
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:04
+ freakazoid343 (~matt@2603:9000:cf03:86c3:4cb5:1453:777d:3b64)01:46
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~matt@2603:9000:cf03:86c3:4cb5:1453:777d:3b64)01:49
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C7443CE.versanet.de)03:09
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:09
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C7440A3.versanet.de)03:11
* nsc -> Guest50503:11
- Christoph_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Christoph@p54bf62fd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)03:23
+ bleb (~cm@user/bleb)04:32
- sts-q (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~sts-q@
+ sts-q (~sts-q@
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~linx@149-210-24-194.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:32
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-24-194.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:32
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Client Quit) (~linx@149-210-24-194.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:36
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-24-194.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:36
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Client Quit) (~linx@149-210-24-194.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:36
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@149-210-24-194.mobile.nym.cosmote.net)05:36
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0b:200:12c3:7bff:fe6d:d374)07:29
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)07:32
+ erlehmann (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)07:53
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)08:17
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)08:45
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Client Quit) (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)08:45
+ MajorBiscuit (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)08:45
+ Major_Biscuit (~MajorBisc@c-001-018-021.client.tudelft.eduvpn.nl)09:25
- MajorBiscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~MajorBisc@86-88-79-148.fixed.kpn.net)09:28
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100b)09:47
- bluerise (QUIT: Quit: brb) (~bluerise@user/bluerise)10:31
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)10:38
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p4fe73f2f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)10:44
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)10:58
Boostisbettermntmn, or the community here, does the TRRS jack on the Reform support headsets? If so is there a trick to enabling it?11:50
- xktr (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~xktr@
mntmnBoostisbetter: yes it does12:52
mntmnBoostisbetter: but didn't work for me with pipewire yet, only alsa/pulse... you need to make sure that these files are there (they were overwritten for me once by upgrade): https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/tree/main/reform2-imx8mq/template-etc/pulse12:52
mntmnBoostisbetter: here's where they should go https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/blob/main/reform2-imx8mq/mkuserland.sh#L8512:53
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:02
+ frank_ (~frank@juicy.frank2.net)13:42
+ dodo__ (~dodo@user/dodo)13:43
+ robin__ (~robin@user/terpri)13:43
+ lexik_ (~lexik@
+ leonardo1 (~leonardo@user/leonardo)13:45
+ skalk_ (~skalk@vond.sysret.de)13:45
- _Bnu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)13:46
- frank2 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~frank@juicy.frank2.net)13:46
- leonardo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~leonardo@user/leonardo)13:46
- kfx (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~kfx@wopr.sciops.net)13:46
- robin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~robin@user/terpri)13:46
- dodo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~dodo@user/dodo)13:46
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)13:46
- skalk (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~skalk@vond.sysret.de)13:46
- lexik (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~lexik@
* dodo__ -> dodo13:46
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)13:46
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)13:47
andrey_utkinhi all, i'm trying to get back to activity. i see a great progress on package generation :) i thought that the best I can do right now is to write some automated tests for video decoder performance. Could somebody please run `make` on https://source.mnt.re/autkin/tests/-/tree/main on the Reform both with a custom-built ffmpeg and with the vanilla debian ffmpeg, and share the "Average FPS" output?13:49
- Guest505 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C7440A3.versanet.de)13:49
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C7440A3.versanet.de)13:50
* leonardo1 -> leonardo13:50
* nsc -> Guest844913:50
andrey_utkinmntmn: i managed to create the repo https://source.mnt.re/reform/tests/ but couldn't push to it, it says ~call Microsoft~ ask maintainers to create a branch13:51
mntmnandrey_utkin: ok let me see, i will make you a maintainer14:00
mntmnandrey_utkin: btw what does tests mean exactly (purpose of the repo, can we specify it more?)14:00
andrey_utkinright, i will make a readme, the purpose is testing whether intended features work14:01
andrey_utkinanother purpose is to track features status on vanilla distros, as some features may start work (just so or differently) outside of our control14:03
mntmnah, so tests is the right name then14:06
mntmnvery good14:06
mntmnandrey_utkin: sorry i had to fiddle a bit there, but now you should be maintainer of tests14:14
* robin__ -> robin14:29
Boostisbettermntmn: Once I confirm or move this 2 files there, does that mean it will be automatic? Or do I need to open alsa and select it when plugging a headset in? 14:34
mntmnUPS pickup for first large shipment of MNT Reforms and accessories to Mouser/Crowd Supply scheduled for this friday14:41
mntmnBoostisbetter: should be automatic, see if input is selected in pavucontrol14:42
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:09
+ xktr (~xktr@
Boostisbettermntmn: it seems like it is selected but it only seems to be picking up things like me hitting the mic and not my actual voice. I'll look into it more tomorrow, while I am at work. 15:57
mntmnBoostisbetter: there are two types of TRRS headsets, is it CTIA standard or OMTP?16:31
sigridanyone ever experienced sway freeze every N seconds for a second? idk why this happens, it seems like some sort of a timer that gets fired with exact period. input gets blocked for a second and then it goes on as usual16:48
sigridbut it's damn unbearable to type16:48
sigridit's working fine in tty16:48
sigrididk how to even debug this16:49
Boostisbettermntmn: they are the apple headphones that have a mic in the line controls. I got then cheap for work. I don't really use them but I figured they might make webrtc calls possible on the Reform. 16:50
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100b)17:03
sigridstrangely enough it works fine after a reboot17:06
mntmnBoostisbetter: i believe apple is CTIA17:12
mntmnsigrid: could be waybar 17:12
mntmnsigrid: calling the status script17:12
Boostisbettermntmn: meaning it won't work? 17:13
Boostisbettermntmn: no big deal either way. 17:13
mntmnBoostisbetter: CTIA is what we support17:13
mntmnBoostisbetter: OMTP we do not17:13
mntmnBoostisbetter: so probably some config isse / alsa controls issue (there are a ton, sorry i don't have time at the moment to tell you exactly the right ones)17:14
Boostisbettermntmn: OK, then I'll do a restart just to make sure the files are taken into account, and no worries. This isn't a burning issue or anything. 17:14
sigridmntmn: i killed it but it still was there17:25
sigridmy suspicion is dbus actually17:25
+ kfx (~kfx@wopr.sciops.net)17:37
mntmnsigrid: weird. but yes, stuff waiting for dbus can cause delays17:40
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2488:1400:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)18:25
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)18:44
- Major_Biscuit (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~MajorBisc@c-001-018-021.client.tudelft.eduvpn.nl)18:51
sigridit happens again now after some time, but not as oftennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn19:03
sigridoh yeah, that "nnnnn" is the result19:03
mntmnsigrid: weird. but it's not the keyboard itself freezing?19:10
sigridno, mouse pointer also freezes19:13
sigridand in tty everything seems to be fine19:13
sigridso I don't think it's related to usb either19:14
sigridonly happens in sway :(19:14
swiveli think input handling on modern linux windowing systems has regressed substantially in terms of robustness/resilience vs. scheduling delays19:14
swivelsigrid: in your shoes i'd ssh in from another machine and start profiling things during the stalls19:17
sigridI am not exactly sure what tools to use for profiling19:18
sigridI can try enabling debug logs in sway, but that's really all I know19:18
- exit70[m] (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~exit70@user/exit70)19:18
swivelsysprof can be helpful here19:20
swivelor if gtk is too much pita check out the lower level `perf` cli tooling19:22
sigrid00:03:42.904 [ERROR] [wlr] [libinput] event1  - MNT Reform Trackball: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 22ms, your system is too slow19:24
sigridsame with the keyboard19:25
sigrididk if that's related though19:25
sigridquick search shows "sticky/laggy mouse input" related to that message19:26
swivelso a lot of the modern compositors, and hell even modern XOrg now, are using a dedicated input thread for consuming input events.  It works fine until that thread can't get scheduled for whatever reason - system busy, poor scheduling decisions, locks getting in the way, etc19:27
sigridlovely :(19:28
swivelXOrg used to use a signal handler but that changed when they started wanting to support implementing XOrg atop GL or other non-reentrant backends where they couldn't assume the signal handler could do things like update the mouse pointer19:29
sigridreading through similar issue reports suggests it has to do with usb autosuspend feature19:34
sigridwhy would it be fine while in tty though - no idea19:34
swivelsigrid: I don't have a wayland/sway setup here, but you've piqued my curiosity as this is on my todo list; can you by chance check if the sway process has multiple threads?19:47
swivelalso #sway-devel likely has folks w/relevant knowledge to aid troubleshooting this19:49
sigridit's only one19:49
swivelthat'd make it extremely susceptible to stalls then, if it's a classical IO multiplexed single process model19:50
swivellike even if sway got hung up in rendering with a pipeline stall it'd delay input processing19:50
sigridI would expect it to have mutiple threads :/19:51
sigridis that even an option?19:51
swivelI'd assumed they were doing that at least, since XOrg had transitioned to that in the migration to glamor->wayland19:51
swivelthis post describes the wlroots side of input handling, but the event loop appears to be entirely delegated to the wayland protocol lib https://drewdevault.com/2018/07/17/Input-handling-in-wlroots.html19:53
swivelmaybe there's a writeup on the wayland library side to be found, to better understand what's going on19:54
swivelif swaybar is tightly integrated synchronously into the sway process, what mntmn said sounds very likely - any delay servicing swaybar's stuff would directly hold up the compositor's event loop19:57
mntmni don't think it is19:58
swiveli hope it's not ;)19:58
mntmni mean, waybar (not swaybar)19:58
mntmnit's a different process, basically just another application19:58
swivelmy mistake re: (s)waybar19:58
mntmnswaybar is the default shipped with sway (it's like i3bar), but we don't use it19:59
chartreuseAs an idea with the mouse/keyboard freezing perhaps still try reflashing the keyboard and/or mouse? Could maybe be something flooding the USB bus? Maybe?20:00
mntmnalso, i have never experienced this problem that sigrid has, and using my reform pretty heavily, so it must be something special20:00
sigridshould be noted i was using rndis with an android phone20:00
chartreuseI've not had issues like that either on mine using sway either20:00
mntmnby special i mean unusual20:00
sigridi will try without when i get home20:00
sigridsome reports are EXACTLY like mine20:05
swivelyou're likely to find similar reports given the architecture, unfortunately there are *many* ways for event loop stalls to happen20:14
chartreuseI had a sway issue a while back, but can't even remember what it was now, but an update fixed it20:15
chartreuseI guess other thing, have you updated your system recently? `apt update && apt upgrade` ?20:15
chartreuseIf it's for sure related to sway and not something else you can always try building from source the latest version to see if anything changes20:16
sigridi use void linux20:16
sigrideverything is latest20:17
swivelare there any sway logs you can look at for spam?20:18
sigridyeah, sway produces loads of those in debug+verbose mode20:19
sigridapart from the input stuff i mentioned there was nothing interesting though20:19
swivelone of the comments in that issue claimed it was caused by spamming the log, which makes sense if the log output gets blocked on writeback20:19
sigridit's very quiet if i don't run it in debug mode20:22
swivelah so there's no spam flood coincident with the stalls?20:23
sigridnope :(20:24
swivelwell, on the plus side you can check that off the list of suspects ;)20:25
sigridhah. yeah, considering the number of moving parts in linux distros' stack, that is better than nothing20:37
swiveli used to experience something like this on xorg-intel on i915, caused by gpu stalls - but those were reported in dmesg, and the X architecture made it far less disruptive... just a stutter, not unintended key repeats etc20:41
swivelbut looking at https://wayland-book.com/seat/keyboard.html  it sounds like wayland clients must all implement keyboard repeating themselves, with the protocol just hinting the rate to use20:42
swivelso that sort of artifact could be caused by any number of things, even the client experiencing scheduling delays20:43
swivelit's as if wayland has gone out of its way to turn the entire desktop into a fragile low-latency video game20:44
chartreuseIt kinda is, basically redoing the desktop to the way many modern apps are operating anyways20:50
swivelnice when it works, awful when it doesn't20:58
chartreuseStill some things I'm not a fan of, like apps not being able to bind any global key shortcuts. 21:00
chartreuseIt's going to make it so basically every Wayland WM is going to implement some API to do that anyway21:00
chartreuseWhy not standardize an API for requesting a global key binding from an app to the WM, then the WM can choose if it wants to honour it, make a popup for the user, or what21:01
blebby the way, is anyone familiar with the bugs that prevent X from running on the reform?21:42
blebare there open bugs that require testing, is anyone working on it, etc.21:42
chartreuseNot sure if there's any bugs, might just be a need for video drivers?21:55
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)21:55
chartreuseI think it was just setup for wayland by default since it'd take good advantage of the lower end video hardware21:55
mntmnbleb: nope, nobody is working on it.22:05
ex-parrotI tried looking at it but I haven't got very far yet22:07
blebmntmn: do you know what the issue is?  missing driver, buggy driver, etc.?22:09
mntmnbleb: i don't know, no. xwayland works fine which is the same codebase22:10
chartreuseI think it's just that no one has bothered trying22:10
mntmnbleb: unclear what goes wrong with modesetting or whatever22:10
ex-parrotI did try a bit, I got as far as adding more logging to try find where it's crashing22:10
chartreuseYou could try just install debian's xorg-core package and go from there22:10
mntmnin ancient times i had it working22:10
mntmnthen something in xorg broke it22:10
ex-parrotI got it to not crash, but also not draw anything :P which is kind of progress22:11
chartreuseAnd try starting with the fbdev environemnt22:11
mntmnand i didn't want to fix it again, as the xorg devs clearly don't care22:11
blebregardless the xorg bug tracker should have a place for any reports22:11
mntmntbh i never want to use xorg again22:11
ex-parrotI am still keen to get X working22:11
blebI might actually order a reform, knowing that xwayland works.  if I do I would also help out22:13
mntmnbleb: cool22:13
ex-parrotmy forays in to sway and wayland haven't really been satisfying, so it would be good to have xorg working22:13
mntmnbleb: fwiw i am using X all the time, but just through xwayland22:13
ex-parrotit feels slightly gross to have to run X through an extra layer :P22:14
* frank_ -> franks222:15
* franks2 -> frank222:15
chartreusexwayland works fine, the default system image even uses it for WindowMaker22:15
blebyeah why wouldn't you want to run it again without the extra layer, if it were possible22:15
ex-parrotxorg is a bit gross22:16
ex-parrotbut it's the gross I know :P22:16
blebex-parrot: let me know if you open a report in the xorg bugzilla22:17
ex-parrotsure, I need to do a bunch more work first22:17
ex-parrotand I' not sure when I'll have the time :(22:17
mntmnbleb: well, running x on top of wayland gives you tear free for free, for example22:18
sigridsome of the X apps I run do not render correctly with Xwayland. I get black boxes instead of glyphs in rofi, and drawterm is just a black window22:21
ex-parrotlinux desktop without tearing wouldn't feel right :P22:21
sigridI assume that could be caused by not running a patched mesa?22:21
chartreuseYou can do tear free with straight Xorg as well if the video driver supports it22:24
ex-parrotI've recently come around to the idea of using a compositor, because xfce terminal stopped doing transparency without it22:24
ex-parrotin buster I think22:24
chartreuseex-parrot, without a compositor xfce-terminal would only have shown the desktop background through it22:25
chartreuseNot true transparancy22:25
chartreusexfce has a built in compositor22:25
ex-parrotsame same for me22:25
ex-parrotI just run i3 w/ xfce terminal for tabs22:25
chartreuseFair yeah, it's a good terminal emulator22:25
- frank2 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~frank@juicy.frank2.net)22:28
+ frank2 (~frank2@juicy.frank2.net)22:29
blebno drawterm is unfortunate22:42
sigridwdu mean, bleb22:45
blebit's unfortunate that drawterm doesn't work on the reform22:45
sigridit does22:45
sigridX version works fine on debian22:46
sigridfor wayland I got moody's fork and patched it to bring to a usable state: https://git.sr.ht/~ft/drawterm22:46
sigridthat's what I'm using rn22:46
sigridok, the sticky keys/mouse is unrelated to rndis22:47
blebyou had x working in debian on the reform?22:47
sigridit's working on void too, but for some reason apps do not render properly, including drawterm built with CONF=unix22:48
blebso when was drawterm a black window22:48
sigridwhen I run the CONF=unix build on void22:48
blebso the debian x version worked, presumably with different build options than on void22:51
sigridsame build options22:51
sigridmnt's debian has some packages patched, like mesa22:51
sigridI suspect that makes the difference22:51
blebah I see22:52
blebthen is your version based on wayland instead of x?22:52
sigridyep, that one works fine anywhere22:52
sigridit also plays audio through pipewire22:52
blebcool, thanks for the work22:53
sigridit was mostly moody, I just fixed a bunch of issues :)22:53
sigridthis will be merged into git.9front.org drawterm eventually22:54
blebbut does it work on x22:54
sigridif you build with CONF=unix it will, just like before22:55
sigridwayland build is CONF=linux22:55
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)22:56
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)22:56
sigridgood news, I found the culprit for sticky keys/mouse23:02
sigridit's the damn drawterm23:02
sigridhow exactly does it do that to sway - idk yet, but the more rendering happening there, the more "stuck" everything becomes everywhere else23:03
chartreuseWeird, possibly it's using some out of date practice? Or agressively polling input or something weird23:04
chartreusewouldn't have thought an x app could do that to the window manager though23:04
sigridit's a wayland app23:05
chartreuseOh huh, probably me looking at the wrong site showing last modified 2011 on 9p.io XD23:05
chartreuseSeems also to be an active fork at drawterm.9front.org23:06
chartreuseAnd a 9fans one23:06
sigridyes, anything on 9p.io is insanely old23:06
chartreuseSeems like a bit of a mess23:06
sigrid9front.org is where it's at23:06
chartreuseI only messed around a little with plan 9 but couldn't quite get into it23:07
chartreuse(Installed on my old Thinkpad 600 which is a properly supported laptop for it)23:07
ex-parrot9front has a bit of a reputation / weird community issue at the moment23:07
sigridI have a suspicion it might have to do with https://git.sr.ht/~ft/drawterm/tree/front/item/gui-wl/wl-util.c23:07
sigridex-parrot: like what?23:07
ex-parrotsigrid: the nazi imagery in the documentation, and then everyone went all weird and doubled down on it23:07
chartreuse(Saying like plan 9 isn't already a weird community :P)23:08
ex-parrotyeah :P23:08
sigridex-parrot: it was an extremely old dumb joke about ruby on rails, had nothing to do with nazis23:08
ex-parrothttps://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25778940 <-- some references23:08
ex-parrotsigrid: I see you're in the "doubling down" faction23:08
ex-parrotif it was an extremely old irrelevant joke you'd just... remove it23:08
ex-parrotand everyone would be happy23:08
sigridI am merely explaining what that is, I am not saying it's great23:08
kfxI made the image.  It has been removed.  Why is there still a problem, again?23:09
chartreuseOnly thing I see on the 9front homepage related is a crossed out swastica going to "nazi punks fuck off"23:09
ex-parrotoh hey kfx 23:09
sigrid9front has always been anti-nazi23:09
ex-parrotsorry, let's not re-tread this again23:09
ex-parrotI'm glad it's been removed 23:09
kfxif it's because we don't like internet randos telling us how to run our website, that's not going to change.23:09
sigrididk what the hell else people want23:09
ex-parrotdisclosure: steve is kind of a friend of mine23:10
ex-parrotso I got a bit emotionally invested in it also23:10
ex-parrotand I did hang out in the 9front IRC for a bit23:10
kfxwould you like my IMAP password and access to my unix shell, so you can validate that my soul is pure?23:10
ex-parrotbut yeah, let's no re-hash that again23:10
sigridtell him hi. he called me a nazi and linked my webpage on his post about plan 9 rio mods at the same time23:10
sigridI still get hits from that post often23:10
kfxso do I, nothing like being called a fascist after literally going to war against fascists23:11
ex-parrotkfx: we can judge you on your actions probably, that seems farer :P23:11
kfxex-parrot: and yet here we are with "weird community issue" accusations.  23:14
kfxsurely you can see how this can be frustrating.23:14
ex-parrotthat was my experience when I hung out in the IRC and tried 9front 3-4 years ago23:14
ex-parrotbut I get a similar vibe off the OpenBSD IRC so it't not strictly a 9front thing either23:14
ex-parrotapologies for being inflammatory, I do think you folks are doing good work23:14
kfxwe get a lot of people who join the channel and immediately demand to know where we are hiding our Chrome package23:15
kfxas a result we have grown distrustful of new users who ask a certain kind of question which historically winds up with a confused and angry /part message23:15
ex-parrotyou guys helped me get a weird IDE controller working in an old thinkpad23:16
ex-parrotand I was appreciative of that 23:16
kfxwe are overjoyed to get those kinds of questions :)23:16
ex-parrotand I think someone said something like "you're gonna be one of these people who turns up and we do one thing then you never come back"23:16
ex-parrotand I guess that did happen :P23:16
kfx"how do I run Chrome on Plan 9" -> sadness.   "how do we get this hardware working" -> at least there's a finish line!23:17
sigridex-parrot: that sounds like us23:17
ex-parrotI used 9front to do a "hey check out plan9" demo for my local information security interest group, it was well received23:17
chartreuseplan9 on reform when :P23:18
chartreuseGot enough mouse buttons to at least make it work23:18
kfxsome people in our channel will put in a LOT of work and it's disheartening when the hardware owner never shows up and we never get to see if it worked23:18
ex-parrotthere's that other raspberry pi fork right23:18
sigrid9legacy with bcm support on top, iirc23:19
sigrid9front runs on raspis too23:19
sigridI am using one rn23:19
ex-parrotwhere is the official 9front IRC now? the oftc one seems to be dead23:19
ex-parrotit would be cool to come back and see what's changed23:19
ex-parrotah of course23:19
sigridcat-v has always been the official one23:19
sigridthere is also 9gridchan that one could consider a non-toxic23:20
sigridit has none of the -chan culture and requires 9p to chat23:20
ex-parrotoh cool23:20
ex-parrotapologies again for dredging up old crap :/23:20
technomancyI always got cat-v mixed up with catb.org23:22
ex-parrotooh, yeah that's a big difference23:22
ex-parrotI think we can all agree esr sucks right23:22
kfxchartreuse: the very first email I ever sent to lukas was when I saw the first Reform and begged him to include a third mouse button23:22
kfxex-parrot: no argument here23:22
technomancyex-parrot: I hope so23:22
technomancythe keys are right next to each other tho, at least on qwerty23:24
chartreuseWell you ended up getting 5 :P23:25
ex-parrotI re-arranged my trackball buttons to match a Thinkpad nub23:25
chartreuseI've been tempted by that since I keep middle clicking to scroll like on a thinkpad23:25
technomancythis is why I don't use qwerty23:25
ex-parrotmy hack isn't quite right yet23:25
sigridI got used to the defaults23:25
ex-parrotbut I also haven't been running X23:25
chartreuseShould be doable, but not entirely sure how the thinkpad does it so smoothly so that pressing and holding doesn't immediately send a middle click23:26
chartreuseThough for plan 9 wouldn't you need to be able to hold the middle mouse button down for some events?23:26
chartreuseI'm used to it enough now, but at the start I pressed middle mouse way too much when trying to scroll23:27
kfxlibinput broke scroll wheel implementation pretty badly.  with evdev you can set a timeout, so both middlemouse scroll and click-and-drag work23:28
kfxhere is the ticket, https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/issues/237  in which the libinput developers completely ignore the fact that this works perfectly in evdev23:29
+ erlehmann (~erle@ip5f5bd566.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)23:30
mntmnsigrid: if you get black boxes, that's a missing ENV var23:34
mntmnsigrid: you need to set ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=nir in your profile or GPU stuff will suck badly for you23:34
mntmn(it enables the NIR shader compiler)23:34
mntmnsigrid: that could also be a cause for other wonkiness :323:35
chartreusekfx: reminds me of another bug with fonts when the gnome-terminal backend changed libraries which broke bitmap font rendering23:38
chartreuseAnd the library basically refused to even entertain that it's a bug when the library it replaces had it23:38
kfxyeah, they dropped freetype and use pango exclusively23:38
chartreuseYeah it's pango or harfbuzz one of the two broke that23:39
chartreuseOh it's both that's why23:39
kfxpango supports ONE very-specific weird-ass latecoming format for bitmap fonts23:39
kfxwhich 99% of bitmap font users do not use and have never heard of23:39
chartreuseAnd harfbuzz which is part of this stack doesn't support even that AFAIK23:40
chartreuseIt even break ttf bitmap fonts which is just silly23:40
kfxbut they went full "am I out of touch?  no, it's the children who are wrong" meme23:40
sigridmntmn: thanks! indeed, that helped23:41
mntmnsigrid: nice23:41
sigridthough I think quakespasm runs much slower, for some reason23:41
sigridand it did not help with stuck input when running drawterm23:41
mntmnone day i want to finish bluerise's work and get the internal display framebuffer working in u-boot23:41
mntmnsigrid: ohhh?23:41
bluerisemntmn:I also have many one-days23:41
kfxmntmn: how can I help?23:41
mntmnsigrid: what if you unset the variable in the terminal that runs quakespasm, is it faster?23:41
mntmnbluerise: one day!23:42
chartreuseFrom a dev "If non-bitmap fonts are destroying my sight, then I'd fork some cash and get myself a high-dpi screen not whine here about people not doing work for me."23:42
chartreuseLike fixing a regression is not a reasonable request :/23:42
sigridmntmn: yes23:42
kfx"fork some cash"23:42
sigridbut transparent images (text) isn't rendered properly23:42
sigridso that's the key to the issue I guess, at least one of them23:43
mntmnsigrid: ok that's very interesting. maybe desktop OpenGL 1 is somehow faster on the old compiler23:43
bluerisemy SOQuartz (CM4) and Radxa CM3 (CM4) arrived in Europe. One in .NL, one in .UK. I'm sure the .NL one will arrive faster... thanks, Brexit23:43
mntmnkfx: figure out what part of bluerise's mipi-dsi and dcss setup code is different than what linux is doing (causing it not to display anything)23:44
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0b:200:12c3:7bff:fe6d:d374)23:44
mntmnbluerise: i'm too dumb to find your source tree again... what was the link again? 23:45
kfxhaha I was just typing that23:45
kfxI found bluerise/u-boot on github, but there are several mntre branches23:46
mntmnkfx: hey then you are already on the right track23:47
mntmni think mntre-disp223:47
bluerisehttps://github.com/bluerise/u-boot/commits/mntre-disp / https://github.com/bluerise/u-boot/commits/mntre-disp223:49
bluerisekfx:I just rebased it23:49
bluerisebranch mntre is base machine + pci23:49
bluerisemntre-disp is my first attempt, cherry-picking a lot from boundary devices' u-boot23:50
bluerisemntre-disp2 are changes on top of mntre-disp23:50

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