
+ reformer (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)17:14
+ reformer (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)17:20
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mntmnlogs are back, sorry for the service interruption17:21
sbatesOn boot, I am seeing 2 of the following messages: "[UNSUPP] Starting of Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point not supported". Is this expected? I also see them in journalctl but I don't know where to look for additional information.17:44
mntmnsomething to do with binfmt_misc17:45
mntmndid you install wine or something related to other binary formats?17:46
sbatesI don't believe so, at least not on purpose. I'm running the SD card image that shipped with my Reform but I did do an 'apt upgrade' yesterday and that updated a lot of packages.17:47
sbateslooking at '/var/log/apt/history.log', the only new package that I installed was 'iw', and I have run 'apt upgrade' a few times17:54
mntmnok so probably some new debian stuff17:56
mntmni guess it sounds harmless17:56
erlehmannsbates on your system, is /bin a symlink to /usr/bin? if so, it is one of about 30 million or so (a debian dev told me the number) systems that may be in a faulty state due to the usrmerge package being shitty17:59
mntmnerlehmann: how would /bin become a symlink?18:00
sbateserlehmann: no, /bin is separate from /usr/bin18:00
mntmnusrmerge/unstable 25 all18:00
mntmn  Convert the system to the merged /usr directories scheme18:00
mntmnerlehmann: is it when installing that package?18:00
erlehmannGyrosGeier recently told me about the usrmerge problem (basically the usrmerge package is touching files of other packages without telling dpkg about it, so dpkg gets confused, maintainer of the package is being unfriendly about it when approached)18:00
erlehmannyes blacklist that package18:00
mntmnwell i am not installing it18:00
erlehmanntalk to GyrosGeier about the details if you want18:01
sbatesif I do 'systemctl status systemd-binfmt.service', I see "condition failed" caused by directories not being empty18:01
erlehmannsystemd or whatever else might want to depend on it in on upgrade in the future for all i know18:01
mntmnoh ok https://wiki.debian.org/UsrMerge18:02
mntmn> In February 2021, the Technical Committee has resolved that Debian 'bookworm' should support only the merged-usr root filesystem layout, dropping support for the non-merged-usr layout18:02
erlehmannfact is, usrmerge being installed makes a debian system faulty … and uninstalling usrmerge does not fix it.18:02
erlehmannmntmn, the problem is that they mandated it, but the solution basically breaks package management.18:02
erlehmannthey should have changed each package individually18:03
mntmnwell, if it is coming, then i guess it will be fixed?18:03
mntmnyes that makes sense18:03
mntmni trust debian will not just completely break itself...18:03
erlehmanntoo late18:03
mntmnwhy too late18:03
mntmnit is not yet the default18:03
erlehmannGyrosGeier told me that if your system is in one of over 20 error states caused by usrmerge, you will have to wait for 2 debian releases for it to be fixed18:04
mntmnbut i don't have usrmerge installed...18:04
erlehmanndepending on how you install debian, it may be the default. or anything might depend on usrmerge in the future.18:04
erlehmannjust blacklist it and talk to GyrosGeier if you want to know how bad it is (spoiler: it sounds really bad, i think package maintainers must now avoid renaming files to trigger bugs if a system is in the error state)18:05
sbatesoh a related note, what would be the feasibility of moving over to the Debian 11 stable release, rather than sid?18:08
erlehmann; sudo apt-mark hold usrmerge18:09
erlehmann           hold is used to mark a package as held back, which will prevent the package18:09
erlehmann           from being automatically installed, upgraded or removed.18:09
erlehmannto be clear, this is not about merged usr being good or bad (it makes some things easier, others harder) but about the implementation of the usrmerge package which moves files around without telling dpkg (and is so cursed that it has to use perl for that – since a shell script might remove its own binaries while it runs)18:13
erlehmanni mean the binaries it uses18:13
erlehmannmntmn, sbates btw this lists a lot of problems: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/MergedUsr18:15
erlehmannoh lol “tar -x on the root directory will break systems using this approach, by overwriting the symlinked directories with actual ones.”18:16
erlehmannmore relevant: on a broken system, files moved from one package to another might disappear on upgrade depending on installation order18:17
mntmnnice can of worms18:17
mntmnsbates: you can move over to stable without much problems i think -- currently our own version of mesa, X, sway etc is used anyway (under /usr/local)18:18
sbatesmntmn: cool, I might look into doing that, to limit surprises from new stuff being tried out in sid18:19
sbatesthe Reform image has a custom kernel plus a number of userland things as you lised above, and then everything else is from Debian, is that right?18:20
erlehmannmntmn i think the only thing that has to be kept in mind is if you update the sdcard image scripts at some point it should make sure usrmerge is not in it18:21
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then the virus can not enter your body without your consent.) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-036-181.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)18:40
sbatesI'll try moving my current OS over the Debian 11 bullseye and will report how it goes later18:55
sbateshmm, thinking about this a little more. If any of the custom build components (such as sway) are dynamically linked with libraries coming from Debian, then switching to stable, or upgrading packages if I stay on sid, might break those custom built components, is that right?19:12
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)19:19
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)19:20
mntmnsbates: good Q. it could happen, yes19:36
mntmnwat http://www.bespokesynth.com/19:39
sbatesok, thanks, I think I'll stay as is, on sid, for now19:40
+ robin (~robin@user/terpri)20:25
mntmnah, the makefile has to be created by Projucer, which is in juce-tools20:26
mntmnrunning `Projucer --resave BespokeSynth.jucer` creates the Makefile20:26
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)21:20
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)21:21
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)22:13
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-032-031.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)22:46
chartreusemntmn: Didn't know there was a new trackball firmware, I'm just running what came on my early august reform. I'll look into updating23:46
chartreuseNot sure I'd personally use a wheel-lock mode, but for features are always nice. I'd recommend making it easy to exit such as any mouse button press drops back to normal instead of scrolling mode23:47
chartreusesbates: If you want you can look into the mkuserland scripts and such in the reform-system-image repo to see what's being installed and custom compiled for the reform23:50
mntmnchartreuse: you probably have the up-to-date one. if you can wheel in both x and y axes23:50
chartreuseYeah I can23:53
sbateschartreuse: thanks, I'll take a look23:58

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