
chartreusetechnomancy: I could have sworn I saw someone do that with one XD. I've got one of those as well, and modified it to remove the magnet that gives the tactility to the scroll wheel01:08
chartreuseWith it removed the scroll wheel is nice and smooth around the ball01:08
chartreusemntmn: Do let me know if you need to add some fudge factors to places and I can update the openSCAD model. It's possible that I just happened to work around my printer01:10
chartreuseThough the only fudge factor I explicitly added is the 0.25mm to the bearing radius since those holes were coming out too small to put them in01:10
mntmnchartreuse: alright01:16
mntmnneed to order some 2.5mm bearings still01:16
chartreuseI ordered from https://www.ebay.ca/itm/154510707023 but you probably can find some local01:39
chartreuseThey actually sent it registered and signed which was a surprise from China, probably more a surprise that Canada Post actually bothered to care01:40
chartreuseI also got 1.5mm from the same seller as that was the size the other person who modified their trackball used01:40
khmI found a source for ruby bearings, which I kind of want to try01:40
chartreuseOh nice, that'd be what normal trackballs tend to use now01:41
khmwas looking at these https://www.swissjewel.com/product/sapphire-ruby-balls-hemispheres/ruby-balls/b1-50r/01:41
khminstalled in the stock trackball shell01:41
chartreuseI didn't even think to look for ruby ones, the design I made should be adaptable to any size, you just might have to play with cup_dia if they're smaller01:41
chartreuseExpensive, but probably quite nice over the steel ones01:42
khmyeah but I'm willing to pay a little extra in return for being able to order less than a hundred of them :)01:42
chartreuseHeh yeah01:43
chartreuseHaving 100 of the cheap steel ones has been fine since I've been gluing mine in place for the prototypes01:43
chartreuseProbably would be stingier with $200 worth of ruby ones01:44
chartreusemntmn: I was wondering what I should add as a license to the openscad trackball? Would it be best suited to the OHL or GPL that reform uses?01:46
khmI could find a use for a hundred steel ones.  but now that I think about it I kind of want to rebuild my bicycle headset with ruby bearings just to be obnoxious01:47
chartreuseIt's a derivative of the original design in being a dimensional reimplementation, so I wanted to use something correct01:47
mntmnchartreuse: i suggest CERN-OHL-S 2.0 or CC-BY-SA01:59
chartreuseAlright, just wanted to make sure it was something compatible02:04
mntmnCERN is best then02:30
chartreuseYeah, I'm personally fine with basically any license, if it was wholly my design I'd probably but it under a BSD or such, but I don't want to step on whoever designed the trackball in the first place like that03:09
chartreuseJust adding it now to the repo, so people can feel better building on it03:09
chartreuseJust noticed one thing looking at the trackball's firmware. The sensor used can return a 12-bit value for the delta x and y values, but the firmware is only getting the low 8 bits of each04:20
chartreuseWhich could explain why spinning the ball fast results in movement in the opposite direction sometimes, as the low 8 bits overflow in two's compliment04:21
chartreuseGoing to see if the mouse report can use 16-bit values, or if not try capping the movement if it overflows to see if that behaviour is better04:22
chartreuseActually with an 8-bit int in the descriptor with it being 2*|d|*d, it'd overflow even earlier04:27
chartreuseGuess I need to look into HID mouses to see if I can make it a int16 value instead04:28
mtmwonder if using a roller bearing would be any better? I just built a Ploopy mini-trackball and it uses three roller bearings mounted on 3D printed shafts: https://git.sr.ht/~mtm/mnt-reform-mods/tree/master/item/images/ploopy-bearing.jpg04:37
chartreuseNot sure it'd make much of a difference beyond the contact bushing, but you could always try. Downside with a roller bearing is it's still having to slide against it when moved in a perpendicular direction04:44
chartreuseAdded some quick capping code (calculating 2*abs(dx)*dx as an int then capping to INT8_MAX and INT8_MIN, and now it doesn't jump back as much if you go fast04:45
chartreuseStill will just back if you really spin it, but I think that's now from using the 8-bit value instead of 1204:45
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+ reform13442 (~root@bras-base-barion1858w-grc-77-70-54-67-103.dsl.bell.ca)21:33
reform13442is anybody out there?21:34
- reform13442 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~root@bras-base-barion1858w-grc-77-70-54-67-103.dsl.bell.ca)21:38
erlehmannanyone here has their reform setup and is playing minetest? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/11605/files22:06
erlehmannthis bug might be on the reform too https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1158322:07
erlehmannand i am unsure if the fix breaks rendering or fixes it lol22:07
erlehmannmntmn i think you fixed that originally22:07
mntmnerlehmann: very interesting, indeed it changes code that i touched before22:19
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)22:38
- wiedi (QUIT: Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) (~wiedi@2a01:138:a015:15:ec68:760a:54d:7b57)22:55
+ wiedi (~wiedi@2a01:138:a015:15:9495:340a:1a7c:3914)23:10
erlehmannmntmn, can you test if it breaks your previous fix?23:14
mntmnerlehmann: not currently23:20
mntmnnext week23:21
- mjw (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)23:58

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