
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)00:19
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)00:20
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:04
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)02:07
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C744A40.versanet.de)03:07
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5c74415e.versanet.de)03:09
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:10
* nsc -> Guest273603:10
vkoskiv_Boostisbetter: Here's the image, I think: https://twitter.com/mntmn/status/1446890686352134157?s=2003:19
vkoskiv_Oof, I left the ?s in. My bad.03:20
- chartreuse (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)06:54
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100e)07:02
+ sts-q (~sts-q@
+ ruff (~ruff@ip-78-45-99-112.net.upcbroadband.cz)10:51
ruffLinux reform 5.15.13+ #2 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jan 9 00:08:59 CET 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux10:52
ruffeverything looks ok so far10:52
sigridany patching required?11:09
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~matt@2603:9000:cf03:86c3:11c4:68db:ad36:c833)11:35
+ freakazoid333 (~matt@2603-9000-cf03-86c3-11c4-68db-ad36-c833.inf6.spectrum.com)11:35
+ Christoph_ (~Christoph@p54bf6d4d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)12:20
ruffsigrid: yes, this is with rebased patches, but many of them are already applied in the main tree, not sure if remaining are crucial, but rebased them nevertheless12:25
rufff.i. cadence mipi dsi is there, i just ported cec for hdmi (which is missing in the tree)12:27
ruffbut cec is obviously optional. I'll commit the update repo into my copy and add a small article on the process12:29
sigridnice, thanks!12:33
sigridi was gonna rebase on latest today but glad to not repeat anything already done :)12:34
joschdammit, I rebased the patches a few days ago as well XD13:01
joschruff: where are you hosting your git?13:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:03
ruffjosch: https://source.mnt.re/ruff/reform-system-image13:04
ruffjosch: I saw your message but you mentioned you were using 5.16, and had problems with video out - so I decided will be prudent to redo from scratch13:11
joschruff: yeah, it's great that you did it. I also didn't use the purism linux-next branch and my S1 still doesn't work so there was no way for me to debug my issues.13:14
- frank2 (QUIT: Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) (~frank@juicy.frank2.net)14:06
+ frank2 (~frank@juicy.frank2.net)14:08
- frank2 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~frank@juicy.frank2.net)14:09
dj-deathmntmn: situation for the keyboard backlight is a bit more complicated than expected14:15
dj-deathmntmn: the Connect callback appears to be called as sson as I plug the keyboard into my laptop even if it's in suspend14:16
mntmndj-death: sounds like the laptops usb host is active then?14:17
dj-deathmntmn: I have to rely on ConfigurationChanged and check the Endpoint_IsEnabled()14:18
mntmnmakes sense14:18
dj-deathbut then that doesn't appear to work for when the laptop goes to suspend14:18
dj-deathbut I know nothing about USB, so I'm not surprised ;)14:19
dj-deathmntmn: I've noticed that the brightness doesn't seem to be going up uniformly when you go to 014:19
mntmnmaybe a strategy could be to look for if the computer is polling for reports or not14:20
mntmnhmm yeah i've noticed that too14:20
dj-deathmntmn: like plug the keyboard, set brightness to 0, then increase the brightness and it'll not go back until the fourth increase at which point it appears to jump to brightness = ~414:21
dj-deathyea, will dig more into that14:21
dj-deathmntmn: do you think there is a limit to the number of times I can rewrite the firmware of the keyboard?14:28
mntmndj-death: no, there is no limit you could manually reach14:32
mntmni think :D14:33
dj-deathEVICE_STATE_Suspended \o/14:36
mntmnnice, is that a callback?14:36
dj-deatha variable of the state14:41
ruffre brightness from 0 - yes yopu need to set at least to 6 to light up the leds, then you can go down to 3 to minimize it14:41
ruffI mean I don't know why but empirically came to this14:42
ruffwhile playing with suspend script at night :)14:42
dj-deathit works :)14:44
dj-deathokay, I guess I can implement a small workaround for that 14:45
dj-deathnah it's something else :(14:50
dj-deathor maybe I need the infamous sleep(5); 14:50
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:09
+ pkill9 (~quassel@
pkill9hi, i have a few questions: is there currently work on creating SoM modules to upgrade in the future, or is this still just planned? and i forgot the second question15:26
sknebelmultiple modules are being worked on15:26
pkill9is there a page listing them?15:27
sknebelnot that I know of15:31
dj-deathtime() doesn't seem to work :(15:32
pkill9sknebel: what are the specifications of the moduels being worked on?15:33
mntmnpkill9: RKX7, which is an FPGA module (kintex-7); RCM4, which is an adapter for RPi CM4 and compatibles (like SOQuartz); LS1028A which is for NXP LS1028A with 8 or 16GB ram15:50
mntmnall of these are in some in-between state of almost working15:53
mntmnRKX7 boots linux on vexriscv with 1GB ram and has working HDMI and ethernet, and barely working USB (for keyboard), still fighting with getting the internal display to work15:54
mntmnLS1028A loads u-boot but has problems with DDR4 calibration15:55
mntmnRCM4 proto pcbs had the wrong thickness (duh) but otherwise works spectacularly well with a bunch of bodge wires15:55
dj-deathmntmn: which one do you think will be the most powerful? LS1028A or RPi CM4 ?15:59
blueriseit's definitely helpful when all the hard logic is on the SoM15:59
bluerisefor bringup15:59
bluerisedj-death: probably Rpi CM4, also because you can supply other CM4 SoMs (like SoQuartz, Radxa CM3) it's even easier to upgrade16:00
bluerisethe thing though is that the CM4 itself is a bit limited16:00
mntmndj-death: there are some tradeoffs. BCM2711 is def. the most powerful in terms of compute+GPU, but lacks USB3 out of the box, and only single PCIe16:01
mntmndj-death: also, VC4 blobbery16:01
blueriseyeah, single USB2 and single PCIe16:01
mntmna more involved rcm4 could be made with pcie switch and pcie-usb3 host16:02
mntmnmight do that later16:02
mntmnbut probably not on the first version because that would delay it a lot16:02
bluerisePCIe switch sounds nice16:02
mntmnand these chips are kind of not very available atm16:02
blueriseespecially because you have two PCIe slots on the motherboard16:02
blueriseI7C9X2G404SL maybe?16:04
blueriseAt least that's what this one might use: https://github.com/TheGuyDanish/CM4_MATX16:04
mntmnbluerise: not at the moment at least https://octopart.com/search?q=PI7C9X2G404SL&currency=USD&specs=016:05
blueriseBut it's ok, 1st version without a PCIe switch is fine16:05
pkill9does anyone rely on the reform as their main computer?16:06
pkill9I read most people have a separate main laptop and this this just for tinkering16:06
ruffto me MNTR2 works way faster than rpi4 but that is defintely periphery bcz when it is slow cpu is almost idle (lot of iowait but otherwise nothing)16:06
mntmnpkill9: i am using it right now in this moment as my only computer at home (next to a playstation 4 and fairphone 3+)16:07
mntmnpkill9: but at work i use a intel i9 based pc16:07
mntmnruff: yeah it really depends on the setup, most pi4 stuff is set up in a weird non-optimal way by default16:07
pkill9mntmn: have you played hedgewars on the reform?16:08
mntmnalso i haven't yet tried/compared nvme speed, was testing with emmc on cm4 which was a lot slower than the io speed on reform/imx8mq16:08
blueriseruff: that's why I'd use a different CM4 module16:08
mntmnpkill9: no, i don't know what that is 16:08
pkill9hedgewars gets substandard FPS on a raspberry pi 3b+16:08
pkill9it's a FOSS worms-like game16:08
mntmnto get a smooth desktop experience with sway like on reform/imx8mq, i had to switch to the real kms driver on cm416:09
mntmnthe fkms stuff was really messy and flickery and buggy16:09
mntmni also overclocked to 2ghz16:09
mntmnand i used chromium 97 from snap as on reform/imx8mq16:10
pkill9also what battery duration do you get with the reform?16:10
dj-deathmntmn: thanks for the details16:10
mntmnpkill9: some people here have reported 5-6h, YMMV16:11
dj-deathmntmn: are you interested in keyboard HW FW changes?16:11
dj-deathit's flagged only for the standalone version16:12
dj-deathI need to update my laptop keyboard too btw...16:12
mntmndj-death: sure, merge request to your heart's content16:12
ruffre battery - when i use it overnight it's like 3 hours active usage + 7-8 hours in suspend - in the morning I have ~20% battery16:13
mntmnruff: ah cool you suspend overnight?16:14
ruffmntmn: yes, if leds aren't so bright I'd leave it on a night table, but with such lighthouse I need to put it away somewhere16:15
mntmnah, sorry for that16:16
ruffNeed to buy some smd pack and try to replace them with something bigger16:16
Boostisbettermntmn, I know it is the weekend, but any chance you saw my hinge request email? No pressure as usual, and no stress. 16:37
BoostisbetterI'm the kind considerate fly that just wont die. 16:37
mntmnBoostisbetter: sorry, too much priority stuff atm16:49
BoostisbetterMntmn, do you maybe know away I could order them myself without needing to order them in bulk? Like I would order maybe 5 sets. 16:49
- cryptix (QUIT: Quit: You have been kicked for being idle) (~cryptix@scuttlebutt/cryptix)17:00
- worldof[m] (QUIT: Quit: You have been kicked for being idle) (~worldofge@2001:470:69fc:105::f05d)17:00
mntmnBoostisbetter: i put it on my todo list to put these as spare parts in the shop17:02
Boostisbetter mntmn I appreciate it. My project is just waiting on the hinges. No pressure. 17:06
+ doctorhoo (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)17:31
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)17:54
technomancypkill9: I've been using it as my primary since the summer18:04
technomancy(but for my dayjob stuff I ssh into a thinkpad)18:04
BoostisbetterI am not using mine as a primary just yet. I'm still using a Framework laptop, my desktop workstation, BUT I have started taking the Reform with me to work. The standby situation has improved and it has made it possible to go a full 9-10 hour day without about 1-2 hours of actual use in there. 18:46
BoostisbetterI guess I'm a sucker for the design of the laptop,and the way the Reform harkens back to an early Thinkpad really speaks to me. I love it. Also that the fact that the lid actually hugs the bottom case making it so that the lid is handling forces on it uniformly and it isn't just the hinges is a brillant design, that really improves the robustness of the whole thing. I feel like I can take the Ref18:48
Boostisbetterorm everywhere and worry about it breaking the least. 18:48
BoostisbetterTo clarify I am using my Framework laptop and my desktop workstation (2 computers) still. But I am continually impressed with just how much the Reform could be my only computer. 18:49
technomancyI'm trying to get xwayland running on my reform agair18:53
technomancy*again with cage; running into a weird error "Direct scan-out disabled by software cursor". anyone know what a software cursor is or why it would be causing cage to refuse to launch?18:53
rufftechnomancy: why don't you run it from sway?18:55
technomancyruff: you want the long version or the short version? =)18:56
technomancyI don't like sway and I want to replace it with exwm, my preferred window manager, which runs under X18:56
rufftechnomancy: let's start with short one :)18:56
technomancyI mean, I like sway fine, but it's missing critical features I've been using for ages under exwm and it's very difficult for me to adjust to the lack of them18:57
rufftechnomancy: did you try running native Xorg then (I don't know if it even exists for entaviv)18:57
Boostisbettergood luck. I started off with i3, myself, and while it was great, Sway was always just way more stable and it surprisingly used less resources. When the people developing xorg basically jump ship and develop Wayland, you know Wayland is the future. 18:57
technomancyBoostisbetter: exwm lets me remap keys so that I can use emacs key bindings in every program, regardless of whether the program itself supports remapping. this feature is worth much more to me than anything wayland could offer, ever since firefox nerfed its extension system and broke all the key remapping software I was using18:58
technomancyI don't *need* xwayland; I need "firefox, but with customizeable key bindings"18:59
Boostisbetterthat makes sense. 18:59
technomancyit's just that exwm is the only way I've found to accomplish that18:59
BoostisbetterI would suggest just moving away from Firefox. That company has cared more about agenda than the tech for almost a decade now. 18:59
BoostisbetterI don't want Chrome being the one horse pony anymore than anyone else19:00
technomancythe reason firefox sucks at this is specifically because it copied chrome's extension mechanism19:00
Boostisbetterbut I don't see Mozilla as the company that is going to stop that anymroe19:00
ruffBoostisbetter: there's not much place to go tbh, chromium is not a choice really19:00
technomancychrome is the source of the problem here19:00
technomancyall the other options (webkit-based keyboard-driven browsers) require running a browser which doesn't get security updates; that's just not gonna happen =)19:01
ruffwebkit could become an option, I was using it quite widely till gnome updated to gtk4 while epiphany hung at gtk319:02
technomancyanyway at this point it looks like getting xwayland running is the path of least resistance, but a recent apt update made cage start breaking because of "software cursors" and I'm finding it difficult to determine what that even means19:02
Boostisbetterall I know is, there is a reason that everyone who starts making their own browser engine ends up using chromium. Mozilla is still making Firefox, because they don't want the well to dry up. That is all. Could the ship be righted and they start caring about the tech more, and leaving the agenda at home and for their personal lives, then maybe they could be a solution again. But as of right now, t19:02
Boostisbetterheir browser is the worst in nearly every metric. 19:02
Boostisbetterstill I am not trying to push anyone away from using it19:03
Boostisbetterthose are just the reasons I uninstall it off the system as soon as I get a new one. 19:03
technomancyBoostisbetter: I'm specifically complaining about the chrome webextension system19:03
technomancyit's awful, and the fact that firefox uses it sucks19:03
technomancyyou don't have to convince me that Mozilla is making terrible choices; that much is obvious, but it's not relevant to this problem19:04
Boostisbettertechnomancy, sure thing. 19:04
Boostisbetterthat all makes sense. 19:05
technomancyI just want to be able to scroll down without opening seventeen new windows19:05
technomancyruff: mnt-mn advised me not to look into native xorg; he seemed to think it would be a lot more work than fixing cage, but I'll admit I've been considering it anyway. I've never had problems like this on my xorg systems.19:07
Boostisbettertechnomancy, I do feel your pain. I don't see a lot of forward development on ARM for Xorg, and it certianly can't be helping your case on aarch64 now. 19:12
BoostisbetterI do wish you luck, and hope you can getting it working!19:12
technomancyI've had no trouble with this on pine64 or raspberry pi19:12
technomancybut I know raspi has a very different (and much worse) GPU situation19:12
+ mjw (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)19:15
ruffI think it's about this issue? https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/-/issues/94119:21
technomancyI'm not seeing any corruption; it just refuses to launch19:23
ruffNo i mean for native, not for xwayland19:23
technomancywell, native xorg also just refuses to launch =)19:24
technomancythis looks related but it also looks like a deep rabbit hole https://mntre.com/media/tech_notes_md/2018-11-19-using-modesetting-with-etnaviv.html19:27
technomancy(gives me "modeset(0): drmSetMaster failed: Device or resource busy" which doesn't sound super promising but I didn't really expect it to work)19:30
pkill9how much extra CPU power could you get from a module attached via the CM4 adapter?19:33
mntmnpkill9: a bunch ;) will benchmark tomorrow19:33
pkill9nice 19:34
pkill9if you can get substantial improvements maybe I will get this19:34
mntmnpkill9: here are gpu benchmarks https://twitter.com/mntmn/status/1479561966582738945?t=osKQZlbGoCc3Y9D8Q2kZ4w&s=1919:36
mntmnpkill9: but see also the reply by lynxeye... we will yet see gpu perf increase on imx8mq19:36
+ freakazoid343 (~matt@2603-9000-cf03-86c3-11c4-68db-ad36-c833.inf6.spectrum.com)20:02
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~matt@2603-9000-cf03-86c3-11c4-68db-ad36-c833.inf6.spectrum.com)20:04
Boostisbetterso far, I've been VERY impressed with just capable the imx8 is in the Reform. 20:19
BoostisbetterTo think this performance is in the Librem 5 is kind of impressive as well. Although I imagine it will be much more real world thermal throttle (because you can't hold what is to hot to touch), and is missing a gig of RAM (only has 3). 20:20
Boostisbetter*impressed with just HOW capable the imx8 is20:20
+ marcodiego (~marco@2804:d4b:b50f:9f00:c2f4:fa0b:cd0e:8021)20:21
mntmnBoostisbetter: yeah i am pretty impressed by how much one can squeeze out of 4x A5320:22
mntmn(being in-order processors)20:22
ruffand again comparing with rpi4 - i tended to think your company is having "Research" in it name for a reason. I.e. it's a briliant platform design which makes it all tick, not just a soc per se.20:26
mntmndj-death: just approved you @ source20:28
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100e)20:40
pkill9is anyone addigna  trackpoint to the mnt reform keyboard? :)20:58
mntmnnot that i know of20:59
mntmndj-death: hey i figured out (read: copied from random internet page) how to jump to the usb bootloader in the keyboard... pushed to kbd-bitmaps branch21:00
pkill9i guess trackball is probably enuogh21:01
pkill9since it's probably easier to use with thumb, that way you don't leave home row21:01
Boostisbettermntmn, what do you consider the true cpu performance upgrade? You are juggling quite a few new boards. I'm interested in more RAM of course, but am not sure I want to sacrifice 2 cpu cores for it. 21:04
mntmnpkill9: yep. also we're developing a tiny version of the trackball21:05
mntmnBoostisbetter: right now i would say pi cm4... maybe rockchip in the future21:05
mntmni still have hopes for big imx9... but idk when nxp will deliver21:05
pkill9mntmn: is that for the pocket reform?21:05
mntmnpkill9: yep21:06
pkill9how long until pokcet reform is avaialble?21:07
Boostisbetterpkill9, that is the question on many peoples minds. I believe the answer is very Valve like, when it is ready. There have been some glimpses of it on Twitter or Mastodon. He has also mentioned there will be an expensive and somewhat more affordable version. 21:13
mntmnthat is correct21:15
mntmnpocket reform motherboard is def. the next pcb design project on my list21:16
mntmnafter ordering v2 of rcm421:16
mntmnfirst version of pocket reform motherboard will use the same cpu module "standard" as big reform21:17
mntmnlets see how far we can take that21:17
mntmnand charger will probably live on an extra pcb, not included on the motherboard, but i'm not yet 100% sure about it21:17
mntmnbut charger IC is already evaluated21:18
Boostisbettermntmn, so in theory we could just take the cpu module out of the Reform and use it in there? I wouldn't do that, but knowing that it is Reform performance in a much smaller package is VERY appealing. 21:18
mntmnBoostisbetter: yep21:18
mntmnthe idea is to be able to reuse parts21:18
Boostisbettermntmn, sounds good on the charging bit. I don't mind that sort of thing for the luxury of a smaller device. 21:19
marcodiegomntmn, is there any change of a rk3399-based upgrade option?21:19
Boostisbettermntmn, I am leaving Germany this summer, due to work, and I hope I'm able to snag one before I leave. I'm not looking forward to dealing with CS. 21:19
mntmnnot sure about rk3399, the first rockchip in reform will be rk356621:20
mntmnvia rcm4 + soquartz21:20
sigridpkill9: i used thinkpads for trackpoint reason for a decade, but trackball feels better21:21
sigridbut that's just like my opinion21:21
blueriserk3566 will be fine21:23
technomancywait so if the whole point of cage is to be like ... a no-op WM, can't you just make sway do that with a minimal config file and have it pass-thru all input to xwayland inside it?21:23
Boostisbettersigrid, I love the trackpoint, but have not been happy about the way Lenovo has been stripping the Thinkpad of everything important merely to increase profit margins. I still have all of my Thinkpads, and I'll hold onto them. But I'm very happy with the trackball. I use one on my desktop, and they are just nicer and more precise. The little mini trackball mntmn made for the Pocket Reform is even 21:23
Boostisbettermore appealing. 21:23
mntmntechnomancy: yes, that's possible actually21:23
mntmntechnomancy: maybe a better option for you indeed... sorry i didn't think about it earlier21:23
technomancyhaha , no need to apologize. I'll give it a shot =)21:24
mntmntechnomancy: also sway supports xkb mapping21:24
mntmni.e. in my config i have > input "1003:8258:MNT_Reform_Keyboard" xkb_layout us-german-umlaut21:24
technomancyI looked into xkb a while back and I couldn't get it to support combos; just single keys being remapped21:24
sigridBoostisbetter: yeah. also new lenovo models seem to have very mediocre trackpoints21:25
mntmnanother cool thing is that sway can scale a whole output21:25
mntmnusing the gpu21:25
+ doctorhoo (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)21:25
mntmnthat's useful if you want to use something that software-renders but is slow when rendering directly to 1920x108021:25
dj-deathmntmn: ah nice, just saw that :)21:30
mntmnBoostisbetter: btw i'm just trying wine-i386 through box8621:34
mntmnBoostisbetter: twister OS has a download of the wine package https://twisteros.com/wine.tgz21:35
mntmni was able to do box86 ./wine winecfg21:35
mntmnBoostisbetter: more info https://ptitseb.github.io/box86/X86WINE.html21:39
- GNUmoon (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)21:40
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)21:41
* Guest2736 -> nsc21:45
* nsc -> Guest569921:46
mntmnBoostisbetter: https://twitter.com/mntmn/status/1480286754804572160?s=2022:14
BoostisbetterThat's hot! Thanks for sharing! 22:40
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211::885)22:44
swivelmntmn: how is the interactivity on that?22:51
mntmnswivel: photoshop speed was ok! usable22:51
mntmnbut the installation messed itself up somehow, i wanted to test with an X window manager (instead of sway directly) but it wouldn't run a second time22:52
mntmnwith sway there was a glitch where the toolbars of photoshop would always jump to the center of the screen on mouseover22:52
mntmnah oh https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/tips/adobe-photoshop-cs2/unable-to-continue-because-of-a-hardware-or-system-error-sorry-but-this-error-is-unrecoverable22:53
mntmnlol so it's a bug in cs222:54
mntmnyeah now it works fine23:01
mntmnit's kind of incredible how well this works23:01
technomancythat's the final non-subscription version of photoshop?23:04
mntmnthe one they offered for free23:04
technomancyoh wow, I had no idea there was ever a gratis version of photoshop. wild.23:05
+ GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)23:06
+ Guest43 (~Guest43@107-131-130-208.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)23:12
mntmnexcel 97 https://twitter.com/mntmn/status/1480301308989120513?s=2023:13
- ephase (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211::885)23:15
Guest43hey is this the irc for mastadon?23:15
kfxnow hit F5, type in L97:X97, hit enter, hit tab, hold ctrl and shift and click the chart wizard in the toolbar23:16
kfxthat useless excel 97 trivia will never exit by stupid brain23:16
kfxGuest43: this is the irc channel for the MNT Reform laptop23:16
- ruff (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~ruff@ip-78-45-99-112.net.upcbroadband.cz)23:16
mntmnGuest43: no, this is the IRC for the MNT Reform project23:16
mntmnah kfx already said it, sorry23:17
Guest43ugh im trying to install mastadon idk how to do it23:17
+ ephase (~ephase@
kfxGuest43: I don't think they have an official irc channel; if you have a github account you might ask on their forum: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/discussions23:20
mntmnactually there is one23:20
mntmnGuest43: /join #mastodon23:20
kfxgood news, there!23:20
Guest43really good news, i was beginning to lose hope. thank you so much mntmn23:21
- ephase (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~ephase@
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211::885)23:28
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100e)23:28
+ bibliocar (~g@
bibliocarlooking at symbiflow, i had no idea kintex-7 or fpgas had any sort of support from the open source toolchain. I was still looking at ice40 chips. I still don't know how complete that support is, but it just sort of blew my mind the development that's been going on.23:35
bibliocarfpgas of that power23:35
bibliocarI've been going wild, but mostly reading textbooks on topics I want to work on, no actual work yet. I'm just hyped at having access to this laptop, it's motivating me to work on programming projects like nothing else.23:37
- Guest43 (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~Guest43@107-131-130-208.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)23:37
bibliocarJust wanted to say thanks you for making it. Sheesh, looking at the hiccups that come up during the a process, I don't envy you in the slightest. Social anxiety and all that...23:39
bibliocarI have a long todo list to accomplish before touching any verilog, so I'm not a likely customer for the kintex board any time soon, but I'm excited to see it.23:41
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)23:43
+ natalie (~natalie@user/natalie)23:54

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