
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~matt@
ruffthey are more focusing on sleep (s2) then on suspend (s3) which make sense for a phone. But kernel's better support for s2 pm would defo help s3.00:04
+ freakazoid333 (~matt@2603-9000-cf0f-80e3-543c-0145-fb11-b23f.inf6.spectrum.com)00:09
- ruff (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~ruff@ip-78-45-99-112.net.upcbroadband.cz)00:10
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@gnu.wildebeest.org)00:29
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)00:32
Boostisbetteryeah. I know that the public expect the phoen to wake for calls, etc, but I just don't care about that. It would be a nice change to be able to turn your phone off and avoid distractions00:45
BoostisbetterNow all I need is to figure out how to get Steam working on the Reform. I know it has the umpf to be able to do it. 00:46
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:03
BoostisbetterPerhaps Lutris... Some how I don't think that would be easier01:06
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100e)02:24
+ freakazoid343 (~matt@
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~matt@2603-9000-cf0f-80e3-543c-0145-fb11-b23f.inf6.spectrum.com)02:53
- ephase (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.3) (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211::885)03:02
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)03:09
- nsc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C744379.versanet.de)03:14
+ nsc (~nicolas@i5C744580.versanet.de)03:15
* nsc -> Guest617903:16
- freakazoid343 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~matt@
+ sl (~sl@104-59-85-219.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)05:01
- sl (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~sl@104-59-85-219.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)05:32
- chartreuse (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)05:46
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100e)06:34
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then the virus can not enter your body without your consent.) (~erle@
+ ruff (~ruff@ip-78-45-99-112.net.upcbroadband.cz)08:57
Boostisbetterruff: first night suspend worked like a charm. I noticed before that if charging states changed during suspend that it would almost certainly cause a failure to resume. So far this does not seem to be the case with the modified script!09:01
* Guest6179 -> nsc09:31
ruffBoostisbetter: yes, mine also woke instantly this morning.09:52
mntmnBoostisbetter: why would charging states have an influence? the cpu doesn't notice any of it12:59
mntmni am curious why waking the imx from sleep doesn't hang for you two13:00
Boostisbettermntmn, I can't really say, it was just something I noticed when I had errors on resume. I suppose, in this case, it was just a coincidence. 13:00
mntmnas far as i know freezing during sleep/wake is a randomly occuring kernel or atf bug and not something you can influence from the outside13:01
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)13:04
Boostisbetterok, yeah I was never really stressing so I didn't dig any further. So far, ruff's script is doing the trick. It seems to play nicer when using systemd as well. 13:14
ruffmntmn: ideal suspend state is when all apps and devices are told to suspend their activity. Then there's less chance to hit some bug. Systemd suspend is trying to achieve exactly that, hence should be more stable comparing to running a script on a live system (which may be doing some critical boxed operation during the echo mem)13:32
mntmnruff: that sounds convincing, i will need to try it too13:33
Boostisbetterso far it really does seem to hold water. 13:58
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)15:10
BoostisbetterMntmn: if I change orientation of the trackball sensor will that allow the trackball to be mounted sideways as well? Where rolling right would be up and rolling left would be down? 15:46
bluerisemntmn: https://github.com/TheGuyDanish/CM4_MATX not m-ITX, but I mean, for m-ITX I could just cut it down ;)15:47
mntmnBoostisbetter: not sure what you mean exactly15:52
BoostisbetterI wish I could post a picture but I can't. Anyway I am making a UMPC, in the display portion I am using a 7in waveshare screen, but have room tot he right of it. However because the PCB is too big in the normal trackball orientation, I have decided to mount it to the right of hte display but flipped on it's side. So take the orientation of the trackball in the Reform and rotate it counter-clockwi15:59
Boostisbetterse 90 degrees. This is what I'm talking about. It will be mounted like that in the display, and I am wondering if I can change the way the ball is read by just rotating the sensor 90 degrees. 15:59
mntmnBoostisbetter: the sensor has to be on the same 2D plane as the x/y movement range of your fingers16:03
mntmnBoostisbetter: if the sensor is orthogonal to the input plane you lose 1 dimension16:04
mntmnand then need another sensor to recover this dimension16:04
mntmnif in your design the input (ball) movement and the sensor are still in the same plane, you can of course remap the coordinates however you want in the trackball firmware16:05
mntmnBoostisbetter: the sensor can see only translation, not rotation.16:06
Boostisbettermntmn, the sensor would only be rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees. 16:42
BoostisbetterI was thinking that If I do that I wouldn't need to change anything in the firmware, because the sesnor would just see the ball moving right as moving up16:42
ruffIs there any quic&clean way to introduce lid close sensor? Eg. hercon magnetic switch to react on lid's magnets?16:44
mntmnBoostisbetter: changing the firmware is incredibly easy, takes one minute or so16:48
mntmnruff: depends where you would want to put the sensor16:48
mntmnBoostisbetter: you need to change like 2 lines of code and then type make and that's it16:55
mntmnBoostisbetter: but maybe i understood you wrong and you meant it would work out of the box16:56
mntmnwhich might be correct16:56
BoostisbetterMntmn, does that work? 16:58
mntmnidk this looks like the trackball is in the normal orientation?17:01
ruffmntmn: that is the question - where is best to put it to minimize changes. Eg. to me looks logical to put somewhere under batteries, to prevent disassembling screen bezel. But I might be worng and it will be easier to put it into/under the bezel17:12
mntmngood question. it would need to be pretty sensitive. maybe one could sense one of the speaker's magnets from the main box.17:23
mntmnthe lids' magnets are not really in a good place to be sensed, i think17:24
ruffmaybe to put some extra coin magnet somewhere? I have plenty of those extracted from various packaging17:29
ruffbut it's all alu right?17:30
Boostisbettermntmn, this was the original mock up. But I don't have the space to mount it like that in the lid17:32
BoostisbetterI have rotate it 90 degree clockwise17:32
Boostisbetterto get it to fit. 17:32
Boostisbetterwhich is why I was curious if the sensor itself being rotated would make no changes to the firmware necessary. 17:34
BoostisbetterOf course this system will be running Windows to begin with, but if i read the stats correctly, it doesn't require any drivers regardless of the OS?17:35
BoostisbetterI am planning on making it a Linux based system after the preliminary testing is done though17:36
Boostisbetterthe honest truth is I don't even need the trackball or any mouse because the keyboard being used can emulate a mouse and the screen itself is touch screen. 17:36
BoostisbetterBut I really like the MNT Trackball and enjoy the precision of a trackball in general17:40
Boostisbetterso if it will fit, I want to add it. 17:42
BoostisbetterPlus I think it is going to look pretty cool17:42
ruffInteresting, I just recently undusted my old WS 7" HDMI touch lcd and bought DYI HDMI kit to make compact connection and fit the screen into some box :)17:46
mntmnBoostisbetter: yes, you can rotate the sensor like that17:46
ruffBoostisbetter: are you using some existing case from some old gear or it's some kind of dyi case which could be printed?17:48
Boostisbetterruff: modeling a custom case up in Fusion and then printing it17:59
Boostisbetterthe idea being that once I have it fine tuned and I am sure everything works, I may send the stl off to get milled out of aluminum. 17:59
BoostisbetterBut the basics are that I am using a ZSA Planck EZ keyboard that slides into a tray in the case. 17:59
Boostisbetterthe mainboard from a Framework Laptop (core i7, 64gb RAM, 1tb NVME drive), a tiny 4 port USB hub, and the Framework HDMI expansion card will all be in the based. In the lid will be the waveshare screen, hopefully the trackball, and the wiring for the trackball, HDMI and touch/power cables for the display. 18:01
Boostisbetterthe idea being that i can repair everything or get a new part if I need to. 18:01
BoostisbetterI really like just being able to print a new part if necessary, so I may never go the route of getting it in aluminum. Of course, if I do I can shrink the design a big as I wont have 3d printing restraints to deal with anymore. 18:02
BoostisbetterI also really like that I can remove the keyboard if I need. I can use the keyboard outside of the case, or just use it in it. 18:03
Boostisbetterthe only downside is that I am not going to have a battery back be part of hte design. I will just use a 100 watt battery bank. 18:03
Boostisbetterbut the dimensions will be pretty small and I think it might be the most powerful laptop in that form factor. We'll see. 18:04
BoostisbetterI have been a fan of mini laptops for a long time. My beloved 1 Netbook Onemix 3pt just died because the keyboard controller overheated. As the company no longer makes the model getting it repaired is impossible. 18:04
BoostisbetterThis is another reason why the Reform Mini is appealing to me. if it is done even close to the same standard that the Reform is, will make it an instant buy for me. 18:05
BoostisbetterI'm continually impressed with how capable the Reform is. 18:05
+ doctorhoo (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)18:16
ruffBoostisbetter: wow, that's quite ambitious. Is there any place to track your progress? And I'm with you on small laptops, sonce the time I had HP WinCE clamshell in my hands18:19
Boostisbetterruff, I have 3 HP 200LX palmtops that I still use, and just bought 2 HP Omnibook 425s off ebay. One should be getting here tomorrow. 18:20
mntmnBoostisbetter: btw it's called Pocket Reform18:20
mntmnBoostisbetter: and yeah, we will make a high-end version and a cheaper low-end version18:21
Boostisbetterruff, and regarding progress, no I don't really have anything like that on the net. I've blogged, and have a company site, but don't have any kind of internet presence like that. 18:21
+ vagrantc (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100b)18:21
Boostisbettermntmn, roger that. Count me down for the high end, and you can take my money just as soon as you are ready. 18:21
mntmnBoostisbetter: how big is the framework mobo btw? would it fit into the normal reform case? just out of curiosity18:21
mntmnBoostisbetter: thanks ^^18:22
Boostisbettermntmn, yes it could. it is 23.2 cm by 11.2 cm, basically just a little bigger than the Planck keyboard 18:23
mntmnthat's petite18:24
mntmnone could make an i7 FrankenReform 18:24
Boostisbetterhowever you would need to mill exhaust ports in the back to allow the exhaust to flow on it. 18:24
mntmnah yeah18:25
+ adjtm (~adjtm@
Boostisbetteryeah you REALLY could. What be pretty doable. 18:25
vkoskiv_If you've ever seen the thermal design of an Apple titanium PowerBook, it's wild.18:25
vkoskiv_Instead of adding ventilation, they just snaked heat pipes ALL OVER on the inside of the machine18:26
BoostisbetterMy whole goal is to go smaller, not necessarily thinner though. I'm guesing at the max it will be 6cm thick18:26
vkoskiv_Pretty much any outside surface on the top, they routed a thin lil heat pipe to18:26
vkoskiv_No wonder those things melted their keyboards when a software glitch forgot to put it to sleep mode when closing the lid18:27
Boostisbetteryeah, it is crazy to me how hot the 11th gen intel chips can get. They say 100C is normal. 18:27
BoostisbetterMine stays around 40C though, so I'm hoping the PLA will hold up. 18:27
BoostisbetterI might be forced to do the aluminum though because of heat concerns. 18:28
Boostisbetterthe thing is, I've never done any of this. I've dreamed of doing my own electronics, but I'm a software guy wishing he had taken a few eletrical engineering courses in college. 18:31
- adjtm (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~adjtm@
- doctorhoo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)19:18
ruffBoostisbetter: Ok, you have intigued me. I went to cyberdeck.cafe to find some inspiration and now thinking to make use of mnt keyboard (instead of plank, which is frequently used it seems). I even have similarly green pla spool19:33
ruffBoostisbetter: intrigued even19:35
vagrantcconceptually, other than space contraints, there's no reason you couldn't use 26650 cells with the existing mnt/reform hardware?19:42
mntmnvagrantc: correct19:43
vagrantcnot sure i'll be doing any case hacking to make that happen ... but interesting to note :)19:47
vkoskiv_It seems like the shipment update that CS promised on twitter a while ago was supposed to come from MNT?19:48
vkoskiv_But people were expecting it to come from CS19:48
vkoskiv_Well, I and at least 1 other person on twitter expected that :P19:49
vkoskiv_Since all lukas could write for that update is "still waiting to ship these out"19:49
BoostisbetterRuff: thanks! This is the Cyber deck which originally inspired me: https://cyberdeck.cafe/mix/msg 20:13
BoostisbetterIf you hack off everything after the lid hinge on that and take about 2 cm out of the height you'd have a good approximation of what I'm going for. 20:13
ruffBoostisbetter: Ok, so I guessed it right ;) I like TLR design but the WS7" screen des not fit the concept20:15
BoostisbetterYou mean it is too small? 20:16
ruffBoostisbetter: TLR uses some ultrawide panel, and WS7 is classic 16:920:17
BoostisbetterRuff: ah didn't realize you were talking about a diffent design. Let me look at it real quick. 20:18
vkoskiv_What kinda camera was used to take these pics in mnt-reform-press-materials/MNT\ Reform\ 2021/20:19
vkoskiv_These are CRISP!20:19
mntmnlumix gh420:19
BoostisbetterRuff: ah yes! Love that but hate how long it is. The pop up screen is excellent though. 20:20
vkoskiv_And the lens?20:20
mntmndefault lens20:20
BoostisbetterMntmn:the pictures are seriously well done. 20:20
mntmnthanks, i had no idea what i was doing though20:20
BoostisbetterI haven't timed it yet but I've been impressed with how fast the Reform recharges. Is there an estimated time that is known for charging? Let's say the batteries are 20%, do we know how long they should take to recharge?20:27
- vagrantc (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:21:21:0:100b)20:28
mntmnBoostisbetter: sure, you can calculate that by looking at the amps that go into the batteries during charging20:29
Boostisbetterthe amoutn of current changes as the batteries charge. So if it reads 1.20A when they are 50% but then 1.17A at 85% how does that work?20:39
BoostisbetterAll I know is that it seems like it takes less than an hour to charge them to full. 20:39
vkoskiv_Pondering if this innolux panel would be compatible to do a glossy screen mod: https://www.panelook.com/N125HCE-GPA_Innolux_12.5_LCM_overview_30950.html20:45
vkoskiv_On first glance, it *looks* compatible interface and dimension-wise, but there's probably something I'm missing20:45
vkoskiv_This isn't the first time I'm sourcing a panel from china. Last time I did, it was very subtly different even though it was the same model number20:45
vkoskiv_So who knows20:45
technomancywait ... putting in a glossy screen on purpose?20:46
technomancyhalf the reason I got the Reform was that it was practically the only thing I could find that wasn't glossy >_<20:47
vkoskiv_I don't mind matte screens, but if I'm given the option, I prefer the increased clarity of a glossy finish20:47
vkoskiv_They seem a bit sharper and more contrasty than matte panels.20:47
technomancyas long as you don't use them in a well-lit room, I guess20:48
vkoskiv_And I'm usually always in a dark room anyway, so reflections don't matter much. :]20:48
vkoskiv_I haven't even seen the sun for like a week now. It barely goes above the horizon, and my sleep schedule as of late has been aligned such that I'm asleep for the few hours it is visible.20:48
technomancyI'm looking forward to the summer when I can take my reform outside for hours on end =)20:49
vkoskiv_So I'll take my glossy display panel and vitamin D supplements, thank you very much :D20:49
technomancyI guess with the reform you could have like ... a summer display and a winter display; swap it out when the seasons change.20:50
Boostisbettermntmn: looks like the batteries in the Reform total up to 53.28Wh20:51
vkoskiv_Yeah. The connector isn't really made to handle swapping more than a few times, but I bet if I'm gentle enough with it when I swap, it could last a good while.20:51
Boostisbettermntmn: so it is just impressive how fast they can be charged!20:51
vkoskiv_And I'd be more than happy to buy a replacement cable from MNT with a hefty markup for when I inevitably break it while swapping panels.20:52
mntmnBoostisbetter: the charge current is a curve... because as you approach full charge the cells accept less current20:52
vkoskiv_Here is a better comparison for the two panels: https://www.panelook.com/modelcompare.php?ids=28140,3095020:53
Boostisbettermntmn: yep, I know that tpically the longest amount of time needed in charging is from 80-100%20:53
vkoskiv_Reform stock panel on the left, potential glossy mod one on the right20:53
mntmnvkoskiv_: there is some glossy panel which works in reform but i don't know the model number off head20:53
vkoskiv_The one I linked was the only one I could find that looks very similar, so I bet it's that one.20:54
mntmnvkoskiv_: ah yeah GPA20:54
mntmnvkoskiv_: it does technically work, i think it also fits20:54
vkoskiv_It's slightly brighter at 400cd/m²20:54
vkoskiv_What does 'technically' imply? :D20:54
mntmnthat i have tested it20:54
mntmnand saw it working ^^20:54
vkoskiv_Ah, cool. I'll see if I can order them in 1x quantity anywhere. Would be a fun mod20:55
vkoskiv_I'll post it on the forums if/when I do get it to work to show it off of course20:55
Boostisbettervkoskiv_: that would be great!20:55
BoostisbetterI'm quite happy with the display, so I have do desire to swap them, but I would like to see what a glossy screen would look like. 20:56
vkoskiv_I'm personally partial to glossy panels because of the slightly better contrast, and a slightly brighter/crispier image.20:56
vkoskiv_My 2005 fujitsu laptop has a glossy panel, and it really makes it stand out. Makes the old machine seem much more modern.20:57
Boostisbetteryeah, I never really paid attention myself. I use computers indoors for the most part and so it is usually a non-starter fo rme20:57
vkoskiv_I stepped on that laptop and broke the display, but cared enough about it to actually source a replacement panel. It was like 2mm taller than expected, but fit in the display housing just fine.20:57
BoostisbetterFujitsu make really nice laptops. 20:57
technomancyeven indoors there are lights that reflect and can make glossy screens unusable in many places20:57
vkoskiv_Those factors, and the fact that I've used glossy display macbooks for many years, makes it an easy sell for me.20:58
technomancylike next to a window20:58
Boostisbetterthat is of course true. I just haven't really noticed, or haven't too many occasions when I'm trying to use a laptop to a window with sunlight pouring through. 21:03
Boostisbettervkoskiv_: I would be interested in hearing how it goes looking to one off order that panel. If when you post about it on the forums you could mention all that it would be great!21:04
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211::885)21:05
+ lexik_ (~lexik@
+ arminweigl_ (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)21:09
+ bkeys1 (~Thunderbi@
+ joeyh_ (~joeyh@kitenet.net)21:11
+ jvalleroy_ (~quassel@user/jvalleroy)21:11
+ skalk_ (~skalk@vond.sysret.de)21:11
- arminweigl (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)21:13
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- andrey_utkin (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~andrey_ut@gentoo/developer/andrey-utkin)21:13
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+ sbp (~sbp@tea.infomesh.net)21:14
* arminweigl_ -> arminweigl21:14
+ dodo (~dodo@user/dodo)21:14
+ robin_ (~robin@user/terpri)21:15
- doppler (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~doppler@user/doppler)21:15
- patsavoura (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~linx@149-210-116-38.mobile.ren.cosmote.net)21:15
+ _Bnuface (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)21:15
- robin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~robin@user/terpri)21:15
+ doppler_ (~doppler@user/doppler)21:15
- mtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)21:16
- bkeys1 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@
- ruff (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~ruff@ip-78-45-99-112.net.upcbroadband.cz)21:17
- jvalleroy (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~quassel@user/jvalleroy)21:17
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- joeyh (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~joeyh@kitenet.net)21:17
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+ josch (~josch@mister-muffin.de)21:17
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+ jvalleroy (~quassel@user/jvalleroy)21:18
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+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@
* doppler_ -> doppler21:19
* _Bnuface -> _Bnu21:19
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+ skalk (~skalk@vond.sysret.de)21:24
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+ reform23528 (~ncm@2a01:c23:65b3:d401:6f0:21ff:fe91:3b8)21:57
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+ xktr (~xktr@
+ doctorhoo (~hanno@194-18-252-127-no2005.tbcn.telia.com)22:13
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* robin_ -> robin23:00
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- worldofgeese[m] (QUIT: Quit: Client limit exceeded: 20000) (~worldofge@2001:470:69fc:105::f05d)23:17
- exit70[m] (QUIT: Quit: Client limit exceeded: 20000) (~exit70@user/exit70)23:17
- nio (QUIT: Quit: Client limit exceeded: 20000) (~nio@2001:470:69fc:105::172d)23:17
+ mtm (~mtm@c-73-27-62-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)23:24
+ qbit (~qbit@ns2.suah.dev)23:39
doctorhooI noticed a typo in the input section of the sway config skeleton: "level3:ralt_switch" in the xkb_options should be "lv3:ralt_switch" instead (according to 'man 7 xkeyboard-config'). With that, e.g. 'eurosign:e' works as expected.23:42
doctorhoomntmn: would you prefer a merge request even for such minor fixes?23:43
mntmndoctorhoo: oh wow ok. do you have a source.mnt.re account? then a MR will make sure i won't forget about it23:44
doctorhoomntmn: not yet, but just requested one.23:48
mntmndoctorhoo: approved (assuming that was you)23:48

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