
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:26
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:27
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:05
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:13
- jcs (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~jcs@jcs.org)02:11
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-032-175.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)05:13
+ freakazoid12345 (~matt@2603:9000:cf0f:80e3:d961:6f41:954c:7423)05:51
- freakazoid343 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~matt@2603:9000:cf0f:80e3:d961:6f41:954c:7423)05:54
+ reformer (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)07:51
- mrus (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~mrus@
- jfred (QUIT: *.net *.split) (quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred)07:54
- Asmadeus (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300:e:98c:8000:d300)07:54
- piroko (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~piroko@
+ Asmadeus (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300:e:98c:8000:d300)07:54
+ jfred (quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred)07:55
+ piroko (~piroko@
+ mrus (~mrus@
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)08:59
- adjtm (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:340f:ef00:ce7e:1bbd:6253:ecf9)10:16
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)10:37
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)10:59
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)11:00
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)12:59
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)13:00
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)15:00
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)15:01
+ freakazoid343 (~matt@2603:9000:cf0f:80e3:d961:6f41:954c:7423)15:42
- freakazoid12345 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~matt@2603:9000:cf0f:80e3:d961:6f41:954c:7423)15:45
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)17:01
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)17:02
- bluerise (QUIT: Changing host) (~bluerise@p5b0acbf2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)17:28
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)17:28
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)18:18
* mark__ -> mjw18:47
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)19:01
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)19:02
mntmnchartreuse: lazy question: how to make the keyboard sleep time a bit shorter? i faintly remember there was discussion here about 1s vs 2s20:47
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)21:02
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)21:03
- XgF (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:a512:c518:eba3:a49a)21:06
+ XgF (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:589e:8730:fece:af77)21:07
vkoskivSway is such a lovely window manager. I've been using awesomewm for the longest time, but sway feels much nicer out of the box.21:16
vkoskivSo the linux section in the reform manual taught me two really useful things.21:17
vkoskiv(sway and free -h)21:17
vkoskivI've always just stared at /proc/meminfo and tried to turn the bytes into megs/gigs in my head.21:17
+ adjtm (~adjtm@150.red-81-36-209.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)21:17
+ freakazoid333 (~matt@2603-9000-cf0f-80e3-5907-a93a-1009-da53.inf6.spectrum.com)21:28
- freakazoid343 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~matt@2603:9000:cf0f:80e3:d961:6f41:954c:7423)21:30
mntmnvkoskiv: cool!21:33
vkoskivI like how the manual doesn't make the assumption that everyone must be a linux expert21:33
vkoskivJust solid info there, even for a longer time linux user (part time)21:34
mntmnyeah, that was an experiment21:34
vkoskivAlthough I would bet that most happen to be, in this case :D21:35
vkoskivI absolutely love the community forum. It's like the opposite of the apple help forum where "did you restart it?" is about as technical as they get21:36
vkoskivEveryone seems to know what they are doing, and the discussion has a very high s/n ratio as a result. A joy to read.21:36
vkoskivI'm just getting adjusted to using linux again. I have a 2005 Fujitsu laptop here. The reform will be a nice upgrade coming from this system :D21:37
mntmnha! what kind of processor does it have?21:57
+ freakazoid343 (~matt@2603-9000-cf0f-80e3-accb-27ca-84a8-2eaf.inf6.spectrum.com)21:57
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~matt@2603-9000-cf0f-80e3-5907-a93a-1009-da53.inf6.spectrum.com)22:01
- ndufresne (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~ndufresne@halloumi.collabora.co.uk)22:03
vkoskivIt has an AMD Turion 64 Mobile MT-37 running at 2GHz22:04
vkoskivAn old, early AMD64 chip.22:05
vkoskivAnd 2GB of whatever type of RAM was in mid-range compact laptops in 200522:05
vkoskivThis thing has a lot of sentimental value. I even replaced the cracked display on it last year. That part was fun to track down :D22:05
vkoskivIt has a wonderful keyboard and a nice, bright, glossy 1024x768 display.22:06
jackhillvkoskiv: neat! We have an old 3/4 keyboard fujitsu convertable tablet that we should try to revive22:07
vkoskivThe CPU fan has had a faulty bearings since... 2012? Still works fine, though.22:07
vkoskivI wrote part of my shoddy bachelors' thesis on this thing. The fact that it barely runs youtube was a nice way to eliminate distractions.22:08
vkoskivI'm hoping to make the reform my main laptop of choice. Sort of try to aim more towards creation than consumption when using it.22:10
vkoskivI mostly write C for my hobby stuff, for which an ancient x86 chip is fine, so a more modern ARM thing should work nicely.22:11
vkoskivWell, I also write C at work, but that's a different type of software altogether over there.22:11
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)22:11
mntmnvkoskiv: should work fine!22:14
mntmnvkoskiv: i'm writing C on it at this moment22:14
+ ndufresne (~ndufresne@
vkoskivYeah, I want to dig into the mnt firmware already, since it's been a while since I've written embedded C22:17
vkoskivI mostly just write/maintain normal non-embedded C software22:17
mntmnchartreuse: nevermind, found the WDP3-0 table22:18
+ ndufresne2 (~ndufresne@halloumi.collabora.co.uk)22:21
- ndufresne (QUIT: Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) (~ndufresne@
vkoskivThis chip runs mighty hot, being 90nm. Toasting my lap!22:27
vkoskivNow that's an absolute chonker of a transistor right there.22:34
mntmnok keyboard/lpc powersave MR is here, cc chartreuse https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/merge_requests/2022:40
vkoskivSince I only recently learned of the project, I'm sort of fast-forwarding through the history of the project22:44
vkoskivWhat a tremendous effort!22:44
vkoskivJust reading up on the etnaviv hacks you did, and that's only one small part of all this.22:46
+ ndufresne (~ndufresne@
- ndufresne (QUIT: Client Quit) (~ndufresne@
+ ndufresne (~ndufresne@
mntmnyeah, it's been quite the trip so far23:04
vkoskivAlso I can't believe it took me 20 minutes of reading etnaviv this, etnaviv that to realise where that name came from23:07
vkoskivMaybe I should go to sleep. About time.23:08

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