspend/resume and it worked again23:42
mntmnsigrid: neat23:45
mntmnsigrid: if keyboard and mouse don't work, maybe the usb hub can be reset as a workaround23:45
mntmntechnomancy: i just tested 1080p fullscreen youtube playback in ff96 with accelerated layers, it works ok, the JS ui stuff is not as fast as chromium but ok23:47
sigridfor me firefox full hd video eats 100% cpu time23:49
sigridthe same video with mpv or ffplay is much better23:49
mntmnsoftware decöde23:49
sigridI am sure I have no hw decoding though23:50
mntmnyeah if you have the patched ffmpeg those will then use hw decode23:50
mntmnah ok23:50
mntmnmpv is also better at sw decoding for sure23:50
mntmnor, at getting those pixels to the display without much blitting23:50
sigridI just play youtube urls with mpv directly at this point23:53
sigridI wonder how firefox decodes the video, whether it does it in separate threads with ffmpeg, and how exactly do decoded frames end up in firefox window23:54
sigridmaybe there is too much data shoved around23:54
kfxthe secret to fast video in firefox is in libva23:57
kfxI can no longer remember which versions support it by default and which versions turn it off by default and under which gui system (x or wayland)23:57
sigridyeah, libva except it seems all broken for me here23:57
sigridI have this:23:58
sigrid[   19.289573] hantro_vpu: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.23:58
sigrid[   19.307253] hantro-vpu 38300000.video-codec: registered nxp,imx8mq-vpu-dec as /dev/video023:58
sigridbut none of the libva forks have been able to do anything with it23:58
sigridpartially because they haven't been updated to new kernels (which had a lot of v4l2 changes)23:59

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